Tidbits of Grand Forks - October 7, 2021

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks October 7, 2021

Published by: Wick Publications


Issue # 1,240



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by Janet Spencer

• The brain makes up about 2% of body weight but consumes 20% of caloric intake. It uses 20% of the oxygen supply and around 30% of the blood supply. Every single minute, about a quart of blood flows through the brain. The blood vessels in the adult human body would stretch about 100,000 miles if laid end-to-end. Of those, 400 miles are located in the brain. • The brain is made of 60% fat and cholesterol, making it the fattiest organ in the body. Cholesterol is an integral part of every brain cell because the fatty acids in cholesterol are crucial for the brain’s performance. About 25% of the body’s cholesterol resides within the brain. Without adequate cholesterol, brain cells die. • 73% of the brain is composed of water, which means that if you get dehydrated by more than 2%, you can suffer from a loss in attention, cognitive skills, and memory. The human brain weighs about 3 lbs., but if all the water were squeezed out of it, it would weigh only 10 oz. • The brain will start to lose consciousness after about 10 seconds without oxygen and will die of oxygen starvation after about 5 minutes. • The human brain can generate about 23 watts of power, enough to power a lightbulb.



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BRAIN FACTS (continued)

• The human brain will triple in size in the first year of life, which is why early childhood development is so critical. It continues to grow until about the age of 18. After middle age, the brain decreases in physical size as time passes. • The size of a brain doesn’t mean anything. There is no evidence that a larger brain is smarter than a smaller brain.


• In general, men’s brains are 10% bigger than women’s, even after taking into account larger body size. However, the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain linked to memory, is typically larger in women.

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• The average human brain, at 3.3 pounds, is about 1/50th of total body weight.



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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. Are there more neurons in the brain, or more stars in the Milky Way? What creature has the largest brain in proportion to body size? 7. What is the second largest island in the Hawaiian Islands? What creature has the largest 8. What is the full name of the brain on earth, at 20 lbs? famous Barbie doll? Which affects the brain faster: 9. Which movie features a family nicotine, or alcohol? home on Cherry Tree Lane? Were Neanderthal brains larger or smaller than modern Homo 10. The Cape of Good Hope lies at the tip of which sapien brains? continent? How often are brain cells replaced? SPONSORED BY:




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• Small birds have a larger brain-to-body ratio than man with the brain accounting for 1/12th of the body weight. • Still, the human brain is the largest brain of all vertebrates relative to body size. • You do have a left and right brain. That’s because it’s divided into two almost symmetrical, but not identical, hemispheres which are connected by a nerve bundle called the corpus callosum. • The brain is cross-wired: the left side controls muscles on the body’s right side. The right side of the brain controls the muscles of the left side. However, it’s only a myth that artistic people rely more on their right brain and that analytical people are more left-brained. ...continued

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Expiration 11-30-21

• Similarly, elephants can have brains as huge as 13 lbs. representing 1/1,000th its body weight, while a whale’s 19-lb. brain represents 1/10,000th of its body weight.


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• By comparison, a chimpanzee’s brain is about 1/150th of body weight, and the gorilla’s is 1/500th.


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FALL LEAF DISPOSAL LEAF PICK-UP TENTATIVELY BEGINS OCTOBER 11, 2021 DISPOSAL OPTIONS: For immediate disposal haul your leaves to your nearest compost site through November 15th or Rake them loosely to your berm -NO BAGS. We will attempt to make 2 complete passes through town, weather permitting. DO NOT mix grass clippings, branches, brush & garden waste. Keep piles away from parked cars, fences & trees, & out of gutters.

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Call us: 701-757-0421 HandSElectricalServices.com Accurate Quotes and Exceptional Service! 4. What syndicated TV highlight show did New York Yankees broadcaster Mel 1. Which country hosted the Allen host from its start first Olympics? in 1977 until his death in 2. What Pro Football Hall of 1996? Fame running back had his No. 20 jersey retired by the 5. How thick is a hockey puck used in the NHL? University of Texas Long6. “The Malice at the Palace” horns in 1979? 3. What Texas Rangers pitcher was a 2004 brawl involving players (and a few fans) threw a perfect game aginst of what two NBA teams? the California Angels on 7. Which current NFL staJuly 28, 1994? (Hint: He dium seats the fewest fans shares a name with a counfor a football game? try music legend.)


