Tidbits of Grand Forks - May 13, 2021

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks May 13, 2021

Published by: Wick Publications


Issue # 1,219





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It’s the little things that count, right? This week, Tidbits focuses on some things in the category of “little.” • Cartoonist Harold Gray debuted his comic strip “Little Orphan Annie” in August of 1924 in the New York Daily News. The name was borrowed from poet James Whitcomb Riley’s 1885 work “Little Orphant Annie.” The 10-year-old orphan had unruly, curly red hair, wore a red dress, and frequently used the phrases “Gee whiskers” and “Leapin’ lizards!” Her financial benefactor was Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks and his mean-spirited wife. Five months after Annie’s debut, a puppy rescued her from a gang of vicious boys. Unable to keep the dog, whom she had named Sandy, Annie gave him to a restaurant owner. But in a May, 1925 strip, Sandy rescued Annie once again, this time from gypsy kidnappers, and the dog became her own. • Little Orphan Annie was almost Little Orphan Otto, but when Harold Gray saw that of the 43 strips in print in 1924, only three featured females in a prominent role, he made the switch to Annie. • Little Orphan Annie was so popular that it also had its own radio show, was produced as a Broadway musical in 1977, and made into five different movie adaptations. Turn the page for more!


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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. What 1980s kids animated TV series was about tiny people with mouse-like features living What novel told the story of the in the walls of a human house? March sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth, 6. What year did Little House and Amy? on the Prairie debut on TV? Which famous singer recorded Which network produced it? a song called “Little by Little” 7. Who was Alfalfa’s sweetheart in 1985? on The Little Rascals show? Name the singing duo who recorded “Wake Up, Little Susie” 8. Who starred in the 1986 movie Little Shop of in 1957. Horrors? What musical group had a hit known as “Lonesome Loser”? SPONSORED BY:



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• Although it was a comic, Gray used “Little Orphan Annie” as a platform to reflect his political views, inserting comments about his dislike of organized labor unions, FDR’s New Deal, Communism, as well as his staunch anti-racism views. The strip occasionally contained rather violent content, including muggings, knives, and street gangs, leading a few newspapers to suspend it until that storyline concluded. • After an 86-year run, “Little Orphan Annie” appeared in papers for the last time on June 13, 2010. At the time, fewer than 20 newspapers were still running it, one of which was the New York Daily News, the original debut paper, which had carried the comic for its entire span. • Richard Wayne Penniman achieved rock ‘n’ roll fame in the mid-1950s under the stage name of Little Richard. He got his start singing gospel in church at a young age. At 23, Richard’s first attempt at recording resulted in an immediate “Billboard” hit, “Tutti Fruitti” in 1955. It was followed up by “Long Tall Sally” and “Good Golly Miss Molly.” In 1957, Penniman stepped away from rock, turning to recording gospel songs and forming a traveling evangelistic preaching team. He returned to the rock genre in 1964. Little Richard was one of the ten original inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. • One of the most popular works of fiction in the late 19th century was “Little Lord Fauntleroy,” by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It was the rags-toriches tale of young Cedric Errol, who, living in poverty with his mother, inherited an earldom and a sizable estate from his grandfather. The book launched a fashion fad, the Fauntleroy suit, a black velvet jacket and matching knee pants, along with a fancy blouse with a lace or ruffled collar. There have been upwards of 20 film adaptations of the story, beginning in 1914 and continuing until 2012. ...continued

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• In 1934, Ruth and O.D. McKee expanded their small bakery by taking over another operation, offering small cakes for a lower price than the competition. Over the next two decades, the company went national, selling Nutty Bars, Swiss Rolls, Zebra Cakes, and Banana Twins, along with a new invention – two oatmeal cookies sandwiched together with fluffy crème filling, dubbed appropriately, the Oatmeal Crème Pie. Within just 10 months of the debut of oatmeal crème pies, 14 million cakes had been sold. In 1960, the McKee Baking Company introduced a family-sized carton of 12 individually-wrapped cakes for 49 cents. That same year, the company needed a creative logo for the box and O.D. decided that the face of his little granddaughter Debbie would be perfect for the box, and hired illustrator Pearl Mann to create Debbie’s portrait. Debbie’s image has endured on the packaging of Little Debbie snacks for more than 60 years, with very few changes. • Little Debbie was so successful that a 45 RPM vinyl record of the Little Debbie jingle on one side and the reading of a children’s story on the flip side was released. In 1969, the company unveiled Moon Crunch Snacks in commemoration of the 1969 moon landing. In 1982, Little Debbie cakes were named as the official snack of the 1982 World’s Fair held in Knoxville, Tennessee. A Little Debbie doll introduced in 1985 celebrated the 25th anniversary of the brand. The 50th anniversary in 2010 brought a national “Little Debbie Look-Alike Contest,” prompting more than 900 children to submit photos in hopes of winning a $5,000 scholarship. • So where is the real Little Debbie today? Debra McKee-Fowler serves as the company’s Executive Vice-President and board member, overseeing sales of upwards of $800 million annually from the more than 75 varieties of Little Debbie snacks.


