Tidbits of Grand Forks - September 12, 2019

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications

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LES • PUZZ A I V I R S •T FACT • FUN September 12, 2019


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Issue # 1,135


POTATO CHIPS by Janet Spencer

Potato chips are the biggest selling snack food in the U.S. and Canada. Out of 100 people eating snack food, 70 of them are eating potato chips. The average person eats 6.5 lbs. of potato chips each year. Come along with Tidbits as we crunch some chips! F O RK S • E AST G RAN D F O RK S

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Published by Wick• According Publications to the story, Chef George Crum

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was cooking at the Moon Lake Lodge in Saratoga Springs, New York in 1853. Railroad magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt ordered fried potatoes. Complaining that the potatoes were too thick, he returned them to the kitchen. The chef, insulted, cut them thinner. Once again they were returned. Next the chef sliced the potatoes so thin he could almost see through them. Vanderbilt raved! • There is little to back up this legend. In fact, it may have actually have been Crum’s sister, Katie Wicks, who invented the potato chip. Crum never claimed to have invented the potato chip while his sister did. Her story, published in interviews and in her obituary, is that she was peeling potatoes in the kitchen of the Moon Lake Lodge when one of the potato peels fell into the vat of hot oil. Fishing it out, she found it was crunchy and delicious, and her brother George Crum said, “That’s a good accident; we’ll have plenty of these.”


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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. What body of water lies West of Australia? 6. Which movie won the 1982 with Memorial Day weekend is the Best Picture award? (Starts the letter “C”) 2nd biggest weekend for chip 7. Which song was used as the sales? What’s in first place? theme song for the 12th James What’s the only snack to outBond film in 1981? sell potato chips during the 8. What was the title of Elvis Super Bowl? Presley’s last No. 1 hit? Do Americans consume more 9. How many faces does a processed packaged potatoes or tetrahedron have? fresh ones? TRIVIA What is the capital of Spain? SPONSORED BY:


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POTATO CHIPS (continued)

• A caterer who supplied box lunches for passengers of a Boston ferry boat began serving chips in the first known instance of potato chips being sold outside of New York. • The first known potato chip factory was set up in a converted barn outside Cleveland, Ohio in 1895. Potato chips got a boost in popularity in 1920 when the potato peeling machine was invented. • In stores, chips were sold in barrels, with the grocer measuring out a scoopful or two according to the shopper’s desire. In 1926 a woman named Laura Scudder thought this was inefficient. She had owned a restaurant prior to opening her own chip factory in Monterey Park, California. She had her workers take paper bags home with them at night, and asked them to iron strips of waxed paper inside them. When the bags were filled with potato chips at the factory the next day, they could easily be ironed shut, providing an airtight seal that prevented the chips from becoming soggy during humid weather, and could be displayed on store shelves. • In the 1930s the J.D. Ferry Company of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, invented an industrialsize potato chip machine that carried the chips through a bath of hot oil using automated paddles, spitting them out four minutes later onto a conveyor belt. • The next innovation came from the Dixie Wax Paper Corporation, who manufactured Dixie Cups. In 1934, they were the first to perfect the art of the cellophane package, which they called Fresheen. These packages could have logos printed on them. Finally, chips could be shipped long distances. • Still, bags had to be filled by hand, with factory workers measuring out a scoop full into each bag and sealing them by hand. A potato chip factory could turn out 1,000 lbs. of chips per hour but could only fill 20 bags per minute.

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1. For how many majorleague teams did pitcher Bartolo Colon win at least one game during his 21year career—5, 7, 9 or 11? 2. Which Cincinnati Reds player had a .750 batting average (12 at-bats) in the 1990 World Series? 3. T or F: In 2019 the Dallas Stars scored at least 5 goals in back-to-back NHL playoff games for the first time.

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4. Gleyber Torres, in 2018, became the youngest New York Yankee to hit a walkoff home run (21 years, 144 days). Which Yankee Hall of Famer had been the youngest? 5. In the highest-scoring playoff game in NFL history, was the point total over 100 or under it? 6. Only 3 PGA golfers in the past 30 years have won at least one major 3 years in a row. Name two of them.

