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Since 1997
• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks January 20, 2022
Published by: Wick Publications
Issue # 1,254
It’s the most important meal of the day! Do you ORGANIC remember these breakfast cereals from days SALON SPA by? Tidbits takes time to reminisce about Hair Loss Hospital gone some of our favorite forgotten cereals. • REPAIR • REFRESH • Post Cereals co-sponsored the animated “Pink • RECLAIM Panther Show” on Saturdays, beginning in 1972. As a tie-in, the company presented Pink Call to learn about Panther Flakes in 1973, bubblegum-pink, sugHair Loss Therapy! ar-coated corn flakes. This cereal, inspired by 701-739-2403 the cartoon character, was in production until 2600 DeMers Ave. 1980. The jingle told us the flakes were “so Grand Forks, ND sweet, so pink.” • When the Pac-Man arcade game was introduced in 1980, it became an immediate nationwide success. Within one year, the game had grossed more than $1 billion in quarters! General Mills capitalized on the success by unveiling Pac-Man cereal in 1983. It was a sweetened corn cereal with marshmallows shaped like the game’s ghost characters – Blinky, David Kent Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. Larger marshmallow National CELEBRATING 2534 17th Ave. S. Blood Donor Month! blood in January bits were added later, in the shape of Ms. Pac- Donate blood in theDonate Grand Forks month of January and Receive a Free and Ornamanet 218-779-5458 and receive aT-Shirt free t-shirt Man, wearing a “shocking pink bow.” Cocoa Barcholesterol with Cookies, Cupcakes dkent@nodakins.net along with free screening! • No time to make the kids waffles? No prob- &Hot others snacks for all donors in January Check For youran eligibility date and lem! Ralston-Purina produced Waffelos from appointment call: call for an appointment: 780-LIFE (5433) or e-mail: 1979 to 1984, describing the crunchy little 780-LIFE (5433) or e-mail blooddonations@altru.org blooddonations@altru.org waffle ay hello to Liberty and we’ll work to get youbites the as “a sweetened cereal with artifiwww.dakminnbloodbank.org www.dakminnbloodbank.org cial maple syrup flavor.” Waffelo Bill and his biggest refund possible as fast as possible. guitar-playing horse were the mascots.
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Quiz Bits
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. What is the family’s last name in the “Family Ties” sitcom? 7. Who was the first president What was Cap’n Crunch’s whose likeness appeared on a full name? U.S. coin? Who has been the mascot for 8. Which movie features a charCocoa Puffs since 1963? acter called Rooster Cogburn? What company was founded as the Battle Creek Toasted Corn 9. What temperature is the same on the Celsius and Fahrenheit Flake Company in 1906? scales? What cereal used the slogan “Kid tested. Mother approved”? 10. Where was Coca-Cola first sold? What was the title of Stephen King’s first published novel? SPONSORED BY:
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• Fill your bowl with Fruit Brute and you’d have a fruit-flavored cereal with lime-flavored marshmallows. Introduced by General Mills in 1974, packaging featured a werewolf aptly named Fruit Brute for its eight-year run. If you didn’t care for the lime marshmallows, you could opt for the vanilla-flavored bat-shaped ones in a cereal known as Yummy Mummy. Movie director Quentin Tarantino must have had a fondness for Fruit Brute, as he featured the cereal in his two movies, “Reservoir Dogs” and “Pulp Fiction.” • “Monster” cereals were a thing in the ‘70s. In addition to Yummy Mummy, there were Boo Berry, Count Chocola, and Frankenberry. • General Mills introduced Sprinkle Spangles in 1993, star-shaped mini sugar cookie pieces covered with multi-colored sprinkles. TV commercials claimed that they “spangled every angle with sprinkles.” Their cartoon mascot was the Sprinkle Genie, voiced by Dom DeLuise, who promised, “You wish it, I dish it!” • If you believed the TV ad, Kellogg’s Puffa Puffa Rice was produced in an active volcano, which erupted the cereal right into your bowl. The rice cereal with a “brown cane sugar” coating, produced from 1967 to 1975, was actually produced in Battle Creek, Michigan, and had a Hawaiian theme in their packaging and advertising, ads that pledged “oceans of energy.” • We all know that Frosted Flakes are “Grrrreat!” but what about Banana Frosted Flakes? Debuted by Kellogg’s in 1981, these flakes had actual banana bits adhered to the flakes. Tony the Tiger was also the mascot for the short-lived banana variety, telling consumers, “My new Kellogg’s Banana Frosted Flakes have real appeal!” ...continued
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The same animation company that created Rocky and Bullwinkle, Jay Ward Productions, was responsible for the design of Quaker’s Cap’n Crunch. The Cap’n was voiced by Daws Butler, the same man behind the voice of Yogi Bear and Huckleberry Hound.
