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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks June 3, 2021
Published by: Wick Publications
Issue # 1,222
MUSEUMS by Janet Spencer
Come along with Tidbits as we visit museums!
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There are more than 30 Believe It Or Not “Odditoriums” around the world, displaying artifacts, photos, and stories collected by Robert Ripley as he traveled the world seeking out the unusual. Here are some of the articles displayed at the various Ripley museums: • A ¾ scale model of a 1907 Silver Ghost Rolls Royce with moving engine parts, turning wheels, and lights that work, made out of more than a million matchsticks and 63 pints of glue. • A replica of the Mona Lisa made entirely of toast burnt to various shades. • Lumps of coal recovered from the Titanic. • Replicas of Robert Wadlow, the world’s tallest human, measuring 8-feet 11-inches; and Walter Hudson, one of the world’s heaviest people, reputed to weigh 1,400 pounds, though others contend he weighed only 800-900 pounds (he refused to be weighed) • The “Lord’s Prayer” written on a grain of rice without the aid of a microscope, using an ordinary pen. • The world’s smallest violin, which fits in the palm of a hand. Turn the page for more!
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Quiz Bits
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. Which president signed the Louisiana Purchase? 7. What year was the InternaWhat is the largest museum tional Space Station launched? in the world? Each year, do more Americans 8. Which film joined Ben Hur and Titanic in receiving a attend professional sporting record eleven Oscars? events, or visit a museum? 9. Sailor Jack and dog Bingo are How many objects are protected the mascots for what snack? by museums in the U.S.? 10. The long-running TV drama What percent of museums are “ER” is set in which in rural areas? U.S. city? Which museum is featured in the film Night at the Museum? SPONSORED BY:
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• A 21-foot working Ferris wheel made of Erector set parts. • A six-legged cow that died at the age of 14. • A life-sized portrait of John Wayne constructed entirely out of lint. • A statue of Marilyn Monroe made from $250,000 worth of shredded dollar bills.
• In Deerfield, Illinois, visit the Tooth Fairy Museum to see a Tooth Fairy treasure trove, including Tooth Fairies made out of everything from paper mache to clay to fabric. There are Tooth Fairy angels, pixies, ballerinas, and even a Tooth Fairy bag lady. Of course, there are a lot of Tooth Fairy boxes designed for children to put their teeth into in order to receive their money. One is shaped like a set of pink gums and is designed so that each tooth lost is placed in the appropriate slot, reproducing the child’s smile. Collecting money for lost teeth is an American habit which became popular around 1900. At that time, the going rate per tooth was about 12 cents. Now, it’s a little over 4 dollars!
• In Dallas, visit the Olde Fan Museum. There are more than 600 fans displayed here, all of them operational. One pre-Civil war model is powered by a rocking chair. The 300-pound 5-foot-wide Cyclone was used in movie making and needs to be anchored down when in use to prevent it from going through the wall. In the 1902s, perfume fans were popular, with canisters of scent being sprayed through the blades. One antique fan has a bullet hole in it for unknown reasons. • In Stevenson, Washington, visit the Don Brown Rosary Collection. With over 4,000 rosaries, this is the biggest collection of rosaries in the world. The rosary beads are made from everything, including glass, beads, bone, rubies, opals, olive pits, nuts, leather, and even bullets. One rosary on display was carried by JFK during World War II and is the most valuable specimen on display. Unfortunately, the museum had to turn down one rosary that was offered for donation in honor of the pope’s visit to Florida. It was more than 100 feet long and simply would not fit.
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3. Which MLB franchise has thrown the most no1. The Padres just completed a hitters? 9-0 homestand, the longest 4. Has a MLB team ever thrown a nine-inning noin MLB baseball in six hitter game and still lost? years. Which team had the last undefeated homestand 5. T or F: Every MLB team has had at least one longer than 9-0? (hint: 2015) pitcher throw a no-hitter. 2. MLB’s Spencer Turnbull’s 6. Albert Pujols hit his no-hitter this season was milestone 600th home run the first by a Detroit Tiger with the Angels in 2017, since Justin Verlander a grand slam against the threw two. Who had the Twins. Which pitcher last Detroit no-no before gave it up? Verlander?
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Q: Why did the art thief’s van run out of gas as Tidbits Laughs he drove away from the museum? A: Because he had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh.
