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CHICKENS by Janet Spencer
There are about 50 billion chickens in the world, making it the most abundant bird on Earth. There are more chickens than any other bird. In North America, there are about 10 billion chickens, compared to about 4 billion wild birds. Come with Tidbits as F O consider RK S • E ASTthe G RAN D F O RK S we chicken!
Like a good neighbor, Published by Wick Publications IN State Farm is there.
0901136.1 0901136.1
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S PUZZLE • A I • TRIV N FACTS • FU December 5, 2019
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• The average American eats about 90 lbs of chicken each year, which equals 23 birds per person. Americans eat about 50 pounds of beef per year and another 50 pounds of pork. • About 5.9 billion pounds of chicken are consumed every hour of every day, with over 8.6 billion chickens eaten in the U.S., and 40 billion eaten worldwide over a single year. There are more chickens in the U.S. than there are cows, pigs, sheep, goats, ducks, rabbits, and turkeys combined. Americans eat one-third of all chickens in the world, consuming more than any other country. The chicken is the most industrialized animal in history. • The chicken originated in Asia, was domesticated, and carried worldwide on ships. Chickens that came with Christopher Columbus were the first in North America. When Columbus tasted roasted iguana in the Bahamas, he may have been the first person to say, “Tastes like chicken.” Turn the page for more!
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CHICKENS (continued):
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Quiz Bits 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. Which author wrote, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. What year did McDonalds You can steer yourself in any introduce the Chicken direction you choose”? McNugget? 6. What is the capital of Poland? The U.S. produces the most 7. How many Grammys has chickens. What countries are “The Boss” won? in 2nd and 3rd place? 8. Only one member of the What country imports the most Beatles had an American wife. chickens? Who was she? How many chickens can a TRIVIA factory farm process per hour? SPONSORED BY:
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• The pilgrims brought chickens with them to Jamestown in 1607, and by 1609 they had a flock of up to 500 birds. • In the 1700s it was illegal for slaves in the U.S. to own livestock including hogs, cattle, or horses, but were allowed. Slaves raised chickens and sold the meat, feathers, and eggs. • In the U.S., the per capita consumption used to be about ten pounds per year, until the 20th century. • In 1923, Celia Steele of Oceanview, Maryland, ordered her usual 50 chicks so she could continue her business of selling eggs on the side while her husband served in the coast guard. She was shocked to receive an order of 500 chicks instead, but rather than return them, she built bigger chicken coops, raised the birds, and started selling chicken meat instead of just eggs. She turned such a profit that she doubled the order the following year, ordering 1,000 chicks, and followed that with an order of 10,000 chicks the year after that.
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• In 1926, her husband Wilmer quit his job at the coast guard because raising chickens was more profitable, and by 1928, they were raising 25,000 chickens every year. Celia Steele ended up inventing the mass-production of chickens as a primary food source, rather than just as a source of eggs. • As more people in the Delaware began raising chickens, their numbers boomed, rising from 50,000 birds in 1925 to over a million just one year later, and 7 million by 1934. By 1936, twothirds of all chickens raised in the U.S. came from the Delaware area. As a result, chicken consumption began to skyrocket. Not everyone could raise cows or pigs, but chickens were easy to raise. Chicken coops sprouted up in backyards across America alongside Victory Gardens during World War II. The number of chickens in the U.S. grew by 250% over the course of the war. ...continued
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. How many Canadian golfers have won the Canadian Open in the last 100 years? 2. Who is the only kicker to be named the NFL’s regular-season MVP? 3. T or F: Bill Belichick is the only active NFL head coach that has won more than one Super Bowl. 4. Where does Bill Belichick rank for most career wins by an NFL coach?
5. Entering the 2019-20 season, where did former NHL goaltender Robert Luongo rank on the alltime victory list? 6. Which quarterback played the most career games for the Dallas Cowboys? 7. Who had more touchdown passes for the San Franciso 49ers— Joe Montana or Steve Young? 8. Which QB has the second-most career passing yards for the Broncos?
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CHICKENS (continued):
• In the 1930s it was discovered that feeding chickens vitamin B12 would prevent them from suffering pernicious anemia, the same illness that contributed to the deaths of Alexander Graham Bell and Annie Oakley, which is caused a vitamin deficiency. It used to be difficult to keep a flock of chickens alive throughout the winter because the lack of exposure sunlight and subsequent lack of vitamin D caused rickets in the chickens who then became lame. When the role of vitamins was finally understood, it was easy for chicken ranchers to add cod liver oil – a rich source of vitamin D – to the diet of chickens, thus keeping them healthy all year long. • Then it was found that feeding chickens antibiotics helped them grow bigger much faster. Next, mass production of corn and soybeans as feed maximized their growth. Consumption of chicken increased vastly during World War II due to the rationing of pork and beef. By the end of World War II, there was indeed “a chicken in every pot.” • In 2015, almost 60 million tons of chicken meat was consumed worldwide. • It takes 7 pounds of feed for a cow to put on a pound of beef, but a chicken turns 12 pounds of food into 6 pounds of chicken meat in just seven weeks. If a human grew that fast, a 6.6 pound baby would hit 660 pounds in two months. In the wild, a chicken takes six months to grow to its full weight of about 5 pounds. In factories, they reach their full weight in just five weeks. • A chicken produces about 11 lbs. of manure over the course of its 7-week life, which adds up to about 95 billion pounds of waste each year produced by the chicken industry.
