Tidbits of Grand Forks - August 1, 2019

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 ® TIDBITS CORRECTS

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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN August 1, 2019


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Come along with Tidbits as we clear up some common misconceptions!


• Although it is commonly thought that you can boil a frog to death by raising the temperature of the water it’s in extremely slowly so that it doesn’t notice, the truth is that the frog will jump out of the water as soon as it starts to feel uncomfortable. • There is no waiting period for filing a “missing person” report. You are encouraged to call the police as soon as you feel something might be amiss. • Lobsters and other crustaceans are able to feel distress and pain; it’s far kinder to kill them with a knife or chill them until they become insensible before dropping them into boiling water. • Nobody was burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials. However, 19 people were hung, (14 women and 5 men) and one man was pressed to death with heavy stones after he refused to enter a plea, but no one was burned. Others were accused but died in prison while awaiting trial, or escaped, or were pardoned. The trials took place in four separate towns: Salem Village (now Danvers), Salem Town, Ipswich, and Andover, Massachusetts.

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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. What was the name of the robot maid on the animated series “The Jetsons”? Will touching a baby bird cause 7. In which Martin Scorsese film its mother to abandon it? did a group called ‘The Dead What percentage of the human Rabbits’ appear? brain is never used? 8. Name the album that bounced Do spicy foods cause stomach Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” ulcers? off the top of the charts after Does handling toads cause 17 straight weeks? (hint: it warts? was a soundtrack). Does eating chocolate cause TRIVIA acne? SPONSORED BY:


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FACT vs. FICTION (continued):

• As a child, Albert Einstein actually did very well in school as a boy and excelled in math. The story that he did poorly in his studies arose from the fact that both Switzerland and Germany grade on a scale of 1 to six. However, in Germany 6 is the worst grade, similar to an “F” in the U.S., while in Switzerland a 6 is equivalent to an “A.” When people in Germany first got a look at his Swiss report card, they spread the word that he had nearly flunked out of school. When Einstein was shown a clipping from the newspaper column “Ripley’s Believe It Or Not” (which was famous for failing to fact-check their claims, thus leading to the “Or Not”) Einstein disputed the claim that he failed his way through school, adding, “Before I was 15 I had mastered differential and integral calculus.” • Betta fish do not flourish when confined to tiny cups of water. They have evolved to be able to get air directly from the atmosphere, and can survive droughts when they are temporarily trapped in small pools of water, but most betta fish in the wild inhabit huge rice paddies where they move freely and are seldom confined to small puddles of water for very long. All betta fish benefit from aeration, filtration, heated water, and having room to move and places to hide. • Most cats are lactose intolerant and get stomach aches and diarrhea from drinking milk. • Autism is not caused by vaccines. Vaccines are typically given to children when they are reaching the age when symptoms of autism start to manifest but there is no evidence that the two events are connected. Also, autistic people do not generally tend to have “special powers” as portrayed in the film “Rain Man.” • Bats are not blind; they have eyes and can see perfectly well. ...continued

East Grand Forks

Heritage Days

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3. What 3 players have won The Masters golf tournament in back-to-back years? 1. In 2018, New York Yankees outfielder Aaron 4. Combined, Barry Bonds and Babe Ruth hold seven Judge became the fastest of the top 10 spots in MLB major-leaguer to reach history for single-season 60 career home runs (197 slugging percentage. Name games). Who had been the any of the other three playfastest? ers in the top 10. 2. Name the last school before Minnesota-Duluth 5. When was the last time before the 2017-18 NBA in 2018-19 to win conseason that the Philadelsecutive NCAA Division I phia 76ers won at least 14 Frozen Four men’s hockey championships. consecutive games?


