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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
July 25, 2019
Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 ® TIDBITS BLASTS OFF TO
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To honor the 50th anniversary of the first man on the moon, Tidbits heads into space to bring Sharon Opdahl, Agent Get a discount up to 50%. you the facts about this heavenly body. 2534 17th Avenue South,Agent Suite F Sharon Opdahl, here to life help life Get a discount upgotoright 50%. Sharon Opdahl I’mI’m here to help – Grand Forks, ND 58201 2534 17th Avenue South, Suite F I can help lower your premium Bus: 701-746-0495 I’m here to help life go right – go right so you youhelp canlower enjoy while Agent .I through Drive Safe your &it,Save Isocan premium Grand Forks, ND 58201 • The moon is Earth’s only natural satellite. sharon@sharonopdahl.com so you can enjoy it,&.talk while Bus: 701-746-0495 help Let’s about enjoy it, while I I. Driveit. Safe Save Getthrough tocan aprotect better State sharon@sharonopdahl.com 2534 17th Ave. S. • Suite FGetGet help protect it. State Let’s talk your life insurance options. . about to aFarm. better State help protect it. Let’s Compare that with Jupiter’s 79 moons, SatCALL TODAY. options. your ME life insurance Grand Forks, ND 58201 CALL Gettalk State Farm.your life ME TODAY. about CALL ME TODAY. 701-746-0495 CALL ME TODAY. urn’s 62, Uranus’ 27, Neptune’s 14, and the insurance options. sharonopdahl.com CALL ME TODAY. two moons of Mars. Our moon is the fifth largest of its kind in our solar system, and is just a bit more than one-fourth the size of Earth. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 • It’s a common scientific theory that the moon State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1301900 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL was once part of Earth, but a large chunk broke away when another gigantic object collided with Earth. • The diameter of the moon is 2,160 miles. Carpet Cleaning www.elitecarpetsgf.com Compare that with Earth’s diameter at the equator of 7,926 miles. Carpet Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning • Although the distance between Earth and the SPECIAL! • Upholstery moon varies from 221,457 to 252,712 miles, $99 Cleaning the average distance is 239,000 miles. If you 1 Bedroom, 1 Living Room, 1 Hallway • Water were able to travel that distance by car, you Not valid with any other offer. Extraction Expires 8-30-19 could get to the moon in just under six months Residential & driving at 60 mph. Commercial • The moon has no atmosphere, so there is no wind, no air, no water, and no life. This also means no sound can be heard on the moon. 701-775-8500 The lack of atmosphere eliminates any eroRelax. sion due to weather. It’s Done. ™
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. Which planet in our solar system is know as a morning and evening star? Name the first animal to 6. What color is the Connecticut orbit the Earth. property in the game “MoWhat did Neil Armstrong think nopoly”? the chances of safe touchdown 7. Which song mentions seeing of Apollo 11 were? “a Deadhead sticker on a What famous Apollo 11 item Cadillac”? was purchased at Sears for $5.50? 8. What is the second element on According to the 1967 Outer the Periodic Table? Space Treaty, who owns the TRIVIA moon? SPONSORED BY:
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THE MOON (continued):
• The moon rotates on its own axis at 10 mph and orbits the Earth at 2,300 mph. A full day on the moon lasts about an average of 29.5 Earth days. The moon is in synchronous rotation as it orbits Earth, meaning it takes exactly the same amount of time to complete its own rotation as it takes to orbit the Earth. As a result, the same side of the moon always faces Earth. The side facing away from Earth, which is often called the “dark side of the moon,” has only been seen from spacecraft. • Although the moon appears to be perfectly round, it’s actually egg-shaped, with the large end of the egg pointing toward Earth. The full moon appears to be a perfect circle, but that’s because we only see the small portion of the moon that is illuminated by the sun. • Because the moon’s gravity is just 1/6 that of Earth, a person weighs much less on the moon. A 150-lb. person on Earth would weigh just 25 lbs. on the moon. • There is a wide range of temperatures on the moon, from 253 degrees F down to -387 degrees F. • If you think the moon is made of cheese, think again. The lunar rocks collected by various space missions reveal a high iron value, high levels of titanium and anorthite, along with smaller concentrations of calcium, aluminum, silicon, and magnesium. • The ebb and flow of tides is regulated by the gravitational pull that the moon exerts. The gravity pulls the water in the oceans upward, causing two high tides on Earth, one every 12 hours and 25 minutes. On the other side of the planet, the ocean water is draining away, creating low tides. ...continued
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THE MOON (continued):
