Happy Thanksgiving!
Since 1997
• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks November 25, 2021
Published by: Wick Publications
Issue # 1,247
HAVE WE MET? by Kathy Wolfe
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This week, Tidbits turns its attention to terms starting with “met-“! • Cancer that has spread to a different body part from where it started has “metastasized.” It happens when cancer cells break away from the main tumor and enter the bloodstream of lymphatic system, carrying fluids throughout the body, forming new tumors in a different part of the body. Breast cancer usually spreads to the bones, liver, lungs, and brain, while prostate cancer tends to spread to the bones. Lung cancer most often spreads to the brain, bones, liver, and adrenal glands. If breast cancer spreads to the liver, it’s not called liver cancer, but rather metastatic breast cancer, because that’s where the cancer started. • You may have heard the phrase, “That person is as old as Methuselah.” Who exactly was Methusaleh? He was the oldest person on record in history, living to the age of 969, documented in the Book of Genesis. We don’t know much about him, but do know he was the grandfather of Noah. His unusual name means “Man of the Javelin.” The oldest living tree, located in the White Mountains of eastern California, has been named after him. The Methuselah tree, a bristlecone pine, is 4,852 years old. Turn the page for more!
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Quiz Bits
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. Which company had the advertising slogan, “Let’s go places”? What year did Metallica release 6. What is the address of the the album “Ride the Lighthome on “The Munsters” TV ning”? show (1964-66)? What does the acronym FM 7. How many ounces are in 3/4 stand for? (radio). of a cup? What’s the name of the island 8. Which long-running where the Statue of Liberty comic strip developed from stands? a weekly panel titled What was the woman’s name “L’il Folks”? in the Lynyrd Skynyrd song “Gimme Three Steps”? SPONSORED BY:
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HAVE WE MET? (continued):
• Baseball fans have been rooting for the New York Mets since 1962, when the team was introduced as a new team in the National League’s first expansion. In 1957, the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants had both departed New York City for the West Coast, and the city was without a National League baseball team. A noted New York attorney, William Shea, lobbied for a new team. Several names were put forth for the team, including Bees, Continentals, Skyliners, Empires, and Meadowlarks, before the New York Metropolitan Baseball Club, or Mets for short, was chosen. • The Mets’ first game was April 11, 1962 against the St. Louis Cardinals, and was the first of nine straight losses. Their first season record was 40120. For the first two seasons, they played their home games at the Polo Grounds in Upper Manhattan, sharing it with the New York Jets. Ground had already been broken in the Fall of 1961 in Queens for the first new stadium in the city since 1923. Slated to be named Flushing Meadows Stadium, a campaign was underway to call it Shea Stadium in honor of William Shea who had made the gigantic effort to make the Mets a reality. The stadium officially opened on April 17, 1964, and workers were still laying sod in the outfield that morning. • To the layman, a meter is defined as 39.37 inches in length. But to scientists, it’s much more complex. In 1790, the measurement was originated as one/ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole along a meridian through Paris. In 1960, it was changed to “length equal to 1,650,763.73 wavelengths in a vacuum of the orange-red radiation of Krypton 86.” In 1984, the Geneva Conference on Weights and Measures amended the definition to “the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 second, with time measured by a cesium-133 atomic clock.” It just seems much simpler to say 39.37 inches! ...cont'd Before you judge somebody who doesn’t use the metric system, you should walk 1.609344 kilometers in their shoes.
