Tidbits of Grand Forks - October 14, 2021

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks October 14, 2021

Published by: Wick Publications



Issue # 1,241


ALASKA by Kathy Wolfe


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Since October 18 has been designated as Alaska Day, Tidbits is taking the opportunity to bring you some facts on the 49th state of the Union. • Alaska was first sighted by non-natives in 1741 when Danish explorer Vitus Bering and his expedition spotted it on a voyage from Siberia. In the decades to follow, Russian hunters began traveling the mere 55 miles from the Russian mainland. The first substantial Russian colony, Three Saints Bay, was founded on Kodiak Island in 1784. It was destroyed by a tsunami four years later, but was rebuilt in 1790. Before long, the area was populated by companies of fur traders. • When the Russians arrived in Alaska in the mid-1700s, there were about 80,000 indigenous peoples. Today, these tribes comprise 15 percent of the state’s 650,000 population, about 97,500 people. There are 224 recognized tribes, speaking 20 different indigenous languages. The five major groups of tribes are Aleuts, Inupiat, Yuit, Athabascans, and Tlingit. • Alaska remained under Russian rule until 1867. The czarist government approached the United States about selling the territory, and in March of that year, Secretary of State William Seward signed the papers for the purchase of Alaska for $7.2 million, just 2 cents per acre.


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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. What’s the third-longest river in the U.S. at 2,000 miles long? 6. What is the state of Alaska’s What U.S. president signed the nickname? proclamation admitting Alaska 7. Who starred in the 1960 movie to the Union as the 49th state? “North to Alaska”? What is Alaska’s biggest 8. What was the name of Russell mineral export? Crowe’s character in the 1999 On what day of the year are movie “Mystery, Alaska”? there 18 hours and 18 minutes 9. Of the highest 20 mountains of full daylight in Juneau? in North America, how Name the northernmost point many are in Alaska? of all the territory of the United States? SPONSORED BY:




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ALASKA (continued):

• Most of Congress viewed the purchase as a waste of money, and the treaty, mocked as “Seward’s Folly,” was passed by the Senate by just one vote. Formal transfer of the territory took place at Sitka on October 18, 1867. • The territory wasn’t of much interest until 1897 when gold was discovered in the Klondike by Joe Juneau and Richard Harris, near the present-day state capital city, Juneau. • The name Alaska has its origins in the Aleut language, with “Alyeska” translating “great land.” • Alaska is home to 17 of the 20 highest peaks in the United States. The highest, Denali, meaning “The Great One,” stands 20,320 feet above sea level, the highest mountain in North America. A gold prospector and explorer named Frank Densmore spread the word about the enormous peak during his travels in the late 1800s, and prospectors in the Yukon began calling the mountain “Densmore Peak.” In 1897, another prospector, William Dickey, a great admirer of President-elect William McKinley referred to the peak as Mt. McKinley in a New York City news article, and the name gained popularity after the president’s assassination in 1901. It was further cemented when the area was officially named Mt. McKinley National Park in legislation in February, 1917. A heated decades-long debate ensued, with many groups wanting the mountain’s title returned to its native name, Denali. In 1975, the State of Alaska petitioned to have it changed officially. However, the effort was stalled for decades by the Ohio congressional delegation who represented President McKinley’s home state. In 1980, the park was renamed Denali National Park, however, the highest peak remained Mt. McKinley until 2015, when it was officially changed to Denali. ...cont'd


Texas, California, and Montana rank as the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th largest U.S. States, respectively. Alaska’s area is greater than the area of all three of those states combined, and covers 1/6th of the total area of the United States.

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1. Who holds the NHL career record for major fighting penalties with 333? 2. What is the name of the San Francisco 49ers’ goldminer mascot? 3. In 2006, the sports TV channel known as Outdoor Life Network (OLN) became rebranded as what? 4. Which MLB team scored the most runs in 2021? Who scored the least runs?


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5. Actor Mark Harmon (“NCIS”) was the starting quarterback for what college football team from 1973-74? 6. Which MLB Division had the most regular-season cumulutive wins in 2021? 7. Which MLB Division had the least regular-season cumulutive wins in 2021? 8. How many MLB teams finished the 2021 regular season with 90 or more wins?

