Tidbits of Grand Forks - July 11, 2019

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 ® TIDBITS IS AWESTRUCK BY

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by Janet Spencer

Come along with Tidbits as we gawk at dinosaurs!


• When were the first dinosaur bones found? In China perhaps 3,000 years ago, a bone bed was discovered and the bones were believed to belong to ancient dragons, though we now know they were dinosaur bones. • In England, the thigh bone of a dinosaur was discovered in 1676, and was thought to have belonged a human giant or large elephant. • The first dinosaur bone found in the U.S. was discovered in the bank of a stream in New Jersey in 1787 and was sent to anatomist Caspar Wistar (for whom the climbing vine wisteria is named) but he had no idea what it was. We now know it belonged to a Hadrosaur.

cally described and named was the Megalosaurus (meaning “great lizard”), from bones found in an English limestone quarry.

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• Carpet Cleaning • Upholstery • In England in 1822 a woman found fossilized Cleaning teeth belonging to what we now call Iguanodon. • Water • In 1824, the first dinosaur to ever be scientifiExtraction

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• It wasn’t until 1841 that the word “dinosaur” was coined by English anatomist Richard Owen. It comes from the Greek words meaning “terrible lizard.” Turn the page for more!

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Quiz Bits

5. T or F: The blue whale is bigger than any dinosaur that ever lived. 6. Name the 3rd largest city in Canada. 7. What were the first names the three Gibb brothers in the music group The Bee Gees? 8. Which European country has the longest coastline? 9. Which metal alloy is mainly used in pewter? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:


1. How long is the longest Tyrannosaurus Rex tooth? 2. How many species of dinosaurs have been discovered and named — 700, 900 or 1,100? 3. Which is bigger: a newborn human baby’s brain, or the brain of an adult dinosaur? 4. T or F: Dinosaur fossils have been found on all 7 continents.


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• What constitutes a dinosaur? Prehistoric reatures that flew (pterosaurs, or flying reptiles), and others that swam in water (plesiosaurs, or marine reptiles) do not qualify taxonomically as dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are exclusively land-based animals. There are two classes of dinosaurs, divided by the shape of their hip bones: lizard hips (saurischian) and bird hips (ornithischian). Ironically, it was the lizard-hipped dinosaurs that evolved to become present-day birds. • Not all dinosaurs lived at the same time. The Stegosaurus lived in the Jurassic, while the Tyrannosaurus rex lived in the Cretaceous. The Stegosaurus was extinct for 66 million years before T. Rex walked on the Earth. • Human-like anthropoids have only been on Earth about 2.5 million years. Dinosaurs lived on Earth for about 160 million years, which is about 64 times longer. • It’s been estimated that only one bone out of every billion bones ever becomes fossilized, and that fewer than one out of every 10,000 species has left fossils behind. About 95% of all fossils found belong to marine species which lived either in the ocean or in shallow seas, where conditions were right for fossilization to occur. • While many people think dinosaurs were massive, most dinosaurs were usually human-sized or smaller. Scientists believe that the larger bones were just easier to be fossilized. The first dinosaurs that appeared showed up during the Triassic Period 230 million years ago. They were small and lightweight. Bigger dinosaurs appeared much later, during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. • Only one complete or partial dinosaur skeleton is necessary to identify a new species. In fact, almost half of the dinosaurs that have been identified are known from unique single specimens.

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• The Stegosaurus (Greek for “roofed lizard”) is noted for having large triangular plates sticking up along the length of its spine. These were thought to be a defense mechanism until researchers noted that they were attached to the creature’s skin rather than the spine, and that they were lined with blood vessels. Now it’s thought that the plates were a method of regulating body temperature, allowing blood to cool off. The plates could be as large at two feet tall and two feet wide. The Stegosaurus had the smallest brain-to-body ratio of any known dinosaur. Its body was the size of a van, but its brain was the size of a walnut. • Though the T. Rex catches a lot of flak for its small and nearly useless arms, in terms of proportion the Canotaurus (Latin for “meat-eating bull”) had the smallest arms out of any known species. The arms were vestigial and likely could not even be moved or used. • In 1997 the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago bought the largest, most complete, and best preserved T. Rex skeleton ever found. It was discovered in South Dakota by a fossil collector named Sue Hendrickson who was working with an expedition. She went to poke through some cliffs while a flat tire was being repaired on the expedition’s truck. The skeleton turned out to be about 90% complete. The T. Rex was subsequently named “Sue” in her honor. The Field Museum of Chicago purchased the T. Rex when it went up for auction at Sotheby’s, paying $8.3 million, making it the most expensive fossil in history. The money went to the man who owned the property where it was found. It’s estimated that the dinosaur was 28 years old when she died. It is on display at the Field Museum. However, most dinosaur bones displayed at museums are casts and reproductions rather than being the original bones. ...continued

