UZZLES IA • P TS V I R T • FAC • FUN July 1, 2021
Since 1997
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications
Issue # 1,226
PERFUME by Janet Spencer
Come along with Tidbits as we sniff perfume!
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• In 2005, archaeologists uncovered the remains of the world’s oldest known perfumery on the island nation of Cyprus. Cyprus has been inhabited for around 10,000 years, and the ruins were about 4,000 years old. The excavation yielded funnels, bowls, stills, and bottles. • The town of Grasse, France became the perfume center of Europe during the 16th century as a result of the tanning industry located there. Freshly tanned leather stinks because of ammonia used during the process. Tanners making leather gloves for Catherine de Medici began to scent them with lavender to mask the stench. These gloves kick-started Europe’s craze for fragrances, and Grasse became the world’s perfume capital.
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• Different types of perfumes vary in their concentrations of fragrant oils. Cologne has only 3% oils and the rest is generally ethyl alcohol. Eau de Toilette, or toilet water, contains about 10% fragrant oils. Eau de Parfum contains 15%. The highest quality perfumes contain 25% oils. The higher the concentration of oils, the longer the scent lasts on the skin. A quality perfume might last up to 12 hours, while a cologne will Turn the page for more! last only four or five hours.
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• Prior to modern chemistry, there were many animal-based products that were used to stabilize the odor of perfumes. • Ambergris is produced in the intestinal tract of sperm whales in order to help them expel things that are hard to digest, such as the beaks of squid. It’s a grey waxy substance that floats on the surface of the sea after being expelled. It has a strong odor, and the chemical make-up of ambergris makes it excellent as a carrier for other scents. • The musk glands of musk deer, used to attract mates, are also a powerful fixative for odors. These musk glands were so popular among perfumers that musk deer were driven to the brink of extinction prior to the invention of synthetic musk.
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• Beavers secrete castoreum in order to mark their territory. Castoreum gives perfume a long-lasting leathery odor.
5. The extract from the bergamot orange is widely used in fragrances as well as in what famous brand of tea? 6. Do men or women generally have a more acute sense of smell? 7. On TV’s Seinfeld, what’s the name of “the coffee shop” where Jerry and his friends spend a lot of their time?
• Another common ingredient called indole is now derived from coal tar but was originally extracted from human waste.
1. What resin comes from the dried sap of Boswellia trees? 2. What resin comes from the dried sap of the Commiphora tree? 3. When the weather is hot, should you use more perfume, or less? 4. What two flower essences are used as a base in almost every perfume?
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• Now, synthetics have replaced most of these ingredients. Perfumes made with synthetics have a longer shelf life, lasting three to five years before losing their potency.
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• The human nose tends to get “scent fatigue.” Once it registers a fragrance, the nose stops sensing that odor after about 30 minutes and then moves on to the next scent. If it’s presented with the identical odor every day, the nose notices it less and less. It’s recommended that a person choose about five favorite perfumes and rotate them to avoid “nose blindness.” When testing new perfumes, don’t try to sniff more than two or three at a time. After that, your nose goes into overload. To clear the nasal passages, take a deep whiff of coffee beans.
In 1954 there were just 19 perfumes on sale to the public. By 2004 a new fragrance was being launched every three days. Today there are about 8,000 fragrances currently on the market worldwide.
