Tidbits of Grand Forks - September 24, 2020

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The N e at e s t Little Paper Ever Read

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• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks September 24, 2020

Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 ® TIDBITS REMEMBERS


Issue # 1,187



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Many great inventors have improved our lives, while others were not so lucky. Come along with Tidbits as we remember inventors who were killed by their own inventions.


• Sylvester Roper, born in 1823, was a prodigy. At 12 he constructed a steam engine, despite having never seen one before in his life. He was 14 when he built a locomotive engine. • As an adult, he worked as a machinist in New England, lending his talents to the Union during the Civil War. He improved the design of shotguns, improved the sewing machine, built a steam-powered carriage, and built a factory to turn out screws. • In 1896 he was experimenting with a steam engine attached to a bicycle. It was a prototype of the modern motorcycle. On June 1st he was doing laps at the local track, outpacing professional bicycle riders and achieving a top speed of 40 mph. Witnesses saw the bike wobble and then fall, dumping Roper to the ground where he suffered a head injury and died. An autopsy showed that he had suffered a heart attack, but it was never known if the heart attack caused the crash, or if the crash caused the heart attack. Sylvester Roper was inducted into the Turn the page Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2002. for more!

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Quiz Bits 1.

2. 3. 4.

5. What was the name of Quint’s boat in the movie “Jaws”? 6. After the sun and moon, what What left-handed inventor is the third brightest object in produced workable drawings of Earth’s sky? gliders and parachutes centu7. Name the grunge band that ries before they were built? started out as Mighty Joe Young. Who was the first woman to 8. Name the song that contains win a Nobel Prize? this lyric: “Hey, where did we Who was the only president go, days when the rains came? who never married? Down in the hollow, Which state is home to the only playing a new game.” TRIVIA active diamond mine in the U.S.? SPONSORED BY:


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• Born in Russia in 1873, Alexander Bogdanov achieved much, including becoming a physician, a philosopher, a writer, and a revolutionary. He co-founded the Bolshevik party in 1903, opposing Lenin. He served as a doctor during World War I. Over the years, he was exiled, he was arrested, he wrote a book, and he studied psychiatry. • By 1924 he was aging and getting tired. He wondered if blood transfusions – a brand new field of medicine – would rejuvenate him. He even wondered if blood transfusions would impart immortality, or at least reverse aging. There was only one way to find out. • The first 11 transfusions went well and he insisted that he felt younger and stronger. But the 12th blood transfusion, from a young man, proved to be the death of him. Unknown to him, the man was suffering from malaria and tuberculosis. Moreover, however, he was a different and incompatible blood type, and this was long before blood types were understood. Alexander Bogdanov died shortly afterwards, while the student who had donated the fatal dose of blood went on to make a complete recovery.


• Horace Lawson Hunley was a naval marine engineer during the Civil War. He invented the first hand-powered combat submarine. His first prototype had to be scuttled rather than have it fall into enemy hands when New Orleans fell to Union forces in 1862. The second version sank without fanfare in Mobile Bay, Alabama shortly afterwards. • The third one, with a length of 39 feet and a weight of 7 tons, could reach an underwater speed of 5 mph. During a test dive, hatches had been left open when the craft was swamped by the wake of a passing boat. Four crewmen escaped the sinking submarine but five were drowned.

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• The craft, now named after its inventor, was raised and repaired. In 1863 a crew of 8 including Hunley himself took the sub on a routine exercise. It sank once again, killing all 8 on board including Hunley. • The vessel was raised again and in 1864 it successfully sank the USS Housatonic by ramming it with a torpedo in history’s first instance of a ship being sunk by a submarine. However, the crewmen inside submarine were incapacitated by the shock wave of the torpedo. The Hunley sank for the third and final time, taking all hands with it. It sat on the bottom of Charleston Harbor until being raised in August of 2000.


