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Quiz Bits
4. What decade did the first Academy Awards ceremony take place? 1. What percent of the total run 5. What color property is time of the film “2001: A Space Kentucky Avenue in the Odyssey” is completely silent, Monopoly board game? because there is no sound in space? 6. What is the only number that 2. T or F: Over 60 percent of the is twice the sum of its digits? $10 million budget for “2001: 7. Which 1980s movie tagline A Space Odyssey” was spent was “the first casualty of war on special effects. is innocense”? 3. Which is the only country to TRIVIA have three capital cities? SPONSORED BY:
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2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (cont):
• It is presumed that HAL had been given conflicting orders: first, to keep the purpose of the mission secret; and second, to never tell a lie. This caused a psychotic break in the computer’s circuits. • Dave continues to Jupiter and finds a monolith orbiting the planet. He gets inside a pod to get a closer look, and is swept into a vortex-style StarGate where he sees himself at various ages and growing older. As another monolith appears before him, he dies and is evidently reincarnated as a fetus, presumably to start a new race of superior star children. • The film garnered a cult following and became the highest-grossing North American film of 1968. • The script was inspired by Arthur C. Clark’s short story “The Sentinel” and Clark worked closely with director Stanley Kubrick during the production of the film. • The year 2001 was chosen for the title because it is the first year of both the 21st century and the 3rd millennium. • Kubrick wanted to get away from the “monstersand-sex” space films that were popular during that time. He was inspired by a film he saw at the 1964 World’s Fair called “To the Moon and Beyond” depicting space travel. He hired the company, who had made the film for NASA, to be his design consultant. • Composer Alex North scored the entire film, only to have the whole thing scrapped when Kubrick decided to go with a sparse selection of iconic classics instead. Those included Johann Strauss’ “The Blue Danube” waltz and the opening number “Also Sprach Zarathustra” by Richard Strauss. North did not know his score had been discarded until he saw the film at its premiere. He eventually cannibalized his unused score and used it in other films.