Tidbits of Grand Forks - July 8, 2021

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• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks July 8, 2021

Published by: Wick Publications


Issue # 1,227



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This week, Tidbits has snapped up some facts on sneezing, snoozing, and snoring, so snuggle in and snoop through this info!

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• Why do we sneeze? The body is reacting to an irritant, such as dust, pollen, or pet dander in the lining of the nose. Once an irritant enters the nose, the nose sends up a signal to the brain to get rid of it. It causes a deep breath, which causes the chest muscles to tighten, which in turn forces the tongue against the roof of the mouth. Once the breath is released, the air travels swiftly out the nose. • Just how swiftly is that air traveling? A sneeze can travel up to 100 miles per hour! If your sneeze is especially loud, it’s because the air is moving faster. • A typical sneeze can shoot forth about 40,000 droplets of mucus of various sizes. It comes from the storehouse of about one to two pints of mucus produced by the nose every single day. • Just try to keep your eyes open when you sneeze. It can’t be done! Your eyes will automatically and involuntarily close because when the brain receives the signal to sneeze, it in turn prompts the eyes to close. Turn the page for more!


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Quiz Bits

4. What is the narrowest distance between mainland Russia and mainland Alaska? 1. What percentage of Americans 5. In which U.S. state did Pepsi nap every day? Cola originate? 2. What invention resulted in the 6. How much money do you get average person’s nighttime when you start a board game sleep dropping from nine hours of “Life”? to less than seven per night? 3. Reduction in body weight can 7. What was the name of the whale that swallowed the title result in removing half the character in Disney’s symptoms of snoring and sleep “Pinocchio”? apnea. What percentage can produce this outcome? SPONSORED BY:


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• Your mother was right when she told you, “Cover your mouth!” Although a sneeze lasts just milliseconds, its spray reaches distances exceeding 5 feet. The largest droplets quickly sink because of their own weight, usually after about 3 feet, but the smallest droplets can be carried by the air even up to 26 feet! Buoyant air can keep the small droplets airborne long enough to reach a building’s overhead vents.

• You may have heard that your heart stops when you sneeze. Not so! However, the heart’s rhythm can change due to the change in pressure in the chest. A sneeze also changes your blood flow. • Since your eyes are already closed when you’re asleep, one would think you would sneeze then. However, due to the fact that the nerves that cause you to sneeze are also resting, you can’t sneeze as you slumber.



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• You shouldn’t really try to hold in a sneeze. All kinds of negative things can result, including broken blood vessels in the eyes, damage to blood vessels in the brain, or ruptured eardrums, although those instances are relatively rare. When you need to hold back a sneeze, sometimes pressing your upper lip under your nose can work, or forcing a deep heavy breath out of your nose, or even just the simple act of rubbing your nose. • “The old man is snoring,” goes the old nursery rhyme. So why might he be snoring? There are a number of reasons, and it’s not just old men! Snoring is the result of loose tissue in the body’s upper airway which vibrates when we sleep. Sleep causes the muscles in the throat, tongue, and mouth to relax, which in turn causes that soft tissue to block part of the airway, creating a vibration.


According to superstition, if you sneeze once, someone is saying something good about you. Two sneezes mean something bad is being said, while three sneezes indicate that someone is realizing that they love you.


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SPORTS QUIZ 1. T or F: Of the 30 current MLB teams, over half of them have an overall losing record in the history of their club going back to their first season. 2. Regarding the question above, which team has the best overall record, and which has the worst? 3. Who was the last Canadian team to reach the Stanley Cup Finals prior to this year?

4. Of the current 32 NFL teams, only two have never finished a game in a tie. Name them. 5. Which NFL team has the worst playoff win-loss record? Who have the second and third worst? 6. What NHL team won four straight Stanley Cup Championships in the 1980s? 7. The New England Revolution have played in five MLS Cup Finals. How many have they won?


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• A person snores because they just aren’t getting enough oxygen.

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• All sorts of body parts can contribute to snoring. A deviated septum, which occurs when the thin wall between your nostrils is off-center, makes one nasal passage smaller, reducing airflow and contributing to snoring. A longer-than-normal uvula, that dangly tissue in the back of the throat, can lead to snoring, as can additional tissue in the throat as a result of being overweight. The snoring of overweight people tends to be much louder.

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• Alcohol consumption leads to snoring because it relaxes the muscles that make for more resistance in the airways, as well as causing a dry mouth and nasal passages which increase the chances.

