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Tidbits looks to the heavens in observation of International Asteroid and Meteor Watch Day on June 30.
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• Asteroids are nothing like planets in appearCall (701) 205-1157 or visi ND ance. While planets are round, asteroids have 701-775-5522 Grand Forks, www.onehourair.com Ask about Military and Senior Discounts jagged and crooked shapes. Some are hundreds of miles in diameter, but some are as small as pebbles. • The first asteroid to be discovered is also the largest-known. Ceres was discovered on New Year’s Day in 1801 by an Italian priest, Guiseppe Piazzi, who was also a mathematician and astronomer. It was called an asteroid from the Greek word meaning “star-like or star-shaped.” For over 50 years, Ceres, which lies between Mars and Jupiter, was considered a new planet, but was reclassified after other objects were discovered in similar orbits. With a 590-mile (950-km) diameter, Ceres is the 33rd-largest known body in our solar system. It is now qualified, along with Pluto and three other bodies, as a dwarf planet.
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• Millions of asteroids orbit the sun, with most CALL NOW! Cannot be combined with other coupons or offers. Does not apply to prior sales. of them in the asteroid belt, a region between *Travel charges may apply out of town. Expires July 12, 2019 the orbits of Mars and Jupiter,Omoving in the bearshomesolutions.com F G RAN D F O RK S • E AST G RAN D F O RK S same direction as the planets. They are made Published Wickmetals Publications up of different rocks, and mightby have such as nickel and iron in their constitution.
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. In what state was singersongwriter Tom Petty born and raised? What solar system body is 6. What was the only state made up of ice mixed with George McGovern won in the dust and rock? 1972 presidential race? In what remote location have teams found more than 23,000 7. What is the second-largest country in South America? meteorites? 8. Elton John and Tim Rice colHow many tons of material laborated on what three songs from asteroids and comets falls from The Lion King? towards Earth each day? What returns to the inner solar TRIVIA system once every 76 years? SPONSORED BY:
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• By 1866, 88 asteroids had been discovered, and by 1891, 322 had been identified. Nine years later, 464 had been found. By the year 2000, the number had grown to 108,066, and in the last 18 years, the total has expanded to 757,626. • Asteroids are classified by their composition. C-types, also called chondrites, are made of clay and silicate, and are rich in carbon. The S-types are the “stony” asteroids, composed of rock and nickel-iron mixtures. M-types are metallic. About 75% of asteroids in our solar system are the C-type. • In February, 2019, a Japanese spacecraft accomplished an amazing feat, that of landing on the surface of an asteroid. The probe, Hayabusa2, had been studying this particular asteroid, Ryugu, a rock about 0.6 mile in diameter, for several months. In order to collect samples of the rocky surface, the craft fired a metal projectile at the surface to break the area into smaller fragments, which were collected by a device at the top of a horn. The craft will collect other samples before its return to Earth in December, 2020. • When asteroids smash into each other, small pieces of the asteroid may break off. These pieces, called meteoroids, are small chunks of rocky or metallic material that travel through space. Some might be as small as dust, and are then known as micrometeoroids. As the pieces travel through the Earth’s atmosphere, they are heated by friction, which causes the rock to glow. We see it as a long streak of light we call a meteor, or shooting star, even though they’re not stars at all! Even though we only see shooting stars at night, they are actually occurring all the time. The word “meteor” has its origin in the Greek word for “high in the air.”
