Tidbits of Grand Forks - July 29, 2021

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

July 29, 2021

Published by: Wick Publications



Issue # 1,230


DIAMONDS by Janet Spencer


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• The word “diamond” comes from the Greek word “adamas” meaning “indestructible” or “untamed.” • Diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth. After diamonds, rubies and sapphires (made of corundum) are the next hardest natural substance on the planet. • The diamond is the only gem composed of a single element. Diamonds are simply crystallized carbon (which coal, graphite, and soot are made of) and will burn at a temperature of 1292° F. • In their pure state, diamonds are colorless. However, diamonds can also be many different colors due to mineral impurities. The Hope diamond’s deep blue color comes from contamination with boron. • The largest rough diamond in the world was discovered in South Africa in 1905, weighing in at 3,106 carats. Several polished diamonds were carved from it, the largest of which is called “Cullinan I” or “The Great Star of Africa,” weighing 530 carats. Today it is set in the British Royal Scepter on permanent display in the Tower of London. By comparison, the typical engagement ring is generally one or two carats.


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Quiz Bits


2. 3. 4.

5. Who portrayed Ritchie Valens in the movie “La Bamba”? 6. What were the first names of The U.S. produces less than 1% the “Golden Girls” characters of the world’s diamond supply, on the 1980s sitcom? but what percent of global dia7. What was the name of the mond supply does it buy? dance song in the movie “The Name the top 5 diamond proRocky Horror Picture Show”? ducing countries in the world? 8. Which Kool & the Gang song What percent of diamonds was used in “Pulp Fiction”? mined are of industrial grade 9. What color is the instead of gemstone quality? sunset on Mars? Name the only U.S. state with a diamond mine. SPONSORED BY:


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• 87% of engagement rings contain a diamond. The national average cost of a typical engagement ring in 2019 was $5,900. • When Richard Burton bought Elizabeth Taylor a 69.40 carat diamond for $1 million, thousands waited in a line that stretched for blocks to see it in the window at Cartier’s.


• There are several ways diamonds are formed, and none of them involve coal, just carbon. Diamonds are formed deep within the molten mantle of Earth and ejected through a rare volcanic extrusion called a kimberlite pipe named after the town of Kimberley in South Africa where one of the world’s most prolific diamond mines is located. Diamonds are also formed in subduction zones along continental plates that are being forced downward. Diamonds are created in space and delivered to Earth via meteorites, and diamonds are also created when meteorites hit Earth. • The largest known diamond deposit is at Popigai Crater in Russia. There, the 4th largest known meteorite impact on the planet provided enough heat and energy to convert carbon surface materials into diamond. They are of industrial quality and it’s difficult to mine them due to the remote location.


• Cecil Rhodes was a sickly English boy, so his parents sent him to the healthier climate of South Africa where his brother had a farm. Discouraged by poor crops, the brothers turned to diamond mining instead. It took years, but Cecil finally succeeded. He formed the De Beers Mining Company, which still controls much of the diamond market today. In 1891, Rhodes controlled 90% of the market. Rhodesia was named for him (now called Zimbabwe). Fabulously wealthy when he died, he left his fortune in trust to be used for scholarships — Rhodes scholars.

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Carat with a C is a measure of the size of gemstones; karat with a K measures the purity of gold. Carat comes from carob, a small Oriental bean. The beans are remarkably uniform in size and therefore became a standard for weighing gems.



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Call us: 701-757-0421 HandSElectricalServices.com Accurate Quotes and Exceptional Service! 4. What country won Olympic gold medals in baseball in 1992, ‘96 and 1. How big is an Olympic 2004? swimming pool? 5. Who was head coach of 2. True or false: Motorboat the U.S. Olympic men’s racing was a medal sport basketball team that mancontested at the 1908 Sumaged to win only a bronze mer Olympics in London. medal at the 2004 Sum3. What martial-arts arena mer Olympics in Athens? in Tokyo was built for the 6. What was the name of 1964 Summer Olympics the E! reality TV show and has hosted musical starring U.S. Olympic acts such as the Beatles, ABBA, Bob Dylan and Eric swimmer Ryan Lochte Clapton? that aired briefly in 2013?


