Tidbits of Grand Forks - September 23, 2021

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks September 23, 2021

Published by: Wick Publications



Issue # 1,238


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PESHTIGO FIRE by Janet Spencer

• Few people are aware that on the same day as the Chicago Fire, a far more devastating fire occurred only a few hundred miles north of Chicago. The Peshtigo Fire killed some 1,200 people in Wisconsin— five times as many as the Chicago Fire— and became North America’s worst forest fire in history. • The town of Peshtigo is located in northern Wisconsin. In 1871, there were about 2,000 people in town. There were 60 logging camps in the area, and the economy revolved around timber. The town was made entirely of wood. Where loggers had been and gone, huge piles of logging slash were left behind. Sawmills left huge piles of sawdust around. The banks of rivers were lined with logs that had been cut but could not be floated downstream because the drought had left the rivers too low. Farmers cut trees to clear fields and dragged them to the edge of fields where they lay in large piles. • The year of 1871 was one of unprecedented drought. It rained on July 8 and there was a tiny sprinkle on September 5, but otherwise no rain fell that summer. The previous winter had been very dry as well, with far less than the normal four feet of snow falling. The swamps dried up and became peat ready for burning. Many local streams went dry.



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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. What was the name of Tim Taylor’s friend and sidekick on the “Home Improvement” How quickly does an average sitcom? house fire double in size? 7. What was the only U.S. Top Aside from Earth, how many 40 song that guitarist/singer other planets in our solar system Jimi Hendrix had? support fire? 8. What is the colored part of How many Americans die every the eye called? year on average due to fire? 9. Name the capital of Delaware? Do forest fires move faster 10. What usually causes uphill or downhill? rickets in children? Why does no one know who patented the fire hydrant? SPONSORED BY:





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• Fire was an essential tool: Loggers burned their slash. Railroads burned their right-of-way. Settlers burned their land and farmers burned their fields. Because the summer had been so dry, many people put off their burning and waited for rain to lessen the fire danger. After a short rain on September 5, people set fires. Afterwards, a number of uncontrolled fires popped up and grew bigger as no rain arrived. • People took the fires in stride. Barrels of water were placed on street corners. The church bell served as a fire alarm, and the townfolk responded to its peal to douse fires too close to town. The possibility of leaving their homes was not considered. They stayed to protect their possessions.


• On October 8, 1871, the temperature in Peshtigo was 83F. An inversion was hanging over the area that day, with a layer of cold air trapping the warm air underneath and causing the fires to burn slowly. When a column of hot air rising from the fires finally became strong enough to break through the inversion layer, it was as if a furnace damper had been opened. Hot air rushed up, and cool air swept in from all sides, fanning the fire. Small fires became huge quickly. • There is a convection column above every fire, as heated air swirls upward. If two fires are burning near each other, their convection columns can be drawn together so violently that a “tornado” of fire is created. These whirlwinds can sometimes reach half a mile across with winds up to 200 mph. Superheated gasses kill everything, and firebrands are flung for miles. • By 8:30 pm on October 8, there was a glow in the southwest and a low moaning growing louder. At 9:30 pm the wind began to blow hard. ...continued

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All that remained of Peshtigo was the iron portions of two locomotives, several brick kilns, the stone walls of the engine and boiler rooms of the woodenware factory, and one house that had just been built and was made of green timbers.




4. What Atlanta Braves outfielder won consecutive National League MVP 1. The Pittsburgh Steelers’ honors in 1982-83? player caught the famous 5. What Dallas Cowboys re“Immaculate Reception” ceiver celebrated a 45-yard in the 1972 AFC divisional touchdown catch in Super playoff game? Bowl XXVII by dunking 2. What pro golfer turned TV the ball over the goal post analyst mistakenly left a crossbar? check for $40,000 -- his prize for winning the 1975 6. What athletic footwear and apparel company’s name Pleasant Valley Classic -is derived from a Latin behind in a bar? phrase meaning “sound 3. Which NBA team had the mind in a sound body”? worst record in 2020-21?




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• Peshtigo residents had been dealing with fire for weeks and did not think that this one was going to be any worse than the many that had preceded it. A team of men was stationed west of the town with shovels and pails. Soon embers were raining down, and then it wasn’t just embers-- it was fireballs. At 10:00pm, panic set in. The men dropped their shovels and ran to find their families. Within a few moments, the wind was blowing so hard that people found it difficult to stand. A half an hour after the first building caught on fire, the entire town was burning. By 10:30pm, the town was gone.


• When the priest heard the roar of the approaching fire, he feverishly began to dig a ditch next to the church, while loggers continued to get drunk in a nearby saloon and neighbors looked on, amused. Next door there was a party going on as he worked. Six of the eight in attendance were dead before morning. Father Pernin filled his trench with valuables from the church and covered them with dirt. He filled his wagon with more things and headed to the river. He hauled the wagon himself because he had let his horse go free to try to save itself. He dragged the wagon into the river. Father Pernin survived after spending five hours in the river.


