Tidbits of Grand Forks - August 13, 2020

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks August 13, 2020

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POMPEII by Janet Spencer

In the year 79 A.D. the volcano Mount Vesuvius erupted, wiping out the thriving town of Pompeii along with neighboring communities in what is now Italy. Come along with Tidbits as we explore the ruins!


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• Pompeii was founded around the 7th or 6th • Air Purifying Systems Products century B.C. and was under Roman rule at the • Repair and Maintenance time of the eruption. The town’s name either Servicing the comes from the word “pompe,” which means Call (701) 205-1157 or vis ND five, perhaps because the community consisted 701-775-5522 Grand Forks, www.onehourair.com of five distinct hamlets, or because it was setAsk about Military and Senior Discounts tled by a family named Pompeia. • Pompeii was on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, at the mouth of the Sarno River, about five miles from Mount Vesuvius. It was a thriving town. There were factories, shops, taverns, temples, cafes, brothels, theaters, bathhouses, an aqueduct system, and a sports arena that seated 20,000. The amphitheater is the oldest known stone amphitheater in Italy and the Roman world. Pompeii was a busy port town that exported products throughout the region. • The population included about 12,000 in Pompeii and another 12,000 in the surrounding areas. Because Vesuvius had erupted so many times throughout history, the soil in the area Turn the page was rich with ash and very fertile. for more!

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Quiz Bits 1. 2.

3. 4.

5. The Motion Picture Association of America established modern movie ratings in What language would they which decade? have spoken in Pompeii? 6. What is the name of the T or F: Over 1,200 bodies from necklace given to Rose in the the 79 A.D. Mount Vesuvius movie “Titanic”? eruption have been uncovered 7. What is the capital of Hungary? in Pompeii. 8. In the Bible how many times T or F: Zero people were killed did Noah send a dove from in the 1944 eruption of Vesuvius. the Ark to seek land? T or F: Mount Vesuvius is only TRIVIA 17,000 years old. SPONSORED BY:


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POMPEII (continued)

• In the year 79 A.D., residents of Pompeii didn’t know Vesuvius was a volcano, and didn’t even know what a volcano was. It had not erupted in centuries. There was no word for volcano in their vocabulary. When earthquakes struck prior to the eruption, they had no way of knowing what that portended.


• When Vesuvius erupted, it spewed a huge column into the sky. As the debris cooled, it began to fall, raining rocks, pumice, and ash. Normally the prevailing winds would have carried the ash away from Pompeii, but on this day winds carried the ash over the town. Ash fell at a rate of about 6 inches per hour. Roofs collapsed. Earthquakes rocked the area. Tsunamis battered the shore. • Later, a series of pyroclastic flows rushed down the valleys, engulfing entire areas with superheated gasses. Rivers of lava flowed at a rate of about 70 mph. • A man named Pliny the Younger watched the eruption from 13 miles away, and wrote about it in a series of letters to a friend. These letters were uncovered in the 1500s and preserved. Meantime, his uncle, Pliny the Elder, a fleet commander in the Royal Navy, was sailing a ship in an effort to rescue some relatives. His ship was bombarded with debris. Soon after reaching shore, he was overcome by gasses and heat, and died. His crew abandoned the quest and fled to safety. • The eruption lasted for about 24 hours, but the city continued to be covered by molten rock and ash for two days after that. When all was said and done, the city was buried up to 23 feet (7 m) deep in some places. • The lava and ash covered a total area of over 200 square miles. It’s estimated that 16,000 people died throughout the region, with about 2,000 of those within the city of Pompeii. ...continued

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• Pompeii remained undiscovered for the next 1,500 years. The thick layer of ashes protected the buried city from vandalism and weather. No one even remembered that a town had ever been there.

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• In the year 1599, men were digging a canal to re-route the local river when they unearthed gold coins, pottery, and artwork. When word got out, other people started digging and uncovered rusty keys, carved stones, and alabaster statues. The local magistrate, Domenico Fontana, investigated but found murals that depicted lewd behavior. This offended his sensibilities so he ordered the ruins be re-buried, and Pompeii was forgotten for another 150 years. • In 1748, a man digging a well discovered a large trove of marble and alabaster buried in the volcanic dirt. Don Carlos, King of Naples, hired men to dig it all up because he needed it for an elegant new home he was building. During the excavation, workers uncovered three beautiful statues of women, which were much admired by the new queen of the area. She asked Don Carlos to search for more statues for her collection. Thus began the first major excavation. In 1763 an inscription (“Rei publicae Pompeianorum”) was found that identified the site as Pompeii. Over the next hundred years, various rulers ordered more excavation, and the booty uncovered ended up in various peoples’ pockets. Not till 1860 did an organized reconstruction attempt begin. • An archeologist named Giuseppe Fiorelli began a systematic unearthing of the buried town. He discovered that the ashfall had been so complete that it had perfectly preserved everything it covered in a totally airless environment. Loaves of petrified bread were found in a bakery oven. Wall murals retained their original vibrant colors. ...continued