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• The Kohinoor diamond is one of the world’s largest and oldest, traced back to the 1300s. The name means “mountain of light.” • In 1739 it was owned by Mohammed Shah of India. Nadir Shah, leader of the Persians, invaded India and seized the national gems, but the Kohinoor was nowhere to be found. • For months he ransacked Dehli, killing thousands in his effort to find it. Then he got crafty and questioned members of Mohammed’s harem. One of them revealed that Mohammed kept the diamond in his turban. Rather than simply kill him and seize the Kohinoor, the Nadir declared peace and threw a party with Mohammed as guest of honor. As a binding gesture, he insisted on exchanging turbans to seal the friendship. • Mohammed Shah gave up his turban without batting an eye. Nadir Shah got his in the end, though. A few years later, he was assassinated. Centuries later, the Kohinoor fell into British hands when Punjab was annexed to the British Empire. It was presented to Queen Victoria and is now displayed with the royal Crown Jewels. • In 1701, a slave found a huge diamond while working in a mine in India. Risking his life to smuggle it out, he slashed his leg and hid it in the wound. He fled to the coast and made a deal with a ship captain for safe passage in exchange for half of what the diamond would bring. Once at sea, the slave “fell” overboard, but not before the stone was removed from his pocket. The captain sold it for $5000 to an Indian merchant who offered it to Thomas Pitt, governor of Madras, for half a million dollars. Pitt, guessing it was stolen, drove a hard bargain and got it for only $100,000. After being cut and polished, Pitt sold it to the Regent of France for over $600,000. His fortune was made—a fortune that was passed on to his heirs, including William Pitt, after whom Pittsburgh, PA was named. ...continued


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by Linda Thistle

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• In South Africa, a mine superintendent was preparing to close the mine for the day when he saw a glint. It turned out to be the largest diamond ever found. Before faceting, it was the size of a man’s fist and weighed over a pound. It was cleaved into 9 separate gems. • Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan, leader of the Ismaili Muslims, turned 75 years old in 1946. To celebrate his birthday in Bombay, wealthy supporters volunteered to contribute to his favorite charities an amount of money equal to his weight in diamonds. He sat on a giant balance scale while case after case of diamonds were loaded on the other side. The diamonds were of industrial quality to lower their value, but still it took over half a million carats at a value of a million and a half dollars to counterbalance his hefty 243 lbs.


• In 1981 Francois Mitterand was elected president of France. His win might be attributed due to actions of his opponent, incumbent President Valery Giscard d’Estaing. Giscard had accepted gifts of diamonds from the self-appointed Emperor of the Central African Empire, worth about $1 million today. When a newspaper reporter found out, Giscard claimed the diamonds had all been donated to museums. The newspaper checked but could find no such museums.

© 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

• Giscard then went on TV and said the diamonds had been sold and the money given to the African Red Cross. The paper checked but found no gifts to the Red Cross. Giscard then said they had been sent to the Emperor’s successor in Africa. The paper found that Giscard had actually sent the equivalent of one small diamond to Africa. After his defeat in 1981, a crowd surrounded him shouting “Give back the diamonds!” Giscard never held office again.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