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ALASKA (continued):

• Speaking of name changes, the capital city of Juneau was first named Harrisburg, after the co-discoverer of gold in the area. Joe Harris was the selfappointed town recorder and named the townsite after himself. In early 1881, Harrisburg became Rockwell in honor of the naval lieutenant commander stationed there. By the end of the year, the other gold co-discoverer, Joe Juneau, put the issue to a vote and 72 miners made the decision to change the name to the current one.



• Juneau can’t be reached by roads or railroads, only by plane or ferry. It shares its eastern border with the Canadian province of British Columbia. While the city has a small population, just 32,000, it receives about 900,000 cruise ship passengers and another 100,000 independent travelers every year. • The state’s most populous city, Anchorage, is home to nearly 40% of Alaska’s population. It’s larger in land area than the entire state of Rhode Island.


• Alaska has more than 3 million lakes and 100,000 glaciers. Five percent of the state is covered by glaciers. But do you know what Alaska doesn’t have? Poison ivy or poison oak!


• Eighty percent of the United States’ active volcanoes are in Alaska, more than 70 peaks. There have been one or two eruptions from Alaskan volcanoes every year since 1900, although most are not considered catastrophic. The largest and most violent eruption of the 20th century took place in 1912 when the Novarupta volcano erupted with a volume of magma about 30 times larger than the Mt. St. Helens, Washington eruption in 1980. Fortunately, it was in an isolated area with very sparse population, resulting in zero deaths and minimal property damage.


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ALASKA (continued):

• North America’s largest oil field, Prudhoe Bay, lies 650 miles north of Alaska and 400 miles north of Fairbanks. It’s 1200 miles from the North Pole and 250 miles north of the Arctic Circle. It was discovered in 1968 by ARCO and Exxon, and the major owners have invested upwards of $25 billion to develop the field and the transAlaska pipeline to move the crude oil to market. The pipeline starts in Prudhoe Bay and ends 800 miles south, at the Port of Valdez. The first section of pipe was laid in March, 1975, and the last in May, 1977. Three weeks later, oil flowed from Prudhoe to Valdez at a speed of 4 mph through a 48-inch-wide pipe. The journey took eight days. More than 70,000 workers labored over the project from its beginnings at a cost of $8 billion at the time. By 1979, 1.5 million barrels had been produced in the field. • The world’s second-largest and North America’s strongest earthquake occurred in central Alaska in March, 1964, a 9.2 magnitude quake lasting 4.5 minutes. The resulting massive tsunami caused damages as far away as California, Hawaii, and Japan. Eleven major aftershocks with a magnitude greater than 6.0 followed on that day, with nine more during the next three weeks, and thousands of smaller ones over the ensuing year. While nine people died as a direct result of the earthquake, 122 perished from the effects of the tsunami. Structural damage in Alaskan towns totaled nearly $400 million (about $3.5 billion in today’s dollars). • On January 3, 1959, legislation was signed admitting the territory of Alaska to the Union as the 49th state.


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When charged electrons and protons strike the Earth’s upper atmosphere, the result is the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights. This spectacular lights display can be seen 243 days a year in Fairbanks, Alaska, a city located 125 miles south of the Arctic Circle.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

◘ by Lucie Winbourne

• Koi fish have been known to live up to 226 years. • Singapore has a mandatory organ donation scheme for people over 21. Anyone choosing to opt-out of it is given lower priority to receive a transplant if they ever find themselves in need of one. • In Chinese, the KFC slogan "finger lickin' good" translates to "eat your fingers off" in its literal interpretation. • Dueling is still legal in Paraguay, as long as both parties are blood donors. • The Boston University Bridge is the only spot in America where a boat can sail under a train moving under a car driving under an airplane. • In 2018, a 30-year-old woman in Canada was shot in her left breast. Her silicone breast implant deflected the bullet away from her vital organs and left her with only some broken ribs ... and a damaged implant. • Eighty-five percent of American shoppers go to their right when entering a store. • In 2020, George Hood, a 62-year-old ex-Marine, set the world record for the longest abdominal plank, holding the position for 8 hours, 15 minutes and 15 seconds. • Early astronomer John Herschel reported seeing winged people inhabiting the moon through his telescope. • Prior to 1900, prizefights lasted 100 rounds. • Three British friends set the world record for completing the longest-ever journey by taxi -- a grand total of 43,319.5 miles in their 20-year-old black cab named "Hannah." The trip took them across four continents and 50 countries and generated a fare equivalent to $108,269.73. • According to Western University, 88% of divorced people use Facebook to keep tabs on exes, and a third post pictures to make the ex jealous. *** Thought for the Day: "If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." -Frank A. Clark ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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Solution located further back.


by Freddy Groves

Veterans Need Your Help This Winter


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*Answer located further back in this issue.