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• If you sleep on your back, you’re more likely to snore because soft tissues are shifted into the airway by gravity, along with the pressure of the weight of the neck and chest . Sleep deprivation also leads to increased snoring. • About 40% of men and 25% of women are regular snorers. Not surprisingly, snoring is a reason for relationship and marriage failure. SUS, or socially unacceptable snoring, is so loud, it often prevents a partner from sleeping. • Besides being irritating, snoring can be the indicator of serious health risks. In the case of sleep apnea, the throat’s airways are mostly blocked, causing the breathing to stop for about 10 seconds, something that can happen hundreds of times in one night. About half of those who snore suffer from sleep apnea. Some studies indicate snorers are five times more at risk for hypertension, stroke, and cardiac disease. High blood pressure and even an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes may also result. ...continued

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• Is it nap time? According to the National Sleep Foundation, an estimated 60 million Americans are chronically sleep-deprived and could really do with a nap. Sleep deprivation leads to lower productivity and more employee mistakes, causing U.S. industries to lose nearly $150 billion every year. A 40-minute nap can improve performance by as much as 34%, while a 60-minute nap boosts alertness up to 10 hours. Just a 6-minute catnap can make a difference in how well a person retains information. • Sleep deprivation has been attributed as the cause of the 1980 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, the Chernobyl nuclear accident, and the Challenger space shuttle disaster. It also accounts for one in six fatal road accidents. • Naps can be divided into three categories: planned napping, which is just what it sounds like -- planning a nap before one gets sleepy, emergency napping, when a person is very tired all of a sudden and can’t continue an activity, and habitual napping, which takes place at the same time each day.

WEST NILE VIRUS RISK FACTORS West Nile virus (WNV) is an infection transmitted by mosquitoes. The mosquito most common for transmitting this virus is one that is widespread throughout the Grand Forks region. This mosquito does not discriminate. People of all ages are susceptible to WNV infection, but the elderly are at higher risk for developing the more severe form of this disease (neuroinvasive illness). Children infected with WNV generally show no symptoms or may have a mild fever.

• While napping at work in the U.S. isn’t considered acceptable behavior, other countries encourage the practice. The Japanese have a name for napping at work – “inemur” – which translates “to be asleep while present.” Some U.S. companies, about 16%, are now incorporating napping into the work day. • Sleep researchers tell us to keep our naps to 20 to 30 minutes. Anything longer can interfere with nighttime sleep.

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• Napping can result in improved health. A study of 24,000 people showed that those who napped twice a week reduced their risk of coronary heart disease by 12%. That percentage improved to 37% for those who napped three times a week. An additional study showed that folks who take a one-hour nap are less impulsive and less frustrated in their daily lives.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

Risk factors for West Nile virus: • Time of year – The majority of WNV cases occur from July – September. • Geographic region – The Dakotas have reported some of the highest cases per capita in the United States. • Time spent outdoors not wearing protective clothing and mosquito repellent – If you work or spend a lot of time outdoors (golfing, gardening, hunting, etc.), you’re at a higher risk of being bitten by mosquitoes. • Proximity – If you live in an area where WNV has already been identified or near mosquito larval habitat. • If you have a weakened immune system.

The best way to prevent West Nile virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites.

• Use mosquito-repellent products containing DEET. • Wear long sleeves and pants. • Eliminate any standing water from your property, such as trash bins, plant saucers, rain gutters, buckets, etc. For information about West Nile virus and mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

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by Lucie Winbourne

• In Tikrit, Iraq, there's a 6-foot-tall monument of a shoe that journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi threw at then-President George W. Bush. • Speaking of shoes, a collector of same is called a Sneakerhead. • Researchers were able to mimic the voice of a 3,000-yearold Egyptian mummy by re-creating much of its vocal tract using medical scanners, 3D printing and an electronic larynx. The mummy had little to say, however, even after all that time, as they produced just a single sound somewhere between the vowels in "bed" and "bad." • A study by psychologists found that when 4- to 6-yearolds pretended to be Batman while doing a boring but important task, it helped them resist distraction and stay more focused. (We're trying this the next time we wash the dishes.)

