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• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks November 18, 2021
Published by: Wick Publications
Issue # 1,246
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by Janet Spencer
• The word ‘tsunami’ comes from the Japanese phrase meaning ‘harbor wave.’ On average, two tsunamis occur per year throughout the world which cause damage near the source. About once every 15 years, a destructive ocean-wide tsunami occurs. • Tsunamis are giant waves generated by any large displacement of the sea level, usually by earthquakes, landslides, and volcanoes: • Undersea volcanoes push up lava, forming unstable islands prone to collapse. Surveys show that the 1,360-mile long stretch of islands from Hawaii to Midway Island has experienced over 70 underwater landslides, some of which are over 200 miles long. One north of Oahu dating back 200,000 years is 150 miles long, covering 14,300 square miles and is over a mile thick, making it one of the largest underwater avalanches ever found. The tsunami generated by this would have reached heights of 65 feet along the entire western coast of the U.S. • Undersea landslides are particularly common since the end of the last Ice Age, when sea levels rose by about 425 feet inundating shorelines that hadn’t previously been underwater. These now-saturated areas are particularly Turn the page for more! prone to collapse.
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TSUNAMIS (cont):
• Submerged volcanoes release super-heated lava which causes the cold sea water to flash into steam and rise to the surface in a cataclysmic heave. When Krakatoa erupted in 1883, the volcano blew apart, allowing sea water to rush into the underwater magma chamber. The resulting tsunami killed 36,000 people living on surrounding islands.
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Quiz Bits
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. Which iconic English rock band was once named The Detours? What percent of deaths happen 6. Name the capital of Wyoming. within 30 minutes of the origin 7. What’s the name of the town in the “Halloween” horror of the tsunami? movie series? What country gets hit by more tsunamis than any other coun- 8. How many Huxtable children were in the long-running “The try? Cosby Show”? Which 5 states are most at 9. What product’s TV ad sparked risk for tsunami in the U.S.? the catchphrase What is the name of cartoon “Mikey likes it!”? character Porky Pig’s girlfriend? SPONSORED BY:
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• Normal waves rise, break, and retreat, followed by a succession of waves that are an average of 300 feet from crest to crest (called the wavelength), but tsunami waves may be so large that it takes a full hour for the wave to finish washing by, with the next wave following up to 500 miles behind. It’s common for the first wave to be the smallest with succeeding waves becoming progressively larger. • The longer the wavelength distance, the faster the waves move through the ocean. Normal waves travel at about 55 mph but the biggest tsunami waves can travel at speeds of up to 600 mph which is faster than most airliners. • Shorelines that sit on the edge of a long shallow stretch of continental shelf suffer far less damage than shorelines that sit on the edge of a deep, steeply declining stretch of continental shelf. If the seafloor rises slowly, much of the energy of the wave is dissipated through friction. Tahiti escapes the worst of tsunamis because of this. If the seafloor rises steeply, the waves are forced into tall towers. • The deadly force of tsunamis is exacerbated by the removal of natural barriers such as coral reefs, mangrove swamps, coastal forests, and sand dunes, all of which break up the force of the inrushing water. ...continued
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Solution located further back.
TSUNAMIS (cont):
• Tsunamis are amplified by the funnel effect caused when they enter a wide shallow bay that narrows towards the shore, squeezing the energy of the wave into taller peaks of water. When the 1964 earthquake in Alaska sent out tsunami waves, most of the coast of California was hit with waves that were two feet tall, but the bay in front of Crescent City, CA, funneled the same wave into 21-foot crests that wiped out downtown and killed 11 people. • The water may recede to unprecedented levels just before a tsunami hits, causing people to rush to witness the spectacle just before the first wave arrives. Tsunamis travel in groups with crests often an hour or more apart. People who rush to survey the damage or search for survivors after the first wave hits may be caught in the second wave.