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• Many people were sheltering in the boardinghouse, which was the most substantial building in the town. The only fire truck in town was just beginning to wet the building down when the fire arrived. At 10:05 it collapsed, killing those inside. G. J. Tisdale was in the boardinghouse when it caught fire. He ran out the door and as he stepped off the porch, the wind blew him across the yard. He got up and ran for the river, and was knocked flat by the wind several times. He survived. ...continued


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• A lumberjack had been nursing a friend who had typhoid fever. The lumberjack carried his sick friend outdoors, dug a trench, laid the sick man in it, covered him with dirt, and then ran for the river. He never made it. The sick friend lived; the lumberjack died. • Logs floating in the river caught fire and burned to the water line. A cow came swimming downstream, and clinging to the horns was a 5 year old girl. Someone reached out and grabbed her. The bridge burned and collapsed, killing many. Some who sought refuge in the river couldn’t swim and drowned. Some were knocked off their feet by floating logs and swimming cattle. But without the river, it is unlikely that any of Peshtigo’s residents would have survived. • Those who could not reach the safety of the river headed for plowed ground, fields, or gardens. 21 women and children huddled under a single large quilt in a field. Their fathers stayed in the open, continually wetting down the blanket. All the men died. The women and children survived.

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• Lovell Reed and his relatives fought to save their home until the battle became too desperate. Deciding that suicide was preferable to death by fire, he pulled out his pocketknife and plunged it twice into his chest, trying to hit his heart. Fortunately, his knowledge of anatomy was lacking and he was surprised to find himself still alive. He ran to a creek, rolled in mud, and survived.

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• In September, Abraham Bush started plowing circles of land around his house, forming a firebreak. His neighbors dismissed him as foolish. When the fire swept in, he and his family laid wet blankets on the roof of his home, soaking them as they dried. He was one of the few people who still had a house after the fire. 100 of his neighbors joined him there on October 9.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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by Freddy Groves

Are You Getting All Your VA Benefits?


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*Answer located further back in this issue.

Are you taking advantage of all your veterans' benefits? The Department of Veterans Affairs recently launched a program to bring awareness of the benefits that elderly veterans might be missing. Per the VA's notice, only 189,800 wartime veterans and 139,800 surviving spouses are using all the pension benefits they could receive. Here are a few benefits, available through the Pension and Fiduciary Service: • The Survivors Pension is a monthly payment to qualified surviving spouses and unmarried dependent children of wartime veterans, but only those who meet certain income and net-worth limits. There's an additional benefit for surviving spouses who are housebound or need aid and attendance from someone else. • The VA Pension is for wartime veterans who are permanently and totally disabled because of nonservice disability, or those who are over age 65 and meet income and net-worth limits. • The Special Monthly Pension is an additional payment for qualified veterans who are housebound, need aid and attendance for daily activities, have limited sight or are in a nursing home. • Surviving Spouses of Blue Water Veterans (who served between Jan. 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975) might be eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation, even if they were previously denied. • Funeral and Burial Benefits are available whether the death was service or nonservice related. Additionally, there are benefits such as the burial flag, a headstone or marker and Presidential Memorial Certificate. See the National Cemetery website for much more information [www.cem.va.gov/ burial_benefits] and to check eligibility in advance.



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For details about benefits, go to benefits.va.gov/benefits. Click on Apply to find instructions and forms. Those seeking help in filing claims need to beware. Be sure who you're trusting with your information. Look for a VA-accredited Veterans Service Organization (VSO) representative -- they are character-checked and have to pass an exam. Search for accredited representatives at www.va.gov/ ogc/apps/accreditation by filling in the information, or call 1-800-827-1000 to ask for someone in your area.

• Bowerman helped Phil re-design the shoe, adding traction to the soles. A sales representative for the firm suggested re-naming the company after the Greek goddess of victory: Nike. The company’s name was changed in 1971 and a graphic designer was paid $35 to design a swoopy new logo. Today Nike sells about $18 billion worth of athletic gear annually.


• A company named Wolverine World Wide started making shoes in 1903. During World War II, the Army asked them if they could design a practical method of tanning pigskin, which is one of the most durable leathers. Soldiers needed high-quality gloves and gear. As a result, company researchers discovered how to make suede out of pig skin.


• While visiting Japan on vacation after graduating, Phil stopped in at the Tiger shoe company which manufactured quality running shoes. He pretended to be the buyer for an American sports company which he dubbed Blue Ribbon Sports. Phil secured the rights to distribute Tiger’s shoes in the U.S. He sent some samples to Coach Bowerman, hoping for an order. Bowerman not only placed an order, but also agreed to be his partner. Phil sold $8,000 worth Tiger shoes out of the back of his car at track meets in 1964.


