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Come along with Tidbits as we discover the military origins of common words!
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. Who was the only president to be awarded a Purple Heart? 6. What is a more common name The Norse word “byti” meant for enlargment of the thyroid “spoils of war” and became gland? what English word? 7. TV’s “The Big Bang Theory” “Cyborg” is a shortened verjust aired it’s last episode. sion of which futuristic phrase? How many seasons did it run? What men’s haircut was named 8. How many letters does each after a style adopted by college player draw to begin a game rowing teams? of Scrabble? Which U.S. state has the most TRIVIA active volcanoes? SPONSORED BY:
• During the Spanish-American War, American marines fighting Filipino guerrillas heard them talking about being in the “bundok” meaning a hill or mountain, and also denoting any remote location. We now call it “the boondocks” or “the boonies.” • In the 1400s in Hungary, army generals realized that soldiers who got a ride to the front lines would arrive fresher and fight harder than soldiers who had to march to the front lines. They commissioned the construction of many wagons to carry soldiers. Carpenters in the town of Kocs near Budapest built a fleet, calling them “kocszekkers” meaning “Kocs wagon.” After the wars ended, the wagons were used by the citizens for transport. The English started using similar wagons, shortening the name to “kocs” and pronouncing it “kotch” which then became “coach” denoting not only a vehicle that could carry you, but also a tutor who could “transport” you to a sure win. • Trench foot is caused by standing in cold wet conditions for too long. It first became common during World War I when soldiers were inhabiting trenches for long periods of time with inadequate footwear. Anyone who came down with trench foot was immediately excused from warfare and sent to the hospital to heal. Thus, soldiers who wanted a ticket out of battle would do whatever they could to get trench foot, and then hide the condition until just before a battle started, when they would report to the medical officer and be sent away to heal. This became known as getting “cold feet.” • In the military, a “field day” is a day set aside for field maneuvers and review, entailing equal amounts of pomposity and celebration. Today a field day is any event when too much fuss is made over a minor thing. ...continued
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MILITARY WORDS (continued)
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Houston’s George Springer set a record in 2017 for most extra-base hits in the World Series. How many was it? 2. In 2018, Villanova’s Jalen Brunson became the 7th male Naismith Award winner (top college basketball player) to win the NCAA Tournament the same year. Who was the last to do it before him? (hint: 2012)
3. When was the last time the Buffalo Sabres reached the the NHL playoffs— 2007, 2009, or 2011? 4. In 2018, Atlanta’s Josef Martinez set a Major League Soccer regularseason record for goals scored. How many was it? 5. T or F: Six of the last eight FIFA Men’s World Cup Championship games have ended with at least one team being shutout at the end of regulation time.
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MILITARY WORDS (continued)
• When armies were preparing for battle, they would dig a series of ditches where they could retreat if they needed to regroup. If they found themselves in the final trench, then they needed to make “a last ditch effort” to stand and fight, or die. • During World War I, to go “over the top” meant to scale the sides of a trench and commence an attack, an ordeal accompanied by much shouting. Today anything that is “over the top” is an over-reaction. • The word “harbor” is Olde English and means “shelter” or “refuge.” The word “harbinger” springs from that, and denotes someone in the army whose job it was to proceed in advance of an army to secure shelter and supplies for the troops. Upon seeing the harbinger in their town, residents would be filled with dread, knowing that the coming horde of troops were about to eat them out of house and home without leaving anything in return. • In the 1700s, the quartermaster in the French army was in charge of finding lodging for soldiers on the move. The French word “loger” meaning “lodge” is the root of the term “logistiques” describing the duties of the position, and we now spell it “logistics.”
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• In 1811, Colonel Inglis was leading the British at the battle of Albuera in Spain. They were pinned down by heavy French fire and their position was tenuous at best. Inglis shouted to his men, “Stand your ground and die hard! Die hard and make the enemy pay dear for each of us!” During the battle, 438 out of 579 men died, and the regiment was thereafter called “The Diehards.” The term now denotes anyone who refuses to yield despite the odds.