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• Adjusted for inflation, the price of a pound of chicken has gone up only four cents a pound over the past 50 years.
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CHICKENS (continued):
• Today, a typical independent chicken farmer produces almost half a million broilers per year, yet it’s estimated that two-thirds of people who raise chickens for a living live below the poverty line. • The difference between white meat and dark meat is the amount of myoglobin in the tissue, a protein used to deliver oxygen to muscles. The more a muscle is used, the more myoglobin it has and the darker the meat. • Chickens in cages are sometimes set out in cages in public parks in order to be bitten by mosquitoes so that their blood can be tested for West Nile virus. • All birds descended from dinosaurs, but genetically speaking, chickens and turkeys are their closest relatives.
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• Louis Pasteur was working to cure fowl cholera, an avian disease that killed about 25% of the chickens in France. He started with the head of a chicken that had died from the disease, culturing strains of the pathogen from it, using it to infect other birds, then collecting cultures from those birds so he always had a ready supply of the disease at hand. • In 1879, Pasteur took a break, leaving the cholera-infected chicken heads lying on shelves in his lab, exposed to sunlight and air. When he returned months later, he tried to take cultures from the dried-out heads of dead chickens, but was disappointed to find that the healthy live chickens he tried to infect with cholera would get sick, but wouldn’t die. He had to go out and find freshly dead chickens who had recently been killed by cholera – and then he was even more perplexed when the same group of chickens who had previously refused to die of cholera would fail to even get sick when infected with a fresh virulent strain of the disease. From this discovery, the first vaccines were developed.
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by Samantha Weaver
• It was Lebanese poet Kahlil Gibran who made the following sage observation: "I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers."
• Those who study such things have determined that one out of every four alcoholic drinks consumed in the world has vodka in it. • Famed actor Clark Gable, dubbed the King of Hollywood, was once a hobo. • At some point you've almost certainly heard a coward described as "lily-livered," but did you ever wonder where that expression came from? It was once believed that the seat of courage in the human body was the liver; therefore, someone who was timid presumably lacked blood in the liver, causing that organ to become white.
• Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than for the U.S. Treasury. • There once was a law in Marshalltown, Iowa, stating that it was illegal for a horse to eat a fire hydrant. And in Oregon, it was at one time illegal for a dead person to serve on a jury. • Would the history of medicine be different if Sigmund Freud had gone into law instead of psychoanalysis? That was his original aspiration in life -- to be a lawyer. • Karaoke and karate: Other than the fact that they are both from Japan, you wouldn't think they have much in common. However, they both have the same root word, "kara," which means empty. "Oke" means "voice" and "te" means "hand;" hence, "karaoke" is "empty voice," and "karate" is "empty hand." • Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of their birthplace. *** Thought for the Day: "He who buys what he does not need steals from himself." -- Swedish proverb © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• Daniel Barringer studied law at Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania, and then studied geology and minerology at Harvard and the University of Virginia. He used his knowledge of geology to purchase a gold mine in Arizona, followed by the purchase of a nearby silver mine. These mines made him a wealthy man. • In 1902, Barringer learned about the meteor crater. Recently, another geologist had noted the vast amounts of pulverized iron surrounding the crater and put forth the theory that the hole had not, in fact, been caused by a volcanic explosion, but had instead been formed by an iron-rich meteor impacting the earth. This theory was first dismissed in the scientific community, but Barringer found it plausible. Barringer reasoned that the bulk of the meteor must be underground, beneath the crater. Since he had made one fortune on gold, and a second fortune on silver, he decided to make a third fortune on iron. Before he’d even seen the site, he formed the Standard Iron Company, and purchased the entire crater and the area around it.
