Tidbits of Grand Forks - August 12, 2021

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks August 12, 2021

Published by: Wick Publications


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Issue # 1,232


by Janet Spencer


• During the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, the muzzle-loading musket was the standard model of gun. Muskets were unwieldy, and loading was hard on horseback. Soldiers were able to fire a musket only two or three times per minute.

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• In the 1830s Christian Sharps went to work for a gunsmith in New Jersey. There he was introduced to a new type of gun, a breech-loader, which could be loaded from the back instead of down the muzzle. He began tinkering with gun design until he patented a model in 1849 that was smaller, easy to load from the breech (even while mounted on a horse), and could be fired numerous times without reloading.

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• Christian Sharps named the gun after himself and set up a factory. Although most soldiers in the Civil War were issued muskets, some soldiers, especially elite corps of highly trained marksmen, began to carry Sharps’ rifles instead. After the Civil War, pioneers, buffalo hunters, and U.S. troops moving westward carried the new, improved gun. Eventually Christian Sharps’ name came into our lexicon meaning one who has dead-eye aim; a crack shot or a marksman: a Sharpshooter.


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Quiz Bits


4. What was the name of Fred’s boss on the animated TV show “The Flintstones”? 5. What is Canada’s largest island? 6. Which 1990s movie features a character nicknamed “The Dude”? 7. Which website is advertised in commercials that feature the character Captain Obvious?


1. What Italian gun manufacturer is the oldest in the world, dating to 1526? 2. What gun did Dirty Harry (“Make my day!”) make famous? 3. To demonstrate the M1917, John Browning fired the machine gun non-stop for 48 minutes without the gun jamming. How many rounds did he fire in that time?


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• Then the Civil War started. He was horrified and decided to do something to halt the pain of war. His plan was to invent a gun so devastating that it would end war forever. • By 1862 he had designed a revolutionary gun consisting of several mounted barrels fixed to a rotating drum. By turning a crank, the gun could fire dozens of bullets in an unending stream. When Union troops used it against the Confederate army, the results were dramatic. The U.S. Army ordered a hundred more, and soon armies all over the world were using them. • Richard’s dream that it would end war for all time did not come true. The gun was named after its inventor: the Gatling gun.


• Making lead shot for shotguns was time-consuming in the 1800s. Lead was rolled into sheets and the sheets were chopped into bits, or it was drawn into wire and cut into pieces. The resulting shot was expensive and of poor quality. James Watt, inventor of the first practical steam engine, had a recurring dream one week. In it, he seemed to be in a heavy rainstorm but instead of water drops, he was being pelted with tiny lead pellets that rolled around on the ground. Intrigued by the dream, Watt experimented by dropping molten lead from the top of a church tower into a water-filled moat. When he recovered the pellets, he found that they were perfectly round. To this day, lead shot is made by the process Watt dreamed up. ...continued

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• Richard Gatling’s father was constantly tinkering with the equipment on the family farm in North Carolina. Richard picked up the habit and together he and his father invented machines designed to sow cotton, rice, and wheat. He opened a factory to manufacture them, but quickly got bored. So he went back to tinkering.


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SPORTS QUIZ 1. In roller derby, the players who score points and wear stars on their helmets are known as what? 2. “You got a beat-up glove, a homemade bat and a brandnew pair of shoes” are lyrics to what 1985 song by John Fogerty? 3. What did Italian-born bodybuilder Angelo Siciliano legally change his name to in 1922?

4. Nicknamed “Lady Magic,” what Basketball Hall of Famer played for the WNBA’s Phoenix Mercury in 1997 at the age of 39? 5. What is the nickname of Xavier University’s athletic teams? 6. Point guard Sam Cassell won three NBA championships as a member of which two teams? 7. T or F: The NBA’s Chris Paul has over 20,000 career points.