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BRAIN FACTS (continued)

• There are three major parts of the brain: the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem. • The cerebrum is the brain’s biggest part, accounting for 85% of its weight. The cerebrum handles movement, senses, temperature, and judgment as well as higher-order operations such as problem solving, reasoning, emotions, and learning. • The cerebellum controls posture, balance, movement, coordination, speech, and eyes. • The brain stem handles involuntary bodily functions such as breathing and heartbeat, as well as things like swallowing and coughing. • The brain is further split up into four lobes: the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes. Each lobe handles specific tasks. The frontal lobe tackles thinking tasks, as well as movement and short-term memory. Sensory information on touch and taste is processed in the parietal lobe. The occipital lobe is all about processing and storing the information the eyes take in. The temporal lobe works on memory storage, smell, taste, and sound.

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• According to the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging at the University of Southern California, the average brain generates 48.6 thoughts per minute. This adds up to a total of 70,000 thoughts per day.


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• Nerve cells called neurons make the brain tick. There are about one hundred billion neurons in a typical brain. They’re able to communicate with other neurons through chemical or electrical signals called synapses. A piece of brain tissue the size of a grain of sand contains 100,000 neurons and 1 billion synapses, all communicating with each other. Still, the total weight of the neurons in a human brain account for only 10% of the weight of the brain. ...continued


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BRAIN FACTS (continued))

• When it comes to multi-tasking, the brain cannot really concentrate on two things at once. What it can do is quickly toggle back and forth between tasks. However, doing so decreases the attention span, diminishes the ability to learn, short-circuits short-term memory, and causes a decline in mental performance. • Human brain tissue is soft and squishy, with a consistency of gelatin or tofu. • A psychologist tried some practical experiments on the hypothalamus. When stimulated, the hypothalamus gives rise to a powerful pleasurable sensation. He connected a small electrode to this “pleasure center” in a rat’s brain, arranged so that the rat could stimulate itself. That rat stimulated its hypothalamus up to 8,000 times an hour for hours or days at a time. The rat favored this over the exclusion of all else, even food, sex and sleep. • It’s known as “brain freeze” or an “ice cream headache.” The official term is “sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia” which means “nerve pain of the sphenopalatine ganglion,” a cluster of nerve cells in the parasympathetic nervous system. That’s the system responsible for regulating bodily functions that happen when the body is at rest including storing energy, digestion, secretion, slowing heart rate, etc. When you eat that slushie or ice cream cone, the temperature at the back of the throat changes very quickly. Two important arteries—the internal carotid artery, which brings blood into the brain, and the anterior cerebral artery, which is where brain tissue starts—are also located there. The brain likes to remain in a state of status quo. That includes its internal thermostat. So when those arteries get cold, they contract. The brain interprets that sensation as pain, and a quick but nasty headache results.


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© 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

Albert Einstein was a genius, but amazingly his brain was smaller in size compared to other people, weighing 2.7 pounds, which is less than the average 3 pounds. But, there is a part of the brain that is just for all things math, and this part of his brain was 35% bigger than average.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

by Matilda Charles

Holiday Gift Shortages

If you will have holiday shopping to do this year, you need to get started on it now. Manufacturers and store owners are saying there will be shortages. There are labor problems, problems with container ships that can't be offloaded in ports, trucks that can't deliver the goods, material supply-chain problems ... you get the picture. Here are two suggestions to keep gift-buying simpler this year: toys and books. TOYS -- If you have small children to buy for, shop now. Manufacturers of many of the most popular toys are saying that they've seen shortages of required materials on a global scale. Try local toy stores for items they have in stock now. BOOKS -- Call your library and ask for ageappropriate suggestions for young children. Then, list in hand, call your local bookstore. Ask if they have in stock what you need. If you can actually go to the store and pick up the books curbside, you're ahead of the game. Otherwise try ordering online, but look for things already in stock. For teens and adults, consider buying them a Kindle, an e-book reader available on Amazon. (I've had three different versions of Kindle since 2016 and truly appreciate the way I can order a book and have it appear on my e-reader within minutes.) A new Kindle, a $15 case and a $50 gift certificate for e-books would be welcome gifts for readers. Check the delivery dates of the various Kindle colors. Some are available immediately; others aren't. When it comes to online shopping, experts advise ordering items that are as close to home as possible, not across oceans. Beware of local shipping delays as well. Gone are the days of always receiving boxes in just a few days. If you order something online, track it, and follow up with a phone call if necessary.