• There are more than 300,000 craters on the moon wider than 0.6 miles, and that’s just on the side of the moon that we see. Craters are caused by asteroids and comets crashing onto the lunar surface. A small asteroid weighing just 10 lbs. can create a crater over 30 feet across. Consider that the moon gets hit by more than 6,000 lbs. of meteor material every day. The craters are named after deceased scholars, scientists, artists, and explorers. Copernicus Crater is named for Nicolaus Copernicus, the Polish mathematician and astronomer who, in 1543, published his findings about heliocentrism, the principle that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun. Archimedes Crater honors the third-century Greek mathematician who was responsible for several principles of geometry. The Armstrong crater, is located 31 miles from the Apollo 11 landing site. Other craters commemorate deceased American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts. • Do you know the difference between a waxing moon and a waning moon? Waxing means growing! After that tiny sliver of new moon, the light grows into a crescent, gradually becoming the half moon. That process takes a week, and is known as the moon’s first quarter. As the moon “grows” from half to full moon, it is described as a waxing gibbous moon, (the word “gibbous” means “humped.”) That takes care of another week, known as the second quarter. • Waning means shrinking and describes the process of the moon’s light appearing smaller. During the moon’s third quarter, the moon shrinks from the full moon to half moon, and the fourth quarter, known as the waning crescent moon, brings us back to the crescent moon. ...continued
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Name the player before Joey Votto (2016-18) to start at least 202 consecutive games for the Cincinnati Reds. 2. In 2018, Texas’ Adrian Beltre became the alltime MLB leader in hits by a Latin American-born player. Who had held the mark? 3. What decade did China win its first Olympic medal?
4. Who was the only Toronto Maple Leafs player before Mitch Marner in 2019 to score on a penalty shot in the NHL playoffs? (hint: 1999) 5. Colton Herta, 18, became the youngest race winner in IndyCar History in 2019. What had been the youngest age? 6. Who was the first quarterback in Redskins history to have 3 seasons with 25 or more TDs?
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THE MOON (continued):
PROTECT YOURSELF FROM WEST NILE VIRUS Most human West Nile virus cases in North Dakota occur from late July to mid-September. People infected with this disease typically develop syptoms between 2 and 14 days after the infected mosquito bites them. Protect yourself from mosquito bites and West Nile virus. North Dakota - West Nile Virus Cases By Date 2002 - 2018
Number of Cases
Highest risk in August
Weekly Data 2002 - 2018 Total Human Cases in ND - 1,908
West Nile Virus Symptoms: • Most people (70-80%) infected with West Nile virus will not develop any symptoms, or the symptoms may be so mild that they won’t seek medical care. • About 20% of the people infected will have a fever with other flu-like symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. Most of the people with this type of WNV will have a complete recovery, but fatigue and weakness may last for weeks or months. • Less than 1% of the people infected will develop the more severe neurological form of this illness. The symptoms of neurologic illness can include headache, high fever, neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, tremors, seazures, or paralysis. • Serious illness may occur in people of any age but people over 60 have the greatest risk for the severe form of this illness. People with certain medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and people who have received organ transplants are also at a greater risk of getting the severe form of this disease. • Recovery from the severe form of this disease may take several weeks or months and some of the neurologic effects may be permanent. This disease is fatal for about 10% of the people who develop neurologic infection. For information about West Nile virus and mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
• How about the various descriptions of special moons? The super full moon occurs when the moon is nearest the Earth, occurring a few days before Spring Equinox. It appears larger than a normal full moon and looks about 15% brighter than the average full moon. The harvest moon is the full moon that is closest to the Autumn Equinox. During that time, the moon rises shortly after sunset and there is extra bright moonlight in the early evening, benefiting farmers in their harvest. The hunters moon is the first full moon after the harvest moon, appearing in October. Its name comes from the best time to hunt deer and fox that have no place to hide in the now-harvested fields. It’s sometimes called the blood moon or sanguine moon. When two full moons occur in the same month, the second one is called a blue moon. • If you always get solar and lunar eclipses mixed up, here’s the explanation of those phenomena. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon is between the sun and Earth, blocking out the sun’s rays and casting a shadow on parts of the Earth. A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth is in between the sun and the moon and Earth’s shadow blocks the sun’s light, which would otherwise reflect off the moon. As the moon moves into the shadow, the lunar surface temperature can plummet by about 500 degrees in less than 90 minutes. • Both your mobile phone and a USB memory stick have more computing power than the computers used for the Apollo 11 spacecraft.
NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE As a result of radiation from the sun, the American flags placed on the moon, are most likely now white.
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• On Aug. 3, 1492, from the Spanish port of Palos, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sets sail with three ships -- the Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Nina -- to find a western sea route to China, India and Asia. On Oct. 12, the expedition found the Bahamas and later sighted Cuba, which he thought was mainland China. • On Aug. 4, 1854, Henry David Thoreau's classic "Walden" is published. Thoreau was a 27-year-old Harvard graduate when he moved to Walden Pond and built the 10-by-15-foot cabin on land owned by his friend, poet Ralph Waldo Emerson. • On July 29, 1862, Confederate spy Marie Isabella "Belle" Boyd is arrested by Union troops and held at the Old Capitol Prison in Washington, D.C. It was the first of three arrests for the skilled spy, who later parlayed her spying experiences into a book and an acting career. • On July 30, 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower signs a law officially declaring "In God We Trust" to be the nation's official motto and mandating that the phrase be printed on all U.S. paper currency. • On July 31, 1964, Ranger 7, an unmanned U.S. lunar probe, takes the first close-up images of the moon before it impacts with the lunar surface. The images were 1,000 times clearer than anything ever seen through earth-bound telescopes. • On Aug. 1, 1972, in the "Match of the Century," American chess grandmaster Bobby Fischer defeats Russian Boris Spassky during the World Chess Championship in Reykjavik, Iceland. Fischer became the first American to win the competition since its inception in 1866. • On Aug. 2, 1990, Iraqi forces invade Kuwait, Iraq's tiny, oil-rich neighbor, and gain control of 20 percent of the world's oil reserves. On Aug. 9, Operation Desert Shield began as U.S. forces raced to the Persian Gulf. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Remarkable People
• Armstrong’s first trip into space was on March 16, 1966, as the command pilot aboard Gemini 8, becomThis week, Tidbits pays tribute to the first human to ing the first American non-military civilian in space. This mission accomplished the first successful dockwalk on the moon, fifty years ago this week. ing of two space vehicles in space. • Neil Armstrong’s love of flight began at age two when his father took him to the Cleveland, Ohio, • In December of 1968, Armstrong was offered the post Air Races. At five, Neil had his first airplane ride, of commander of Apollo 11, the spacecraft slated for a and started flying lessons as a teenager. His first paid lunar landing. The craft was launched from Kennedy job was mowing the cemetery in his home town of Space Center on July 16, 1969. On July 20, the craft Wapakoneta, Ohio. He moved on to working at the touched down on the moon, and Armstrong radioed, local airport, helping clean planes and pumping gas. “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landHe saved his money to pay for his $9-per-hour flying ed,” referring to the name given to the lunar module. lessons. At 16, Neil had his pilot’s license before he • Six hours and 38 minutes after touchdown, Armstrong even had his driver’s license. Between his flying lesset his left boot on the surface, and spoke the words, sons, he managed to earn the rank of Eagle Scout. “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap • In 1947, at 17, Neil began his study of aeronautical for mankind.” There have been differing discussions about whether the “a” was included before the word engineering at Purdue University on a U.S. Navy “man,” owing to static on the transmission. Armstrong scholarship. Here he snapped a picture of his first footprint, and after nearly played the baritone in the 50 years, the footstep has not changed. university’s All-American Marching Band, • About 19 minutes after Armstrong’s first steps, Buzz and even wrote and coAldrin joined him. The original plan called for Aldrin directed two musicals. taking the first step, but due to their positions in the • Part of his scholarship included training as a Navy spacecraft, Aldrin would have had to crawl over Armpilot, and in 1949, his college life was interrupted strong to reach the hatch. The plan was changed, and Armstrong got the honor. when he was called to service in the Korean War. After flying 78 combat missions during the conflict, • The pair installed a commemorative plaque and plant(beginning at age 20), Neil was released from active ed the U.S. flag on the surface. For about two and a duty in August, 1952, and returned to Purdue, while half hours, they collected samples and took photocontinuing to fly with the Reserves. He took a job graphs. Armstrong traveled the greatest distance to a as an experimental research test pilot at California’s crater 65 yards from the module. Edwards Air Force base. • Apollo 11 was Armstrong’s second and final space • Armstrong married his college sweetheart in 1956 flight. After retiring from NASA in 1971, he became a and had three children. In January of 1962, his baby professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University daughter died of a brain tumor, and later that year, he of Cincinnati, where he remained for eight years. applied for the NASA space program.
