The N e at e s t Little Paper Ever Read
Since 1997
• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
December 3, 2020
Published by: Wick Publications
Issue # 1,197
FRENCH by Janet Spencer
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Come along with Tidbits as we consider the French connection to the English language!
• The word “norman” means “north man” in the Norse language. Vikings settled the coast of what is now France and intermingled with other Europeans living in the area. This ethnic group became known as the Normans, settling a region now known as Normandy. • In the year 1066, the Normans invaded England in the Norman Conquest. Afterwards, England was ruled by the Normans who spoke AngloNorman French, causing French words to infiltrate the English language. French words have continued to make their way into the English language. Here are some examples.
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• The French word “camouflet” means “a puff of smoke” and the phrase “se camouflet” means “to shroud oneself in smoke.” On busy streets, pickpockets would employ the help of a beautiful accomplice called a “camouflette” who would engage an intended victim by blowing cigarette smoke in his face, which was considered a come-on. While the mark was distracted, the pickpocket would move in. Today we employ “camouflage” to hide what we are doing.
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Quiz Bits
5. What kind of pet did Robert Blake have on the 1970s TV series “Baretta”? 6. What is the word that stands for “N” in the NATO phonetic alphabet? 7. Who sang the song “Christmas Don’t Be Late”? 8. What is the largest part of the human brain? 9. What year did World War II begin? TRIVIA SPONSORED BY:
1. This material used in sculpture comes from the French phrase meaning “chewed up paper.” 2. In a French restaurant, this man is the “boss.” 3. What word for a mid-day show at a theater comes from the French word meaning “morning.” 4. What name of this car race comes from the French phrase meaning “big prize.”
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FRENCH WORDS (continued):
• In France, “avant garde” means literally “front guard” and refers to the advance party riding in front of an army on the move. The rear guard would be riding behind the army to be sure no one was coming up from behind. Eventually “avant garde” came to mean anyone or anything who is leading the way in social reform or innovative change. • The French “cadet” meaning “junior chief” originally referred to the youngest son of any noble family, who could take his chances in the army because he was so far down in the line of succession that he could afford to die in the war. In England, the word “cadet” was applied to soldiers without rich and influential parents who entered at a low level and worked their way up. Officers would often call them “caddies.” When officers took up the game of golf, these caddies would come along to do the hauling. Later, upper classmen in English boarding schools called the lower classmen “cads.” COUPON
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• In French, “funkier” means “to give off smoke” and the word “funk” came to mean any pall of smoke or cloud of offensive smell. During World War I, a “funk hole” was a recess dug into the wall of a trench to escape from gas attacks. Today, being “in a funk” denotes being under the cloud of a bad mood, while something that was “funky” was originally something found in a smoky bar. • The word “petarde” means a loud series of farts. In the 1500s, the word was applied to primitive bombs used to blow open holes in walls or gates. They were notoriously sensitive and tended to blow unexpectedly, often throwing the bomber high into the air. This led to the phrase “hoisted by his own petard” meaning someone doomed by his own efforts. The phrase was first used in Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet.” • Hors d’œuvre: “apart from the work” meaning “outside of the main course.” ...continued
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• On Dec. 10, 1690, a near-mutiny forces the Massachusetts Bay Colony to issue the first paper currency in the Western Hemisphere. Soldiers were typically paid in coins, but shortages forced armies to temporarily issue IOUs -- in one case, in the form of cut-up playing cards. • On Dec. 7, 1787, in Dover, Delaware, the U.S. Constitution is unanimously ratified by all 30 delegates to the Delaware Constitutional Convention, making Delaware the first state of the modern United States. Government under the U.S. Constitution took effect on March 4, 1789. • On Dec. 9, 1921, an engineer at General Motors discovers that when he added tetraethyl lead to gasoline, it eliminated the knocking sound of internal-combustion engines. In the 1970s, the Environmental Protection Agency phased out leaded gasoline due to health concerns.
