Tidbits of Grand Forks - August 29, 2019

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August 29, 2019


Issue # 1,133


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Come along with Tidbits as we marvel over bacteria!


• The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. If you condense that time span down into a single calendar year, the first signs of life emerged in March. Until the beginning of October, all life consisted of single-cell microbes. Plants appeared on the planet in November. Flowers and mammals arrived early in December. Dinosaurs ruled until December 26th. And humans appeared 30 minutes before the stroke of midnight on December 31st. • In this greatly condensed time scheme, microbes ruled the planet from March through October. During that time, they changed the planet. They enriched the soil; broke down pollutants; converted elements into substances that could be used by plant and animal life; invented photosynthesis; and changed the atmosphere by releasing oxygen. Bacteria living in the soil pull nitrogen out of the atmosphere and release it as ammonia, which nourishes plants. Bacteria turn decaying matter back into soil. • The photosynthesis of the bacteria in all the world’s oceans produces half of the oxygen in the air we breathe, while locking up about half of the carbon dioxide in the air.


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BACTERIA (continued):

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Quiz Bits

4. Which company used the slogan “Imagination at Work” in its ads? 1. Does the human body have 5. Which Disney movie features more human cells or bacterial the song A Whole New World? cells? 6. Which decade has the most 2. If all of the Earth’s biomass songs on the Rolling Stone’s was heaped in a single pile, in500 Greatest Songs of All cluding all plants and animals, Time list? what percent of the pile would 7. What is the flavor of Franbe bacteria? gelico liqueur? 3. How much do the bacteria in a TRIVIA typical human body weigh? SPONSORED BY:



• There is no place on Earth where microbes do not exist: they can be found in boiling hot springs, Antarctic ice, the top of Mount Everest, the bottom of the Marianas Trench, and even in the clouds. • When a lens cap from a camera being used on the Moon fell, it was left there for two years, until the next lunar landing when it was retrieved. Scientists found bacteria living on the lens cap even in spite of having spent two years in a hostile airless environment. • Bacteria live in thermal vents that are so hot that probes measuring the temperature melt. Bacteria live in oil that is buried 2,000 feet below the surface of the Earth. One species lives in tanks holding nuclear waste. Other types live 7 miles below the surface of the sea. • Russian scientists once revived bacteria that had been frozen in the Siberian permafrost for 3 million years. A scientist in Pennsylvania successfully resuscitated bacteria that had been trapped in salt deposits 2,000 feet underneath New Mexico for 250,000 years. • Scoop up a handful of dirt from the forest floor and you’ll be holding perhaps as many as 10 billion bacteria in your hand, many of which are species unknown to science. • When Norwegian scientists collected a single gram of dirt from underneath a beech tree near their lab, they found it contained nearly 5,000 different species of bacteria. Then they collected a gram of soil from a few miles away near the ocean and identified 5,000 different species. • Scientists estimate that there are perhaps as many as 400 million species of bacteria. • The average human being of typical hygiene standards has about 100,000 bacteria living on every square inch of skin. Every human walks around emitting a cloud of bacteria to the tune of around 37 million aerosolized bacteria per hour. ...continued



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701-213-2884 • Residential • Insured 4. Name the last season before 2018-19 in which the Milwaukee Bucks 1. Who of these one-time advanced to at least the Los Angeles Dodgers second round of the NBA teammates pitched more playoffs. major-league innings in their career: Tommy John 5. How many consecutive years has the U.S. team or Don Sutton? won the IIHF Ice Hockey 2. T or F: Before the 2017 Women’s World Champiseason, New Mexico onship? State’s football team had 6. When was the last time not won a bowl game in before 2019 that the Coloover 50 years. 3. What is the name of the Las rado Avalanche won an NHL playoff series? Vegas Raiders’ stadium?




