Tidbits of Grand Forks - October 21, 2021

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• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts October 21, 2021

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Since 1997


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks Published by: Wick Publications



Issue # 1,242


PEANUTS by Janet Spencer


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• The peanut is one of the most concentrated sources of nourishment. It provides more protein, minerals, and vitamins pound for pound than beef liver, more fat than heavy cream, and more calories than sugar. • The peanut plant originated in South America. Evidence has been found of peanut cultivation in the Andes dating back at least 7,600 years. Pottery has been found dating back as far as 3,500 years that was made in the shape of peanuts, decorated with peanuts, or filled with peanuts placed in graves. • When Spanish conquistadors invaded, they took the peanut plant back to Europe. From there it was taken to Africa where it flourished. Slave traders then brought it to North America. • The popularity of peanuts got a big boost during the Civil War when soldiers were desperate for a cheap source of protein. Still, peanuts were a labor-intensive crop. Not until harvesting and processing equipment was invented around 1900 did peanuts become common. George Washington Carver began experimenting with peanuts in 1903, finding over 300 uses for the plant. • The average American eats more than six pounds of peanuts and peanut butter products every year. 94% of U.S. homes regularly consume peanuts.



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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

• Peanuts are not nuts. They are legumes, being edible seed pods that grow underground. They are in the same family as soybeans, chickpeas, peas, clover, licorice, and lentils. They are unusual in that they flower above ground, but their fruit grows underground. • Peanuts are the #1 snack nut consumed in the U.S., accounting for two-thirds of the snack nut market. • Peanuts contain approximately 80% unsaturated fat, which is considered the “good” fat. They are are cholesterol-free. They contain more protein ounce for ounce than any tree nut.


For 2021-22 Winter Season

PEANUTS (continued):

6. What’s the world record for distance of a thrown peanut? 7. How many pounds of peanuts How many of the top ten will a single acre yield? selling candy bars in the 8. What is the top selling peanut U.S. contain peanuts? butter brand in America? What percent of Americans 9. What was Elvis Presley’s have a peanut allergy? favorite sandwich? How many types of peanut 10. What year did the “Peanuts” plants are there? comic strip begin? What color are peanut flowers? 11. T or F: Peanut-loving What percent of the supply elephants are a myth. of peanuts is purchased by chocolate manufacturers? SPONSORED BY:



• Peanut oil is considered a high-quality cooking oil in the U.S. because it is able to withstand higher cooking temperatures than many other oils and does not retain the flavor of foods cooked in it. Peanut oil accounts for 8% of the world’s edible oil production. • The major peanut producing states are: Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Texas, and North and South Carolina. Georgia produces about half of all the peanuts grown in the U.S. • The bulk of the world’s peanut production comes mainly from China, India, Nigeria, U.S., Sudan, Burma, Argentina and Senegal. • It takes fewer than 5 gallons of water to produce 1 ounce of peanuts. By comparison, it takes 80 gallons to produce 1 ounce of almonds.


• Americans consume an average of 3 lbs of peanut butter each year.

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• It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter, so there’s about 45 peanuts in every ounce of peanut butter. • By law, any product labeled “peanut butter” in the United States must be at least 90% peanuts.


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4. What MLB player holds the record for most consecutive games with a strikeout? 1. In 2002, what New York 5. Who was the first MLB Yankees outfielder took player to have his number teammate Derek Jeter’s bat retired? and glove and sold them to 6. Name the only two MLB a memorabilia dealer? teams to win at least 3 2. What Ole Miss running World Series championback was selected by the ships in a row. New Orleans Saints in the first round of the 2001 NFL 7. Since 1970, what is the most points scored by one Draft? team in an NFL game? 3. Which NFL team holds How many teams have the record for most points scored that amount? scored in a single season?


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PEANUT BUTTER (continued):

• Although the Incas made peanut butter for thousands of years, peanut butter was officially introduced to Americans in 1904 at the St. Louis World’s Fair. • Peanut butter accounts for about half of the U.S. edible use of peanuts. The other half of U.S. consumption is divided equally between snack nuts and confectionery.