• Phil Knight attended the University of Oregon where he was a runner on Coach Bill Bowerman’s track team. Bowerman often expressed his dismay in the modern running shoe, wishing he had a better model that would help his runners improve their performance. When Phil attended Stanford, he was asked to draw up a marketing plan for a small business as an assignment in class. He drew up a plan for producing shoes in Japan and selling them in the U.S.

• In 1957 the company designed a new type of shoe: suede lace-up shoes with crepe soles. It was a casual shoe, and the company was the first to focus on comfort rather than style. The new line was to be introduced at the National Shoe Fair in Chicago, but they needed a name. • Then national sales manager Jim Muir had dinner with a regional sales manager. They were having fried fish, and the meal included deep-fried balls of corn meal. The regional sales manager mentioned that people often tossed these fried mush balls to their dogs to quiet them, and this is how they came by their colloquial name of hush puppies. That got Jim Muir thinking. • People often referred to their feet as “dogs” and, when their feet were tired, they’d say, “My dogs are barking.” Muir decided to name the new shoe after the term for deep-fried cornmeal balls, so people would know that these comfortable shoes would “quiet their barking dogs.” • The shoes were a hit. More than a million pairs sold in the next three years. By 1963 one in ten Americans owned a pair. Sales slumped in later years but they gained renewed popularity after Tom Hanks’ character wore Hush Puppies in “Forrest Gump.” • Skechers were named for a slang term denoting someone with so much energy that they can’t sit still (usually because they’re on drugs.) • Klaus Märtens was a doctor in the German army during World War II. He injured an ankle skiing and found that army boots exacerbated the injury. When the war ended, he designed better, more comfortable boots: Doc Martens. • Crocs were given their name because they are amphibious in nature. • The Australian “Ugg” boots were named because they are ugly.





by Lucie Winbourne

• Baritone Leonard Warren died on stage at The Met in 1960 just as he finished singing Verdi's "Morir, Tremenda Cosi" ("To Die, a Momentous Thing"). • While shedding, geckos will eat their skin in order to prevent predators from finding and eating them more easily. • A man named Ronald MacDonald robbed a Wendy's in 2005. • In the early 2000s, when hackers were not that rampant, a survey showed that 70% of London commuters would reveal their computer password in exchange for a chocolate bar, while 30% of the respondents admitted they would give their password even without said candy. • The sequel to the 1953 film titled "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" was called "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes." • Per capita, the happiest countries in the world also rank highest in terms of consumers of antidepressants. • The term "plastic surgery" was coined in 1839, 70 years before plastic was even invented. It comes from the Greek word "plastike," which means "the art of modeling" of malleable flesh. • Journalist John Richards founded The Apostrophe Protection Society in 2001 to enforce the proper use of the apostrophe in written English. He closed the society in 2019, however, at the age of 96, with the announcement that "the ignorance and laziness present in modern times have won!" • The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends avoiding drinking camel urine to prevent contracting Middle East respiratory syndrome. Thanks, guys, but we'll wait for the shot. • Abibliophobia is the fear of running out of material to read. *** Thought for the Day: "When the path ignites a soul, there's no remaining in place. The foot touches the ground, but not for long." -- Hakim Sanai

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(Answers located further back)

September 13, 2021

• If you need to pick up small shards of glass, use a cotton ball that’s been moistened, or a slice of white bread (insides only) wadded up. • Glass and chrome will shine if you clean them with newspaper. You can mist the paper with water first, but not too much. Rub ... and the shine comes right out, plus no streaks or lint! • “Use purified water in your coffeemaker to lengthen its life. Water deposits build up and affect both the flavor and function of your machine. They can be cleaned, but it’s much better if you use purified drinking water from a jug. It makes it very easy to fill the machine, too.” — M.E. in Wyoming • “Purchase colorful laundry baskets for each child in your home. In the evening, you can have the child find all his or her stray items, put them in the basket and then put them away. In our house, the kids also use their basket to hold anything they need for school the next day — backpack, coats and outerwear, even boots. We stack the baskets by the door, and nothing gets left behind.” — P.W. in Missouri • When you are frying up ground beef, add a tablespoon or two of water. It will help the excess grease to pull away from the meat, making it easier to drain off. • “To speed the healing of bruises, try eating pineapple. Drink lots of water, too. I play contact sports, and this has always helped me.” — R.E. in Missouri Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


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• On Sept. 27, 1854, two ships collide off the coast of Newfoundland, killing 322 people. The wooden-hull Arctic slammed into the iron-hull steamer Vesta and was severely damaged. In trying to beach the ship, the Artic's captain ran over several lifeboats, causing more people to drown. • On Oct. 1, 1908, in Detroit, the first production Model T Ford is completed. Its 22 horsepower, four-cylinder engine could reach speeds up to 40 mph and run on gasoline or hemp-based fuel. • On Sept. 28, 1928, a lab accident led Sir Alexander Fleming, a young bacteriologist, to one of the great discoveries of modern medicine. Having left a plate of staphylococcus bacteria uncovered, Fleming noticed that a mold that had fallen on the culture had killed many of the bacteria. He identified the mold as penicillium notatum, similar to the kind found on bread.