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BACTERIA (continued):

• Mothers pass on entire microbial colonies to babies when they are born. The breast milk of mammals contains certain sugars that the infant cannot digest, but the colony of intestinal bacteria can. The milk is not just nourishing the child; it’s also nourishing the child’s microbiome. • Babies born by C-section are more likely to experience allergies, asthma, celiac disease, and obesity later in life, possibly due to the fact that they did not receive the full complement of microbes that are delivered to the infant during the normal birth process. Bottle-feeding instead of breast feeding poses similar problems. Babies who are breast-fed get fewer infections than those who are not. • As soon as it was understood that diseases like the plague and cholera were caused by bacteria, people leapt to the conclusion that all bacteria were bad. It took a while for researchers to discover how important some types of bacteria are. • By isolating mice in sterile environments and killing all microbes in their bodies with antibiotics, a pathologist named René Dubos showed that the germ-free mice grew more slowly, had digestive problems, developed faulty immune systems, were more susceptible to stress, got more infections, and died younger than control mice who were subjected to the normal amounts of bacteria. René Dubos was the first person to predict that eventually bacteria would become resistant to antibiotics, long before antibiotics were used widely. He was also the person who coined the phrase “Think globally; act locally.” • When a team of researchers transferred bacteria from the intestines of a child with autism into the gut of an otherwise normal mouse, the mouse started exhibiting the same symptoms of the child, developing repetitive motions and social aversion.

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

BACTERIA (continued):

• A Swedish team had two groups of mice: one group was naturally timid and anxious, and the other group was bolder. When they infused gut bacteria from one group to the other and vice versa, the timid mice became bolder, and the bolder mice became timid. • Another team isolated the strain commonly used to turn milk into yogurt. When they fed this strain to mice, the mice grew less anxious and acted more boldly. • When the Bifidobacterium strain was infused into people suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease and depression, the depression lifted significantly. • One study showed that the more older siblings a child had, the less likely it was to get hay fever. The theory is that the more contagions a person is exposed to in childhood, the more practice the immune system gets in dealing with them, and the less likely the immune system is to being triggered by contact with ordinary contaminants. • The rise in many allergies and inflammatory diseases was accompanied by the growth of modern civilization’s tendency to drink chlorinated water, eat sanitized food, live in concrete cities instead of farms, have smaller families, and have little contact with animals. • Households with no pets are microbial deserts compared to households with at least one cat, and in particular, at least one dog. Continued contact with these microbes develops the human microbial zoo. When dust from homes inhabited by dogs was fed to mice, the mice developed better resistance to allergens. • Even though the microbial balance has a huge impact on health, there is no concrete evidence that eating probiotic-laden foods such as yogurt, or taking probiotic capsules, has any effect on the human microbial balance, or has any effect on health.

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West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne disease that first showed up in our region in 2002. This virus has been present every year since 2002. Grand Forks Mosquito Control has identified WNV in mosquitoes and birds collected from the Grand Forks region. We cannot eliminate this virus. The Health Department urges citizens to take personal precautions to avoid mosquito bites. The type of mosquito most common for transmitting WNV is present in our area and is most active from dusk until dawn. This virus can be deadly. Help fight the bite and prevent mosquito-borne disease.

How can people reduce their chance of getting WNV? The most effective way to prevent WNV is to avoid mosquito bites: • Wear long sleeves and pants when outdoors from dusk through dawn. • Apply insect repellents when you go outdoors. Repellents containing DEET provide the best protection. • Reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home by eliminating standing water from containers such as flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, discarded tires, and birdbaths. Anything that holds water for more than a week could be producing mosquitoes.

How do people get infected with WNV? Most people get infected with WNV by an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to humans and other animals. In a very small number of cases, West Nile virus has been spread through blood transfusions, organ transplants, and from mother to baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.


Protect Yourself From West Nile Virus

What are the symptoms of WNV? No symptoms in most people. Most people (70-80%) who become infected with West Nile virus do not develop any symptoms. Febrile illness in some people. About 1 in 5 people who are infected will develop a fever with other symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. Most people with this type of West Nile virus disease recover completely, but fatigue and weakness can last for weeks or months. Severe symptoms in a few people. Less than 1% of people who are infected will develop a serious neurologic illness such as encephalitis or meningitis (inflammation of the brain or surrounding tissues). The symptoms of neurologic illness can include headache, high fever, neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, tremors, seizures, or paralysis. Recovery from severe disease may take several weeks or months. Some of the neurologic effects may be permanent. About 10 percent of people who develop neurologic infection due to West Nile virus will die.