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• In New York City, visit the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, a lovingly recreated immigrant slum. This typical tenement building has been restored to show the hardships suffered by the roughly 7,000 tenants from 20 different nations who crowded themselves into the building between 1863 and 1935. Exhibits in the apartments tell the stories of former residents and explain the history of immigration in America.
• In Boston, the Museum of Bad Art showcases the work of untalented struggling artists and good artists who were having a bad day. The curator has extremely tough low standards, and only about 10 percent of the pieces offered to the museum are deemed bad enough to be place in the permanent exhibit. According to the museums promotional literature, what they all have in common is “a special quality that sets them apart in one way or another from the merely incompetent … they grab you by the throat and don’t let go.” • One work of bad art by artist Jeanne Kent is called “The Good Year” and is described as “an abstract appeal to the emotions through violent assault on the visual sense. This saturated work speaks of sunshine, tossing together watermelon, baubles, body part, and a blue banana in a fruit-stained cocktail, which possibly references a long-lost summer.” “Nature’s Ashtrays” is a work entirely constructed out of shells by a chain smoker who was trying to quit. “The Athlete” is probably the largest crayon on canvas work in the world. It depicts a discus thrower with bulging muscles wearing a pink toga. One work consists of an ostrich egg etched with repeating patterns of bees, ants, and the Energizer Bunny, along with the repeating text “I Just Can’t Stop.” Other items on display include “Predator Pumpkins,” “Sunday on the Pot with George,” “Peter the Kitty,” “Two Trees in Love,” and many, many more.
• Many of the works are acquired from trash cans, flea markets, and thrift shops, but the Museum of Bad Art is always looking for donations to its collection, They do not accept paint-by-numbers, things painted on velvet, big-eyed kids, or dogs playing cards. Submissions are guaranteed never to be returned to the donor.
• Smithsonian magazine recommends the following if you’re interested in far-out museums: ▪ The Surfing Museum in Santa Cruz, California, which is located right next to some killer surf on the coast. See antique wooden surfboards that are older than the Beach Boys, the shredded wetsuit of a surfer who survived an attack by a shark, and a complete history of the over 100 years of surfing.
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▪ The Roller Skating Museum in Lincoln, Nebraska, displays actual costumes of real roller skating champions, the history of roller-disco dancing, the world’s largest collection of historical skates, the story of roller derbies, the development of in-line skates, and more than 1,500 books about skating, as well as films and photographs. ▪ Various Elvis museums in and around Tennessee contain such things as his checkbook stubs, his underwear, copies of his grocery lists, and X-rays of his sinuses.
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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by Freddy Groves
Homeless Vets Study A recent Department of Veterans Affairs press release about a study of homelessness among veterans said it found "issues related to financial strain are significant risk factors for becoming homeless." Those types of financial strain, it said, are debt, unemployment, lower income and financial crisis. Color me confused. A study was done that concluded those four types of financial woe could lead to homelessness? I think that anyone who's paying for their first apartment could have come up with those same reasons. The press release went on say that the study recommended the VA integrate financial education with VA services for housing crisis help. Job retraining, financial support services, debt management and vocational rehab all can help to reduce the risk of future homelessness, the study said. Most of the press release, however, touted the VA's National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans, tasked with finding solutions to veteran homelessness and assessing programs. It should be noted that the head of the center also happens to be the lead researcher on the quoted study. Nowhere in the press release did it mention the main focus of the study: the link between mental illness, financial strain and homelessness, and the author's call for a national longitudinal study into whether those three are tied together. Days later, another press release popped up, this one a joint communique between the VA and the Department of Housing and Urban Development announcing that they are aligning their efforts, thanks to the $10 billion American Rescue Plan. Ending veteran homelessness will be their first priority, and information and materials will be analyzed during their quarterly meetings. If you're in danger of becoming homeless, call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at (877) 4AID-VET (877-424-3838) for help. Or call your closest regional VA medical center, but don't go there unless you're actually homeless (or at risk of it), they're careful to warn, due to the problems of COVID. Call in advance. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
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by Lucie Winbourne
• Sir Isaac Newton invented the cat flap. Newton was experimenting in a pitch-black room when Spithead, one of his cats, kept opening the door and wrecking his experiment. The flap kept both human and feline happy. • "Brave New World" author Aldous Huxley became almost completely blind as a teenager. He regained much of his sight later in life, crediting an unorthodox treatment known as "The Bates Method," which recommends never using eyeglasses and exposing one's eyes regularly to sunlight. • The ancient Greeks believed that redheads would turn into vampires after they died. • Walt Disney's "The Three Little Pigs," released in 1933, was seen as symbolic of the Great Depression, with the wolf representing the Depression and the three little pigs representing average citizens who eventually succeeded by working together. • In Japan, Domino's started testing pizza delivery via reindeer in 2016. • James Barry, the Inspector General of the British Army in 1858 during a period when women were not respected in the medical field, had a highly successful career in surgery for more than 50 years. During an autopsy after Barry's death, he was discovered to be a woman in disguise. To avoid embarrassment, the war department and medical association arranged for the doctor to be interred as a man. • The average office chair with wheels travels about 8 miles per year. • Chicago Cubs outfielder Rick Monday became a national hero when he rescued an American flag from two men trying to set it on fire at Dodger Stadium during a game on April 25, 1976. The 25,167 fans gave him a standing ovation and started singing "God Bless America." *** Thought for the Day: "First find a path, and a little light to see by. Then push up your sleeves and start helping." -- Anne Lamott (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
by Matilda Charles
Help With COVID Funeral Expenses
© 2021 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved.