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Solution located further back.


by Freddy Groves

VA Emergency Rooms Prep for Elderly Vets


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*Answer located further back in this issue.

Half of our 19.5 million veterans are over the age of 65, and they make up 45% of emergency room visits at Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, according to the VA. Seniors come with their own set of medical conditions, such as delirium, cognitive impairment and others. The VA will now address the medical concerns of our senior veterans with the creation of Geriatric Emergency Departments. The plan, in collaboration with several civilian groups, is to create accredited geriatric departments in 70 VA facilities with specifically trained teams that will cover everything from medical, social work and community resources to working with senior veterans to reduce avoidable hospital admissions. There will be three levels of age-appropriate care, with specific education for doctors and nurses. The VA has gone to a lot of trouble to identify just what is needed in each area.



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They'll do screenings to look for the risk of falling, caregiver burden, functional decline, delirium and cognitive impairment while recognizing underlying geriatric syndromes. (That's where the specialized education comes in.) But that's just the beginning. They'll look for signs of elder abuse and overall frailty, help with pharmacy and medication (and identify inappropriate and duplicate or contraindicated medications), look into pain control, arrange for transportation home and more. The model of care for emergency department accreditation is three pages long with no detail too small to consider. They've even thought of the need for a large font in all printed instructions, nonslip floors, handrails and big signs. So far, 20 emergency rooms in 15 states have applied for accreditation, with 16 facilities already accredited. Ten are partially accredited. The remaining sites will likely apply for accreditation by the end of 2022. It looks like the VA is getting started just in time. The average age of veterans is 58, with the biggest bump in the curve ages 45 to 64 years old. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.


• The proper name for the tailbone, coccyx, comes from the Greek word for the cuckoo bird, “kokkux” • The shinbone is called the tibia, a Latin word meaning because the curved shape of the bone resembles the “flute” because flutes were once made out of the tibia of bird’s beak. animals. • The lunula is the white, crescent-shaped area of the • The other major bone in the leg is the fibula, from the edge of your nails, just above your cuticle. “Lun” is Latin word meaning “clasp” or “brooch” because the the Latin root for moon, familiar in words like “lufibular clasps the tibia forming an attachment similar to nar.” The lunula isn’t always visible on every nail but is most often seen on your thumbs. a brooch.






• The tiny flap of skin that protects the outer ear is called • The Eustachian tubes in the ear were named after the “tragus” meaning “goat” because some people have anatomist Bartolomeo Eustachi who wrote book of anatomy in 1552 which wasn’t published until 1714 tufts of hair on the tragus like goats have on their chins. due to Catholic prohibitions. • The hippocampus is one of several parts of the brain involved in memory. It’s shaped like a seahorse, and • The word “retina” comes from Latin “rete” meaning “hippocampus” means “seahorse” in Greek. In fact, the “net” because it wraps around the eye like a net. species name for the Pacific seahorse is Hippocampus • The Latin “solum” meant “bottom” and turned into ingens. “solea” meaning “sandal” and then became not only • It’s an ancient Roman tradition to place a palm leaf in the “sole” of the foot, but also a bottom-dwelling the hands of the winner of a contest, something that led fish also named “sole.” to the naming of the underside of the hand. The Latin • Elbow comes from the Old English “elnboga” with word “palma” or “palmus” became associated with the “el” denoting the forearm, and “boga” meaning tree. “arch” or “bow.” • The uvula is that dangling pink thing in the back of the • The bump on the inside corner of the eye is the “cathroat, and the name is Latin for “little grape” because runcule,” though it also refers to things such as the that’s what it looks like. The purpose of the uvula is to wattle of a bird, the sprout of a seed, or any other sort help prevent food from going up the nasal passages and of fleshy outgrowth. It comes from the same Latin it helps control speech. It also secretes a lot of mucus word for “flesh” that gives us “carnal” and “carnivoand saliva in order to keep the mouth moist. rous.” A similar word, “carbuncle,” denotes a red, • The iris of the eye is named after the Greek goddess of swollen cluster of boils. But this word originates the rainbow. The flower called the iris is also named af- with the Latin “carbo” meaning “coal” because it is red and fiery. ter her. • Blood vessels called arteries come from the Latin and • The fold of skin between your nose and upper lip is Greek word “arteria” which means “air holder.” Ancient called the philtrum from the Latin phrase meaning anatomists used to believe that arteries were air ducts, “love charm” perhaps because the shape of the upper lip is the same as Cupid’s bow. since they didn’t hold any blood after death.

