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• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks August 20, 2020
Published by: Wick Publications
Issue # 1,182
JUST SO-S0 by Kathy Wolfe
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We usually use the term “so-so” to describe something that’s neither very good nor very bad. But this week, Tidbits brings you some random facts on all kinds of people, places, and things that begin with the letters “so-.” • The term “so-and-so” can be used for a name you aren’t sure of, for example, “So-and-so says this or that.” Some folks plug it in a sentence to avoid using a vulgar expression, such as, “He’s a dirty rotten so-and-so.” • If you’ve been invited to a friend’s soiree, plan for a fancy evening party. It’s a French word formed from the word “soir,” translating “evening” or “night.” The French go a little further in distinguishing which part of the evening the event is scheduled for. “Soir” means the time immediately following sunset, while “soiree” is translated as “evening.” For the French, it particularly applies to a gathering where music is involved – guests are invited to play, listen, or dance. • In a speech or play, when an actor talks to himself or reveals his thoughts aloud with addressing a listener, he is uttering a soliloquy. Perhaps the most famous soliloquy is the discourse given by Prince Hamlet in Shakespeare’s 1599 play “Hamlet,” the opening phrase of which is, “To be or not to be, that is the question,” continuing for 33 lines containing a total of 262 words.
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Quiz Bits
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5. What does the Latin word “veritas” mean? 6. What’s the name of the coffeehouse in the “Friends” sitcom? 7. The band U2 has only had two No. 1 hits on the American Billbard chart. Name them. 8. What word is on Austin Powers’ license plate in “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery”? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:
1. Who was the father of the Bible’s King Solomon? 2. What event occurs annually around June 21 and December 21? 3. Which famous musician’s nickname was Bocephus? 4. What was the name of Hermione’s pet cat in the “Harry Potter” series?
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JUST SO-SO (continued)
• No one has ever read the writings of Greek philosopher and teacher Socrates because he never wrote anything down! His contributions to the fields of ethics and philosophy were mainly recorded by his student Plato after Socrates’ death. Born around 470 B.C., Socrates was a kingpin in the field of epistemology, a big word for the study of knowledge, justification, and the rationality of belief. For example, epistemology might ask the confusing question, “How do we know that we know?” Socrates is credited with the statement, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” His beliefs and teachings led to his death, as he was found guilty of impiety (a lack of respect for the Athenian polytheistic view of religion), and for “corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens” with those beliefs. He was sentenced to death, and died from drinking the mandated brew of poison hemlock. • The color solferino is a vivid purplish red, similar to the more-familiar magenta. It was named after a village in northern Italy, where, in 1859, the Battle of Solferino was fought between the French and Sardinian Armies. The dye of the color was discovered shortly after the battle, one that resulted in 40,000 casualties in one day, and the color was named to represent the hue of the bloodshed of the battlefield. • The word “sol” has several different meanings. In music, it’s the fifth tone of the scale – do, re, mi, fa, sol. In currency, sol is the basic monetary unit of Peru. Sol is also often referred to as the sun, taking the name from the Latin word. “Solar” also takes its meaning from that same Latin root word. • The Latin language also gives us the word “sorority,” a social club for female students. The word comes from the Latin word for sister, “soror.” ...continued
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JUST SO-SO (continued)
• How much do you know about the sockeye salmon? This fish, found primarily in northern Pacific waters, is also known as the red salmon or the blueback salmon. Why the difference in colors? The body of the fish is primarily red, but only during spawning, in July and August. The remainder of the year, they are blue and silver. Although a female lays between 50 and 205 eggs, there are so many predators in the water that consume the eggs, less than 1% survive the first year of life. For those that escape predators and the fishermen’s nets, the average lifespan is 3 to 5 years. • Those daytime dramas known as soap operas took their name from … what else?...soap! In 1933, Procter & Gamble became the first company to sponsor a daytime radio program called “Ma Perkins,” the tale of a woman who ran a lumberyard in the community of Rushville Center. The company’s laundry soap Oxydol was the first product advertised. Over the next several decades, P&G sponsored 20 soap operas on radio and television, including “As the World Turns” and “Guiding Light.” Major stars who got their start on soap operas include Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Tommy Lee Jones, Meg Ryan, Leo DiCaprio, and Kevin Bacon. • If you’re sipping soave, you’re drinking a dry, fruity white Italian wine, made from Garganega grapes grown in hillside vineyards in northeast Italy near Verona. During the autumn months, mists flow in from the nearby valley, bringing various molds and diseases that can harm grapes. The Garganega gapes have a thicker skin and ripen later, enabling them to withstand the effects of the mist. ...continued
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JUST SO-SO (continued)