Insured by NCUA *In order to qualify for the $75 referral promotion, referrer must have a Service Credit Union checking account. Referred friend (referee) must be a member of Service Credit Union or eligible for membership with at least $5 in a primary savings account, must open a checking account with Service Credit Union, and must have direct deposit of net pay of at least $500 per month into the new checking account. Account must be open and in good standing for a minimum of 90 days, and referee must enroll in e-communications For Dividend Checking there is a variable Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 0.15% accurate as of 05/01/2021 and no minimum balance required to earn APY. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account. The $75 bonus will be deposited to the checking account of both the referee and referrer 120 days after the referee’s account is opened as long as all criteria met. If we in our sole discretion determine that you have engaged in abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with this offer in any way or that you intend to do so, we may not credit the bonus to, we may freeze the bonus to, or we may take away the bonus from your account. Promotion runs from May 10, 2021 to June 30, 2021 and is subject to be changed or be discontinued without notice. The credit union will issue a 1099-INT for tax purposes. Offer is not available outside of the US.


• In 1852 Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson were working together at the National Armory in Massachusetts. They formed their own company and crafted a new lever-action firearm, but were unable to turn a profit. They sold the failing company to shirt manufacturer Oliver Winchester who started the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. which became extremely successful. • However, Smith and Wesson continued to tinker. They invented a better cartridge and then built a revolver to fire it. This was the first successful selfcontained cartridge revolver in the world. They followed that up with the hammerless revolver. Their models were used by the U.S. Cavalry and the Russian Imperial Government. • By the time Smith died in 1893 and Wesson in 1906, they had revolutionized the industry.




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• In 1941 he was wounded in battle and spent time in a military hospital where he heard soldiers complain about the unreliable army-issued guns. While still in the hospital, he conceived the idea for a submachine gun and began designing it. • In 1946 he entered a competition to build the best new assault rifle, winning first place. In 1947 he designed a gun that was named after him, dubbed the Avtomat Kalashnikov model 1947, with “Avtomat” meaning “automatic.” • This gun, whose name was abbreviated to “AK47” became standard issue for the Russian army.

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• Mikhail Kalashnikov was born in Russia in 1919 and was conscripted into the Russian army in 1938. Trained as a tank mechanic, he demonstrated innate mechanical abilities. He designed an automatic counter that would register the number of shots fired from a tank’s gun, and re-designed a pistol so it would fire more accurately.

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• Shortly after the founding of Israel, he joined the Israeli army and began designing guns. One gun won a competition in 1951 and was subsequently adopted by the Israel Defense Forces. The gun was immediately named after him over his objections: the Uzi. • The Uzi was almost impossible to misfire, was lightweight and compact, and able to withstand dust and grit. The Uzi became the largest-selling submachine gun in the western world and was eventually used by some 20 armies around the world.


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• The term “BB” denoted a particular size of lead shot. The size “00” was called “double ought” and was the largest size of shot, used for hunting deer. It became known as buckshot. The size “BB” was used for smaller prey and became known as birdshot. There were also various sizes in between. • The crosshairs you see every time you squint through a riflescope are usually painted on by hand. However, the crosshairs used to be made of spider silk. Not only did they come from spider silk, but they came from the silk of the female black widow spider, whose silk is much stronger than other spiders. *Read about Samuel Colt further back in this issue. © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

*Answer located further back.

• In the 1880s, Clarence Hamilton owned the Plymouth Iron Windmill Company in Michigan. He also operated the Plymouth Air Rifle Company. The windmill company wasn’t doing well. Then he started giving away a free air rifle with the purchase of every windmill. The little air guns soared in popularity. The manager of the windmill company fired one and said, “Boy, that’s a daisy!” That’s how the Daisy Air Rifle came to be, followed by the Red Ryder BB Gun.

*Answer located further back in this issue.


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*Answer located further back in this issue.



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Solution located further back.




