Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
July 18, 2019
Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 wickpub@yahoo.com ® TIDBITS NIBBLES ON SOME
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A family’s biggest expenses are housing, transportation, and groceries. About 10% of the average American’s budget goes for food. Come along with Tidbits as we have a bite to eat!
• The word “diet” comes from the Greek “diaita” meaning “a way of life.” • It used to be that 75% of oranges were sold whole, and 25% were turned into juice. Now, 75% are turned into juice and other orange products, and only 25% are sold whole. • The most popular items served for dinner are chicken, and sandwiches. The most popular side dish served with sandwiches is chips. The most popular side dish with chicken is vegetables, followed by potatoes, salad, and bread (in order). • In 1986, 25% of American households had a microwave. By 1990, 90% did. Still, the stovetop is the appliance most often used to cook meals, with the microwave in second place. • “Canola” is an abbreviation of “Canadian oil association.” “Crisco” stands for “crystallized cottonseed oil.” • The term “probiotic” was coined in 1965. • 89% of corn grown in the U.S. is genetically modified. Turn the page for more!
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. What product featured the advertising slogan, “Betcha can’t eat just one”? What is the single busiest day 6. What are the names of the of the year at grocery stores? three elves pictured on a box How many grocery stores are of Kellogg’s Rice Krispies? there in the United States? 7. In which U.S. city did the The largest grocery store chain grocery store Piggly Wiggly in the U.S. is Walmart. Who is originate? the second largest? 8. Which coffee brand is “Good When Americans eat, what to the last drop”? percentage of the time are they TRIVIA having a snack? SPONSORED BY:
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FOOD FACTS (cont.)
• Cows used to take 4 years to grow to their optimal weight, but they now achieve that weight in 14 to 17 months. • How does a butcher accurately label the fat content of meat? By using an X-ray machine such as the Anyl-Ray Fat Analyzer, which sends X-rays through cylindrical tubes that each contain 13 lbs. of ground beef. Meat absorbs the gamma rays, but fat does not, and the machine analyses the amount of gamma rays that are not absorbed and calculates the percentage of fat. • Although there are 60 meat packers in the U.S., just four of them control 80% of the American market for meat: Tyson, Cargill, National, and JBS USA. A large meat packer may process up to 30,000 cattle per day. • American farmers did not start growing broccoli until the 1920s, and major production didn’t start until after World War II. In Italy, it had been grown for centuries. Today Americans eat an average of about 6 lbs. of broccoli annually. • Of the 3.6 billion tons of lettuce harvested in the U.S. each year, 70% is grown in Salinas, California, and 20% is grown in Yuma, Arizona. The other 10% is grown at various other places. • Head lettuce keeps longer than leaf lettuce and ships better as well. It was put on railroad cars and surrounded by heaps of ice, leading to its name “iceberg lettuce.” Other lettuces didn’t become popular until shipping methods improved in the 1980s. Today, pre-shredded bagged salads outsell head lettuce. • There are over 40 different Oreo products. • Whole milk is usually 3% or 4% fat, so drinking 2% milk is not eliminating a huge amount of fat. • Americans eat about 8.5 lbs of carrots per person per year. Apples are 25% air, which is why they float. Cabbage is 91% water. ...continued
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FOOD FACTS (cont.)