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2315 N. Washington St. • Grand Forks 4. In 1996, what medical condition cut the Minnesota Twins’ Kirby 1. What year did the New Puckett’s career short? England Patriots play their 5. Which NBA team curfirst season in the NFL? 2. What stadium did the Patri- rently has the longest streak of not making the ots play their home games playoffs? in before moving into Gil6. In 2021, the Buffalo lette Stadium in 2002? Sabres had the longest 3. T or F: Rod Carew holds losing streak in NHL histhe record for stealing tory with 18. Which two home seven times in a teams previously held the single season. 4. How old was Pete Rose record with 17 consecuwhen he go his 4,000th hit? tive losses?


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• Kids have been reading Little Golden Books since 1942, when Western Publishing released the first 12 books of the series for 25 cents each. Included in the initial offering were such well-known titles as “Three Little Kittens,” “Mother Goose,” “The Little Red Hen,” “Scuffy the Tugboat,” and “The Poky Little Puppy,” all in a 42-page format, printed in either two or four colors. “The Poky Little Puppy,” which was the one-billionth Little Golden Book printed, is the top-selling children’s book of all time. The series has expanded to include more contemporary subjects such as Sesame Street, Disney, Barbie, Power Rangers, and even Star Wars. That 25-cent price remained the same until the 1960s, when it was raised to 29 cents. By the 1990s, the books were $1.99.


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• What child hasn’t heard the story of “Little Red Riding Hood”? The tale about the young girl and the Big Bad Wolf dates back to the 10th century, with many versions relating the account, including the Italian account of “The False Grandmother.” The two best known were written by Charles Perrault, published in 1697, and the fairy tale retold by the Brothers Grimm, printed in 1812, which they called Rotkäppchen, or “Red Cap.” The endings differ among the varying tales, with one finishing with the wolf eating both the grandmother and Red Riding Hood, who rescued by a lumberjack, who cut open the wolf’s body, freeing them. A kinder, gentler version locks Grandmother in the closet, and Red is rescued from becoming the wolf’s lunch by the woodcutter. The hero also differs between a lumberjack and a huntsman seeking the animal’s hide.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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Folks who attended the Riverbend Festival in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 2011 had the chance to view the world’s largest Little Debbie’s oatmeal crème pie. This gigantic treat weighed in at 125 lbs.



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by Lucie Winbourne

• Are you a fan of hot peppers? One you might want to avoid is the Dragon's Breath chili pepper, which could kill you by causing a type of anaphylactic shock, burning and even closing your airway. But Mike Smith, its inventor, never intended it to be eaten: It was actually developed for use as a topical numbing agent for people who are allergic to regular anesthetics. • Only two countries use the color purple in their national flags -- Dominica and Nicaragua. • Steven Spielberg's adaptation of Peter Benchley's "Jaws" made a lot of folks afraid to go back in the water, but perhaps what they should have been more concerned about is the fact that the sea is also home to nearly 200,000 different kinds of viruses! • It is illegal to enter the House of Parliament while wearing a suit of armor.

*Answer located further back

• Just as earth has earthquakes, the moon has -- you guessed it -- moonquakes. While less common and less intense than the shakes we know and dread, they're believed to result from tidal stresses connected to the distance between the two bodies.

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• The first person to be charged with driving too fast was Walter Arnold, of the English village Paddock Wood in Kent. On Jan. 28, 1896, he clocked in at four times the speed limit in his Benz -- or a whopping 8 mph. A constable chased him down on a bicycle and issued Arnold a ticket.

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Danish author Hans Christian Andersen published his fairy tale “The Little Mermaid” in 1837, the story of a young mermaid who gave up her life in the sea to gain a human soul. She saved a prince from drowning when his ship sank, then bargained with a sea-witch to exchange her voice for human legs. The 1989 Disney version of the film ended happily; however, Andersen’s tale ended badly for the mermaid, when, without her voice, she could not tell the prince that she had saved him, and he married another.

• The Elysia cf. marginata, a type of sea slug, can not only survive decapitation, but grow an entire new body afterward. • Pineapple works as a natural meat tenderizer. It's packed with the enzyme bromelain, which breaks down protein chains. *** Thought for Today: "Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored." -- Abraham Lincoln

(c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

by Matilda Charles

Lessons Learned From Buying Online


© 2021 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved.


*Answer located further back in this issue.

