Tidbits of Grand Forks - September 30, 2021

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks September 30, 2021

Published by: Wick Publications



Issue # 1,239




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This week, Tidbits’ spotlight is on movies with a number in the title. • “Twelve Years a Slave” is the heart-rending true story of a free African-American man who was kidnapped in 1841 and sold into slavery. Nominated for nine Academy Awards, the film took home three, including Best Picture. Solomon Northup was a New York-born violinist who was offered a short-term series of performances if he would travel to Washington, D.C. with two men. Instead he was taken prisoner and delivered to a slave auction. He worked on Louisiana plantations for 12 years before regaining his freedom through the efforts of a Canadian abolitionist who had been hired as a laborer to build a house for the plantation owner. The actor who portrayed Northup, Chiwetel Ejiofor, learned to play the violin for the role. It was the film debut for Lupito Nyong’o, who played a female slave, Patsey, and Nyong’o received an Oscar for her very first role. Northup was freed in 1853 and published his autobiography that year. Four years later, he disappeared, and it’s still unknown what happened to him. The two kidnappers were eventually tracked down and tried for the crime, but their case was dropped on techniTurn the page for more! calities.


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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3.


5. In the movie “Sixteen Candles” what boy does Samantha have a crush on? Name Roger and Anita’s dogs 6. Nominated for Best Picture in in “101 Dalmatians.” 1957, what classic film starred What 2002 film starred Robin Henry Fonda in the story of a Williams as a photo technician? homicide trial of a teenager? Name the 1986 film that starred 7. What three men starred in the Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, 1987 movie “Three Men and and Martin Short as heroes a Baby”? in a Mexican village. 8. What year did “Apollo Name the 2013 American 13” debut in theaters? biographical sports film about baseball player Jackie Robinson. SPONSORED BY:





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• Molly Ringwald really was about to turn 16 when she starred in 1984’s “Sixteen Candles,” as was her co-star Anthony Michael Hall. However, the actor who played her teenage crush was 23 years old, and the actor in the role of the teenage foreign exchange student was actually 28. It’s the story of Samantha, a high school sophomore who is over-the-top excited about her 16th birthday, but is devastated when her entire family forgets about it because her sister is getting married. The movie was filmed at Niles East High School in Skokie, Illinois. The set for Samantha’s bedroom was built inside the high school gym, where the school dance was also filmed. Molly Ringwald decorated the set with items from her own bedroom at home. • The “Ocean’s 11” film series, which began in 2001, was a remake of a 1960 film by the same name. The films belong to the “heist film” genre, which has a plot featuring expert criminals accomplishing an ingenious and dangerous theft. The 1960 film starred that decade’s “Rat Pack” – Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis, Jr., with Sinatra in the role of Danny Ocean, featuring a series of casino robberies. George Clooney took over the role in 2001, 2004 (“Ocean’s Twelve”), and 2007 (“Ocean’s Thirteen”), accompanied by Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, and Andy Garcia. Clooney wanted Julie Roberts for the female lead and offered to pay her to read the script. At the time, Roberts was commanding $20 million per picture, so Clooney attached $20 to the script, along with a note reading, “I heard you’re getting 20 a picture.” She accepted the role. The series of three films grossed $1.17 billion worldwide. ...continued


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The 1954 Disney film “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” was adapted from Jules Verne’s 1870 novel of the same name. Starring Kirk Douglas, the movie’s most memorable scene features a fight with a giant squid. The title doesn’t refer to the depth attained by a submarine, but rather the distance traveled under the various seas, with 20,000 leagues equivalent to about 49,710 miles, almost twice the circumference of the Earth.

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. In 2006, what two running backs became the first brothers in NFL history to rush for at least 1,000 yards in the same season? 2. What power forward from Germany was named NBA Sixth Man of the Year in 1991 and ‘92 while with the Indiana Pacers? 3. Which NHL team had the most regular-season wins in last year’s 2020-21 season?

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4. Camp Nou is the popular name for the home stadium of what European football club? 5. Barry Bonds set the home run record with 73 in 2001. What is the most homers hit in one season since then? 6. What is the most games won in a regular season by UND Men’s hockey? 7. How many times has UND Men’s hockey made the NCAA Tournament?