• On Dec. 8, 1941, Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to Congress and a lifelong pacifist, casts the sole Congressional vote against the U.S. declaration of war on Japan. She also had voted against U.S. involvement in World War I. • On Dec. 11, 1978, a half dozen masked robbers raid the Lufthansa Airlines cargo building at JFK Airport in New York, making off with more than $5 million in cash ($20 million in today's dollars) and almost $1 million in jewelry. • On Dec. 12, 1989, Leona Helmsley, nicknamed the "Queen of Mean," is sentenced to four years in prison, 750 hours of community service and a $7.1 million tax-fraud fine in New York. Helmsley once quipped that "only the little people pay taxes." • On Dec. 13, 2003, in Seattle, the iconic Hat 'n' Boots Tex Gas Station is hauled away from the spot where it had stood for almost 50 years. The 44-foot-wide Stetson hat had perched atop the filling station's office, while the 22-foot-tall cowboy boots housed the men's and the women's rest-
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FRENCH WORDS (continued):
• The French “numpire” means a “non-peer” indicating a person who is impartial. That morphed into “an umpire.” • The phrase “carte blanche” means “white cards” denoting a situation where someone can impose whatever conditions they choose. During war time, a senior officer would sign the bottom of a report before the report was written, giving the blank paper, or “carte blanch,” to a junior officer, so he could fill in whatever details he wanted. • The phrase “avant pied” means “above the foot” referring the top part of a shoe or boot. Cobblers often repaired or replaced this part of the footware. The phrase was abbreviated when it entered the English language as “vamp.” Because most cobblers focused on refurbishing old boots instead of creating new shoes, to “revamp” came to mean improving something that was rundown. In music, to “vamp” meant to jazz up an old tune with new embellishments, and slinky women dancing seductively to such music were “vamping it up.”
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• Baron Dominique Jean Larrey was Napoleon’s personal physician and also the Surgeon-inChief of the French army. He proposed to Napoleon that he be allowed to set up what was called “hopital ambulant” which is French for “walking hospital.” These were litters carried onto the battlefields by medics who did their best to tend the walking wounded. In later years, hand-held litters were replaced by horse-drawn wagons called “ambulants volantes” meaning “flyingwalkers.” The British adopted the system of stretcher-bearers, and the English word for them became “ambulance.” The French word “ambulant” (originally from Latin) is also the root of “ambulatory” and “amble.” • Parachute: “protection against falling” Parasol: “protection against the sun.” ...continued
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SPORTS QUIZ 1. The Little Brown Jug is a trophy awarded in the rivalry between what two college football teams? 2. What defensive back was known for wearing a “pro cap” on his helmet during his career with the Buffalo Bills from 1986-93? 3. In 2011, who became the oldest player ever -- at age 43 -- to score a goal in the Stanley Cup Finals?
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4. What Puerto Rican boxing great, a champion in three weight classes, was shot to death in November 2012? 5. What previously unbeaten boxer did Felix Trinidad defeat in a majority decision to unify the WBC and IBF welterweight championship in 1999? 6. Name the only two quarterbacks in NFL history to go 4-0 in Super Bowl games.
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FRENCH WORDS (continued):
• The territory along the Atlantic coast of Canada changed hands many times over the years, switching back and forth from British control to French control. In Acadia in 1755, all of the French residents who refused to take an oath honoring the English were evicted from the area. Many of them re-settled in the French territory of Louisiana, where they were called “Acadians” and then “Cadians” and finally “Cajuns.”