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HAVE WE MET? (continued):
• Situated at 1000 Fifth Avenue in New York City is the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the largest art museum in the U.S. The Museum was founded in 1870 in a smaller building a few blocks away and moved to its current location near Central Park in Manhattan’s Upper East Side in 1879. The 2.2 million-square-foot building houses more than two million works dating back to ancient Egypt, more than 5,000 years ago. There is also a vast collection of modern art, including Monet, Van Gogh, Gaugin, Picasso, and Pollock. The famous 1851 painting of “Washington Crossing the Delaware” is housed there. A set of armor worn by Henry VIII during a 1544 military campaign is in an exhibit of weapons and armor from around the world. A collection of more than 5,000 musical instruments from six continents embraces every culture and era, including the world’s oldest piano from 1720, created by piano inventor, Italian pianist Bartolomeo Cristofori. In the year prior to the Covid pandemic, 7.3 million people toured the Metropolitan Museum of Art. • Meteorology isn’t the study of meteors, it’s the science that studies atmospheric properties and phenomena, including physics and chemistry. We generally think of a meteorologist as someone who forecasts the weather, but it’s much more than that. Meteorologists study long-term trends in climate and weather, and the potential impact on humans. They do more than tell you it might rain. They analyze and record data from global weather stations, satellites, and radar, and interpret atmospheric patterns. The word meteorology comes from the Greek word “meteoros,” meaning “the study of things high in the air.” • The person who studies meteors is called a meteoricist, with that field of study being meteorics. ...continued
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2315 N. Washington St. • Grand Forks 4. Georgia Bulldogs Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker played for what 1. How many World Series USFL team from 1983-85? titles have been won by the 5. The Daphne Akhurst MeNew York Mets? morial Cup is presented 2. Name the player who to the women’s singles pitched for the New York champion of what tennis Mets from 1967 to 1977 tournament? and won two Cy Young 6. A metatarsophalangeal joint awards. sprain is an athletic injury 3. Which Ismail brother had commonly known as what? more NFL career receiv7. T or F: Only 2 of the top ing yards: Raghib “The 10 MLB best career batting Rocket” or Qadry “The Missile”? avg. were right-handed.
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HAVE WE MET? (continued):
• We hear a lot of talk about metabolism and how it relates to weight loss. But what exactly is metabolism? It’s the body’s internal processes that turn the food you eat into the energy and the building blocks you need. Although the rate of metabolism is determined mostly by your genes, there are a few things you can do to increase it. Because it takes longer for your body to burn and absorb protein, stepping up protein intake can increase metabolism. Eating breakfast gives your metabolism a kick-start for the day. Drinking cold water can cause a temporary increase, as can coffee and green tea. It’s no surprise that a high-intensity interval workout speeds up your metabolism. Metabolism can also be affected by certain medications, which can speed it up dangerously or slow it down dramatically. Rapid weight loss actually slows metabolism because your body uses less energy to function at a lower weight.
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• British brothers John and Charles Wesley were responsible for the establishment of the Methodist Church. While at Oxford University in the mid-1700s, they met with a small group of students who led a disciplined lifestyle along with a methodical study of the Scriptures, leading to the name “the Methodists.” They started classes for members of the Church of England who wanted a more religious life. In 1735, the evangelists traveled to America, forming several “societies” and Methodism spread throughout the colonies. Charles, a prolific poet, composed more than 6,500 hymns, including “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing” and “Christ the Lord is Risen Today.” St. George’s United Methodist Church in Philadelphia is the oldest continuously-operating Methodist church in the United States, founded in 1769.
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Veterans Village: David Steps Up
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*Answer located further back in this issue.