• Both London and New York City have areas of the city called Soho. In London, the Soho district is on the west end, and is an area known for its night life and high-class restaurants. In 1536, the area was a plot of farmland, procured by King Henry VIII and developed into a royal park for the aristocracy. It’s believed the name Soho was derived from a hunting call. New York’s Soho neighborhood is named as such because of its location SOuth of HOuston Street in lower Manhattan. During the late 1700’s, the Soho area was part of a grant of farmland bestowed upon freed slaves of the Dutch West Indies Company, the site of the Manhattan’s first free black settlement. Today, it’s the location of artists’ lofts, art galleries, and trendy boutiques. • How about these groups of islands beginning with So-? The Society Islands were named by Captain James Cook during his first voyage in 1769. Located in the South Pacific, the islands are part of French Polynesia and include Tahiti and Bora Bora. The Solomon Islands, a group of volcanic islands also in the South Pacific, lie east of Papua New Guinea and include the island of Guadalcanal. You may not have heard of the Somers Islands, which lie 643 miles east-southeast of North Carolina. This was the former name for the group of islands now known as Bermuda. • Take your place on the sofa, and you’ll be sitting on what originated as a raised platform covered with carpets and cushions. Today’s word has its origins in the Arabic “suffah,” meaning “carpet.”
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
Getting Through the Day
Some random thoughts for getting through the day: Have you heard of custom puzzles? They're available at a number of places online. (Read the reviews before you order and look for U.S. companies.) Select a favorite vacation or family photo, decide on the size of the puzzle and the number of pieces, send in your order and you'll get back all the pieces to create a puzzle of that image. Call the company first to be sure of the details. Buy stamps by mail and stay out of the post office. Ask the local post office to have your mail carrier bring out a stamp order form and envelope. Check off the ones you want, write a check payable to Postmaster and slide it into the envelope. Leave it in your outgoing mail and within a few days your stamps will be delivered to you. Do you have enough indoor plants? Even if you have a few, can you use more? Plants are good for our indoor environment where we're all spending so much time. Check your local nursery for curb pickup. If you miss playing chess with others, you can play online. See www.chess.com/play/computer and play against the computer. Better yet, play against a pal using an old-school method: set up a board on each end and send your moves to each other via email. On the other hand, too many people are trying to cut their own hair nowadays since too many salons and barber shops are closed. If you think you want to cut your own hair, don't. If you really insist you need to cut your hair and haven't done it before, go online to YouTube and watch a few dozen how-to videos about cutting hair. Then rethink your plan again. Whatever you do, don't use regular kitchen or paper scissors. If you have to do this, invest in proper haircutting shears. (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.
The following words share an interesting feature not often seen in other words.
*Answer located further back.
Repellents: Still One of the Best Ways to Prevent Mosquito Bites Unfortunately, there’s no easy solution to controlling mosquitoes. The more rain and standing water we have, the more mosquito habitat available for those pesky critters. Eliminating mosquito breeding sites is essential to keeping the mosquito population in check. When the adult mosquito population seems unbearable, turn to one of the best prevention methods available…a can of OFF! Mosquito repellents with DEET are safe and very effective when applied according to the label. They’ve even improved many of these products so they go on dry, not oily. Don’t let these pesky critters win the outdoor battle this summer. Eliminate any standing water on your property and apply repellents with DEET when outdoors.
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by Lucie Winbourne
• A Florida waitress was promised a new Toyota after winning a sales contest at her restaurant, but was given a toy Yoda, a "Star Wars" doll, instead. She sued the company, and received more than enough to buy herself a new Toyota. • Fear of dolls is called "pediophobia." • Alchemist Hennig Brand is thought to have used upwards of 1,500 gallons of human urine in his quest to make gold. After he evaporated, boiled and distilled it multiple times, it started to glow in the dark and burst into flames. He had instead discovered the element phosphorus. • "Phantom Vibration Syndrome" is the name for when someone thinks their phone is vibrating, but it isn't. • Cats have more than 100 vocal sounds, while dogs only have about 10. • Astronaut John Young caused a small scandal in 1965 when he smuggled a corned beef sandwich aboard Gemini 3. When he took it out in zero gravity and tried to eat it, it broke up, sending crumbs flying around the cabin. No harm was done, but the incident sparked a safety review by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations and a statement from NASA assuring that steps had been taken "to prevent recurrence of corned beef sandwiches in future flights." • Jim Carrey's make-up routine for "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" was so intense and his costume was so uncomfortable that he underwent training from the CIA's torture experts! • Take a good look at Disney princesses and you'll notice that they're all essentially attired in typical princess garb of gown, tiara, etc. But here's a small difference you might not have picked up on -- some wear gloves, and some don't. What's up with that? The ladies without gloves are commoners who married into royalty. *** Thought for the Day: "In a complex world, intelligence consists in ignoring things that are irrelevant." -- Nassim Nicholas Taleb © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.