• Baby carrots are the cores of misshapen regular carrots which are whittled down to the size of a thumb. The sludge left over from the “polishing” process is sold as cattle feed. • The best-selling weekend for selling strawberries is Valentine’s Day; the biggest time for selling corn is the 4th of July; the most popular time for selling turkeys and cranberry sauce is Thanksgiving; but when are the most avocados sold? Super Bowl Sunday. • Americans eat an average of 26 lbs. of bananas each every year, more than any other whole fruit. • “Edamame” is a Japanese phrase meaning “beans on a branch” and denotes soybeans that are sold still in the pod. • Jello flavors that failed: celery, mixed vegetable, coffee, cola, bubble gum, cinnamon, and Italian salad dressing. • Cheese is the most shoplifted food. • The cheese product called Velveeta was given the name because it’s velvety. It was invented as a method of using the whey that was being discarded during the production of cheese. Velveeta has a longer shelf life than natural cheese. Velveeta has one third fewer calories than cheddar. It’s a “pasteurized processed cheese product” so it doesn’t need to be refrigerated before being opened. • In 1989 the Canadian band Barenaked Ladies released a song called “If I Had $1,000,000” which included the line “We wouldn’t have to eat Kraft dinner.” In Canada, macaroni & cheese is called Kraft dinner and is a popular item. During concerts, whenever this line was sung, fans would pelt the band with boxes of the product. They finally asked that the boxes be collected at the door of the concert and donated to a local food bank in each city. ...continued
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4. Who were the only three golfers before Rory McIlroy in 2019, 1. In which league did Frank to win The Players Robinson hit more of his Championship, U.S. 586 career home runs — Open, British Open and American or National? PGA Championship? 2. In which of these two decades—1960s & 1970s 5. Which two NHL franchises have recorded —did more quarterbacks at least 30 road victories win the Heismann Trophy? in a season? 3. How many years were 6. T or F: The last MLB there between Kareem pitcher to lose at least 20 Abdul-Jabbar’s first and games in a season happensecond NBA Finals MVP ed over 30 years ago. Awards?
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The Culex tarsalis is usually a night biting mosquito. It feeds at dusk and after dark. This mosquito will breed in almost any type of freshwater. Even a container as small as a pop can may produce 1,000’s of mosquitoes. They can lay several batches of eggs with more than 200 eggs per batch.
The Grand Forks Culex Tarsalis Mosquito Health Department urges citizens to take extra precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. The department has noticed an increase in the population of Culex tarsalis mosquitoes. The Culex tarsalis is common to the Grand Forks region and it’s the most effective mosquito for transmitting West Nile virus.
You can help reduce your risk of getting West Nile virus by eliminating standing water from your property and apply insect repellents when you’re around mosquitoes.
West Nile virus was first identified in North Dakota in 2002. Since then, over 1,900 people in North Dakota have tested positive and 25 have died. This disease is preventable. www.gfmosquito.com You can reduce your risk of getting this disease by avoiding If you have any questions or concerns mosquito bites. Apply repellents relating to mosquito control visit our containing DEET when website at www.gfmosquito.com
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• A typical market around the year 1900 would carry about 200 different items. By 1975, an typical grocery store carried about 9,000 items. By 2008, it was up to 40,000 items. • An average grocery store will have about 12,000 shoppers every week spending an average of $40 each. • A grocery store used to carry three kinds of eggs: small, medium, and large. Now there are usually around 15 kinds of eggs and egg-like products to choose from including cage-free eggs, pre-hard boiled eggs, and Eggbeaters imitation eggs. • It used to be that groceries carried only iceberg lettuce but now an average store will have 15 different lettuces and lettuce products, including a variety of pre-bagged, pre-tossed, and preshredded greens. • The average American grocery store does about $500,000 in business every week, or about $26.8 million each year. Multiplied by the number of grocery stores in the U.S., that works out to about $1 trillion per year that Americans spend on groceries. The gross domestic product of the U.S. is $16 trillion, including all goods from shoes to cars. • Studies have shown that if quick, upbeat music is played in the background of grocery stores, people walk fast and push their shopping carts quickly. But if the music slows, then the people, and their carts, also slow. The slower they move, the more they buy. Dropping the beat from an allegro (108 beats per minute) to an adagio (60 beats) will typically result in an increase in sales of nearly 40%. • People tend to get sick more often if they live in rural areas or urban food deserts where there are no grocery stores nearby. About 7% of the American public lives in a “food desert,” with no full-service grocery stores within a ten mile radius.