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MILITARY WORDS (continued)
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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• Many people assume that the abbreviation “G.I.” stands for “government issue” but it’s actually an abbreviation for “galvanized iron.” This is because things like trash cans and buckets distributed widely throughout military camps were stamped with the identifying mark “Bucket, G.I.” to indicate they were constructed of “galvanized iron.” Afterwards, “G.I.” came to mean anything or anyone that was solid and reliable. • In the days of large horse-drawn artillery, the “limber” referred to the part of the gun carriage that included the wheels, the ammunition chests, and the part that attached to the horses. This limber needed to be removed to use the guns, and attached to move the guns. The call to “limber up” meant to prepare the guns to be moved to the next location. The more quickly a battery could limber up, the better. • The English slang word for Prussia was “Pruce” or “Spruce.” The Prussian army was noted for its spit-and-polish approach to every detail of army life, after which “spruce” came to mean anything that was particularly tidy. A type of tree that grows straight and tall while being uniform in appearance was subsequently named spruce.
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• There was a certain protocol involved in delivering a dishonorable discharge to an officer: He was ordered to face the drum squad while the charges against him were read out loud. While the drums beat, his sword would be broken and the buttons ripped from his uniform. Then the musicians would play a song called “The Rogue’s March” as the disgraced officer was forced to walk the length of the parade ground with his head hung in shame in front of the assembled troops. This is the origin of two phrases: “Face the music” and “being drummed out.”
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• On May 30, 1911, the inaugural Indianapolis 500 is run at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indiana. The 2-1/2-mile track had been rebuilt with 3 million street-paving bricks after a crushed rock-and-tar surface was abandoned in 1909 due to fatalities caused by unevenness. • On June 2, 1924, with Congress' passage of the Indian Citizenship Act, the United States confers citizenship on all Native Americans born within its territorial limits. Before the Civil War, citizenship was often limited to Native Americans of one-half or less Indian blood. • On May 31, 1930, actor Clint Eastwood, best known for his role as San Francisco Police Inspector "Dirty" Harry Callahan, is born in California. Eastwood got his start playing Rowdy Yates in the popular TV Western series "Rawhide." • On May 27, 1941, the British navy sinks the German battleship Bismarck in the North Atlantic near France, where it fled because it was leaking fuel. The German death toll was more than 2,000. Three days earlier, the Bismarck had sunk the British battlecruiser Hood. • On May 28, 1957, National League owners vote unanimously to allow the New York Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers to move to San Francisco and Los Angeles, respectively, on the condition that both teams had to move. • On June 1, 1968, Helen Keller dies in Connecticut at the age of 87. Blind and deaf from infancy, Keller circumvented her disabilities to become a world-renowned writer and lecturer. Her teacher, Anne Sullivan, taught Keller sign language at age 6 by using a hand alphabet. • On May 29, 2003, some 35 U.S. states declare it to be Bob Hope Day when the iconic comedic actor and entertainer turns 100 years old. Hollywood officials renamed the famous intersection of Hollywood and Vine as Bob Hope Square.
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• Iva’s radio name was “Orphan Annie.” There were many other female Japanese radio DJs, and collec• Iva Toguri was born in Los Angeles in 1916, the daughtively they became known as “Tokyo Rose” among ter of Japanese immigrants. She grew up thoroughly the soldiers. American, yet she was also steeped in her Japanese • When Japan surrendered in 1945, Iva wanted to get heritage. back to the U.S. but she had no money. Meanwhile, • In 1941, Iva’s parents asked her to travel to Japan to the Hearst media company circulated ads offering care for an elderly aunt. Although the State Department $2,000 cash for an interview with the famous “Toissued the proper travel papers, she did not have a passkyo Rose.” This was equal to a year’s wages, and port. She applied for a passport in Japan, but all efforts Iva responded hoping the money would help her get were foiled by the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. back to the U.S. Instead, she was arrested. She Now she was stuck in Japan. spent a year in an American prison in Japan while • Japanese officials tried to convince Iva the FBI tried to find evidence. Charles Cousens to renounce her American citizenship fought on her behalf. but she refused. She was subsequent• Released after a year, Iva petitioned to be able to rely declared to be an enemy alien and turn to the U.S. Her efforts were foiled by radio host was