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THE MAYFLOWER by Kathy Wolfe
We usually associate the Mayflower with Thanksgiving, but September 16 has been named Mayflower Day in commemoration of the day this ship departed Plymouth, England, bound for America in 1620. Tidbits has the particulars on this vessel in honor of this historic voyage. • The Mayflower was purchased by Master Christopher Jones and his business partners around 1607. Prior to that record, the ship’s background is unknown. The first documented voyage of the 90-ft ship was to Norway in 1609, followed by trips to France, returning to London with French wine, vinegar, and salt. The capacity of the ship’s hold was about 180 tons.
• In May, 1620, the Captain Jones and the Mayflower were hired to transport settlers to the Carpet Cleaning • Carpet New World. Although we refer to those coloCleaning SPECIAL! nists as Pilgrims, that term wasn’t used to de• Upholstery scribe them until 1820, when statesman Dan$99 Cleaning 1 Bedroom, 1 Living iel Webster called them the “Pilgrim Fathers” Room, 1 Hallway • Water while speaking at the bicentennial celebration Not valid with any other offer. Extraction Expires 10-18-19 of Plymouth’s founding. The word “Pilgrim” Residential & Commercial means “people who journey to a sacred place for religious reasons.” Those colonists seeking that freedom, called themselves “saints,” and were Protestant Separatists who did not 701-775-8500 want to pledge allegiance to the Church of NATURE’S England, which they considered corrupt.
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. Which 1980s comic strip featured the characters Milo, Steve and Opus? What was the first place the 6. Name the song that contains Pilgrims landed in the New this lyric: “Until we dance World? into the fire, that fatal kiss is How many levels were on the all we need.” Mayflower? 7. The Falkland Islands lie off of About how many miles did the the coast of which country? Mayflower travel each day? 8. How long is a bowling alley Which Disney animated movie lane? featured the song “BibbidiTRIVIA Bobbidi-Boo”? SPONSORED BY:
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THE MAYFLOWER (continued)
• Out of the 102 passengers who set sail, only 35 of them were members of the Separatists. The remainder were going to the New World for reasons that weren’t related to religious freedom. • Several of the Separatists had emigrated to the Netherlands ten years earlier, and another ship, the Speedwell, was hired to bring a group from there to board the Mayflower for the New World. The plan was to take both ships on the voyage, but the Speedwell began leaking on its trip from Holland. After patching it up, the two ships set sail for America on August 21, but after just 300 miles, the Speedwell was leaking once again. The two ships returned to England and left the Speedwell behind. The cargo was transferred to the already crowded Mayflower, and on September 16, the ship sailed with 102 passengers plus a crew of 30 to 40. • The ship was heavily armed for the voyage, with its largest gun a 1,200-lb. brass cannon that could shoot a cannonball nearly a mile. There were about 12 cannons throughout the ship, as well as guns filled with musket balls stationed at the stern. • The delay set the sailing back into the storm season, and the Atlantic crossing became much more dangerous due to rough seas. Seasickness was rampant, and one passenger drowned when swept overboard. The ship, bound for Virginia, had difficulties sailing against the Atlantic’s westerly winds, and was blown off course by more than 500 miles. • Land was sighted on November 9, the presentday Cape Cod. Yet the group continued to try to sail south to their original destination of Virginia, where they had secured permission to settle. However, strong winter seas nearly caused a shipwreck, and the ship turned back north. They anchored at what is now Provincetown Harbor after 66 days at sea. ...continued Since 1997
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. How many times has a Penn State football player gone No. 1 in the NFL Draft? 2. How many times did Nolan Ryan win at least 20 games in a season during his 27year career? 3. In 2018, Boston’s Craig Kimbrel became the fastest pitcher to 300 career saves (330th opportunity). Who (hint: former had held the mark? Twins player)
4. The Buffalo Bills reached the Super Bowl four straight years in the 1990s. Name 3 of the 4 teams they defeated in the AFC Championship games to get there. 5. Which pitcher had more 20+ win seasons: Steve Carlton in a Phillies jersey, or Roger Clemens in a Red Sox jersey? 6. What are the two oldest NFL stadiums currently still being used?