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(Answers located further back)
July 15, 2019
• Keep a small bottle of white vinegar by your washing machine. Douse the underarm of T-shirts with the vinegar to remove antiperspirant stains and to deodorize shirts just before washing. • “When you go to the pool, make sure you take a sealable baggie to protect your cellphone. You can use the touchscreen through the plastic, and it’s less likely to get wet. However, this doesn’t take the place of a sealable water bag if you’re going IN the water.” — G. in Virginia • Cover metal belt buckles with a couple coats of clear nail polish to keep them from getting scratched up. • This is an old-school trick for help threading a needle: Use a spritz of hairspray on your fingertips, and bring thread to a point. It stays nice and stiff for threading. • According to the experts from REI, here’s a double-duty tip for your Nalgene water bottle. After helping you stay hydrated all day hiking, fill your bottle with hot water just before you retire for the night, and pop it down in the bottom of your sleeping bag after sealing well. It’s a nice bit of warmth for your toes! • “We recently went tubing, and here’s a genius thing we saw: A laundry bag was secured to a small ring float, which was tied behind the other tubes like a little caboose. It held canned drinks and water bottles. The water kept them super cold, and empty cans went right back in the bag, zipped securely away.” — C.W. in Florida Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks by Samantha Weaver
• It was noted 20th-century American poet Carl Sandberg who made the following sage observation: "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." • Those who study such things have determined that one out of every four alcoholic drinks consumed in the world has vodka in it. • You weigh more at the North Pole than you do at the equator. • In response to increased airport security, a company in Japan has created the "Frequent Flyer Bra." It has no metal wires or clasps to set off metal detectors. • Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than for the U.S. Treasury. • Karaoke and karate: Other than the fact that they are both from Japan, you wouldn't think they have much in common. However, they both have the same root word, "kara," which means empty. "Oke" means "voice" and "te" means "hand;" hence, "karaoke" is "empty voice," and "karate" is "empty hand." • A researcher in Britain calculated that local farmland contains more than 2 million spiders per acre. Must be small ones, I'd say. • There once was a law in Marshalltown, Iowa, stating that it was illegal for a horse to eat a fire hydrant. And in Oregon, it was at one time illegal for a dead person to serve on a jury. • Do you want an excuse to use the number six sextillion, five hundred eighty-eight quintillion? Ask someone if he wants to know how much the Earth weighs. • Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of their birthplace. • The youngest pope was 11 years old. *** Thought for the Day: "The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing -- and then marry him." -- Cher © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• The “Space Race,” that rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, began in earnest in October of 1957, when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I, the first spacecraft to orbit the Earth. On April 12, 1961, the Soviets surged ahead when Yuri Gagarin became the first human to journey into space, completing one orbit of Earth aboard his spacecraft Vostok I. • Just a few weeks later, on May 3, Alan Shepard became the first American astronaut to travel into space. He was quickly followed by Gus Grissom in July. Grissom was selected to command the first Apollo manned mission, but was killed in 1967 when his spacecraft erupted into flames on the launch pad. • In February, 1962, John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth, three times over five hours, at a speed exceeding 17,000 mph (27,358 km/hr). Glenn again made history in 1998, when as a 77-year-old U.S. Senator, he became the oldest space traveler, orbiting the Earth 134 times over nine days aboard the space shuttle Discovery. • Twelve men have walked on the moon, all Americans. Neil Armstrong’s history-making step onto the surface was followed by Buzz Aldrin, Pete Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young, Charles Duke, Jack Schmitt, and Eugene Cernan. Cernan’s final walk was in 1972 on the Apollo 17 mission. Three of the moonwalkers survive, Scott, Duke, and Schmitt, all in their mid-80s. Edgar Mitchell died on the eve of the 45th anniversary of his lunar landing. Eleven out of 12 of those men had been Boy Scouts. • Because the moon has no atmosphere or wind, the footprints made by astronauts are still there and will remain so forever. ...continued