DOES GRAND FORKS MOSQUITO CONTROL EMPLOY INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES (IPM)? ‐ Yes, Grand Forks maintains an IPM mosquito control program. Strategies employed through this program are designed to reduce the risk of mosquito‐borne diseases and reduce the nuisance level of mosquitoes. However, this does not mean we’ll have a mosquito free summer. The mosquito population is directly proportional to the amount of rain we receive. More rain means more mosquitoes. No mosquito control program can safely eliminate mosquitoes. Throughout the summer, there may be areas where mosquitoes are bothersome, espe- Testing birds for West Nile Virus cially during early morning and evening hours when mosquitoes are normally more active. We recommend you apply a mosquito repellent that contains DEET or wear protective clothing. Repellents containing DEET are one of the safest, most effective repellents available. DEET repellents are also suggested for children as young as 2 months old. Please, do not believe the myth that DEET is bad for you.

WHY DOESN’T THE CITY JUST SCHEDULE SPRAYING ONCE EVERY WEEK? ‐ The decision to spray mosquitoes in populated areas can be a sensitive issue. Some residents would like to see us spray a couple times a week while others don’t want us spraying at all. To balance this issue and stay in accordance with an IPM program, we established thresholds. These thresholds are based on specific information collected from our surveillance division. Several factors are considered before making spray/no spray decisions. Some of these factors include the mosquito population, species composition, mosquito‐borne disease activity, community events, weather conditions, and environmental factors. Spraying mosquitoes should never be done on a scheduled basis. It should be triggered by some type of surveillance. Spraying on a recurring basis is a waste of money and it needlessly kills beneficial insects. Service requests and public complaints can be helpful, but they do not provide sufficient justification to spray. Service requests and complaints generally result with increased surveillance by our staff. Mosquito Identification HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO SPRAY THE CITY? Adult mosquito control (aka fogging) is probably the most visible part of a mosquito control program. But this is a very small part of an IPM mosquito program. Adult mosquito control is rather inexpensive. The cost to ground spray the city of Grand Forks is about .25 cents per acre. About 5 percent of the annual budget is spent on fogging. Most of the daily work for mosquito control is involved with larviciding and surveillance. The majority of the mosquito control staff spend their day inspecting and treating mosquito habitat with larvicides. Larvicides are designed to destroy the mosquitoes before they can become flying adults. A comprehensive larvicide program has proven to be one of the best ways to reduce mosquito-borne diseases and reduce the population Fogging of nuisance mosquitoes. HAS GRAND FORKS EVER HAD A YEAR WHEN THEY DIDN’T NEED TO FOG FOR MOSQUITOES? ‐ Yes, since implementing the comprehensive mosquito control program in 1995, Grand Forks has had two years in which they did not reach the threshold limit that would trigger city‐wide mosquito spraying. This was during the 2006 and 2012 seasons. Both years were somewhat dry, leaving us with below average rainfall and below average mosquito counts throughout the summer. On average, the City conducts city‐wide ground spraying about 12 times per year. During the 2002 season (wettest year on record) Grand Forks Mosquito Control conducted 24 city‐wide ground sprays. IS THE MOSQUITO SPRAY HARMFUL AND DO I NEED TO STAY INSIDE WHEN THEY SPRAY? No, when applied according to label instructions this spray will not harm people, pets, animals, or the environment. This public health pesticide is designed for use in residential and recreational areas. You are not required to leave an area when the sprayer goes by but you may want to avoid or minimize your contact with the cloud of droplets as it passes. If you prefer to stay inside and close your windows and doors when spraying takes place that’s fine, but it’s not necessary. Grand Forks Mosquito Control employees are trained and certified in the public health category as commercial pesticide applicators. Identifying & Counting Mosquitoes