unable to secure a war ration card Walter Winchell, who whipped up anti-Japanese for herself. She got a job as a typist at sentiment against her. She was extradited to San Radio Tokyo. Despite her meager salary, she risked her Francisco where she became the 7th person in U.S. life to smuggle food into a nearby POW camp where history to be charged with treason. The trial was the soldiers were being held. There she became acquainted longest and most expensive in American history at with Australian Army Major Charles Cousens. the time, lasting 13 weeks and costing the equiva• In 1943, the Japanese government asked Radio Tokyo lent of $5 million. She was found guilty of “speakto begin broadcasting war propaganda over the airing into a microphone concerning the loss of ships.” waves. The programming was designed to demoralize She received a $10,000 fine and a ten year prison enemy soldiers who might be listening to the radio. In sentence. She served six years of the sentence, and order to accomplish this, POWs who had experience moved to Chicago when she was released. in broadcasting were coerced into helping produce • Charles Cousens returned to Australia after the war, the programming. Because she was a native English where he also faced charges of treason. Although speaker, Iva was recruited for this position as well. This charges were dropped, he was stripped of his comis how Iva began working side by side with Charles mission. He made his living in broadcasting until Cousens, who had previously worked as a radio broadhis death in 1964. caster in his native Australia. • Because Iva and Cousens both spoke English and were • President Gerald Ford granted Iva an unconditional pardon on his last day in office in 1977, and restored familiar with the American culture, they were able her to full American citizenship. Iva Toguri lived in to slip inside jokes and cultural references into their Chicago until her death at the age of 90 in 2006. broadcasts that Japanese listeners failed to understand.
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(Answers located further back)
May 13, 2019
• O.L. writes: “Never store bread in the refrigerator. The cold will turn it stale, dry and tasteless, and it also will soak up odors from the fridge. Use a breadbox to keep moisture from escaping. In a pinch, you can store bread in a microwave.” • When painting your own nails, always use a top coat, and give the tip of your nails a swipe with the polish. They’re less likely to chip. • “A skunk spray is a smell you will not forget, and if your dog gets a full dose, you’d better wash it off right away, or it’ll linger FOREVER. Here’s one good method, but it will likely need repeating a few times. First rinse off your dog and especially his face and around his eyes. Then generously lather him up with dog shampoo. Rinse and rough dry with a junk towel, then absolutely soak him with canned tomato juice. Keep him still and don’t let him shake for 20 minutes, then repeat the wash.” — T.D. in Alabama • Cover rusty springs on your trampoline with short sections of pool noodles. • “I had picked up a pizza for dinner and I had a longer-than-normal drive to get home. I used the sun reflector that I put in my windshield to wrap the pizza box. I figured it would be like one of those pizza delivery bags. It worked.” — H.P. in Florida • Add a cinnamon stick to your vacuum cleaner bag or to the collection container. It may help circulate a nice smell as you clean. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
by Samantha Weaver
• It was Russian-born composer Igor Stravinsky who made the following sage observation: "Silence will save me from being wrong (and foolish), but it will also deprive me of the possibility of being right." • You might be surprised to learn that a male lion can mate up to 50 times in one day. • Before the iconic reclining armchair was dubbed "La-Z-Boy," the names "Sit-N-Snooze," "Slack Back" and "Comfort Carrier" were considered.
• A 22-year-old man who was trying to board a flight in Cairo, Egypt, bound for Saudi Arabia was stopped by security officers when the X-ray of his hand luggage showed some strange results. It seems that the man was attempting to transport 250 baby crocodiles and -- wait for it -- a live cobra. (Animal lovers will be pleased to learn that the creatures were not harmed; they were turned over to the Cairo zoo.) • Those who study such things say that automatic teller machines are three times more likely to be robbed between 6 and 9 p.m. than at any other time of day. • According to horse-racing regulations, no racehorse's name can have more than 18 characters -anything longer would be cumbersome on racing sheets. • In some parts of Europe, red roses are considered to be omens of evil. Seeing the petals fall from a red rose is a portent of death. *** Thought for the Day: "The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life -- the sick, the needy and the handicapped." -- Hubert Horatio Humphrey © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• A researcher calculated that across the country of Great Britain, the weight of all the insects that are eaten by spiders in a year would be more than the combined weight of all the people who live there.
