Tidbits of Grand Forks - September 9, 2021

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• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts September 9, 2021

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Since 1997


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications



Issue # 1,236


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MARIANA TRENCH by Janet Spencer

• The Mariana Trench is a crescent-shaped trench in the Western Pacific Ocean, just east of its namesake Mariana Islands near Guam, north of Australia and south of Japan. The Mariana Trench contains the deepest known points on Earth. • The Mariana Trench is 1,580 miles long — more than five times the length of the Grand Canyon. However, the narrow trench averages only 43 miles wide. The depth of the water here is about 7 miles deep.

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• The first depth measurements in the Mariana Trench were made by the British survey ship HMS Challenger, which was used by the Royal Navy in 1875 to conduct research in the trench. The greatest depth that they recorded at that time was 26,850 feet, measured by dropping a weighted rope overboard. • In 1951, another Royal Navy vessel, also named the HMS Challenger, returned to the area and discovered an even deeper location in the trench with a depth of 35,760 feet determined by echo sounding. This exceptionally deep part of the Mariana Trench was named the Challenger Deep after the vessels that made these measurements. The Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is the deepest point in Earth’s oceans. Turn the page for more!


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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “Love can touch us one time and last for a What is the temperature of the lifetime, And never let go till water at Challenger Deep at the we’re gone.” bottom of the Marina Trench? 6. What was the name of John How thick were the windows Candy’s character in the 1988 on James Cameron’s Deepsea movie “The Great Outdoors”? Challenger submersible? 7. Who played Marty’s girlfriend How many people have in “Back to the Future Part II” walked on the Moon? and “Back to the How many sons did Ben Future Part III”? Cartwright have in TV show “Bonanza”? Name them. SPONSORED BY:



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• The deepest part of Challenger Deep is 36,200 feet below sea level. • By comparison, most ocean life lives above a depth of 660 feet. The deepest a human has ever scuba dived is 1,090 feet. Nuclear submarines travel at a depth of about 850 feet. Whales aren’t seen below about 8,200 feet. The site of the sunken Titanic is at 12,467 feet. • The Mariana Trench is located where two tectonic plates collide, with the Pacific Plate being forced downward into the mantle underneath the Mariana Plate. This subduction zone forms the trench. Although there are other trenches in the ocean floor across the planet, this is the deepest. That’s because it’s in the middle of the ocean where there are no rivers nearby delivering silt to fill the trench. Also, the Pacific plate is made of dense volcanic rock which is very heavy, weighing the ocean floor down. • At that extreme depth, the water pressure is about 1,100 times higher than the normal atmospheric pressure on shore. The pressure is approximately 8 tons per square inch which is roughly equal to 100 elephants standing on your head. Exploration is challenging because that much pressure causes normal instruments to implode. • Because of the rift in the ocean floor, there is much undersea volcanic activity. Volcanoes formed the chain of Mariana Islands which exactly mirrors the arc of the Mariana Trench. • One undersea volcano spews liquid carbon dioxide from thermal vents that look like chimneys. The liquid coming out of these chimneys is 217F. Another submerged volcano oozes a pool of molten sulfur, something seen nowhere else on Earth. • Other volcanoes vent hydrogen sulfide which feeds a specific type of bacteria, which feeds specialized microbes, which in turn feed fish. ...continued



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• Recent scientific expeditions have discovered surprisingly diverse life in these harsh conditions. Animals living in the deepest parts of the Mariana Trench survive in complete darkness and extreme pressure. • One of the most common organisms at the bottom is called a xenophyophore which is a type of giant single-celled amoeba. They eat by surrounding and absorbing their food. These giant amoebas can reach 4 inches in diameter. Another is the amphipod which is a shiny shrimplike scavenger. Then there’s also the holothurian, a species of bizarre translucent sea cucumber. • In 2017, scientists collected specimens of a new species of fish called Mariana snailfish, which lives at a depth of about 26,200 feet. This small pink scaleless fish appears to be an apex predator in the ecosystem. • Researchers have also identified hundreds of different microorganisms in mud collected from the Challenger Deep. The mud is kept in conditions that mimic the crushing cold and pressure of the sea floor.