I had to park on the street because the lot behind the coffee shop was completely full, with the older veterans relegated to the sidewalk. Sarge and David, the homeless veteran building contractor, were waving hands and instructing the truckers to carefully wedge three, not two this time, but three tiny-home wheel frames onto the lot. Inches mattered. The land itself for the coming Veterans Village was a thing of beauty. Partially cleared but with plenty of trees still left, it was tucked into some acreage right at the edge of town. The first tiny home was to be delivered in three days, hauled over and hooked up to the underground electric. Town officials and inspectors were sure to be hovering. David, responsible for Veterans Village, had opted not to grab one of the first tiny homes as his own. Instead, he'd stay in the attic dorm above the coffee shop for now, if that was all right with Sarge. "Stay as long as you like," Sarge had said. Sarge was actually glad to have him there. David had been a good influence on the dorm crew, especially the young veteran who still didn't have a job. He had gone on a number of interviews, none of them successful. The problem, as David discovered late one night in the dorm, was that the veteran couldn't read. He would stare at magazines and turn pages, but couldn't tell you what the words were. Say one thing to him, however, and he would remember it forever. Which was why David hired him to work on the tiny homes as a yard helper. "I can rattle off a list of 20 things for him to do during the day, and they'll all be done perfectly," David told Sarge. "Darn shame he can't read. He could go far." Hearing that, Sarge stepped into the coffee shop, shut the door and called his granddaughter. "Baby girl, this is Granddad," he said. "You ever teach anybody to read?"
Pays2Know by Lucie Winbourne
• "Scotch" used to be a synonym for "thrifty" or "frugal." When cellophane tape was first invented, it was marketed during the Great Depression as "Scotch tape" since it could extend the life of objects and save you money. • A grizzly bear has enough bite strength to crush a bowling ball. • There is a psychological state called "helper's high" in which the act of giving produces endorphins in the brain that provide a mild version of a morphine high. • Table tennis balls can travel off the paddle at a speed of 105.6 mph. • From 1932 to 1967, there was a casino called the "Bullpen" in a stone building on the grounds of the Nevada State prison in Carson City, where inmates could play blackjack, craps, poker and bet on sports. • When Frito-Lay introduced a compostable bag for its Sun Chips brand in 2010, consumers noticed that its crinkling and crackling was significantly louder than previous bags -- testing, in fact, at 95 decibels, which is about as loud as a motorcycle! It was discontinued in 2011. • Scientists estimate that the average person is more than five times as likely to die in a hypothetical human species extinction event as in a car crash. • A man sued Warner Bros. -- and won -- after he was injured while fainting during a 1974 screening of "The Exorcist." • The 700-year-old Starkenberger brewery in Tarrenz, Austria, has seven swimming pools filled with beer. The brewery, which is housed in an ancient castle, converted the old vats in the fermentation room to pools. • A 19th-century costume designer invented the horned Viking helmet. • In 1994, Chicago artist Dwight Kalb made a statue of singer Madonna from 180 pounds of ham. • Chocolate milk was originally sold as medicine. *** Thought for the Day: "A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers." -- Helen Keller ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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Several foreign words and phrases have made their way into common use in the English language. This week, Tidbits delves into the origins of some of the more familiar ones. • Carpe diem! Seize the day! Most of us are familiar with this phrase, which, in Latin, translates “pluck the day.” The Roman poet Horace was the first to put it into the written word when he wrote, “carpe diem quam minimum credula postero,” which means “pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one.” In other words, enjoy life while you can! • If you’re considering a real estate deal, remember the phrase “caveat emptor”, which from the Latin translates “Let the buyer beware.” “Caveat” means meaning “a small warning intended to avoid misinterpretation.” It means that without any warranty, the buyer takes the risk. • A simple modern translation of the Latin phrase “mea culpa” might be “My bad!” It translates literally “through my fault” and has its origins in an early prayer of confession. It’s an apology or declaration of remorse that means “It was my fault!” • It’s said that everyone has a doppelganger, that other person who is your exact double. Someone might swear they saw you at a certain location, but it wasn’t you! The word dates back to German folklore, which claims that all living creatures have a spirit double, a ghostly counterpart. A German writer, Johann Paul Richter, coined the word in 1796 combining “doppel,” meaning “double, with “ganger,” translating “goer.” • Do you have a friend who is a real football aficionado? He knows a lot about the sport and loves it! It’s from the Spanish “aficionar,” translating “to inspire affection.”