So many things have changed in how we live our lives in the time of COVID. It's been a year since it all began in earnest and, despite the vaccines, nothing has really gone back to normal. Even small tasks have a layer of "more difficult" on them ... such as buying a new handheld vacuum cleaner. My little handheld vac began dying after just a short time. I tried to baby it along, but now even with a full overnight charge, it only runs for 42 seconds before it quits again and wants another long charge. Used to be I'd go off to a local store, examine several possibilities and buy one. This time I went online, where thousands of selections awaited me, as well as hundreds of reviews for each item. I changed the list to lowest price first. I changed the list to most popular. I searched for only the manufacturer of my current handheld vac. It didn't help. Here are some things I learned along the way. If you're faced with making a purchase online and are hit with too many choices, call your local stores and ask what they recommend. Then look up the item online. If an item description (such as for a big fry pan) says it weighs 5.2 pounds, take your current fry pan into the bathroom and weigh it on your scale for comparison. If you want new shirts and the sizing chart online is iffy, order more of what you already have, but in different colors. The end result of this saga is that I purchased the same brand and model as my current vacuum. If nothing else, I know it will last approximately 2.5 years, which is right after the warranty expires. But at least I'll know what to expect while it works. © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• In the early days of the 1800s, trade was just beginning to open up between Japan and America. Most American trade ships docked in the port of Yokohama. The city had one main street that was well-policed at night, and it was called Honcho-dori Street. It was the only safe thoroughfare in town; sailors caught in the city after dark trying to return to their ship through twisting alleys and convoluted byways were far more likely to be robbed, beaten and murdered. Therefore men being granted shore leave were warned never to wander through Yokohama at night, and to stick to the main route of Honcho-dori street, where they could be assured that everything would be “hunky-dori” which is how the phrase came into English. • The French “hoche” means “a shaking.” Add that to the word “pot” and you have “a shaking together in a pot.” “Hotch-pot” became the word for a stew and led to our “hodgepodge” meaning a jumbled assortment. • In Middle English “habben” meant to have; and “ne habben” meant to have not. “Habben, ne habben” was eventually abbreviated to “hobnob.” • In Massachusetts in 1812, Governor Elbridge Gerry pressured the legislature to re-district the state to insure his victory in the next election. A team of men re-drew the voting boundaries to include any pockets they could find of Elbridge supporters. One voting district in Essex County looked like a dragon. Someone looking at a map of the new district mentioned that it looked like a salamander. A bystander said a better name would be Gerrymander, after the Governor. And that’s how “gerrymander” came to mean tampering with something to make it advantageous to yourself.

• Edward I of England invaded Scotland in 1296. In every town that was overtaken, he would force the local politicians to sign a document pledging support to the King. The generic term for any official document written on a scroll was “ragman roll.” Officials made public readings of the long boring ragman rolls, where people got tired of listening to what we now call “rigamarole.” • In France, the word “grourmet” meant a groom for the horses. Later it came to mean a groom for the horses, and then was applied to any of the servants of a home. Some of the servants were professional wine-tasters; some were connoisseurs of food. Eventually the word that used to mean groom came to mean one who is well studied in fine foods— a gourmet. • In John Milton’s poem “Paradise Lost” written in 1667, the city of Pandemonium is the capital of hell. Pandemonium is coined from the terms “pan” meaning “all” and “daimon” meaning demons: the city of All Demons. • In sailing, a sheet is a line that attaches to the lower corner of a sail. When you pull the sheet in, the sail is tight against the wind and the ship sails quickly. When you let the sheet out, the sail sags and flaps in the wind and the ship comes to a standstill. A ship that has "three sheets to the wind" is floating helplessly in the water, just as a person who has had too many drinks is helpless. • What does a catacomb have to do with a cat or a comb? Nothing. The word is from the Greek “kata” meaning down, and “kumbe” meaning hollow. • The Latin word “supra” means over and “saltus” means jump. “Suprasaltus” passed through Spanish, French and Old English before becoming our somersault.






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(Answers located further back)