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• The 2007 epic action film, “300,” was loosely based on the Battle of Thermopylae during the Persian Wars of 480 BC. Following the 1998 comic book series, it’s the story of King Leonidas, who was the leader of 300 Spartans in the battle against the invading Persian army numbering upwards of 300,000 soldiers. Gerard Butler, who landed the role of the King, spent 4 hours a day for over 4 months training at the gym to prepare for the role. Crews spent two months preparing the 600 costumes, shields, spears, and swords required for the production. Seventeen helmets were created for Butler, each in a gradually-deteriorating state for the ongoing battle. Most of the realistic swords were actually plastic. Thirteen animatronic horses were created for the film.

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• Did you see “The Sixth Sense” ending coming? Various clues to the shocking outcome to the 1999 film appeared throughout. Bruce Willis’ character Malcolm Crowe only interacted with his young patient, Cole. And all of the clothes worn by Malcolm were worn the night of his death, slightly modified into different outfits. Because director M. Night Shyamalan didn’t want moviegoers to see that Malcolm wasn’t wearing his wedding ring, the left-handed Bruce Willis learned to write right-handed so that his left hand was never seen. Nine-year-old Haley Joel Osment won the role of Cole because Shyamalan loved the fact that he was the only young actor who wore a tie to the audition. Osment had also stayed up the night before, reading the entire script three times. As a six-yearold, Osment had a role in 1994’s “Forrest Gump” as the son of Tom Hanks’ character. “The Sixth Sense,” nominated for six Oscars, including Best Picture had a budget of $40 million, and grossed an astounding $672.806.292 worldwide. It made $8 million on its opening day in the U.S. ...continued

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• Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore starred in 2004’s “50 First Dates,” the story of a marine veterinarian wooing a young woman with amnesia. Due to Barrymore’s condition resulting from a head injury, Sandler must re-introduce himself and make her fall in love with him every single day, because her memory disappears every night as she sleeps. The film calls the memory impairment “Goldfield’s Syndrome,” but this neurological ailment is purely fictional, as there is no such condition. It is, however, similar to anterograde amnesia, the inability to form new memories, which can last for mere minutes up to weeks. But going to sleep isn’t related to this memory loss. • “Three Men and a Baby” was the Number One box office hit of 1987. It was rejected by two studios, TriStar and Universal, before it was picked up by Disney under their new “Touchstone Pictures” label. Three bachelors played by Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, and Ted Danson, share a Manhattan apartment, living the free and easy life until Danson’s ex-girlfriend shows up with the child he didn’t know about. More than 200 sets of twin girls were screen-tested for the part of Baby Mary before Lisa and Michelle Blair were chosen. The company that manufactures Pampers paid $50,000 for their diapers to be used in the movie. • The film careers of Heath Ledger and Joseph Gordon-Levitt were launched with 1999’s “10 Things I Hate About You,” a teen comedy drama that became a cult classic. The movie was a modern-day version of Shakespeare’s 16th-century play “The Taming of the Shrew,” with Ledger’s character Patrick Verona based on Shakespeare’s Petruchio. Ledger, who beat out Ashton Kutcher for the role, studied Richard’s Burton’s portrayal of the character in the 1967 film adaptation to help with his interpretation of the role. The movie’s teen sisters, Bianca and Kat Stratford, were named as such in honor of Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon. © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.



*Answer located further back in this issue.

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by Freddy Groves

VA Thieves Never Learn


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*Answer located further back in this issue.

Criminals just can't seem to help themselves when it comes to stealing from the Department of Veterans Affairs. What they haven't figured out is that they will eventually get caught. In a despicable scheme, a New Jersey man has admitted to helping steal and then sell $8.2 million in HIV drugs. One of his theft partners worked in a VA hospital pharmacy and was discovered via surveillance footage. The thefts happened over the course of 27 months. How, we would like to know, could someone be allowed to walk out with $8.2 million in drugs in her bag without being stopped by security? In Georgia, a VA employee pleaded guilty to stealing $1.9 million in medical equipment and then reselling it. Using his VA credit card, he bought hundreds of items and sold them to a company in another state for eight years. The U.S. Attorney had a big day in arresting 16 people in a massive kickback-and-bribery scheme that included vendors and employees at two Florida VA hospitals. The $20 million in thefts started in 2009 and wasn't discovered in audits. Their methods of theft and the charges were numerous and varied: inflating the cost of goods sold or shorting the orders, paying kickbacks, making purchases with VA credit cards, receiving bribes, healthcare fraud and ordering from companies that didn't exist. The last of the band of thieves was recently sentenced.



