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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks June 11, 2020
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Issue # 1,172
Sand is a loose, fragmented, naturally-occurring material consisting of very small particles of decomposed rocks, corals, or shells. Come along with Tidbits as we examine sand!
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• The largest sand grain is about the width of bearshomesolutions.com • Latest Technology for Detection, and Repair a nickel; any bigger than that and it’s called • Air Purifying Systems Products gravel. The smallest grain of sand is about • Repair and Maintenance 0.124 mm which can still be felt as grit beServicing the tween the fingers. Any smaller and it’s called Call (701) 205-1157 or vis ND silt. Silt becomes dust when airborne. Silt 701-775-5522 Grand Forks, www.onehourair.com Ask about Military and Senior Discounts feels like flour when rubbed between the finSanitizing & gers. Disenfecting Service • There are two types of sand. If it’s made out of quartz or other minerals, it’s called mineral sand. If it’s made out of the shells and skeletons of marine animals, it’s called biogenic sand. • Oxygen is the most common element in Earth’s crust, and it is bound up with other elements to form solid minerals. The second most common element in the crust is silicon. Oxygen and silicon together form quartz, the common form of silica. About 70% of all sand on earth is composed of quartz. • All rock deteriorates. It deteriorates because of plant roots that pry it apart; wind action; rain and ice; glacial grinding; rivers and waves.
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5. Which group of villans frequently tried to steal Uncle Scrooge McDuck’s fortune? 6. Who played the role of Tess McGill in the 1988 film “Working Girl”? 7. Name the capital of Tennessee. 8. Canadian rockers BachmanTurner Overdrive (aka BTO) had one No. 1 hit in the U.S. Name it. TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:
1. How many miles of beaches in the world— 100,000, 125,000, 150,000 or 175,000 miles? 2. T or F: There are sand dunes in Antarctica. 3. What percent of any given desert
is typically covered by sand dunes?
4. What percent of the world’s 12 million camels exist in the wild today?
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SAND FACTS (continued):
• The composition of mineral sand is highly variable, depending on the local conditions. • There are green sand beaches in Hawaii, caused by the igneous mineral olivine. • When hot lava rolls into the cold ocean, it cools quickly and forms basalt and obsidian, which deteriorate over time through wave action to form black sand beaches. • White sands found in warm coastal areas are eroded limestone made of coral and shell fragments. • The bright white dunes of White Sands National Monument in New Mexico are formed from gypsum. Gypsum is used in a variety of products from drywall to toothpaste. It’s unusual to find gypsum sand because gypsum dissolves in water like sugar in tea. • Many sands have iron impurities within the quartz crystals, giving a deep yellow color. • One of the biggest components of biogenic sand is the single celled organism called foraminifera, usually referred to as forams. There are over 4,000 species of forams. They’ve been around for 550 million years. Their shells sink after they die, and some beaches are made up almost entirely of crushed foram shells. • Forams are a type of protozoa. They are not considered animals because they do not have bodies that are divided up into multiple cells. However, they are also not quite plants because they don’t photosynthesize like plants and algae. • Parrot fish are responsible for creating some of the world’s finest sand beaches. They nibble on algae and polyps that cover coral skeletons. They digest the soft matter, then defecate the groundup coral. A large parrot fish can grow up to 4 feet long, weigh 100 lbs, and live 40 years. Such a fish can generate a ton of sand-sized coral pellets every year.
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. What actor and TV personality from Brooklyn, N.Y., achieved a record of 9-3 with 9 knockouts in a pro boxing career that spanned from 1976-79? 2. The Chicago Blackhawks’ Bill Mosienko scored the fastest hat trick in NHL history during a 1952 game vs. the New York Rangers. How many seconds did it take him — 21, 31, or 41?
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3. Who spun out Darrell Waltrip on the final lap of NASCAR’s all-star race, The Winston, in 1989, igniting an infield brawl between the teams? 4. What former Major League Baseball player had a 44-game hitting streak as a member of the Cincinnati Reds in 1978? 5. What MLB team celebrates a home run with mascot Bernie taking a plunge down a winding slide?