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4. How many consecutive seasons has UND hockey had at least one player 1. Who holds the New York taken in the NHL Draft? Mets’ record for the best single-season batting aver- 5. In the 2018-19 NHL season, Washington’s Alex age? Ovechkin became the 2. Who was the last player fourth player to score 50 before Charlotte’s Dwight goals in a season at age 33 Howard in 2018 to have or older. Name two of the at least 30 points and 30 rebounds in an NBA game? first three to do it? 6. How many consecutive (hint: 2010) seasons have the Pitts3. How many times have the burgh Penguins reached Kansas City Chiefs won 3 consecutive AFC West titles? the NHL playoffs?


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• The word “Tyrannosaurus” comes from the Greek words meaning “tyrant lizard” while the word “rex” means “king” in Latin. • Velociraptors (Latin for “swift seizer”) were popularized in the “Jurassic Park” movie, yet were actually much smaller than depicted in the film, being a bit larger than a turkey. • One of the most unique fossils ever found is called “Fighting Dinosaurs.” It depicts a carnivorous Velociraptor (about the size of a turkey) locked in mortal combat with a plant-eating Protoceratops (about the size of a sheep). The two creatures were likely buried by a sudden landslide some 80 million years ago. Paleontologists uncovered the fossil in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia in 1971. • Most meat-eating dinosaurs walked on two feet that ended in large claws, while most plant eaters walked on all fours on hooves. • Some of the big plant-eaters had to eat a ton of food a day, about the size of a bus. • In 2001, researchers discovered a “dinosaur superhighway” in China that contained over 100 fossilized dinosaur footprints. • The asteroid blast considered responsible for killing off the dinosaurs wiped out nearly 90% of land-based species, but killed only 10% of species living in water. The event is called the K-T boundary because it divides the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning of the Tertiary period, where “K” abbreviates the German word for Cretaceous. The Cretaceous period is named for the Latin “creta” meaning “chalk.” The word “Tertiary” comes from the Latin “tertius” meaning “third” as in “the third age.” • It’s likely that the die-off of the dinosaurs happened not instantaneously, but over the course of hundreds or thousands of years, as Earth gradually cooled due to the lack of sunlight, altering the growth of vegetation and changing the food chain.



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Remarkable People

• Fossils that Mary found which ended up in museums should have been credited to her, but were not. Experts talked to her and then published papers based on what • The southern coast of England is lined with chalky she had told them without mentioning her as a source. limestone cliffs that date to prehistoric ages, when the area was close to the Equator and buried under • She was 23 and had been collecting fossils for years the sea. Called The Jurassic Coast, it’s full of fossils when the word “paleontology” was coined in 1822. laid down through the 185 million years of the MeShe was 28 when she discovered the first Pterosaur sozoic age. (pterodactyl-type flying reptile) ever found in England. Breaking apart a strange fossil, she found it was full of • Mary Anning was born in 1799 to a carpenter who full of fish scales and fish bones, correctly guessing lived on this coastline. He earned a second income that it was fossilized excrement, now called coprolites. selling fossils he found on the beach. The best time She found fossilized ink sacs from ancient squids. She to find them was after storms caused landslides, exnearly died in a landslide that killed her dog. posing new fossils. Mary’s father died when she was 11 years old, leaving his family in poverty. • She became well known in geological circles. Still, as a woman, she was not eligible to join the Geological • Mary turned to fossil collecting to supplement the Society of London and was not even allowed to atfamily’s meager income. She collected the fossils, tend meetings as a guest, much less as a presenter. The and her mother sold them at a roadside stand in front only scientific writing of hers published was a letter in of their home. Along the way, she learned quite a lot “Magazine of Natural History” in 1839, correcting an about fossils. error in their magazine. • Before his death, Mary’s father found a 4-foot long