by Lucie Winbourne

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• The Chocolate River in the "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" was real! The production used 516 Walsh Street, Crookston | BenedictineCrookston.org 150,000 gallons of water, cream and chocolate. But the ingredients spoiled and smelled really bad when 044-057 AD_Harvest Tidbits_4x2 v1.indd 1 8/17/21 11:42 AM the movie ended. • Studies have shown that playing Tetris can curb sex, drug and food cravings. • C.S. Lewis coined the term "verbicide" to denote the killing of a word or distortion of its original meaning. • A Vietnamese man was hospitalized after drinking too much methanol. Doctors transfused 15 cans of beer into his body to revive him. The liver breaks *Answer located back one page. down ethanol before methanol, which gave doctors more time to do dialysis to remove the methanol from his system. • The University of Oxford is older than the Aztec Empire. • Santa Claus was issued a pilot's license from the U.S. government in 1927, along with airway maps and a promise to keep the runway lights on. • The fighting on D-Day was so fierce that as much as 4% of the sand on Normandy beaches is mag• Website Design netic due to shrapnel that has been broken down Chris Littlejohn • Digital Marketing over the decades into sand-sized bits. Media Account Manager • Google Search Ads 701.741.1969 • Only official members of federally accepted Na• Social Media Marketing tive American tribes may legally possess or collect arvigmedia.com • YouTube Advertising eagle feathers. • Video Production • During a game, Babe Ruth would place a cabbage • SmartSearch Directory leaf under his cap to keep cool under the sun, replacing it every inning or two. • Instead of kissing his bride, Edward II of England is Available at: sealed his wedding vows with a smooch to his lovAll Grand Forks, East Grand Forks er, Piers Gaveston, 1st Earl of Cornwall. & Crookston locations of: • A house cat could beat superstar runner Usain Bolt Located on in the 200-meter dash. publicat the racks nea ion rt *** Exit doors he ! Thought for the Day: "Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you." -- Mother Teresa


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King Features Weekly Service ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

(Answers located further back)

September 27, 2021

• Keep the yolks in hard-boiled eggs from crumbling by wetting your knife between slices. • “Save plastic bags that cannot be recycled, and use them to collect food scraps that cannot be composted or flushed.” — B.M. in New York • “I use double-stick tape to hang lighter items on my walls, since it does not leave a hole, and I am a renter. You also can use it to reduce noise from vibrations. For instance, I used it in my car to keep the carpet lying flat in the trunk.” — J.T. via e-mail • “To soften butter without melting it, warm a bowl that is bigger than the butter stick and invert it over the butter on a plate. It’s nice before a meal because it makes a hard stick of butter easier to spread on bread rolls, but not so soft that you use too much.” — T.G. in Indiana • “That time of the year is almost here. You know, the time when running the heater gives the whole house the zaps. To keep our carpets from giving us static shock, we fill a water spray bottle with 1 part laundry softener and 4 parts water. Give the air and carpet a spritz, and it kills the zaps.” — A.O. in Canada • “Hard-water stains in the toilet are no match for denture tablets. Simply drop one in the toilet and let sit overnight. A quick scrub and a flush in the morning should do it.” — P.S. in Washington Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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• On Oct. 12, 1492, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island, believing he has reached East Asia. Columbus, and most others, underestimated the world's size, calculating that East Asia must lie about where North America sits on the globe. • On Oct. 17, 1906, Wilhelm Voigt, a German shoemaker wearing a stolen captain's uniform, impersonates an army officer and leads an entire squad of soldiers to help him steal 4,000 marks from the mayor's office cash box, exploiting their blind obedience to authority. The Kaiser thought the story was funny; the German army did not. • On Oct. 16, 1946, at Nuremberg, Germany, 10 highranking Nazi officials are executed by hanging for their crimes during World War II after they were found guilty by the International War Crimes Tribunal.