Who is at risk for serious illness if infected with WNV? Serious illness can occur in people of any age. However, people over 60 years of age are at the greatest risk for severe disease. People with certain medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and people who have received organ transplants, are also at greater risk for serious illness. For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

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*Answer located further back in this issue.


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• On Sept. 8, 1504, one of the world's most beloved works of art, "David," by Michelangelo Buonarroti, is unveiled to the public in Florence, Italy's Piazza della Signoria. It reportedly took 40 men four days to move the 17-foot-tall, 12,000-pound marble masterpiece 1/2 mile to the site. • On Sept. 3, 1777, the American flag is flown in battle for the first time, during a Revolutionary War skirmish in Delaware. Patriot Gen. William Maxwell ordered the stars and stripes raised as a detachment of his infantry and cavalry met an advance guard of British and Hessian troops. • On Sept. 7, 1813, the United States gets its nickname, Uncle Sam, when a newspaper picks up on the story of Samuel Wilson, a meat packer who supplied barrels of beef to the United States Army. Wilson stamped the barrels with "U.S." for United States, but soldiers began referring to the grub as "Uncle Sam's." • On Sept. 6, 1847, writer Henry David Thoreau moves in with Ralph Waldo Emerson in Concord, Massachusetts, after living for two years in a shack he built himself on Walden Pond. In 1854, his collection of essays, "Walden, or Life in the Woods," was published. • On Sept. 4, 1951, President Harry Truman's speech before a conference in San Francisco becomes the first television program to be broadcast from coast to coast. It was picked up by 87 stations in 47 cities. • On Sept. 2, 1969, America's first automatic teller machine (ATM) makes its public debut, dispensing cash to customers at Chemical Bank in Rockville Center, New York. • On Sept. 5, 1970, U.S. forces launch the last major American operation of the war in Vietnam when the 101st Airborne Division, in coordination with the South Vietnamese army, initiates Operation Jefferson Glenn in Thua Thien Province west of Hue. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved


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• A friend of his encouraged him to get in touch with the Royal Society in London. In 1673 the society published a letter from van Leeuwenhoek that included his microscopic observations on mold, bees, and lice. This was fine, because everyone was familiar with mold, bees, and lice.

• Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was born in Delft, Dutch Republic, in 1632. Throughout the 1650s, he ran a draper’s shop where he sold fabric. He wanted to see the individual threads of the cloth better, and because of that, he started making his own magnifying lenses. • But in 1676, his credibility came into question when • In 1660 he secured a government job which gave him he sent them observations of microscopic singlemore time for pursuing his interest in grinding glass celled organisms, whose existence had previously lenses. He discovered that if you make magnifying been entirely unknown. The Royal Society, being lenses that are slightly curved, and stack them together, skeptical, sent a contingent of experts to visit van what you have is a microscope. He used his microLeeuwenhoek in order to determine whether or not scopes to examine the world around him, finding that he was sane, and if these “animalcules” really existthere were “tiny animals” living in sea water, in lake ed. All the experts returned to England vouching for water, in rain water, in well water, and even in his own the authenticity of van Leeuwenhoek and his work. spit. • Van Leeuwenhoek had a virtual monopoly on mi• The more he observed miniscule worlds, the more creatures he discovered that were invisible to the naked eye. He called them “animalcules” and began taking detailed notes and creating drawings of what he was seeing.

• At the time it was widely believed that flies arose spontaneously from the mud, and that weevils arose spontaneously from stores of wheat. He proved that flies laid eggs in muddy manure, and weevils laid eggs in wheat. He discovered and described red blood cells. In 1674 he was the first human to ever see protozoa. He studied sperm and yeast as well.

croscopic study and discovery. His contemporary, Robert Hooke, an early microscope pioneer, was able to make lenses that magnified to about 50 times, but van Leeuwenhoek made microscopes that could magnify up to 275 times. It’s thought that he even made microscopes that could magnify to 500 times. But he feared that if he revealed his methods, his name would be forgotten and his place in history would be lost. So he allowed people to believe that creating the microscopes was difficult and time consuming, in spite of the fact that he made over 500 of them in his lifetime. When visitors came, he showed them inferior models in order to keep his secrets safe.