• If your supervisor gives you “carte blanche” on a project, you have full unrestricted discretion to complete it as you see fit. The term translates from the French, meaning “blank document.” • Are you a bona fide expert in your area of expertise? This term translates “genuine, exactly what is claimed.” The literal Latin translation is “in good faith.” It can apply to people, business deals, or promises. It might relate to a sale that is entirely aboveboard without fraud or deceit. • We’ve all been in meetings or lectures where the speaker drones on “ad nauseam.” The phrase means “to the point of nausea, or to a ridiculous or sickening degree,” and refers to a topic that has been discussed and examined over and over and over again. • When a writer uses a name other than his or real name, it’s done under a “nom de plume,” from the French for “pen name.” Well-known examples are Samuel Clemens, who published under the name of Mark Twain, and “Alice in Wonderland” author Lewis Carroll, whose real name was Charles Dodgson. During the 18th and 19th centuries, there was a bias against women writers, and many female authors invented a male nom de plume. “Wuthering Heights” author Emily Bronte frequently wrote under the name of Ellis Bell. • “Nom de guerre” is a similar term, but refers to individuals other than authors who adopt a fictitious name, or pseudonym, for an activity or enterprise. It might be a stage name for a celebrity, such as Lady Gaga, whose birth name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. It could be done by a spy or an artist or an activist such as Malcolm X.
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(Answers located further back)
November 15, 2021
• Thanksgiving Tip: “Let one person be responsible for putting prep dishes, pots and pans in the dishwasher while another prepares the bird and side dishes for the table. You will be halfway done with dishes by the time the meal is over.” — M.A. in Washington • “Bake stuffing in muffin tins for individual servings. Also, if your family is anything like mine, we love the crispy parts, and everyone will get some this way!” — W.G. in Mississippi • “If you host a large family holiday gathering and serve a lot of side dishes, try this trick to them hot while waiting for other items to finish in the oven. Simply cover the bottom of a clean ice chest with a few trivets or a couple kitchen towels, and set casseroles and oven-cooked meats inside. Most people use a cooler to keep things cold, but the insulation works just as well to keep hot things hot ... at least for a little while.” — M.E. in West Virginia • “An oldie but a goodie, and certainly considerate of dear old Mom: In my family, you come to Thanksgiving dinner with your own plastic containers for leftovers. If you don’t bring your own, you don’t go home with tomorrow’s lunch. Mom instituted this rule after the first Thanksgiving when all the kids had moved out. We practically cleaned her out of Tupperware!” — E.Y. in New Mexico • Recipe substitution: If you need 1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice, use 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ginger, 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg and 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• On Dec. 2, 1777, Philadelphia housewife and nurse Lydia Darragh single-handedly saves the lives of Gen. George Washington and his Continental Army when she overhears the British planning a surprise attack. The British were stunned to find the army waiting for them the next day. • On Dec. 5, 1872, a British brig spots the Mary Celeste, an American vessel, sailing erratically near the Azores Islands with not a soul onboard. The last entry in the captain's log was dated 11 days earlier. • On Dec. 4, 1945, the U.S. Senate approves full U.S. participation in the United Nations. A resolution designed to force the president to get congressional consent before approving U.S. troops for any U.N. peacekeeping forces was defeated. (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
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• On Nov. 30, 1954, the first modern instance of a meteorite striking a human being occurs in Alabama when an 8.5-pound meteorite crashes through the roof of a house and strikes a woman. She was not permanently injured. • On Dec. 3, 1984, an explosion at a Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, leads to the worst industrial accident in history. At least 2,000 people died and another 200,000 were injured when toxic gas enveloped the city. Plant workers had failed to act when gauges showed a dangerous build-up of pressure in the tanks. • On Dec. 1, 1990, over 130 feet below the English Channel, workers drill an opening through a wall of rock, connecting the two ends of an underwater tunnel linking Great Britain with the European mainland. The completed "Chunnel" rail shuttle through the tunnel runs 31 miles and takes 20 minutes. • On Nov. 29, 2011, Conrad Murray, the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the 2009 death of singer Michael Jackson, is sentenced to four years in prison. The pop star died after suffering cardiac arrest while under the influence of propofol.