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• Clive Christian’s “No. 1 Imperial Majesty” has historically been one of the world’s most expensive perfumes, selling at about $2,355 per ounce— a price that sometimes includes delivery in a Bentley. It comes in a Baccarat crystal bottle with an 18-carat gold collar and five-carat diamond. • French fashion designer Coco Chanel was already rich and famous when she was approached to endorse a fragrance in 1920. Given the choice of 20 scents, she chose the 5th one, and “Chanel No. 5” has been the world’s top-selling perfume ever since. • Katy Perry’s cat, named Kitty Purry, was the inspiration for Perry’s first celebrity fragrance, “Purr” released in 2010 in a bottle shaped like a cat. The follow-up scent was called “Meow.” • When Beyonce launched the fragrance “Heat” in 2010, she also released a cover version of the song “Fever” to tie in with it. • Cosmetic company Elizabeth Arden is famous for its “Red Door” perfume. There never was anyone named Elizabeth Arden. The company was founded by Florence Nightingale Graham, who took the name from a book published in 1898 called “Elizabeth and Her German Garden.” • English author Neil Gaiman one day found a bat stuck to the fly strip at his kitchen window. The bat was still alive, and he worked to free the bat using citrus oil. This inspired a new perfume called “Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat,” manufactured in conjunction with Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, who also make fragrances such as “Schrodinger's Cat,” “Blood Kiss” and “Jazz Funeral.” Proceeds from sales go to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, which works to preserve and protect the First Amendment rights of the comics community. ...continued
5 COMMON MYTHS ABOUT WEST NILE VIRUS Myth #1: There’s not much I can do about WNV.
Myth #4: Repellents containing DEET are not safe.
Truth: There is a lot that you, personally, can do to reduce your chance of getting West Nile virus infection. • Make it a habit to apply mosquito repellent with DEET when you’re spending time outdoors. This will reduce the number of mosquito bites you get. • Mosquitoes are usually most active from dusk to dawn. Pay close attention to protection during these hours, or avoid being outdoors if possible. • Reduce mosquito breeding habitat around your house. The species of mosquito most common for transmitting WNV generally stays close to the habitat that it hatched from. • Eliminate any standing water that remains longer than 7 days. Inspect your yard once a week: get rid of containers that aren’t being used, empty water from flower pots, change water in bird baths and maintain clean gutters.
Truth: Repellents containing DEET are very safe when used according to directions. • Because DEET is so widely used, a great deal of testing has been done. When manufacturers seek registration with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for products such as DEET, laboratory testing regarding both short-term and long-term health effects must be carried out. • There are products with different strengths (percentage of DEET) available. The longer the protection you need the higher percent of DEET needed. • Repellent with DEET can be used for both adults and children, according to directions.
Myth #5: As long as my area has a mosquito control program, I don’t have to worry about using repellent.
Myth #2: Kids are at the most danger of getting sick from West Nile Virus. Truth: People over 60 are at the highest risk for developing severe West Nile disease. • Relatively few children have been reported with severe West Nile Virus disease. By contrast, most of the deaths due to WNV were among people over 50 years old. • It is always a good idea for children to avoid mosquito bites, but it’s also important for adults - especially older adults - to take steps to avoid mosquito bites.
Myth #3: It’s only people who are already in poor health who have to worry about West Nile virus.
Truth: Healthy, active older adults who spend time working and exercising outdoors have been affected by severe West Nile virus infection. • Being over 50 is a risk factor for developing severe West Nile disease if infected with the virus. There is a risk of getting mosquito bites while leading an active life outdoors. This doesn’t mean you have to stay inside - it does mean that it’s important to use repellent when you go outside.
Truth: Mosquito control activities don’t eliminate every mosquito, so personal protection is still important. • Grand Forks Health Department maintains a proactive mosquito control program designed to reduce mosquito populations and mosquito-borne diseases. However, this program cannot eliminate all mosquitoes. Personal protection, such as using repellent, keeping window screens in good condition, and control of household breeding sites are important steps for the public.
• Grand Forks currently has a very low population of nuisance mosquitoes. This gives a false impression about the risk of WNV. Even though there are very few mosquitoes in our community, the risk of WNV is still present. Please take the necessary precautions to avoid mosquito bites.
If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
• Patchouli is a scent distilled from a member of the mint family native to Asia. The name comes from the Tamil language “pacculi” meaning “green leaf.” About 90% of patchouli comes from Indonesia. The plant is unable to reproduce by seeds and is propagated by cuttings, often planted in between rows of other crops. The scent of patchouli became associated with hippies of the 1960s, perhaps because it was used to mask the odor of marijuana and alcohol. Madonna scented the packaging of her album “Like a Prayer” with patchouli because she wanted to invoke the Age of Aquarius.