by Lucie Winbourne

• In the 1880s, businessman LaMarcus Thompson was so upset over the temptations presented by saloons and brothels that he decided to clean up what he viewed as one of America's most immoral placesÑNew York's Coney Island. To that end he built the country's first roller coaster in a bid to give folks some good, clean fun well away from sleazier pursuits. • Flamingos bend their legs at the ankle, not the knee. Their knees are closer to the body and covered by feathers. • Those apples you buy at your local market aren't all that fresh. They're typically plucked between August and November, then covered in wax, hotair dried, and sent to cold storage before landing in stores six to 12 months later. • The world's largest waterfall, in the Denmark Strait between Iceland and Greenland, is underwater. • Dunce caps used to be a sign of intelligence! Thirteenth-century philosopher John Duns Scotus believed that a pointed cap helped spread knowledge from the tip to the brain, and his followers proudly wore them as badges of honor. A few hundred years later, when his ideas became less popular, the meaning of the Duns cap was turned on its, er, head, becoming a joke that led to its less flattering association. • About a month after its dedication, the Statue of Liberty became a working lighthouse for 16 years. • When Benjamin Franklin designed the first U.S. penny in 1787, it was emblazoned not with E Pluribus Unum, but "Mind Your Business." • The tongue of a blue whale can weigh as much as an elephant. *** Thought for the Day: "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature." -- Marcus Aurelius

Pays2Know Refer a Friend or Family Member and You’ll Both Get $75*


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*Answer located further back in this issue.

Love banking with us? Tell a friend to open a Service CU checking account, and you’ll each receive $75.* It Pays 2 Know. Visit our Grand Forks Branch or servicecu.org/pays2know to learn more.

Insured by NCUA *In order to qualify for the $75 referral promotion, referrer must have a Service Credit Union checking account. Referred friend (referee) must be a member of Service Credit Union or eligible for membership with at least $5 in a primary savings account, must open a checking account with Service Credit Union, and must have direct deposit of net pay of at least $500 per month into the new checking account. Account must be open and in good standing for a minimum of 90 days, and referee must enroll in e-communications For Dividend Checking there is a variable Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 0.15% accurate as of 05/01/2021 and no minimum balance required to earn APY. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account. The $75 bonus will be deposited to the checking account of both the referee and referrer 120 days after the referee’s account is opened as long as all criteria met. If we in our sole discretion determine that you have engaged in abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with this offer in any way or that you intend to do so, we may not credit the bonus to, we may freeze the bonus to, or we may take away the bonus from your account. Promotion runs from May 10, 2021 to June 30, 2021 and is subject to be changed or be discontinued without notice. The credit union will issue a 1099-INT for tax purposes. Offer is not available outside of the US.

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Solution located further back.


PROTECT YOURSELF FROM WEST NILE VIRUS West Nile virus (WNV) is an infection transmitted by mosquitoes. The mosquito most common for transmitting this virus is one that is widespread throughout the Grand Forks region. This mosquito does not discriminate. People of all ages are susceptible to WNV infection, but the elderly are at higher risk for developing the more severe form of this disease (neuroinvasive illness). Children infected with WNV generally show no symptoms or may have a mild fever.


Risk factors for West Nile virus: • Time of year – The majority of WNV cases occur in August. • Geographic region – The Dakotas have reported some of the highest cases per capita in the United States. • Time spent outdoors not wearing protective clothing and mosquito repellent – If you work or spend a lot of time outdoors (golfing, gardening, hunting, etc.), you’re at a higher risk of being bitten by mosquitoes. • Proximity – If you live in an area where WNV has already been identified or near mosquito larval habitat. • If you have a weakened immune system. The best way to prevent West Nile virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites. • Use mosquito-repellant products containing DEET. • Wear long sleeves and pants. • Eliminate any standing water from your property, such as trash bins, plant saucers, rain gutters, buckets, etc. The mosquito most common for transmitting this disease generally stays close to the site it hatched from. Don’t let it be a container or rain gutter from your own property.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

The Spats by Jeff Pickering


• Roquefort is a region in France noted for its caves where Roquefort cheese is aged. Roquefort cheese is • Franciscan friars started making a mild white cheese made from the same mold that gives us penicillin. in Monterey, California, in the 1800s. The cheese • Concordia was the Roman goddess of peace and harwas marketed by David Jacks and became known as mony. In Milan, Italy, her name was corrupted to Cor“Jack’s cheese” before morphing into Monterey Jack. condiola and later ended up as Gorgonzola, a region