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In a smaller but equally important scheme, a Washington landlord admitted to scamming $16,000 for HUD-VA housing for a homeless veteran. Not only was he billing the government for the monthly rent, but he was collecting from the veteran as well, a clear violation of the HUD-VASH program. For this he will get nailed for three times the amount he stole. The formerly homeless veteran will share in this and get a settlement of $4,000. The one big beef I have is that none of these criminals ever go to jail for very long. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.



This week, Tidbits goes from A to Z with some unusual words that the average person probably hasn’t even heard of! • If you’re apathetic about something, it means you’re indifferent or uncaring. But what about apatetic? This word describes creatures that can change color or form as a survival method against predators. Of course, the chameleon comes to mind, but did you know that the octopus can change color to quickly blend into its surroundings? The Greek word “apatetikos,” meaning “deceiving,” provides the origin of apatetic. • Folks who want to recall pleasant memories from a trip might bring home a bibelot, a beautiful or rare small souvenir. Those gifted with clairvoyance, sometimes called “second sight,” have cryptesthesia, the ability to perceive things beyond the range of human senses. The term is derived from the Greek word “krypto,” meaning hidden or secret. • The mailman and FedEx guy all have diurnal routes. That means they show up daily. Elves, fairies, sprites, goblins, and other mythological creatures who are spooky, mischievous, or frightful are described as eldritch, a word with Scottish history. • Funambulist is a fancy word for a tightrope artist, based on the Latin words “funis” for rope, and “ambulare,” (to walk.) Those possessed by gluttony or greed are said to engage in gulosity. • If you have an adolescent in your home, you’re dealing with hebetic issues – anything that pertains to puberty. The word is a tribute to Hebe, the Greek goddess of youth, who had the power to restore youth. The Greek word for physician, “Iatros,” is the basis for our word iatric, meaning anything referring to a physician or medicine. • A jorum is an uncommon word for a large drinking vessel or punch bowl. Its origins are in the Bible, where Joram, the son of King Toi, in 2 Samuel 8:10 gifted King David with vessels of silver, gold, and brass.

• Those engaged in koniology study dust, germs, pollen, and allergens. The Greek word for dust, “konis” gives us this term. The Greek word “lykos” is the root of lycanthropy, a psychosis in which a person believes himself to be a wolf, acting and howling like this predator. Optimists are firmly set in meliorism, the belief that everything tends to get better. Those who completely abstain from alcohol, sometimes called teetotalers, are also known as nephalists, from the Greek word for sober, “nephalios.” Sitting through a boring meeting at work, yawning drowsily, inattentive, or daydreaming? You’re said to be an oscitant, from the Latin for yawning, “oscitans.” How about that hypocrite who tries to convince others that he has high moral standards? That person is Pecksniffian, named for a character in a Charles Dickens novel, Seth Pecksniff. We all know what it is to quarrel with another in the heat of anger, but a quarrel is also a short, square-headed arrow used with a crossbow, or a square pane of glass in a lattice window. That makes sense since the Latin word for square is “quadrus.” In the world of politics, roorbacks are rampant. These are defamatory lies intended to damage another’s character. From the Greek word for cave, “spelynx,” we get our word to define a cave explorer, spelunker. Those who keep changing their opinions toward a subject or cause are said to be tergiversating. The Latin equivalent is “tergiversare,” to turn one’s back. You probably won’t have a chance to use the word ucalegon. It refers to a next-door neighbor whose house is on fire! • Veronica might be a girl’s name, but it’s also a bullfighting term, where the matador stands completely still and slowly swings the cape away from the bull. You probably know that widget is another word for gadget, but you might not realize that a widgeon is a duck with a reddish-brown head! • During bad weather, ancient Greek athletes exercised under a xyst, a long covered portico. The yarmulke, or skullcap worn by Jewish males, is also known as a zucchetto.