• Michael Dacre, born in Britain in 1956, joined the British army in 1975, and eventually became a pilot who flew new and experimental planes all over the world. After leaving the service, he formed a company called Avcen Ltd. • It is with Avcen that he developed a craft he called the Jetpod, which looked like a small airplane, and was designed to need only 410.1 feet to take off and 984.3 feet to land. It had a maximum speed of 350 mph. • Dacre envisioned three models of his Jetpod: a commuter plane; a military model; and a medical transport plane. Dacre never got to see the fruition of his dream. On Aug. 16, 2009, he took an eight-seater Jetpod prototype to a take-off strip north of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for a test flight. After failing to get airborne three times in a row, on the fourth try the craft shot vertically into the sky before falling back to the ground and killing him. The dream of the “flying taxi” died with him.

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• Max Valier was born in 1895, studied physics at the University of Innsbruck, and served as an aerial observer during World War I which got him interested in air travel and rocketry. In the late 1920s he worked with Fritz Von Opel of the Opel car company in Germany. Valier wanted to invent a rocket-powered car that could travel from Berlin to New York City in an hour. Von Opel considered Valier’s work valuable for its publicity more than its practicality, but Valier accomplished a successful launch in 1930, followed by the successful test run of a rocket-propelled car. Less than a month later, Max Valier was working on an engine in his laboratory in Berlin when it exploded catastrophically, killing him instantly.


• In 1911, a French aviator offered a reward of 10,000 francs to anyone who could invent a safety parachute for pilots. Austrian Franz Reichelt, a dressmaker, was determined to win. He experimented with designs, attaching them to dummies and hurling them off the 5th story roof of his studio. He ended up with a 320 square foot silk canopy packed into a knapsack, weighing 20 lbs. He was sure that he just needed a higher platform, and settled on the Eiffel Tower.

© 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

• He secured permission to do some experiments, telling police that he’d be throwing dummies off the Eiffel Tower. Instead, he intended to jump. He arrived on February 4th, 1912. Friends who knew his intentions tried to dissuade him and asked him to use a safety rope as back-up. He refused. At 8:22 a.m., surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, photographers, and journalists, he climbed the guardrail, tested the wind direction, and jumped. He fell 187 feet and died instantly, his parachute only half deployed and wrapped around him like a shroud. He was 33 years old.

*Answer located further back in this issue.


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• On Oct. 4, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln observes a balloon demonstration near Washington, D.C. Both Confederate and Union armies experimented with using balloons to gather military intelligence, but they proved to be dangerous and impractical. • On Oct. 3, 1917, the U.S. Congress passes the War Revenue Act, increasing income taxes to unprecedented levels in order to raise more money for World War I. While only 5% of the U.S. population was required to pay taxes, U.S. tax revenue increased from $809 million in 1917 to $3.6 billion the following year. • On Sept. 28, 1941, the Boston Red Sox's Ted Williams plays a double-header against the Philadelphia Athletics and gets six hits in eight trips to the plate, boosting his batting average to .406.




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• On Sept. 30, 1962, in Oxford, Mississippi, James Meredith, an African American, is escorted onto the University of Mississippi campus by U.S. Marshals, setting off a riot that left two men dead. The racial violence was quelled by more than 3,000 federal soldiers. • On Oct. 2, 1971, "Maggie May" becomes Rod Stewart's first No. 1 hit and tops the U.S. and U.K. pop charts. "Maggie May" was a last-minute addition to the album "Every Picture Tells a Story" and was originally released as the B-side to "Reason to Believe." • On Sept. 29, 1988, Stacy Allison of Portland, Oregon, becomes the first American woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest, the highest point on earth. Allison climbed the Himalayan peak using the southeast ridge route. • On Oct. 1, 1993, Polly Klaas is abducted at knifepoint and then murdered by an intruder in Petaluma, California. Her father, Marc Klaas, later lobbied to bring about California's "three strikes" law, which gave life terms to criminals with three felony convictions, even though those committing less serious crimes also could face life in prison.

