Tidbits of Grand Forks - November 5, 2020

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks November 5, 2020

Published by: Wick Publications


Issue # 1,193



WORLD WAR II by Janet Spencer


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Come along with Tidbits as we remember littleknown facts about World War II!


• Scottish infantryman Bill Millin, age 21, was the only bagpiper to land on the beach in Normandy on D-Day. While the battle raged, he played his pipes. A group of captured German snipers was asked why they hadn’t shot him. They replied that they thought he’d gone insane and felt bad for him. He survived the war and died in 2010. • William Patrick Hitler was born in 1911 in Liverpool, the son of Adolf’s half-brother, Alois Hitler, and his Irish wife. As an adult, he immigrated to the U.S. and served in the American navy during the war. He was wounded in action and awarded the Purple Heart. After the war, he changed his name to William Stuart-Houston, got married, raised four sons, and lived in Long Island until his death in 1987. • One German city came up with a clever way of dodging Allied bombing raids during the war. Officials in the town of Konstanz, close to the Swiss border, decided to keep all its lights on as normal at nighttime, rather than enforcing the usual blackout. The bluff paid off, as Allied pilots assumed it actually was in SwitTurn the page zerland, and spared it from harm. for more!

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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Had it been necessary for a third atom bomb, what city would have been targeted after How many battleships were Hiroshima and Nagasaki? destroyed at Pearl Harbor? 6. What country lost the most How many of those battleships lives in World War II? were back in service before the 7. What meeting of world powend of the war? ers near the end of World War In WWII, did the U.S. Air II is often said to mark the Corps or Marine Corps lose beginning of the Cold War? more men? How many days of active combat 8. Where was the first atomTRIVIA bomb tested? service did Dwight D. Eisenhower see in his entire career? SPONSORED BY:


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WORLD WAR II (continued):

• George H. W. Bush, the future President of the United States, enlisted in the army as soon as he turned 18, not long after Pearl Harbor. He quickly became one of the youngest aviators in the Navy. He flew a torpedo bomber that took off from aircraft carriers in the South Pacific. During an attack on a Japanese installation, Bush’s aircraft was shot down by enemy fire. Both of his fellow crew members died, but Bush successfully bailed out from the aircraft and was rescued. He was later awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his role in the mission. By the end of his active service, George Bush had flown 58 missions, completed 128 carrier landings, and recorded 1,228 hours of flight time. • The Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry located in Leningrad, Russia, was the repository for seeds, bulbs, and tubers of about 187,000 varieties of plants, of which about 40,000 were food crops. They were carefully tended in order to protect genetic diversity. During the siege of Leningrad, while thousands of residents died of starvation, nine Soviet botanists also starved to death while protecting this important seed stock. Nikolay Vavilov, the Russian geneticist who started the seed bank, died of starvation in a Russian prison during the war.


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• Although British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was seen as a beloved wartime hero both then and now, he was actually voted out of office just after the war and right in the middle of the historic Potsdam Conference, at which the Allied leaders ironed out the particulars of the treaties and the post-war order. News reached Churchill in Germany about a week into the conference, and he was quickly replaced at the allimportant meeting table by his successor, Clement Attlee. ...continued

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Fall Leaf Disposal H LEAF PICK-UP IS IN FINAL STAGES! H Disposal Options:

For immediate disposal haul your leaves to your nearest compost site through November 15th or Rake them loosely to your berm -NO BAGS. We will attempt to make 2 complete passes through town on street maintenance days, weather permitting. DO NOT mix grass clippings, branches, brush & garden waste. Keep piles away from parked cars, fences & trees, & out of gutters.

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. What team scored the first two-point conversion in NFL history in Week 1 of the 1994 season? 2. What American track and field athlete set world records in the 100-meter and 200-meter sprint in 1988 and is still considered the fastest woman of all time? 3. How many times has Tiger Woods been the runner up at The Masters?

4. Who led the NHL in goals scored in the 1996-97 season with 52 as a member of the Phoenix Coyotes? 5. In 1908, Jack Norworth and Albert Von Tilzer wrote what popular sportsthemed song? 6. Before serving as NBA commissioner from 197584, Larry O’Brien was appointed to what government position by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965?