It looks like COVID isn't likely to vanish soon. Because of restrictions everywhere, long-term patients at Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals might have a lonely winter when their regular visitors are either limited or banned altogether. You can help. While you probably won't be able to visit patients, you can help to break up their long days with gifts, cards and notes to let them know that people on the outside are thinking about them. First stop is the website for your local VA hospital. Look for Voluntary Services and give them a call to see if they have a wish list. They might be looking for anything from thick socks to XXL T-shirts. If you're lucky, there might be a special list for the coming holidays that includes handheld electronic games, books of a certain genre or small radios with ear buds. You won't know until you ask. Your call to Voluntary Services might reveal that instead of needing things for the patients, they need your help with those who have been discharged. Maybe there's a homeless veteran being moved into his own apartment. He'll need a move-in basket of everything from new towels to TP to a manual can opener.



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And there might be even more ways you can help at the VA hospital. Drivers are a big deal, and taking a van around to pick up patients who need to come in for outpatient treatment is a way to guarantee that those veterans don't miss crucial appointments. In cold weather, parking lot shuttle drivers bring people from their cars to the door and back. Again, a very worthwhile endeavor. If you're in a veterans' service group such as American Legion, enlist members to help with the financial end of buying gifts and necessities. One way or another, don't let this coming winter go by without doing something for your fellow veterans. They'd be there for you if the tables were turned.

(c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

• Is Sunday the first day or the last day of the week? In Israel and some Muslim countries, it’s the first work day of the week. The Hebrew calendar and most traditional calendars show Sunday as the first day of the week, but the Geneva-based International Organization for Standardization says Sunday is the seventh day of the week. The Germanic interpretation of the Latin “dies solis, “ or “sun’s day,” gives us the name, as Germanic mythology claims the sun is a goddess named “Sunna” or “Sol.” • The Russian word Sunday, “Voskreseniye,” translates “Resurrection.” • Monday comes from the Latin “Dies Lunae,” or “moon,” meaning Luna’s Day, a tribute to Luna, the ancient Roman moon goddess. Our pronuniciation “Monday” comes from the Ole English word, “Monandaeg,” named after the Norse personification of the moon, Mani. • The name of the Roman God Mars was used to name Tuesday. The French word for Tuesday is “Mardi.” The Norse god Tiw was the one-handed god of dueling who was equated with Mars, the mythological god of war. The Old English word “Tiwesdaeg” gives us our word Tuesday.

• Jupiter is the Roman god of thunder, and the ancient Latin language called Thursday “Dies Jovis” for that god. The corresponding Norse god of thunder was Thor, and we derive our name for this day from “Thor’s Day.” • The Norse god Wodin, was also called Odin, and was the principal god in Scandinavian mythology. Odin’s wife was Frigg, called Frig in the Old English and Fri or Freya in the Old Saxon language. She was the Norse goddess of love, marriage, and motherhood, corresponding to Venus, the Roman goddess of love. We derive the name of Friday from this being and the Old English “Frigedaeg.” The French word for Friday is “Vendredi,” preserving the Roman name Venus. • The Norse didn’t designate the names of any of their gods to Saturday, but rather kept the Roman name, “Saeturnesdaeg,” the only day of the week that retained the Roman origin in English. The Romans had named this day for the planet Saturn and their god of agriculture and sowing of seeds. In Israel, Saturday is the Jewish day of rest, the Sabbath, or Shabbat, translating “to cease or rest.” Israeli government offices and businesses are closed on Saturday, a day set aside for rest and worship.


• The ancient Babylonians established the seven-day week, with the seven days corresponding to the time it takes the moon to transition between the phases of full, waning half, new, and waxing half. The Romans named the days of the week after their gods, corresponding to the five known planets, plus the sun and the moon.