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What’s for breakfast? That depends on where you live! Follow along as Tidbits focuses on the most important meal of the day. • Those visiting Great Britain might order a “full English breakfast,” which consists of sausages, bacon, eggs, beans, mushrooms, hash browns, and toast. Some establishments include black pudding, which has nothing to do with dessert, but rather is oatmeal, barley, oat groats, herbs, and fat, mixed together with pig blood and packed into a sausage casing. • If you’re not up for the full English breakfast, deviled kidneys are another popular choice. Lambs’ kidneys are dredged in a mixture of flour, tomato paste, and Worcestershire sauce, and simmered in the pan. They are served up on toast with butter and parsley. • The Scottish breakfast is much like the full English, except a slab of haggis is added to the plate. This yummy delicacy is sheep’s heart, liver, and lungs mixed with onion, oatmeal, spices and suet, which is the fat found around the sheep’s loins and kidneys. • Breakfast in Sweden is a much sweeter affair – a crepe-like pancake, known as Pannkakor, topped with sweet fruit filling. • Up north in Alaska, a popular breakfast is reindeer meat and eggs arranged on a pancake. • A popular breakfast entrée in Pakistan is “Siri Paya,” – “siri,” meaning “head,” and “paya” translating “feet.” It’s an apt description of the breakfast soup made from the slow cooking of the head and feet of a cow, lamb, or goat, with additions of tomatoes, onions, and curry. • The Heart and Soul Café in Cave Creek, Arizona is famous for its “Suicide Stack,” 13 layers of chicken-fried steak, green pork chili, scrambled eggs, ham steak, beans and gravy, hash browns, jalapeno cheese sauce, and fried chicken and country gravy stuffed between layers of flaky biscuits, topped with sliced jalapenos. At 35 lbs. of ingredients, it’s meant for a crowd. ...continued
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BREAKFAST (continued):
DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Flower is reversed. 2. Glasses are removed. 3. Collar is missing. 4. Hair is different. 5. Children are holding hands. 6. Socks are shorter. © 2020 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.
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• Historians differ in their beliefs on the origin of Eggs Benedict. The famous Manhattan restaurant, Delmonico’s which opened in 1837, claims their chef created it in the 1860s. Chef Charles Ranhofer was the first to publish the recipe for “Eggs a la Benedick” in “The Epicurean Cookbook.” Delmonico’s asserts that it was named after one of their frequent diners, Mrs. LeGrand Benedict, who was tired of the same old breakfasts and asked the chef to come up with something new. Others say that it was named for a wealthy Wall Street stock broker, Lemuel Benedict, who dined at the Waldorf Hotel one morning in 1894, and asked for something original to cure his hangover. Today, the dish consists of two halves of an English muffin, topped with Canadian bacon, a poached egg, and hollandaise sauce, a mixture of egg yolks, melted butter, and lemon juice or white, seasoned with a salt and cayenne pepper. • Nothing goes to waste in the preparation of scrapple, a breakfast with Pennsylvania Dutch roots. It starts with all the parts of a pig that aren’t good for much else – the scraps of head, heart, and liver – boiled until they fall apart, then minced and mixed with cornmeal and several spices. The concoction is then formed into loaves, which are sliced and fried in oil. Depending on taste, scrapple is served with ketchup, grape jelly, applesauce, honey, mustard, or maple syrup. • The idea for Bisquick started on a train to San Francisco. In 1930, a traveling General Mills salesman asked for hot biscuits, and they were presented in a very short time. Upon questioning the chef, the salesman learned that the chef continually kept a mixture of flour, baking powder, salt, and lard in an ice chest, enabling him to whip up biscuits in a hurry. The salesman pitched the idea to the company executives, and a shortcut for pancakes, waffles, and biscuits was born! Locally Owned
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