• Magnolia plants are so ancient that they're pollinated by beetles, as they existed prior to the appearance of bees. • Tootsie Rolls were added to soldiers' rations in World War II due to their ability to withstand all weather conditions. • In medieval games of chess, pawns that had been promoted to a queen were given the title of "adviser," so as to not imply that the king had more than one queen or was guilty of adultery! • Those tears you see in the Tin Man's eyes in "The Wizard of Oz" were made of chocolate syrup, as machine oil didn't photograph well. • Ancient Egyptians loved their cats so much that household members would shave their eyebrows as a sign of mourning when the cat died. Mourning ended when their brows had grown back. *** Thought for the Day: "I never thought in terms of being a leader. I thought very simply in terms of helping people." -- John Hume (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• Those experiencing somnipathy are in an abnormal sleep, such as in a hypnotic state. This week, Tidbits catches up on some ZZZ’s with a collection of words related to sleep. • The Latin word for deep sleep is “sopor.” In the late 1600s, the French word “soporifique” was • “Sleep” is one of those words that can serve as either a created to mean “tending to produce sleep.” In the noun or a verb. The word has Germanic origins, perhaps from the Gothic word “sleps.” The modern German word English language, the 1580s brought the word sofor sleep is “Schlaf,” and the Dutch say “slaap.” poriferous, defined as “characterized by excessive sleep.” Around 1600, the word soporific was intro• Many European languages derive their words from the duced as “something boring or dull.” Latin word for sleep -- “somnus.” Somnus was the god of sleep in Roman mythology, and the brother of Mors, • The mythological Greek god of sleep was named the god of death. The English language derives the word Hypnos, who lent his name to the Greek word for “somnolent” from the Latin, a word that means drowsy. sleep. The English language gets words such as Something that induces sleep, such as a medicine or a “hypnotic” and “hypnosis” from this root. The boring lecture, is described as somniferous. French word “hypnotique” translates “inclined to sleep.” Hypnogenic also refers to something that • Our word for the inability to sleep, insomnia, originates causes sleep. An abnormal or unwarranted fear of from that same Latin root, “somnus.” sleep is known as hypnophobia. • Parasomnias are sleep disorders that create abnormal movements and behaviors, emotions, perceptions, or • The Old English word “sluma,” meaning “to doze” or “light sleep,” has given us our word “slumber,” dreams. The National Sleep Foundation estimates that as which is defined as “to be in a very light state of many as 15% of adults experience the disorder of somsleep.” nambulism, better known as sleepwalking. During a sleepwalking phase, a person performs activities that usu- • There are differing views on where the phrase ally done while awake, such as talking, walking, eating, “sleep tight” came from. Some say that it came cleaning, cooking, and even driving. Violent behavior can from the early construction of beds, when ropes also occur. Eyes are open, although usually glazed over. were tied in a sort of weave across a wooden The sleepwalker will usually have little or no memory of frame. In order for the most comfortable sleep, the the occurrence. ropes had to be tight so that the mattress wouldn’t • A person who talks in his/her sleep is a somniloquist. The sag. Another viewpoint is that “tight” is a varisounds can range from mumbling sounds to loud shouts, ance on the adverb “tightly,” that means “soundly, and even long speeches. In some rare cases, a somniloproperly, and effectively.” quist might even speak in another language. Somniloquy • With the Latin root of “somnus” meaning sleep, can be caused by stress, depression, sleep deprivation, you might think that “somniosus” has something alcohol, and fever. Those with PTSD are more prone to to do with sleeping. However, you’d be wrong! talking in their sleep, and there also seems to be a herediA somniosus is a genus of sharks to which the tary connection, with children of sleep-talking parents Greenland shark belongs! more likely to do the same.






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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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(Answers located further back)

June 28, 2021

• Groceries and food shopping can eat up a tremendous portion of your budget if you aren’t careful. The best and most serious money-saving tip for home economists is to ALWAYS use a list. It really does make a difference to have a plan. Here are some more tips to save money while feeding your family. — JoAnn • Most stores list the unit price on the shelf tag. Use it to compare the cost of different sizes and brands of the same item. Just because a package is bigger doesn’t necessarily mean it has the best price per unit. • “A secret of busy moms: Cook once, eat twice (or three times, if you plan well)! When you prepare favorite recipes that will freeze well, or even just elements of those recipes, make a double or triple batch. Then a few nights of the month, you can just pop something in the oven easily. I cook taco meat once for the month, and we have tacos every week. I just freeze three portions of the meat, and the rest is easy to assemble.” — K.S. in Florida • “If you know you’re going to make a purchase soon from a specific store, search online for discounted gift cards to that store. Many people get gift cards for places they don’t shop, and they sell them at a discount for cash. That’s a percentage off your purchase just for preplanning.” — E.S. in Virginia • Remember that, typically, the higher shelves and the lower shelves at the grocery store house the better deals. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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• On July 16, 1863, the draft riots enter their fourth day in New York City in response to the Enrollment Act. Although avoiding military service became much more difficult, wealthier citizens could still pay a $300 fee to stay home. • On July 14, 1881, Sheriff Pat Garrett kills Henry McCarty, known as Billy the Kid. Garrett had been tracking the Kid for three months after the gunslinger escaped from prison only days before his scheduled execution. At the trial, the judge had sentenced Billy the Kid to hang until "you are dead, dead, dead." Billy reportedly responded, "And you can go to hell, hell, hell." • On July 15, 1903, the newly formed Ford Motor Company takes its first order, an $850 two-cylinder Model A automobile with a backseat. The car, produced at Ford's plant in Detroit, was delivered a week later.

