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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN June 20, 2019
Since 1997
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 ® TIDBITS TAKES A
Big Bigsavings savings Boat for safe for safe Boat insurance drivers. drivers. insurance without without a a hitch. hitch.
Issue # 1,124
by Janet Spencer
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BATHTUBS (cont.):
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Quiz Bits
5. What kind of car was mentioned in The Beach Boys’ song “Fun, Fun, Fun”? 6. Which state is home to the geyser known as “Old Faithful”? 7. The United Kingdom is comprised of which four countries? 8. What is the only animal born with horns? 9. What is the first element on the Periodic Table? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:
1. What percentage of child-related bathtub injuries occur when there is no adult present? 2. On average, how many people drown in their hot tub or bathtub per day in the U.S.? 3. Are more people injured getting out of tubs or getting in tubs? 4. Are women or men more likely to be injured in a tub?
POST 3817
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• Around the year 250 B.C. in ancient Syracuse, King Hiero wanted to have his old gold crown melted and made into a new crown. However, he feared the jeweler would cut the pure gold with less expensive silver. The crown would still look the same, but the jeweler would be stealing the royal gold. Hiero asked Greek scientist Archimedes for help. • Archimedes pondered the question. Then he decided to take a bath. As he got into the overfilled tub, some water splashed on the floor. That's when he realized that a body immersed in fluid loses weight equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces— an important law of physics. He knew that by weighing the amount of water displaced by the crown both before and after it was re-worked, he could tell if the gold had been adulterated. He became so excited that he allegedly rushed naked into the streets of Syracuse, Sicily, shouting "Eureka!" which means "I have found it!" The crown was weighed, the jeweler did indeed steal some gold— and he paid for it with his life. • On December 28, 1917, H.L. Mencken published a fictitious history of the bathtub in the "New York Evening Mail." The story told all about how the tub was unknown in America until 1842 when a Cincinnati grain dealer brought one back from Europe. However, doctors said that bathing was a health hazard and legislators passed laws against it. The bathtub did not gain acceptance until Pres. Millard Fillmore supposedly ordered one installed in the White House. • For years, Mencken watched in awe as his totally fabricated story about bathtubs became part of accepted American history. In 1926, he revealed the story to be a hoax which he published only to lighten things up during the war. People refused to believe the truth, and his history of bathtubs even appeared in the "Dictionary of American History" written in 1970.
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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BATHTUBS (cont.):
• Eccentric artist Salvador Dali was invited by a store on 5th Avenue in New York City to design their window display. Dali's subsequent creation was titled "Night and Day" and featured many unusual pieces. A bed covered with black sheets stood for night; the canopy over the bed was a buffalo with a bloody pigeon in its mouth; and a mannequin lay on the bed covered in cobwebs with its head propped up on fake burning coals. Day was represented by an ermine-lined bathtub filled with water. A mannequin in a gorgeous ballgown was stepping into the tub while looking into a mirror held by two arms sprouting from the floor. Dali set up this whole display, then left for the night. But while he was gone, an employee who thought the display could be improved upon changed the whole set around. The bed was removed, the decor changed, and the mannequin repositioned. Dali was furious. He stormed into the store and in protest tried to overturn the tub of water. But he slipped and both he and the bathtub crashed through the plate glass window, landing on the sidewalk. Dali was arrested but given a suspended sentence. He got front page coverage for weeks.
• Edmond Rostand was a French writer who hated to be interrupted while he was working, but he did not like to turn his friends away because he was writing. So he spent much of his time writing while in the bathtub— and turned away his friends because he was taking a bath. In 1898 he published "Cyrano de Bergerac." • When the script called for actress Claudette Colbert to take a bath in 400 gallons of milk in the 1932 film "The Sign of the Cross," she agreed to do the scene. Unfortunately the scene took a week to complete and by the end of the week, the 400 gallons of milk had gone sour. ...continued
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. T or F: Nolan Ryan is the all-time leader in strikeouts for the Texas Rangers. 2. When was the last time before 2017-18 that the Green Bay Packers missed the NFL playoffs in consecutive seasons? 3. How many times had the St. Louis Blues reached the Stanley Cup Finals before winning their first championship this year?
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• A friend gave writer Dorothy Parker a small alligator. She put it into the bathtub until she could figure out what to do with it, then left for an appointment. When she returned, she found this note from the maid: "I have resigned. I refuse to work in a house where there is an alligator in the bathtub. I would have told you this before, but I did not think the matter would ever come up."
