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• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks February 18, 2021
Published by: Wick Publications
Issue # 1,207
Hair Loss Hospital
by Janet Spencer
The average hot dog takes five to seven bites to eat. Come along with Tidbits as we eat hot dogs!
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• Who invented the hot dog? Well, people in Frankfurt, Germany say it was them, over 500 years ago. However, the Germans called their hot dogs “wiener schnitzel” which means “Vienna cutlet” or “wienerwurst” which means 701-739-2403 “Vienna sausage” and the people in Vienna 2600 DeMers Ave. say that’s because the hot dog was invented in Grand Forks, ND Vienna. • Then there’s the story of Bavarian concessionaire Anton Feuchtwanger was selling sausages at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis. They were hot and greasy so he loaned people white gloves to wear while eating them so they wouldn’t get their fingers dirty. But people kept walking off with the gloves until, in desperation, he asked David Kent his brother-in-law for help. His brother-in-law 2534 17th Ave. S. was a baker and came up with long soft rolls, Grand Forks thus inventing the hot dog bun. 218-779-5458 • Another story involves a cartoonist named dkent@nodakins.net Tad Dorgan who was a spectator at the New York Polo Grounds on a cold April Day in 1901. ay hello to Liberty and we’ll work to get youThe thepop and ice cream wasn’t selling, so the concessionaire began selling hot sausage biggest refund possible as fast as possible. Turn the page for more! sandwiches instead.
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• Cartoonist Tad Dorgan watched vendors shouting “Get your dachshund sausages while they’re red hot!” which inspired him to draw a cartoon with a barking dachshund neatly nestled in a warm roll. But because he couldn’t spell “dachshund” he simple called it a “hot dog” thus inventing the name. • The truth is, nobody knows which of these stories is really true or who invented the hot dog. People around the world have been stuffing ground-up meat and spices into casings for centuries.
746.7000 GRAND FORKS
Quiz Bits
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. “The Heat Is On” by Glenn Frey was used in what film? 6. Name the only disco song to What city consumes the ever receive a Grammy. most hot dogs per capita? 7. What star of the movie BreakWhat’s the most popular fast Club was also part of the hot dog topping? original cast of the TV show About how many hot dog Facts of Life? vendors are licensed in the 8. On the 1990s TV show Home city of New York? Improvement, what were the Name the single location in the names of the three nation that sells more hot dogs boys? than any other place. (hint: It’s in Chicago). SPONSORED BY:
• In 1867, Charles Feltman had a wheelwright in Brooklyn named Donovan make him a wagon so that he could carry his fresh homemade pies up and down the strip to the inns and saloons that lined the beaches of Coney Island. The establishments that bought his pies asked him if he could also begin supplying them with hot sandwiches they could serve their customers. Feltman thought a hot sausage sandwich might be just the thing, so he returned to Donovan. • Donovan built a modified cart with a tin-lined chest that kept the rolls fresh. The wagon was also equipped with a charcoal stove suitable for boiling sausages. In 1871 it became the first hot dog stand in Coney Island. Feltman found that his sausage sandwiches were wildly popular and he sold 3,684 of them during his first year in business. • Despite rumors that his hot sausage sandwiches were made of dog meat and rendered horses, Feltman continued to sell them hand over fist. He set up a hot dog restaurant and soon had seven huge grills cooking hot dogs by the thousands, selling them at the rate of 40,000 per day in a restaurant that could seat 8,000. In 1923 he had over five million customers. ...continued
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KING OF HOT DOGS • In 1915 young Nathan Handwerker visited Coney Island and spotted a ‘Help Wanted’ sign in Feltman’s hot dog restaurant. He took the job and sliced hot dog buns for a year, earning $11 per week. By living on the cheap, sleeping on the kitchen floor, and eating little besides hot dogs, he managed to save up $300 within a year. • When singers Eddie Cantor and Jimmy Durante stopped by Feltman’s for a hot dog, they were shocked and dismayed that Feltman had raised the price of his hot dogs to a dime each. They urged Nathan to start his own hot dog restaurant and undercut the price. • Nathan had enough money saved to rent a building nearby where he set up a rival hot dog business, offering his hot dogs for a nickel. No one bought his hot dogs, even when he threw in free root beer and a pickle. They still went to Feltman’s and paid a dime. People felt that anything that cheap must be defective. So Nathan hired bums and derelicts to sit at his counter eating free hot dogs but the crowd made a wide berth around the scruffy diners.