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WORLD WAR II (continued):

• One ship had a particularly unlucky time in the war. Originally called the SS Wien, it served in the Australian Navy during World War I, and was sunk in 1918. A few years later it was raised, repaired, and put back into service, this time by Italy. During World War II it served as a hospital ship for Mussolini's forces. It was attacked by the Allies, and became the only ship to have been sunk in both world wars.

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• A tactical deception unit called the Ghost Army used their skills to deceive the Germans. The 1,100-man unit was composed of Hollywood movie men and artists who specialized in props, scenery, special effects, set design, and advertising. Together they impersonated Allied army units by building realistic inflatable tanks, wooden planes, cardboard jeeps, and fake guns, all while broadcasting fake radio transmissions, and finding other ways to trick the German army. Using giant speakers and amplifiers mounted on vehicles, they broadcast the sounds of fake battles that could be heard 15 miles away. Another unit was deployed to broadcast the sounds of a (non-existent) bridge being built over the river. One trick was to imitate the usual radio chatter of an army unit that had departed in order to make it seem it was still in place. Using many such ruses, they drew the attention of the German army away from troop movements. The actions of the Ghost Army were kept secret for 40 years following the war. In 2013, a movie was made about their exploits called “The Ghost Army.” • Website Design • Digital Marketing • Google Search Ads • Social Media Marketing • YouTube Advertising • Video Production • SmartSearch Directory

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• During the Battle of the Aleutian Islands, Japan managed to seize U.S.-owned islands in Alaska. (This was prior to Alaska becoming a state.) It was a major blow to the U.S. troops’ moral and cost many lives to reclaim the islands. It was the only U.S. soil Japan ever claimed. ...continued



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*Answer located further back in this issue.

© 2020 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved.

WORLD WAR II (continued):

• The Japanese chose to attack Pearl Harbor on a Sunday because they believed that the Americans would be less alert on this traditional day of rest. When Japanese Commander Mitsuo Fuchida famously called out, “Tora! Tora! Tora!” (“Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!”) after flying over Pearl Harbor, he was letting the Japanese navy know that the plan had in fact worked and that the Americans were caught rather unawares. • The Dutch warship Abraham Crijnssen was disguised as a tropical island while stationed in the East Indies in order to escape detection by the Japanese bombers. It worked. • At the age of 12, Calvin Graham of Texas was the youngest person to serve during the war. Born in 1930, he enlisted in the navy in 1942. He was wounded during the Battle of Guadalcanal, where he served as a loader for an anti-aircraft gun. In spite of his wounds, he rescued wounded soldiers by pulling them aboard ship to safety. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and the Purple Heart. The ship returned to New York City for repairs, where he went AWOL in order to attend his grandmother’s funeral in Texas. He was arrested. At this point his mother revealed his age, yet he was not released until his sister threatened to go to the media.

© 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

• He tried to return to his ship, but found he had been discharged and his awards were revoked. He enlisted legitimately in the Marines in 1948 at the age of 17, where he was injured in a fall in 1951. Although he was a qualified veteran, he spent the rest of his life fighting for benefits. His medals were returned in 1978. Ten years later, his story was told in the TV movie “Too Young the Hero” where he was played by child star Ricky Schroder. At that point he finally received disability benefits and some of the back pay he was owed. He died of heart failure in 1992.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• On Nov. 15, 1777, after 16 months of debate, the Continental Congress, sitting in its temporary capital of York, Pennsylvania, agrees to adopt the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Not until March 1, 1781, would the last of the 13 states, Maryland, ratify the agreement. • On Nov. 12, 1864, Union Gen. William T. Sherman orders the business district of Atlanta destroyed before he embarks on his famous March to the Sea. Nearly 40% of the city was left in ruin. • On Nov. 11, 1885, George Patton, one of the great American generals of World War II, is born in San Gabriel, California. Patton was controversial, known to make eccentric claims that he was a direct descendant of great military leaders of the past through reincarnation.