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• Jail: short-term detention, often for people who have not yet gone to trial. Lock-up: short-term detention in a police station. Holding cell: a jail inside a courthouse. Work house: A county jail housing inmates with short-term sentences. Prison, Penitentiary: Confinement for longterm and hard-core inmates, also referred to as penal institutions or correctional institutions. • Coup: short for coup d'état (“blow to the state”) an unconstitutional seizure of governmental power by a small group, normally with the help of the military. Revolution: an uprising across a large swath of the population. Junta: (Spanish for “council”) the person or group who comes into power following a coup or revolution. • Dark Ages: Generally considered to be the 500 years following the fall of Rome in 470 A.D. Europe was overrun at various times by groups of Huns, Goths, Vandals, Angles, Saxons, and Vikings. Although Romans had been fairly literate, literacy rates fell during this period and little exists in the way of written history to tell us what happened during this time, leading to the name of “Dark Ages.” Middle Ages: Encompassed the Dark Ages and included the years up to the Renaissance which began around the year 1300. The Renaissance marked the revival of classical-based art and learning in Europe. The word “medieval” comes from the Latin words meaning literally “middle age.” The word “renaissance” comes from the French “renaistre” meaning “to be born again.” • Donkey: a species descended from the African wild ass, having 62 chromosomes and able to reproduce normally. Mule: offspring of a female horse and a male donkey (a “jack” if male and a “hinny” if female), having 63 chromosomes and is sterile. ...continued
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DIFFERENCES: 1. Boy's hat is different. 2. Picture has been added. 3. Blinds are lower. 4. Man's sweater has a stripe. 5. Desk papers are missing. 6. Boy's shirt has no letter 'T.' © 2019 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
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• Flotsom: A ship’s cargo that floats on the water after a shipwreck, from the old French “floter” meaningDell. “to set afloat.” Jetsam: Heavy items Answer: tossed overboard (“jettisoned”) in order to staA VERY LARGE NUMBER bilize a ship in danger of sinking. Jetsam sinks. • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 From the Old French “getaison” meaning “a he was asked to come up with a name for a throwing.” very large number: the numeral one, followed by a hundred zeros. He asked two young • Gourmet: a connoisseur of finehisfoods. Gournephews what name they would suggest. mand: a glutton. Nine-year-old Milton suggested name • •Anti-perspirant: an astringent such aas alumiout of the funnies. A cartoon strip character num salts which blocks pores, preventing them named Barney was very popular. Milton chose from releasing sweat.for Deodorant: Barney’s last name the number.kills the bacteria that feed on sweat and cause the odor, but • Kasner announced the new name for the big still allows sweating to occur naturally. number in his next book, altering the spelling. • •Cyclone: anylater, storm in which winds spiral inSixty years Larry Page and Sergey Brin ward. Tornado: circularsearch stormengine. that happens developed a newainternet Other over land, usually between 30 and 300 feet search engines searched each webpage andin diameter. Waterspout: thattimes passes ranked them according ato tornado how many a specific term appeared on them, but Page and over water. Hurricane: a tropical cyclone that Brin designed search search for happens in the their Atlantic or engine Pacific toOceans. Tythe specific term and then find out how phoon: a tropical cyclone that happens many in the links there were that led back to that page, western Pacific. which resulted in a better search engine. • •Asteroid: a largethey rockyneeded body ina space They decided name which that remains larger item space. reflectedin orbit how around many awebsites the insearch Meteoroid: very smallThey rockytook bodythein name space engine wasa searching. which remains in orbitvery around of Edward Kasner’s largeanother number,item onlyin they misspelled slightly, sothat it ended upEarth’s being space. Meteor: aitmeteoroid enters spelled exactly the up, same thea shooting cartoon atmosphere and burns alsoway called character Barney name. What’s star. Meteorite: A spelled meteor his thatlast enters Earth’s atit called? (Answer at bottom of page) mosphere and lands on the ground. COMPUTER FACTS • Steer: a castrated bull, slaughtered for beef upon •maturity. In 1981 Ox: Bill aGates “640 kb of steer said, who is trained to memory work inought to be enough for anybody.” stead of being slaughtered. Bull: a mature intact •male Moore’s Law states computer performance bovine used forthat breeding. Heifer: a young doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever sincea female cow that has never been bred. Calf: 1971, thismale has been true. that is still reliant on baby cow, or female, •itsHP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all mother for milk. started in garages. • Midget: Short but normally proportioned. Answer: Google, from googol. Dwarf: Short but not normally proportioned.
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5. John F. Kennedy. 6. Goiter 7. 12 seasons 8. Seven
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