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• On April 1, 1946, a 50-foot tsunami hit Hilo, Hawaii, killing 150 people, wiping out one-third of the town. The wave had been generated in Alaska, and had taken more than four hours to reach Hawaii, travelling at the rate of 500 mph. • Lisbon, Portugal sat near the epicenter of an earthquake on November 1, 1755. Buildings fell and fires started. People fled to the waterfront. An hour after the earthquake, the water drained out of the harbor, followed ten minutes later by a wall of water 50 feet tall, which swept over the harbor and went ten miles upriver. When it washed back out to sea, it dragged debris and people into the ocean, only to be followed by two more giant waves. Between the original earthquake, the aftershocks, the fires, and the tsunami, about 60,000 people died, equal to a quarter of the population of Lisbon. ...cont'd
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TSUNAMIS (cont):
• The magnitude 9.0 earthquake on December 26, 2004 near Sumatra in the Indian Ocean released more energy than all the earthquakes on the planet in the past 25 years combined. A 750-mile long segment of the seafloor the size of California moved upward and sideways by 50 feet generating the most destructive tsunami ever known. • The quake displaced 7 cubic miles of seawater, generating a wall of water up to 100 feet tall moving up to 500 mph which killed about 283,000 people. Still, while the tsunami was in the middle of the ocean prior to hitting land, it reached a height of only 2 feet. • Some areas of northern Indonesia such as Banda Aceh were hit by the waves only 8 minutes after the quake, while areas to the south such as Sri Lanka weren’t hit for 90 minutes or more. About 16 hours later, South Africa got hit with fivefoot waves, and even Antarctica recorded 3-foot waves. In Banda Aceh, the waves reached 2.5 miles inland. The rush of water going back to the sea was more destructive than the original incoming waves. • About 30 minutes elapsed between each wave, and in most areas the third wave was the largest. Some areas experienced the rapid draining of bays prior to the arrival of the waves; others did not. Some had towering waves crashing over shore while others saw only a rapid rising of water levels. • Because there was no tsunami warning system in place, there was no way to warn residents. Those who tried to phone or email found all government offices closed because it was Sunday morning. Even if they had been open, there was no way to get the word out to the people. Today, there’s a warning system in place.
When the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs hit the Yucatan Peninsula 66 million years ago, the tsunami reached the height of 3,000 feet that circled the entire Atlantic Ocean.
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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Social Security Gets Big Benefits Bump
by Matilda Charles
The news is in. Our Social Security benefit for 2022 will increase by 5.9%, slightly less than the 6.1% estimate the government put out this summer. Still, that's much greater than the 1.3% increase we saw for 2021 and the 1.6% the year before. The average monthly dollar increase will be $92, making the average benefit $1,657 per month for a single person. For a couple, a $154 increase would come to $2,753 per month. The official mail on the cost-of-living adjustment will come out in December. I've done my calculations for next year, and once again I shake my head. We've been notified already that I'll have a rent increase. Heating fuel is likely to go up 47%. We all know what has happened at the grocery store. Medicare Part B is sure to go up, maybe a $10 per month increase. There is one worrying note, and we need to think about how it will play out for us individually. The question is: Will that increase move us into a higher tax bracket? It depends on our provisional income. That number is any income (pension, wages, dividends and more) not from Social Security, plus half the amount of Social Security. Those of us who come in under $25,000 won't have a federal tax put on our Social Security. If that number is between $25,000 and $34,000, there will be a tax on half of our Social Security income. Over that and it goes up to a tax on 85% of our Social Security income. If your situation for 2022 is likely to put you in the category of having to pay taxes on your Social Security benefit, you can elect to have them take money out of your check each month. If you want to learn about that, call the IRS at 1-800-772-1213 and ask for IRS Form W-4V.