fossilized animal head that looked like an alligator. • Yet, the scientific community recognized that she was providing the specimens that were allowing researchAfter his death, Mary searched until she found the ers to advance in their fields. At the age of 38, she was rest of the body, and painstakingly dug the 17-foot awarded a small annuity by the British Association for specimen out. At the age of 12, she had dug out the the Advancement of Science. world’s first Ichthyosaurus, an ancient marine reptile. At 24, she discovered the first Plesiosaur, a long- • Mary Anning died in 1847 at the age of 47 of breast necked marine animal, and was accused of faking it cancer. Her obituary was published in the “Quarteruntil it was found to be genuine. ly Journal of the Geological Society,” a society that banned women until 1904. Today the Natural His• At this point her reputation spread and people came tory Museum in London showcases several of Mary to visit her fossil shop to purchase specimens for Anning's spectacular finds. In 2010, the Royal Socitheir private collections or for museums. Still, the ety recognized Mary Anning as one of the ten British scientific community spurned her. At the time British women who have most influenced the development of women were not allowed to vote, hold public office, science. A number of species of extinct creatures are or attend university, and experts in the field could not named after her. believe that an uneducated poverty-stricken woman had much of value to say on the subject.

5 COMMON MYTHS ABOUT WEST NILE VIRUS Myth #1: There’s not much I can do about WNV.

Myth #4: Repellents containing DEET are not safe.

Truth: There is a lot that you, personally, can do to reduce your chance of getting West Nile virus infection. • Make it a habit to apply mosquito repellent with DEET when you’re spending time outdoors. This will reduce the number of mosquito bites you get. • Mosquitoes are usually most active from dusk to dawn. Pay close attention to protection during these hours, or avoid being outdoors if possible. • Reduce mosquito breeding habitat around your house. The species of mosquito most common for transmitting WNV generally stays close to the habitat that it hatched from. • Eliminate any standing water that remains longer than 7 days. Inspect your yard once a week: get rid of containers that aren’t being used, empty water from flower pots, change water in bird baths and maintain clean gutters.

Truth: Repellents containing DEET are very safe when used according to directions. • Because DEET is so widely used, a great deal of testing has been done. When manufacturers seek registration with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for products such as DEET, laboratory testing regarding both short-term and long-term health effects must be carried out. • There are products with different strengths (percentage of DEET) available. The longer the protection you need the higher percent of DEET needed. • Repellent with DEET can be used for both adults and children, according to directions.

Myth #5: As long as my area has a mosquito control program, I don’t have to worry about using repellent.

Myth #2: Kids are at the most danger of getting sick from West Nile Virus. Truth: People over 60 are at the highest risk for developing severe West Nile disease. • Relatively few children have been reported with severe West Nile Virus disease. By contrast, most of the deaths due to WNV were among people over 50 years old. • It is always a good idea for children to avoid mosquito bites, but it’s also important for adults - especially older adults - to take steps to avoid mosquito bites.

Myth #3: It’s only people who are already in poor health who have to worry about West Nile virus.

Truth: Healthy, active older adults who spend time working and exercising outdoors have been affected by severe West Nile virus infection. • Being over 50 is a risk factor for developing severe West Nile disease if infected with the virus. There is a risk of getting mosquito bites while leading an active life outdoors. This doesn’t mean you have to stay inside - it does mean that it’s important to use repellent when you go outside.

Truth: Mosquito control activities don’t eliminate every mosquito, so personal protection is still important. • Grand Forks Health Department maintains a proactive mosquito control program designed to reduce mosquito populations and mosquitoborne diseases. However, this program cannot eliminate all mosquitoes. Personal protection, such as using repellent, keeping window screens in good condition, and control of household breeding sites are important steps for the public.