• In 1928 Joseph L. Rosenfield invented the churning process that gives peanut butter its smooth texture. He licensed this process to Pond Company, who made Peter Pan peanut butter. In 1932, he started his own peanut butter company which he named Skippy.


• Most kids eat about 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before they graduate from high school. The average adult eats a PB&J three times a month. • In 2010, the world’s largest PB&J sandwich was made at the Great American Peanut Butter Festival in Grand Saline, Texas. It weighed 1,342 pounds and included 720 pounds of bread, 493 pounds of peanut butter, and 129 pounds of jelly. • A Chicago restaurant called PB&J offers the world’s most expensive peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It features gold leaf-dusted bread, redcurrant jam imported from France, all-natural peanut butter, and a rare Manuka honey from New Zealand. It must be ordered 24 hours in advance, and costs $350. • The speed record for eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches is six in one minute. • Grape jelly is the favorite for PB&Js in the U.S., with strawberry jelly coming in second. • There are enough peanuts in one acre to make over 30,000 peanut butter sandwiches. ...continued

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• Harry was a dairy farmer in Pennsylvania in the early 1900s, providing milk for the Hershey Chocolate Company, and later working in the Hershey factories. He reasoned that if Hershey could get rich selling candy, he could too, so in 1923 he started making his own candies in his basement. The first few years were a struggle, especially since he had 16 children to support. He also began setting up candy-making operations in the windows of large department stores so shoppers could watch the process while tasting free samples.

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• Because Harry bought all his chocolate wholesale from the Hershey company, he was considered a customer rather than competition. Sales were beginning to take off for Harry, but World War II resulted in the rationing of chocolate, so Harry ceased making chocolate candy and concentrated on peanut butter candy, because peanut butter wasn’t rationed. • In the 1940s and 1950s, a surge in popularity for his candy resulted in the need for a high volume production facility. His 100,000 square foot manufacturing plant opened on Chocolate Avenue in Hershey, Pennsylvania in 1957. By the time he died, Harry’s candy business was a whopping success. He was buried in the Hershey cemetery, just a few feet away from Milton Hershey’s grave. • In 1963 Hershey bought out Harry’s company, named after Harry, for $23.5 million. Harry’s best-selling peanut butter candy still carries his name. Harry Burnett Reese was the inventor of the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.


• In 1890 a woman in New England was making peanut flavored taffy. However, she accidentally used baking soda in the recipe instead of the cream of tartar which was called for. Her mistake resulted in the invention of peanut brittle.


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*Answer located further back in this issue.

Pays2Know by Lucie Winbourne

• Bob Marley gave a songwriter credit on "No Woman, No Cry" to his friend Vincent Ford, who ran a soup kitchen in his hometown of Trenchtown, to ensure the royalty checks would keep it open. • You're more likely to die on your way to purchase a lottery ticket than you are to actually win the lottery. • Stenocereus Eruca, commonly known as the Creeping Devil, is a species of cactus that lies on the ground and grows at one end while the other end slowly dies "creeping" (growing) up to 2 feet a year. It can also clone itself to survive. • Babe Ruth paid a fan $20 to return the baseball he hit for his 700th career home run. • When he retired in 1990 after molding 1.4 billion crayons, Crayola's most senior crayon molder, Emerson Moser, revealed he was actually blue-green color blind. • In 2017, social robot Sophia was given citizenship by Saudi Arabia -- the first robot to be given legal personhood anywhere in the world. • The Western lowland gorilla's scientific name is Gorilla gorilla gorilla. • Speaking of names, SpongeBob was originally created as SpongeBoy, but Nickelodeon discovered that the moniker was already copyrighted by a mop. • A study revealed that people scored higher in a mental agility test while wearing a lab coat they believed was a doctor's coat. The effect was not there when they believed the same white coat was a painter's coat. • Using &%#@$ instead of swear words is called a Grawlix. • In Singapore, you can't walk naked in your own house. Well, you could, but you'd be facing a possible fine of $1,136, so we don't recommend it. *** Thought for the Day: "Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen; the more select, the more enjoyable." -- ÑLouisa May Alcott ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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Expires Nov. 30, 2021

Expires Nov. 30, 2021

Solution located further back.


by Freddy Groves

Punishment Doesn't Fit the Crime


© 2021 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved.