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• Laissez-faire: “to let do” indicating someone who refrains from interfering with a situation • Raison d’etre: “reason for existence” • Pièce de résistance: “piece which has staying power” meaning the most impressive feature in any given situation • Bon mot: “good word” or a witty comment • Savoir faire: “know how” of social graces • Déjà vu: “already seen” denoting the weird feeling of reliving the same past experience • Potpourri: “rotten pot” referring to fragrant dried flowers used to mask rotten odors • RSVP: Short for “Répondez S’il Vous Plaît” meaning “Respond If You Please” • Maître d: short for “maître d’hôtel” meaning “master of hotel,” denoting the host • Cul de sac: “the bottom of the sack” • Maneuver: “to operate with the hand” • Panache: the plume of feathers decorating a hat or helmet, now meaning “dashing” • Coup-de-grâce: “cut of grace” originally meant a blow of mercy in battle but now refers to a final touch, like a cherry on top • Bon voyage: “good journey.” Coupon: “piece cut off.” Crochet: “little hook.” Faux-pas: “false step.” Rendezvous: “present yourselves.” Restaurant: “to restore with food.”
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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by Lucie Winbourne
• Tigers, jaguars and leopards love the smell of Calvin Klein's "Obsession For Men"! Photographers who used the fragrance to lure the big cats to their cameras in the wild said the cats "would start drooling, their eyes would half-close, almost like they were going into a trance." • The human body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring a gallon of water to a boil. • Between 1970 and 1973, four Israeli fighter pilots held as POWs in an Egyptian prison passed their time by translating J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" from English into Hebrew. The book was sent to them by their family members via the Red Cross. The pilots' version was published commercially in 1977 and is still considered by many to be one of the best Hebrew translations available. • Until 1953, New York City had a pneumatic tube mail network that spanned 27 miles and connected 23 post offices. At its peak, the system moved 95,000 letters a day at speeds of 30-35 mph. • Halloween is more Irish than St. Patrick's Day.
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• Ever wonder how the dice game Yahtzee got its curious moniker? A wealthy Canadian couple invented the game as a way of entertaining friends on board their yacht. After it proved a hit, the couple consulted a toy maker who loved it, bought the rights, and changed the original name from the generic "Yacht game" to "Yahtzee." • Homer Simpson's famous "D'oh!" is a real word in the Oxford English Dictionary, though in "The Simpsons" scripts, it's rendered merely as an "annoyed grunt." • Barbie has been outfitted by over 70 well-known designers, including Yves Saint Laurent and Christian Dior.
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• Despite prominent billing, Anne Hathaway only has fifteen minutes of screen time, and her character dies 43 minutes into the film. • Colm Wilkinson, who played the kindly bishop, actually played the role of Jean Valjean in several stage productions of the play. • “Les Misérables” is a 2012 epic historical period musical • In one scene, Hugh Jackman carries Eddie Redfilm based on Victor Hugo’s 1862 novel. The film was mayne (who played a student revolutionary) released 150 years after the book was first published. through the sewers on his shoulder. Because so many takes were required, the make-up team used • Although the soundtrack for a movie musical is usually an odorless face-cream mud, similar to the type recorded several months in advance, on this film, nearly used for facials in a spa, in order to make the charall the songs were recorded live on set in order to capture acters look like they were covered in mud and sewthe spontaneity of the moment. age. • As they were singing on set, the sound of a piano off stage was being played into an earpiece in order to keep them • The blue vest worn by Russell Crowe in his role as Javert was purchased by the crew of “Last Week singing on key. The piano playing was done live and the Tonight” with John Oliver during the “Russell pianist was watching the performance in order to adapt Crowe's Art of Divorce Auction” on April 7, 2018. the tempo of the song to the pace of the performance. An The vest, along with other memorabilia purchased orchestral accompaniment was added later. in the auction, was donated to the Blockbuster Vid• Hugh Jackman in his lead role as Jean Valjean lost a coneo store in Anchorage, Alaska in hopes of attractsiderable amount of weight and went 36 hours without ing customers to the store to keep it open in a TV water prior to filming the opening scenes. He played a gag. Sadly, that Blockbuster store closed in sumprisoner finally being released after serving 19 years for mer 2018. The last Blockbuster store still operating stealing a loaf of bread. His dehydrated state gave his is in Bend, Oregon. eyes a sunken gaunt look for the take. He also grew a scraggly beard. Fortunately, subsequent scenes featured • Hugh Jackman bought a lottery ticket for each of the extras that took part in the film as a thank-you his character as a wealthy man, so he was able to ditch the gift. beard and regain the lost weight for the remainder of the filming. • This film was the first musical in ten years to receive an Academy Award nomination for Best Pic• Anne Hathaway in her role as the tragic prostitute Fantine ture. The previous nominee was “Chicago” in 2002. actually allowed her real hair to be cut for the scene where she is shorn. Her (male) hairdresser donned a dress for the • This is the second adaptation of Les Misérables part and actually cut her hair live on camera on the set. to earn an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture. The first was Les Misérables released in • Anne Hathaway’s first exposure to the role of Fantine 1935. The 1998 version of the film, starring Liam was in 1987 when her mother, Kate McCauley Hathaway, Neeson and Uma Thurman, was not nominated. played the role in the first U.S. tour of the musical. • It was the 8th most popular film of 2012.