For more information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com


• Marked Tree, Arkansas, was named for an oak tree marked with a foot-tall letter “M.” No one is sure who carved the letter into the bark of the tree, but the • The Arkansa Indians inhabited the area in middle Ameroriginal “marked tree” is on display with a historical ica, with “Arkansa” meaning “people who live down marker. river.” When two or more of the Indians were around, they were referred to in the plural, Arkansas (with the S • Oil Trough got its name in the early 19th century when pronounced). The same happened with the Kansa Indi- troughs were used to float bear fat down the river to be an tribe nearby. Arkansas was pronounced and spelled sold in New Orleans. so many different ways that in 1881 the General Assem- • The citizens of one town were torn between naming bly of Arkansas passed a resolution concerning how it the town “Possum” or “Grape” for over two decades. should be spoken and written. The town wasn't officially named until 1954, becom• Enola, a town in Arkansas, is “alone” spelled back- ing Possum Grape in a compromise. wards. • Mack’s Corner was named for landowner and business• Archibald Yell was running in the congressional elec- man B. M. McCollum who operated both a restaurant tion campaign of 1850 in Arkansas. He was trying to and an automobile shop in the same building. When one drum up some publicity when he came up with the idea of the mechanics was doubling as a waiter, he served of having a town named after himself. He bribed the ap- a local farmer a plate of food stained with automobile propriate officials and Shawneetown became Yellville. grease. The farmer called McCollum out, stating that the town really should be called Greasy Corner instead He won the election. of Mack’s Corner. And Greasy Corner it became. • A French exploring party found a place that was carpeted with flowering sumac. They called it “sumac-couvert” • The origin of Toad Suck is disputed. Some think it meaning “sumac covered.” Later, Americans struggled was named because men at the tavern would “suck on the bottle 'til they swell up like toads” while others with the pronunciation and renamed it Smackover. think it was a corruption of a French phrase meaning • When the town of Texarkana incorporated in the 1870s, “a narrow channel in the river.” the city founders named the town after the junction of the three states that met at that location: Texas, Arkan- • Little Rock got its name from a small rock formasas, and Louisiana. However, they were a little off. The tion on the south bank of the Arkansas River that the borders of Texas and Arkansas meet at the townsite, but French called La Petite Roche. It became a landmark for people navigating the river and was a well-known the Louisiana border is 20 miles away. river crossing. • Residents of a small town in Arkansas needed to vote on a name so they could incorporate and get their first • The town of Germania was named for its many Gerpost office. The forms, sent from Washington, D.C., in- man-speaking immigrants. However, during World structed each person to “Please Write In Ink.” So most War I, anti-German sentiments forced the town to folks dutifully wrote ‘Ink’ in the spot provided for the change its name to Vimy Ridge. This was quite an name they preferred. Ink, Arkansas was born. Ironically insult to local German settlers since Vimy Ridge was the site of a French victory against the Germans. enough, it’s just a few miles from Pencil Bluff.







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• On Aug. 9, 1854, Henry David Thoreau's classic "Walden; or, A Life in the Woods" is published. The book is Walden's account of his experimental time of simple living in a cabin at Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts, starting in 1845. The book sold just 300 copies a year when it was published. • On Aug. 13, 1878, Kate Bionda, a restaurant owner, dies of yellow fever in Memphis, Tennessee, after a man who had escaped a quarantined steamboat visited her restaurant. The disease spread rapidly, and the resulting epidemic emptied the city. An average of 200 people died each day through September. • On Aug. 11, 1921, author Alex Haley is born in Ithaca, New York. His novel "Roots" (1976) was a fictionalized account of his family's history, traced through seven generations. It won a special Pulitzer Prize.




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• On Aug. 15, 1914, the Panama Canal, the Americanbuilt waterway across the Isthmus of Panama, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, is inaugurated. U.S. engineers moved nearly 240 million cubic yards of earth and spent more than $10 billion in today's dollars in constructing the 40-mile-long canal. • On Aug. 14, 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signs into law the Social Security Act, which guaranteed an income for the unemployed and retirees. The Social Security system has remained relatively unchanged since 1935. • On Aug. 12, 1964, Charlie Wilson, part of the gang who pulled off the 1963 Great Train Robbery, one of the biggest heists of its kind, escapes from the maximum-security Winson Green Prison in Birmingham, England. Wilson remained on the loose until 1968. • On Aug. 10, 1981, Pete Rose of the Philadelphia Phillies gets the 3,631st hit of his baseball career, breaking Stan Musial's record, in a game against the St. Louis Cardinals. Musial had spent his entire career with the Cardinals, and he was on hand to congratulate Rose.