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FACT vs. FICTION (continued):

• You will not get stomach cramps and die if you swim after eating. There is a correlation between alcohol and drowning, however. • Tax brackets are progressive. If you jump up to the next tax bracket, only the money in that higher tax bracket is taxed at the higher level, not all the money earned prior to entering that bracket. If there is a 70% tax on amounts over ten million, and you earn ten million and one dollar, only the one dollar is taxed at 70%, and the first ten million are taxed at the lower rate. Similarly, estate taxes are only levied on people who inherit more than $11.4 million; those inheriting less than that owe no estate taxes. • The total death count in the Holocaust was not just 6 million Jews. It is true that about 6 million Jews were exterminated, but gypsies, homosexuals, criminals, POWs, and the disabled (among others) were also exterminated in the death camps. The total number ranges closer to 11 million. If you count all the people who died during World War II, including soldiers and civilians, and those who died from disease and starvation, the total is about 60 million. • CPR rarely brings a person back to life. In TV dramas, CPR is completely successful about 75% of the time, but in reality only about 10 to 20% of people who require CPR are revived and go on to live healthy lives. The success stories generally concern those who were healthy to start with, such as young children who drown or marathon runners who have a crisis while running. People who were already old or ill prior to requiring CPR seldom recover, and often recover only to suffer from brain damage, broken ribs, or other injuries. • There are no distinct “zones” for sweet, bitter, sour, and salty on your tongue. All different tastes can be detected on all parts of the tongue by all taste buds. ...continued

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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FACT vs. FICTION (continued):

• There are no specific diets or herbs that help “detox” the body by flushing substances from your body. In reality, your liver and kidneys do it automatically. • Frankenstein was not a monster. Dr. Frankenstein was the name of the man who created the monster, who was called “Frankenstein’s monster.” • Lemmings do not engage in mass suicidal dives off cliffs when migrating. Lemmings are good swimmers and will endeavor to swim across bodies of water they encounter when moving into new territories. • Water going down a drain does not consistently swirl in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction depending on where it is in relationship to the equator. • Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees. However, chimpanzees and humans share a common ancestor who lived between 6 and 8 million years ago. Since 1997

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read® Contact me to schedule your ad in Tidbits!

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Chadwick Parkinson

You were not created from the fastest sperm. Sperm cells completely surround the egg, with each one giving off tiny amounts of a chemical that helps weaken the protective barrier around the egg. When the barrier is sufficiently weakened, one sperm makes it through, thanks to the efforts of all of the others.

• There is no evidence that Vikings wore horns on their helmets. This theory originated with the costume designer for an opera by Richard Wagner, and stuck. • Christopher Columbus never set foot on what is now the continental U.S. He only landed on Caribbean Islands. He was not proving that the Earth is round; that was already well-known by the time he set out. • Orson Welles’ 1938 radio adaptation of H.G. Wells’ “The War of the Worlds” did not cause widespread panic in the U.S. • Thomas Edison did not invent the lightbulb; he merely invented an improved model. Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line; he merely improved it. • Humans and dinosaurs did not ever live at the same time. The last of the dinosaurs died 65.5 million years ago, and the earliest humans evolved about 2.4 million years ago.





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*Answer located further back in this issue.




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• On Aug. 11, 1806, explorer Meriwether Lewis is shot in the hip, probably by one of his own men. Private Cruzatte, who was blind in one eye and nearsighted in the other, insisted he had not shot his captain. Lewis, however, had the offending bullet: A .54 caliber slug from a modern U.S. Army rifle, identical to the one carried by Cruzatte. • On Aug. 8, 1863, after his defeat at Gettysburg, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee sends a letter of resignation to Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Davis refused the request. • On Aug. 10, 1937, the electric guitar is recognized by the United States Patent Office with the award of Patent No. 2,089.171 for the Rickenbacker Frying Pan. The guitar used a heavy electromagnet that surrounded the base of the steel strings like a bracelet. • On Aug. 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, drops the world's first atom bomb over the city of Hiroshima, Japan. • On Aug. 7, 1959, the American satellite Explorer 6 is launched into Earth orbit. The 142-pound spacecraft featured a photocell scanner that transmitted a crude picture of the Earth's surface from a distance of 17,000 miles. The photo, received in Hawaii, took nearly 40 minutes to transmit. • On Aug. 9, 1974, Richard Nixon officially resigns as president of the United States, departing in a helicopter from the White House lawn. Minutes later, Vice President Gerald Ford was sworn in. Ford spoke in a television address, declaring, "My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." • On Aug. 5, 1981, President Ronald Reagan begins firing 11,359 air-traffic controllers striking in violation of his order to return to work. Two days earlier almost 13,000 air-traffic controllers went on strike over negotiations to raise their pay. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved