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4. What player, nicknamed “Mr. White Sox,” became the second player in major1. What boxer achieved one league baseball history of the sport’s greatest upsets by beating Muhammad to play in five decades (1940s-80s)? Ali to win the undisputed world heavyweight cham- 5. How many consecutive scoreless innings did pionship in 1978? the L.A. Dodgers’ Orel 2. Nine-time NBA All-Star Hershiser pitch during his and 1996 NBA Defensive record-breaking streak in Player of the Year Gary Payton was known by what 1988— 39, 49, 59 or 69 ? 6. Who was the first NBA nickname? 3. What was the first year of player to record a triple-douthe MN Twins in MLB? ble in the All-Star Game?


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• As workers were unearthing the city, they noticed that there were empty spaces in the ash layers, showing where there had once been human bodies. Fiorelli found that if he pumped plaster into the cavities left by the deteriorated bodies of the dead, he could perfectly reproduce them as they had appeared at the moment of their death. • Archaeologists also made plaster casts of root cavities in gardens to determine what was being grown there. • Graffiti could still be read on the walls, ranging from from private messages to election notices and public announcements. There are lists of market days, insults and accusations, the exchanges of lovers, quotes from Virgil, score keeping for games, and even the scratched alphabets of children.

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• In 1951, after the interruption caused by World War II, intensive excavation was resumed under Amedeo Maiuri, who was in charge of the excavations from 1924 to 1961. By the 1990s, about two-thirds of the city had been excavated.


• Mount Vesuvius is the only active volcano on mainland Europe. It has erupted perhaps 100 times, including six times in the 18th century, eight times in the 19th century, and three times in the 20th century, most recently in 1944. Since 1944, hundreds of minor earthquakes have been reported in the region.

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*Answer located further back.

• Although Pompeii is uninhabited, there are over 3 million people living within 20 miles of the volcano—the highest concentration of people living near an active volcano on earth.

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• In terms of the world’s deadliest volcanic eruptions, Mount Vesuvius doesn’t even rank in the top five. Its claim to fame lies in the end result, of perfectly preserving a slice of history, buried under 20 feet of ash for 1,500 years.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

PROTECT YOURSELF FROM WEST NILE VIRUS West Nile virus (WNV) is an infection transmitted by mosquitoes. The mosquito most common for transmitting this virus is one that is widespread throughout the Grand Forks region. This mosquito does not discriminate. People of all ages are susceptible to WNV infection, but the elderly are at higher risk for developing the more severe form of this disease (neuroinvasive illness). Children infected with WNV generally show no symptoms or may have a mild fever.


Risk factors for West Nile virus: • Time of year – The majority of WNV cases occur in August. • Geographic region – The Dakotas have reported some of the highest cases per capita in the United States. • Time spent outdoors not wearing protective clothing and mosquito repellent – If you work or spend a lot of time outdoors (golfing, gardening, hunting, etc.), you’re at a higher risk of being bitten by mosquitoes. • Proximity – If you live in an area where WNV has already been identified or near mosquito larval habitat. • If you have a weakened immune system. The best way to prevent West Nile virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites. • Use mosquito-repellant products containing DEET. • Wear long sleeves and pants. • Eliminate any standing water from your property, such as trash bins, plant saucers, rain gutters, buckets, etc. The mosquito most common for transmitting this disease generally stays close to the site it hatched from. Don’t let it be a container or rain gutter from your own property.

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One of the discoveries made about the people of Pompeii was that they had seemingly perfect teeth. Scientists were able to use CT scans to make 3D models of the skeletons, and the majority had nearly perfect teeth. This was likely a result of the high fluorine content around the volcano.