*Answer located further back in this issue.
No one wants to think about it, but it's a fact of life. People are dying of COVID. They're leaving behind families that, in many cases, are already struggling with financial worries. Add in the cost of a funeral, and many will need help. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is stepping in with funding. Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA is offering financial assistance for funeral expenses incurred after Jan. 20, 2020. FEMA has started an assistance phone line (844-6846333) that's open Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm ET. Its representatives will help get applications completed. The call will take about 20 minutes, so they can get all the details right. Have all your information in front of you before you call. Once you're given an application number, you'll need to send supporting documentation to FEMA, typically by fax or mail. To learn more, go to the FEMA website: www.fema.gov. Scroll down the front page to the item dated April 12, 2021, Funeral Assistance FAQ. There are a number of criteria to see if you're qualified for help. You must be a U.S. citizen, noncitizen national or qualified alien. You must be the one who paid the funeral expenses. Funeral homes cannot call for you. If several of you contributed to the expenses, tell them at FEMA, but typically there needs to be one application. There are a number of categories of funeral expense that might be covered, including headstone, casket, clergy services and more. A warning: Scammers are always looking for the next way to con people out of money. Now they're calling people (possibly those who were listed in funeral notices) and offering to help fill out the applications for assistance. Don't fall for it. FEMA is not going to call you. © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• The Old Norse noun “viking” meant an overseas expedition, and a “vikingr” was a sailor who went on one of these expeditions. Today many English words can be traced to Norse roots. • The word “berserk” comes from the Old Norse word meaning “bear skin.” How did bear skin come into our language meaning “frenetically violent or deranged”? It seems that Old Norse warriors wore bear skins into battle. They also tended to partake of hallucinogens before battle in order to erase their fears and inhibitions and make them a fierce opponent. When they rushed into the fray looking frightful in the bear skins and hollering insanely, their foes came to associate the bear skins with the outrageous behavior.
• Off the coast of Norway there’s a chain of islands called the Lofoten Archipelago. Here, several forces clash: the Gulf Stream sweeps by the coastline; the islands are separated by narrows only a few miles wide; the ocean floor around the islands is far shallower than in the surrounding sea; the difference between high tide and low tide is about 12 feet; the tide moves in and out at about 12 feet per second; and fierce winds sweep the area. This combination of extreme forces causes wild and dangerous currents in ocean waters. When one mass of water in motion meets another mass of water that’s moving differently, whirlpools form. This happens every day when the tides change in narrow channels. The Lofoten whirlpools are the strongest in the world, being about 30 feet wide and 15 feet deep, moving in circles at about six nautical miles per hour. They present a very real danger to ships caught in the current. Many ships have succumbed to the strongest tidal currents on Earth that form around the islands, trapping unwary sailors. Norse sailors named this dangerous place “malenstroom” from the words “malen” meaning to grind or whirl around, and “stroom” meaning stream. Today this word has come into our language meaning any violent or turbulent situation: maelstrom.