• The Greek word “pheta” means “a slice” or “a morthat invented this soft blue-veined cheese. sel.” It became feta, a white crumbly cheese original- • Neufchatel means “new castle” in French and denotes ly made from sheep or goat milk and soaked in brine. a region where this soft white cheese was first made. • “Brie” is French for “marshland” and denotes a disAmerican-made cream cheese has a lower moisture trict in northeastern France near Paris where this soft content and is made with more cream than Neufchatel. creamy cheese was first developed.


• The word “muenster” is a German word meaning • According to legend, an Italian man named Alfredo “minister.” Muenster is the name of a region in France deLelio was concerned because his pregnant wife had on the Rhine River bordering Germany and Switzerlost her appetite. He owned a restaurant in Rome in the land where this soft cheese with an orange-colored 1920s, so he concocted a dish of egg noodles covered rind was popularized by the German residents. with a rich delicious sauce to tempt his wife’s appetite. • The Old English word “ceodor” means “ravine” and Patrons of his restaurant loved it. turned in to the word “Cheddar” which is a village • Movie stars Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford in Somerset, England near a striking gorge. Cheddar were on their honeymoon in Rome and stopped in his cheese was developed there sometime around the 12th restaurant for dinner nearly every night. They enjoyed century. Cheddar is one of the most popular cheeses his noodle dish so much that they presented him with in the U.S., accounting for about 36% of all cheese a gold-plated fork and spoon with which to stir his fasold. mous sauce. Within a year the recipe was featured in





• “Maimbert” is a West Germanic surname. “Campus a cookbook produced by the famous Rector’s RestauMaimberti” is Latin meaning “field of Maimbert.” rant in New York, which helped popularize the dish in This became “Camembert” and denotes a village in America. Normandy, France, where this sweet yellowish cream • Hollywood movie stars continued to eat at diLelio’s cheese was first made in the mid-1800s. restaurant in Rome, and they insisted that their favorite • Asiago is a region in Italy named for the word meanchefs back home try their hand at the recipe as well. ing “uncountable.” Asiago cheese developed in the Today the noodle dish, with a sauce made from butregion is similar to parmesan. ter, cream, and parmesan cheese, is popular across the U.S. The restaurant started by Alfredo diLelio is still in • Ricotta is Italian for “re-cooked” or “refined” because business and his famous pasta recipe is known as Fetit’s made from the whey and proteins left over from tuccine Alfredo. the production of other cheeses.


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• On Aug. 2, 1776, members of Congress affix their signatures to an enlarged copy of the Declaration of Independence. Fifty-six congressional delegates in total signed the document. John Dickinson of Pennsylvania and James Duane, Robert Livingston and John Jay of New York refused to sign. • On Aug. 3, 1861, the last entry of Charles Dickens' serialized novel "Great Expectations" is published in his literary circular, "All the Year Round." The novel tells the story of young Pip, a poor orphan who believes he will inherit a fortune. • On Aug. 6, 1890, at Auburn Prison in New York, the first execution by electrocution in history is carried out against murderer William Kemmler. When the current failed after 17 seconds, a second charge was required for two minutes before Kemmler was declared deceased.




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• On Aug. 5, 1914, the world's first electric traffic signal is installed, in Cleveland, Ohio. It consisted of four pairs of red and green lights on corner posts. A gas traffic light, in 1860 in the U.K., exploded after being used for a month. • On Aug. 4, 1936, American Jesse Owens wins gold in the long jump at the Summer Olympics in Germany. It was the second of four gold medals Owens won in Berlin. Owens would win his third gold medal in the 200 meters the next day. • On Aug. 8, 1942, six German saboteurs who secretly entered the United States on a mission to attack its infrastructure are executed for spying. On June 12, the German team had buried explosives on Long Island to use later. On July 18, a second team had successfully landed in Florida. • On Aug. 7, 1987, Lynne Cox braves the freezing waters of the Bering Strait to make the first recorded swim from the U.S. to the Soviet Union. Her swim took 2 hours and 16 minutes. Solution on Next Page

King Features Weekly Service ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.