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Remarkable People
• Leo Burnett was born in 1891 in Michigan. His father ran a dry goods store and Burnett often watched his father create ads for the store. Burnett earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism and then went to work as a reporter for a newspaper in Peoria, Illinois.
• Later, Leo Burnett was commissioned to fine tune and update the logo. After experimenting with green painted men and a green rubber-skinned puppet, a new advertising mascot was settled on: the Jolly Green Giant. The peas were so successful that the Minnesota Valley Canning Company renamed itself the Green Giant Company. The Jolly Green Giant is one of the most recognizable figures in American advertising.
• In 1917 he moved to Detroit to work for the Cadillac corporation, where he edited their publications, ran • It was Burnett’s antagonism toward slick big city ads that convinced him to use models that looked like their publicity department, and became the head of ordinary people instead of movie stars. This idea led advertising. Later he went to work for an advertising him to use rugged sunburned agency in Indianapolis, where he learned the cowboys in Marlboro cigarette difference between a “hard sell” and a “soft sell” and ads. At the time, filtered cigarettes decided that it was best to use the “warm sell.” When were not considered masculine, the Great Depression began in 1930, the agency was and only ladies smoked them. hit hard. By then, Burnett had a wife and a family to Their Marlboro market share support. was only 1%. Burnett created • In 1930 he went to work for a Chicago ad agency, the character of a cowboy, which exuded masculinity. where he spent the next five years. He found that he Sales increased dramatically and soon it became the objected to their hard-sell methods, as did some of number one cigarette brand in the U.S. his clients.
• In 1935, Burnett sold his home, cashed in his • These successes led to many others. If you’re familiar with Tony the Tiger, Charlie the Tuna, the Maytag insurance policies, and borrowed from banks. With Repairman, the Pillsbury Doughboy, or the Keebler $50,000 as working capital, he quit his job and Elves, or if you ever “Fly the Friendly Skies” with opened his own firm, calling it the Leo Burnett United or find yourself in “Good Hands with Allstate” Company, Inc. He started out with eight employees, – that was Leo Burnett. one accountant, and three clients. One of those clients was the Minnesota Valley Canning Company. • Burnett died in 1971, but today the advertising agency he built has more than 9,000 employees in over 85 • The Minnesota Valley Canning Company was trying global offices, making it one of the largest ad agencies to market a new variety of pea. This pea was sweeter in the world. For the first years of the company, its than normal peas. However, this type was large and annual income was $1 million, but the company’s wrinkled, and consumers were accustomed to peas income grew rapidly, and by the end of the 1950s, that were small and smooth. Store managers refused his company earned around $100 million annually. In to stock it, so the company decided to emphasize 1999, Burnett was named by Time magazine as one of the pea’s size. The company designed a gnome-like the 100 most influential people of the 20th century. pagan harvest god to hawk the virtues of the product.
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(Answers located further back)
July 8, 2019
• “When my brother had a job in my town, naturally he came to stay at my house. But he was working nights and really needed to sleep during the day. We purchased a few pieces of poster board at the dollar store and lined the windows in the room he was sleeping in. They really cut out the light, and pretty much stayed put when tucked behind the blinds. He was able to get a few hours of good sleep and the poster board can be used again.” — M.R. in Arizona • “Here is my tip: Have your mom or dad help you glue pompoms on a plastic headband for a fun change. You can make a whole rainbow or just use one color or whatever you want.” — C.E. in Florida • Glass candleholders can make a nice storage for bathroom items like cotton swabs and cotton balls, even small products can be organized into these pretty holders. • “I like having a reusable straw since I feel bad about all the plastic out there. The problem is that silicone straws are not stiff enough because I like ice in my drinks, and I don’t like the feeling of a metal straw. I found some metal straws that have a little silicone tip, and now I have the best of both worlds!” — P.A. • Regularly review your subscription memberships and recurring bills. Things like meal boxes, online services, cosmetics club memberships and even automatic razor deliveries can get out of hand. Set aside time every couple of months to decide if you are really using/benefitting from the services. Cancel if you are not. • If you have fruit that is on the edge of going bad, throw it in your freezer. You’ll have a ready supply of smoothie ingredients, and things like grapes, orange sections and berries taste downright refreshing when served frozen on a hot day. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