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(Answers located further back)
November 23, 2020
• Five ways to keep yourself from turning up the thermostat this winter: Put on a sweater; have a nice bowl of soup or stew; wear slippers or thick nonskid socks, grab a comfy blanket; snuggle up with someone special. • “If you bathe in a tub, try rubbing on bath oil before getting in the tub. You will get greater coverage and more moisturizing power from your bath oil. And at this time of year, who doesn’t need that?” — M.E. in Washington • “Here’s a great way to use Christmas cards from last year: Trace a child’s hand on the back of the pictures. Cut them out and use them to make a wreath for the front door. Or, make small jigsaw puzzles for young children to play with. Any good, detailed artwork on a card front will do. Make squiggly lines in the fashion of a jigsaw puzzle, then cut out. It helps if the cardstock is good and thick.” — M.M. in Utah • “To keep light bulbs from sticking in the socket, apply petroleum jelly to the base of the bulb before screwing it into the fixture.” — B.D. in Virginia • Here’s an oldie but a goodie: Add a few drops of water to votive cups before adding a candle. The wax will float on the water, and when the candle burns down, it won’t get stuck in the votive glass. • “Burned rice? No problem. While it’s still hot, carefully remove to a new pot any rice not browned or blackened. Then top it with a single slice of white bread. Allow it to sit for several minutes under a tightly fitted lid. The burned smell is absorbed by the bread, and the rice is fit to eat.” — M.U. in Michigan Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
by Matilda Charles
Fighting Boredom
Are we bored yet? Of course we are. We're staying indoors, especially now that cold weather has arrived, not shopping, not visiting friends, not doing much of anything. Somehow we have to get through this winter, though, and now might be the time to explore things that are new and different to us. Here are some ideas: Change the channel. If you watch the same television news every night, switch to a different one (or better yet, skip a night or two). If you watch the same shows all the time, consider watching something different, even if you think it won't appeal to you. Step outside. Even though it's cold outside, wrap up and go outdoors anyway. Don't try this if there's ice, of course, but even a few minutes spent walking around outside in fresh air can raise your spirits. Grab your camera. Set up still shots around your house. A fabric background on a table or shelf, a few small statues or trinkets (especially ones from trips you've taken) and a lamp for lighting, and you might discover that you have a real eye for photography. Or read a new author, learn to watercolor, take a free online course, watch zoo cams... The idea is to try new things, even given our "stay at home" limitations. As of this writing, most states are seeing big increases in coronavirus levels, even states that were stable with relatively low rates even a few weeks ago. We seniors are, unfortunately, in the high-risk group because of our age, even if we don't have health concerns. And as of this writing, the U.S. has more active cases of the coronavirus than any other country in the world, including India. It has four times the population but half the deaths that we do. It's everywhere, and we can't let down our guard. Stay home, stay safe and look for new things to occupy yourself.