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• In 1960, a U.S. Navy submersible named the Trieste reached the bottom of Challenger Deep. It was the first vessel to do so and was manned by U.S. Navy Lt. Don Walsh and Swiss scientist Jacques Piccard, the first humans ever to see the deepest place on Earth. After a 5-hour descent, they were only able to spend 20 minutes there due to the extreme pressures, and their arrival stirred up too much silt from the seafloor for them to take any pictures. • The next visitor didn’t arrive until over 50 years later in 2012, when filmmaker James Cameron, director of the movie “Titanic,” solo dived to the Challenger Deep in a submersible called the Deapsea Challenger. ...continued


• Deepsea Challenger weighed less than one-tenth what the Trieste weighed and carried much more scientific equipment as well. Cameron was able to spend three hours on the bottom, after a descent that lasted 2 hours and 37 minutes. The extreme pressures took a toll on his equipment, though. Batteries drained, sonar died, and some of his vessel’s thrusters malfunctioned, making it hard to maneuver. • In 2019, American undersea explorer Victor Vescovo reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench in a submersible called the Limiting Factor. He reached a record-setting depth of 35,853 feet, and noted the presence of plastic grocery bags and candy wrappers on the sea floor. Since then, the Limiting Factor has made a number of subsequent trips to the bottom of Challenger Deep.

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• Victor Vescovo was joined by former NASA astronaut Dr. Kathy Sullivan, the first American woman to walk in space, for a dive to Challenger Deep inside the Limiting Factor. The duo reached a calculated depth of 10,925 m/ 35,843 ft, setting a substantial new record for the deepest diving woman in the history of the world. • Vanessa O’Brien joined Vescovo to become the first woman to both climb Mt. Everest and dive to Challenger Deep.

© 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

• In July 2015, members of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oregon State University, and the Coast Guard submerged a hydrophone into the deepest part of the Challenger Deep. Never before had a microphone been dropped past one past a mile deep. Although researchers were unable to retrieve the hydrophone until November, the data capacity of the microphone was filled in the first 3 weeks. The deep sea recorder picked up natural sounds like earthquakes, a typhoon, and baleen whales along with man-made sounds such as boats.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

*Answer located further back.

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by Freddy Groves

Guardians Stole From Helpless Veterans

Most of the time, a scammer of veterans will be given a prison sentence that is less than satisfactory to those of us who are following the story. A few years here or there, a monetary fine ... it's not enough. But now and then, a sentence will come along that just feels right. This happened in a recent fraud case against a group of four criminals. One of the males received a sentence of 15 years. His stepson got almost six years. One of the female criminals got 20 years. But the last one, another woman, received a sentence of 47 years for her part in the crimes. The group, calling itself a nonprofit corporation, acted as guardians, conservators and financial managers to those with special needs, including veterans. The 33-count indictment included money laundering, mail fraud, conspiracy and aggravated identity theft.


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The criminals would either use a company credit card to make their purchases, knowing the company would pay it back out of client money, or write checks to themselves out of the account. Among the take were RVs, vacations, cars, cruises and more, to the tune of $11 million in client money ... clients who suffered when they didn't have enough money for expenses, care and food, and were sometimes left homeless. What's galling is that it could have been stopped as far back as 2012. The company's tax accountant raised flags with their attorney, saying one of the women was using the client funds as her own personal ATM. But instead of going to the authorities, the accountant let himself be silenced by a threatening confidentiality agreement and a check for payment in full for his services. Despite the short sentences the two men received, there is one thing that does make me smile. The head criminal, the woman who received a sentence of 47 years plus three years supervised release, is 74 years old. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Solution located further back.


by Matilda Charles

On Our Wish List: Basketballs


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*Answer located further back in this issue.