• When sailing, the greatest speed is attained when the sails are angled so the wind fills them completely. If the captain of the ship wants to stay still rather than going somewhere, he asks the steersman to turn into the wind. Now the wind slips by the sails without filling them and the ship comes to a halt, going nowhere. The Norse were a great seafaring nation, and the Norse word for wind is “loef,” which came into Old English as “loufe.” This is the origin of the word luff, meaning to flap listlessly when the wind is blowing • The Norse “gunne” means “war” and “hildr” means “battle.” Combine the two and you have “Gunnhildr” equally on each side of the sail. Add to this the prefix or “Gunhilda” which became a common name for a “a” which means “without” (as in “amoral”) and you girl, meaning “war maiden.” In the mid-1300s, Enghave a common modern word that means to remain land’s Windsor Castle was defended with a large detached, to hold back, or to refrain from becoming catapult-type weapon that soldiers nicknamed “Doinvolved, just as a ship that is facing into the wind mina Gunilda” or “Lady Gunhilda” in the same way holds back : aloof. a modern soldier might nickname a large cannon “Big • In Norse mythology, Loki’s daughter Hel rules the unBertha.” Gunilda then became a term referring to any derworld and “to go to Hel” is to die. You’re likely to weapon that launched rocks, arrows, missiles, or bulgo there if you’re a heathen, from the Norse “heiolets from a hollow tube. Over the years, it was shortinn” meaning one who lives in the remote and sparseened to the simpler word “gun.” ly populated heath.
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May 24, 2021
• With the start of barbeque season, here are two tips straight from my local butcher about grilling meat: First, let meats come to room temperature before cooking. It allows the meat to cook more evenly, and you won’t end up with a cold center and a burnt outside. Secondly, when your meat comes off the grill, give it time to rest before serving. This allows the juiced to redistribute throughout the cut of meat, and you’ll end up with juicy goodness in every bite. — JoAnn • “Bring a distinctive towel to a pool party so that you will know where your towel is. You can make an extra-large towel by sewing two smaller towels together, too.” — U.A. in New York • “For a really fun take on kebabs, use fruit instead of meat. The kids especially love fruit on a stick. If you have some neat cookie cutters, use them to cut watermelon into different shapes.” — M.M. in Michigan • The best outdoor tablecloths, especially on a windy day, are fitted single sheets. Simply fit the sheet over a standard picnic table, and it’s in place and ready. The elastic at the corners keeps it from flying away. You can look at thrift and discount stores for fun patterns or just plain colors! • To keep ants from invading your patio, draw a thick line of chalk (sidewalk chalk works great!) as a boundary. Ants don’t like to cross a chalk line and will leave your patio party alone. • “Frozen grapes are the best summer snack for the kids, plus they are the perfect wine ice cube ever.” — J.R. in Oregon Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• On June 7, 1893, Mohandas Gandhi, a young Indian lawyer working in South Africa, commits his first act of civil disobedience when he refuses to comply with racial segregation rules on a South African train and is forcibly ejected at Pietermaritzburg. • On June 13, 1905, pitcher Christy Matthewson of the New York Giants throws the second no-hitter of his career to lead his Giants to a 1-0 win over the powerful Chicago Cubs. Matthewson would go on to win 31 games that year. • On June 12, 1920, Man O' War wins the 52nd Belmont Stakes. His only career loss came in 1919 when his back was to the starting line at the start. Before the advent of starting gates, a rope was all that held horses back from starting their run.
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• On June 8, 1948, a hand-built aluminum prototype labeled "No. 1" becomes the first vehicle to bear the name of one of the world's leading high-performance automakers: Porsche. Over the next two decades, the German manufacturer would build more than 78,000 vehicles. • On June 9, 1954, in a dramatic confrontation, Joseph Welch, special counsel for the U.S. Army, lashes out at Sen. Joseph McCarthy during hearings on whether communism has infiltrated the U.S. armed forces. Welch's verbal assault marked the end of McCarthy's power during the anticommunist hysteria of the Red Scare in America. • On June 10, 1979, actor Paul Newman, driving a red Porsche 935, roars into second place in the fabled 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race in France. • On June 11, 1989, in the wake of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, China issues a warrant for a Chinese dissident who had taken refuge in the U.S. embassy in Beijing. The diplomatic standoff lasted for a year before astrophysicist Fang Lizhi was given free passage out of the country.