Pays2Know by Lucie Winbourne
• McDonald's is the world's largest toy distributor. • The ice cream bean is a fruit with a taste very similar to its namesake vanilla ice cream. The tree that the bean grows on is native to the Americas and can reach nearly 100 feet tall, with bean pods up to 6 feet long. • Anyone who moves to the Villas Las Estrellas, a settlement in Antarctica, must first have their appendix preemptively removed, because the nearest hospital is over 625 miles away. • The limbo world record is under 6 inches. • In 1994, West Virginia prison inmate Robert Shepard braided dental floss into a rope as thick as a telephone cord, used it to scale an 18-foot wall, and escaped. • King Richard II once had to pawn his crown because he was such a spendthrift. • The first Olympic race took place in 776 B.C. and was won by a chef named Corubus. Moments after receiving his first paycheck, he hired a cook and an agent. • Swedish athlete Ari Petrof is a National Sauna Champion. He once stayed in a 212 F sauna for five hours and 10 minutes. • The band called Postal Service took its moniker from the fact that members originally used USPS to send each other music tracks, due to their conflicting schedules. • Golf balls were made of wood until the 16th century. • Spam mail got its nickname from the canned meat after a Monty Python skit that made fun of Spam as tasting "horrible and being ubiquitous and inescapable." *** Thought for the Day: "Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time." -- John Lubbock ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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• The largest city in China has a total metropolitan population of about 20 million people, with a population density of about 7,000 people per square mile. It is located on the eastern coast of China at the mouth of the Yangtze River, and it was originally a fishing and textiles town. Its name means ‘above the sea.’ When the Treaty of Nanking was ratified in 1842, this was one of five cities opened to free foreign trade. The favorable location of its port guaranteed the city would flourish, and it became a multi-national hub in international trade. • However, the long dangerous voyage between China and the rest of the world meant that many sailors avoided this journey. This caused a problem when a ship was ready to set sail, but didn’t have enough hands on board to sail it. In that case, unscrupulous captains or their henchmen would often go into the seedy hang outs, and slip a knock out drug into the drink of some unsuspecting strapping young man. The unconscious victim would be hauled aboard ship, where he would awaken once the ship had already set sail and it was too late to escape. He would then have no choice but to serve. • Because this happened so often at this port, the name of the city came into the English language meaning to kidnap, to waylay, or to compel someone to do something by fraud or by force: Shanghai. • In the year 1524 a Florentine explorer named Verrazzano landed near what is now New York City. The Indians were friendly, and he gave them their first taste of firewater. A good time was had by all. Thereafter, the natives called the location ‘Place of Drunkenness’ which, in their language, was ‘Manna-ha-ta.’ Today it’s called Manhattan.
• In the early days of the 1800s, trade was beginning to open up between Japan and America. Most of the American trade ships docked in the port of Yokohama. The city had one main street that was well-policed at night, and it was called Huncho-dori Street. It was the only safe thoroughfare in town; sailors caught in the city after dark trying to return to their ship through twisting alleys and dark byways were more likely be robbed, beaten and sometimes even murdered. Therefore men being granted shore leave were warned never to wander through Yokohama at night, and to stick to the main route of Huncho-dori street. Today when things are safe, we say everything is ‘hunky-dory.’ • The island now known as Sri Lanka off the coast of Africa used to be called Ceylon, and before it was called Ceylon, it was known as Serendip. In a Persian fairy tale called “The Three Princes of Serendip” the King sends his three sons into the world to gain maturity and experience. • Out in the world, the three men have one terrible experience after another, yet they keep turning their bad luck into good fortune by applying liberal amounts of humility, courage, kindness, and wisdom to each situation, thus turning every tragedy into triumph. Along the way they help others, make loyal friends, and return home older, wiser, and ready to accept royal responsibilities. • Now the dictionary defines serendipity as “making fortunate discoveries of things you were not looking for.” John Barth put it this way in his book “The Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor”: “You don’t reach Serendip by plotting a course for it. You have to set out in good faith for elsewhere and lose your bearings… serendipitously.”
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
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King Features Weekly Service ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.
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(Answers located further back)
November 8, 2021
• You can cut the bitterness in some varieties of greens by soaking them in ice water for roughly an hour before serving. Use a salad spinner to get all of the water off. • “Place an ice cube (or ice chips) in carpet divots left behind by furniture legs. This will help the fibers “plump up,” and the spot will disappear!” — A.I. in Utah • Remove the annoying sticky residue from price tags with WD-40 or baby oil. This is for use on hard surfaces only. If you are unsure, test in an inconspicuous spot first to make sure the oil doesn’t leave a stain where the tag was. • “To help repel the dust on baseboards between cleanings, wipe with a used dryer sheet. To make this even easier, you can put the dryer sheet over a Swiffer-type floor cleaner. This way, you don’t even have to bend down.” — M.E. in Alabama • Felt circles are great for putting under small appliances on the kitchen counter. They are easier to move around, and they won’t scratch the countertops. You can find them at the hardware store, or make your own by cutting out what you need from a piece of felt and attaching it to the bottom of your appliance with double-stick tape ... or even a drop of glue! • Running a washing machine that isn’t full not only wastes energy and water, it also wastes money because you’re paying to run more washes. Always fill the machine — but remember not to overload it! This applies to your dishwasher, too. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• On Nov. 25, 1783, nearly three months after the Treaty of Paris was signed ending the American Revolution, the remaining British soldiers withdraw from New York City, the last British military position in its former colonies. • On Nov. 26, 1862, Oxford mathematician Charles Dodgson sends a handwritten manuscript, "Alice's Adventures Under Ground," to 10-year-old Alice Liddell. Dodgson made up the story on a picnic, and Alice insisted he write it down. He published it under his nom de plume Lewis Carroll in 1865. • On Nov. 22, 1900, the first car produced under the Mercedes name is taken for its inaugural drive in Cannstatt, Germany. The car was specially built for Emil Jellinek, a fan of fast, flashy cars, who bought 36 of them. In exchange, the car was named after his 11-year-old daughter, Mercedes.