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SAND FACTS (continued):
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• Another type of sand is called an oolith (pronounced oh-uh-lith) from the Greek words meaning “egg stone” because that’s what they look like. They are composed of grains of sand made of calcium carbonate (limestone) that collect a coating of minerals as they soak in warm shallow water. • With time, pressure, and heat, deposits of sand become sandstone or limestone. Through tectonic forces, the stone is exposed to the elements where it is weathered down into sand again. Experts estimate that any particular grain of sand may have, over the past 4.5 billion years, been through as many as six cycles of being first sand and then stone. • Sand is used in the manufacture of bricks, mortar, glass, silicon chips for computers, and concrete, among other things. • Humans use more concrete than any other building material. • The recipe for concrete is 75% sand and gravel; 15% water; and 10% cement, which is cooked from limestone and clay and acts as the glue through chemical reactions. Impurities such as salt will ruin the quality of the concrete, so beach sand cannot be used. Desert sand is too fine to use. River sand is the best for concrete. It’s mined from river beds and flood plains. Many rivers have been utterly depleted of their sand deposits, which take eons to replenish. • Sand dunes exist in deserts because there’s no vegetation to hold the sand in place; there’s little rain to keep the sand moist; and the wind blows all of the lightweight particles such as clay and organic matter away, leaving only sand and rocks. • In the late 1600s and early 1700s, Antoine van Leeuwenhoek not only made the first microscope lenses out of melted sand, but was then the first person to examine sand underneath the microscopes he built.
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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SAND FACTS (continued):
Mosquito Surveillance - Why Trap Mosquitoes? The Grand Forks Health Department maintains an active mosquito surveillance program. The more we know about mosquitoes, the better equipped we are to control them. Our surveillance program is responsible for collecting, identifying, and conducting West Nile virus tests on mosquitoes. Traps are distributed throughout the community and the Information gained from these traps include: Mosquito Population – Knowing the population helps us determine if it’s necessary to conduct citywide mosquito spraying. This information also enables us to measure the effectiveness of the mosquito spraying operations.
• Let’s say you’re walking on the beach right below the high tide line on sand that is saturated with sea water. Every time you take a step, your footprint in the sand is surrounded by a halo of dry sand. Why? Because the weight of your footfall actually forces the grains of sand apart from each other, thereby opening up space for water to drain down into. • The oldest known human footprints were found in South Africa. Some 117,000 years ago, a hard rain fell on sand. Then a small person walked across the damp sand, leaving three distinct footprints. Later, the wind rose and filled the footprints with loose sand. Successive layers of sand buried them, preserved them, and fossilized them until they were discovered in 1995. • If you’re ever trapped in quicksand, the solution is to wiggle, thereby breaking the suction, and then to move very slowly. If you move too quickly, the sand hardens around you like cement.
Species of Mosquitoes – There’s around 43 different species of mosquitoes in North Dakota. Some of these mosquitoes are just annoying pests, but one of them, the Culex tarsalis, is the most common mosquito for transmitting West Nile virus in North Dakota. This mosquito is prevalent in the Grand Forks region. Monitoring and testing the Culex tarsalis mosquito is important because it may enable us to respond to an elevated threat of West Nile virus before it infects the human population. This component of mosquito control is very important in reducing the risk of mosquito-borne disease in our community. Mosquito Activity – Knowing what times the mosquitoes are active is important for getting the best results from our spray operation. We use ultra-low volume sprayers that deliver very small droplets and only 1 ounce of a diluted, non-residual insecticide per acre. Because we’re using such a small amount of insecticide, timing is critical to be successful. This insecticide must directly impact mosquitoes, generally while in flight to be effective. Rotator traps are used to monitor the times the mosquitoes are most active. Gender Identification – Knowing the sex of the mosquito can be helpful in predicting a new hatch. Male mosquitoes hatch out before females. Therefore, if we see a spike in the number of male mosquitoes collected in our traps, we know there’s the potential for an increase of females soon to follow. That data is helpful in preparing us for a citywide spray. It’s a short warning to get ready. Traps used in mosquito surveillance programs are not successful in reducing mosquito populations. They are simply a surveillance tool used to collect data about the mosquitoes in our community. For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
• Dry sand acts like a liquid, but wet sand acts like a solid. Wet sand will remain as a solid, provided that the ratio of water-to-sand is somewhere between one part water to 99 parts sand, all the way up to ten parts water, 90 parts sand. More than ten parts water turns the mixture into a slurry, which is why you can’t build sand castles under water. • When two granular substances are mixed in the same container, such as sugar and sand, the action of pouring the mix out slowly will serve to separate the two items, resulting in a layered, striated pile. As the poured pile grows larger, the bigger, heavier grains (sand) will roll down the slope of the pile more energetically, while the lighter grains stay at the top of the pile. This is what gives sandstone is striped look: as different gradients of granules were swept by tides and currents, the grains were separated into similar piles.
NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE The word “arena” comes from the Latin word meaning sand, due to the Roman habit of covering the ground in amphitheaters with sand to absorb spilled blood. The word “abacus” comes from the Phoenician word for sand “abak.” The original abacus was a table covered with sand, which was used for drawing calculations.