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• On Nov. 10, 1903, Mary Anderson receives patent No. 743,801 for her "window cleaning device for electric cars and other vehicles to remove snow, ice or sleet from the window." Anderson tried to sell it to a Canadian manufacturing firm, which said the device had no practical value. • On Nov. 14, 1914, in Constantinople, capital of the Ottoman Empire, the religious leader Sheikh-ul-Islam declares an Islamic holy war on behalf of the Ottoman government, urging his Muslim followers to take up arms against Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro. • On Nov. 13, 1953, a member of the Indiana Textbook Commission calls for the removal of references to the book "Robin Hood" from textbooks used by the state's schools. She claimed that Robin Hood was a communist because he robbed the rich and gave it to the poor. • On Nov. 9, 1965, Roger Allen LaPorte, a 22-year-old member of the Catholic Worker movement, immolates himself in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York. Before dying, LaPorte, who was against war, declared that he did it as a religious act.

by Lucie Winbourne

• In the early 1800s, a railroad marketer set up a head-on collision between two trains as a publicity stunt. Some 40,000 people came to watch, and the resulting boiler explosion killed three spectators. But ticket sales soared, and railways everywhere staged train crashes right up until the Great Depression. • The Zombie tit is a species of bird that has learned to track down tiny bats, split open their skulls, and feed on their brains. • On average, a 4-year-old will ask 400 questions in one day. • One of the weirdest scandals in sports history occurred in 1973 when New York Yankees players Fritz Peterson and Mike Kekich decided to trade families -- wives, children, even dogs! After the couples became close friends, Peterson fell in love with Kekich's wife and vice versa. "It's a love story. It wasn't anything dirty," Peterson told a reporter in 2013. Peterson is still married to the former Mrs. Kekich, but Kekich and the former Mrs. Peterson later split up. • Dustin the Turkey, a hand puppet from an Irish TV show, has campaigned for president of Ireland in two separate elections -- representing the "Poultry Party." • Pepper spray and tear gas are technically classified as chemical weapons and thus are forbidden in warfare. • When Prohibition started, alcohol could only be bought for medicinal and religious purposes, from a pharmacy or a doctor. "Medicinal whiskey" was prescribed for just about anything and used to treat conditions such as toothaches and the flu. With a prescription, a patient could legally purchase up to one pint of hard liquor every 10 days. • The human body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring a gallon of water to a boil. *** Thought for the Day: "I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life." -- Corazon Aquino © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

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by Linda Thistle

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• Quentin Tarantino’s film “The Inglourious Basterds” tells the story of two plots to assassinate Nazi Germany’s leadership. One is planned by a young Jewish lady who owns a cinema and the other by a team of Jewish American soldiers (the inglourious basterds).

• Quentin Tarantino called Rod Taylor to offer him the role of Sir Winston Churchill. When Taylor learned the movie was going to be shot in Germany, he pointed out that Albert Finney lived in England, and had played Churchill to great acclaim in “The Gathering Storm.” Tarantino replied, “If Rod Taylor turns me down, I'll call Albert Finney.” Taylor accepted the part. In preparation for playing Churchill, Taylor watched dozens of DVDs with footage of Churchill in order to get his posture, body language, and voice, including a lisp, correct. It was Rod Taylor’s final film.

• The film’s title was inspired by the 1978 combat film “The Inglorious Bastards.” When asked about the misspelled title, Quentin Tarantino merely said that it was an artistic • The role of the Jewish father, Jakob (briefly seen hiding beneath the floorboards in the farmhouse), flourish that required no explanation. • This was the first Quentin Tarantino film to win an Os- was played by Patrick Elias, whose father, Buddy car for acting. It was also his highest-grossing film since Elias, was a first cousin of Anne Frank.

• The dialogue of the movie is in English for approximately 42% of the running time, in German for 28%, in French for 22%, and in Italian for 1%. There is a 44 minute stretch in which less than 9 minutes of dialogue are in English, including 25 straight minutes in which no English is spoken.

“Pulp Fiction.”

