Tidbits of Grand Forks - March 10, 2022

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks March 10, 2022

Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 ® TIDBITS ADMIRES

Issue # 1,261



by Janet Spencer


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There are about 32,000 known kinds of fish in the world, which is more than all the other kinds of vertebrates combined. Come along with Tidbits as we admire fish!


• One reason fish are so diverse is that 70% of the planet is covered in water with habitats ranging from coral reefs and kelp forests to rivers, streams, ponds, and swamps. Also, fish are very old on the evolutionary scale, dating 701-739-2403 back 500 million years. 2600 DeMers Ave. Grand Forks, ND • It was not until aeration and filtration of water was understood that people were able to keep “Say Cheese” fish as indoor pets. The first public aquarium was opened in London in 1853. Donate a Pint of Blood in March & Receive a FREE • Several species of goby fish found in the PhilMini Mac Enjoy one FREE pint ippines and Marshal Islands, along with the from the of frozen custard tiny rice fish from Thailand, all reach a maxiAs Blue part of Moose. our Give A Pint, Get A Pint program, we’d like to thank you for your lifesaving donation mum length of 1/2", the size of a grain of rice. Dine in only to Dak Minn Blood Bank in April by treating you to a pint of our fresh, delicious frozen custard. Available They are the world’s smallest fishes. in vanilla, chocolate and our always popular flavor of the day, Culver’s Frozen • The biggest fish is the whale shark, which Custard is so smooth and creamy, it’s better than ice cream. grows to nearly 60 feet. It weighs over 25 tons and eats mainly plankton. It has over 4,000 teeth, though they are very tiny. Call or e-mail an appointment: Check yourforeligibility date and • The world’s most common fish is called a (5433) call for an appointment: 780-LIFE blooddonations@altru.org bristle mouth which is the size of a small min780-LIFE (5433) or e-mail www.dakminnbloodbank.org blooddonations@altru.org now. They have more biomass than any other ay hello to Liberty3375 and we’ll work DeMers Ave. Grand Forksto get you the www.dakminnbloodbank.org vertebrate genus, not only in the sea, but in the biggest refund possible as fast as possible. Turn the page for more! entire world.

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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. Which character was the first princess in a Disney movie? 7. What kind of cloud produces Do fish have eyelids? rain, thunder and lightning? Can fish swim backwards? 8. Which president introduced What fish’s name comes from the Social Security program? the Old English term meaning 9. Which two elements on the “holy flat fish” because it was Periodic Table are liquid at eaten on religious holidays. room temperature? What common cosmetic typically contains fish scales 10. What planet in our solar system is the farthest for their iridescent shine? from the sun? How much more acute is the sense of smell in a shark than in a human? SPONSORED BY:


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• Colonies of coral living in the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia engage in synchronized spawning, tied to water temperature and cycles of the Moon. Once a year, they all release their bundles of eggs and sperm at the same time. Predators who feast on these packets are overwhelmed, leaving the vast majority untouched. • The spraying characin of the Amazon has unusual manner of egg-laying. The male and female characin choose a leaf that hangs low over the water. They line up together, and on cue and in unison, they leap upwards, out of the water and towards the leaf. The female sprays her eggs on the underside of the leaf, and the male sprays his sperm. Some of the fertilized eggs stick to the leaf, where they develop. The male characin sprays the eggs with a stream of water by flicking his tail. preventing the eggs from drying out. When the eggs hatch, the young drop into the water. • A species of cichlid fish that lives in Lake Tanganyika of Africa is a “mouth breeder.” Once the eggs are fertilized, the female gathers them up and holds them in her mouth until they hatch. Even then, the babies live in her mouth, making only short trips into the water as they grow, and dashing back into her mouth at the first sign of danger. When they grow larger, the female must find the male that she mated with, among thousands of identical males, and transfer the fry into his larger mouth for safekeeping. Should she choose the wrong male, the fry are eaten instead of protected. • The mochokid catfish exploits these fish by laying its eggs alongside the cichlid eggs, ensuring that the female cichlid gathers up the catfish eggs along with her own eggs. The catfish eggs hatch first, and eat all the cichlid eggs while they are inside her mouth, as she remains completely unaware, raising them as her own. ...continued

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2315 N. Washington St. • Grand Forks 4. What was the name of the dive executed by Thornton Melon (Rodney 1. What sports venue, demolDangerfield) in the 1986 ished in 1999, did ESPN’s comedy film “Back to Chris Berman nickname School”? “The Big Sombrero” due 5. What Basketball Hall of to its unique shape? Famer compiled a 5-11 2. What Hockey Hall of record as head coach of Famer from Finland won the Los Angeles Lakers in five Stanley Cup championships with the Edmonton 1994? 6. Who was the first player Oilers from 1984-90? in NBA history to be 3. Name the top 3 players elected league MVP by a in NBA history for most career assists? unanimous vote?