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• On Nov. 26, 1931, the first cloverleaf interchange to be built in the U.S., at the junction of U.S. Rt. 1 and NJ Rt. 35 in Woodbridge, New Jersey, is featured on the cover of the Engineering NewsRecord. A piece on the under-construction Hoover Dam was relegated to the journal's back pages. • On Nov. 23, 1959, Robert Stroud, the famous "Birdman of Alcatraz," is released from solitary confinement for the first time since 1916. For 15 years, Stroud lived with canaries that were brought to him by visitors. • On Nov. 24, 1960, Philadelphia Warrior's center Wilt Chamberlain snags 55 rebounds in a game against the Boston Celtics and sets an NBA record for the most rebounds in a single game. Chamberlin broke more than 70 NBA records in his 14year career. • On Nov. 28, 1979, a New Zealander sightseeing plane traveling over Antarctica crashes, killing all 257 people on board. The pilot had descended to 1,500 feet just as the plane reached Mount Erebus, a 12,444-foot volcano.
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• On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck 45 miles off the eastern coast of Japan at 2:46 PM. An early warning system alerted residents about one minute before the quake struck, stopping trains and factory assembly lines, and alerting citizens, saving many lives. Minutes later, a tsunami warning was issued but it underestimated the size of the waves. Many people ignored this alert. • The epicenter occurred at a depth of 18.6 miles below the floor of the western Pacific Ocean, caused by the rupture of a stretch of a subduction zone. A part of the subduction zone approximately 190 miles long by 95 miles wide lurched as much as 164 feet to the east-southeast and thrust upward about 33 feet. About 250 miles of Japan’s northern coastline dropped by 2 feet. The earthquake moved the main island of Japan 8 feet east. It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan, and the fourth most powerful earthquake in the world since modern record-keeping began in 1900. • The shaking lasted about six minutes. Only 8 minutes later, the first of many tsunami waves hit Japan’s coastline. • The tsunami waves reached heights of up to 128 feet in places, traveled as far as 6 miles inland, and flooded an estimated 217 square miles. • The waves also spread throughout the Pacific Ocean at 500 miles per hour, generating waves up to 12 feet high along the coasts Hawaii, 5-foot waves along Aleutian Islands in Alaska, and 9-foot waves along the coast of California and Oregon. ...continued
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Solution on Next Page
TSUNAMI: JAPAN, 2011 (cont):
• 18 hours after the quake, waves roughly 1 foot high reached the coast of Antarctica and caused a portion of the Sulzberger Ice Shelf to break off. • A 5-foot high high wave killed more than 110,000 nesting seabirds at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge.
Quiz Answers
1. 99% 2. Japan, followed by Indonesia 3. Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California 4. Petunia Pig
• The tsunami instigated a nuclear accident at the Fukushima nuclear power station. • More than 5,000 aftershocks hit Japan in the year after the earthquake, the largest a magnitude 7.9. DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Banana is smaller. 2. Tail is longer. 3. Fence is shorter. 4. Sign is missing. 5. Arm is showing. 6. Bars are added. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
• The surge of water carried an estimated 5 million tons of debris out to sea which continued to wash up on North American beaches years later. • More than 400,000 buildings were destroyed and around 750,000 were damaged. The cost of recovering from the disaster was estimated to be about $286 billion dollars, making it the costliest natural disaster in world history. • Outside of Japan, only two people died from the tsunami, one in Indonesia and one in California, when a man trying to photograph the incoming 9-foot wave was swept away.
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Sports Answers 1. Tide 5. Fran Tarkenton 2. Wally (33,098 yards) Szczerbiak Tommy Kramer 3. Ken Burns (24,775 yards) 4. David Daunte CulpepJustice per (20,162 yds); Kirk Cousins
• About half a million people were left homeless. Nearly 20,000 people died.
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(701) 740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com
Chadwick Parkinson
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