Call us: 701-757-0421 HandSElectricalServices.com Accurate Quotes and Exceptional Service! 4. What sports apparel manufacturer debuted the 1992 “Dan & Dave” marketing 1. What stadium, demolished campaign centered around in 1960, was home to the U.S. decathletes Dan Brooklyn Dodgers from O’Brien & Dave Johnson? 1913-57? 5. What football trick play 2. When was the last time was famously used by the before this year that the Nebraska Cornhuskers Cincinnati Bengals had won an NFL playoff game? against the Miami Hurricanes in the 1984 Orange 3. Name the pop star who Bowl and resulted in was in a relationship with Huskers offensive lineman former Dallas Cowboys Dean Steinkuhler running quarterback Tony Romo from 2007-09. for a touchdown?
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• Hitting the shelves in 1984, E.T. cereal had pieces shaped like the letters “E” and “T” with a chocolate and peanut butter combination flavor. The box and the ads both included the Extra-Terrestrial’s glowing finger pointing at the bowl of cereal, using the slogan “a glowing part of a good breakfast.” • On the heels of the success of the 1989 comedy film “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure,” RalstonPurina launched Bill & Ted’s Excellent Cereal. An animated series sponsored by Ralston followed in 1990 based on the teen time-travelers working on their high school history presentation. The cereal, promoted as a “most awesome breakfast adventure,” consisted of toasted oat flour and cinnamon squares and enhanced with marshmallows shaped like music notes. • Cabbage Patch Kids cereal, appeared on grocer’s shelves in 1985, with crunchy rice flour bits shaped like the “happy faces” of Cabbage Patch Kids. Their bragging point to moms was that it was low sugar, and in fact it was, with just 3 grams per serving. Even though the famous dolls had generated over $2 billion in sales by 1984, the cereal wasn’t a big hit, and ceased production after sales of just $10,000. You can still find Post’s Fruit Pebbles and Coco Pebbles at the store, but Dino Pebbles got the ax in the early 1990s. Based on the Flintstones’ pet dinosaur, Dino, it was really just Fruit Pebbles with purple, yellow, orange, and green dinosaur-shaped marshmallows. Palm tree, sun, and surfboard marshmallows were added later. According to the ads, they were “Marshmallow Dino-licious!” • The year 1991 brought us Urkel-O’s, a strawberry and banana-flavored cereal based on the popular ABC sitcom “Family Matters.” The nation’s obsession with the nerdy Steve Urkel made these red and yellow loops a hit. Unopened boxes of UrkelO’s have sold for as much as $100 on eBay. ...cont'd
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• Who ya gonna call? Well, in 1985, we could call for Ghostbusters cereal! Fruit-flavored oat rings were mixed with green and purple ghost marshmallows, with the ad slogan “What you gonna crunch?” a take-off on the movie’s catchphrase. In conjunction with the Ghostbusters sequel and animated series, Ralston unveiled three different cereals over the years, although all three seemed to have been the same cereal with different packaging. SoundDecisionND.com | 701-738-0713 | 1923 DeMers Ave, Grand Forks • General Mills brought us Sir Grapefellow cereal in 1972, named after a fictional British World War Handyman I pilot. This product consisted of “grape-flavored Service oat cereal with sweet grape starbits,” another name for marshmallows. Grapefellow’s German pilot rival was Baron von Redberry, with that cereal made from berry-flavored oats and sweet berry marshmallows. bergercontracting@gmail.com Grand Forks, ND • Naturally, there would be a cereal honoring the Commercial Snow Removal, best-selling doll of all time! Kellogg’s was re- Handyman • Commercial Snow Removal • Repairs • Remodel • Doors Handyman Services, Operator Equipment Rental with • Windows & More • Call Today for a FREE ESTIMATE! sponsible for three of them – Breakfast with Bar- Grand Grand Forks, Forks, ND ND bergercontracting@gmail.com bergercontracting@gmail.com bie, Barbie Fairytopia, and Barbie Multi-Grain. The Multi-Grain variety, a 2008 creation, consisted of red and purple heart-shaped pieces, and, Licensed & Insured of course, marshmallows! These were shaped like butterflies, hand mirrors, jewels, and flowers. The back of the bright pink box included games and FREE cut-outs, such as Barbie cardboard picture frames Estimate s and badges. • For those kids who enjoyed action figures rather Joe Martin than Barbies, there was G.I. Joe Action cereal! 