King Features Weekly Service ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.

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(Answers located further back)

August 2, 2021

• Coffee filters make wonderful glass cleaners. They leave behind no streaks and no residual lint. • Berries are in season, and there’s no greater time to stock up. But don’t feel like you have to make jam out of all the berries. Freeze in a single layer and transfer to a freezer-safe bag or container. Later they can be popped into muffins and quick breads, as well as eaten straight out of the bag for a delicious treat. • “Do you love burgers? Here’s a great thing our family does that saves money and is very handy: When ground beef goes on sale, we buy a large quantity and premake many burger patties, seasoned and shaped just as we like them. Then we separate them with butcher’s paper cut into squares. We put them in stacks, and then into empty bread bags to store in the freezer. When we are getting ready to cook out, the patties don’t have to be all the way defrosted, just put on the grill and cooked up!” — A.J. in Florida • Okra, which is at its peak July through September, makes an excellent stew thickener. But it’s quite yummy on the grill as well, brushed with olive oil and lightly seasoned. Just be sure you don’t wash it until you are ready to use it. There’s a natural protective coating on it, and if you wash it off, it’ll get slimy. • Old socks can be fitted around the head of an old mop or Swiffer base. Spray with cleaner and clean away. When you are done, remove the sock and launder. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

by Matilda Charles

by Freddy Groves

More and More Scams Aimed at Seniors

OIG Holds the VA Accountable

*Answer located back 3 pages.

Most scams keep repeating year after year. After all, the scammers are making big money doing those Nigerian grandson/auto-warranty scams, so why would they drop them? However, new ones keep popping up. If you shop online, beware of accidentally typing in the wrong name. Scammers have created websites with actual information from real store websites, but with a slightly different name. If you shop at a fake store and put in your credit card, the scammers will have immediate access to it. If you learned how to do Zoom or other online conferences to talk to your family, beware any emails or messages you get about your Zoom. Scammers have set up thousands of Zoom-related internet links for the sole purpose of getting you to click on one they send you. The instant you do, malware (malicious software) is loaded into your computer. From that point all your personal data is at risk. Ignore those emails or messages. If there's a problem with your Zoom, go straight to the Zoom site and check it from there. In a sign of the times, there are fake COVID contact tracers that ask for personal information and Social Security numbers. Hang up if they call you. A big problem is that often we don't report the scams. We're embarrassed, or we're afraid the scammers will retaliate, or we just don't know where to report it. If nothing else, you can call the police. If the scam happened on the Internet, contact the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (www.ic3.gov). The center has logged over 6 million complaint calls -- a big portion from those over age 60. Scammers are everywhere, and it's up to us to stop them in their tracks by being wary of phone calls, emails and the internet.

The Office of Inspector General for the Department of Veterans Affairs has been busy. Despite COVID, the OIG managed to keep working, and it has checked in with its congressionally required six-month report. The eye automatically zips to the bottom line: The dollar impact from its efforts during the past six months amounts to $1,923,417,054. You don't need to count the commas; that's 1.9 billion dollars it identified in one way or another. For every dollar in the OIG budget, it got back $21 in return. During the six months, the OIG made 109 arrests, issued 652 administrative sanctions, put out 124 publications, talked to 14,129 hotline contacts and made 389 recommendations to the VA. The biggest category in that $1.9 billion is "Fines, Penalties, Forfeitures, Restitution and Civil Judgments," which brought in a cool $755 million.



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The OIG put out some excellent reports during that time as well. Here are two: -- The VBA (Veterans Benefits Admin) didn't test the skills of claims processors from 2016 to 2019, even though it's a congressionally mandated requirement. Not only did the VBA not provide additional training to many of those who failed the tests, it didn't even bother to give skills tests to 4,700 of the 10,800 people who are processing claims. -- VA health care had no way to track patients who had received various medical implants, such as cornea or dental. That means if there was a problem or a recall, there was no system in place to find those veterans. Of 10,000 purchases of implant material, 2,900 purchases were either miscategorized or not even put in the system, making them impossible to track. For 18 months, 45% weren't tracked and $1.1 million in material (714 items) could not be located. Nearly 300 unrecorded items were found in storage. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.