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by Lucie Winbourne
• The first sunglasses were invented in 12th-century China and made from smoked quartz. While providing no protection against harmful UV rays, they did give some relief from the sun's glare and also served as a valuable tool for Chinese judges, allowing them to seem emotionally detached during interrogations. • English Romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) is credited with the first printed use of the words "selfless," "psychosomatic," "bipolar" and "bisexual." • A study by neurologists showed that some patients suffering from brain trauma and damage on the right-hand side of their brain have a compulsive obsession to tell jokes they find hilarious, while not finding other peoples' jokes funny at all. • The hacker group Anonymous once sent thousands of all-black faxes to the Church of Scientology to deplete all of their ink cartridges. • May 29 is officially "Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day." This curious holiday derives from an old custom of placing a piece of cloth from one's bedroom in a place where food was kept, helping to ensure a supply of future plenty to the household.
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• Sierra Leone is the world's roundest country and sits not too far from Egypt -- the world's squarest country. • Nearly 3% of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is composed of penguin urine. Due to the subzero temperature in that area, it can't evaporate. • Think you hate going to the dentist? A 12-yearold French boy once faked his own kidnapping to get out of it! After being located in a village 100 miles from his home, the lad lied to police, even describing his kidnapper's distinctive cheek scar. Only after they had searched for a month and requestioned him did the boy confess. *** Thought for the Day: "A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it." -- Albert Einstein © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• The Ghostbusters’ vehicle was a 1959 Cadillac MillerMeteor ambulance converted to the team’s Ectomobile, which bears the license plate “Ecto-1.” The vehicle was a little difficult to maneuver due to its 20-foot Who ya gonna call? You can call on Tidbits for the facts length. on the original “Ghostbusters” movie in observance of National Ghostbusters Day on June 8. • Aykroyd envisioned the Marshmallow Man as a com-
bination of the Michelin Man and the Pillsbury Dough• Released on June 8, 1984, “Ghostbusters” was writboy in a sailor hat. The filming required 18 foam suits, ten by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. Aykroyd each carrying a price tag of $25,000 to $30,000. When wrote the script as a project for himself and John Bethe giant creature was destroyed, the “marshmallow” lushi, but Belushi died of an overdose while Aykroyd that showers the crowd was shaving cream -- 75 lbs. was in the process. After Belushi’s death, the script of it. was rewritten, adding Ramis to the mix. Belushi was to play the role of Columbia University professor • The slimy green ghost that became known as “Slimer” Dr. Peter Venkman, a role which was then offered to was first known as the “Onion Head ghost,” because Chevy Chase and Michael Keaton, who both turned the puppet’s components emitted such a disagreeable it down. Tom Hanks and Robin Williams were also odor. It took six months to design at a cost of $300,000. considered before Bill Murray stepped into the role. Three of the ghosts were created, each with a different The movie was inspired by Aykroyd’s deep interest in facial expression. The cast and crew referred to the the paranormal. After reading an article on parapsyghost as the “ghost of John Belushi.” chology in a research journal, he devised the idea of a • The oozing ectoplasm was created from methylcelluservice that trapped ghosts. lose ether, a thickening agent used in processed foods. • Ramis was not only a co-writer of the revised script, • Ray Parker Jr. was tasked with creating a theme he starred as parapsychologist Egon Spengler. song for the movie, reportedly completed in two • The headquarters for the ghost-busting service was days. When Parker saw a late-night commercial for a in an empty New York City fire station, and the Fireplumbing company, he conceived the idea of “Who ya house Hook & Ladder Company 8 was used for the gonna call?” The song featured an enthusiastic chorus exterior shots of their center of operation, but because shouting, “Ghostbusters!” after the now-famous line. it was an active station, the interior building scenes The singing group consisted of Parker’s girlfriend and were actually filmed in a downtown Los Angeles fireher friends, since due to the short deadline, that was house. In fact, most of the movie was shot on location all Parker could come up with. The song was so wellin L.A. or on set in that city’s Burbank Studios. received, it was #1 on the Billboard charts for three weeks. • Filming started in October, 1983, and wrapped up in January, 1984, with about six weeks of that time spent • “Ghostbusters” received two Oscar nominations, Best in New York. With a budget of $25 million to $30 Original Song (it lost to Stevie Wonder’s “I Just Called million, “Ghostbusters” earned $282 million during to Say I Love You”), and Best Visual Effects (“Indiana its initial theatrical run, the second-highest-grossing Jones and the Temple of Doom” was the winner.) film of 1984, second to “Beverly Hills Cop.”