• Next a friend of his who was in the theatrical costume business lent Nathan ten white suits and ten stethoscopes. Nathan dressed up ten newly shaven bums as doctors, hired them to sit at his counter eating hot dogs, and put up a big sign saying, “If doctors eat our hot dogs, you know they’re good!” That did the trick and he was soon selling so many hot dogs that police were constantly trying to clear the crowd of customers that blocked the sidewalk in front of his restaurant. He sold an average of 75,000 hot dogs every summer weekend and by 1955 had sold over a million hot dogs.
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• Every 4th of July Nathan’s sponsors a hot dog eating contest. In 2002, Takeru “The Tsunami” Kobayashi of Japan defended his world title by swallowing 50 1/2 franks (with buns) in just 12 minutes, besting his 2001 record of 50 hot dogs. That’s an average of one hot dog every 14.25 seconds. At a mere 113 lbs., Kobayashi was the lightest of the 20 competitors. However, after the contest he weighed in at 120 lbs. The second place winner downed just 26 hot dogs. Though some claimed Kobayashi won only through use of muscle-relaxing drugs, no evidence supported the claim. Others insisted he be disqualified for burping (regurgitation earns an immediate disqualification) but judges pronounced his win fair and square. For his efforts, Kobayashi won a trophy, a mustard yellow belt, and a year’s supply of hot dogs.
• Many hot dog experts insist you should not put ketchup on a hot dog because it smothers the taste. In the Dirty Harry movie “Sudden Impact,” Harry and his partner are inspecting a murder scene while Harry’s partner is munching a hot dog. The dialog goes something like this: “That is absolutely sickening!” exclaims Harry. “Yeah, the guy was in the prime of his life, and now look at him,” responds his partner. “No, not him!” says Harry. “You just put ketchup on a hot dog! Nobody, and I mean nobody, puts ketchup on a hot dog!”
• Why do hot dogs come ten to a pack and hot dog buns come eight to a pack? Cecil Adams of “The Straight Dope” theorizes it’s because meat packers like pounds, and ten hot dogs equal one pound; while bakers like things that package up neatly and travel well without being squashed, and ten buns make an unwieldy package.
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2315 N. Washington St. • Grand Forks 3. What club did astronaut Alan B. Shepard use to hit golf balls on the moon 1. The “Blake Street Bombduring the Apollo 14 misers” -- Larry Walker, sion in 1971? Andres Galarraga, Dante Bichette and Vinny Castilla 4. Which NHL player set a record for most goals scored -- were members of what by a rookie with 76? MLB team in the mid5. Name 2 of the 4 former 1990s? NFL players who were 2. Who was knocked out by part of the cast in the 2005 Muhammad Ali’s contromovie remake of “The versial “phantom punch” Longest Yard.” in the first round of a May 1965 heavyweight boxing 6. Which NHL team had the championship rematch? most wins in 2019-20 season?
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by Freddy Groves
Do you have a Fitbit activity tracker? If so, the Department of Veterans Affairs has a free program for you. The VA and Fitbit have hooked up to provide one year of free membership to eligible veterans who have the device. This couldn’t have come at a better time, when we need more exercise, less stress and better sleep at night. Up to 10,000 veterans (including caregivers and VA staff) can get one free year of Fitbit Premium, which includes a health metrics dashboard, guided programs and more. Plus, you’ll have access to coaching. Check healthsolutions.fitbit.com. Eligibility will depend on a few things, such as whether you already use Fitbit and where you are. A bonus for veterans who already use VA healthcare: You might qualify for a Fitbit Sense, which is the Fitbit health smartwatch. If for some reason you can’t get into the Fitbit program, you have other options for exercise and working out. Step one is to call the gyms closest to you and ask if they offer anything for veterans. CrossFit, Gold’s Gym, 24 Hour Fitness, OrangeTheory and numerous others offer discounts and special deals for veterans. Don’t forget to try the non-chain locations. If you’re eligible for Medicare, check into the Silver Sneakers program at local gyms; many Medicare plans will pay for that.