*Answer located further back in this issue.

One year ago, a federal grand jury indicted a Virginia woman for a whole raft of scams and fraud against veterans. Most disheartening is the fact that she was a former veteran. There was a long laundry list (nine counts) of things she did. She had veterans apply for HISA grants (Home Improvements and Structural Alterations), which are for doing work on their homes and making improvements. Not only did she not complete the work, she pocketed the money. Then she managed to have the income and retirement benefits of a veteran diverted into her own account. She took out loans in the elderly veteran's name, with the money going into her pocket, and used the veteran's credit and debit cards. But she didn't stop there. In another scheme, she linked veterans with landlords, but kept the money they paid for security deposits and rent. The legal names for these are wire fraud and aggravated identity theft and involved 27 victims.



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While a Department of Justice press release stated that "elder abuse and financial fraud targeted at seniors is a key priority," nowhere in the sentencing does it call out the specific punishment for that. They carefully listed the types of elder abuse (physical abuse, financial fraud, scams and exploitation, caregiver neglect and abandonment, psychological abuse and sexual abuse), but don't seem to have made it specifically part of this case. At the time of the indictment, this miserable excuse for a human faced a possible 20 years in prison, plus two years after pleading guilty to one count of wire fraud and one count of aggravated identity theft. In the recent sentencing, she got a mere 9.5 years. Why is that? Why do the powers-that-be think it's OK to give much shorter prison sentences to these people? Where is the deterrent in talking about the "serious nature of these fraud schemes" when you don't follow it up with serious jail time? (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.



• In the mid-1300s, a Mafia-like fraternity arose in India. For centuries, this highly organized band of thieves specialized in robbing and murdering travelers. They were not interested in single travelers as much as they were interested in large caravans, which carried more loot. Members of this criminal underclass were trained in ways of deceit.





• Jagannath is a deity worshipped by Hindus in India. The word springs from Sanskrit meaning ‘master of the world.’ There are many temples to Jagannath all over India, but the main one, considered Jagannath’s true home, is in a place called Puri. Once a year they celebrate a festival called Rath Yatra, which means • Their tactic generally involved having members of ‘chariot procession.’ their band join the travelers in order to gain their trust while acting as spies. As the group continued their • During this celebration, a massive statue of Jagannath, journey, more and more of the robbers would infilas well as statues of Jagannath’s sister and brother, are trate, lulling them into a false sense of security. wheeled out of the temple and pulled on an elaborate wagon through the streets of Puri. The wagon is 45 • Eventually the caravan would settle in for the night feet tall and weighs many tons. Obviously, when such at a place where the terrain made it easy to attack and a large, heavy, and cumbersome wagon starts rolling, difficult to escape. While the group was busy with it’s hard to control and impossible to stop. Anyone acchores or sound asleep, their deceitful travel comcidentally falling in its path would be crushed, and if panions would call on their hidden compatriots to atthe vehicle should roll out of control, it would wreak tack. Taken by surprise, the innocent travelers would havoc. During the British colonial era, Christian misbe overwhelmed by the military precision which the sionaries witnessing the spectacle of this festival may gang employed. Often, all adults would be killed, and have seen people accidentally killed by this massive the children kidnapped in order to be raised as the next wagon, while others may have been trampled by a generation of assailants. stampede of the revelers. • This group of bandits wreaked havoc for centuries. • The Anglicized version of the word Jagannath came Not until the British arrived in the 1800s was the group into the English language as a result of these festivals overcome and disbanded. The name of this fraternity denoting any inexorable force, campaign, movement, of assassins originated from the Hindu word for thief, or object that crushes whatever is in its path: Jugger‘thag.’ Today a modified version of their name has naut. come into the English language meaning a criminal who attacks innocent people: Thug, after the Thugees. • The word ‘cita’ meaning speckled or variegated turned into cheetah. • The word ‘catamaran’ comes from the word ‘kattumaram’ meaning ‘logs bound together’ or ‘tied wood.’ It • ‘Khat’ meaning bedstead or hammock became cot. originally referred to a type of single-hulled raft made • The Hindi word ‘champo’ meaning to squeeze, knead, of three to seven tree trunks lashed together. or massage became shampoo. • In Hindi and Sanskit, ‘guru’ meant ‘venerable’ and came • ‘Bungalow’ comes from ‘bangla’ denoting a type of to mean any respected intellectual guide or mentor. cottage built for early European settlers in Bengal.