by Lucie Winbourne

• During the entire run of Gilligan's Island, it was never revealed if "Gilligan" was his first or last name. • Although lesser known today, the temperance novel "Franklin Evans; or, The Inebriate: A Tale of the Times" was one of Walt Whitman's most commercially successful works. The great American poet wrote this novel at the start of his career, strictly for cash. Interestingly, considering the book's subject matter, he later admitted that he wrote it in a three-day drunken stupor. • Tic Tacs got their name from the sound they make when they are tossed around in their container. • The gelatin in Haribo gummy bears contains nine out of the 10 amino acids that are essential to our bodies. • On Feb. 1, 2005, the Emergency Alert System was accidentally activated in portions of Connecticut, calling for the immediate evacuation of the entire state. Later studies showed that citizens' common sense prevailed, with the typical response being to "change the channel" or seek other confirmation. • Between 12,000 and 15,000 bicycles are retrieved from the bottom of Amsterdam's canals each year. • In Ethiopia, a spot known as "The Gateway to Hell" is one of the hottest on earth, with air that's toxic to humans. Scientists have found organisms in its acid pools that are capable of surviving without oxygen. • After the release of the 1996 film "Scream," which involved an anonymous killer calling and murdering his victims, Caller ID usage tripled in the United States. • Your ears secrete more ear wax when you are afraid than when you aren't. • 1912 saw the last Olympic gold medals made entirely out of gold. *** Thought for the Day: "Stop the habit of wishful thinking and start the habit of thoughtful wishes." -- Mary Martin

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(Answers located further back)

September 20, 2021

• Have your carpets cleaned. High-traffic areas may require cleaning as often as every three or four months, but bedrooms can go as long as 18 months. Use runners and area rugs to safeguard spots that may be vulnerable, like under a vanity or by your sofas. • “I had some residue on my bathroom ceiling from hard water condensation. I happened to have a set of crutches lying around. I used a hair elastic to secure a hand towel to the arm rest of one crutch. Then I sprayed it with water and used it to scrub the ceiling. It worked really well. I was done in no time.” — A.A. in Florida • Two ways to remove a bandage: Rub a little baby oil or vegetable oil over it. The oil will soak in and make it easier to remove. Or — and this works especially well with kids — have them soak in the bath and use baby shampoo to soften the sticky edges. • A baking soda and water mix is great for tile floors if you want a quick mop up. If a lot of your floors are tile, do yourself a favor and invest in a steam mop. They clean and sanitize, leaving your floors brilliant. • Be sure you use a trivet or other protectant when placing flowerpots on wood floors. Also, purchase felt pads for the bottoms of furniture. This will eliminate divots or other kinds of depressions or scratches in the floor. • “Tiny tears in your window screen can be secured with clear nail polish. I dab the spot, then use tweezers to line up the tiny wires, then dab again. Just make sure the window is open, or the screen might stick to the windowpane.” — T.T. in Indiana Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


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• On Oct. 6, 1847, "Jane Eyre," the book about the struggles of an orphan girl who grows up to become a governess, is published. Author Charlotte Bronte wrote of her experiences at being sent to a boarding school at the age of 5. • On Oct. 8, 1869, future auto inventor and mechanic Frank Duryea is born. In 1893, his Duryea Motor Wagon made its first successful trip, 600 yards down his street in Springfield, Massachusetts, before the transmission blew. • On Oct. 9, 1936, harnessing the power of the Colorado River, the Hoover Dam begins sending electricity over transmission lines spanning 266 miles to Los Angeles. The dam was built for the collection, preservation and distribution of that most precious of all Western commodities, water.