• When he examined the eye of a louse, he found it full of spiral-shaped animalcules that swam in circles, and these were the first bacteria that had ever been seen by man. When he examined plaque gathered from between • When he died at the age of 90 in 1723, he took his secrets to the grave with him. Though he willed his his own teeth, he announced, “All the people living in collection of microscopes to the Royal Society, they our United Netherlands are not as many as the living disappeared after his death and were never seen animals that I carry in my own mouth this very day.” again. Today, only nine still survive. It was another When he added vinegar to the tooth scrapings, he noted 150 years before microscopes comparable to his that all of the little animalcules abruptly died, having were re-invented. discovered the first antiseptic.

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(Answers located further back)

August 19, 2019

• “If you have to put a lid over something that is likely to stick to it, try giving the inside of the lid a very light coating of vegetable oil. I do this when I am transporting dip to a potluck. Vegetable oil has no flavor, really, and it’s just enough to let the lid come off without taking the top layer with it.” — J.A. in Florida • “I use an ice-cube tray to freeze leftover coffee so I can use it for iced coffee. It’s great because the coffee doesn’t water down — it just gets richer. I save broth this way, too. Last week I pulled out a couple cubes of what I thought were broth to thin my leftover chili. Turns out they were coffee cubes, and the flavor was really good! I was surprised enough that I had to share.” — R.F. in Virginia • Here’s a great way to make waterproof matches for camping. Light a candle or use a wax melt in a warmer. When the wax is good and melted, get a box of matches ready (preferably strike-anywhere matches, but strike on box works, too). Dip each match head into the melted wax and set aside on a piece of parchment until dry and hardened. • You can use a light mist of 1/4 vinegar and 3/4 water to polish chrome bath and kitchen fixtures. Spray and buff smudges away. • “My daughter is a softball player, and here’s what her coach suggested as an ice pack for when she gets home: unpopped popcorn kernels. They get cold but not uncomfortably so, they can easily mold to any body part and they don’t melt into a mess. If you needed to, you can empty them out into a pan and stick your hand or foot into it. Be sure to label them so you don’t try to pop them later!” — L.D. in Georgia Send your tips to Now Here’s a AVENUE Tip, CENTRAL 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks by Samantha Weaver

• It was American poet and playwright Edna St. Vincent Millay -- the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for poetry, by the way -- who made the following sage observation: "A person who publishes a book appears willfully in public with his pants down." • It's often been said that necessity is the mother of invention -- and for good reason. Here's an example: The idea for the original pull-top can originated when the inventor was at a picnic; he had forgotten to bring a can opener, so he had to use a car bumper. • If you live in Georgia, you need to watch that wagging tongue: In that state it's illegal to spread a false rumor. • According to cetologists, an adult right whale requires 400,000 calories a day to survive. These scientists who specialize in whales also note that the mainstay of these mammals' diet is a fleasized crustacean called a copepod. • If you're right-handed, studies show that you tend to wash your left hand more thoroughly than your right hand. Reverse that if you're a leftie. • A study of 28 women found that screaming has a therapeutic effect on the physiology of the body. After bouts of screaming, the test subjects showed slower heart rates, lower blood pressure and lower body temperature. • Those who study such things -- and who, evidently, have way too much time on their hands -- claim that there are 108 stitches in a baseball. • If you take into account all the sales in the world, there are approximately 50 Bibles sold every minute.