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THE MAYFLOWER (continued)
• On November, 21, 1620, after dropping anchor in Massachusetts, and prior to leaving the ship, the colonists signed the Mayflower Compact, an agreement that set forth the rules of government and established legal order for the settlement. • After docking, Captain Myles Standish led a party of armed men to explore the area and find a location for settling. A month was spent studying the region before settling on Plymouth, 77 miles away. The Mayflower anchored in Plymouth on December 21, and on Christmas Day, construction of dwellings began. • Eighteen men brought their wives on the arduous journey. Three of the wives were pregnant, and one baby was born while the ship was at sea. The baby, Oceanus Hopkins, was named such for the Latin word for “ocean,” since he was born on the Atlantic. While anchored in Provincetown Harbor, Susanna White gave birth to a son, Peregrine, aboard the Mayflower, the first English child born to the Pilgrims in America. • Although construction was under way, the passengers remained on board the Mayflower for the winter. Disease – scurvy, pneumonia, and tuberculosis – struck the new colonists, and by the time it had run its course, only 53 passengers out of the original 102 remained, and half the crew had perished. They exited the ship on March 21, 1621.
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• The first woman to die accidentally fell from the deck of the ship into the freezing waters of Provincetown Harbor. Only 5 women survived the first winter, falling victim to disease. The men’s mortality rate was lower, probably due to being outdoors in the fresh air and drinking fresh water while constructing shelters. Women stayed in the damp and dirty quarters of the ship. By the time of the first Thanksgiving in November of 1621, only four women remained to care for the 50 survivors. ...continued
*Answer located further back in this issue.
THE MAYFLOWER (continued)
• The Mayflower departed the colony on April 5, 1621 and arrived back in England on May 6, a journey that took less than half the time of the trip to the New World, with strong winds blowing it toward its destination. The ship was used for a few more trade runs, but when the captain died in 1622, it was appraised for probate purchases. By that time, it was “in ruins,” and was probably sold as scrap. • One enterprising passenger, shoemaker and businessman William Mullins, brought 126 pairs of shoes, 13 pairs of boots, oiled leather and canvas suits, breeches, shirts, hats, stockings, and various other clothing items in his luggage to set up business. Although he died during the first winter in the colonies, his estate left his daughter Priscilla and her new husband John Alden quite prosperous. • John Alden was the ship’s barrel maker, who decided not to return to England with the Mayflower’s crew, staying behind and marrying Priscilla Mullins. The couple had 10 children, and their descendants included President John Adams, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Vice-President Dan Quayle, Marilyn Monroe, and Orson Welles. Other notables who could trace their lineage back to Mayflower passengers include Franklin D. Roosevelt, George W. Bush, Bing Crosby, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. • By the mid-1640s, Plymouth’s population was around 3,000. It’s estimated that about 35 million Americans can trace their ancestry to the original 102 Mayflower passengers. Horror movie actor Vincent Price is a direct descendant of the first child Peregrine White. • The year 2020 will mark the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower sailing. Plans are in the making for construction of a replica of the ship in Harwich, England.
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Insured by NCUA | *Rates shown are Annual Percentage Rate (APR) accurate as of 9/1/19 and subject to change without notice. Rates advertised with a .75% reduction. The APR reflects a .75% reduction for active military direct deposit and selection of the automatic loan payment feature. (Example: 3.74% APR less .75% = 2.99%). Direct deposit of entire active military net pay to Service Credit Union (not allotment) and automatic payment must be maintained to qualify for a rate reduction. Actual APR determined by the overall credit worthiness of each applicant. Must be a member of Service Credit Union. **No purchase necessary to win. One (1) entry awarded for each eligible consumer loan closed during the contest period (9/1/19-12/31/19). Must be a lawful permanent resident of the United States and be 18 years or older to enter. See official rules for details.
Grand Forks Mosquito Control maintains an extensive trapping network to monitor the local mosquito population and species composition. However, these traps don’t always tell us what’s out there. The weather is a major factor in determining how effective the traps are. It’s common to have artificially low trap counts when we get into September because the nights are cool and mosquitoes are not active. Achieving a successful spray for mosquitoes in September can be very difficult. Mosquitoes function best around 80° F, they become lethargic around 60° F and cannot function below 50° F. As we get into September, once the sun goes down the temperature usually drops rapidly and mosquito activity decrease significantly. Spraying for mosquitoes when there is little natural activity results in few mosquitoes killed and expensive chemicals needlessly sprayed. We know it is frustrating when you’re getting bit up from these pests but it isn’t that we don’t want to spray, or don’t have the staff or resources, it comes down to whether or not spraying would be effective. We need to have the right meteorological conditions when spraying mosquitoes.