• In 1929, astronomer Forest Ray Moulton performed calculations on the energy expended by the meteorite on impact, reaching a well-researched conclusion that the meteorite had most likely entirely vaporized when it landed. He theorized that the massive ball of iron that Barringer had been searching for did not exist. His report contained 127 pages of reasoning and mathematical analysis that could not be denied. • Daniel Barringer died of a heart attack shortly after reading this paper, dying at the age of 69. He left behind his wife and eight children, who were by now nearly destitute. Yet, they still owned the meteor crater and all of the property surrounding it. • They set up a visitor center and began offering tours. They opened a museum and created a gift shop, made interpretive trails, then added a campground, theater, café, and rock shop. Today you can visit Barringer’s Meteor Crater near Flagstaff and learn all about how meteors vaporize when they hit the surface of the Earth. • Today, a crater on the Moon is named for Barringer, in honor of his efforts that proved that a big hole in Arizona was caused by a meteor rather than a volcano.
• In the late 1800s, geologists theorized that the crater had been formed by an underground steam explosion of a volcano.
• Around 50,000 years ago, a giant meteorite struck the Earth in what is now northern Arizona near Flagstaff. Made of iron and nickel, it weighed perhaps as much as 300,000 tons, and was travelling at around 26,000 mph when it slammed into the planet. It exploded with the force of 20 million tons of TNT, equal to 150 times the force of the atomic bomb that levelled Hiroshima. The crater it left measures three-quarters of a mile wide, 2.4 miles in circumference, and 750 feet deep.
• In 1902, the newly formed firm began drilling operations in the base of the crater. Barringer spent 27 years trying to locate a large deposit of meteoric iron, and drilled to a depth of 1,375 ft but found no significant deposit. The process bankrupted him, but his efforts were instrumental in proving that the crater had indeed been formed by a meteor impact rather than a volcanic explosion. His research further proved that if a meteor hits the surface of the Earth at an angle, rather than dropping straight down as had previously been assumed, it will still form a perfectly circular crater.
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(Answers located further back)
November 25, 2019
• According to waste management company Republic Services, approximately 30% of what Americans place in their curbside recycling bins does not belong there, including greasy pizza boxes, wet cardboard, plastic bags, food-tainted materials, and even bowling balls and garden hoses. Meanwhile, only one in four plastic bottles is recycled. • Paper lunch bags make excellent receptacle for cat litter waste. They are much more environmentally friendly than plastic bags, and can be folded down and placed directly into an outside trash can. The bags are easily stored near the litter box, because they lay flat. • “Use a slotted spoon to separate eggs. The whites go through; the yolk does not.” — Y.E. in Utah • Do you need to go to a fancy liquor store for simple syrup? No way! Simply mix equal parts sugar and water, bring to a simmer and store in the fridge in a covered jar. Use in drink recipes and to sweeten iced tea. • “Wrap lint from your dryer in 6 inches of wax paper. Roll it up 1 inch on both ends and you have the perfect fire starter.” — M.K. in Michigan • Scoop up this trick when cooking scallops: Refrigerate uncovered for about 30 minutes before they will hit the pan or grill. This will help to dry out the surface, giving you a good sear instead of a steam. Make sure your pan is hot, and don’t leave the stove or grill, because scallops don’t take more than 1 1/2 minutes per side. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
Grand Forks KnightRiders
• On Dec. 13, 1577, English seaman Francis Drake sets out from Plymouth, England, with five ships and 164 men on a mission to raid Spanish holdings on the Pacific coast of the New World. Three years later, Drake's return to Plymouth marked the first circumnavigation of the earth by a British explorer. • On Dec. 10, 1901, the first Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, on the fifth anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and other explosives. It is believed that Nobel created the prizes out of moral regret over the increasingly lethal uses of his inventions in war. • On Dec. 14, 1911, Norwegian Roald Amundsen becomes the first explorer to reach the South Pole, beating his British rival, Robert Falcon Scott, by more than a month. Amundsen used sleigh dogs, while Scott employed motor sledges, ponies and dogs. • On Dec. 15, 1945, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, as Supreme Commander of Allied Powers in the Pacific, brings an end to Shintoism as Japan's established religion. The Shinto system included the belief that the emperor, in this case Hirohito, was divine. • On Dec. 11, 1961, the ferry carrier USNS Core arrives in Saigon with the first U.S. helicopter unit, including 33 helicopters and 400 air and ground crewmen. Their assignment was to airlift South Vietnamese Army troops into combat. • On Dec. 9, 1979, a commission of scientists declares that smallpox has been eradicated. The disease, which carries a 30% chance of death for those who contract it, is the only infectious disease that has officially been eradicated. • On Dec. 12, 1980, American oil tycoon Armand Hammer pays over $5 million at auction for an almost 500-year-old notebook containing writings and detailed drawings by artist Leonardo da Vinci, all relating to water and how it moved. © 2019 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
December 7, 2019 2:00 PM Puck Drop Eagles Arena The 3rd annual Stick it to Cancer game hosted by the GF KnightRiders hockey team is set for December 7, 2019 at Eagles Arena. ComeForks out to support the GF KnightRiders as Grand they take on the Minot Majettes! All Proceeds from the game’s KnightRiders events benefit the Gap Foundation, Altru Health System and Stick It To Cancer Event their efforts to purchase a new 3D Mammogram Machine. December 7th, 2019
H T-Shirt sales all afternoon H 1pm-3:30pm bid on on Silent Auction items H 50/50 raffle during game H High School Band playing during intermission H Taco in a bag (Free Will Donation) 2:00pm puck drop Eagles Arena
The 3rd annual Stick It To Cancer game hosted by the GF KnightRiders hockey team is set for December 7th, 2019, at Eagles Arena. Come out to support the GF KnightRiders as they take on the Minot Majettes! All proceeds from the event benefit the Filling the Gap Foundation, and Altru Health System, and their efforts to purchase a new 3D Mammogram Machine.