• Til Schweiger played the role of Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz, a former German army soldier who murdered 13 Gestapo officers and is recruited by the Basterds. Schweiger was born and raised in Germany and refused to don a Nazi uniform for any film role. He only agreed to do it for this film because he got to kill a Nazi in each of the scenes he • Nazi symbols are forbidden in Germany, so the film’s advertising posters were altered to exclude appeared in. • Actress Diane Kruger played the part of Bridget von Ham- swastikas. However, German law allows Nazi symmersmark, a German film star turned spy for the Allies. bols in “artistic works” so the film itself remained Because her best-known roles had been in English-speak- unaltered. ing films, director Quentin Tarantino thought she was an • Although the script referred to all Germans in uniAmerican, and doubted whether she could master the Ger- form as Nazis, only a small percentage of those in man dialogue and accent. Kruger was born and raised in the Heer (Army), Kreigsmarine (Navy), and Luftwaffe (Air Force) were members of the Nazi party. Germany. • Actor Eli Roth plays the role of the blood-thirsty “Bear However, only Nazis were allowed to become GeJew” who executes Nazis with a baseball bat. When asked stapo and Waffen S.S. members. how he worked himself up into the murderous rages shown • Body count in this film: 301. in the film, he replied that he was wearing historically ac- • The giant swastika falling down in the final scene curate costumes and that “being in wool underwear will is real. It was a mistake that happened on the set make you want to kill anything.” and stayed in the film.






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Solution located on next page.


King Features Weekly Service (Answers located further back)

October 26, 2020

• Remember to turn off bathroom fans after 10 minutes. In the winter, if your house is on the dry side, don’t use the fan at all: Open the door so the humidity from the shower or bath reaches into the house. • “To remove the skin from salmon, I freeze it and skin it while frozen. The skin comes off much easier, and I waste less of the fish. I buy a large piece and parcel it into several smaller pieces, since it’s just me. I like salmon, and it’s healthy for me!” — L.A. in Florida • Need extra dishware or servingware for a holiday meal? Try looking at secondhand stores for large dishes, serving utensils and more. It’s sometimes cheaper than getting throwaways, and it’s better for the environment! You can always donate them again after the holidays. • Here’s a makeup tip from Captain Obvious: Wet your beauty blender. I didn’t know this and had been using it for about a month before my sister told me. So much better! — V.A. in Florida • Freeze fruit that is on the verge of spoiling rather than letting it go to waste. You don’t even have to use it for smoothies. Chuck a handful of frozen fruit in water or iced tea for added flavor. And it’s a superb addition to fancy cocktails. • “Quick sewing tip: Check your fabric’s stretch direction before you lay out your pieces. You’ll thank me later.” — E.F. in Missouri Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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Online Scammers Eye Holiday Shoppers

Holiday shopping online is one of our annual rituals, at least for a portion of the gifts we want to buy, but with COVID making in-person shopping too risky, a much larger percentage of us are likely to shop online. That's what the scammers and thieves are hoping, anyway. The biggest threat this year is likely to be emails. You'll often receive an email from the retailer saying your purchase has been shipped, and there might be a link in the email about that delivery. Beware clicking it. It could be a scammer hoping to install malware on your computer to capture any future credit card or account numbers you type in. Or they might ask you outright to type in personal information such as your name and credit card number. Instead of clicking any link in any email supposedly from a retailer, go to the merchant's website to look for information on your purchase or call them directly. Take the phone number from your bill or their website, not from any email. You might also receive emails about items you didn't order and worry that your account has been hacked. Again, that is one way for the scammers to get you to click a link. Don't do it. Call the merchant instead. Just ordering online isn't the end of your steps to being safe. There are the porch pirates, those awful people who dash up to the house and steal packages right at the door. They often follow delivery trucks to see where the parcels are being left. Keep an eye out for your delivery. Or track it online. A final warning: Merchants often ask you to download their app to make purchases. You don't have to. You can still make online purchases without adding yet another potentially unsecure form of communication. (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