218.791.0619 • Grand Forks Owner Military-themed action figures were in the spotlight on the packaging, including Duke, GungHo, and Shipwreck. Oat pieces were shaped like hollowed-out stars, with a taste very similar to Lucky Charms, but, alas …no marshmallows! • The success of “The Simpsons” generated the production of Kellogg’s Bart Simpson Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch, Homer’s Cinnamon Donut Cereal, Krusty-O’s, and Bart Simpson No Problemo’s.
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by Freddy Groves
Mail Delays Prompt VA to Extend Deadlines
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
*Answer located further back in this issue.
*Answer located further back in this issue.
The Department of Veterans Affairs ran into a big snag with a printing vendor and a lot of notification letters to veterans were delayed. But fear not -- the VA is extending your response time. The Government Printing Office, which provides printing services via contracted vendors, couldn't get out the notification letters dated from July 13, 2021 and Dec. 31, 2021. Some of those letters, which required a response from veterans, could have dealt with required exams for compensation and pension, or for making an election about services or benefits, or more. Typically, there are problems if you don't respond in time. However, at this point, because of the delayed mailings, the VA isn't going to terminate, reduce or deny services and benefits unless you've been contacted and there's documentation about your right to respond; or the information it asked you for has been received; or the response period has ended. If you haven't received an expected communication from the VA, call 800-827-1000 to ask about the status of any letters you should have received. Be certain they have current cellphone, home phone, email and address info for you. If you've filed an appeal, the Board of Veterans' Appeals also is experiencing significant delays in getting information to you about hearings and decisions. As of last month, the board is figuring up a workaround to get information to you and your representatives. If you're waiting on a notice about a hearing, they'll try any number of methods to reach you. If you have to postpone, call them ASAP. If you're waiting on a decision, ask your rep to access Caseflow to see if your decision information has been included yet. For more information, including ways to get additional assistance, check www.bva.va.gov/docs/ Delayed_notifications_fact_sheet.pdf
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by Lucie Winbourne
• Pinball was banned in most major cities from the early 1940s to the mid-1970s because it was considered a game of chance and, therefore, gambling. • Oysters can change genders back and forth. • The Zildjian Company was founded in 1623 by Avedis Zildjian, an Armenian alchemist who ended up making a cymbal instead. • Tobacco companies spend the most money on advertising in January, when many people make a New Year's resolution to quit smoking, but the largest increase in new smokers actually occurs in the summer. • There's a national pillow-fighting tournament in Japan. • A 43,000-square-foot room beneath the Lincoln Memorial that was forgotten about until 1974 is filled with concrete columns and has its own plant life and ecosystem, as well as graffiti from the original workers. • Humans are comprised of about 30 of the 118 elements on the periodic table. Their iPhones, however, are made up of about 75 elements. • Intelligent people have more traces of copper and zinc in their hair. • The manchineel tree is one of the most toxic trees in the world. Its sap causes blisters, eating its apples can be potentially fatal, and the smoke from a burning manchineel can cause blindness. • Pythagoras, of Pythagorean Theorem fame, ran a commune that was forbidden to wear wool, forced to put their right sandal on before their left, and believed that beans could contain the souls of the dead, so even crushing a bean was considered murder. • Every day, around 18 acres of pizza are eaten in America. • At the U.S. Open and other U.S.