★ T-shirt sales all afternoon ★ ★ 1pm-3:30pm bid on silent auction items ★ ★50/50 raffle during game ★ ★ High School Band playing during intermission ★ ★Taco in a bag (free will donation)★
Give online at www.altru.org/donate and note your gift is for Stick it to Cancer
Give Online at www.altru.org/donate and note your gift is for Stick it to Cancer
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• World record for greatest number of tennis balls held in the mouth at one time: Augie, a golden retriever, at five tennis balls. • World record for greatest number of balloons popped in the shortest amount of time: Toby, a whippet, with 100 balloons in 28 seconds. • World record for the longest ears: Tigger, a basset hound, at 13.75 inches. • World record for highest jump: Feather, a greyhound, at 74 inches. • World record for running on hind legs only: Jiff, a Pomeranian, at 33 feet in six seconds on his hind legs. • World record for running on front legs only: Jiff, the same Pomeranian, 16 feet in 7.6 seconds. • World record for travel by scooter, with front paws on the handlebars and one hind leg pushing: Norman, a Briard, 100 feet in 21 seconds. • World record for longest, fastest skateboarding: Jumpy, a border collie/blue heeler mix, at 100 meters (109 yards) in 19.65 seconds. • World record for farthest distance travelled on a surf board: Abbie Girl, a kelpie, at 351 feet. • World record for the tallest dog: Zeus, a great Dane, at 44 inches tall at the head. • World record for heaviest dog: Zorba, an English mastiff, at 343 lbs. • World record for smallest dog: Milly, a Chihuahua, at 3.8 inches tall, weight 1 lb. • World record for number of clones made from a dog: Milly, the same Chihuahua, at 49. • World record for largest litter: Tia, a Neapolitan mastiff, at 24 (20 survived). • World record for longest tongue: Brandy, a boxer, at 17 inches. ...continued
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• World record for longest tail: Keon, an Irish wolf hound, at 30.2 inches. • World record for oldest dog: Bluey, an Australian shepherd, at 29 years. • World record for longest eyelashes: Ranmaru, a labradoodle, at 6.7 inches. • World record for most Frisbees caught and held in the mouth without dropping any: Rose, a lab/ border collie mix, at 7. • World record for fastest walking with a soda can balanced on the nose: Sweet Pea, a shepherd/border collie mix, at 100 m in 2 minutes, 55 seconds. • World record for most expensive dog: Big Splash, Tibetan mastiff, $1.5 million. • World record for the largest number of dogs attending an obedience class: 390. • World record for greatest number of dog biscuits balanced on the nose at one time: Monkey, a mutt, with 26 biscuits. • World record for the greatest number of dogs simultaneously balancing a single biscuit on their nose: 109. • World record for biggest dog biscuit: Hampshire Pet Products, 617 pounds, 19 feet long. • World record for greatest number of people saved from drowning: Swansea Jack, a black lab, at 27. • World record for richest dog: Gunther, a German shepherd, who inherited $106 million when his owner Countess Karlotta Liebenstein died in 1992. • World record for longest distance travelled by a lost dog to get home: Bobbie, a collie-shepherd mix, at 2,551 miles from Indiana to Oregon after getting lost on a family trip. • World record for most fan mail: Eddie, Jack Russel terrier, “Frasier.”
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1. 1983 2. China, followed by Brazil. 3. Japan 4. 12,000
5. 6. 7. 8.
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Sports Answers 5. Third with 1. One. Pat 489 victories. Fletcher won 6. Danny White in 1954. with 166 2. Washington’s Mark Mosley, (Aikman-165, Romo-156) in 1982. 7. Montana-244, 3. True. Young-221 4. 3rd (1. Don Shula, 2. 8. Peyton ManGeorge Halas). ning (17,112)
A broiler is a young chicken, slaughtered at the age of about six weeks and weighing up to two pounds. A fryer is a chicken also about six weeks old but weighing about three pounds. A roaster is a chicken that lived up to ten months, and a stewer is any older bird. Please Recycle this copy of Tidbits. Share it with a Friend.
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