• Francois Coty was born in 1874 and lived in Paris. One day he wanted to play cards with a friend, but the friend said he was busy because he had to mix up a batch of his own cologne. Francois asked if he could watch, and as a result he became interested in perfumes. He studied the art for two years, learning how to extract scents from flowers. • Just then the Industrial Revolution was yielding all sorts of synthetic essences as well. Francois combined natural scents with synthetic ones and began to sell his perfume to barbers. At the time perfumes were sold in unattractive pharmaceutical bottles. Francois packaged his product in elegant crystal bottles instead, feeling he should sell perfume as something in a lovely bottle, rather than something lovely in a bottle. He wanted to appeal to both the eye and the nose.
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• Sales were slow when he tried to make the jump to department stores, but then fate intervened: in a store in Paris, he dropped a bottle of his perfume and it shattered, its scent permeating the store, creating a tremendous demand. Now Coty is the world’s biggest manufacturer of perfumes.
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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JULY 15-18
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JULY 24-27
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• In the year 1709 an Italian barber named Jean Baptiste Farina arrived in the town determined to make his living by selling an affordable alternative to perfume, which was too expensive for commoners. He concocted a fragrance from lemon spirits, orange bitters, and mint oil dissolved in an alcohol base. It became very popular, and Farina prospered. • French soldiers stationed in the town during the Seven Years War took the fragrance home to their wives in France after the war ended, and demand grew. Farina sent members of his family to Paris to start a perfume business there. In France, this inexpensive alternative to perfume was named after the German city it came from, cologne.
• The word perfume comes from the Latin phrase, “per” meaning “thorough” and “fumus” meaning “smoke” referring to the burning of incense. • The bottle that a perfume comes in is called a flacon, a word that’s a cross between “flagon” and “flask.” Typically the flacon is designed and developed long before the perfume is manufactured. • The faint trace of perfume left in the wake of a passing person is known as “sillage” from the French word meaning “wake” or “trail.” The scent of a perfume should not be able to be detected past arm’s length of the person wearing it. • The word “funk” originates with the French word “funkière” meaning “to fill with smoke” as in smoked fish or cheese. In the 1950s the word took on a whole new definition, coming to mean “earthy, strong, or deeply felt” when jazz clubs, filled with cigarette smoke, unleashed a new genera of music. • The Latin word “fumus” means “smoke” and gives us “fumes” and “fumigate.” • The Greek “aromatikos” meaning “sweet spices” gives us “aroma” and “aromatic.” • When something “stinks to the high heaven” the odor is so strong what it can be smelled in the heavens. • The French word “bouquet” originally meant “a clump of trees” and then came to mean “a bunch of flowers” and now also refers to the scent of that bunch of flowers.
• Around the year 50 A.D. the Romans founded a town on the Rhine River in what is now Germany. The city’s name, Cologne, was the Latin word meaning “colony.”
• The Latin “frāgrō” meaning “I smell” gives us fragrant and fragrance.
• The Latin “puteo” meaning “stink, rotten, putrid” is likely the origin of the exclamation “Pew!” when an odor is offensive, as well as “P.U.”
• The French word “toil” originally referred to a net used to snare small prey. It eventually came to refer to a piece of cloth, and a small piece of cloth was called a “toilette.” Typically when men shaved or ladies tended to their hair-do, they would cover their clothing with this “toilette” to protect their shirts. The toilette was kept on the dressing table, and the word came to refer to all of the items typically kept on the dressing table, including brushes, combs, soaps, powders, and perfumes. Then the word came to mean any sort of grooming or washing up. Next it denoted the room where grooming and washing up was done. Cologne was a big part of grooming for both men and women, and “toilette water” was applied to refresh the skin and mask other odors. Only much later, after the porcelain throne was invented, did the word “toilet” take on its current meaning.