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• During mating rituals, the male seahorse develops a brood pouch on his abdomen. The female deposits her eggs in this pouch. The lining of the pouch becomes soft and spongy and exudes a nutritious liquid which nourishes the eggs as they grow. The male seahorse keeps them safe for six weeks and squirts them into the ocean when they hatch. • The discus is a South American fish popular in the aquarium trade. It has a special way of feeding its young: when the eggs hatch, the baby fry feed on the protective layer of mucus that covers the body of the parents. The mucus is packed with immunity-boosting antimicrobial substances that help protect the fry from infections while also providing lots of nutrition.




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• An unusual mating partnership exists between a species of fish called the bitterling and a type of mussel. The female bitterling lays her eggs inside the hard shell of the mussel by inserting a thin tube into the mussel’s siphon, which is a structure the mollusk uses to filter water and suck in food. When the eggs are inside, the male bitterling releases his sperm near the siphon’s entrance, some of which enters the mussel and fertilizes the eggs. When the eggs hatch into baby bitterling fish fry, the mussel opens to release the newborn fish into the water. The catch is that while the bitterling eggs have been developing, the mussel’s own eggs have also been developing alongside them. When the bitterling babies swim free, a mussel egg is temporarily attached to each one of them, along for the ride. This provides the mussel with a convenient way of dispersing its young, spreading them far and wide. • The cuttlefish is the chameleon of the sea, able to change its color instantaneously to blend into the background. Scientists aren’t sure how they accomplish this feat, since the cuttlefish is colorblind. ...continued



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• Ocean sunfish like to sunbathe while lying flat on their side on the surface. They serve as a base of operations for over 40 different species of parasites. The sunfish rids itself of parasites by showing up in kelp beds where cleaner fish hang out. The cleaner fish eat most of the parasites. However, some of the parasites are too large for the cleaner fish. To get rid of these, the sunfish floats to the surface where seagulls remove the largest parasites with their beaks. • Cleaner fish such as the wrasse make their living by eating parasites that they pick off the bodies of other fish. They routinely hang out at specific spots, where the locals know where to find them. The cleaners enjoy repeat business as the same clients stop by frequently to be rid of their parasites. However, they also have drop-in business of fish that are just passing through on their way to somewhere else. The cleaners are able to tell the difference between the two, and will regularly service the stranger before servicing the local. The stranger in town is more likely to leave and go find some other cleaner if its needs are not attended to quickly, whereas the local will be back time and time again even if service is slow. • Similarly, if a regular client has missed its most recent appointment, it will get preferential treatment, possibly because the cleaner fish knows there will be a heavier load of parasites to feast on than someone who has recently been cleaned. Cleaners will also caress fish with their fins, particularly paying attention to new clients and also to predatory fish. They also caress regulars whom they may have accidentally nipped while cleaning. Cleaners who accidently nip other fish on a regular basis have fewer clients than those who are more careful with their teeth. The average cleaner fish can service over hundreds of clients per day.

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

*Answer located further back in this issue.