Controlling Late Season Mosquitoes
The best solution to this problem is to wear protective clothing and apply insect repellants that contain DEET. Please be patient, when the conditions improve for spraying, we’ll get out there as soon as we can. We want to do the best job we can to reduce the mosquito population, but we must follow the label directions for the chemicals we use and we will not be reckless with the products we use to control mosquitoes in our community.
Grand Forks Mosquito Control has identified mosquitoes that were positive for West Nile virus this summer. The State Health Dept. has also reported human WNV from Grand Forks County. The cities of Grand Forks and East Grand Forks urge citizens to take extra precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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• On Sept. 27, 1540, in Rome, the Society of Jesus -- a Roman Catholic missionary organization -- receives its charter from Pope Paul III. The Jesuit order succeeded in converting millions around the world to Catholicism. • On Sept. 28, 1066, claiming his right to the English throne, William, duke of Normandy, invades England. On Christmas Day, William the Conqueror was crowned the first Norman king of England. William I also is known for his "Domesday Book," a great census of the lands and people of England. • On Sept. 24, 1941, the Japanese consul in Hawaii is instructed to divide Pearl Harbor into five zones and calculate the number of battleships in each zone. The United States had intercepted the message, but it was dismissed a month later as being of no great consequence.
8/26/19 2:34 PM
• On Sept. 26, 1957, "West Side Story," composed by Leonard Bernstein, opens on Broadway. The show went on to an impressive maiden run of 732 performances. In 1961, a film version was an enormous hit and took home 10 Academy Awards. • On Sept. 23, 1969, the trial for eight antiwar activists charged with sparking violent demonstrations at the August 1968 Democratic National Convention opens in Chicago. Most were convicted on criminal charges or contempt of court, but none served time after convictions eventually were overturned on appeal or charges dropped. • On Sept. 25, 1970, ABC premieres "The Partridge Family," which would become a smash hit. The group's songs were not actually recorded by the five siblings and their mom in a garage, but were mostly the work professional musicians in Los Angeles. • On Sept. 29, 1982, seven people die in Chicago after ingesting over-the-counter painkiller laced with cyanide. No other contaminated capsules were found in a nationwide recall, but the mass murder led to new tamper-proof medicine containers. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Remarkable People
• Missing her husband fiercely, Anne wrote sonnets of love to him, expressing her loneliness and deep attachment to him. She composed verse about her family, There’s a good chance that you’ve never heard of Anne intending it only for their enjoyment and that of her Dudley Bradstreet, but there’s a reason that September small circle of educated friends. 16 is commemorated in her honor. Follow along and discover why. • What Anne didn’t know was that her brother-in-law
• Bradstreet holds the honor of being the first published writer in the English colonies after settling in Massachusetts. Her childhood was privileged, growing up in a wealthy Puritan family. Anne was highly educated for that time, tutored in literature and several foreign languages. At 16, she married, and at 18, the entire family emigrated to the colonies, landing at what is now Salem, Massachusetts in 1630.
secretly copied her work and took it to England seeking a publisher. In 1650, when Anne was 38, her first collection of work The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America, By a Gentlewoman of Those Parts, was published. Because she believed she was writing only for her own enjoyment and not the eyes of others, she was very open and honest about her life, her marriage, the role of women, and her hope of heaven.