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POTATO CHIPS (continued)

• A man named Dan Woodman solved the potato chip problem in 1940s when he was hired by Lay’s. His design incorporated a rotating turret into which the cellophane bags were loaded, turning them, filling them, and sealing them continuously. Woodman designed, built, and sold these machines to other potato chip factories. • The manufacture of potato chips was almost curtailed during World War II when materials became scarce. The founder of the Snack Food Association made a trip to Washington, D.C. to argue on behalf of the potato chip industry, and production was allowed to continue. In 1944, there were 438 potato chip companies in the U.S. • When television became popular, sales of potato chips soared because they were a favorite snack while watching TV. • In response to consumers who wanted a heftier chip that wouldn’t break when dipped in various sauces, manufacturers introduced the ruffled chip, which is a full four times thicker than a standard chip. • The “betcha can’t eat just one” campaign was begun in 1963. The first ad starred Bert Lahr, best known for playing the Cowardly Lion in “The Wizard of Oz.” Costumed as various historical figures such as Caesar or George Washington or Columbus, he would confidently eat his one allowed potato chip, followed by sheepishly nibbling away the entire bag. In one such ad he was costumed as Eve in the Garden of Eden, while a snake dangled a bag of chips from the branch of an apple tree above him.

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• The brown spots in potato chips are caused by high sugar content in the raw potato, which happens when the starch in the potato turns to sugar. This happens when the potato is stored at either a too low or too high a temperature. The ideal temperature for storing potatoes is 50 F. ...cont'd

*Answer located further back in this issue.

POTATO CHIPS (continued)

• Some potatoes that are naturally high in sugars are used for “gourmet” kettle chips where consumers expect them to be brown, with a darker taste than regular chips. • A one-ounce serving of chips provides 5% of the recommended daily allowance of carbohydrates. About 54% of a chip is composed of carbs and 36% of a chip is composed of fats from the oil the chip is fried in. • Typical potato chips contain 5.7 calories per gram. By comparison, strawberries have 0.32 calories per gram.


• Although a serving of potato chips delivers between 8 and 30 percent of the required daily amounts of Vitamin C, the fact that so many people eat potato chips so often means that potato chips contribute more Vitamin C to the U.S. food supply than any other food source. • One researcher studied the value of the “crunch factor” by outfitting test subjects with headphones that digitally altered the sound of the crunch they were hearing as they consumed potato chips. When the higher frequencies were blocked, they rated the chips as old even though nothing had changed. • A bag of 100 lbs of raw potatoes will yield about 25 to 30 lbs of potato chips due to the high water content of the raw potatoes, which is boiled away when the chip is fried. Corn is the other way around however. Dried corn is low in water content, and water and oil are added to make corn chips. A sack of 100 lbs of dried corn kernels will yield 108 lbs of corn chips. • Planned purchases account for about 30% of all sales made at grocery stores, with the other 70% being impulse items. Among the impulse items, salty snacks rank highest.

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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Solution on Next Page

• On Sept. 16, 1620, the Mayflower sails from Plymouth, England, bound for the New World with 102 passengers. Although headed for Virginia, stormy weather and navigational errors forced the Mayflower off course. On Nov. 21, the Pilgrims reached Cape Cod at what is now Provincetown, Massachusetts. • On Sept. 21, 1780, during the American Revolution, American Gen. Benedict Arnold meets with British Major John Andre to discuss handing over West Point to the British, in return for money and a position in the British army. The plot was foiled and Arnold became synonymous with the word "traitor." • On Sept. 20, 1946, the inaugural Cannes Film Festival opens at the resort city of Cannes on the French Riviera. It was to make its debut in 1939, but the outbreak of World War II forced its cancellation.