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• On Oct. 13, 1957, the science-fiction thriller "The Amazing Colossal Man" premieres in theaters. The film revolved around an Army officer who began to grow uncontrollably after he strayed too close to an atomic blast in the Nevada desert. • On Oct. 14, 1968, the U.S. Defense Department announces that the Army and Marines will be sending about 24,000 men back to Vietnam for involuntary second tours because of the length of the war. The decision badly hurt troop morale and the combat readiness of U.S. forces around the world. • On Oct. 11, 1975, "Saturday Night Live," a comedy sketch show, makes its debut on NBC, with George Carlin as its host, and Billy Preston and Janis Ian as musical guests. Since its inception, SNL has featured a different guest host and musical act each week. • On Oct. 15, 1991, after a bitter confirmation hearing, the U.S. Senate votes 52 to 48 to confirm Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court. President George Bush had nominated the 43-year-old Thomas, an African American judge known for his conservative beliefs. ©2021 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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• The hyoid bone, which anchors the tongue, is the only bone in the body not attached to any other bone. Instead it’s attached to muscles, ligaments, and cartilage. • Humans have just as many hairs on their body as chimpanzees, but human hair is shorter and finer. • Synovial fluid, which lubricates joints, is the most frictionless stuff on the planet. • A pregnant woman can grow a new human being faster than most missing toenails can grow back. • Every minute over 30,000 dead skin cells shed off the body. • You will die for lack of sleep within 2 weeks. • Human eggs are small but big enough to be visible to the human eye. They are also the largest cell in the human body. The sperm is the smallest cell. • The surface area of the lungs is about the same size as a tennis court. Many people imagine lungs as balloons while they are more like a sponge. • Babies don’t get knee caps until they are several years old. • A healthy heart doesn't need a body to beat. As long as it has an oxygenated blood supply it will just keep beating with or without a human body. • The chance of a natural pregnancy with identical triplets is 1 in 200,000,000. • The appendix is not a vestigial organ with an unknown purpose. It actually protects and replenishes good bacteria in the gut. • Your fingernails do not actually continue to grow after you die. • The proportion of your vision that is actually in sharp focus roughly equates to the size of your thumbnail at arm’s length. The rest of it is just your visual cortex filling in the blanks. ...cont'd

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BODY FACTS (continued)

DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Bow is smaller. 2. Nose is different. 3. Button is added. 4 Hair is changed. 5. Frame is smaller. 6. Pants are different. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• 85% of all of your cells are red blood cells. Bone marrow pumps out about 2.4 million of them every second. Each one contains about 270 million hemoglobin molecules which each carry 4 molecules of oxygen. It takes about 60 seconds for a blood cell to circulate through the body. • Baby girls are born with all of their eggs. • The heart smells like mushrooms. • Fat cells don’t multiply, but instead the cells just increase in size. • In the early development of a fetus, everyone starts out female. Then some turn into male later on, which is why males have nipples. • The skeleton accounts for about 12% of total body weight. • All blue-eyed people can be traced back to one common ancestor. • There are no muscles in the fingers. The muscles that move the fingers are located in the forearm, and are attached to the tendons that move the fingers. • The eyes are about 85% their adult size at birth. • Your skin is the largest organ you have. • The forearm from elbow to wrist is about the same length as the foot. • You blink your eyes about 20,000 times a day. • You have about 100,000 hairs on your head. • You hate the sound of your recorded voice because it’s missing the low frequency you’re used to hearing. When you talk, you hear your voice as it goes through the air and back to you ear. It also goes through your skull to your ear, and this bone conduction mechanism transmits the low frequencies better than air does. Your recorded voice only has the sound transmitted by air. That causes the dissonance between what you think your voice sounds like, and what it really does. Locally Owned

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Quiz Answers

1. The ant 2. Sperm whale 3. Nicotine, 7 seconds, alcohol, 6 minutes 4. 10% larger 5. Never 6. Milky Way, by far.

7. Maui 8. Barbara Millicent Roberts 9. “Mary Poppins” 10. Africa



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