Tidbits of Grand Forks - May 6, 2021

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks May 6, 2021

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• Where would we be without Whitcomb Judson, a Chicago inventor? While experimenting in 1891 with a gadget that would cut the time required to button and unbutton shoes, the “Clasp Locker and Unlocker for Shoes,” Judson came up with the zipper!

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• If you think we’ve always used envelopes, think again! This simple item didn’t come along until 1839. Prior to that, folks simply folded letters both ways and sealed them with wax.

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• We take them for granted, but teabags weren’t around until 1904, when American businessman Thomas Sullivan invented them. • Housewives everywhere were thrilled to see the introductions of the electric washing machine by the Hurley Machine Company in 1906 and the electric food mixer by the UniTurn the page for more! versal Company in 1918.

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I just heard news that the inventor of the Heimlich Manuever, Henry J. Heimlich, just passed away at 96. I'm still choked up about it.

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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. What was the town’s name in the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”? What are the three inventions most often cited that Americans 6. What was John Denver’s first U.S. No. 1 hit? say they can’t live without? Which American president laid 7. What type of species is Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars: The the foundation for the U.S. patPhantom Menace? ent system? 8. In 2013, Will Ferrell turned T or F: Thomas Edison holds down $29 million to make a more patents than any other sequel to which 2003 inventor. hit? What actor and racecar driver invented the bucket seat in 1969. SPONSORED BY:



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• The same gentleman who invented plywood also conceived dynamite. Yet he’s the most famous for the prizes offered every year in his name … Alfred Nobel. • William Kellogg introduced his creation, Corn Flakes, to the marketplace in 1906. • Although many would claim the honor of inventing the world’s first electronic computer, a 1973 American court decision officially awarded the achievement to Dr. John Vincent Atanasoff, a professor of physics at Iowa State University. Dr. Atanasoff devised his digital computer with a memory drum in 1942 but was not acclaimed as the “father of American computing” until after years of patent litigation. • When Edwin Land snapped a photograph of his little daughter while on a family picnic, she pleaded to see the picture immediately and was crushed when told she would have to wait. That incident prompted Mr. Land to invent a camera with processing chemicals embodied inside it that produces photos in 60 seconds. He dubbed this 1947 original idea the Polaroid Land camera—not because the owners took pictures on land—but after himself, of course!



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• Listerine antiseptic was not named after its inventor, Dr. Joseph Lawrence, but rather after Dr. Joseph Lister in 1879. When Lawrence originated the formula in his St. Louis laboratory, he dubbed it “Listerine” in honor of the British surgeon, Lister, who led the way in establishing sanitary operation room procedures. Lawrence intended the concoction to be used strictly in the medical profession as an antibacterial; Listerine was not ...continued offered to the public for 36 years.

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. What South African golfer completed the secondplace career Grand Slam -finishing second in all four majors -- with his runnerup finish at the 2017 PGA Championship? 2. What 3 teams have never had the first overall pick in the NFL Draft? 3. What 3 schools have produced the most No. 1 overall picks in NFL draft?

4. In 1991, Los Angeles Kings owner Bruce McNall, hockey great Wayne Gretzky and actor/ comedian John Candy jointly purchased what pro football team? 5. In 2020, what team hired Kim Ng as the first female general manager in Major League Baseball history? 6. T or F: No team has ever gone from the first overall pick to a Super Bowl win in the same season.

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Duct tape was created in 1942 for the military to seal ammo boxes. Its waterproof qualities led to its name, Duck Tape, because it repelled water like ducks' feathers do. Following WWII, people used the versatile tape to connect ductwork in homes and buildings, and it eventually became known as "Duct" Tape.