• On Sept. 19, 1957, the United States detonates a 1.7 kiloton nuclear weapon in an underground tunnel at the Nevada Test Site, 65 miles north of Las Vegas. It was the first fully contained underground detonation and produced no radioactive fallout. • On Sept. 18, 1973, future president Jimmy Carter files a report with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, claiming he had seen an UFO in October 1969. Carter and other witnesses described the object as "very bright [with] changing colors." • On Sept. 22, 1985, the first "Farm Aid" concert is held in Champaign, Illinois, started with an offhand remark made by Bob Dylan. The Farm Aid organization has since raised more than $33 million to support small-farm owners. • On Sept. 17, 1996, talk show host Oprah Winfrey launches a television book club and announces "The Deep End of the Ocean," by Jacquelyn Mitchard, as her first selection. Since then, Oprah's Book Club has catapulted dozens of little-known books onto best-seller lists. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved





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• In 1938, Barrett died, leaving the company in the hands of his widow. She was uninterested in carrying on, and sold the firm to Herman Lay. Lay bought the company for $60,000, half of which was borrowed. He then started buying up other snack companies. He named his firm H.W. Lay & Co. in 1939. He retained the Barrett name and logo until 1944, when he changed the name of the chips to Lay’s. • By 1956, with more than 1,000 employees and plants in eight cities, H.W. Lay & Company was the largest manufacturer of potato chips and snack foods in the United States. • Meanwhile, Elmer Doolin was running an ice cream company in San Antonio, Texas, when he bought a package of deep-fried corn chips at a small restaurant. He thought they were tasty, and wondered if they might sell better than ice cream. Tracking down the manufacturer, he found the company was owned by a Mexican man who wanted to get out of the business. Doolin bought the company lock, stock, and barrel: the recipe, the contact information of 19 accounts, and a single hand-held grinder used for mashing corn. He named the corn chips Fritos, meaning “fried.”


• Lay sold chips all over the southeastern U.S. He earned enough money to establish his own distributorship, peddling chips and snacks from Barrett’s and other companies between Atlanta and Nashville. By 1937 he had 25 employees.


• Herman Lay was born in 1909 in North Carolina. As a young adult, he got a job working as a salesman for the Sunshine Biscuit Company. When the Great Depression hit, he was laid off. At that point he became a salesman for an Atlanta-based snack company called Barrett’s.

• At the same time Herman Lay was building his potato chip empire in the eastern U.S., Elmer Doolin was building his corn chip empire in the western U.S. • In 1961, The Frito Company and H.W. Lay & Company merged to become Frito-Lay, Inc., combining their headquarters in Dallas, Texas. At this point, the company's annual revenues totaled $127 million, largely generated from sales of its four main brands at the time: Fritos, Lay’s, Cheetos, and Ruffles. • By 1965, Lay’s potato chips could be found in every state of the U.S. • In 1965, the boards of directors for Frito-Lay, Inc. and Pepsi-Cola announced a plan for the merger of the two companies. The newly formed corporation was dubbed PepsiCo. At the time of the merger, Frito-Lay owned 46 manufacturing plants nationwide and had more than 150 distribution sites in the U.S. • Today PepsiCo is the largest globally distributed snack food company in the world, with sales of its products responsible for 40% of all “savory snacks” sold in the U.S. • Today, Lay’s chips uses about 8% of all the potatoes grown in the U.S. • Lay’s Potato Chips was the first snack food advertised on television. • Lay’s flavored chips have five fewer chips per bag than Lay’s plain chips, which saves the company about $50 million a year. • In 1994 Lay’s introduced chips that were baked instead of fried. Whereas normal chips have 10 grams of fat per ounce, baked chips have only 1.6 grams of fat per ounce. • When Frito-Lay introduced a compostable bag for their Sun Chips brand in 2010, consumers complained that the crinkly bag was louder than previous bags. The bag tested at 95 decibels, which is about as loud as a motorcycle. It was discontinued in 2011.