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Near a base? If you’re retired, are a MOH recipient or have a disability rating of 100%, you can qualify to use the gym on base. For at-home equipment, if you’re a Veterans Canteen Service (shopvcs.va.gov) member, check out the prices on equipment such as rowing machines and exercise bikes. Look online for a FreeCycle group in your area (freecycle.org), an online listing of items people are giving away. There are 5,300 groups across the U.S. Finally, don’t forget CraigsList.org for people selling equipment near you.
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• Lloyds of London, the famous insurance company, insured ships. In order to classify the risk of insuring a ship, they were inspected and rated on two scales, a numerical scale, and an alphabetical scale. The ships in the best shape were rated A-1. Today, “A - 1” means the best of anything. • One method of committing suicide is hanging. Frequently people who hung themselves would stand on a bucket with a rope around their necks. Then they would “kick the bucket.” • In medieval France it was customary to serve hot roasts to guests. If the guests outstayed their welcome, cold shoulder of mutton was served as a hint: “giving them the cold shoulder.” • Long ago, the width of the thumb equaled one inch, a handy measurement for carpenters and tailors. “A rule of thumb” came to mean any simple method based on practicality rather than scientific method. • The word “brand” comes from the old Anglo-Saxon word which meant “burn.” An article that had just been pulled out of the forge was said to be “brand-new.” • Special holidays were originally marked on the calendars using red ink, for what are now called “red letter days.”
• According to the legend, a man named Leofric, Lord of Coventry, imposed horrendous taxes on his people. His wife, Lady Godiva, appealed to him time and time again to lower the tax burden. Finally, Leofric agreed to grant her request if she would ride naked through the town. She agreed, and issued a proclamation to the town requesting everyone to stay indoors with their shutters closed as she rode through town. Everyone agreed. But a tailor named Tom drilled a hole in his shutter so that he could get a look at her. That is why today we have “peeping Toms.” • “Suits me to a T” means to fit exactly, like the Tsquare fits the surface of a board or block. • If you stick with someone through thick and thin, you're riding with them through the difficult thickets and the easy woods where the trees are thin. • Back in medieval days, most towns were inside fortresses which had gates. When the king trusted an especially good friend, he would be given “the keys to the city.”
• The first uniform-wearing police force was formed in the year 1829 in London. Sir Robert Peel was the man behind the formation of the force, and his men became known as "bobbies" after his nickname.
• Herring is not usually red, but after it had been salted and smoked it turns red. It also turns very smelly. Sometimes in England competitions would be held where a dead animal would be dragged behind a horse, and hunting dogs would be put on the scent. The first dog to find the dead animal won the contest. If a red herring was dragged across the trail by an unscrupulous competitor, the dogs would often be put off the scent.
• The sailing term, “full and by” meant to sail into the wind. The phrase “by and large” meant to sail slightly off the wind. Now “by and large” has come to mean “generally” used when you don’t want to sail directly into the topic.
• The internal organs of a butchered animal used to be referred to as “the humbles” and they were sometimes made into a pie to feed the servants and lowly people. Now, to humble yourself you eat “humble pie.”
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• On Feb. 24, 1786, Wilhelm Karl Grimm, the younger of the two Brothers Grimm, is born in Germany. The Grimm collection of folk and fairy tales includes "Hansel and Gretel" and "Little Red Riding Hood." • On Feb. 25, 1862, the U.S. Congress passes the Legal Tender Act, authorizing paper notes to pay the government's bills. It ended the long-standing policy of using only gold or silver in transactions. • On Feb. 26, 1919, the Grand Canyon National Park is established. The chasm, home to more than 1,500 plant and 500 animal species, is more than a mile deep, and 15 miles across at its widest point.