• Over the next two years, the family moved three • Although the publication was popular in England, it was met with criticism in the colonies. A prominent times, first to Charlestown, then to participate in the political figure spoke out regarding women’s roles, founding of Boston, followed by a move to Camstating that women should leave writing and reading bridge, then called Newe Towne. By the early 1640s, to men, “whose minds are stronger.” when Anne was around 30 and pregnant with her sixth child, the Bradstreets moved again, which was • Tragedy struck in 1666 when the family home burned, by now the sixth move. Her husband had advanced destroying all of their personal belongings and her in the political world, and served as a public affairs library of some 9,000 books, and leaving them homecommissioner, a judge, and eventually governor of less. The calamity inspired her poem “Upon the BurnMassachusetts Bay Colony. The Bradstreets were ing of Our House July 10th, 1666.” founding settlers of Andover. • At age 60, suffering from joint paralysis and tubercu• Anne’s health was fragile, having been stricken with losis, Anne passed away on September 16, 1672. The smallpox while still in England. Yet she had eight bulk of her large legacy of poetry was published after children, had a prominent social standing, and found her death. time to engage in her writing. During her husband’s long absences for his political activity, she studied • The family was prominent in the history of Harvard University, as Anne’s father Governor Thomas Dudley religion, science, history, the arts, and medicine, as was one of the founders, her husband was an overseer well as schooling her children in these subjects and there, and two of Anne’s sons were Harvard graduates. writing essays. • Yet it was Anne’s love of poetry that led her to pen • U.S. President Herbert Hoover, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, and actor Humphrey Bogart the verses she became famous for. She wrote in priare among the thousands who can trace their lineage vate, since women were discouraged from engaging back to Anne Dudley Bradstreet. in “intellectual enlightenment.”
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(Answers located further back)
September 9, 2019
• Y.L. in North Carolina writes: “I was sorting out tools in the shed and didn’t realize that rust had gotten all over my T-shirt and shorts. Any tips?” You can try this, Y.L., and remember never to machine dry an item until the stain is gone, as it may set the stain. For rust, apply lemon juice to the stain, and then sprinkle with cream of tartar from your kitchen and rub it into the fabric. Allow the clothing to sit until the stain is gone, and then launder as usual. Good luck! • “Oh, that grease buildup on top of the cabinets is terrible. But you can make cleaning up a snap with this tip: All you need to do to keep the tops of your cabinets clean is line them with waxed paper. Some people use newspaper, but I like waxed paper.” — W.T. in Kentucky • “When you shop for shoes, go in the evening. Feet swell and expand throughout the day, so if you buy shoes in the morning, the fit might not feel too good later in the day.” — A.T. in Louisiana • Can’t seem to get organized in the kitchen? Start with baby steps. For instance, every time you put away groceries, check your fridge and freezer to see if there are any expired items that are ready for the refuse bin. Also, pull items from the freezer that have been in there for a while, and defrost them. Now, that’s what’s for dinner! • “To give rooms the illusion of extra height, hang curtains from a spot very near the ceiling. The long vertical lines of the fabric draw the eye up. It can be enough to make a very small room look and feel a little more spacious.” — R. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
by Samantha Weaver
• It was infamous French statesman and military leader Napoleon Bonaparte who made the following sage observation: "In politics, absurdity is not a handicap." • It may be hard to believe, but there is an official competition to see who can sit in a sauna for the longest period of time. The World Sauna Championships have taken place in Heinola, Finland, annually since 1999. The starting temperature is 110 F, and a liter of water is poured on the stove every 30 seconds. The winner is the last person who is able to leave the sauna without assistance. Competitors participate at their own risk, and they are required to sign a waiver agreeing not to take legal action against the event organizers. • The ubiquitous summertime flip-flop sandals are known in Australia as pluggers, are called slops in South Africa and slippers in Hawaii, and New Zealanders call them jandals.
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• Evidently, it's not just humans who associate 044-019 a Summit Move in Ad_4x2 v1.indd 1 deeper voice with maturity (and desirability) in males. It seems that male owls try to appear more macho and attract females by lowering the tone of their hoots. THURSDAYS AT 6:30PM BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 12
5/16/18 8:12 AM
• Those who keep track of such things say that about 15 percent of all Google searches are new -- that is, they have never been searched before on Google.