• Internal heart pacemakers have been in use since 1957. • Famous escape artist Harry Houdini, born Erich Weiss, appropriated his stage name from a 19th Century inventor, Jean Eugene Robert Houdin. One of Houdin’s more interesting inventions was that of an alarm clock with a bell and a lighted candle that came out of the box at the appropriate time. • Although, the antidepressant Prozac was invented in 1972, it wasn’t cleared for use in the United States until 1987. • Does the Caesar salad have anything to do with Julius Caesar? No, it was actually the idea of a Tijuana restaurant owner, Caesar Cardini. • Philadelphia was home to the world’s first coinoperated vending machine, the “Automat,” introduced in 1902. • What’s that, you say? You can turn up your hearing aid, thanks to that 1901 innovative creation of Miller Reese Hutchinson. • Masking tape was developed by the 3M Company, a sandpaper-making firm, in 1925. A 3M employee calling on an automobile plant noticed that painters were having difficulty painting the newly-popular two-tone cars. The employee returned to #M and immediately began work on a product that would make his job easier, and masking tape was born! • Americans have been munching Baby Ruth candy bars since 1920. Contrary to popular belief, this treat was not named after the famous Yankee slugger, Babe Ruth, but rather it was named after the daughter of President Grover Cleveland. • In 1932, Forrest Mars invented the first-ever “chew bar”---the Mars Bar---a confection covered in caramel and chocolate.

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• James McNeill Whistler is well known for the painting of his mother entitled “arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1,” more commonly known as “Whistler’s Mother.” James Whistler’s father was also famous in his own right for his innovative addition to the train. What was it? What else--the whistle! • George Westinghouse is remembered for his accomplishments in the field of electricity, but his first patent, at age 19, was for a rotary steam engine. Westinghouse received 134 patents in 10 years, about one every three weeks. A pioneer in the railroad industry, he had the exclusive patent on compressed air brakes for trains, followed by 20 supplementary patents improving on his railroad brakes. His electrically-controlled railroad signals were the first of their kind.



• Thomas Alva Edison is best remembered for his light bulb and phonograph inventions, yet this genius obtained more than 1,300 other patents over the course of his creative life. During the 1880s, he filed for a patent on the average of every five days. A voting machine, a talking doll, waxed paper, an electric safety lantern for miners, and an electric pen were among his successful items. • When questioned about the frequency of his inventions, Thomas Edison stated he should have “a minor invention every ten days and a big thing every six months or so.” • Thomas Edison’s dying breath was saved in a bottle by Henry Ford and can be seen today at the Ford Museum in Greenfield Village, Michigan. Edison’s entire Menlo Park, New Jersey laboratory, reassembled piece by piece, is also on display there.

© 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

• When Edison tested his first light bulb in 1879, it burned for 40 hours.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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by Lucie Winbourne

• Kim Walker played clique leader Heather Chandler in the movie "Heathers." Her character was noted for stinging one-liners, one of which -- "Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?" -- had a tragic echo. Walker died of a brain tumor 13 years after uttering the line onscreen. • The fingerprints of a koala are so indistinguishable from humans that they have occasionally been confused at a crime scene. • Charles VI of France, aka Charles the Mad, believed he was made of glass and could shatter at any moment. One method he used to avoid this dire fate involved ordering his tailors to sew iron rods into his clothing. • The world record to remove and replace a car engine is 42 seconds.

*Answer located further back

• Rabbit jumping, shin kicking, toe wrestling, bog snorkeling and aggressive sitting are all actual sports. • Discarded shoes can take up to 1,000 years to break down. • Jerry Seinfeld was such a fan of comic book hero Superman that he included a reference to the character in every episode of his eponymous sitcom. • It only takes 23 people to enter a room to give you an even chance that two of them have the same birthday. Put 75 people in the room and the chances rise to 99%. • Chinese paintings from as far back as 200 B.C. depict people participating in the sport of mountain climbing. • The US government trains sea lions to find and retrieve equipment lost at sea and to identify intruders swimming into restricted areas. While they don't have sonar like dolphins, they do have excellent eyesight.

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• In some countries it is not illegal to escape prison as long as no laws are broken. *** Thought for the Day: "Teachers open the doors, but you must enter by yourself." -- Chinese proverb (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• It was customary to distribute free copies of popular new books at the convention, and it was customary to have those books covered in book jackets designed for the occasion. Also customary was using depictions of buxom women to sell everything. Many book jackets displayed a languishing damsel.