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• On Feb. 22, 1959, Lee Petty edges Johnny Beauchamp in a photo finish to win the first-ever Daytona 500 in Florida. Beauchamp was initially named the winner, until Petty challenged the results using news photos. • On Feb. 27, 1964, the Italian government begins accepting suggestions on how to save the Leaning Tower of Pisa from collapse. The top of the 180-foot tower was hanging 17 feet south of the base. The tower's lean is caused by the remains of an ancient river estuary under the building. • On Feb. 23, 1980, speedskater Eric Heiden captures the 10,000-meter race at the Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, New York, in world record time to win an unprecedented fifth individual gold medal. Heiden had overslept and rushed to the rink after eating just a few slices of bread. • On Feb. 28, 1993, in Waco, Texas, federal agents launch an unsuccessful raid against the Branch Davidian compound as part of an investigation into illegal possession of firearms and explosives by the Christian cult. On April 18, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno approved a tear-gas grenade assault on the compound. A fire erupted and at least 80 people died.
King Features Weekly Service ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
(Answers located further back)
February 8, 2021
• Line your veggie and fruit drawers with plain paper towels to avoid messes in the refrigerator. Check through produce daily to remove any spoiled items. • “For grease stains on fabric, I don’t reach any further than my kitchen sink. I saturate it with dishwashing liquid and throw it in the washer. it works better than any stain stick.” — W.D. in Pennsylvania • “Everyone knows probably five uses for pantyhose with runs in them. Here’s one I heard from a friend that I had never heard before. Scrunch one leg up and use it like a dusting mitt on upholstered furniture to get rid of cat hair. I guess it would work for all pet hair, but I do this every day now, and it’s so easy.” — G.T. in Washington • If you have a stinky sink problem, check your garbage disposal. The plastic insert in the drain will usually pull out to give you a better look. Sometimes, all that is needed is to clean the plastic insert — it can collect a nasty food slime on the disposal-facing side. You can also try running it for a few minutes with ice cubes, citrus peels or baking soda and vinegar. • If you have many books on a bookcase, here’s a tip that’ll blow you away: Use a hair dryer on the cool setting to blow dust off the top of the books. Work from the top down, wipe the visible shelf with a microfiber cloth, then vacuum the floor. • “In one of my pizza boxes, I noticed a sheet of plastic netting that keeps the pizza crust crispy during delivery. I saved it, thinking I would find a use for it. I did — in my dishwasher! I had several small plastic containers that kept flipping up and collecting water, so I lined them up and placed the netting over them. I laid a spatula on top to keep it in place. It totally worked.” — A.A. in Florida Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
by Lucie Winbourne
• In 2003, Rapper Pusha T wrote the famous McDonald's jingle "I'm Lovin' It," but does not own any of the publishing rights. After wisely learning from that multimillion-dollar mistake, he now owns 40% of the publishing rights for the "We have the meats" campaign from Arby's. • Baked beans aren't baked. They're stewed. • After he seized power in Cuba, Fidel Castro banned the board game Monopoly and ordered every set to be destroyed. • Researchers have found that there are 19 different types of smiles, but only six occur when we're having a good time. The rest happen when we're in pain, embarrassed, uncomfortable, horrified or even miserable! • Genoan sailors were known colloquially as "Genes" and wore cotton pants, which is where we get the word "jeans." • A singing birthday card has more computer power than the entire Allied Army of World War II. • There is a spacecraft graveyard in the Pacific Ocean. Known as "Point Nemo," it is the farthest place on Earth from land and is home to over 300 spacecraft and associated space debris, including the Russian MIR space station, the first object assembled in planetary orbit. • Horrormeister Stephen King has triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13) and won't stop writing if he's on the page number is 13 or a multiple of it. • OMG, the popular acronym for "Oh my God," was first used in writing in a letter to Winston Churchill in 1917, by John Arbuthnot Fisher, a retired Admiral of the British Navy, who said, "I hear that a new order of Knighthood is on the tapis, O.M.G. (Oh! My God!)." *** Thought for the Day: "Most heroes live quiet, unassuming existences. They lend a hand and help, without any expectation of gratitude or fanfare." -- Ray Madaghiele *Answer located back 3 pages.