• The word “nose” along with “nostril” and “nasal” arose from the Latin “nasus.”
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June 21, 2021
• Add a cinnamon stick or softener sheet to your vacuum bag when you change it. As you clean, you will distribute the good smell throughout your home. • There’s been a lot of talk at my house about kitchen gadgets that do double duty, especially since I have made whipped cream for the first time — in my coffeemaker! I have a French press that I rarely use, until now. Add heavy whipping cream and a bit of sugar to the pot, and use the screen to whip the cream by rapidly pumping it up and down. Magic! — JoAnn • “To save money on electricity costs, hang jeans and other heavy clothing to dry first. White or light towels and garments especially love the sun. When they’re mostly dry, pop in the dryer to fluff. • “I love to eat pancakes, but I don’t have time to make them every morning. I make a very large batch on Sundays and reheat them through the week. In order to recreate that freshfrom-the-pan crisp (which you don’t get if you microwave them), I put them in my toaster.” — P.E. in Ohio • “I use an extra coffeepot to brew a pot of hot water. I use the water for both tea and instant oatmeal packets in the morning.” — M.S. in Nevada • “Before I go to the beach, I freeze an ice-cube tray full of lemonade. Then, we use the cubes in our travel cups. It keeps the lemonade cool, and as it melts (which tends to be quickly), it doesn’t water down the drink.” — K.H. in South Carolina Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• On July 8, 1776, a 2,000-pound copper-and-tin bell now known as the "Liberty Bell" rings out from the tower of the Pennsylvania State House (now Independence Hall) in Philadelphia, summoning citizens to the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence. In the fall of 1777, the bell was hidden in Allentown to save it from being melted down by the British and used to make cannons. • On July 11, 1804, Vice President Aaron Burr fatally shoots his long-time political antagonist Alexander Hamilton in a duel. Burr's shot struck Hamilton in the stomach, and he died the next afternoon. • On July 5, 1865, in London, revivalist preacher William Booth and his wife, Catherine, establish the Christian Mission, later known as the Salvation Army, to wage war against the evils of poverty and religious indifference. The Army currently works in 75 countries.
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• On July 6, 1957, Liverpool teenagers John Lennon and Paul McCartney meet for the first time. Lennon was a member of the Quarry Men, scheduled to play at a public event. Two weeks later, Lennon invited McCartney to join the band. • On July 10, 1962, the U.S. Patent Office issues Swedish engineer Nils Bohlin a patent for his three-point automobile safety belt. The traditional two-point belt had been known to cause severe internal abdominal injuries in a high-speed crash. • On July 7, 1983, Samantha Smith, an 11-year-old American girl, begins a two-week visit to the Soviet Union at the invitation of Soviet leader Yuri Andropov after she wrote him a letter as part of a school project. • On July 9, 1993, British forensic scientists announce they have positively identified the remains of Russia's last czar, Nicholas II, his wife and three of their daughters. The scientists used mitochondria DNA to identify the bones, which had been excavated from a mass grave near Yekaterinburg in 1991.