by Freddy Groves
911 Getting a Partner With VA Crisis Link
We all know to call 911 when there's an emergency -- car crash, burglary, need of an ambulance -- but we'll soon be getting an additional number. Starting in the summer of 2022, we'll also have 988 as a direct line for suicide prevention and mental health crises. It's been in the works since last summer, giving telephone companies time to set things up. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Department of Veteran Affairs and the North American Numbering Council all have been working together, and this summer the FCC adopted rules to designate this number -- 988. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline will still be working at 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK). As different parts of the country come online, those calling the new number will be transferred over to the crisis line, but the old number will continue to work. Veterans who call either number should press 1 after dialing to reach the Veterans Crisis Line. They also can chat online at www.veteranscrisisline.net or text 838255. There's also support for the deaf or hard of hearing at TTY 1-800-799-4889. When you read the nationwide stats, you know how important the crisis lines are. Two years ago, the hotline answered over 2 million calls, averaging over 180,000 calls per month. Chats are used as well, averaging 8,500 per month. On the Veterans Crisis Line, there is a network of 400 suicide prevention coordinators at VA facilities around the country. After a completed call to the crisis line, within a day, one of those coordinators will hook up with the caller as follow-up. The support for veterans in crisis is free. The crisis line serves all veterans, service members, National Guard and Reserve, as well as family members and friends. Go online to www.veteranscrisisline.net to see the signs of crisis. Then make the call if needed.
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• Pierre Pérignon was born in 1638 in the Champagne region in northeastern France, an area that derived its name from the Latin word campania meaning “level field” or “plain.” • When he was 19 years old he became a Benedictine monk and was eventually given the job of cellar master at the abbey where he served. Through the years he made many discoveries that improved the quality of the area’s wine. Not only did he refine and improve the basic techniques of making wine and champagne, but he also designed better methods of bottling wine which prevented the bottles from exploding under pressure. He developed better methods of cultivating grapes and worked to increase the size of the abbey’s vineyards. Most of the practices he developed are still used today. • Following his death in 1715, legends grew until he was erroneously credited with inventing champagne. In 1743 two Frenchmen named Moët and Chandon started a winery that catered to the elite of French society. In 1792 the company bought the vineyards that surrounded Pierre’s abbey. The company honored the monk by naming a topof-the-line champagne after him. First released in 1936, they now sell about five million bottles a year of the champagne called Dom Pérignon, with “dom” meaning “master.”
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• Before Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory, it belonged to the French. In the late 1600s and early 1700s, French explorers arrived to map the area, including the Arkansas River. Cartographers navigating the waterway entered the river where it joins the Mississippi River, where a fort was established. They worked their way upstream, mapping the various bends in the river. ...cont'd
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TOP OF THE ARC (cont.)
• The Arkansas River has a northernmost arc, which the French called “Aux Arcs” meaning “at the top arc.” This geographic location where the river makes a wide arch was a very distinct and significant location for early explorers and settlers, who continued to use the French phrase for the area, using American pronunciation and phonetic American spelling. The northerly bend in the river was used as a jumping-off point to explore the ridges, the rivers, and the mountains that were located north of that “top bend” in the Arkansas River.
DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Man's hair is different. 2. No. 7 on jersey is now black. 3. Window is shorter. 4. Man's right arm is hidden. 5. Socks are striped. 6. More bricks on house. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
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• Today the Americanized French phrase denotes several things including a mountain range that encompasses some 42,000 square miles and comprises the only mountains between the Appalachians and the Rockies; a region that includes parts of Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma; and a small town in Arkansas located at the very top of the river’s arc: the Ozarks.
• In the late 1800s a new type of theatrical entertainment became popular throughout America in which comedians, jugglers, musicians, dancers, magicians, and singers each had a few minutes on stage. It was named “vaudeville.” No one is really sure where the term came from, except that everyone is sure it’s from France. It may have come from the Vire River that runs through Normandy, since poets who lived in the valley of the Vire (vau de Vire) wrote satirical verses and humorous songs. It might have originated from the French term “voix de ville” meaning “voice of the village” or “vaux de ville” meaning “worthy of the village.” It may have come from the French phrase “vauder virer” meaning “to go see.”
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