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• Kinsey Millhone is in her mid-30s, twice divorced with no kids. She rents a garage apartment from an elderly lady and she’s friends with a barmaid at the neighborhood hangout. She owns one dress, and it’s black. She drives a beat-up VW bug. She’s an ex-cop who makes her living as a P.I. for an insurance company in California. Kinsey is fearless without being reckless. She is spunky, pragmatic, and stubborn. She’s been described as “Nancy Drew with attitude.” Kinsey Millhone is entirely fictitious. • Sue Grafton, who is fact rather than fiction, grew up in Kentucky where she was constantly encouraged to read. Her father enjoyed writing mysteries though he never made much money at it. His first was entitled “The Rat Began to Gnaw the Rope” and his second was “The Rope Began to Hang the Butcher.” His third, never completed, was “The Butcher Began to Kill the Ox.” Grafton liked the way his books linked together.
*Answer located back 4 pages.
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• She graduated from the University of Louisville in 1961 and in 1967 won a writing contest which led to a contract to publish her first novel “Kezia Dane.” Her next book, “The Lolly-Madonna War” came out in 1969. MGM made that book into a movie, propelling Grafton into the Hollywood script-writing scene for the next 15 years. • Dissatisfied, she turned to writing mysteries to extricate herself from Tinseltown. During a nasty custody dispute with an ex-husband, Grafton grew so angry that she fantasized about committing murder. The plot she dreamed up for offing him formed the basis of her first mystery. She studied police procedure and forensics, interviewed attorneys and coroners, and visited jails and prisons. She pored over crime stories in the newspapers looking for ideas. ...continued
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• Grafton wondered why all the hard-boiled detectives were male. Why not have a female detective? Thus Kinsey Millhone was born. Her name was taken from the birth announcements in the newspaper. Her hometown of Santa Teresa is a thinly disguised version of Grafton’s home of Santa Barbara. Looking through an Edward Gorey cartoon book gave her the idea for serializing her mysteries after reading his alphabetized rhymes: “A is for Amy who fell down the stairs; B is for Basil, eaten by bears…” It reminded her of her father’s books.
DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Snowman's hat is different. 2. Boy has a scarf. 3. Snowballs have been added. 4. Tree is missing. 5. Teacher's nose is different. 5. Boy is holding an apple. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
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• Grafton’s first Kinsey Millhone mystery, “A is for Alibi,” was published in 1982. 7,500 copies were printed. “B is for Burglar” followed. By the time “F is for Fugitive” was published, the first press run was up to 100,000 copies. “K is for Killer” sold half a million copies. She died in 2017 before completing the final book, for the letter Z. • Grafton tried not to follow a formula. In “J is for Judgement” the body doesn’t even show up until the epilogue. She avoided flashy high-tech murders, serial killers, and international espionage, sticking to basic garden-variety murder. Grafton identified strongly with her central character and even boasted that she owned two of Kinsey’s handguns. “I don’t like the movies and the books in which the woman hears a sound at night and goes out with a little candle in her nightie into the howling abyss,” she said. In a way, the author and the character are good friends. “She and I have many things in common,” Grafton admitted in an interview. “Sometimes I say to myself, ‘Would Kinsey put up with this?’ and if the answer is no, then I know it’s time for me to speak up. I’ve always said the smartest thing I ever did was to invent somebody who now supports me.”
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1. L.A. followed 5. “I Will Survive” by NYC and by Gloria Philly. Gaynor 2. Mustard in 1980. followed by 6. Molly ketchup, chili Ringwald and relish. 7. Bradley, 3. 3,100 Randy, & 4. O’Hare Airport Mark 5. “Beverly Hills Cop” (1984).
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