OIG Is Vets' Watchdog

You have to admire the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General. If there's something illegal going on, they will find it. In one case, the doctor said that, no, she had never prescribed anything without first speaking to the patient over the phone to ensure that the drug or equipment was required. The VA OIG didn't just take her word for it, though. It dug around and unearthed the truth: The doctor in Dallas had committed telemedicine fraud against federal insurers including Medicare, Tricare and CHAMPVA by repeatedly ordering products without ever talking to the patient. The result: She'll have to forfeit $33,000 in fees she took for telemedicine visits she didn't do and pay a $180,000 fine. Later, at sentencing, she could be sent to the slammer for five years. In another case, the VAOIG investigated a urologist who had "severe hand tremors and possibly low visual acuity" to determine whether facility leaders had evaluated him and his continued clinical privileges with the VA. The OIG also discovered an additional concern: whether facility leaders had followed directives to report the surgeon to the appropriate state licensing boards. The answer: No, facility leaders had not overseen the problem of hand tremors and low visual acuity; no, he hadn't been reported to licensing boards; and no, nobody had made recommendations about the surgeon's privileges. Meanwhile, there were veterans who had invasive urological procedures done by a doctor with shaky hands and bad vision. Not all OIG cases are so serious, but they do merit attention. In one case, managers of a patient account center used government money to buy refreshments for employees in connection with a VA Diversity and Inclusion Initiative event. However, VA policy says they can only buy food for cultural events that raise awareness of ethnic history if the food is a sample of that culture and is meant to be educational.


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*Answer located back 4 pages.

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• Mortality rate for POWs in Russian camps: 85% • Total casualties during the entire war: 50 to 70 million • Percent of casualties who were civilians: 50% • Percent of casualties from the four countries of Russia, China, Germany, and Poland: 80% • Number of German deaths: 7 million • Number of Chinese deaths: 20 million • Number of Russian deaths: 27 million • Number of US and UK deaths: 500,000 each • Number of deaths at Auschwitz: 1.1 million • Number of artillery pieces Germany had: 7,378 • Number of artillery pieces France had: 10,700 • Number of tanks Germany had: 2,439 • Number of tanks France had: 3,254 • Length of the German campaign against France before France fell: 6 weeks • Number of French civilians who fled after France surrendered: 8 million • Number of women trained as sharpshooters in Russia: 2,000 • Number of trapped soldiers rescued from the beaches of Dunkirk: 478,000 • Number of soldiers who landed on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, the largest battle in history: 104,000 • Number killed at the Battle of Stalingrad: 1.8 million • Number of German generals executed by Hitler: 84 • Number of recipients of the U.S. Medal of Honor: 464 • Number of those recipients who died in service: 266 ...cont'd

Solution on Next Page



• During World War II, Britain’s Royal Air Force began bombing Germany. The German army responded by positioning anti-aircraft guns, which they called “flier defense cannons.” The exact German words are “flieger abwehr kanone.”

DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Window sign is missing. 2. Boy's hat is different. 3. Arrow points in opposite direction. 4. Woman's hair is different. 5. Bricks are added to building. 6. Woman's shoes are flats. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• These guns shot fragmentation grenades into the sky that could be set to explode at a specific altitude. It wasn’t necessary to get a direct hit to cause damage. Once they determined the altitude of the incoming planes, they would shoot grenades directly in the path of the formation, filling the sky with shrapnel that could tear through a plane, slicing cables, lines, and pilots. • The Germans positioned massive banks of these guns where they could protect armies, facilities, and cities. By 1942 over 15,000 had been installed. Still, it was fairly difficult to shoot down a bomber. One study estimated it took more than 3,300 shells to bring down a single plane. The vast amounts of ammunition required for these guns meant German soldiers on the front lines sometimes ran short of ammo. • The effect of these guns was devastating to Britain’s Royal Air Force. Bombers in tight formation couldn’t break away without crashing into the other planes. Once committed to a bombing run, they could not deviate from their flight pattern. Many British bombers went down in flames after being hit. • Rather than call these weapons by their full name of “flieger abwehr kanone” soldiers abbreviated the name. Pilots also began wearing shrapnel-proof leather jackets, which picked up the same name. Today the abbreviation FLAK has entered our language meaning criticism, opposition, or a hostile reaction, as well as denoting a particular style of sturdy leather jacket.



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