-based tennis tournaments, the men play with the slower, heavy-duty felt balls while the women play with the faster, regular-duty felt version. *** Thought for the Day: "Everyone knows something I do not; therefore, everyone is my teacher." -- Unknown ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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This week, Tidbits blasts into space with the facts on the world’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik I. • When the Soviet Union launched Sputnik on October 4, 1957, they initiated the Cold War space race and the dawn of the Space Age. Their original plan was for a 3,000-lb. satellite, equipped with an assortment of scientific instruments. But the Soviets were concerned that the United States might beat them to space, and settled for a 184-lb. craft, just 23 inches in diameter, about the size of a beach ball. Sputnik carried four whip-like antennas ranging in length from 7.9 to 9.5 feet, that broadcasted radio pulses. • Sputnik was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in what is now Kazakhstan, then part of the Soviet Union, about 1,300 miles southeast of Moscow. Vostok 1, the first human spaceflight, was launched from the same location in April of 1961. • Sputnik carried no scientific instruments, only a simple radio transmitter, but it did provide scientists with valuable data about the density of the upper atmosphere and to determine how radio frequencies would transmit in space to allow astronauts to communicate with Earth. • Three silver-zinc batteries powered the craft, estimated to power Sputnik for two weeks.
• After transmitting signals for a period of 23 days, on October 26, 1957, Sputnik’s batteries died. With the battery power expectancy at 14 days, the estimates were exceeded by well over a week. The satellite continued a silent elliptical orbit of Earth until January 4, 1958, when it burned up upon re-entering Earth’s atmosphere. Sputnik had completed 1,440 orbits of Earth, a distance of 43,495,983 miles. • It’s believed that Sputnik broke up over the western United States. Although they’ve never been proven to be components of Sputnik, some glowing tubing was discovered by an Encino, California man in his backyard about the time of the satellite’s demise. • The launch of Sputnik spawned fear in the American public that the Soviet’s ability to launch satellites meant that they were able to launch missiles that could carry nuclear weapons capable of reaching the U.S. Americans were also dismayed that the Soviets had beaten the U.S. by being the first to launch a satellite. Just one month later, Sputnik II, six times heavier than the first, was launched, carrying a dog named Laika into space. On December 6, 1957, the U.S. sent its first satellite into space, the 3.5-lb. TV3 satellite, which rose 4 feet in the air, but exploded three seconds after take-off. The U.S.’s first successful launch was the Explorer I, which was shot into space on January 31, 1958.
• Sputnik orbited the Earth about every 98 minutes, flying over North America seven times a day, traveling at 18,000 mph. During its orbits, its farthest point from Earth was 584 miles, and it nearest point was 143 miles. Although the satellite was small, the polished aluminum sphere provided enough reflection that it could be seen from Earth through a pair of binoculars.
by Matilda Charles
Is Telehealth All It's Cracked Up to Be Medicare started paying for telehealth medical visits last year and will continue through the end of 2023. With telehealth, we sit in our homes and talk to our doctor on a screen, and Medicare pays for it. In the beginning, the number of telehealth visits skyrocketed -- and then fell dramatically. Is that because we learned the hard way just what the limitations of telehealth really are?