by Lucie Winbourne

• Sociologists have discovered an interesting correlation between economic health and women's clothing: The worse the economy, the longer women's skirts become, while the better the economy, the shorter they rise. • Coca-Cola owns all website URLs that can be read as ahh, up to 62 h's. • The world's shortest escalator is the one in the basement of the More's Department Store in the city of Kawasaki, Japan. It's 33 inches tall and has only five steps. • Realizing that surgical antiseptics were marketable to just a small group of professionals, the makers of Listerine began to market the product as a floor cleaner -- as well as a cure for gonorrhea. While we won't necessarily vouch for the latter, in a pinch, just add a capful for every gallon of water and mop away. Other uses include dandruff elimination, deodorant, a numbing agent for toothache pain and tick removal. • The famous Battle of Hastings didn't take place in Hastings, but a town seven miles away, today called Battle. • A 1938 issue of "Mademoiselle" magazine had a handy bit of advice for college gals seeking suitors: have your mom send you some flowers to trick all the boys into thinking they have competition. No word on whether it worked. • According to an American study, Californians are less likely to barbecue on a Tuesday than any other day of the week. • Ferdinand Demara, aka "The Great Impostor," posed as a surgeon aboard a Navy destroyer in the Korean War, where he was forced to operate on 16 people. He proceeded to speed-read a textbook on general surgery and was able to successfully perform all the operations without losing a single patient. *** Thought for the Day: "Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would rather have talked." -- Mark Twain © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.


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• Steven Spielberg shot most of the film from the eye-level of a child to strengthen the connection between Elliot and E.T. With the exception of Elliot’s mom, no adult faces show up until the last half of the film. • The film was shot chronologically, so the child actors would be more emotionally involved in the story. • In the lead role of Elliot, Henry Thomas nailed his audition for the film by crying on command. He later said he was remembering the day that his dog died. • Drew Barrymore was only six years old when she got the role as Elliot’s little sister Gertie. Spielberg was impressed with her ability to spin tall tales during audition interviews. • Spielberg originally wanted M&Ms for the movie, left as bait for E.T. to follow to get from the shed to the house. Mars said no; they didn’t want their product association with an ugly alien. So producers approached Hershey instead. Hershey had just introduced a new candy called Reese’s Pieces and they jumped at the chance to have such advertising. Hershey paid $1 million for the product placement, and subsequently reported a 65% increase in profits from Reese’s Pieces just two weeks after the film opened.




• E.T. opened in over a thousand theaters on June 11, 1982 to an $11.8 million weekend, increasing its take on the next several consecutive weekends. The movie stayed near the top of the box office charts all summer long. It then went on to play 52 weeks straight, raking in over $350 million. It was re-released in 1985 taking in another $40 million. A 20th anniversary re-release generated a further $35 million. It was the highest grossing film of 1982 and became the most successful movie in film history until Steven Spielberg beat that record with “Jurassic Park” 11 years later.


• “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial” is one of the most popular movies ever made. Directed by Steven Spielberg, it tells the story of a young boy named Elliott who discovers an alien creature. He tries to hide the creature from evil government lackeys. He helps E.T. get back in touch with his tribe by building a “phone” to communicate with. He then must rush E.T. to the rendezvous point while avoiding government henchmen, involving telekinesis and a flying bicycle. • In the original script, E.T. is actually a plant-based alien who is neither male nor female. E.T.’s crew came to Earth to study the plant life but were unexpectedly interrupted by government spies. E.T. was accidentally left behind during a hasty retreat. • Steven Spielberg had recently provided Columbia Pictures with the blockbuster “Close Encounters” and was shocked when they turned down the chance to produce “E.T.” Columbia executives thought it would only appeal to young children, too narrow of a niche. Instead, the film went to Universal Pictures. • E.T. was played variously by an animatronic puppet, a dwarf in a suit, and a 12-year-old actor who was born without legs. In scenes where only E.T.’s hand and arm were shown, it was played by a mime wearing a glove. • E.T.’s voice was an elderly woman named Pat Welsh who had been a two-pack-a-day smoker most of her life. A producer ran into her coincidentally in a shop, overheard her speaking, and liked the way she sounded. She had a deep and raspy voice. Her voice was recorded, then slowed down, then mixed with other animal sounds. She spent nine hours in a studio recording her lines, and was compensated $380.

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(Answers located further back)

August 3, 2020

• “Technology is going to be a significant part of our back to school strategy. So, this year, we made sure we have extra chargers and headphones, plus set up a charging station for all school items. We are doing everything we can to be prepared!” — M.K. in Louisiana • Double crust pies should be cooked on the bottom rack. This will ensure the pie is cooked from the bottom and the top crust will not overbrown. • Cane-bottom chairs feeling a little bit loose? You can tighten the cane by taking them outdoors, thoroughly wetting the seat from the underside with hot water, then letting them dry in the full sun. The drying process can shrink the cane, causing it to tighten. • “I recently inherited a beautiful cedar chest from my grandmother, who is downsizing. To freshen the smell of cedar, we lightly sanded the interior and buffed out the dust with a rag that we put a little cedar oil on. It’s totally renewed and ready for all my heirloom quilts!” — T.F. in South Carolina • Use a bit of shaving cream to spot clean a carpet. The “soap” is easily controlled and doesn’t spread unless you make it spread. Use a damp, clean sponge to rinse. • Things you can do with chunks of Styrofoam: Use them as filler in a large garden pot so that you don’t need as much potting soil; create a stamp for a fun art project; set a square of thick foam into a small box and poke holes to hold a set of colored pencils upright. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.