by Lucie Winbourne

• English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon (15611626) is believed to have eaten a paste of ground pearls and lemon juice to cure illness. • Speaking of pearls, the ancient Greeks believed they were the hardened tears of joy from Aphrodite, goddess of love. • Facebook's theme color is blue because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind. • Barking Sands Beach in Hawaii is famous for the "woofing" sound the dunes make when built-up sand slides. • In 2012, the makers of Bubble Wrap-brand cushioning conducted a survey in which respondents said that just over one minute of popping bubbles provided the stress relief equivalent to a 33-minute massage. Don't have any on hand? No worries! The manufacturer also released an iPhone app that allows you to pop virtual bubbles all day long. • Fear of young people is known as "ephebiphobia." • The astronomer William Henry Pickering thought that black spots on the Moon were migrating insects. • In Ethiopia, a spot appropriately known as "The Gateway to Hell" is one of the hottest on earth, with air that's toxic to humans. Scientists have found organisms in its acid pools that are capable of surviving without oxygen. • Avid readers aren't normally intimidated by a hefty tome, but they might well pause at what's been called the largest book ever. Weighing more than 3,000 pounds and measuring 16.40 feet by 26.44 feet, with 429 pages, "This the Prophet Mohamed" was created in 2012 by 50 people in the United Arab Emirates. • A gallon of gasoline contains a whopping 31,000 calories. We don't expect that you would actually drink it, of course. • A California man who made a personalized license plate that said "No Plate" received more than 2,500 parking tickets. *** Thought for the Day: "Today's accomplishments were yesterday's impossibilities." -- Rev. Robert H. Schuller © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• The scenes that take place in the ruins of a bombedout French city were built from scratch inside the Hatfield Aerodrome at a defunct airbase outside London. It took four months to build the set. Crews • The movie “Saving Private Ryan” is based on the realhauled in tons of rubble from construction sites and life Niland brothers, four siblings who all served during dumped it on the set for an air of authenticity. World War II. Three of the brothers were supposedly killed in action, which caused their remaining brother • For the D-Day sequence, 2,000 weapons were creto be shipped back to America so that the Niland family ated. Of those, 500 could shoot blanks while 1,500 wouldn’t lose all of their sons. One of the sons thought were rubber replicas. to be dead later escaped from a prison camp and re- • Gunfire sound effects were recorded from actual turned home, so the Niland family only lost two sons. gunfire with live ammunition fired from authentic • In the film, a team of eight men (led by Tom Hanks’ charperiod weapons, recorded at a live fire machine gun acter) are sent to rescue one soldier (played by Matt Darange. Most of the bullet hits in the Omaha Beach mon), because all of his brothers had been killed during battle were digitally created. the D-Day invasion and he was the family’s sole surviv- • On D-Day, the anti-landing obstacles made out of ing son. In the movie, six members of the team are killed long poles were designed to be angled towards the on the mission, but they do manage save Private Ryan. beach. In the movie’s D-Day landing sequence, these • The film’s opening scene, which depicts the landing at anti-tank obstacles were mistakenly placed facing Omaha Beach, is said to be the most accurate portrayal the wrong direction, facing away from the beach. of D-Day ever screened. • Steven Spielberg lowered the color saturation of • Because they were not allowed to film on the actual beaches in Normandy, director Steven Spielberg found a very similar beach in Ireland and filmed there instead.

the movie by 60% so the film had a sepia-toned effect. Some cable companies were inundated with complaints about the coloration when they aired the film, when people complained there was something wrong, so they cranked up the color saturation.

• Over 2,500 Irish Reserve Army troops were recruited to portray the Allied forces storming the beach. Local reenactment groups were also employed as extras. The • When Matt Damon was cast as Private Ryan, it was D-Day sequence took four weeks to film and hogged because Spielberg wanted a relatively unknown actor 15% of the film’s entire budget. The entire film was shot at the time. This backfired when “Good Will Huntin 59 days. ing” made Damon an overnight star shortly before this movie was released. • About 30 amputees were hired for realistic shots of soldiers having their limbs blown off. They used 40 barrels • It was the highest grossing movie of 1998. It won of fake blood. five Oscars at the Academy Awards.