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METEORS & ASTEROIDS (cont.) • The tradition of wishing upon a shooting star dates back to around 135 A.D. in Greece. The ancient Greeks believed that God separated the sphere of the heavens from the sphere of the Earth in order to see what humans were doing. An old Pawnee Indian legend tells of a man eaten by animals but brought back to life by the gods and returned to Earth in the form of a shooting star. They consider meteor showers a good omen, a sign of reincarnation. • If the rock doesn’t burn up or vaporize in the atmosphere and makes it to the Earth’s surface, it becomes a meteorite. Because about 70% of Earth is covered by water, many of the meteorites fall into oceans unbeknownst to most. About once a year a car-sized meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere, but it usually burns up before hitting the Earth’s surface. About once every 2,000 years, a football field-sized object will impact the ground. • A 60-ton meteorite was found by a farmer plowing his fields in Namibia, Africa in 1920. It’s believed that the meteorite, about 84% iron and 16% nickel, had fallen thousands of years before. Named the Hoba Meteorite, from the African word for “gift,” it’s the largest known space rock on Earth. It was declared a national monument in 1955 in order to curb the vandalism that was taking place. • In February, 1969, a meteorite about the size of a car landed in northern Mexico in the state of Chihuahua. Because it landed near the village of Pueblito de Allende, it’s known as the Allende Meteorite. Over the next 25 years, about 2 or 3 tons of pieces were collected, ranging in weight from 0.035 oz. up to 240 lbs. and even today, the occasional pieces are found. ...continued
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4. When was the last time before 2017-18 that the L.A. Rams had back-to-back NFL sea1. There are three current sons of double-digit wins? Division I men’s basketball coaches with multiple 5. Colorado’s Charlie Blackmon set a MLB record in NCAA Championships. 2017 for most RBIs in a Name two of them. season (103) while hitting 2. Who holds the record for in the top spot in the batmost points in an NHL ting order. Who had held season by a Russian-born the mark? (hint: AL-2000) player? 3. What is the oldest age of a 6. How many consecutive seasons has UND hockey tournament winner in the had at least one player history of the PGA Tour Champions? taken in the NHL Draft?
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What’s the difference between an asteroid and a comet? Asteroids are made up of mineral and rock, while a comet’s composition is dust and ice. During a comet’s orbit, the dust and ice begin to vaporize, which becomes the comet’s tail.
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• The sixth-largest known meteorite is the largest in the United States, and was discovered in the state of Oregon in 1902 by a miner. Scientists believe the Willamette Meteorite actually landed in Canada or Montana and was transported by glacial ice during floods at the end of the last Ice Age. In 1905, the 32,000-lb. rock was purchased by William Earl Dodge, Sr., a New York businessman who owned one of the nation’s largest mining companies, the Phelps Dodge Corporation. His purchase price was $26,000 (close to $700,000 in today’s dollars), and the meteorite was then displayed at the Portland World’s Fair, the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition. Following the fair, it was donated to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, where it is still It’s estimated that more than 40 million have 4x2 displayed. Ad viewed the space rock over the years.
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The speed of a falling meteor ranges from 6.8 to 62 miles per second.
• June 30 was declared International Asteroid and Meteor Watch Day to commemorate the anniversary of the Tunguska asteroid impact over Siberia, Russia, on that day in 1908. A large explosion occurred that morning, flattening 770 square miles of forest, knocking down an estimated 80 million trees. It’s believed to have been caused by the air burst of a meteor. No impact crater has ever been found, and it’s the theory that the rock disintegrated at an altitude of 3 to 6 miles above the Earth’s surface. Witnesses reported a column of blue light moving across the sky about ten minutes before a bright flash and the sound of the explosion. The shockwave was estimated as equivalent to a 5.0 on the Richter Scale.
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June 26 has been declared Harry Potter Day, with interna- • She and her daughter lived in a tiny Edinburgh tenement in near poverty, living on government benefits tionally famous author J.K. Rowling as the creator of this as J.K. struggled to work on the first book. Seven series of books. This week, Tidbits focuses on the rags-toyears after she had begun, the book was finished, riches story of this remarkable writer. and she began sending it out to publishers. Twelve • Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born to an aircraft engipublishers rejected it. Finally, in 1997, when Rowlneer father, who worked at the Rolls Royce factory in ing was 32, Bloomsbury Children’s Books bought Bristol, England, and a science technician mother, and the manuscript for about $4,000, and it was released grew up in Gloucestershire, England. She was already in the U.K. in June of that year. It was released in an aspiring author at age six, penning a story about a the United States the following year, the first of rabbit, and at age 11, writing her first novel about the seven books that narrated the life of Harry and his owners of seven cursed diamonds. companions at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft • After being rejected by Oxford and Wizardry. University, Rowling entered Ex• The first Harry Potter film was released in 2001, eter University, studying French with seven more to come, concluding in 2011. and classic literature. While sit• Rowling embarked on a new series in 2013, crime ting on a train from Manchester novels written under the pseudonym Robert Galto London that had been delayed, braith, numbering four books to date. She debuted she envisioned the idea of the as a screenwriter in 2016, with “Fantastic Beasts adventures of a boy attending a and Where to Find Them.” school of wizardry.