© 2022 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved.
*Answer located further back in this issue.
There are people on both sides of the "should seniors use telehealth" debate. They both say they offer solid evidence for their opinion.
©2022 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved
Those who claim it's a great thing for us to consult with our doctors via a little screen say it's helpful because it keeps us out of the doctor's office. We don't have to go in among all the germs, and we don't need to worry about transportation. Feeling Down, Sad or Anxious?
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On the other hand, those who are against telehealth appointments for seniors argue that many of us can't even afford the very devices we would need for telehealth. Even if we have a cellphone, the screen is so small as to be worthless, especially if we have a vision or hearing problem. Then there are the plan fees needed for that device. And what of privacy when we need someone at hand to help navigate the software for us? Do we really want our grandchildren sitting there when we discuss a personal issue with our doctor? Even if we have a computer, one with a large monitor, how is that going to work when we need the doctor to look at a rash on our back? Or if we really ought to have a stethoscope pressed to our chest because of that ragged cough we've had for days? Note: If you have original Medicare, you'll pay the same amount for the telehealth appointment as you would if you got the services in person. ©2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
King Features Weekly Service ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.
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(Answers located further back)
January 10, 2022
• Freshen stuffed animals by securing a few in a pillowcase and adding a fabric softener sheet. Put in the dryer on low heat for 20 minutes, then remove and brush out the fur, if necessary, while still warm. • “Keep a quart container in the freezer and whenever you have a small amount of leftovers, chop them up and add it to your container. When it’s full, thaw it. Add some of your favorite soup beans, pizza sauce, milk and cheese, and you have a unique and delicious soup.” — M. from Pennsylvania • If you’ve been decluttering as a part of your New Year’s resolutions, and you came across old pairs of eyeglasses, know that you can donate them to any Lion’s Club in your area. They redistribute the glasses to those who cannot afford them. You don’t have to know the prescription, and they take reading glasses, too! • How can you keep snow and ice off your windshield? Some say a solution of three parts vinegar to one-part water sprayed on the windshield each night can cut your ice-scraping time in half or better. (Use caution to avoid your paint job.) Also, try covering your wipers with an old pair of long socks so they don’t freeze to the glass! • “For pastry cooking, try grating frozen butter into the flour. It cuts in better and will stay cool longer. This helps when I’m making shortbread, as the flour and butter need to be combined. I don’t end up having to put it in the fridge to cool it back down.” — C.S. in South Carolina Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• On Jan. 26, 1788, Capt. Arthur Phillip guides a fleet of 11 British ships carrying convicts to the colony of New South Wales, effectively founding Australia. The date eventually became commemorated as Australia Day. • On Jan. 25, 1905, at the Premier Mine in Pretoria, South Africa, a 3,106-carat diamond is discovered. Weighing 1.33 pounds and christened the "Cullinan," it was the largest diamond ever found. • On Jan. 24, 1935, canned beer makes its debut. In partnership with the American Can Company, the Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company delivered 2,000 cans of beer to faithful Krueger drinkers in Richmond, Virginia. Some 91% of the drinkers approved of the canned beer. ©2022 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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• On Jan. 30, 1943, the British Royal Air Force begins a bombing campaign in Berlin that coincides with the 10th anniversary of Hitler's accession to power. Two days later, a massive surrender of German troops occurred at Stalingrad. • On Jan. 27, 1967, a fire on the launch pad during Apollo 1 program tests at Cape Canaveral, Florida, kills astronauts Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Edward H. White II and Roger B. Chaffee. An investigation implicated a faulty electrical wire inside the command module as the probable cause. • On Jan. 29, 1979, Brenda Spencer, 16, kills two men and wounds nine children as they enter an elementary school in San Diego, blasting away with a rifle from her home across the street. Despite drug abuse and anger issues, her father had given her a .22 rifle and 500 rounds of ammunition as a Christmas gift. • On Jan. 28, 1985, dozens of pop stars gather to lay down tracks for "We Are the World," under the direction of Quincy Jones. The song would go on to sell more than 7 million copies and raise more than $60 million for African famine relief. Participants were told: "Check your egos at the door."