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Challenging HOO BOY!

© 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

DEET Education

Myth: DEET is smelly and oily. Fact: Fifty years of product development has yielded DEETbased products that are pleasant to use— they have a pleasant “feel” on the skin and fresh fragrances. Some even go on as a dry, powder-like formulation similar to spray deodorant. (OFF Smooth & Dry)

Myth: Garlic, bananas and vitamin-B ward off mosquitoes. Fact: There is no scientific evidence that eating garlic, vitamins, onions, or any other food that will make a person repellent to mosquitoes. Experts say DEET is the “gold standard” against which other repellents are tested. Myth: Some popular skin creams and “natural” repellents work as well as DEET. Fact: Scientific studies show very few repellents are as effective as DEET. The CDC urges consumers to purchase repellents that are registered with the EPA. The most effective repellents are those containing DEET. Repellents This information was obtained from containing DEET are recom- www.DEETOnline.org mended for children two months and older. Some natural products For information about mosquito control visit our website at are not recommended for young www.gfmosquito.com children (under 3 years old).

• For the next three years, Freud worked in a variety of departments at Vienna General, becoming more and more interested in the psychiatric clinic. In addition to his medical duties, he became a lecturer in neuropathology at the University. • By 1886, he had resigned from the hospital and opened a private practice focusing on what he called “nervous disorders.” One of his common tools was hypnosis, and during the treatment of a certain patient, he made an important discovery. The woman’s symptoms of mental illness dramatically improved when she recovered memories of traumatic childhood events during hypnosis. • Believing that the childhood incidents had a significant effect on adult behavior, Freud began helping patients confront their past and work though the difficulties. • Freud created a prototype of the mind, labeling what he believed to be three levels, the conscious, the subconscious, and the unconscious. Comparing the mind to an iceberg, he defined the conscious as that small amount of the mind’s activity that we know about, the tip of the iceberg. The bulk of the mind lies below the surface, with the subconscious containing those memories that could be retrieved from memory if we try, and the unconscious being things we are unaware of and cannot be made aware of.

• Freud studied his patient’s dreams, believing that dreams were the “royal road to the unconscious.” His conviction was that dreams were a clue to repressed memories, and people dream to cope with those unconscious struggles. • With the Nazi invasion of Austria, the Jewish Freud sought a way to escape. His close friend, Princess Marie Bonaparte, a great-grandniece of the French Emperor Napoleon I, used her great wealth to enable the necessary papers for Freud to leave Vienna for London in June of 1938. She made several attempts to accomplish the same for his four elderly sisters, but failed. All four women died in Nazi concentration camps. • Having been a lifelong smoker, Freud developed cancer of the mouth and jaw. After battling growths in his mouth for 16 years, Freud died just 15 months after settling in London. • Words and expressions that entered our language as a result of Freud’s work include denial, repression, cathartic, neurotic, libido, and the ever-popular Freudian slip.


• Freud was born in what is now the Czech Republic, the first of eight children. In 1873, at age 17, he began his studies at the University of Vienna, intending to study law. A change of heart and nine years later, Freud secured a position at the Vienna General Hospital.