“Monday’s child is fair of face …” begins the old children’s rhyme. So what about the names for the days of the week? This week, Tidbits delves into the origins of these names.

• The Roman god Mercury was the mythological guide of souls after death. The Norse counterpart was Wodin, which translated to the Old English as “Wodnesdaeg,” which became our name for Wednesday. The French call this day “Mercredi,” or “day of Mercury.”





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• On Oct. 19, 1796, a writer, mysteriously named "Phocion," slyly attacks presidential candidate Thomas Jefferson an essay published in the Gazette of the United States. Phocion turned out to be former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, who would write 25 essays lambasting Jefferson. • On Oct. 18, 1867, the U.S. formally takes possession of Alaska after purchasing the territory from Russia for $7.2 million, or less than 2 cents an acre. Russia sold its Alaska territory to the U.S. rather than risk losing it in battle with a rival such as Great Britain. • On Oct. 24, 1931, New York Gov. Franklin Roosevelt dedicates the George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River. The 4,760-footÐlong suspension bridge, the longest in the world at the time, connected New Jersey with Manhattan in New York City.


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• On Oct. 23, 1942, Michael Crichton is born in Chicago. During his final year of medical school, Crichton published "The Andromeda Strain" (1969) and decided to write full time instead of practicing medicine. • On Oct. 21, 1959, on New York City's Fifth Avenue, thousands of people line up outside a bizarrely shaped white concrete building that resembled a giant upsidedown cupcake. It was opening day at the new Guggenheim Museum, home to one of the world's top collections of contemporary art. • On Oct. 20, 1962, President John F. Kennedy holds secret meetings with advisers on the eve of ordering a blockade of Cuba. Kennedy had seen photographic proof that the Soviets were building 40 ballistic missile sites on the island -- within striking distance of the United States. • On Oct. 22, 2012, Lance Armstrong is formally stripped of the seven Tour de France titles he won from 1999 to 2005 and banned for life from competitive cycling after being charged with using illicit performance-enhancing drugs and blood transfusions to help him win races.

King Features Weekly Service ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

(Answers located further back)

October 4, 2021

• Here’s a tip for you waist-watchers out there: Wait until Halloween Day to buy the candy. That way the in-house sweets won’t be haunting you throughout October. — JoAnn • Now’s the time to install weatherstripping or caulk for fall and winter. To find drafts, try this trick: Light a taper candle and run it very slowly along the cracks of your windows. When you see the flame flicker, that’s where you have a draft leak. • A great use for those old knee-high stockings (no runs!): Stuff with a mix of crystalized kitty litter and scent-boosting beads you can find in the laundry aisle. Stuff these in stinky shoes to freshen and deodorize. The litter wicks away moisture from sweaty feet and deodorizes, and the scent boosters last for a good long while. • “Here is a sewing tip for your column: I prewash fabrics that tend to shrink before I use them to make clothing items. That way, the fit is more accurate.” — G.V. in Indiana • “Exfoliation can be easy if you already have a bag or jar of Epsom salts. Soak in a warm bath and rub the salts over your skin to gently scrub dead skin away. A little essential oil might help, too!” — D.D. in Florida • “To keep sauces from splattering and dirtying the inside of your microwave, cover the food with a damp paper towel or a coffee filter.” — E.C. in Utah • Now you can have your tea and clean something, too. Teabags can be used to clean woodwork. Rub the wood softly with a damp bag. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


Just Hang Up!

by Matilda Charles

It's time for us to be rude on the phone. There, I've said it. "Seniors are often targeted because they tend to be trusting and polite." So says the FBI's website page describing scams aimed at seniors. I've thought this for a long time, having done informal polls among friends, but now it's official. Additionally, says the FBI, we're targeted because we have savings, own a home and have good credit, which makes us attractive to scammers. We have the money -- they want it. But scammers are tricky. On that FBI page is a video of a former FBI director who, along with his wife, was targeted in a scam. Of all people who should have instantly realized what was going on, he was one. It was his wife, listening in the background, who made the connections. In the end, even after multiple ugly physical threats, the director didn't cave in. The scammer went to jail, of course. But it points out how vulnerable we often are, especially when faced with sweet-talking scammers who are offering us a lot of money ... and who then switch over to threats if we don't immediately do as they say and either send them money or give them access to our accounts. Whether it's a tech support scam ("Your computer has a virus and we can fix it") or a grandparent scam ("Your grandson is in jail and needs money for bail") or a lottery scam ("You've just won $5 million"), it's all the same -- a scam. To protect ourselves, we need to hang up the phone instantly when there is a likely scammer on the other end. Yes, when we were growing up, this kind of behavior would have been considered rude. But this is a whole new world, and it's full of bad people who think we are trusting. We're not, right?