• Grand Forks currently has a very low population of nuisance mosquitoes. This gives a false impression about the risk of WNV. Even though there are very few mosquitoes in our community, the risk of WNV is still elevated. Please take the necessary precautions to avoid mosquito bites.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

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(Answers located further back)

July 1, 2019

• If you have a small bedroom with room for only a little bedside table, try hanging a lamp over it or using a wall-mounted lamp. It will free up space on your nightstand. • Give kids small laundry baskets to race around the house collecting things that don’t belong where they are. Then sort items and separate the misplaced items back into the baskets. Have kids deliver them to the right place. Older kids can collect any dirty dishes from around the house using a dishpan, and return them to the kitchen. • “We add about an inch of kitty litter in the bottom of our kitchen trash can. If the can liner were to leak any liquids, they would be absorbed, and the litter does a great job of keeping smells in check.” — Y.J. in Ohio • Here’s a great idea: Use a three-ring binder or an accordion folder to store manuals for appliances or electronics. An accordion folder is especially useful if the appliance comes with a small tool necessary for adjustments or any extra pieces that would be helpful to have on hand. • “I have a zip-close baggie in my purse for trash. This way I can prevent small wrappers, unnecessary receipts, gum or other such litter from floating around my bag. I simply empty the bag from time to time and reuse it.” — C.D. in Utah • Use an old shower curtain as a ground liner underneath kiddie pools to protect the vinyl from twigs or rocks that might puncture your pool. You should always check the ground first, but a little extra protection doesn’t hurt. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

by Samantha Weaver

• It was noted 20th-century American poet e.e. cummings who made the following sage observation: "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." • Those who study such things claim that a single teaspoon of ordinary soil contains more living creatures than all the humans on the planet. • Albert Einstein's final words are lost to history. He spoke his last words in his birth tongue, German, and it seems that the nurse who was attending him during his last moments spoke only English. • Other than the fact that they were all famous writers, what did Charles Dickens, Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, Louisa May Alcott, James A. Michener and Leo Tolstoy have in common? They all were adopted. • The monkfish, a species of anglerfish found primarily in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, has an enormous head. Really, really enormous. The monkfish's head is so large, in fact, that it makes up three-quarters of its body. • It's been reported that country singer-songwriter Willie Nelson believes he's had numerous previous lives, including at least one as a Native American. • In an anthropological study once conducted in Papua New Guinea, it was found that one in three adult deaths was the result of homicide. And it seems that those murdered were often targeted because they were suspected of practicing sorcery. • If you've ever worn a tuxedo, you know what a cummerbund is, but you probably don't know the origin of the word. It comes from a Hindi word meaning "waistband." *** Thought for the Day: "Writers have two main problems. One is writer's block, when the words won't come at all, and the other is logorrhea, when the words come so fast that they can hardly get in the wastebasket in time." - Cecilia Bartholomew © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

• On July 19, 1884, President Chester Arthur issues a proclamation that grants him and the federal government the power to quarantine persons entering the U.S. to avoid the spread of "pestilence" (tuberculosis). • On July 17, 1941, New York Yankees center fielder Joe DiMaggio fails to get a hit against the Cleveland Indians, bringing his historic 56game hitting streak to an end. DiMaggio also lost the $10,000 promised to him by Heinz ketchup for matching the number "57" featured on its labels. • On July 21, 1959, Elijah Jerry "Pumpsie" Green makes his Boston Red Sox debut, becoming the first African American ever to play for the Red Sox, the last team in the major leagues to integrate. • On July 15, 1965, the unmanned spacecraft Mariner 4 passes over Mars at an altitude of 6,000 feet and transmits the first close-up images of the red planet. The 22 pictures revealed a barren wasteland of craters, dismissing 19thcentury speculations that an advanced civilization might exist there. • On July 20, 1972, a two-year study by the U.S. Department of Transportation concludes that 1960-63 Chevrolet Corvairs are at least as safe as comparable models of other cars. In his book "Unsafe at Any Speed," Ralph Nader had targeted the rear-engined Corvair due to its tendency to roll over. • On July 18, 1986, new close-up videos of the sunken ocean liner Titanic are released. The wreck was found in 1985 off Newfoundland, 13,000 feet down on the ocean floor. The Titanic sank in 1912. • On July 16, 1999, John F. Kennedy, Jr., his wife and her sister are killed when the single-engine plane he was piloting crashes into the Atlantic Ocean off Massachusetts. Kennedy had turned down an offer from a flight instructor to accompany him, saying he "wanted to do it alone." © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved