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MEN IN SPACE (continued):
DIFFERENCES: 1. Boy's hat is black. 2. Notice added to bulletin board. 3. Boy is holding a lollipop. 4. Officer has four stripes. 5. Officer has two buttons. 6. Desk sergeant's badge is missing. © 2019 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
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• Shortly after the lunar landing in July of 1969, astronaut Buzz Aldrin took communion aboard the Eagle lunar module. Aldrin, an elder at Answer: Dell. Webster Presbyterian Church, had brought VERYalong LARGE bread andAwine, withNUMBER a chalice his church •had Edward was a became mathematician. givenKasner him. Aldrin the firstInto1938 take he was asked to come up with a name for a communion on the moon as the crew sat for very large number: the numeral one, followed several hours in the downtime recovery period by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young in preparation for the moon walk. nephews what name they would suggest. • •Fore! Only one person has golfed on Nine-year-old Miltonin history suggested a name the That honorA belongs astronaut Alan outmoon. of the funnies. cartoonto strip character Shepard who smuggled an improvised six-iron named Barney was very popular. Milton chose onBarney’s board Apollo 14. for A Houston golf pro rigged last name the number. the head of a six-iron to the foldable • Kasner announced the new name forshaft the of biga piece of lunar equipment, which number in hissoil-sampling next book, altering the spelling. Shepard covered with a sock to avoid discov• Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin ery before the launch. On February 6, 1971, he developed a new internet search engine. Other dropped two golf balls to the lunar surface. The search engines searched each webpage and ranked to how many a first shot them was aaccording bust, but Shepard drove times the secspecific term appeared onThose them, golf but Page ond ball about 200 yards. balls and still Brin designed their search engine to search for remain on the moon. Shepard donated the club the specific term and then find out how many to the U.S. Golf Association Museum in 1974. links there were that led back to that page, • Various items have been left on engine. the moon by which resulted in a better search including •astronauts, They decided they Apollo needed 17a commander name that Eugene Cernan’s camera, commemorative reflected how many websites the search plaques, flags, lunar andname mirengine American was searching. They rovers, took the rors. Neil Armstrong leftonly beof Edward Kasner’s and veryBuzz largeAldrin number, they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being hind a medal of Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin spelled the1969. same way the cartoon when theyexactly landed in character Barney spelled his last name. What’s • Only one person hasathad his ashes buried on the it called? (Answer bottom of page) moon. Dr. Eugene Shoemaker was a famous geCOMPUTER FACTS ologist who co-discovered a comet in 1993 and •actually In 1981trained Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory astronauts. He was destined to ought to be enough for anybody.” be the first geologist to walk on the moon. Un•fortunately, Moore’s Law states that computer performance a diagnosis of Addison’s Disease doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever led to his disqualification. His dying wishsince was 1971, this has been true. to have his ashes sent to the moon, and on July •31, HP, Google, Microsoft, Apple all 1999, the remains wereand carried intowere a crater started in garages. on the moon by a lunar space probe. Answer: Google, from googol.
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Quiz Answers
1. Soviet space dog, Laika. 2. 50/50 3. American flag planted on the moon. 4. No nation does.
5. Venus 6. Light blue 7. “The Boys of Summer” by Don Henley. 8. Helium.
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Sports Answers 1. Pete Rose started 370 consecutive games. 2. Rod Carew, w/3,053 hits.
3. 1980s (1984) 4. Mats Sundin 5. Nineteen by Graham Rahal. 6. Kirk Cousins (2015-17)
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