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• On Oct. 2, 1948, the first American road race since World War II takes place in Watkins Glen in New York. The New York Central railroad agreed to suspend train service so the drivers could safely cross the tracks. • On Sept. 29, 1969, the U.S. Army drops murder charges against eight Green Berets accused of killing a Vietnamese national, citing reasons of national security after the CIA refused to release highly classified information. • On Oct. 3, 1981, a hunger strike by Irish nationalists at the Maze Prison in Belfast in Northern Ireland is called off after seven months and 10 deaths. Afterward, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher agreed to several of the protesters' demands, including the right to wear civilian clothing. • On Sept. 30, 1999, large doses of radiation are released at Japan's Tokaimura nuclear plant in an accident caused by a serious error made by workers at the plant. Instead of pouring 5 pounds of powdered uranium into nitric acid, workers poured 35 pounds.

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• On October 9, the call for help went out. The railroads, roads, and telegraphs were in ashes. A message was taken by ship to Green Bay. When the first ship arrived with the news of the Pestigo disaster, the people of Green Bay were excited about reports of the Chicago Fire. The telegraph had brought news of the Chicago disaster 200 miles away long before they heard of the bigger disaster that had occurred literally in their own backyard. The great Chicago Fire got much more attention than the Peshtigo Fire because that city was the pride of the west and a center of enterprise and energy. Nobody had ever heard of Peshtigo but everybody knew Chicago. • The message was delivered to the office of Governor Fairchild in Madison. But the governor was not there to receive the news because he had gone to Chicago to help. It was the governor’s wife who received the succinct message: “We are burning up. Send help quick.” Although she had no authority to do anything, she took charge and organized aid. A freight car full of supplies that had been destined for Chicago was re-routed instead for Peshtigo. She called a town meeting and organized teams to go door-to-door collecting blankets and clothing, and the railroad gave the relief cars priority over all other traffic. • As refugees began straggling into Green Bay and other towns, no one had any idea of the extent of the damage. Even those who had survived the fire estimated that only 50 or 100 people had died. Some 5,000 people were left homeless and without means of support. • One mill on the harbor that survived the fire began turning out planks as fast as possible and the rebuilding began in haste before the winter set in. By New Year’s Eve, the railroad was back in business. ...continued

Solution on Next Page


DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Spots are different. 2. Eyes are closed. 3. Sweater is missing. 4. Tail is longer. 5. House is missing. 6. Bricks are added. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• When you mix a heavy forest with a dry summer and sprinkle liberally with people, you have a recipe for disaster. • On the same day that the Peshtigo fire was raging across Wisconsin, there was a series of forest fires in Michigan as well. Two million acres of timber burned and one or two hundred people died. But the fires in Michigan were much less deadly than the Wisconsin counterparts because they reached their crucial proportions in the afternoon while people were still awake. In Peshtigo, it was after dark when the conflagration became dangerous, when most people were in bed and many off-duty loggers were drunk. A person who is rudely awakened to find his town on fire is less able to meet the crisis than one who faces a similar danger at noon. • The danger of death often increased in direct proportion to the altitude. Sometimes a small child survived while the taller parents died. Often those who lay on their faces in the dirt lived while those who remained standing died. Those in small depressions lived while those on hillsides died. Those who wore heavy clothing lived and those in light clothes died. • Around 1,000 square miles burned. In an area 12 miles wide surrounding Peshtigo, there was not a single plant left alive. 26 years after the fire, 80% of the burned area was still devoid of any valuable forest growth. • The winter following the fire was a time of hardship for many, but still there were advantages. The fire cleared off much land so that more land was available to be cultivated. Because a lot of timber had been destroyed, many loggers turned their attention to farming instead. The hay crop the next summer was particularly good, and the number of cows eventually grew bigger than ever. Now Wisconsin is America’s dairy land. Locally Owned

Quiz Answers

1. Doubles every 6. Al Borland 7. “All Along 60 seconds. the Watch2. None. Not tower” enough oxygen 8. Iris 3. About 4,000 9. Dover 4. Uphill 5. The patent was 10. Lack of Vitamin D lost in a fire.



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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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