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• On Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviet Union inaugurates the "Space Age" with its launch of Sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite. The 22-inch sphere weighed 184 pounds. In January 1958, Sputnik burned up in the atmosphere when its orbit deteriorated. • On Oct. 7, 1960, the television drama "Route 66" first airs on CBS. It followed two young men as they drove across the country in a Corvette. "Route 66" was shot on location all over the U.S. instead of in a studio. • On Oct. 10, 1973, Spiro Agnew becomes the first U.S. vice president to resign in disgrace. He pleaded no contest to a charge of income-tax evasion in exchange for dropping charges of political corruption, which included accepting bribes even while vice president. • On Oct. 5, 1986, after his plane crashes in Nicaragua, ex-Marine Eugene Hasenfus confesses to shipping military supplies into Nicaragua for use by the Contras, an anti-Sandinista force created and funded by the U.S. and run by the Central Intelligence Agency. The resulting Iran-Contra scandal would rock the Reagan administration. ©2021 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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• If you’ve eaten tiramisu, you’ve eaten ladyfingers, a sweet sponge cake biscuit shaped like a large finger. Because of their dryness, the biscuits are very absorbent, and are frequently soaked in syrup, liqueur, or espresso and layered with cream in fancy desserts. The Brits call them sponge fingers, the Italians say “savoiardi,” while the French name is boudoirs. Ladyfingers were introduced in the 15th century by royalty of the Duchy of Savoy in western Europe, in honor of a visit from the King of France, hence the name Savoiardi. There is no leavening agent in ladyfingers, and their spongey texture comes from air incorporated into eggs. • The “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer” is more commonly known as “The Lady in Gold,” a painting by Gustav Klimt. Completed in 1907, it was ordered by Adele’s husband Ferdinand, a wealthy Jewish banker and sugar merchant. Klimt completed more than 100 sketches prior to beginning painting. He used oil paint and silver and gold leaf on his canvas that features Adele in a flowing gown of gold rectangles, spirals, and Egyptian symbols, seated on a throne of gold and a gold star background. The painting, along with all of Ferdinand’s art collection, home, and assets, were stolen from the family by the Nazis in 1941 and displayed at a Vienna, Austria gallery until 1998. When the Austrian government introduced the Art Restitution Act that year, an investigative journalist determined that the gallery had many works that had been stolen from Jewish families during the war, a claim the gallery refused to acknowledge. After a 7-year legal battle, the painting was returned to the family, who sold it for a record-breaking $135 million. It has been on display in New York gallery since that time. ...continued

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HEY, LADY (continued)

DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Spots are different. 2. Eyes are closed. 3. Sweater is missing. 4. Tail is longer. 5. House is missing. 6. Bricks are added. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• The 1955 Disney film “Lady and the Tramp” was based on a 1945 magazine story, “Happy Dan, The Cynical Dog,” by Ward Greene. It’s the love story between Lady, a sophisticated cocker spaniel, and the stray mutt Tramp. During development, the names Homer, Rags, and Bozo were considered before the studio settled on Tramp. Tramp never calls Lady by her name throughout the entire film, rather using the nicknames Pigeon and Kid. Singer Peggy Lee voiced four characters in the film, the first time a superstar voice was used in an animated film. She later sued Disney for breach of contract and was awarded $2.3 million. • Did you know that a ladybug isn’t really a bug at all? They belong to the scientific order that includes all beetles, and Europeans began referring to them as ladybird beetles over 500 years ago. We think of them as red with black dots, but there are many varieties -- yellow with black dots, white with black dots, or dark blue or orange. Ladybugs aren’t always just spotted either – some are striped or checked! Some can change color to match vegetation or to thwart predators. Of the more than 5,000 different species, about 450 can be found in North America. The average ladybug lives for about a year, during which time, will consume about 5,000 aphids. If aphids can’t be found, a hungry ladybug will eat one of its own kind. • Before she was Diana, Princess of Wales, she was Lady Diana Frances Spencer, who, although she was a wealthy aristocrat, worked as a Kindergarten teacher in London, living with friends in an apartment in the city. Diana was named for another Lady Diana Spencer, a great-aunt who lived in the 1700s. Curiously enough, that Lady Diana nearly became the Princess of Wales in a marriage to the Prince of Wales of that era, Frederick, the eldest son of King George II. Instead she was married to Lord John Russell and became the Duchess of Bedford. The Duchess’ brother, John Spencer, was the direct ancestor of Princess Diana. Locally Owned

Quiz Answers

6. “Twelve Angry Men” 7. Tom Selleck, Ted Danson, and Steve Guttenberg 8. 1995

1. Pongo and Perdita. 2. “One-Hour Photo” 3. “Three Amigos!” 4. “42” 5. Jake Ryan



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Sports Answers 1. Julius Jones (1,084 yds, Dallas) and Thomas Jones (1,210, Bears) 2. Detlef Schrempf 3. Vegas: 40 wins

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6. 40 Games (1986-87) 7. 33 times

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