• Designers originally intended to use actual uniforms • In 2006, Tom Hanks was inducted into the U.S. Arfrom World War II but found they were difficult to find, my’s Ranger Hall of Fame as an honorary member expensive, and fragile. Instead, some 3,500 customdue to his portrayal of Capt. John Miller. made military uniforms were created.

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(Answers located further back)

September 14, 2020

• Cooking a recipe with garlic and onions to start? Invite me to dinner! But first, remember to let the onions cook to nearly translucent before adding the garlic, which cooks much faster. If you put both in at the same time, the garlic will burn before the onions have a chance to deepen their flavor. • Automatic toilets are great for not having to touch the handles, but they can be scary for kids — and some adults too, if I’m being honest. Try putting a sticky note over the sensor so that it will not flush until you take it off, giving you some control. • “For chores, I write tasks on sticky notes and put them up on our family board. The kids choose the things they want to do, and when they are done to my satisfaction I sign their ticket. At the end of the week, they can bring me the tickets to pay out. This is for extra money, so they don’t have to do it; I don’t have to chase them, and I don’t have to keep track of it either.” — E.L. in Montana • Every so often, use a very diluted bleach solution to rinse out your reusable water bottles. Put them on a bottle rack to air dry completely before sealing them back up. • “I use the same grip tape that my son uses for his baseball bat on my hand tools, like my hammer and pry bar. I also have used it on my lawn tools. It makes a nice barrier that stays put.” — C.R. in South Carolina • Things you should wash with soap and water more often than you think: hairbrushes, eyeglasses (and sunglasses) and keychains. Think about how often they get handled and how infrequently they get cleaned. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


It's hard nowadays to know where to get accurate free information online. Here are two trusted, responsible places we can go. Consumer Reports: While CR would like you to subscribe to their monthly print or online magazine, you don't have to do that to get information. Sign up for their various newsletters (weekly or monthly) and zero in on what you'd like to know about: a weekly What's New, home (appliances and products), cars, health (nutrition, drugs, fitness and safety), food, money (finances, investing, tax planning, retirement) and shopping. You can opt to receive one, a few or all of these in your email. Go online to www.consumerreports.org, scroll to the bottom and click on Sign Up for CR's Free Newsletters. Kim Komando: Known as a Digital Goddess, Kim Komando been on the Internet (as well as radio) for many years. She won't steer you wrong. A recent email newsletter covered 10 cybersecurity myths, how to tell if someone is snooping in your computer, a Windows patch that fixes 100 new flaws, and more. The website even has a coronavirus section with makes-sense information and news. There are 12 email newsletters to choose from, some daily and some weekly, including breaking tech news you need to know, tech tips & how-tos, weekend digital digest and weekly roundup, fraud and security alerts, and more. Go online to www.komando.com and scroll to Subscribe at the bottom of the page. You can opt out or change your mind at any time, and they won't give away your personal information. I've been a subscriber for close to 10 years, and I've never suspected my information was given out. If you want to listen to Kim Komando on the radio, look for Find A Station at the top of her web page and put in your ZIP code. It will give you the stations, date and time of the radio shows. (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

OnStar Help Available for Veterans in Crisis

We've all seen the ads for OnStar gadgets in vehicles that provide instant help for people who are in wrecks. Press the button and an emergency certified adviser is right there, ready to help. The Department of Veterans Affairs has hooked up with OnStar to provide suicide prevention help to veterans. Quick access to suicide prevention help while in a car? I had to think about that for a minute before I got it. Think about it, and you'll get it, too. OnStar has a number of features. If your vehicle has been stolen, it can pinpoint its location for police. If there's been a bad wreck in a rural area, they can give GPS coordinates to rescue personnel. If it's something as simple as running out of gas or having a flat tire, make a quick call to OnStar and help is on the way. Now, with this added feature through the VA, veterans in crisis have another way to get help. If your vehicle is OnStar capable and you've never signed up, consider doing it now. Check the website onstar.com to verify that your vehicle is eligible. Get the app (OnStar Guardian) and put it on your phone. It works while you're in any vehicle. For veterans with suicidal thoughts, the ability to instantly and easily reach out to someone could be a life changer. OnStar personnel have been trained to ask a few fast questions and provide immediate access to the Veterans Crisis Line. These few seconds matter: There's no fumbling through the phone and looking for the crisis line number. Just press the OnStar button and help is there. I like this. I mean, I really like it. It seems that lately the VA has come up with some good ideas to help our vulnerable brothers and sisters, and this is one of them.

NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE Louis Slotin was an American nuclear physicist who was involved in the Manhatten Project. After the war, he continued to experiment with plutonium and accidently set off a fission reaction which released a burst of radiation. When he realized what he had done, Slotin heroically covered the material with his body while the others ran. He died on May 30, 1946, two weeks after the exposure.

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• Mehran Karimi Nasseri was born in 1942 in Iran. His father was an Iranian doctor and his mother was a Scottish nurse working at the same hospital. In 1973, Nasseri went to Britain where he spent three years studying at the University of Bradford. Then he returned to Iran, where he got into trouble for protesting against the Shah. He was expelled from the country in 1977. • He went to Europe and bounced from one country to another, applying for refugee status for the next four years. In 1981, his request for political asylum from Iran was finally granted by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Belgium. • Then he decided he wanted to go to England to search for relatives of his mother. He was on his way there in 1988 when his briefcase containing all of his documentary papers and passports was stolen from a train station. Nasseri boarded a plane for London anyway. But when officials at Heathrow Airport found he had no passport, they sent him back to Charles de Gaulle Airport in France. At first, the French police arrested him for illegal entry and wanted to deport him. But because Nasseri had no documents, there was no country of origin to deport him to. French authorities refused to give Nasseri either a refugee visa or a transit visa. • In 1988, he began his 18-year sojourn in Charles De Gaulle Airport. • He took up residence in Terminal 1, where he made a nook for himself. Airport employees, pilots, and stewardesses took pity on him and brought him meal vouchers and reading material. He received regular visits from a local doctor and a priest. He spent his time reading, writing in a diary, and sleeping on a bench surrounded by his luggage and all of his possessions. ...continued

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• Human rights lawyer Christian Bourget began a ten-year battle to rescue Nasseri. He focused on Belgium, where he hoped to reclaim Nasseri’s original refugee documents. But Belgian officials refused to mail them to France. They argued that Nasseri had to present himself in person. However, the Belgian government refused to allow Nasseri to return to Belgium. • In 1995, the Belgian government finally told Nasseri that he could retrieve his refugee documents if he agreed to live in Belgium. Nasseri refused. He was only interested in living in Britain. DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Tree is larger. 2. Fence is missing. 3. Hubcaps are different. 4. Earring is different. 5. Windshield is gone. 6. Wall has been extended. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• In 1999, Nasseri was presented with an international travel card and a French residency permit. With them, he was free to leave the airport, either to take up residency in France or to fly to any other country that would allow him entry. He refused to sign the papers because they listed his nationality as Iranian when he wanted to be listed as English. His stubbornness meant remaining at the airport. By now his apoplectic lawyer suspected that Nasseri had mental issues and was afraid to leave the airport. When contacted about Nasseri’s situation, his family stated that they believed he was living the life he wanted.



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• His autobiography was published as the book “The Terminal Man” in 2004.

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• In 2006, Nasseri’s 18-year stay at the airport ended when he was hospitalized. In 2007 he left the hospital and was looked after by the French Red Cross, lodged in a hotel close to the airport. In March of 2007, he transferred to a homeless shelter in Paris where he has apparently been living ever since.

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• Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks production company paid Nasseri $250,000 for the rights to his story, which they used as inspiration for the movie “The Terminal” starring Tom Hanks. Information in the Tidbits® Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.



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