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• On July 13, 1930, France defeats Mexico 4-1 and the U.S. blanks Belgium 3-0 in the first-ever World Cup football matches, played in Montevideo, Uruguay. The World Cup has since become the world's most-watched sporting event. • On July 18, 1940, Franklin Roosevelt, who first took office in 1933 as America's 32nd president, is nominated for an unprecedented third term. He would eventually be elected to a record four terms. • On July 17, 1955, Disneyland opens on former orange groves in Anaheim, California. Due to counterfeit invitations, thousands showed up and the opening did not go well. Food and drink ran out, and the steamboat nearly capsized from too many passengers. • On July 12, 1979, disco music died at Chicago's Comiskey Park when a "Disco Demolition" night is held. Organizers grossly underestimated the number of fans who would want to blow up their disco records: a sellout crowd inside the stadium and 40,000 outside who stormed the field and lit bonfires on the diamond.


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Look! Up in the air! It’s not a bird, it’s not a plane, it’s a drone! If you don’t know much about these devices, you’ve come to the right place to learn. • The official name of a drone is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, or UAV. It’s a machine that doesn’t need a pilot, and operates with a pre-programmed flight plan, flying in straight lines, circles, or just hovering. Some refer to drones as Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems. RPAS are slightly different in that a pilot controls them from a distant location. • There are about 7 million drones in the world, with about 2 million of those in the U.S. The Federal Aviation Administration requires any drone weighing over 0.55 lbs. to be registered, and levies a $27,500 fine for failure to do so. Yet only about 875,000 U.S. drones are registered. • Although the use of drones is widespread in America, the U.S. was not the first country to manufacture them, an honor that belongs to the country of Israel. Abraham Karem, regarded as the founding father of drone technology, is an aeronautical engineer, who graduated from Technion University, Israel’s oldest university, one ranked as #1 in Israel and the Middle East. Karem built his first drone for the Israeli Air Force during the 1973 Yom Kippur war between the Arabs and Israelis. Israel Aerospace Industries was in charge of production. • Long before Karem was experimenting, English engineer Archibald Low developed what is thought to be the first powered drone aircraft. In 1916, in the midst of World War I, Low created the “Aerial Target.” Low earned his own nickname, “the father of radio guidance systems.” • The fastest drone is called Racer X, with an average speed of 165.2 mph. The Griff 300 drone is capable of carrying 1,760 lbs. with its eight propellers, and can remain airborne for 45 minutes at full capacity. ...continued

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DRONES (continued)

• In 2001, the first death from an armed military drone occurred, as the U.S. began using them to combat terrorism. The Predator UAV targeted Osama Bin Laden’s senior military commander, Mohammed Atef, in Afghanistan, providing live action footage of his location to the U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Florida. By remote control, the Predator launched two Hellfire missiles at Atef’s location. The FBI reports that military attack drones have killed upwards of 4,700 people.

DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Picture is higher. 2. Sweater is different. 3. Glasses are removed. 4. Hairstyle is changed. 5. Pillow is added. 6. Shoes are different. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

• Although a large number of drones are used for recreational and entertainment purposes, drones are very useful tools in other areas. Besides the obvious military uses, they are used by law enforcement agencies to fight crime by tracking criminals, for surveillance and sting operations, as well as capturing camera footage to be used as evidence. Drones are useful for delivering food, medicine, and medical equipment to people in remote areas, and in the world of agriculture, they allow farmers to survey their crops for damage, pestilence, or harvest readiness from the comfort of the house or barn! Land surveyors employ them for real estate purposes, and drones are helpful for communication in otherwise unreachable areas, as well as search and rescue. Even brides get into the drone act by using drones to aerially record their special day!

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Sports Answers 1. True. 5. Bengals 2. Best: Yankees at .263; at .568 Lions .350 Worst: Padres Browns .364 at .462 6. N.Y. Island3. Vancouver ers (1980-83) Canucks in 7. Zero 2011 4. Jaguars and Texans.

• If Amazon proceeds with a proposal to use drones for deliveries, it’s believed that Prime packages could be delivered within 30 minutes via a drone.

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• The Secret Service was quickly called in when a drone crashed onto the White House lawn in January, 2015. Charges against the pilot were dropped when it was discovered he was an inebriated off-duty government employee enjoying his hobby. Locally Owned

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