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May 18, 2020
• “I found a small waste basket that fits right between the wall and my dryer. There’s a gap that’s about 8 inches wide. The lip of the basket keeps it from sliding down to the floor, so it’s easy to clean out the lint trap and put the waste in the basket. Also, I used a strip of hook-and-loop tape to attach a tissue holder box vertically to the wall. I stick a box of fabric softener sheets in it, and they, too, are right where I need them.” — T.K. in Nevada • “To keep the kitchen garbage can from smelling, I put spoiled food items in a bread bag, and then put it in the freezer until it’s time for the garbage collector. I also have a friend with a compost bin, and I am doing the same with vegetables, fruit and peelings. I plan to bring the whole mess when I get to visit. The compost bin won’t care if it’s been defrosted!” — E.L. in Virginia • “Place recipes inside of a plastic bag so that they can be handled while cooking, but not dirtied. This is especially necessary with heirloom recipes. For myself, I have made photocopies of recipes handed down from my grandmother, so the originals are safe in the cookbook. I like handwritten recipe cards because it’s like the writer is there with you.” — T. in Ohio • Clogged drain? Don’t use chemicals. “If you do encounter a full clog, try hot water and baking soda first. If that doesn’t work, try a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Avoid plumbing snakes, which can scratch the interior of your pipes, and commercial chemical cleaners, which are caustic and a health hazard, even when used according to instructions.” — Colepepper Plumbing in California • To keep dirt from sticking to your dustpan, spray it lightly with furniture polish. Buff with a cloth so that it’s not wet. Floor dirt will slide right off. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• Experts study the microscopic make-up of sand samples and use this information in solving mysteries and crimes. • Every day, the Earth is bombarded by cosmic rays. The cosmic rays affect grains of sand that are exposed to them by converting the nuclei of some of the silicon and oxygen atoms into new forms (isotopes). The longer a grain of sand is exposed to cosmic rays, the more it changes. These changes can be measured, giving an accurate timeline of how long the sand has been exposed to sunlight, or how long the sand had been buried and shielded from cosmic radiation. This technique is called luminescence dating. • In this way, cave paintings found in northwestern Australia were able to be dated. This was due to the fact that wasps built nests over a couple of the paintings, and wasps use sand grains in their nests. The nests were then preserved by minerals precipitated from water running down the cave walls and covering the nests. Examinations of the preserved sand grains showed that the nests had been built 17,000 years ago, meaning the paintings underneath the nests had to be older than that. • Luminescence dating techniques were used to find out the age of the Atacama Desert in Chile. It’s one of the driest places on earth, but no one knew how old the desert was. Luminescence dating showed that grains of sand on the surface of the desert had been there for over 20 million years, even predating the rising of the Andes Mountains. • In 1997, a shipment of gold-rich sand was loaded in Ghana, shipped to London, sent to Amsterdam and then on to Canada. When the shipment was unloaded in Canada, it was found that the goldrich sands had been replaced with ordinary sand. Where along the route had this happened? Experts examined the sand and found that the replacement ...cont'd sand had originated in Ghana.
DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Fence slat is missing. 2. Window is added. 3. Books is upside down. 4. Steak is missing. 5. Grill wheels are different. 6. Charcoal Bag is different. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
Sports Answers 1. Tony Danza 2. 21 secondsgoals at 6:09, 6:20 and 6:30 into the 3rd period.
3. Rusty Wallace 4. Pete Rose 5. The Milwaukee Brewers.
• In 1944, several hydrogen balloons floated over the Pacific Ocean. One of them landed in Oregon, where it exploded, killing five. Investigators found the ballast containers that had steadied the balloon on its flight. The ballast was composed of sand. Examining the sand, they discovered that the mineral content and foram species were unique to a specific location in Japan. Surveillance revealed that there were several hydrogen production plants at that location. Those plants were then targeted and destroyed. • In 2002 in Virginia, a pick-up truck pulled over in a muddy gravelly vacant lot next to the Shenandoah River. Another pick-up truck pulled up; windows were rolled down; and a shot rang out. The driver of the first truck died. Police had a suspect, and when they saw him at a car wash hosing down his truck, they confiscated the truck and took it for forensic examination. The truck was splattered with mud and sand. Geological sleuthing showed that the only place where the exact make-up of that mud and sand occurred was in the lot where the murder had taken place. A conviction resulted. • It’s illegal to remove cactus from federal lands. Often cactus rustlers will steal cactus from public lands, then make out a fake bill of sale from a local plant nursery. Sleuths are able to compare the sand trapped in the roots of the cactus to the place where they were supposedly purchased from in order to identify thieves. • In the mid-1800s, a train carried barrels full of silver coins all the way across Russia. When they arrived at their destination, they were found to be full of sand. A geologist asked every station master along the railroad route to send samples of sand found near their stations. Comparing the samples, he identified where the sand had been substituted, and the culprit was subsequently caught. Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.
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1430 I-85 Parkway, Ste. 210 Montgomery, AL 36106 (800) 523-3096
The Tidbits® Paper is a division of Tidbits Media, Inc. • Montgomery, AL 36106 (800) 523-3096 • All Rights Reserved
701-757-3075 3459 31. S. • Grand Forks
6105 Gateway Drive • Grand Forks, ND 701-746-0083 • 800-279-7492 • Hours: M-F 7-5:30 and Sat. 9-3
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See Store for Details