by Lucie Winbourne
• On May 19, 1996, Kermit the Frog gave the commencement speech at Southampton College, Long Island University. • The average high-school swimmer swims 1 million strokes per season. • Researchers found that male bottlenose dolphins in Western Australia's Shark Bay have formed "boy bands" that harmonize their mating calls together in order to better attract females. • While working as an extra on the set of "The X-Files," singer Michael Buble was fired for stealing a hot dog from the craft services table. • The most common injury caused by makeup is scratching the eye with a mascara wand. • A local folk remedy in Boho, Ireland, involved placing soil from the local church under one's pillow while sleeping to cure infections. The nature of the remedy proved more scientific than divine when, in 2018, a microbiologist found the soil contains a previously unknown strain of streptomyces, which can be used to create antibiotics. • Out at sea, a tsunami is only about 3 feet high, and could pass a boat without being noticed. • At the 2011 World Scrabble Championships in Poland, a competitor demanded officials strip-search his opponent after a "G" tile went missing. The officials decided against it due to a lack of evidence of cheating. • With every bottle of Laphroaig whisky, you're entitled to a lifetime lease on a one-square-foot plot of land on the Scottish island of Islay, as part of Laphroaig's loyalty program "Friends of Laphroaig." *** Thought for the Day: "When you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at something, they'll tell you." -- Walter Payton
• Daniel Fahrenheit was born in Poland in 1686, moving to the Netherlands as a teenager where he spent the rest of his life. His parents died after eating poisonous mushrooms in 1701. He began working as a glassblower where he became skilled at making barometers, which measure atmospheric pressure, and altimeters, which measure altitude. He also began tinkering with thermometers. • Thermometers were nothing new at the time; lots of people made thermometers. However, the problem was the utter lack of standardization in thermometers. Fahrenheit was the first to standardize thermometers that used alcohol as the indicator, rising from a bulb at the base as the temperature increased. He then switched to mercury because mercury could measure a higher range of temperatures. • Next was the issue of standardizing the scale of the heat being measured. Fahrenheit decided that water which was super-saturated with salts would be zero on the scale; the freezing point of pure water was 32°; the temperature of the human body was 100° (later adjusted to 98.6°); and the boiling temperature of water was 212°F. He was the first to discover that the boiling point of water changed with the altitude and atmospheric pressure, and that water could be super-cooled below its freezing point under certain conditions. • Fahrenheit’s methods of manufacturing mercury thermometers remained a trade secret for years after his death at the age of 50, but his method of standardized measurement of temperature swept across the world. Today the Fahrenheit scale is still used not only in the U.S. but also in Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, the Cayman Islands, and Liberia.
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TEMPERATURE (cont.) • Anders Celsius was born in Sweden in 1701, the son of an astronomy professor. He grew up to become a noted astronomer who made many discoveries. He estimated the distance between the Sun and Earth; correctly hypothesized that the Northern Lights were caused by the Sun; and proved Newton correct in the assumption that the Earth is flattened at the poles. He was the first to note that Scandinavia is rising above sea level at a slow but steady rate.
DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Window is wider. 2. Ball is different. 3. Hedge is smaller. 4. Cap is reversed. 5. Shoes are different. 6. Fence is broken. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
• In a scientific paper submitted to the Royal Society of Sciences in 1710, he suggested that the thermometer be calibrated with 0° for the boiling point of water, and 100° being the freezing point of water. He further suggested that this gradation of temperatures be called “centigrade” from the Latin “centum” which means 100, and “gradus” which means steps. • His suggestion was widely adopted, but a year after his death in 1745, noted botanist Carl Linnaeus suggested that the scale be reversed, so that 0° was the freezing point of water and 100° was the boiling point. The centigrade scale was far more practical than the Fahrenheit scale and was quickly adopted.
Quiz Answers
1. Frankincense 2. Myrrh 3. Less 4. Jasmine and Rose
5. Earl Grey 6. Women 7. Monk’s Cafe
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Sports Answers 1. 110 2. Morten Anderson 3. Utah Jazz 4. False. They won it all in 1957-58.
5. 1968; 1971 6. Neither. They both won it once. 7. Kareem Adbul-Jabbar with 6.
• In 1948, the centigrade scale was renamed Celsius in his honor. • William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, was a British physicist born in 1824. Though both centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometers were common, he knew that what scientists really needed was a thermometer whose scale started at absolute zero and went up from there. He correctly calculated that absolute zero is equal to −273.15° Celsius or −459.67° Fahrenheit. The kelvin is now the base unit of temperature in the International System of Units. We've Got Room for Your Advertisement! Call Chad Today at 701-740-0968
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