• Rowling’s mother, who had been diagnosed with mul- • In 2018, Rowling became the first author to attain billionaire status, with sales of more than 450 tiple sclerosis when J.K. was a teenager, passed away million Harry Potter books contributing to that when Rowling was 25, an event that she has described achievement. However, she didn’t retain that status as the most traumatizing moment in her life. Rowling for long. As a noted philanthropist, she has given had been working on the first Harry Potter book for away enough to reduce her worth below billionaire. about six months, but she hadn’t told her mother of her A gift of 10 million British pounds opened the Anne project, which became a great source of grief for her. Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic in Edin• Following her graduation and her mother’s death, she burgh. Her pet project is eastern European orphanmoved to Portugal to teach English, and married a Porages. After seeing photos of children caged in beds tuguese journalist there. Their daughter was born the in Romania, she began donating millions of pounds following year, but when the marriage ended after just to establish a foundation to save the children. In her 13 months, Rowling and her daughter moved to Scotwords, “I was as poor as it’s possible to be … Now land to be near her sister. In her suitcase were the handI am able to give.” written first three chapters of “Harry Potter.”
aking the time to learn a little bit about mosquitoes can make for an enjoyable summer. Communities that have comprehensive mosquito control programs benefit substantially by reducing the mosquito population and the risk of West Nile virus. Mosquito control is very expensive. Most small communities can’t afford a comprehensive mosquito program. So, trying to achieve successful mosquito control on a single farmyard or rural home is almost impossible. The cost per household would be too expensive for most. However, by taking a few simple steps, you may be able to reclaim your back yard. Here are four simple steps that will help reduce the mosquito population on your property in both rural and urban areas:
#1: Eliminate Breeding Habitat
#3: Protect Yourself
Mosquitoes can reproduce anyplace that water collects and remains for as little as one week. By eliminating standing water on your property, you can prevent mosquitoes from reproducing. Inspect your property weekly for any signs of standing water or water holding containers. If you have a rain barrel used for collecting rainwater, make sure it is completely sealed to prevent mosquitoes from gaining access to the water. If you have a low spot in your yard where water accumulates and remains for several days after a rain, fill it in or consider planting a water tolerant tree or shrub to soak up the water. Develop a property checklist and get your children or grandchildren involved with weekly inspections. Assign the responsibility to the kids. They’ll love it! It also gives them ownership in the success of reducing the mosquito population.
Wear protective clothing to cover exposed skin. Apply an effective insect repellent. The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention recommends repellents that contain DEET. There are several new repellents on the market that go on dry. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, DEET is not recommended for children under 2 months old. Always follow the label directions when applying insect repellents.
#2: Make Your Property Undesirable for Mosquitoes The first step to making your property undesirable for mosquitoes is to eliminate breeding habitat. Then, learn a little bit about the biology of the mosquitoes in your region. The majority of the mosquitoes in the Grand Forks region are night biters. However, if kicked up during the day in shaded areas, you can expect to be bitten. They generally seek out their blood meals around sunset and may stay active until midnight. Once the temperature starts rising, they head for cover. During hot sunny days, mosquitoes look for cool, shaded, moist, areas to rest. Tall grass, weeds, and shrubbery provide ideal resting places during the day. If the tall grass, weeds, and shrubs are by your backyard deck, then you’ve pretty much invited the mosquitoes to your evening barbeque. By keeping your grass and weeds cut short and shrubbery trimmed, you’ll reduce the resting sites for mosquitoes.
#4: Apply Barrier Treatments Mosquito barrier treatments are products designed to repel or kill mosquitoes on contact. Many professional mosquito control programs use these products to get instant results in controlling mosquitoes in a selected area. Permethrin is a common active ingredient in these products. Barrier treatments are residual products, meaning they’ll continue working for an extended amount of time (1-3 weeks). When applying these products, try to spray areas that remain shaded during the day. The shaded areas are where the mosquitoes choose to rest during the day. Treating the shaded areas may also extend the effectiveness of the product. The active ingredient in these products break down rapidly from Ultra Violet sunlight. These products can usually be purchased from local retail stores and can be applied by the homeowner. Always read and follow the label directions when working with any chemicals.