• In the 1600s a popular game was often played between two people and a referee. The game was partly gambling and partly bartering. The game started when two people had items that they wished to swap. A friend or bystander would be called upon to judge the value of • In designing a book jacket for this occasion, Gelett the two items to determine whether or not they were Burgess wanted to mock these conventions, so he liftequal in worth. If not, the owner of the item of lesser ed the image of a gorgeous beauty from a toothpaste value was called upon to pony up some extra cash to ad and put it on his book jacket, dubbing her with a make the deal even. fictitious name. Her first name was Belinda. She was • Next, the referee would doff his cap and each of the quoted on the book jacket saying gushy things about players would place some coins in the hat. The referee the book. would hold the cap high and each player would reach • At the banquet, 500 copies of this book with the spoof into it. They then had the choice of pulling out a coin, book jacket were distributed. Afterwards, Belinda’s or pulling out nothing at all. If both players drew out last name entered our language meaning a short piece coins, the deal was on and the referee got to keep the of writing which generally praises or promotes somecoins. If neither player drew out coins, the deal was off thing. Belinda’s last name was Blurb. and the referee got to keep the coins. If only one player SWEET HARD TACK drew out coins, the deal was off, but the lucky player got to keep the coins. • In the Roman Empire, bakers invented a new product. First they made a loaf of dough without using oils or • Through the years the name of this simple betting game butter. Next they put a slab of dough into the oven. where each player places a hand in a cap entered our Once cooked, they sliced it into individual portions language. Because of the referee’s judgements concernand baked the slices again. This removed all moising equalizing the value of the swap and leveling the ture, making it crisp and dry, and giving it an extraorplaying field, the word now refers to any action taken dinarily long shelf life, useful during wars, journeys, to make a contest more even: Handicap. and sea voyages.


• Around the turn of the century a humorist named Gelett • After the fall of the Roman Empire, these crackers popped up in Tuscany, Italy, thanks to a local baker Burgess kept America laughing. He’s best known for a who served them with wine. Their popularity spread, ditty he wrote: “I’ve never seen a purple cow / I hope and even Columbus packed these sweet crispy crackI never see one / But I can tell you anyhow / I’d rather ers on his voyages. In Italy they are eaten with wine; see than be one.” in England with tea; and in America with coffee. The • In 1906 Gelett Burgess published a witty book entitled name for this item comes from the Latin words “bis” “Are You a Bromide?” The book was selling well when meaning twice, and “coctum” meaning baked: biscotti, the American Booksellers Association annual banquet from which we also get the word “biscuit.” rolled around.






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(Answers located further back)

April 26, 2021

• My family’s spring-cleaning checklist is in full effect. Some people dread seasonal chores, but I relish the sense of accomplishment that comes from a job well done. With the right planning, and some helpful tips, spring cleaning can be a breeze. Here are some of the best we have to share. — JoAnn • “Stainless steel appliances are very popular, and in the kitchen, they get plenty of chances to get fingerprinted up. My appliance guy recommended using a light-mist, wax-based aerosol dusting spray once or twice a week to keep my stainless steel appliance fronts looking their best.” — R.C. in North Carolina • In the closet, we all want to pare away unused items, but sometimes it seems like you wear clothes that you don’t. Turn all the clothes hangers the opposite way (facing out instead of in). When you use an item and it is returned to the closet, replace the hanger normally. In a few months, if an item has not been worn, it will be apparent. If it’s not likely to be worn, it should go. • Spring is a wonderful time to clean the walls inside your house. It clears away hidden dust and really freshens a room. Clean painted walls by dusting them first with a dry mop, then washing with a rag dampened in water. If you need a little extra oomph — say, in the kitchen or bath — add a couple drops of mild dish soap. • New drapes or even new pillow covers in a fabulous pattern can really jazz up a room. Consider switching smaller furniture accents between common rooms or a fresh furniture arrangement to change it up. • Keep a bottle of club soda handy for spot stains on carpets or upholstery. It’s good for more than just drinks. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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• On May 10, 1869, the presidents of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads meet in Promontory, Utah, and drive a ceremonial last spike into a rail line that connects their railroads. This made transcontinental railroad travel possible for the first time in U.S. history. • On May 16, 1929, the first-ever Academy Awards ceremony is held, with some 270 people in attendance. Movies were just making the transition from silent films to "talkies," but all the nominated films were without sound. • On May 11, 1934, a massive dust storm sends millions of tons of topsoil flying across the parched Great Plains to the East Coast and as far away as ships 300 miles offshore. Farmers had pushed their fields to the limit, plowing under more and more grassland.