The recreation center is open again! While they tried to do a "soft opening," word traveled quickly. Going to the rec center won't be as it was before, of course. There used to be classes in the middle of the gym, which is surrounded by a long indoor track. Scattered around the interior were basketball hoops and exercise mats. Now, we're told, we'll check in at the front door for a specified timeslot (one hour) on the track. At the end of our time period, the center will be emptied and the next group let in. There will be no classes, no use of mats, no basketball ... but we'll have indoor walking. This is the best news we've had around here in a very long time. Indoor walking, while not urgently needed right now, will be most welcome when cold weather arrives. Icy sidewalks send many of us to the rec center, which was closed last year, to walk in winter. But, we're told, we won't be able to buddy up and walk with a friend, chatting as we do laps. We'll walk alone in the right lane, passing in the left lane if we should overtake the person in front of us. No, we won't be able to use the mats for pre-walk stretching (they're stacked in the storeroom), and no, the guys won't be able to play basketball (the balls also are in the storeroom). So, why, if there are so many restrictions about using the rec center, are we happy? We're happy because it's one small sign that maybe, just maybe, things are inching back to normal. How will we know for sure? We'll know, said one wit, if we walk into the rec center and the basketballs are on their racks at the center of the courts. That's going to be our barometer: basketballs. ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc.



• A “square meal” comes from the age of sailing when sailors were given large meals served on square wooden plates or boards which were easy to store and hard to break.

• The French word “escoutille” meant hatchway or opening. The English version of this word, “scuttle” came to mean any opening in a ship such as a porthole, hatch, or trap door. When ships were deliberately sunk, these hatchways would be opened to let the sea rush in. Eventually the word “scuttle” evolved to mean the act of intentionally sinking a ship by hacking holes in it.





• When the wind is blowing from behind it is said to be “large” short for “at large.” This is easy going because the sails don’t have to be constantly readjusted. When the wind is coming from the front, it’s called “by” short • Later, the French word “botte” meaning “pipe” gave for “by the wind.” This is hard because the sails have us the word “butt” which originally came into the to be constantly adjusted. “By and large” indicates all English language meaning a cask used to hold liquids. On board a ship, a butt full of water was alsituations, both rough sailing and easy going: “the ship ways kept on deck so the sailors could drink. It had handles well both by and large.” a hole or hatch (scuttle) for a dipper. • “Leeway” indicates a ship inevitably being blown slight• Sailors gathered around the water keg, exchanging ly off its intended course by the wind, so a sailor navigatthe ship’s gossip as they drank. Eventually “a cask ing the course would have to “give some leeway” when of water with a hatch in it” also came to mean the steering towards an upwind destination. chitchat passed around by people who were gath• When the wind shifts suddenly, or when a sailboat chang- ered around the cask of water: Scuttlebutt. es direction, a sailboat can be blown backwards, with the • In French, “gros” means large, and a type of fabric wind on the wrong side of the sails. This can be danger- called “gros grain” meant “large grain” meaning a type ous when the ship has a lot of sails. Today, to be “taken of coarse-textured wool or raw silk. Coats made out of aback” means to be surprised by an unexpected turn of gros grain eventually became known as grograms. events. • In the 1700s British Admiral Edward Vernon habitu• “Avast” comes from the Dutch phrase “houd vast” which ally wore such a coat, leading to his nickname: “Old literally means “hold fast.” Grog.” • Ships would often carry flags from many nations so that • At the time, sailors got a daily ration of rum. To discourthey could deceive nearby ships into thinking they were age drunkenness, Vernon diluted the rum with equal allies. In order to avoid accidentally shooting an ally, the parts of water. Because the water on board ship was rules of engagement required that all ships hoist their often rancid, he added lemon and lime juice to freshen true nation’s colors before firing upon someone. Thus, the taste. Admiral Vernon’s mixture of rum, water, and it was common to hoist an enemy ship’s colors and hail citrus ended up being called by his nickname, “grog.” them in a false show of solidarity. Once near, you’d show • Today “grog” has come into our language as a geyour “true colors” and fire upon them. neric term for an alcoholic beverage, and “groggy” • After it was found that citrus prevented scurvy, all ships denotes how a person feels when they have too carried lemons and limes, leading to sailors being called much to drink. “limeys.”