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• Croatia has a good climate for growing cherries in abundance. One type in particular became very popular, and it was called the Marasca cherry, from the Latin word “amarus” meaning “bitter.” The problem with cherries is that they don’t keep for very long, and go soft and mushy quickly after being picked. Industrious cherry farmers found that they could make a sweet liqueur if they fermented and distilled a mash made from the cherries along with their leaves, stems, and pits. The pits in particular gave the syrupy-sweet liqueur a nutty, almond-like flavor that resembled brandy. Then they found that if you soak the Marasca cherries in a salty brine, and then marinate them in the cherry-based liqueur, the cherries would never spoil and could be kept in jars for years. They were also far easier to transport than fresh cherries. The liqueur was called “maraschino” and the cherries became known as maraschino cherries. • In the 1800s, these specialty cherries became very popular throughout Europe, but the supply was limited. They were mostly consumed by the wealthy and elite and were particularly favored by royalty. • In the late 1800s, bartenders in the U.S. discovered that if they kept some maraschino cherries on hand in order to garnish specialty drinks it cut down on the need to keep fresh fruit on hand, which was difficult in the winter. As people became familiar with the fancy cocktail cherries, the number of uses for them skyrocketed. They were used on ice cream sundaes, custards, salads, and other foods. The problem was that imported maraschino cherries were expensive. • Meanwhile, growers in Oregon and Washington found that cherries grow very well in the Pacific ...cont'd Northwest region.


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• In 1919, a man named Ernest Wiegand got a job as a horticulturist at Oregon Agricultural College.Dell. Wiegand had experience in running a Answer: citrus orchard, where he had also learned about A VERY LARGE NUMBER canning and brewing. One day the college’s •president Edward Kasner was a him mathematician. In 1938 approached and told him that he was asked to come up with a name for a his brother-in-law raised cherries nearby, but very large number: the numeral one, followed struggled with zeros. how quickly they He by a hundred He asked hisspoiled. two young asked Wiegand to seethey if hewould couldsuggest. find a way to nephews what name preserve cherries in the same way • Nine-year-old Milton suggestedmaraschino a name cherries preserved, but without out of were the funnies. A cartoon strip involving character alcohol, since bywas nowvery Prohibition was in effect. named Barney popular. Milton chose Barney’s last name for the number. • After six years of experimentation, Wiegand •found Kasner thethe newcherries name for the big thatannounced if you soak in calcium number in his next book, altering the spelling. salts, it preserves their crunchy texture withaltering their Larry flavor. Unfortunately, be•out Sixty years later, Page and Sergey Brin developed a new internet search Other ing soaked in calcium salts turnsengine. red cherries searchSoengines eachinwebpage white. he thensearched soaked them red dye, and and ranked them according to how many times a followed that up with marinating them in a mixspecific term appeared on them, but Page and ture of sugar or corn syrup along with a dash Brin designed their search engine to search for of almond extract. Finally maraschino cherries the specific term and then find out how many were be enjoyed over linksinexpensive there wereenough that ledto back to thatallpage, the U.S.resulted in all sorts dishes. which in aof better search engine. • •Today, Oregon Agricultural is now They decided they neededCollege a name that called Oregon University, reflected howState many websitesand theWiegand search engine was searching. Theywho took the name Hall is named after the man invented the of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only modern maraschino cherry. They offer a class they misspelled it slightly, it ended up exambeing called Maraschino Cherry so 102, which spelled exactly the same way and the scientific cartoon ines the “historical, technological character Barney spelled his last name. What’s aspects of maraschino cherry production.” it called? (Answer at bottom of page) • The two largest manufacturers of maraschino COMPUTER FACTS cherries are still located in Oregon. • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory • Although Americans pronounce the prodought to most be enough for anybody.” “mara-sheeno” •uct Moore’s Law statesthe thatoriginal computerpronunciation performance indoubles Croatiaevery was “mara-skeeno.” 18 to 24 months, and ever since 1971, this has been true.dyed red, maraschino • Although most are still •cherries HP, Google, and Apple were all can be Microsoft, dyed any color. started in garages. Answer: Google, from googol. TIDBITS! THANKS FOR READING

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Quiz Answers

1. 12 inches 2. Over 700 3. Newborn baby. 4. True 5. True

6. Vancouver, BC (2.25 million) 7. Barry, Robin and Maurice. 8. Norway 9. Tin

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