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“Soul Surfer” is the account of a shark attack on a 13-year-old resident of Hawaii. Tidbits offers up the facts on this inspirational film, released in 2011.
• Having seen actress Anna Sophia Robb in the 2007 movie “Bridge to Terabithia,” Bethany personally asked her to play her in “Soul Surfer.” Anna Sophia was 16 years old when she portrayed the 13-year-old Bethany. Although Bethany provided most of the double work for the surfing scenes, Anna Sophia did have to learn to surf, as did Dennis Quaid, who portrayed Bethany’s father. They did their training with Bethany’s coach. Anna Sophia was a 5-foottall actress who had to play the nearly 6-ft-tall Bethany. Anna wore a green sleeve on her left arm during the post-attack scenes, so that her arm could be digitally removed during the editing process.
• In 2003, 13-year-old Bethany Hamilton and her best friend Alana Blanchard, along with Alana’s father and brother, ventured out for an early morning surf along a Kauai beach. Bethany, who had begun surfing at age 8, was already on the competitive circuit, having gained her first sponsorship at the age of 9. On that morning in 2003, as Bethany waited for a wave, she dangled her left arm in the water. A 14 ft.-long tiger shark attacked the young girl, severing her arm just below the shoulder. Alana’s father fashioned a tourniquet out of his shirt and the Blanchards paddled Bethany into shore.
• “Soul Surfer” marked the acting debut of country singer Carrie Underwood, who portrayed Sarah Hill, Bethany’s church youth pastor. • After several years of raising money for production, shooting began in 2010 in Hawaii, with the shark attack scene filmed on the same beach where the real attack occurred. Additional scenes were filmed in Tahiti. Although slated to be released in 300 theaters, after studio executives viewed the final edition, they decided to release “Soul Surfer” in 2,000 theaters. With an $18 million budget, the movie grossed $47.1 million and was considered a box office success.
• Although she lost 60% of her body’s blood, Bethany returned to surfing just 26 days after the attack, and competed in a major competition just 2 ½ months afterwards, using a modified surfboard with a handle to keep her balance. A year after the attack, Bethany won her first national title. • Although a prosthetic arm with bendable joints was created for Bethany, she rejected it when she discovered it had no functionality other than for appearances. It didn’t help her keep her balance on the surfboard, but rather hindered it, since, in her words, “it basically just hung there.”
• Bethany chronicled her experiences in a 2004 autobiography entitled “Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board.” The feature film was released 7 years later.
• Following the attack, a local family of fishermen tracked down the tiger shark that attacked Bethany, locating the 1,500-lb. beast and killing it about a mile from the site of the attack. Remnants of Bethany’s surfboard were in its mouth, Measurements of its mouth matched markings on the board. The board is now on display at Oceanside, California’s Surf Museum.
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(Answers located further back)
August 10, 2020
• A tip from our good friend A.S.M.: “When buying berries packed in a basket, check the bottom to see if there’s a juice stain. This means that the strawberries at the bottom are crushed.” • “Here’s a great tip for use at bath time with baby: I have a sippy cup that changes color when the drink is hot. Oddly enough, it changes at the perfect temperature for baby’s bath. So, I fill the tub and toss in the cup. When the cup starts to change back to its original color (blue), I know the bathwater is not too hot. I always swish the water around and check with my wrist also, but it is a good visual clue to check.” — P.B. in Idaho • “To remove muffins or rolls from a pan, set it on an old, damp towel for a minute. The steam must loosen the bottoms because they just slide right out. I thank my mom for this tip.” — J.R. via e-mail • When heating milk in a pan, “seal” the pan with unsalted butter to keep the milk from filming and sticking to the sides. Lightly coat all sides of the pan with butter, and the milk is sure to not leave scum, which can take away from the rich flavor of the milk. • Do you find yourself throwing away unused and spoiled fruits and veggies at the end of the week? Try setting aside time after you come home from the grocery store for prepping fruits and vegetables. Pre-bag snack sizes of carrots, celery, strawberries, grapes, cantaloupe and apples. Pre-cut veggies for meals to make later in the week. Slice tomatoes and onions for sandwiches, and tear and separate lettuce for salads. They all make great, healthy treats, and having them ready to go makes it easier to get that five a day! Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• On Aug. 30, 30 B.C., Cleopatra, queen of Egypt and lover of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, takes her life following the defeat of her forces against Octavian, the future first emperor of Rome. She may have committed suicide by means of an asp, a poisonous Egyptian serpent and symbol of divine royalty. • On Aug. 29, 1876, Charles F. Kettering, inventor of electric self-starter, is born in Ohio. Kettering's inventions spread far beyond the automotive industry: He helped develop the refrigerant Freon and an incubator for premature infants. • On Aug. 27, 1883, the most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history occurs on Krakatau, an uninhabited volcanic island west of Sumatra in Indonesia. The explosions threw 5 cubic miles of earth 50 miles into the air, created 120-foot tsunamis and killed 36,000 people.