by Lucie Winbourne

• Kite flying is an official sport in Thailand. • It's not unusual to cry at weddings, but in certain parts of China, weeping is a required part of preparation for the big day. A month before they tie the knot, Tujia brides will cry for one hour each day. Ten days in, they're joined by their mothers; ten days after that, grandmothers, and eventually other female family members. The practice is said to date to China's Warring States era when the mother of a Zhao princess broke down in tears at her wedding. • The Chinese soft-shelled turtle urinates from its mouth. • Fashion designer Michael Kors' first project was a redesign of his own mother's wedding dress, at her second marriage. He was 5 years old at the time. • Too much sunlight can damage the algae that live inside shallow-water coral and are the main source of its sustenance. To protect this algae, the corals fluoresce, creating proteins that essentially serve as a sunscreen. • The Greek national anthem consists of 158 verses. • We all know hiccups can be annoying, but at least they tend to pass quickly -- unless you were Charles Osborne, who began hiccupping in 1922 after a fall while attempting to weigh a hog before slaughtering it, and continued doing so for a total of 68 years. That's an estimated 430 million hiccups! • Leeches have a brain in each of their 32 body segments. • Looking to expand your ice-cream palate? Masiwa, a cafe chain in South Korea, offers a black-hued, squid ink-flavored version, served in glasses with an octopus mascot. *** Thought for the Day: "The path of peace is not a passive journey. It takes incredible strength not to open a can of 'whoop-ass,' justifiably, when one's button is pushed." -- T. F. Hodge

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(Answers located further back)

August 30, 2021

• Use club soda on a damp rag to wipe down your stainless-steel sink. It will help bring back the shine. • Fresh versus frozen in the seafood aisle: Unless you’re at the docks, most seafood in the grocer’s fresh fish case is thawed from frozen. Always ask. It’s much cheaper to buy frozen and thaw it yourself. • “My mother swears by wrapping her feet in a vinegar-soaked rag once a week to soften calluses. She does this before her bath, and uses a pumice stone to rid her heels of hardened spots on the skin. It seems to work for her, so I thought I would pass it on!” — C.D. in Colorado • “If you need to keep your 1-yearold corralled in the bath, try using a laundry basket. The water flows in, but she has only so much room to roam. And it lessens the odds she could slip away from you to the other side of the tub. Always stay with baby from the first drop to the last!” — W.H. in Texas • To distinguish all the cords plugged into a power strip, write the appliance name (TV, DVD, speakers, etc.) on a plastic bread tab, and attach it to the cord at the plug. A quick look at the power strip, and you can unplug any appliance without having to follow the cord through the jungle behind your entertainment center! • “Save on children’s clothes by buying after-season. Summer and winter clothes can be purchased a size or two ahead for next to nothing.” — M.M. in Idaho Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


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• On Sept. 17, 1796, President George Washington prepares a final draft of his farewell address. Two days later, his words appeared in Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser, officially notifying the American public that he would voluntarily step down as the nation's first president. Rarely in the history of Western civilization has a national leader voluntarily relinquished his title. • On Sept. 18, 1893, New Zealand becomes the world's first country to grant national voting rights to women. The United States granted women the right to vote in 1920, and Great Britain followed in 1928. • On Sept. 16, 1932, in his cell near Bombay, Mohandas Gandhi begins a hunger strike in protest of the British government's decision to separate India's electoral system by caste. Gandhi worked all his life to spread his own brand of passive resistance.