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(Answers located further back)

September 2, 2019

• Mirrors make a room feel larger, because they reflect space, essentially doubling the visual area. But for maximum impact, experts say to hang your mirror on the wall adjacent to your window, not across from it. • Lunchbox season is here, finally. If you have an issue with odors remaining in your plastic food containers, here’s a fix from B.P. in Alabama: “Fill container with hot water, and add a teaspoon of baking soda. This should remove smells. Let sit overnight if necessary.” • Here’s a way to remove stickers, especially ones that don’t tear off. Rub labels with straight white vinegar or soak a paper napkin with vinegar and lay it over the label. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then remove. You should be able to rub the adhesive right off. Reapply if necessary. • Whether you recycle because of global warming, landfill overload or environmental issues, the planet thanks you. But remember that recycling is only one part of going green. “Reduce” and “re-use” are just as important. Choose products with less packaging. Have small appliances fixed instead of automatically replacing them. And keep recycling. • Clean your coffeemaker this way: Fill your coffeepot with equal parts water and vinegar. Add to machine and run as normal. Halfway through the cycle, turn the pot off and let the heated mixture sit for an hour or more. Complete the cycle, and run another pot or two of plain water through to rinse. • If you kids have gone wild with new school supplies, here’s a tip from A.M. in Indiana to erase crayon marks from painted walls: “Make a paste of equal parts baking soda and water, and apply to the area. Then let it dry and wipe away.” This works best on a white or very light wall, as dark colors may lose some color. Also, wipe gently, as baking soda is a mild abrasive. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks by Samantha Weaver

• It was British politician John Sweeney who made the following sage observation: "How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners and instant cameras teach patience to its young?" • Golfers beware: Don't chew on the tees. One golfer who was in the habit of gnawing while he played overdosed on pesticides after playing 36 holes in one day. • The longest word in the English language that can be typed using only one hand is "stewardesses." • It's been reported that the last words of 19-century American author, essayist, biographer and historian Washington Irving were, "Well, I must arrange my pillows for another night. When will this end?" • Famed actor Gary Cooper was offered the role of Rhett Butler in the film adaptation of Margaret Mitchell's novel "Gone With the Wind," but he turned down the part. He said he believed the movie would be "the biggest flop in Hollywood history." The film went on to win 10 Academy Awards, including one for Best Actor, which was taken home by Clark Gable, who took the part that Cooper refused. • If you know you have coronary issues, beware of extreme temperatures. Those who study such things say that you're more likely to have a heart attack on a particularly hot or a particularly cold day. • Records show that in England in 1552, William Shakespeare's father had to pay a fine for littering.

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In the U.S., the best-selling flavored chips are barbecue and sour cream & onion. Worldwide, there are plenty of other flavors, including buffalo wing, dill pickle, prawn cocktail, roast beef, oregano, soy sauce, seaweed, paprika, mint, and even Cajun squirrel.


Solution on Next Page

• The Tacoma Narrows Strait of Puget Sound separates the mainland of Washington State near Tacoma from the Kitsap Peninsula. In 1938, the city of Tacoma commissioned the building of a bridge across this strait. Renowned architect Leon Moisseiff designed the new bridge, one of many he had created. It was called the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. • Even during construction, workers noted that the bridge would oscillate in the slightest breeze. They nicknamed it Galloping Gertie. The design of the bridge trapped the wind instead of allowing it to flow through. The result was similar to the way the Bernoulli principle lifts planes off the ground. • It was more than a mile long, at 5,939 feet, making it the third longest suspension bridge in the world, behind the Golden Gate Bridge and the George Washington Bridge, both of which Leon Moisseiff had helped design. • Measures were undertaken in an effort to stabilize the bridge while it was still under construction: tie-downs, cables, and hydraulic buffers. Nothing worked. • Nevertheless, it was pronounced safe, and was opened to the public on July 1, 1940. People drove far out of their way to ride the rollercoaster bridge. The toll-collectors rejoiced at the increased revenue. • The Washington Toll Bridge Authority hired an engineer at the University of Washington to come up with a solution. On November 2, 1940, he delivered his proposed solutions, which included drilling holes in the bridge decking to allow wind to pass through unimpeded and ...continued adding wind deflectors to the girders. But his suggestions were never put into place because the bridge collapsed just five days later.