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• On Oct. 26, 1775, King George III speaks before both houses of the British Parliament to discuss growing concern about the rebellion in America. He urged Parliament to move quickly to end the revolt and bring order to the colonies. • On Oct. 31, 1864, Congress quickly admits Nevada as the 36th state in the Union. President Lincoln's proposed 13th Amendment banning slavery was the decisive factor in easing Nevada's path to statehood. • On Oct. 27, 1873, Joseph Glidden, an Illinois farmer, submits an application to the U.S. Patent Office for his new design for a fencing wire with sharp barbs on two strands. Barbed wire would forever change the face of the American West. ©2021 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved


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• On Oct. 25, 1929, during the Teapot Dome oil reserve scandal, Albert Fall, who served as secretary of the interior under President Warren Harding, is found guilty of bribery and conspiracy. He was the first former cabinet officer sentenced to prison as a result of misconduct in office. • On Oct. 30, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt, determined to keep the United States out of the war while helping those allies already mired in it, approves $1 billion in Lend-Lease loans to the Soviet Union. The terms: no interest, and repayment would not start until five years after the war ended. • On Oct. 28, 1962, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev orders the withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, ending the Cuban Missile Crisis. In 1960, Khrushchev had launched plans to install ballistic missiles in Cuba that would put the eastern U.S. within range of nuclear attack. • On Oct. 29, 1998, almost 40 years after he became the first American to orbit Earth, Sen. John Glenn Jr. is launched into space again as a payload specialist aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery. Glenn, 77, was the oldest human ever to travel in space.

King Features Weekly Service ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.

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(Answers located further back)

October 11, 2021

• Update window treatments to compensate for dropping temperatures. Trade your sheers for sturdy, draft-blocking panels. • To easily get keys on a keychain, use a staple remover to create an opening to slip the keys on. It is very effective and will keep you from getting frustrated. • When hammering a nail, try this save-your-finger trick: Use a clothespin to hold the nail steady, and then use your hammer to drive it in. Hammering into the wall? Push the nail through a strip of cardboard, and then hold the cardboard over the right spot. No more banged-up fingers or thumbs! • “At a party, someone spilled a cup of red wine on one of my throw pillows. I love the pillow, since it is just the right size and really soft, but I could not get the stain out. So I covered it with a new fabric. I ended up doing all the assorted pillows in the same fabric, and it made a big change in the room. I wish I had done it sooner.” — I.F. in Pennsylvania • Bringing some plants indoors? Use styrofoam packing peanuts in the bottom of pots when planting. They aren’t as heavy as rocks, but they do just as good a job. It makes the pots easier to move around should you need to. • “For easy-cleanup pancakes, use a turkey baster to ‘squirt’ the batter in the griddle or skillet. No drips, and it usually results in a pretty good circle, too!” — A.J. in Florida Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

by Matilda Charles

Do We Really Need a Booster Shot?

Depending on when we went for the COVID vaccine, we could be eligible for the booster now ... or not. Elderly seniors, as well as those in nursing homes and the immunocompromised, were first in line early in the year. The rest of us straggled in over the next several months. At this point, it's unknown whether there should be a six- or eightmonth wait before the booster. The Pfizer booster (called Comirnaty) is now available to those 65 and older and some others depending on risk and medical conditions. At this writing, Moderna is asking for authorization, and there is no booster yet for the J&J vaccine. Do we actually need a booster? We're all wondering (my pharmacist says half of their calls are about boosters), and the answers are a mixed bag. A pulmonary physician at a major university hospital said if we're under 65 and relatively healthy, no, we don't need one. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services says that the vaccines we already received will start to wear off, so yes, we should get the booster, starting with seniors and nursing-home residents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is calling for booster shots only for the immunocompromised, but not others. The World Health Organization is calling for a moratorium on shots until poor countries get theirs. While we wait for real answers, keep your vaccine record card where you can find it. You'll need it, should you decide to get a booster. What am I going to do? I'm going to stall. I'm going to wait to see how the booster plays out. With the highly contagious Delta variant being such a menace right now, I'd like to see if perhaps that's going to be added to the booster vaccine. ♦