• POST 157 •
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• During the bombing of London in World War II, a young lady was taking a bath when her home was hit by a bomb. The bathtub was thrown in the air and came down upside-down with the girl underneath it. The tub sheltered her from the collapsing rubble. Rescuers were very surprised to find a naked girl unharmed under the bathtub.
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• Mark Twain often told folks that he was one of a set of identical twins. No one could tell them apart because they were so similar. One day in the bathtub one of the twins drowned, but no one ever knew which twin it was. Twain would continue, "That was the tragedy. Everyone thought I was the one that lived, but I wasn't. It was my brother who lived. I was the one that was drowned!" • After the movie "Psycho" was released, a man wrote to Alfred Hitchcock and complained that because she had seen the film, his wife refused to bathe or shower. He wanted suggestions as to what he could do. Hitchcock replied, "Sir, have you ever considered sending your wife to the dry cleaner?"
*Answer located further back in this issue.
• The 1929 German comic opera "Neues vam Tage" ("News of the Day") by Paul Hindemith included a scene in which a lady sang an aria sitting (apparently) naked in a bathtub, surrounded by cotton soap suds. This scene proved so offensive that chancellor Adolf Hitler left the theater in disgust, while other members of his party referred to the work as an example of "degenerate art" and to its creator as a "cultural bolshevik."
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Remarkable People
• Elmer McCurdy was born in Maine in 1880. As a young adult, he travelled the country picking up odd jobs, working mostly in mining and plumbing.
• McCurdy’s body was taken to the Johnson Funeral Home, where Joseph Johnson embalmed him using arsenic, a preservative used whenever it was likely that it would take a long time for a body to be buried. Johnson was unwilling to undertake the extra cost of burying the body so he waited for someone to claim the corpse. No one ever did. To recoup the cost of the embalming, he propped McCurdy up in a coffin in the back room, and then charged 25 cents admission to see “The Bandit Who Wouldn’t Give Up.”
• In 1911, McCurdy decided to rob a train in Oklahoma after hearing that it was carrying a safe containing $4,000. He and two buddies successfully stopped the train and found the safe. Because McCurdy had worked in mining, he had access to nitroglycerin and he used it to blow open the safe. However, he miscal- • Five years later, two men showed up at Johnson’s culated the amount needed and ended up destroying funeral parlor, claiming that they were McCurdy’s not only the safe but also all the paper money inside brothers. They took the corpse with them, promising a it. The three men made off with about $450 in silver proper burial for their long-lost brother. However, they coins which were largely fused together in the blast. weren’t actually McCurdy’s brothers at all. They ran a carnival and were looking for a good side-show attrac• Next McCurdy and his gang decided to rob a bank in tion. McCurdy’s corpse travelled with this carnival Kansas by tunneling into a wall at night and placing until 1922, when the carnival was sold to a new owner. a nitroglycerin charge next to the vault. Once again the blast was badly bungled, destroying the interior • McCurdy’s body then spent the next six years travelof the bank but failing to blow open the vault. The ing among a display of wax replicas of famous outteam made off with some loose change before eslaws. Next it was passed around various other attraccaping. Undeterred, the three men decided to rob antions. It appeared as a prop in a movie; it was part of a other Oklahoma train carrying a $400,000 payment wax museum display; it was shown in an amusement destined for the Osage Indian Nation. Unfortunately park; and then it appeared in a funhouse attraction. they accidently held up the wrong train, stopping a • In 1976, the production crew of the TV show “The passenger train by mistake. They made off with $46 Six Million Dollar Man” was filming scenes for an robbed from the passengers and some whisky. They episode called “Carnival of Spies” inside the funhouse retreated to a nearby ranch to hide out and consume when a production assistant moved what he thought the whiskey. was a wax mannequin out of the way. The manne-
quin’s arm broke off, exposing human bones. Police were called. Detectives worked hard to identify the remains, now thoroughly mummified. Once his history had been traced, McCurdy was buried properly in Guthrie, Oklahoma, under two feet of concrete to ensure his wandering days were done, some 66 years after his death.
• By now there was a price on McCurdy’s head, with a $2000 reward offered for his capture. The local sheriff and his posse tracked McCurdy to the ranch and surrounded it. McCurdy was so drunk that he was unable to put up much of a fight, and died with a single bullet wound to his chest. He was 30 years old when he died in 1911.