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• On Aug. 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing women the right to vote, is formally adopted into the U.S. Constitution. The amendment was the culmination of more than 70 years of struggle by woman suffragists. • On Aug. 25, 1944, after more than four years of Nazi occupation, Paris is liberated by the French and the U.S. infantry. Gen. Dietrich von Choltitz, commander of the German garrison, defied an order by Adolf Hitler to burn Paris to the ground and instead signed a formal surrender. • On Aug. 28, 1968, at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, thousands of Vietnam War protesters battle police in the streets, while the Democratic Party falls apart over its stance on Vietnam. • On Aug. 24, 1981, Mark David Chapman is sentenced to 20 years to life for the murder of John Lennon, a founding member of The Beatles. After the shooting on Dec. 8, 1980, Chapman stayed at the scene, reading "The Catcher in the Rye," a book he was obsessed with, until the police arrived. His requests for parole have all been denied. ©2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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August 14 has been designated Social Security Day in commemoration of that day in 1935 when the original Social Security Act created benefits for retired workers. Follow along as Tidbits looks into the particulars of this government program. • In June of 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Committee on Economic Security to research an insurance system to cover personal economic hazards, especially for the unemployed and aged. In 1932, only 15% of the labor force had any employment-related pension. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, poverty rates among senior citizens surpassed 50%, with only about 5% of seniors receiving any retirement pension. The original Social Security Act, enacted on August 14, 1935, provided retirement benefits only to the worker, those 65 or older. It wasn’t until 1939 that an amendment enlarged the benefits to include payments to a worker’s spouse and minor children, along with survivor benefits in the event of a worker’s premature death. The Act also created the first federal unemployment insurance program. • In order to fund Social Security, the Act established a payroll tax collected from employers, as well as requiring employees to contribute equally to the tax. This tax, known as the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax, was first collected in January, 1937. • The first enormous undertaking was to register employers and employees and create Social Security numbers. This was accomplished with the help of the U.S. Post Office, who distributed application forms beginning in November, 1936. Over 30 million SSN cards were issued in local post offices, with the lowest SSN, 001-01-0001, issued to Grace Dorothy Owen, a New Hampshire resident. ...continued
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• Benefits were based on payroll tax contributions made by the worker throughout his/her working life. Monthly benefits were set to begin in 1940, but from 1937 to 1940, benefits were paid in a single, lump-sum payment, in order to provide to those who had contributed but wouldn’t be in the program long enough to qualify for monthly benefits. • The first to receive a lump-sum benefit was Ernest Ackerman, a Cleveland motorman who retired only one day after Social Security began. Ackerman paid in 5 cents to the program in his final paycheck, and received a lump-sum payout of 17 cents. • During its first year, $1.2 million dollars was distributed to 53,000 participants. In 1940, total benefits totaled $35 million. By 1950, that number was $961 million, and by 1960, $11.2 billion in benefits was being paid out. In 2015, the total exceeded $897 billion. In 2018, 19% of the U.S. population received monthly Social Security benefits. • The Social Security program worked well for Vermont worker Ida May Fuller. During the first three years, 1937, 1938, and 1939, Ida May paid in $24.75. She was the first to receive a monthly Social Security payment on January 31, 1940, amounting to $22.54. By the time her second check arrived, she had received more than she had contributed, and by the time she passed away in 1975 at age 100, she had collected $22,888.92. • Nearly 70 million people receive benefits from the programs administered by the Social Security Administration, which now includes Medicare and Medicaid. The current tax rate for Social Security is 6.2% for the employer and 6.2% for the employee. Once a worker earns above the “taxable maximum” for Social Security payroll taxes, earnings are no longer taxed. For the year 2020, this amount is $137,700.
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