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• On May 15, 1942, Lt. Ronald Reagan, a cavalry officer, applies for reassignment to the Army Air Force. As a public relations officer, the actor and future president produced military training, morale and propaganda films. • On May 12, 1975, the American freighter Mayaguez is captured by communist government forces gunboats in Cambodia. Two days later President Ford ordered the bombing of the Cambodian port where the gunboats had come from. Forty-one Americans died, many in an accidental explosion during the attack. • On May 13, 1985, in Philadelphia, police begin evacuating people from their homes in order to prepare for an operation against MOVE, a radical cult group. MOVE had begun assembling a large arsenal and building bunkers in their row house. The government gave $1.5 million to three survivors of the raid. • On May 14, 1999, President Bill Clinton apologizes directly to Chinese President Jiang Zemin on the phone for the accidental NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. China refused Clinton's calls for four days and banned American films and music in protest. © 2021 Hearst Communications, Inc.

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• American chemist Lyle Goodhue patented the aerosol container in 1941. Insecticides were the first items sold in this new dispenser. • When America’s first hideaway bed was stowed away for the day, it had to be raised up to the ceiling and secured there. It was a famous statesman who received the first patent for this convenient item---Thomas Jefferson. • Bavarian immigrant Levi Strauss designed his heavy denim workpants for the miners of San Francisco in 1850. Levi charged $13.50 a pair of these sturdy trousers. • It was the greatest thing since sliced bread--a machine that not only sliced the bread but wrapped it as well! This device was the 1930 brainstorm of Otto Rohwodder. • Chester Carlson spent a good part of his life perfecting the copy machine, receiving a patent in 1937. However, the world didn’t share his vision of one-touch copying, and 20 companies rejected his presentation before it was finally marketed for the first time in 1959 under the name “Xerox 914.” • A young medical student working his way through school in the early 1900s took a job as a shoe salesman, where he recognized just how uncomfortable most shoes were. By the time he graduated, he had invented an arch support he called the “Foot-eazer” and before long opened his own factory. Over the course of his 85 years, Dr. William Scholl introduced more than 1,000 foot care products and claimed he’s had only one corn in his entire life. • Although the carpet sweeper was invented in 1876, the name of its inventor lives on today, Melville Bissell. Hubert Booth came up with the electric vacuum cleaner in 1901! ...continued

Solution on Next Page


• Celebrity moms Jamie Lee Curtis and Christie Brinkley got into the inventing act with ideas for kids. Curtis obtained a patent for a diaper with a pre-moistened baby wipe; while Brinkley’s creation of children’s educational blocks earned her U.S. Patent No. 4,998,883. • The next time you have a manicure, ask your technician if she has the artificial fingernail with the clock and calendar display available. This 1989 invention enables ladies everywhere to have lovely nails that tell time as well!

DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Sign is different. 2. Badge is missing. 3. Pocket is added. 4. Stripe is missing. 5. Kerchief is different. 6. Pen is missing. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

• The name of Porsche brings to mind a sleek, speedy sports car, but did you know that Ferdinand Porsche was also the creator of the Volkswagen Beetle? Although the Bug was invented in 1934, it wasn’t introduced in America until 1949 and remained pretty much the same through 1981, when the 20-millionth Beetle was manufactured. The new Bug design was introduced in 1998. • When we think of Henry Ford, we think of the automobile, but how about his other invention, charcoal briquettes? Ford came up with this idea to use up all the scraps of wood remaining from the manufacture of his Model T’s. • Back in 1936, Oklahoma grocer Sylvan Goldman was bothered by the fact that his customers quit shopping when their hand-held baskets became too heavy. He devised a shopping cart on wheels after stating at a folding chair. His new creation, dubbed “Cartwheels,” could hold twice as many groceries as a basket! When customers were slow to try his new innovation, Goldman hired actors to cheerfully propel full carts up and down the aisles, pretending to shop. Goldman’s original cart can be seen at Washington, D.C.’s Smithsonian Institute.

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TIDBITSGF.COM Information in the Tidbits paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed. Tidbits of Grand Forks publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising from any business, individual or group for any reason deemed inappropriate or not in the publisher's best interest.

Quiz Answers

1. Car, light bulb, and telephone 2. George Washington 3. False. Shunpei Yamazaki of Japan is the record-holder. 4. Steve McQueen

5. Bedford Falls 6. “Sunshine on My Shoulders,” in 1974. 7. Gungan 8. “Elf”



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