• On November 7, 1940, winds gusting up to 45 mph caused the road to roll in waves five feet high. Officials closed the road. When the wind increased, the road began twisting with 28-foot undulations and tilting from 45 degrees one direction to 45 degrees the other direction.

DIFFERENCES: 1. Book title is different. 2. Woman's hairdo has changed. 3. Picture is added to wall. 4. Man's fork is gone. 5. Woman's apron is missing. 6. Woman's right hand is hidden. © 2019 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• After half an hour, the bridge began to disintegrate, until a 600-foot long section plunged 200 feet into the water. The rest collapsed shortly afterward, dumping a structure five times larger than the Titanic into the sea. Answer: Coatsworth Dell. • Leonard was the last person to drive VERY LARGE across theAbridge, narrowlyNUMBER escaping with his life. Abandoning his bucking car, he crawled • Edward Kasner was a mathematician. In 1938 was His asked toacome with anamed name Tubfor a to he safety. dog, cockerupspaniel very large number: the numeral one, followed by, refused to leave the car, and died when the by a collapsed, hundred zeros. He asked his twointo young bridge dumping the vehicle the nephews what name they would suggest. sea. Tubby was the only casualty of the disas• Nine-year-old Milton suggested a name ter. out of the funnies. A cartoon strip character • The collapse of the bridge was recorded onchose film named Barney was very popular. Milton byBarney’s the owner of a local camera shop. A second last name for the number. reel of film emerged in taken for by the • Kasner announced the2019, new name the toll big collector for the bridge. number in his next book, altering the spelling. • The bridge insured, but one the poli• Sixty yearswas later, Larry Page and of Sergey Brin cies could not be collected because the insurdeveloped a new internet search engine. Other search engines searchedthe each webpageStill, and ance agent had pocketed premiums. ranked them according to how many times about 80% of the cost of the construction of thea specific appeared on them, but Page and bridge wasterm recouped. Brin designed their search engine to search for • Shortages caused World delayed conthe specific termbyand thenWar findIIout how many struction of an aerodynamically sound bridge links there were that led back to that page, which resulted a better until 1950. The in new bridgesearch usedengine. the original bridge’s pedestals and cable anchors. The por• They decided they needed a name that tion of the bridge that fellwebsites into the the watersearch now reflected how many engine wasartificial searching. took theplaced name serves as an reef They and has been of Edward Kasner’s very large number, on the National Register of Historic Placesonly to they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being protect it from salvagers. spelled exactly the same way the cartoon • Leon Moisseiff’s architect never character Barneycareer spelledashisanlast name. What’s recovered. He died in 1943 at the age of 70. it called? (Answer at bottom of page) COMPUTER FACTS Grand Forks • In 1981 Bill Gates said, “640 kb of memory ought to be enough for anybody.” STARTING YOUR OWNperformance BUSINESS? • THINKING Moore’s ABOUT Law states that computer Free Consulting • Confidential • Business Plans doubles every 18 to 24 months, and ever since 1971, this www.grandforks.score.org has been true. LOCATION: 4200 James Ray Drive•Grand Forks • HP, Google, and Apple (Off cornerMicrosoft, of 42nd St. & University Ave.)were all started in parking garages. Park in visitor in front of center. Enter through front door. Office #202 Call: 746-5851 email: score@gra.midco.net Answer: Google,orfrom googol.

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Quiz Answers

7. 2015 1. 4th July “For Your 1stofQuarter 2. Doritos Eyes Only” Week 2 by Sheena 3. Processed 4. Madrid Easton Jan Ocean 4 - Jan. 10 8. “Suspicious 5. Indian 6. “Chariots of Minds” (1969) 8 Four Fire” Page 9. CENTRAL AVENUE

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Sports Answers 1. Eleven teams 5. Under; Arizona and 2. Billy Hatcher Green Bay 3. False. They combined for did it 1991, when the fran- 96 points in 2010. chise was still in Minnesota. 6. Tiger Woods, Phil Mickel4. Mickey son, Brooks Mantle (21 Koepka yrs, 185 days)



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