• On June 30, 1859, Emile Blondin becomes the first daredevil to walk across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. The feat was witnessed by some 5,000 spectators. Blondin wore pink tights and a yellow tunic, and carried a balancing pole. • On June 26, 1917, during World War I, the first 14,000 U.S. infantry troops land in France. By the war's end on Nov. 11, 1918, more than 2 million American soldiers had served on the battlefields of Western Europe, and more than 50,000 lost their lives. • On June 25, 1950, in one of the greatest soccer upsets of all time, an American team composed largely of amateurs defeats its more polished English opponents, 1-0, at the World Cup in Brazil. Assembled just days before the match, the U.S. team included a dishwasher, two mailmen, a teacher and a mill worker. • On June 29, 1964, two dozen New Zealand Army engineers arrive in Saigon as a token of that country's support for the American effort in South Vietnam. • On June 28, 1972, President Richard Nixon announces that no more draftees will be sent to Vietnam unless they volunteer for such duty. He also announced that a force of 10,000 troops would be withdrawn by Sept. 1, which would leave a total of 39,000 in Vietnam. • On June 27, 1988, heavyweight champion Mike Tyson knocks out challenger Michael Spinks with a left hook in the first round. The match lasted just 91 seconds. • On June 24, 1997, Air Force officials release a 231-page report dismissing long-standing claims of an alien spacecraft crash 50 years earlier in Roswell, New Mexico. The UFO rumors began in 1947 when a rancher found shiny material scattered on his land. The Air Force said it was a downed weather balloon. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Safe Mosquito Repellents for Children The recent rains have produced a new hatch of mosquitoes and the best way to avoid them is by staying indoors or applying an insect repellent before venturing outside. DEET-based repellents are safe and effective and provide several hours of protection. Here’s some more information about DEET. • The American Academy of Pediatrics says products containing DEET are “the most effective” repellents available and should be used when necessary to protect against insect and tick-borne disease. The AAP says use DEETbased repellents containing up to 30% DEET on children older than 2 months of age. • As reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, insect repellents containing DEET provide complete protection from bites for longer periods than other repellent products. According to the study, “Only products containing DEET are dependable for long-lasting protection after a single application. • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency evaluates and registers all DEET-based products before they can be marketed in this county. The EPA has determined that the use of products containing DEET according to label direction, does not pose unreasonable risks of adverse effects to humans, regardless of the concentration (amount) of DEET. For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
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(Answers located further back)
June 10, 2019
• “Every time I cook bacon in a frying pan it’s always a greasy mess. My roommate totally blew my mind when she put hers in the oven. Try it out at 400 F and be astonished. No mess!” — P.A. in Florida • If your clothes or towels have a musty odor, it might be time to give your washing machine a freshener. The inside of your washer is often wet or damp, which can lead to mildew buildup in the machine as well as the hoses. Front-loading machines may have mildew buildup on the gasket. There are products you can buy for just this purpose, but if you want to try a DIY washing machine mix, simply add some baking soda to the machine and use it for a little scrub action. Then add 2 cups of white vinegar and run on a hot cycle with no clothes. • Ever think that jeans and pants take up way too much space folded in drawers? Y.R. from Washington says that to save space, she hangs her pants and jeans on S hooks in her closet. • Want to make fun and interesting pancakes shapes for special occasions or to spice up everyday breakfast? Use metal cookie cutters to easily achieve super-fun shapes. Simply spray pan and inside of the cookie cutter with a nonstick cooking spray and slowly add batter to the inside. Use tongs to flip when stable. • “My chargers and cables always end up tangled and messy looking. My problem was completely solved when I took a few binder clips and threaded the cords though the metal ‘wings,’ which help them stay put. Now I keep a cord by my bedside table and my desk so it’s convenient to charge wherever I am sitting.” — F.C. in North Carolina Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks by Samantha Weaver
• It was Academy Award-nominated actress and comedian Lily Tomlin who made the following observation: "Ninety-eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hard-working, honest Americans. It's the other lousy 2 percent that get all the publicity. But then -- we elected them." • You might be surprised to learn that it requires a whopping 30 tons of ore from a gold mine to produce a single gold ring. • You are almost certainly aware of the fact that the Impressionist painter Claude Monet is famous for his paintings of water lilies. However, you may not be aware of the fact that he painted more than 300 pictures of water lilies. The same water lilies, in fact -- and they can be seen today in a pond behind his house. • Those who study such things say that people during the Stone Age used shells and even shark teeth to shave. • If you think about it, you'll realize that an oldfashioned hourglass has more moving parts than the most expensive luxury watch on the market today. • Researchers conducting a study at the University of California have found that men are more likely than women to use shortcuts. • During the 19th century, first lady Lucy Hayes, wife of Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th president of