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FALL LEAF DISPOSAL LEAF PICK-UP IS UNDERWAY! DISPOSAL OPTIONS: For immediate disposal haul your leaves to your nearest compost site through November 15th or Rake them loosely to your berm -NO BAGS. We will attempt to make 2 complete passes through town, weather permitting. DO NOT mix grass clippings, branches, brush & garden waste. Keep piles away from parked cars, fences & trees, & out of gutters.

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• George Washington Carver was born into slavery in Missouri some time in the early 1860s. His master was a German immigrant named Moses Carver who purchased George’s parents for $700 in 1855 (equal to $20,000 today.) George was just a week old when he and his sister and mother were kidnapped and sold in Kentucky. Moses Carver recovered George, trading his best horse for the boy, but his sister and mother were never recovered. When slavery was abolished, Moses Carver and his wife taught George to read and sent him to the black school ten miles away. • In 1891 he became the first black student at Iowa State Agricultural College where he studied botany, receiving a Master of Science degree in 1896. He became the first black faculty member there. • Booker T. Washington, the president of Tuskegee Institute, invited Carver to head up the Agricultural Department there. Carver taught there for the next 47 years. • One of Carver’s most important contributions to agriculture was to promote techniques to restore depleted soils. Cotton and tobacco were the main cash crops in the south, but they both suck the nutrients out of dirt. Other crops, such as peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans, add nitrogen to the soil, boosting its fertility. This crop rotation increased the cotton yield and gave farmers other profitable crops, lessening dependence on just two crops. This was especially timely because the boll weevil had been devastating the cotton crop, cutting into profitability and threatening the economy. Carver’s work did much to restore the economy of the south. • Previously, peanuts had been used for little more than livestock feed. With more and more farmers planting peanuts, there was a glut on the market and prices plummeted. Carver went to work to invent new uses for peanuts in order to boost the market.


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• Using all parts of the plant, and by separating the fats, oils, gums, resins, and sugars, Carver discovered over 300 industrial, commercial, and food uses for the peanut plant. They included leather dyes, insulating boards, wall boards, wood stains, 11 types of peanut flours, cloth dyes, shoe polish, shaving cream, a cocoa substitute, soaps, lubricants, cosmetics, lotions, and even a laxative. He also published a recipe book with 105 ways to use peanuts.

DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Hedge is missing. 2. Cap is different. 3. Strap is missing. 4. Fence is different. 5. Letter is added. 6. Leg is moved. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

• Carver pioneered methods of preventing fungus from killing crops. He published a series of pamphlets explaining useful farm techniques, such as feeding pigs acorns instead of expensive livestock feed, and enriching soil using swamp muck instead of commercial fertilizers. He taught farmers how to make their own axle grease, adhesives, and fuel briquettes. When World War I interrupted the supply of textile dyes, he developed new dyes from soybeans and peanuts. He invented synthetic rubber made from a weed called goldenrod which was used widely during the war. He pioneered many new uses for sweet potatoes and pecans, promoting these crops for southern farmers. • George Carver did not have a middle name, but he adopted the middle name of Washington after Booker T. Washington. Because Booker had a middle initial, George wanted one too.

Quiz Answers

8. Jif 1. Half 9. Peanut butter 2. 1% and banana 3. Four sandwich 4. Yellow (sometimes with bacon) 5. 20% 6. 124 ft, 4 in. 10. 1950 11. True 7. 2,800 lbs.



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Sports Answers 1. Ruben Rivera. 5. Lou Gehrig, 2. Deuce in 1939 McAllister. 6. Yankees (3x), 3. 2013 Denver and Oakland Broncos with Athletics 606 points 7. 62 points; 4: 4. Aaron Judge Giants, Jets, 37 consecuFalcons and tive games Saints

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Chadwick Parkinson

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