by Samantha Weaver
• It was Robert Wright, journalist, scholar and author of best-selling books about science, who made the following sage observation: "Like a lawyer, the human brain wants victory, not truth; and, like a lawyer, it is sometimes more admirable for skill than virtue." • Famously flamboyant country singer and songwriter Dolly Parton once entered a Dolly Parton look-alike contest ... and lost. • The small Asian country of Bhutan, nestled in the mountains between China and India, had no access to TV until 1999. • You've doubtless heard of narcolepsy, a medical condition that causes sufferers to sleep excessively — sometimes up to 18 hours a day. You're probably not familiar with philagrypnia, though. People with this condition -- I won't call them "sufferers" -- require only three or four hours of sleep a day. What would you do with all that extra time? • Those who study such things say that the average woman changes her hairstyle 20 times between the ages of 18 and 24. Between the ages of 50 and 80, though, women change it only four times. • Now that summer is here in full force, you might want to keep in mind the fact that there are 1,500 known species of fleas and 9,500 known species of ants. Then again, that might be a factoid you'd rather forget. • The English word "velvet" comes from the Latin for "shaggy hair." • If you're out in the American West, you may see the iconic saguaro cactus. It matures extremely slowly -- it might grow only 6 inches in its first 10 years of life. It's persistent, though; the largest known specimen reached 60 feet in height. *** Thought for the Day: "Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable." -- John Kenneth Galbraith © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
• On July 26, 1775, the U.S. postal system is established by the Second Continental Congress, with Benjamin Franklin as its first postmaster general. Franklin set up more efficient colonial routes and standardized delivery costs based on distance and weight. • On July 22, 1933, American Wiley Post returns to Floyd Bennett Field in New York, becoming the first aviator to fly solo around the world. Piloting a Lockheed Vega monoplane named the Winnie May, he circled the globe in 7 days, 18 hours and 49 minutes. • On July 27, 1949, the world's first jet-propelled airliner, the British De Havilland Comet, makes its maiden test-flight in England. The jet engine would revolutionize the airline industry, shrinking air travel time in half. • On July 24, 1959, during the grand opening ceremony of the American National Exhibition in Moscow, Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev engage in a heated debate in a model kitchen set up for the fair. The "kitchen debate" became one of the most famous episodes of the Cold War. • On July 25, 1965, Bob Dylan went electric at the Newport Folk Festival, performing a rock-androll set publicly for the first time. The dismayed audience shouted and booed when he launched into an electrified version of "Maggie's Farm." • On July 28, 1976, a nighttime earthquake measuring between 7.8 and 8.2 magnitude on the Richter scale flattens Tangshan, a Chinese industrial city with a population of 1 million. The 23-second temblor leveled 90 percent of Tangshan's buildings, killing an estimated 242,000 people in the city and surrounding areas. • On July 23, 1996, at the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, the U.S. women's gymnastics team wins its first-ever team gold. The American women's best finish to that point had been a silver at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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• George Gilman, born in Maine in 1826, ran a profitable tea company in the 1860s, when tea was one of the most profitable items a grocer could sell. When the first transcontinental railroad linked America’s East Coast to the West Coast in 1869, Gilman took advantage of the new mode of transportation by starting the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, distributing tea to merchants from coast to coast. • It was Gilman’s gift for marketing that led him to package his tea in recognizable form, creating a name, a package, and a brand in the days when grocers simply weighed out goods and wrapped them in paper. Gilman’s tea was called “TheaNectar” and was the first tea that people could ask for by name. • He then began offering premiums that could be redeemed, first for lithographs of famous events, and then for other household items. • When the Great Chicago Fire levelled much of the city in 1871, Gilman rushed to set up a new tea store there, shipping in wagonloads of tea in an area that had been stripped of all of its stores. • In 1878, Gilman turned management of the entire company over to George Hartman. Hartman had started working for Gilman as a clerk, then learned bookkeeping and cashiering before becoming manager of the firm. By the 1880s, Hartman had 150 tea outlets across the eastern U.S. • When Congress levied a tariff on tea to raise funds, profitability of tea dropped. Hartman’s sons convinced him to add other items to their tea shops, including baking powder, sugar, condensed milk, spices, and butter – all packaged in Atlantic & Pacific wrappings. ...cont'd