by Freddy Groves

Hidden Talent Found in Veterans Village

Another blast of arctic weather was expected any minute and David, the project manager for the tiny homes in the Veterans Village, pushed the trades to bring all three homes under roof before the storm hit. Everyone hustled, knowing that lunch would be provided as soon as they finished their part of the work. Sarge stood in the coffee shop kitchen talking to one of the veterans employed as a carpenter assistant, who basically carried, toted and measured. "Can you put together some burgers and coffee for the guys coming in?" Sarge asked. "Nothing fancy, just hot food." "That I can," the carpenter said and got to work pulling ingredients out of the cabinets and fridge. David blew through the back door, looking for his lost employee. Sarge explained: burgers, coffee, hungry guys. David nodded and stood watching his carpenter expertly flip burgers, add a pinch of cinnamon to the coffee pot and create a crudite platter with three different dips. "He looks pretty darn confident in this kitchen," David whispered to Sarge. "Notice that?" Sarge called out to the carpenter veteran. "Son, what was your MOS in the Army?" The veteran turned and smiled, spatula in hand. "MOS 92G, sir," he said. "Culinary Specialist." David scratched his head. "Then what are you doing working as a carpenter assistant?" "Taking care of my family," the carpenter replied as he moved a burger onto a toasted bun. "I got two kids. Moved here and didn't know anybody. You had a job. I needed one." Sarge pulled out his phone, tapping numbers. "I got a cook here," he said when the call was answered, "in the guise of a junior wanna-be assistant carpenter. How much could this boy be making at your restaurant? He's Army trained, so he'll need a good salary ..." Ten minutes later, Sarge came back down the stairs and handed the carpenter a piece of paper. "You got an interview tomorrow for sous chef ... whatever that is." (c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

by Lucie Winbourne

• The movie "The Godfather" does not contain the words "mafia" or "la cosa nostra" because of a deal struck between the producer and the mafia. • Limping became a fad in Victorian England when young women admired the genuine limp of Alexandra of Denmark, bride of the Prince of Wales, and went around fake limping (the "Alexandra Limp."). Shopkeepers even sold pairs of shoes with one high and one low heel! • The stick -- as in a small tree branch -- was inducted into the U.S. National Toy Hall of Fame in 2008. • In 1858, a brawl involving 50 congressmen broke out on the U.S. House floor. It ended when someone knocked off a man's wig, which was then accidentally put on backwards, causing both sides to laugh and stop fighting. • God and Jesus are the only characters in "The Simpsons" to have five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot. • New Zealand is not part of any of the world's seven recognized continents but is instead situated upon the submerged continent of Zealandia.

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• Former NASCAR driver Dick Trickle drilled a hole in the front of his safety helmet and installed cigarette lighters in his race cars so that he could smoke while racing. NASCAR permitted it during race caution periods. • A startup company called Juicero lost $120 million of investor money after customers realized the contents they put in their $700 juicing machine, which squeezed bags of pre-sliced vegetables into juice, could actually be squeezed faster by hand. • In South Korea, children under 17 are banned from playing online games past midnight, which is monitored by their KSSN (Korean Social Security Number). *** Thought for the Day: "To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself." -- Soren Kierkegaard ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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• Satellites moving under their own power travel at speeds of about 18,000 mph. That’s seven times faster than a speeding bullet. At that rate, they can circle • The word “satellite” comes from the Latin word meanEarth 14 times a day. ing underling or follower.






• The first satellite was launched in 1957 by the Soviet • Satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) include those designed to monitor weather and the atmosphere, and Union, called Sputnik 1. More than 11,000 satellites those monitoring things on the ground such as enemy have launched since then. military bases. The ISS and Hubble Space Telescope • In 1958, the U.S. launched its first satellite, Explorer are in LEO. Mid-Earth orbit is best for satellites con1. A year later, NASA's Explorer 6 sent the first satelcerned with communications and GPS. Satellites in lite pictures of Earth, and by 1962, the first orbiting high Earth orbit (HEO) are often in geo-stationary satellite provided long-term service. positions so they remain over a certain point on Earth • At the end of April, 2021, there were 7,389 satellites all the time, allowing them to do such things as moniin orbit, but 40% were inactive. tor the weather at a single place. • In 2020, 1,283 satellites were launched, the highest • The higher the orbit, the longer the satellite can stay number of satellite launches in a year. 94% of those in orbit. At lower altitudes, traces of Earth’s atmowere “smallsats” weighing less than 1,320 pounds. sphere create drag, which sometimes causes the orbit to change. At higher altitudes, where there are no • Engineers have developed tiny satellites that measure traces of atmosphere, a satellite can stay in orbit for about 4 inches square, known as CubeSats. They are centuries. LEO has the most space junk. much less expensive than large satellites and can share launchers to get them up into orbit. CubeSats can mea- • When a satellite failed in 1998, 80% of the pagers in sure space weather, take pictures of Earth, and monithe world stopped working. tor radiation in spite of being smaller than a football, • Mayan ruins were mapped by NASA mapping satmany operating on the same hardware found in modellites. They had been overgrown by the jungle and ern smartphones. might never have been found otherwise. Satellites • Out of the 2,666 operational satellites circling the also located many Egyptian ruins that had not been globe in April 2020, 1,007 were for communication previously identified. services. 446 are used for observing Earth and 97 for • Vanguard 1 was the fourth satellite to be successGPS purposes. fully launched (following Sputnik 1, Sputnik 2, and • The U.S. operates nearly half of all satellites—1,308 Explorer 1.) It went into orbit in March of 1958 and as of April 2020. China comes in 2nd with about 356. was the first satellite to have solar electric power. Russia is 3rd with around 167 satellites in operation, Although communications were lost in 1964, it still and the UK comes in 4th with 130 satellites. Add in orbits Earth, making it the oldest man-made satellite Japan, and those five countries operate about 75% still circling. of the world’s satellites. About 105 countries have at least one satellite in orbit.