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• On Aug. 23, 1784, four counties in North Carolina declare their independence as the state of Franklin. The counties lay in what would become Tennessee. In defiance of Congress, Franklin survived as an independent nation for four years with its own constitution, Indian treaties and legislated system of barter. • On Aug. 21, 1911, theft of the Mona Lisa is discovered. After a two-year search for the painting, former employee Vincenzo Perugia was captured attempting to collect a ransom. • On Aug. 20, 1920, seven men, including legendary football star Jim Thorpe, meet to organize a professional football league. The meeting led to the creation of the American Professional Football Conference, the forerunner to the National Football League.




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• On Aug. 22, 1933, the notorious Barker gang robs a Federal Reserve mail truck in Chicago and kills Officer Miles Cunningham. Netting only a bunch of worthless checks, the Barkers soon returned to a crime with which they had more success -- kidnapping. Their first victim, William Hamm, had earned the gang $100,000 in ransom. • On Aug. 18, 1958, Vladimir Nabokov's controversial novel "Lolita" is published in the U.S. The novel, about a man's obsession with a 12-year-old girl, had been rejected by four publishers before G.P. Putnam's Sons accepted it. • On Aug. 19, 1960, in the USSR, captured American U-2 spy plane pilot Francis Gary Powers is sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for his confessed espionage. Only 18 months into his sentence, the Soviets released him in exchange for Rudolf Abel, a senior KGB spy who was caught and convicted in the U.S. five years earlier. • On Aug. 17, 1978, the Double Eagle II, with three pilots, completes the first trans-Atlantic balloon flight when it lands near Paris after lifting off from Presque Isle, Maine. The helium-filled balloon had flown 3,233 miles in the nearly six-day odyssey. ©2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE In 1972, Pink Floyd recorded a live performance without an audience at the Roman Amphitheatre in Pompeii. Band member Adrian Maben visited Pompeii and thought the natural background sounds and the silence would make a great setting for their music. A friend of Maben’s was a professor at the University of Naples, and he secured permission to film there. The concert was an unforgettable point in the history of music, even if almost no one was there to see it.


• Percent of Americans who say they are passionately in love: 25% • Average number of weddings each week in the U.S.: 50,000 • Average number of weddings in Las Vegas each day: 300 • Average number of tons of gold made into wedding bands each year in the U.S.: 17 • Percent of first-time brides who get a diamond engagement ring: 74% • Average cost of a diamond engagement ring: $6,000 • Percent of men who get down on one knee when proposing: 64% • Percent of couples who post news of their engagement on social media: 38% • Percent of couples who have a wedding website: 64% • Average length of an engagement: 15 months • Percent of couples who live together before getting married: 75% • Percent of engagements that get called off before the wedding: 13% • Percent of couples who hire a wedding planner: 27% • Average number of hours needed to plan a wedding: 250 • Average age of an American bride: 27 • Average age of an American groom: 29 • Average amount spent on a wedding gown: $1500 • Percent of brides who wear white: 82% • Percent of brides escorted down the aisle by a father figure: 77% • Percent of couples who write their own vows: 44% ...continued

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• Average number of wedding party members: 10 • Average number of wedding guests in the U.S.: 136 • Average amount spent on a wedding: $35,000 • Average number of vendors hired for a wedding: 14 • Percent of wedding paid for by the bride’s parents: 29% • Percent of weddings paid for by the bride and groom: 33% • Percent of Americans who get married at least once in their lives: 88% • Percent of people getting married who have been married before: 33% • Percent of weddings that are destination weddings: 25% • Percent of weddings held outdoors: 27% • Percent of weddings that take place on Saturday: 70% • Percent of weddings on Fridays: 15% • Percent of weddings on Sundays: 12% • Percent of weddings that take place in September: 16% • Percent of weddings that take place in June: 15% • Percent of weddings that take place in October: 14% • Percent of wedding whose photography includes drones: 10% • Percent of couples who update their relationship status to “married” on Facebook: 48% • Percent of brides who change their names after marriage: 80% • Number of married couples in the U.S.: 62 million • Average length of a honeymoon: 7 days • Average amount spent on a honeymoon: $4,500



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