• You might be surprised to learn that Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice" was originally titled "First Impressions." • In 2006, an Illinois police officer was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. This probably would not be noteworthy, except that it was the same police officer who received an award for making the most DUI arrests in his county. *** Thought for the Day: "Be not too hasty to trust or admire the teachers of morality; they discourse like angels but they live like men." -- Samuel Johnson © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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It’s time to celebrate National Play-Doh Day! September 16 has been set aside to honor the world’s favorite modeling clay. • Back in the 1930s, homes used coal furnaces for heat, but the major drawback was sooty stains on wallpaper. Kutol Products, a Cincinnati, Ohio, soap manufacturer owned by the McVicker family, introduced a doughy goop that was rolled over wallpaper to remove the soot. • By the late 1940s, gas furnaces were the new thing, along with washable vinyl wallpaper. Sales of the company’s cleaner plunged and their future appeared grim. That is, until the sister-in-law of one of the owners came up with a solution. The woman, the proprietor of a nursery school, gave the dough to her students as an inexpensive way to make Christmas decorations. It was more pliable than ordinary clay, didn’t stain, and could be re-used. • A new batch of dough was mixed, removing the detergents, and adding an almond scent. The sister-in-law suggested the name Play-Doh, along with a renaming of the company to Rainbow Crafts. The cream-colored dough was test-marketed for a year in schools, then introduced in the toy department of a Washington, D.C. department store in 1956. • The Play-Doh expert at Rainbow Crafts was Dr. Tien Liu, who helped perfect the formula in 1956. He was still with the company when Hasbro took over in 1991. • In 1956, blue, red, and yellow were added to the PlayDough line, and in 1960, the Fun Factory extruder tool was introduced. • As the company struggled in its transition, their advertising budget was zero. Joe McVicker was able to set up a meeting with Bob Keeshan, better known as Captain Kangaroo, and cut a deal with the TV host to feature Play-Doh on his program once a week in exchange edwardjones.com for 2% of the sales. Keeshan loved Member SIPC the goop so much, he featured it three times a week. By 1958, PlayDoh’s sales had reached nearly $3 million.
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PLAY-DOH (continued):
• It wasn’t until 1965 that the McVicker brothers received a patent for their invention. Patent No. 3,167,440 was awarded for a “plastic modeling composition of a soft, pliable working consistency.” Its exact recipe is top secret and closely-guarded, although Hasbro does disclose a few ingredients – water, salt, and flour. Over the years, youngsters have ingested plenty of the compound, more than crayons, fingerpaint, and white paste combined.
DIFFERENCES: 1. Dress is dotted. 2. Jeans are black. 3. Different boy is wearing cap. 4. Bushes have been added. 5. Girl's bow is gone. 6. Side window is gone. © 2019 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
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• Rainbow Crafts sold Play-Doh to General Mills in 1965, which was then sold to Kenner in 1970, a company that in turn sold the product to Hasbro, who owns Play-Doh today. • A newer patent protects that distinctive PlayDoh smell, which the company describes as “a unique scent formed through the combination of a sweet, slightly musky, vanilla-like fragrance, with slight overtones of cherry, and the natural smell of a salted, wheat-based dough.” • Between 1955 and 2005, more than two billion cans of Play-Doh were sold. That number now tops 3 billion, enough to reach the moon and back three times. That’s about 700 million pounds of dough! • In 1998, Play-Don was inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame in Rochester, New York, along with other favorites, LEGO, Barbie, Crayola, and Monopoly • Until recent technology was improved, PlayDoh could create a fingerprint that could fool 90% of fingerprint scanners. • The Play-Doh colors have evolved from that single cream color to the three primary colors to the more than 50 available these days. A consumer poll says that Rose Red, Purple Paradise, Garden Green, and Blue Lagoon are users’ favorites.
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Quiz Answers
1. Cape Cod 2. Three: Cargo hold, gun deck, and main deck. 3. 80 miles 4. “Cinderella”
5. “Bloom County” 6. “A View to Kill” by Duran Duran. 7. Argentina 8. 60 feet
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Sports Answers 1. Twice: Ki-Jana 5. Carlton had 5 20+ win Carter (‘95) seasons with & Courtney Brown (2000) Philadelphia. Clemons had 2. Twice: 1973 3 w/ Boston. (21 wins), 6. Los Angeles 1974 (22) both w/Angels. Memorial Coliseum— 3. Joe Nathan Rams (1923), got it in 335th and Soldier opportunity. Field—Bears 4. L.A. Raiders, (1924). Broncos, Dolphins, Chiefs.
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