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• Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day: February 12, 1809. Lincoln was born in a primitive one-room cabin in Kentucky, while Darwin was born to luxury and wealth in Britain. • Charles’s mother was Susannah Wedgewood, from the famous pottery family. She died when he was 8. • Darwin first studied to be a doctor, but he was afraid of the sight of blood. Then he studied theology but didn’t think he’d make a good minister. Finally he studied the sciences, and was fascinated by botany, zoology, and geology. • He secured a position on the voyage of the “Beagle” because the captain of the ship wanted an intellectual companion to keep him company on the long lonely journey. The trip was supposed to last three years but ended up taking five years. • He ate many of the specimens he collected out of pure curiosity to see what they tasted like. • During the voyage, Darwin and his shipmates were on a small island in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago when a huge mass of ice fell from the face of a glacier and plunged into the ocean, causing a giant wave. Darwin ran to the shore and prevented the ship’s boats from being swept away. The captain subsequently named the sound after him. • After returning from his trip around the world, Darwin began to suffer from health problems that plagued him for the rest of his life. He may have contracted a parasite on the voyage. • Three out of Darwin’s ten children died before the age of 10, and he always wondered if it was because he married his first cousin, Emma Wedgewood. His remaining children suffered various ills throughout their lives, both physical and mental. ...continued

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Banner letters are black. 2. Balloon has been added. 3. Boy's pants are dark. 4. Socks have ruffles. 5. One present is missing. 6. Bow has been added to snake. © 2019 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• He waited more than 20 years to publish his book because he knew it would be controversial. He only published it when he found out he Answer: Dell. was about to get scooped by a colleague he’d A VERY LARGE been corresponding with. NUMBER Edward was aof mathematician. 1938 • •When “OnKasner the Origin Species” was In first rehe was asked to come up with a name for a leased in November of 1859, all 1,250 copies very large number: the numeral one, followed sold out on the first day. It has never been out by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young ofnephews print since. copies forsuggest. 15 shillings, whatThe name they sold would and are worth about $23,000 each today. • Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name • The of cartoon the fittest” coined out phrase of the “survival funnies. A stripwas character bynamed English philosopher Herbert Spencer in his Barney was very popular. Milton chose 1864 booklast “Principles Barney’s name forof theBiology” number. and not by Darwin, although Darwin adopted • Kasner announced the new namethe forterm the and big added it to 1869book, edition of histhe book. Prior number in the his next altering spelling. to then, Darwin preferred the phrase “descent • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin with modification.” Darwin never used the developed a new internet search engine. Other word “evolution” until the each 6th edition wasand research engines searched webpage leased. ranked them according to how many times a termlifetime appearedthere on them, and • Inspecific Darwin’s were but 35 Page printings Brin designed their search engine to search for translated into 11 languages. Today there have the specific term and then find out how many been over 400 printings in around 30 languages. links there were that led back to that page, • Inwhich 1871resulted he released his next book, “The Dein a better search engine. scent of Man” in which he defended his first •book Theyanddecided theythat needed name from that postulated humansa sprang reflected how many websites the search the same was branch as other They primates. engine searching. took the name • One of the books he wrote later, number, “Expressions of Edward Kasner’s very large only ofthey the misspelled Emotions itinslightly, Man and initially so Animal” it ended up being spelled “Origin exactlyofthe same selling way the cartoon out-sold Species,” 5,300 copcharacter Barney spelled his last name.book What’s ies on the day it was released. Another he it called? at bottom of page)“The Forwrote was (Answer also incredibly popular, mation of Vegetable MoldFACTS Through the Action COMPUTER of Worms.” Darwin was one of the firstmemory people • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of toought realize how important worms are for the to be enough for anybody.” health of the soil. • Moore’s Law states that computer performance • Charles heart attackand onever April 19, doublesDarwin every 18oftoa 24 months, since 1971,His this last has been 1882. wordstrue. were, “I am not in the least afraid to die.” • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages.pet tortoise Harriet died in • Charles Darwin’s 2006 at the estimated age of 176. Answer: Google, from googol.

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Quiz Answers

1. 10 times more 5. “Alladan” bacterial cells. 6. The 1960s 2. 80% with 196, 3. 4 lbs. 70s in 2nd 4. General with 131. 7. Hazelnut Electric

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Sports Answers 1. Don Sutton 5,282 innings, Tommy John 4,710 innings. 2. True (1960).

3. Allegiant Stadium 4. 2000-01 5. Five 6. It was 2008.




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