• Freud also developed a model of the parts of the personality. He defined the “id” as that unconscious, impulsive, and irrational part that seeks pleasure and satisfaction of basic instincts. The “ego” attempts to satisfy the id’s demands in a safe and socially acceptable way, while the “superego” is the moral compass and conscience that encourages following the rules. Ignoring the superego’s voice results in guilt and anxiety.


How much do you know about Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis? This week, Tidbits places its focus on this renowned physician who was a pioneer in the study of human behavior.

• Freud discovered that some incidents were locked away in the unconscious because they were too frightening or painful. His method was to attempt to unlock and deal with those memories.




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(Answers located further back)

July 22, 2019

• To test the seals on your refrigerator and freezer, close a piece of paper in the door. If you can pull it out easily, it’s likely that your seal is loose. Clean or replace door gaskets for a better seal. • To clean the microwave, try adding the juice of half a lemon to a cup of water and setting to boil (four minutes) in the microwave. Let the steam circulate for an additional four minutes, then remove the cup and wipe down all sides of interior. Use the cut lemon to clean a wooden cutting board. Sprinkle with salt and scrub, then rinse and dry. • Use a seam ripper, meant for sewing, to remove hair that is wrapped around the beater bar of your vacuum. • “To keep plywood or thin materials from splitting, I tape my cut line with low-tack masking tape. It keeps my cut sharp, reduces the fraying and it’s easy to remove when I’m done.” — G.S. in Minnesota • “Old flowerpots can be brought back to new life with a good scrub, a coat of paint and a healthy dose of sealant. This works especially well on pots with some detailing. The new paint and seal really bring out the decoration, and you can make a group of mishmash pots have a cohesive look.” — M.W. in Oregon • Packing small jewelry for a trip? Consider using a pill minder — the plastic storage bins with seven days or more that are used to organize medicine. These work very well. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks by Samantha Weaver

• It was 19th-century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli who made the following observation: "My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me." • When the movie "Grizzly Adams" was filmed, the grizzly bear that played the title role was paid $9,000 a day, plus an extra $15,000 for performing its own stunts. I wonder if it went out on a shopping spree after payday? • Medical experts say that coconut water has the same pH and electrolyte balance as human blood. In fact, during World War II, doctors who were running low on supplies used coconut water in plasma transfusions. • The next time you're eating an Oreo cookie, consider this: It takes 90 minutes to make each cookie, and each one has precisely 90 ridges on the rim. • From the Yes, There Is a Word for It file: A crith is a unit of measure denoting the weight of a liter of hydrogen. • Hunters, take note: The largest deer that ever lived was the Irish elk, which became extinct more than 7,000 years ago. Though it stood a remarkable 7 feet tall at the shoulders, the creature's most amazing characteristic was its antlers, which could stretch 12 feet from tip to tip and weigh up to 90 pounds. Imagine that rack hanging on your living room wall! • If you're like the average American, you will eat approximately 22 pounds of tomatoes this year. And half of that amount will come in the form of ketchup and tomato sauce. *** Thought for the Day: "The only really good place to buy lumber is at a store where the lumber has already been cut and attached together in the form of furniture, finished, and put inside boxes." -- Dave Barry

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• Color-detecting molecules are located within the retina, called cone cells. In humans, several genes are needed for the body to make photopigments, and defects in these genes can lead to color blindness. • There are three kinds of color blindness, based on defects in the three different kinds of cones that respond to blue, green, and red light. Red-green color blindness is most common, followed by blue-yellow color blindness. A complete absence of color vision in which people see only in black and white is rare. • Color blindness is hereditary, and is passed from mother to son. Men are much more likely to be color blind than women, with one out of every 12 men suffering from some type of color blindness while only one out of every 200 women do. • Men are more likely to be colorblind than women because the genes responsible for inherited color blindness are on the X chromosome. Males only have one X chromosome, while females have two. In females, a functional gene on only one of the two X chromosomes is enough to compensate for the loss on the other. • If a woman is red-green colorblind, all her sons will also be color blind. A father can’t pass his red-green color blindness on to his sons. • More women than men are carriers of color blindness, even though they are not colorblind themselves. • In rare cases, some people suffer from a rare form of color blindness called unilateral dichromacy which means they have one normal seeing eye, and one color blind eye. • The average person can detect 100 hues, or gradients of color. If someone is strongly color blind, they can only detect about 20. • Color blindness can also be caused by eye diseases, aging, or retina damage. ...continued