FALL LEAF DISPOSAL LEAF PICK-UP IS UNDERWAY! DISPOSAL OPTIONS: For immediate disposal haul your leaves to your nearest compost site through November 15th or Rake them loosely to your berm -NO BAGS. We will attempt to make 2 complete passes through town, weather permitting. DO NOT mix grass clippings, branches, brush & garden waste. Keep piles away from parked cars, fences & trees, & out of gutters.

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*Answer located back 3 pages.

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This week, Tidbits is drinking up these facts on our favorite beverages. • What’s the world’s favorite drink? Don’t be too quick to say coffee, because the answer is actually tea! Worldwide, it’s the most-consumed for all drinks except water. The country that drinks the most tea might also surprise you. It’s Turkey, where the average per person drinks 6.96 lbs. annually. The people of Ireland drink more tea than their neighbors in the United Kingdom, sipping 4.83 lbs. each, compared to the UK’s third-place spot at 4.28 lbs. Iran is down the line in fourth place. • China is the world’s largest producer of tea, at more than 2 million tons a year. India is second, Kenya is third, followed by Sri Lanka. • Coffee is our second-most favorite beverage, with more than 400 billion cups consumed every year. About 70 countries produce coffee, but Brazil tops the list in production on more than 300,000 coffee farms throughout the nation. French settlers brought the plant to Brazil in the early 1700s. By the 1840s, Brazil was the world’s largest producer, and has been in that slot ever since. Vietnam is the #2 producer, followed by Colombia, Indonesia, and Ethiopia. • Brazil may be the largest producer, but they are nowhere near the top of the list in coffee consumption. The top four coffee-drinking nations are all Scandinavian countries, with folks in Finland at the top of the list, drinking 26.8 lbs. per year, followed by the Swedes at 22.2 lbs. per capita. Iceland is in third place with 18.5 lbs, and Norway in fourth, consuming 19.1 lbs. per person every year. ...continued

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DRINK UP! (continued):

• Finland also leads the pack in milk consumption, along with the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland. Countries drinking the least amount of milk include Laos, Cambodia, and North Korea. Milk consumption in the U.S. declines a little each year, 40% since 1975. This decrease has taken its toll on dairy farms, with 2,730 farms shutting down between 2018 and 2020. The trend towards soy, almond, coconut, and milk is the primary basis for the diminishing dairy sales.

DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Mirror is raised. 2. Cup handle is missing. 3. Sleeves are added. 4. Chair is different. 5. Arm is added. 6. Hair is different. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

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• Gatorade was introduced in 1965, developed by researchers hired by the coach of the University of Florida football team. The coach sought a product to help his players replenish carbohydrates and electrolytes in the body lost during the game. There was just one flavor at the beginning, but now Gatorade now comes in seven flavors. Over the years, 26 different flavors have been discontinued due to lack of popularity. How did the product get its name? The Florida team’s nickname was the Gators! The New York Giants NFL team started the “Gatorade dunk” tradition in 1984 when player Jim Burt showered Head Coach Bill Parcells with a cooler of the drink during a game with the Washington Redskins. • Red Bull was the first energy drink to hit the shelves, back in 1987, although it didn’t come to North America until 1997, in California. The idea of the drink came from Thailand, where it was called Krating Daeng, and was purchased mainly by truckers who needed a boost to get through extended shifts. An Austrian businessman modified the taste and created what we now know as Red Bull. Although most folks think of Red Bull as super-caffeinated, it really contains the same amount of caffeine as a regular cup of coffee, 80 mg. Contrast this with your morning Starbucks 16-ounce Grande which contains 330 mg. Locally Owned

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Quiz Answers

1. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2. Zinc 3. June 21, the summer solstice 4. Point Barrow, Alaska

5. Yukon River 6. The Last Frontier 7. John Wayne 8. John Biebe 9. 17



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