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• Quaker’s Cap’n Crunch remains one of the topselling cereals of all time. Since its debut in 1963, some 40 spin-off cereals have been created using the name, although not many have survived. Cap’n Crunch Crunchberries came along in 1967 a cereal with imitation berries and the slogan, “It’s that sweet crankin’ crunch of 100% Crunchberries.” 1997’s “Oops! All Berries” cereal, which was only round Crunchberries pieces is not to be confused with “Oops! Smashed Berries,” which was flat Crunchberries. Another “berry” variety was Carnival Berries that contained color-changing berries. • Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch was released in 1969, with Smedley the Elephant as the mascot. Vanilly Crunch was 1971’s invention, “the cereal that tastes like a crunchy birthday cake.” The premise was that the Cap’n’s canine Seadog was making a birthday cake when the batter accidentally fell into a bowl of Cap’n Crunch, and it was so good, it was made for the “crew.” Punch Crunch, available in 1973, was fruit-flavored pink rings, similar to Froot Loops. Punch Crunch used a hippopotamus named Harry S. Hippo wearing a sailor suit. • Did you ever eat Cap’n Crunch’s Polar Crunch? This was traditional Cap’n Crunch with blue cereal that changed color in milk. The pieces became red, green, or purple, while the milk changed to blue. 1982’s Choco Crunch mixed the regular crunchy corn squares with chocolate–flavored balls. • Mr. T first appeared on movie screens in 1982, starring as Clubber Lang in that year’s “Rocky III.” Further success followed with the television series “The A-Team.” Quaker launched Mr. T cereal in 1984, sweetened corn and oat bits with a taste similar to Cap’n Crunch, but in the shape of T’s. Mr. T was featured in advertising saying, “I pity the fool who don’t eat my cereal,” along with a cartoon version of the wrestler on the box. Inside the box was a prize of a packet of Mr. T stickers.
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• Another Cap’n Crunch taste-alike was Ralston’s Batman cereal, released in 1989. This time, the yellow corn and oat bits were shaped like bats. Kids loved the promotional Batman bank that was attached to the box, as well as a mail-order offer for a hologram Batman T-shirt and a glow-in-the-dark Batman Frisbee. • Who doesn’t remember the 1980s TV commercials for Kellogg’s Nut ‘n Honey Crunch? The catchy ads featured people mistaking the name of the cereal for the phrase “Nothin’ Honey.” For example, “Whatcha eatin’?” or “What was that? I heard a noise!” answered by “Nut ‘n Honey.” Kellogg’s had previously marketed the same product as Honey & Nut Corn Flakes, but without much success. A name change and the memorable ad campaign changed all that, and “Nut ‘n Honey” became a catchphrase of the day. • Baby boomers might remember Linus the Lionhearted, the mascot of Post’s Crispy Critters cereal, beginning in 1963. “The one and only cereal that comes in the shape of animals” was miniature animal crackers – pink elephants, orange moose, and grape apes among others. Linus received his own Saturday morning cartoon show the following year, which ran for two years, and was the first advertising character to be made into a balloon for the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade, from 1964 to 1969. • Everyone’s favorite heroes in the half shell entered the cereal world in 1989 when Ralston brought us Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cereal. The sweetened rice and corn squares that resembled Rice Chex were touted as “ninja nets,” with the addition of pizza-shaped and Turtle weapons marshmallows. Kids loved the cereal because it turned their milk green! It was in production until 1995. Locally Owned
Quiz Answers
1. Horatio Q. Crunch 2. Sonny the Cuckoo Bird 3. Kellogg’s 4. Kix 5. “Carrie” 6. Keaton
7. Abraham Lincoln 8. “True Grit” 9. -40 degrees C and -40 degrees F 10. Atlanta
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