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(Answers located further back)

July 19, 2021

• Keep a pretty basket by your front door for anything you need to take along when you leave. This can be store returns, backpacks, exercise gear for the gym, your sunglasses, whatever. When you leave the house, check the basket! • “Necklaces can be stored together without tangling if you thread each one through a straw. You can cut the straw to a shorter length for choker-length necklaces or bracelets. No knots!” — I.A. in Arizona • If you have a little bit of touchup paint left in your gallon can, transfer it to a mason jar. Write the exact color and brand on the lid, and it will be much easier to store. • “Our basement was dark and a little claustrophobic. My husband painted it a lovely sunny yellow and that helped, but it needed something else. I took a photo of the spectacular view at our son’s house in Montana, and had the photo blown up. We mounted it on the wall with some dummy curtains! It’s perfect, and it reminds me of him.” — R.W. in New York • Need to chill a bottle of wine quickly? Wet a kitchen towel, then wrap it around the wine. Twist the ends to secure, and put the whole thing in the freezer for 30 minutes. • Great ways to remove stuck labels: nail polish remover (NOT for use on plastics), WD-40 oil, soaking in hot water, rubbing alcohol. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at heresatip@yahoo.com.

by Matilda Charles

Staying Hydrated in Summer Heat

*Answer located back 3 pages.

If there is any mantra we need to repeat this summer it's this one: drink more liquids. A university study revealed that 80% of heat-related deaths were in people over the age of 60. We need to do everything we can to avoid dehydration when the weather is hot. As we age, many of us don't have the same body temperature regulation. Poor circulation and lack of thirst can make us vulnerable to the effects of heat. Of those, lack of thirst is the easiest to address, and drinking more water doesn't need to be a chore. Find out from your doctor just how many ounces you need to drink in a day. Some medications, such as diuretics, might change how your body reacts to heat and dehydration. Ask whether you need an electrolyte-replacement drink for added potassium and sodium. By the numbers: Buy several smaller water bottles and fill with water as many as you need each day to reach the required number of ounces. Keep them on the kitchen counter, where you'll see them. Keep oranges, strawberries and watermelons handy, or make your own fruit popsicles. Keep an eye on the TV news and weather. Know what temperatures and humidity are expected during the day, especially early afternoon. If you walk for exercise, try to go in the morning. Make a few calls and find out about any cooling stations near you, or airconditioned spaces such as a mall, if you don't have air conditioning at home. Keep the inside temperature as low as possible and close the drapes on the sunny side of the house. If you have air conditioning, keep it set at a comfortable temperature and leave it on. Remember that you don't need to wait until you're thirsty to drink water.

by Freddy Groves

The VA's Fourth Mission

he Department of Veteran's Affairs has been busy. It was recently announced that it has completed 150 Fourth Mission assignments across the country. Fourth Mission's goal is to improve preparedness for response to war and national emergencies by developing plans and taking actions to support service to veterans as well as national efforts. In other words, when a need is there, so is help. (The first three VA Missions are health care, benefits and national cemeteries.) If you ever doubted that the COVID pandemic has been a true emergency, you only need to look at the very long list of Fourth Mission humanitarian efforts to back up the nation's health care system. Here are a few examples of what the VA's Fourth Mission has accomplished in all 50 states plus territories: -- Provided 935,000 pieces of Personal Protective Equipment. -- Admitted 488 non-veteran citizens to VA medical centers for treatment.