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• Samuel Colt grew up in Connecticut in the early 1800's. When he was eight, his brother gave him an old pistol. He quickly learned how to disassemble and reassemble it. While reading, he found the directions for making gunpowder. At 11, he made his own gunpowder, put it into his pistol, and went out into the woods to see if it would work. It worked. He became fascinated with guns. • A year later, he went to work at his father’s silk mill. He loved the chemical lab where dyes were made. He became friendly with the chemist and they experimented together. • At 14, Sam was sent to boarding school. In his closet he set up a chemical lab, and passed out homemade firecrackers. He learned to build an electric battery, and was the first person to realize that electricity could ignite gunpowder. To demonstrate, he planted gunpowder in a waterproof container at the bottom of a pond, and used tarred wires to connect it to a battery. On the 4th of July, he connected the wires, and the explosion sent a huge column of water into the air. • Sam’s academic career came to a sudden halt with an accidental explosion. His father arranged a job as a sailor for him, and on his 16th birthday he sailed for Calcutta. In India he was fascinated by a strange gun he saw in a gunsmith’s shop. The owner told him it was a gun that could fire 6 times without being reloaded, but it had a tendency to blow up. Sam bought it, and spent the rest of the voyage planning improvements in the design. • When he arrived home, he showed a model to his father. He was interested and paid a gunsmith to make a working model. The gun exploded. His father paid for an improved model. The cylinders didn’t lock. His father paid for a third model. It wouldn’t fire. His father was out of money and patience. Sam went back to work in the silk mill.

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DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Light fixture is missing. 2. Ladder is shorter. 3. Body is slimmer. 4. Kite tail is shorter. 5. Bush is missing. 6. Bird house is missing. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• Sam’s friend the chemist still worked at the mill. Furthermore, he had discovered how to make the recently discovered nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. This harmless gas produces a momentary feeling of euphoria when inhaled briefly. Sam figured that people would pay to experience this, and he could use the money to finance his new gun. He billed his act as a scientific demonstration and attracted crowds. At 17, he was on the road and made enough money to hire an expert gunsmith to build his constantly improving gun designs. • Eventually Sam Colt had a gun that could fire six times without being reloaded. Furthermore, the parts and pieces of the gun were interchangeable because they were precision-made to exacting standards, made by machines rather than by hand. Previously, guns were made individually and every gun was slightly different. A broken gun was difficult to mend because replacement parts had to be hand-crafted. Sam Colt’s mass production put an end to that. He patented his designs and set up his first factory at age 20. • However, resistance to the newfangled gun was great. Soon he was bankrupt. So Sam improved his underwater mine; blew up an old ship as an experiment; and received $20,000 from Congress for research. The waterproof lines he used for mines were also handy as underwater telegraph lines, and he and Samuel Morse laid the world’s first. • Then the Spanish American War broke out, and demand for Sam’s six-shooter skyrocketed. • Samuel Colt developed the first mass-produced, multi-shot, revolving firearms and was the first to use Industrial Age machining tools. The guns were affordable, reliable, and accurate, making them a favorite of soldiers and frontiersmen. Colt became one of the wealthiest people in America. His six-shooter was instrumental in settling the west. Locally Owned

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Quiz Answers

5. Baffin Island 1. Beretta 6. “The Big 2. Smith & Lebowski” Wesson M29 3. 21,000 rounds 7. Hotels.com 4. George Slate



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Sports Answers 1. The jammers 6. Houston 2. “Centerfield” Rockets 3. Charles Atlas (1994-95) & 4. Nancy Boston Lieberman Celtics (2008) 5. The Muske- 7. False. He has teers. 19,978 pts.




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