the United States, was widely known as "Lemonade Lucy." It seems she was an ardent supporter of temperance and therefore didn't allow alcohol to be served in the White House during her husband's four years in office. • For reasons that are still not clear, in the 15th century in Florence, Italy, women were banned from wearing buttons. *** Thought for the Day: "You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do." -- Eleanor Roosevelt © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• In 1897, Sweden was falling far behind in the race to explore the North Pole. A man named S. A. Andrée set out to remedy that. Andrée worked as an engineer in Sweden’s patent office and had developed an interest in hydrogen balloons. He proposed that he head up an official expedition to fly over the North Pole in a hydrogen balloon, mapping and photographing the route, before landing in Russia or Canada. Enthusiasm for the project ran high and the government pledged support and funding. He chose as his travel companions a meteorological researcher, and a physics and chemistry student who was also a photographer. None of the three team members had any training for surviving in extreme conditions. • One of the main problems presented was how to steer a balloon. Andrée devised a series of ropes that would drag on the pack ice, supposedly providing a rudimentary rudder. He failed to do much testing of this theory. A second issue was ensuring that the hydrogen would not escape from the balloon, because there was no way to replenish it once the balloon was launched. Andrée pointed at balloons constructed in Europe that had held their hydrogen for up to a year without deflating, but no hydrogen balloon had ever been tested in Arctic conditions before. • Andrée ordered a specially constructed balloon, built to be able to carry a crew of three plus three tons of supplies, and designed to stay aloft for up to 30 days. The balloon was named “Örnen” meaning “Eagle.” • When it was delivered, it was found to be leakier than expected, with hydrogen escaping through over 8 million stitching holes used to join the fabric together. There was no effective way of sealing holes or seams that would endure freezing temperatures. Andrée, now pressured by huge media attention, ignored the warning signs. ...cont'd
THE ICE BALLOON (continued):
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• Amid fanfare, the Eagle was launched on July 11, 1897, and encountered problems immediately. The overloaded balloon nearly crashed Answer: Dell. into the sea. When the drag ropes caught on the A VERY LARGE NUMBER ice, they were ripped from their moorings and •fell. Edward Kasner mathematician. In 1938 Relieved of was the aweight, the balloon rose he was asked to come up with a name for a too high as it drifted out of sight. very large number: the numeral one, followed • The became with ice by aballoon hundred zeros. sodden He asked hisrain two and young and crashed two days later, 65 miles from nephews what name they would suggest. where it had launched. It landed on pack ice • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name softly enough that all supplies remained intact. out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character The team tried to and boatMilton to an chose emernamed Barney wassledge very popular. gency supply depot that had been arranged in Barney’s last name for the number. advance, but the ice floe carried them away • Kasner announced the new name for the big from land faster than they could travel towards number in his next book, altering the spelling. it. While stranded, they kept meticulous diaries •and Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin took photos. developed a new internet search engine. Other • They the ice each until webpage October 2nd, searchcamped enginesonsearched and when thethem ice began to break up.many Theytimes loaded ranked according to how a supplies smallon boat andbut barely specific into termtheir appeared them, Pagemade and itBrin to adesigned remote their Arctic island called Kvitøya, search engine to search for meaning White Island. Although they still had the specific term and then find out how many linksand there were the thatthree led back to that page, food supplies, men perished witha better inwhich days.resulted For theinnext 33 search years, engine. no one knew what had become of them. • They decided they needed a name that how manysealing websites • Inreflected 1930, a Norwegian ship the sailedsearch up to engine was searching. They took the name White Island and dropped anchor. Although the of Edward Kasner’s with very walruses large number, only island was populated and seals, they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being ships had previously avoided landing there bespelled exactly the same way the by cartoon cause it was persistently surrounded thick character Barney spelled his last name. What’s pack ice and fog. But the summer of 1930 had it called? (Answer at bottom of page) been warmer than normal, leaving the island COMPUTER FACTS approachable. The ship was short on fresh wa•ter. In The 1981sailors Bill Gates said,dispatched “640 kb ofto memory that were find waought to be enough for anybody.” ter were surprised to discover an upside-down covered in ice.that Inside the boat was all •boat, Moore’s Law states computer performance doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever manner of equipment. Nearby were threesince scat1971,skeletons. this has been true. tered Later exploration yielded the and the Microsoft, photographs of Apple the doomed •diaries HP, Google, and were exall pedition. Eagle had been found. Their diastarted inThe garages. ries and Google, photographs told the tale of a voyage Answer: from googol. that started in hubris and ended in disaster.
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Quiz Answers
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7. England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. 8. Giraffe 9. Hydrogen.
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