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-- Deployed over 5,000 medical personnel to 1,215 state VA homes, 980 community nursing homes and 94 non-VA hospitals. In Arizona alone, they provided staffing for six civilian hospitals. In Florida, they worked with over 8,000 long-term-care patients at 82 facilities. In Virginia, it was 852 long-term-care facilities. There were untold thousands of COVID tests given and results processed. When the vaccines came out, VA personnel were there across the country to administer them. The efforts weren't limited to hands-on medical staff. Truck drivers were sent to multiple states to deliver supplies and vaccines. Pharmacists were sent to numerous locations, including federal prisons. VA personnel fed 250 veteran families every month in Georgia, along with 150 homebound VA patients. They held town hall and state meetings with civilian authorities to coordinate how to contain the spread of COVID. I'm impressed by this massive effort. To the thousands of VA personnel who volunteered to go, thank you. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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• Mozzarella is an Italian cheese originally made in Naples area. The word “mozzarella” started out as the Latin word “mutius” meaning “blunt” or “cut off” presumably because the cheese was formed into rolls that were bluntly whacked off into portions. The word “mutius” also gave us the words “mute” and “mutilate.” When the word passed into Italian, it became “mozza” and the diminutive form of the word was “mozzarella.” • James Leprino has been on the Forbes list of billionaires for more than a decade, one of the few billionaires that nobody’s heard of. His company, Leprino Foods, is a firm that nobody’s heard of. James Leprino is the Cheese King, and he built Leprino Foods from scratch. • It all started when James Leprino’s father, Mike Leprino Sr., left his native Italy in 1914 at the age of 16. He became a farmer in the Denver area. In the 1950s he opened a grocery store to sell his produce and eventually added Italian specialties including various cheeses and mozzarella balls.

*Answer located back 4 pages.

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• James Leprino couldn’t help but notice that most of his friends and classmates tended to hang out at pizza joints after school and on weekends. After he graduated from high school in 1956, James went to work for his dad in the family grocery store. In 1958, chain supermarkets forced them to close. By then, James had discovered that pizza shops in the Denver area were buying over 5,000 pounds of mozzarella every week. • James Leprino started his mozzarella empire with $615. In just a short two years, Leprino Foods was selling 200 pounds of mozzarella every single week to Italian restaurants in the Denver area. From there, things just kept expanding. ...continued

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• Leprino’s timing was perfect. In 1958, the first Pizza Hut opened followed by Little Caesars in 1959. Little Caesars was soon expanding by 25% each year. In 1960 the first Domino’s launched. After pioneering pizza delivery, Domino’s expanded from 200 outlets in 1978 to 5,000 in 1989. In 1985 Papa John’s opened for business.

DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Music stand is different. 2. Glasses are missing. 3. Curtain is narrower. 4. Picture is moved. 5. Lampshade is different. 6. Sleeve is longer. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

• In 1968 Leprino Foods began selling pre-sliced blocks of mozzarella so that pizza-makers could lay a few slices onto each pie rather than shred cheese. They invented new uses for whey and lactose. The company developed a preservative mist and invented flavored cheeses. They cut down the aging process from 14 days to just four hours, cutting costs. Soon Leprino Foods was selling 2 million pounds of cheese a week. • At times the company has controlled as much as 85% of the market for pizza cheese, selling to Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Papa John’s, and Little Caesars. The specialization has allowed Leprino to invest in niche technology resulting in over 50 patents. • The company also provides the cheese for take-and-bake pizzas, cheesy Hot Pockets, and Stouffer’s lasagna. They provide lactose and whey powders for protein bars, Yoplait yogurt, baby formula, and even Pillsbury Toaster Strudel. In 60 years of business, there has never been a product recall.

Quiz Answers

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• Leprino Foods is the world’s largest mozzarella company, selling more than a billion pounds of cheese a year and bringing in over $3 billion in revenue.

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• They purchase 7% of the total available milk in the U.S. in order to supply mozzarella for most of America’s pizzas. The entire milk production of about one out of every 20 cows is devoted to mozzarella for pizza. Locally Owned

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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