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COLOR BLINDNESS (continued):

DIFFERENCES: 1. Fence has been added. 2. Boy's shirt is black. 3. Bushes are lower. 4. Golf ball has moved. 5. Boy's club is missing. 6. Border around putting green is black. © 2019 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• Researchers have used gene therapy to cure color blindness in monkeys. All male squirrel monkeys are color blind because males of the Answer: Dell. species carry either the gene that makes red A VERY photopigment, or LARGE the geneNUMBER that makes green •photopigment, Edward Kasner but was anever mathematician. In 1938 both. Scientists he was the asked come up with gene a name a injected redtophotopigment intoforthe very large number: the numeral one, followed retinas of male monkeys born without it. by a hundred zeros. asked hisfull two young Afterwards, they wereHe able to see colors. nephews what name they would suggest. • Dogs are red-green color blind, where red •registers Nine-year-old name as grey, Milton but they suggested can see othera colors. out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character • Owls areBarney the only birds can see blue.chose named was verythat popular. Milton • Bees and butterflies have Barney’s last name for the superior number. vision and can see colors humans can’t • Kasner announced the neweven namesee. for the big • There is no curenext for book, color altering blindness. number in his theHowever, spelling. people with red-green color blindness may be • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin able to use aa special set ofsearch lensesengine. to helpOther them developed new internet perceive colors. These lenses can only be search engines searched each webpage used and outdoors underaccording bright lighting conditions. They ranked them to how many times a specific term appeared on them,colored but Page and work by putting two differently lenses their search engine to search for inBrin frontdesigned of the eyes. the specific term then Paul find out how many • Color blind peopleand include Newman, Bill links there were that led back to that page, Clinton, Prince William, Mark Twain, and Bing which resulted in a better search engine. Crosby. • They decided they needed a name that • The Facebook theme is blue because founder reflected how many websites the search Mark Zuckerberg is red-green engine was searching. They color took blind. the name • Aofrailway Sweden in 1875 only that Edwardaccident Kasner’sinvery large number, killed nine may ithave beensocaused byupa being color they misspelled slightly, it ended spelled the cartoon blind rail exactly operatorthe whosame failedway to properly read Barney last name. What’s a character signal. After the spelled crash, ahis method to test color it called? at bottom of page) vision was (Answer developed. COMPUTER • Some countries will notFACTS allow color blind to get driver’s license. places •people In 1981 BillaGates said, “640 In kb some of memory inought Canada, theenough lights on stop light are different to be for aanybody.” – circle, square, and triangle – to help •shapes Moore’s Law states that computer performance color blind drivers. doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since thiselectrical has been wires true. used to be red, black • In1971, Britain, and green. They were changed to brown, • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple wereblue all and green/yellow to help color blind people see started in garages. the difference between live wires and grounding Answer: Google, from googol. wires.

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Quiz Answers

1. No. 2. 0% 3. No. 4. No. 5. No.

6. Rosie 7. “Gangs of New York” 8. “Flashdance” the soundtrack from the 1983 film.


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Sports Answers 1. Oakland’s 4. Lou Gehrig (7th at .7654), Mark McGRogers Hornsby wire needed (9th at .7560), 202 games. Mark McGwire (1988) (10th at .7525) 2. Denver, in 5. It was 1982-83, 2004-05 3. Jack Nicklaus, when they won Nick Faldo, & an NBA championship. Tiger Woods




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