by Matilda Charles

Rebuilding Lost Muscle

© 2022 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved.



*Answer located further back in this issue.

©2022 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

A show of hands: How many of us feel that we've lost muscle strength during the pandemic? Unfortunately, the answer is that many of us have, and we're going to have to fight to get it back. There we were, with regular workout and walking routines, on top of all our other daily activities. Along came COVID and its "stay home" restrictions. There were no more early morning walks at the mall, no more visits to the gym for weight training, no more workout or dance classes ... not even any Tai Chi at the senior center. And there went our muscle mass. Getting back to where we were is going to be tough ... but we need to try. Here are a few thoughts on rebuilding our muscle strength: • Look to YouTube for exercise videos designed for seniors. You'll find thousands: seated exercises, workouts at home, walking workouts, low impact, beginners and so many more. • Sit in a kitchen chair and stand up. Sit down again. Stand up. Repeat 10-12 times. • Invest in hand weights (order them from Amazon and they're delivered right to your door). Don't kid yourself and assume you're ready to wield a pair of 10-pound weights. Start small with 2-pound weights. If you need to order heavier ones, again, be cautious and don't jump up more than 1-2 pounds. Try increasing the number of repetitions day by day. If necessary, use 1-gallon plastic jugs (one in each hand), partially filled with water, as weights. • If you have stairs in your home, use them to help your leg muscles. Increase the number of times you go up and down each day. Take it easy, especially at the beginning, but be persistent. Some of us are going to have to fight hard to rebuild the muscle mass we've lost. Feeling Down, Sad or Anxious?

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(Answers located further back)

February 28, 2022

• Sometimes, despite the cold weather outside, we’re still looking for an icy treat inside. In my family’s dessert experiments, we’ve come up with some doozies, but here’s one you may not have tried: If you put popsicles in the blender, the creamy result tastes just like yummy sherbet. — JoAnn • If your lunchbox could be fresher, here’s a tip from S.W. in Texas: Spray a piece of bread with vinegar and zip it up in your lunchbox overnight to clear out smells. • “You don’t need to buy a special brush to get at high ceilings and skylights: Simply cover a broom with a pillowcase to clean cobwebs off the ceiling. To clean a skylight, cover a mop with a double layer of paper towels or newspaper, and secure with clips. Spray the paper with window cleaner and heft it up!” — M.E. in Arkansas • “Here are two more uses for orange peels: Remove all labels and hard parts of the peels. Toss orange peels in a quart Mason jar. When full, fill with vinegar and set in warm place for two weeks. Strain into spray bottle, then discard peels. Makes an excellent disinfectant and ant killer. Or, dry orange peels. When crisp-dry, break into pieces and toss in a blender, then blend to a powder. Put in airtight container to sprinkle on fruit salads or use for orange zest.” — B.C. in New Hampshire • Pinprick hole in your rubber glove? Put the glove on and paint the hole with nail polish. It’ll seal up a small hole, making the glove usable again. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


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• On March 17, 1601, the first parade honoring the Catholic feast day of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is held in what is now St. Augustine, Florida. The first St. Patrick's Day parade in New York City was held in 1762. • On March 20, 1823, Ned Buntline, the "dime millionaire" and discoverer of Buffalo Bill, is born. More than any single writer, Buntline was responsible for creating a romanticized and misleading image of the American West. He once said, "I found that to make a living I must write 'trash' for the masses." • On March 18, 1852, in New York City, Henry Wells and William G. Fargo join with other investors to launch their namesake business. In July 1852, their company Wells Fargo shipped its first loads of freight from the East Coast to mining camps in northern California.