May 10, 2021

• C.S.R. in Florida sends this reminder: Pull out the plugs on toasters, microwaves, etc. Appliances still draw a bit of power when not in use but plugged in. • Fasten buttons, zippers and other closures before laundering a garment. This is especially important for any item that includes a hook-and-loop closure. The hooks will catch on other garments, and best case will be filled with lint. Worst case: They can tear at the threads of other items of clothing. • If you have a bunch of your family’s historical documents, make sure you scan them and preserve them for future generations. It’s always nice to forward copies to relatives — you never know when someone will get involved in genealogy and really want to see those birth records, baptism certificates and baby photos. • You can sharpen knitting needles with a pencil sharpener. You also can use an emery board. Sharp needles work best! • “If you have two pairs of similar slacks — one navy and one black — you can put a safety pin through the tag on one of them so you can tell them apart. I have a pin in the navy slacks. They really do look similar until you’re out in the light.” — T.L. in Virginia • Make chopping walnuts easier: Put some in a bowl, and nest another bowl into it, then rock the top bowl back and forth to crush the walnuts. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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• On May 22, 1455, the battle of England's War of the Roses begins in St. Albans, 20 miles northwest of London. The forces of House of York, whose badge was a white rose, defeated the red-rose House of Lancaster. Both families claimed the throne and the war would stretch on for 30 years. • On May 23, 1934, famed fugitives Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker are killed in a police ambush near Sailes, Louisiana. They died in a two-minute fusillade of over 150 bullets. The Barrow Gang was believed responsible for the deaths of 13 people, including nine police officers. • On May 21, 1955, then-unknown singer Chuck Berry pays his first visit to a recording studio and cuts "Maybellene." The song became a No. 1 R&B hit and a top 5 pop hit. It helped that DJ Alan Freed played the record for two hours straight during his WINS radio show in New York City.

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• On May 17, 1965, after a two-year investigation, the FBI declares the supposedly pornographic lyrics of "Louie Louie" to be officially unintelligible. • On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens, a volcanic peak in southwestern Washington, violently erupts. The massive blast killed 57 people and leveled nearly all vegetation as far as 12 miles away. • On May 19, 1997, a 3-year-old boy dies of avian influenza in Hong Kong. Before the outbreak was controlled, six people were dead and 1.6 million domestic fowl were destroyed. The virus mutated and caused 62 more human deaths in Asia by 2005. • On May 20, 2007, Fox's long-running animated series "The Simpsons" airs its 400th episode. "The Simpsons" debuted in December 1989 with a special Christmas show, "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire." Its success paved the way for other adult-oriented animated series, notably "King of the Hill," "The Family Guy" and "South Park."

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• When European explorers informed the native Dene Indians of the Northwest Territories that explorer Alexander Mackenzie had "found" the river that now bears his name, the Indians replied that they didn't know the river had ever been lost.


• Martin Frobisher sailed from England past Greenland in the year 1576 in search of the Northwest Passage. He ran into trouble with the native Eskimo and turned for home, taking samples of ore-bearing rocks he found on the shore. In England, a chemist announced it was gold ore. Frobisher mounted a second expedition, feeling that gold was more important than the Northwest Passage. He spent the summer of 1577 on Baffin Island, loading three ships with 200 tons of rock. Back in England, scientists exclaimed over how much gold the rocks bore— so Frobisher headed back again, this time with 15 ships. He brought home 1,350 tons of ore this time, and smelters in England spent five years trying without success trying to extract gold from it. Only then did they discover the "gold" was actually iron pyrite— fool's gold. It was worthless.


• On August 11, 1775, a Greenland whaling ship called the Herald found itself in a sea full of icebergs in gale force winds. By morning, the weather cleared. Suddenly another ship came into view. As they neared it, the whalers saw that the unknown ship was covered with ice and no humans were on deck. They received no answers to their hails. The captain lowered a longboat and went to investigate, accompanied by eight men. As they approached the derelict ship, they saw that her name was the Octavius. Boarding, they found no sign of life. ...continued

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• Kicking open the ice-coated door to go below, they were greeted by a musty odor. The men found a corpse in every bunk, each bundled in blankets and preserved by the cold. They found the captain's body slumped forward on a desk, pen in hand. The body of a woman lay in the bunk. In the corner was a sailor, with a flint and steel nearby. A mound of wood shavings was in front of him. Nearby, under a heavy coat, was the body of a small boy. They found no provisions.

DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Spoon handle is added. 2. Curtain is wider. 3. Box design is different. 4. Faucet is missing. 5. Bow is different. 6. V-neck is added. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• Taking the log book, they returned to their own ship. Unfortunately, the log book was dropped and many pages lost into the ocean. The Octavious drifted off, never to be seen again. The logbook revealed that the doomed ship left England bound for China on September 10, 1761. Good winds and fair weather prevailed, and nothing was amiss. The final page said, "We have now been enclosed in the ice 17 days, and our approximate position is Longitude 160 W, Latitude 75 N. The fire went out yesterday, and our master has been trying to rekindle it again but without success. He has handed the steel and flint to the mate. The master's son died this morning and his wife says she no longer feels the terrible cold. The rest of us seem to have no relief from the agony." The location given in the logbook in the final entry was north of Point Barrow, Alaska. • The captain of the Octavius had decided to look for the yet undiscovered Northwest Passage through the Arctic instead of sailing home all the way around South America. The ship, locked in the ice, sailed on even after the demise of the crew— and became the first ship ever to negotiate the elusive Northwest Passage. Her crew for the journey was a captain and crew who had been dead for 13 years. Today the logbook of the Octavius is in the archives of the Registrar of Shipping in London. Locally Owned

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