DIFFERENCES: 1. Umbrella is different. 2. Boy's hat is black. 3. Ring on post is missing. 4. Boy's swim trunks are different. 5. Radio is moved. 6. Birds are gone. © 2019 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
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• In 1901, Gilman died without leaving a will, and his numerous heirs filed suit. Hartman declared that Gilman had given him half of Answer: Dell. the company in a verbal agreement in 1878, A VERY LARGE NUMBER and provided accounting that backed up his •claim. Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 The Gilman heirs realized the company he was asked to come up with a name a would falter without Hartman at the helm.for The very large number: the numeral one, followed company was incorporated with the Gilman by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young family while Hartman nephewsreceiving what nameshares, they would suggest. maintained control. In 1908, Hartman turned • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name management over to his sons. out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character • Innamed 1912,Barney they started opening stores was very popular.grocery Milton chose Barney’s the the number. instead of last tea name storesforand company name shortened to A&P. By name the 1920s, •was Kasner announced the new for thethere big were 1,600 outlets. number in A&P his next book, altering the spelling. Sixtystore years later, Pageofand Sergeycorner Brin • •Each was onlyLarry the size a typical developed a new engine. Other grocery store, yetinternet they search were putting other search engines searched each webpage corner grocery stores out of business dueand to ranked them according to how many times a their buying power and their innovative use of specific term appeared on them, but Page and branded packaging, so thatengine shoppers at A&P Brin designed their search to search for stores were purchasing A&P branded products the specific term and then find out how many that A&Pto plants. By linkswere theremanufactured were that ledinback that page, 1930, there were 16,000 A&P stores, and A&P which resulted in a better search engine. was twice as largethey as the next largest retailer, • They decided needed a name that Sears. From 1915 through 1975, A&P was the reflected how many websites the search largest retailer inThey the U.S. 1965, enginegrocery was searching. tookUntil the name Edward Kasner’s large number, itof was the largest U.S. very retailer of any kind.only they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being • The fall of the chain began in the 1950s when spelled exactly the same way the cartoon itcharacter failed to Barney adopt newer methods by spelled his last being name. used What’s more modern stores.atProfits handed over it called? (Answer bottomwere of page) to stockholders rather than used to improve COMPUTER FACTS stores. The 2008 recession hit hard, and by •then In 1981 said, with “640 Walmart. kb of memory A&P Bill was Gates competing It fell ought to be enough for anybody.” from the top grocery retailer in 1975 to the 28th •largest Moore’s Law states thatstores computer performance retailer. Many were closed or doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since sold, and the chain contracted to serve only the 1971, this has been true. northeastern U.S. A&P declared bankruptcy •and HP,closed Google, Microsoft, and in Apple its doors for good 2015.were Still,allit started in garages. was A&P who shaped the modern supermarket. Answer: Google, from googol.
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Quiz Answers
1. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving 2. About 40,000 3. Kroger 4. 50 percent.
5. Lay’s Potato Chips. 6. Snap, Crackle, and Pop 7. Memphis, TN 8. Maxwell House
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Sports Answers 1. 343 in N.L., 4. Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, & 243 in A.L. Lee Trevino. 2. 5 in 1960s, 2 in 1970s. 5. Detroit- 31 in 2005-06, and 3. Fourteen Tampa Bayyears (1971 30 in 2018-19. & 1985). 6. False. (2003)
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