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• On Sept. 14, 1944, the U.S. 1st Marine Division lands on the tiny island of Peleliu in the Pacific as part of a larger operation to provide support for an invasion of the Philippines. The Marines suffered heavy losses, with 4,000 men killed in the first week alone. • On Sept. 15, 1978, boxer Muhammad Ali defeats Leon Spinks at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans to win the world heavyweight boxing title for the third time in his career. Ali left the sport permanently in 1981. • On Sept. 18, 1987, cesium-137 is removed from an abandoned cancer-therapy machine in Brazil. Junk yard workers, fascinated by the glowing blue stone inside and unaware of its dangers, gave pieces to friends, relatives and neighbors. Hundreds of people were eventually poisoned by radiation, and 40 contaminated homes had to be demolished. • On Sept. 13, 1990, the drama series "Law & Order" premieres on NBC. It will go on to become one of the longest-running prime-time dramas in TV history and spawn several popular spinoffs.


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• Hugh Beaver was the manager of Ireland’s largest brewery, the Guinness Brewery, when he went bird hunting with friends in 1951. While hunting, they got into an argument over which was the fastest game bird in Europe: the golden plover, or the grouse? That evening, they tried to look up the answer but the information was not in any reference books. • They discussed the disagreement with the bartender at a pub that night, as they quaffed pints of Guinness that came from the brewery Hugh managed. It occurred to Hugh that people in pubs probably had questions like this all the time, and bartenders were no doubt constantly asked to settle disputes. • That’s when he got the idea to come up with a book that bartenders could use as a reference guide: a book that listed the tallest, shortest, fastest, and slowest of everything. • Back at work, Hugh discussed his idea with an employee, who mentioned that some friends of his had started a professional fact-finding agency in London in order to provide facts and statistics to newspapers and advertisers. Identical twins Norris and Ross McWhirter were subsequently hired to compile the book. • A thousand copies of the 198-page book were printed in August of 1955 and handed out free of charge to pubs that carried Hugh’s brand of beer. Customers in the pubs were intrigued and wanted copies, too. By Christmas, it topped Britain’s best-seller lists. • Since then, the Guinness Book of World Records has set records of its own, becoming the world’s best-selling copyrighted book. Over 100 million copies have been sold in over 100 countries and ...continued 37 languages.

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• Robert had two interests in life: sports, and drawing cartoons. When an injury put an end to his career in sports, he got a job on the staff of the New York Globe as a cartoonist drawing sports cartoons. • One day in 1918 he drew a new feature he called “Champs and Chumps” which depicted odd but true things that had happened in sports. The readers loved it and it became very popular. However, it had a narrow focus, and after a while he began to run out of weird sports stories.

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• About that time, readers began to send him letters and photos about unusual things they ran across: strangely shaped vegetables, oddly marked animals, or people with unusual talents. • He changed the name of his column and began traveling extensively to document bizarre and peculiar people, places, and things for his column. • Publishing tycoon William Randolph Hearst noted the extraordinary popularity of Robert’s column and signed him up for syndication. Building upon this success, Robert began publishing books of his columns and also collecting items for display in museums, which he called Odditoriums. In an apparent promotional gimmick, beds were provided in the Odditoriums for people who fainted or got woosey when visiting. Next he expanded to radio and television.

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• By now newspapers worldwide were carrying his column and he was receiving more mail than the President of the United States. Though Robert died in 1949, the column he started is still run in newspapers around the world, and millions of people visit his Odditoriums every year. Robert Ripley’s column was called Ripley’s Believe It or Not. Locally Owned

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The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read® Contact me to schedule your ad in Tidbits!

(701) 740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com

Chadwick Parkinson

TIDBITSGF.COM Information in the Tidbits paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed. Tidbits of Grand Forks publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising from any business, individual or group for any reason deemed inappropriate or not in the publisher's best interest.

Quiz Answers

1. Just above freezing. 2. 9.5 inches 3. 12 4. 3: Adam, Hoss, and Little Joe

5. “My Heart Will Go On,” by Celine Dion in 1997 6. Chet Ripley 7. Elisabeth Shue



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Sports Answers 1. 1989 2. DeMarco Murray 3. Twice 4. 14 5. Dallas Cowboys

6. Adrian Peterson 7. 4: Marcus Allen, Jim Plunkett, Roger Staubach, Desmond Howard 8. Steve Young 9. Penn State




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