Keep the Skeeters Down in Your Neighborhood The Grand Forks Health Department maintains a comprehensive larvicide program. Crews have identified and mapped more than 1,200 sites around our community. These sites are inspected and treated with public health pesticides on a regular schedule. But we still need help from homeowners to identify and eliminate breeding sites on private property. We do not have the resources to inspect all private property in the city. You can help by inspecting your property and getting rid of any standing water. If you have a large site that cannot be drained or a swimming pool that is not being used or may not be used until later this summer, contact the Health Dept. at 701-787-8110 and we’ll inspect and treat the water with a product designed to prevent mosquitoes from hatching. This service is free for citizens with property located within the City of Grand Forks.
Common Mosquito Breeding Habitat: • Drainage Ditches • Old Tires • Swimming Pools not being used • Wading pools • Boats or a saggy tarp on a boat • Leaky garden hose or outside faucet • Plugged rain gutters
• Rain water collecting barrels • Cans, bottles, plastic jugs, jars • Any open container that has water – i.e. recycle bins, garbage cans and lids, wheel barrow, flower pots, even something as small as a pop bottle cap.
• Any standing water is a potential breeding site for mosquitoes. • Thank you for helping us reduce mosquitoes in our community!
• The letter “H” is about the ninth most-frequently used letter of the alphabet in printed material. As an abbreviation, H might stand for His or Her in H.M. (His or Her Majesty). H can mean hydrogen, harbor, Hawaii, or Hindustan. In the world of electricity, inductance (induced voltage) is measured in units of Henries, denoted as H.
• The electric light was invented by Thomas Edison, the state of Colorado was admitted to the Union, Flag Day was celebrated for the first time, and the first African American cadet graduated from West Point. All of these milestone events occurred during the administration of President Rutherford B. Hayes, from 1877 to 1881. • Good advice from Rutherford B. Hayes: “Never do anything or say anything that you would be ashamed to confide to your mother.” • Between 1889 and 1893, basketball was invented, the Eiffel Tower was completed, Yosemite National Park was opened, and the zipper was patented --- all during the term of 23rd President Benjamin Harrison. Benjamin was the grandson of the ninth president, William Henry Harrison, who holds the record for the shortest time in office, only 30 days. • Warren G. Harding’s attitude toward the Chief Executive position was, “I knew that this job would be too much for me.” Herbert Hoover’s feelings toward the job were expressed in the words, “This job is nothing but a twenty-ring circus --- with a whole lot of bad actors.” ...continued
For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
Solution on Next Page
• Hop to It! On a January day in 1998, that’s exactly what Ashrita Furman did, setting a record for the most hopscotch games ever completed in 24 hours --- 434!
Quiz Answers
1. The Smithsonian 8. The Lord of the 2. Visit museums Rings: The 3. Over a billion Return of 4. 26% the King 5. Museum of Natural History 9. Cracker Jack 6. Thomas 10. Chicago Jefferson 7. 1998
• You can visit a community named Hamilton in Alaska, Alabama, California, Georgia, Montana, Mississippi, Missouri, Michigan, or Massachusetts. Hamilton is also the capital of Bermuda.
DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Cap is different. 2. Collar is different. 3. Spoon is added. 4. Napkin is missing. 5. Freckles are missing. 6. Bow is added. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
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• If you’re standing in Tegucigalpa, you’re visiting the capital of Honduras, a country whose leading source of income is bananas. • When the first atomic bomb devastated Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945, it was predicted that it would be 70 years before any plant life could be expected to return. How shocking to see a blanket of grass and flowers just weeks after the explosion! It seems that the heat of the blast brought about germination of buried seeds. Plants that had been hard to grow in past years thrived because certain fungi and insects, which had previously impeded growth, were destroyed by nuclear radiation.
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Sports Answers 1. N.Y. Mets 5. True. San (10-0). Diego was 2. Jack Morris last to do it (April 7, 1984) on 4-9-21. 3. Dodgers (26) 6. Ervin 4. Yes. Twice. Santana
• Niagara’s Horseshoe Falls was the scene of a first-of-its-kind daredevil stunt in October 1901. Schoolteacher Anna Taylor was celebrating her 43rd birthday by hurtling over the 160-foot falls, strapped inside a wooden barrel. Anna emerged relatively unscathed, with only a gash in her head. Her hopes of becoming rich from her death-defying stunt, however, never materialized, and Anna died penniless 20 years later. She was accorded the honor of being buried in the “stunters’ section” of Niagara Falls’ cemetery, esteemed as the first person and only woman to survive the Horseshoe Falls plunge. Locally Owned
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