If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
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June 17, 2019
• “Line a flowerpot with a coffee filter to keep the soil from washing out the drain hole.” — R.L. in Georgia • To dust baseboards and to help them resist dust in the future, try cleaning them with a dryer sheet. The residue left behind will repel dust better than if you were to use simply a damp cloth. It smells fresh, too. • Need to cut a lot of cherry tomatoes quickly? Try placing them between two plates and apply light slight pressure the keep tomatoes in place. Slice through the gap between the plates, and enjoy. • “Fun summer math game: Using a stack of small paper plates, write simple math problems on the plate. Set up a few empty laundry baskets. Have kids solve the math problems, then toss the plates they got correct into the basket. You can make it a competition, assign an answer range to each basket or do whatever makes it fun for the kids!” — Y. in New Hampshire • When you replace your toothbrush, the old one can be used for so many small cleaning tasks. Wrap a piece of colorful tape around the handle so you know it’s now ONLY a cleaning brush. Then use one to clean under the splash guard of your garbage disposal! Pull the guard out, and give the rim a scrub with the toothbrush dipped in baking soda. Follow up with a vinegar/hot water rinse. • “I found a bunch of half-used bottles of shampoo under the sink in my kids’ bathroom. I bought a clear plastic pump bottle and started combining all the bits. Now we are working our way through all the partials, adding more to the pump bottle as needed. I haven’t purchased shampoo in two months!” — A.E. in Oregon Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
by Samantha Weaver
• It was American pastor, politician and activist Andrew Young who made the following sage observation: "Nothing is illegal if a hundred businessmen decide to do it." • Tony Curtis, who co-starred with Marilyn Monroe in the famous film "Some Like It Hot," once said that kissing Ms. Monroe was "like kissing Hitler." Makes you wonder how he knew what kissing Hitler was like. • If you're like the average bearded man, your facial hair grows at a rate of about 6 inches every year. • You might be surprised to learn that the highest reward ever offered for the capture of Henry McCarty -- the infamous outlaw better known as Billy the Kid -- was $500. • In a recent survey of people who admitted to drinking beer, wine and spirits, more than 40 percent of respondents said that drinking spirits made them feel sexy, and more than half said that it made them feel confident and energetic. About one-third, though, said that spirits increased their aggression. • The first telephone book ever issued was published by the New Haven District Telephone Company and was distributed in New Haven, Connecticut, in February 1878. It contained a grand total of 50 names. • You may know that on Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviet Union earned the distinction of putting the first human-made object into space with the launch of the satellite Sputnik 1. You may not know, though, that in Russian, the word "sputnik" means "fellow traveler." • The outermost layer of the skin on your face is made up almost entirely of dead skin cells. • In the Scandinavian country of Norway you can find 1,800 lakes that contain no fish whatsoever. *** Thought for the Day: "Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks." -- Doug Larson © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
• On July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the second and third presidents of the United States, respectively, die. Both men had been central in the drafting of the historic document. • On July 2, 1900, in the sky over Germany's Lake Constance, Count Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin successfully demonstrates the world's first rigid airship. The 420-foot, cigar-shaped craft was lifted by hydrogen gas and powered by a 16-horsepower engine. • On July 7, 1912, Jim Thorpe wins the pentathlon at the fifth modern Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden. He would later medal in the decathlon. In 1913, though, he was stripped of his Olympic medals because he had played minor league baseball. The medals were restored posthumously in 1982, 30 years after his death. • On July 1, 1951, Cleveland Indians ace Bob Feller pitches the third no-hit game of his career to lead the Indians over the Detroit Tigers 2-1, making him the first modern pitcher ever to throw three no-hitters. • On July 6, 1976, in Annapolis, Maryland, the United States Naval Academy admits women for the first time with the induction of 81 female midshipmen. In May 1980, Elizabeth Anne Rowe became the first woman member of the class to graduate. • On July 3, 1985, the blockbuster action-comedy "Back to the Future" -- in which John DeLorean's iconic concept car is transformed into a time-travel device -- is released in theaters. The DeLorean featured gull-wing doors and a brushed stainless-steel body. • On July 5, 1996, Dolly the sheep -- the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell -- is born at the Roslin Institute in Scotland. Over the course of her short six-year life, Dolly gave birth to four lambs. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Celebrate World Typing Day on June 23 by exploring the facts on this technique and the machine that started it all. • June 23 is the anniversary of the granting of U.S. patent number 79,265 awarded to Christopher Sholes, Samuel Soule, and Carlos Glidden for a typewriter in 1868. Although several other inventors had been working on models for several years, the 1868 model was the first to be commercially marketed. Sholes, a mechanical engineer, was the primary inventor, and was financially and technically supported by the other two. The trio had already received a patent for a page-numbering machine. • Sholes’ first invention could only type uppercase letters, but subsequent improvements resulted in two more patents on an improved typewriter. However, he had trouble raising money for development and in 1873, he sold his rights for $12,000 to the Remington Arms Company, a rifle manufacturer, and the machine became known as the Remington 1 typewriter. The Remington, introduced in 1878, added the shift key, enabling the use of both upper and lower case letters. • The machine caught on quickly, and author Mark Twain became the first author to submit a typewritten manuscript to his publisher. • Most typewriter and computer keyboards today use the QWERTY layout, referring to the order of the first keys on the top letter row of the keyboard. It’s the same layout developed by Christopher Sholes for his first typewriter. • Early keyboards required two actions to print some symbols. For example, the exclamation point could only be produced by typing an apostrophe, then backspacing, and typing a period. A semicolon was made by typing a colon, backspacing, and typing a comma. ...cont'd
TYPING (continued):
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• The first fully electric typewriter, the Blickensderfer, was patented in 1891 and introduced to consumers at the 1893 World’s Columbian Answer: Dell.It consisted of just 250 parts, comExposition. VERY LARGE NUMBER pared to aAstandard typewriter’s 2,500. • Edwardspeed Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 • Typing is measured in “words per minhe was asked to come up with a name for a ute” or WPM, a measurement consisting of very large number: the numeral one, followed five keystrokes. For example, the word “apple” by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young counts as one word, while “applesauce” counts nephews what name they would suggest. as two. Some folks use the “hunt and peck” •form Nine-year-old Milton suggested name of typing, (also known as EagleaFinger), out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character a named two-fingered which the typist has Barneymethod was veryinpopular. Milton chose toBarney’s find each by for sight. Touch typists have lastkey name the number. memorized the position of the keys and keep • Kasner announced the new name for the big their eyesinonhis thenext copy at all times. the Thespelling. average number book, altering “hunt and peck” typist reaches typing speeds of • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin about 35 WPM, while the touch typist averages developed a new internet search engine. Other speeds excess of 80 WPM. searchinengines searched each webpage and according layout, to how known many times a • Inranked 1936,them an alternative as the specificSimplified term appeared on them, Page and Dvorak Keyboard wasbutintroduced. Brin designed theirthis search engine to search for Those who utilize layout claim that typthe specific term and then find out how many ing requires less finger motion than QWERTY, links there were that led back to that page, along with a reduction in finger distance. Typwhich resulted in a better search engine. ists claim that 70% of the keyboard strokes are •done Theyon decided theyhome needed a name the Dvorak’s row, the easiest that row reflected how many websites the search toengine reach, was compared to 52% on the QWERTY. searching. They took the name The bottom row, the hardest to reach, contains of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only just 8% of keys (the least common letters) on they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being the Dvorak keyboard, thosecartoon letters spelled exactly the with same16% wayof the oncharacter the QWERTY Barney keyboard. spelled his last name. What’s it called? bottom of page) • One of the(Answer world’s atfastest typing records was FACTS achieved byCOMPUTER a woman using the Dvorak key•board. In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory Barbara Blackburn maintained a speed be enough anybody.” ofought 150 to WPM for 50forminutes, 170 WPM for periods, and that a top speed ofperformance 212 WPM. •shorter Moore’s Law states computer doubles had everyfailed 18 to high 24 months, ever class, since Barbara schooland typing 1971, this has been true. but excelled upon discovering the Dvorak key•board. HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. THANKS FOR READING Answer: Google, from googol. TIDBITS!
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