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• On March 15, 1901, paintings by the late Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh are shown in Paris, causing a sensation across the art world. Van Gogh had died by suicide, and in his lifetime he had sold only one painting. • On March 19, 1916, eight Curtiss "Jenny" planes of the First Aero Squadron take off from Columbus, New Mexico, in the first combat air mission in U.S. history. They flew in support of the 7,000 U.S. troops who invaded Mexico to capture revolutionary leader Pancho Villa. • On March 16, 1945, the west Pacific volcanic island of Iwo Jima is declared secured by the U.S. military after weeks of fierce fighting. More than 6,000 Marines died fighting for the island, along with almost all the 21,000 Japanese defenders • On March 14, 1950, the FBI institutes the "Ten Most Wanted Fugitives" list. Since its debut, hundreds of criminals on the list have been apprehended or located, many as a result of tips from the public. ©2022 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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• In the summer months, beavers are nocturnal. In the winter when there is little light, they change their behavior and are active only during the day. • Donkeys are the only major domesticated animal known to have originated in Africa. • A female nine-banded armadillo can give birth up to three years after mating, keeping the embryos in suspended animation until conditions are right. • Do lions, tigers, and bobcats react to catnip? Yes they do. However, one-third of house cats do not react to catnip at all. Do big cats purr? Yes, they do. Most species of cheetah, puma, bobcats, lynx, ocelots, all purr. However, a few species of big cats do not purr, including lions, jaguar, snow leopard, and tiger. • The Madagascan fat-tailed dwarf lemur is the only primate that hibernates. But instead of hibernating when it gets cold, it hibernates when it gets hot. Native to tropical regions, it curls up in a tree hole whenever the temperature soars in order to avoid overheating. • Naked mole rats live longer than any other type of rodent, living up to 28 years. Mice that are the same size as naked mole rats typically live a maximum of three years. • The shake of the rattlesnake’s tail is one of the fastest movements produced by any vertebrate animal. An old rattlesnake cannot shake its rattle as fast as a young rattlesnake. • Rats are able to learn the difference between the Dutch language and Japanese. If they are rewarded every time they hear one or the other of the languages, they can learn to distinguish between the two of them, even if the languages are spoken backwards.


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• When given the choice of cages, mice preferred to live in quiet cages over noisy cages. They prefer opaque cages over transparent cages, polypropylene over wire, and long skinny cages over square ones.

• Can ants predict earthquakes? No. Researchers were studying the behavior of the desert harvester ant in the Mojave Desert of California when a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck in 1992. It was the largest earthquake to strike the United States in 40 years. The behavior of the ants did not change a single bit before, during, or after the earthquake. DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Scrolls are missing. 2. Controls are missing. 3. Cord is shorter. 4. Locket is missing. 5. Cap is different. 6. Word is different. © 2022 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

• Bears hibernate for five to seven months at a time, yet their bones never get weaker. This is in contrast to other animals whose bones thin if they are not regularly used. • It’s rumored that hippos sweat blood, but in reality, they lack sweat glands altogether. Instead, they excrete a multi-purpose liquid that acts as sunscreen, coolant, and antibiotic. The secretion turns reddish brown when exposed to air and sunlight, making it appear as if the hippo is sweating blood. • X-rays of some of the cats mummified in Egyptian tombs have shown damage to neck vertebrae suggesting that the cats were selected for mummification and killed, rather than dying of natural causes.

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Quiz Answers

6. Snow White 1. No; Only 7. Cumulonimsharks. bus 2. No; Only eels 8. Franklin can swim Roosevelt backwards. 9. Bromine and 3. Halibut Mercury 4. Lipstick 5. 10,000 times 10. Neptune sharper



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Sports Answers 1. Tampa 4. The Triple Stadium. Lindy. 2. Jari Kurri. 5. Magic 3. John Stockton, Johnson Jason Kidd, & 6. Stephen Chris Paul Curry (2016)

• Humans are the only mammals that are thoroughly bipedal, walking on two legs only. There are a few other mammals that walk on two legs for short distances, including some primates and bears. Kangaroos, wallabies, and kangaroo rats hop on two legs. There are a few species of lizards who can run on two legs for short distances to avoid predators. The animals that most match the human gait are birds, especially birds such as emus, ostriches, chickens, and roadrunners. WE'RE TAKING A LITTLE BREAK



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