Tidbits of Grand Forks - March 24, 2022

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks March 24, 2022

Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com ® TIDBITS SERVES UP SOME

Issue # 1,262

WAFFLES by Kathy Wolfe


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March 25 has been declared International Waffle Day, and Tidbits is stirring up these facts on one of our favorite breakfast foods! • During the Middle Ages, as early as the ninth century, the Greeks were cooking up flat cakes called obelios. These were savory rather than sweet cakes that were grilled over the fire between two iron plates with wooden handles. As the recipe spread across Europe, it became sweeter with the addition of spices and honey, and yeast to make it thicker. The plates were enhanced as well, some with a grid pattern, while others featured decorative designs, such as a coat of arms. • The Dutch gave us the term “waffle,” from their word for “wafer.” They are also credited with bringing the cakes to North America.

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• Before serving as the third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson was sent to David Kent France as a minister to negotiate commercial 2534 17th Ave. S. trade agreements with France and other EuroGrand Forks pean countries, a position he worked from 1784 218-779-5458 dkent@nodakins.net to 1789. Upon his return to America, he brought a fancy French waffle maker home, considered to be the first of its kind in the U.S. The longhandled, patterned griddle enclosed the batter, ay hello to Liberty and we’ll work to get you the creating crisp, shaped waffles, unlike the two biggest refund possible as fast as possible. flat plates that were being used. Turn the page for more!


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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3.


5. Frank Costanza was the dad in which 1990s TV comedy show? What are the two colors found 6. T or F: Butterflies have tasteon a Waffle House sign? buds on their feet. What U.S. city has more Waffle Houses than any other? 7. What was John Denver’s first No. 1 hit? If you order smothered, covered, chunked, capped, or 8. Eric Taylor was the dad in which 2000s TV drama? topped at Waffle House, what 9. When was Elizabeth II will you receive? crowned queen— Waffle House serves up enough 1951, 1952 or 1953? of this item in a year to wrap around the world. What is it? SPONSORED BY:


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WAFFLES (continued):

• In August of 1869, Cornelius Swarthout received Patent #94,043, the first American patent for a waffle iron. Swarthout, a Dutch-American from Troy, New York, called his invention a “device to bake waffles,” which was a two-piece, covered cast iron device that was heated on top of a coal stove, requiring the cook to flip the griddle to cook the other side. The year 1911 brought the first electric waffle iron, invented by Thomas Stackbeck and marketed by General Electric. • A world-changing event occurred at the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904, when a Missouri merchant selling ice cream at the fair ran out of serving cups. He approached a nearby vendor peddling waffles, and curled the waffle into a vessel that would hold his frozen treat. And the ice cream cone was born!



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• In 1932, in the midst of the Great Depression, three California brothers got into the mayonnaise business. Frank, Anthony, and Sam Dorsa called their very successful product Eggo Mayonnaise, with advertisements touting their product as using “fresh ranch eggs” to achieve the “highest egg content” of all the brands of their day. The brothers’ next venture was a potato chip factory in San Jose, aided by Frank’s invention of an automatic continuous potato peeler, doing away with peeling potatoes by hand. In the 1950s, his next invention was a waffle iron merry-go-round, which could produce thousands of waffles per hour. The next logical step, in 1953, was freezing them and selling to grocery stores. The brothers called their product “froffles” – frozen waffles – but soon amended it to Eggo, waffles that could be prepared quickly in a toaster. ...continued Full Service Electrical Contractor

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. Name the Scottish golfer who won the Open Championship in 1985 and the Masters Tournament in 1988. 2. Which team used the oval “G” logo first: the Georgia Bulldogs, the Grambling State Tigers or the Green Bay Packers? 3. Jud Heathcote was head coach of what college basketball team from 1976-95?

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4. In 1891, James Naismith created “basket ball” using wooden baskets designed to collect what fruit? 5. College football’s LA Bowl began in 2021 with what late-night TV talkshow host serving as title sponsor? 6. What member of the International Boxing Hall of Fame was known as “The Coal Miner’s Daughter” during her professional career from 1989-2012?

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WAFFLES (continued):

• In 1966, the Dorsa brothers sold Eggo to Fearn Foods, Inc., a company that was purchased by Kellogg’s in 1970. In 1972, Kellogg’s approached their advertising agency partner, Leo Burnett, to create a catchy slogan for the waffles. Burnett was the same agent who conceived Tony the Tiger, the Maytag repairman, and the “good hands” of Allstate. Burnett’s idea was “L’Eggo My Eggo,” which truly launched the tremendous success of Eggo frozen waffles. The slogan “L’Eggo My Eggo” was used for the next 39 years, when it was replaced with “Simply delicious.” When the new phrase didn’t generate the desired appeal, Kellogg’s reverted to its 1972 slogan. • Annual sales of frozen waffles exceed $290 million. • A pair of Georgia neighbors came up with a business idea in 1955 that has become the nation’s major waffle chain. Joe Rogers, who worked for a national restaurant chain of the day, Toddle House, linked up with his realtor neighbor, Tom Forknew, and opened up the first Waffle House in Avondale Estates, Georgia, 10 miles outside of Atlanta, on Labor Day, 1955. They featured a menu of 16 items, but chose the waffle, their biggest moneymaker, to incorporate into the restaurant’s name. • Every Waffle House is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, selling about 145 waffles a minute. The locations are even open during natural disasters, as they are prepared to operate without power. If a Waffle House is closed, it’s a very disastrous storm, as FEMA officials partially gauge the severity by whether the restaurant is open. Using the “Waffle House Index,” the agency calls a storm “Code Green” if the restaurant is operating normally, “Code Yellow” if a limited menu is being offered because the electricity is out, and “Code Red” if the Waffle House is closed. ...continued

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WAFFLES (continued):

• Since the 1980s, Waffle House has even had its own record label, Waffle Records, which includes genres of bluegrass, gospel, and rock ‘n’ roll. Dine at the Waffle House and you can listen on the jukebox to such classics as “There Are Raisins in My Toast” and “They’re Cookin’ Up My Order,” songs designed to sound like “real songs”, and not commercials. Originally pressed on vinyl 45’s, the recordings are now played digitally. • What’s the difference between a Belgian waffle and an American waffle? The Belgian waffle use yeast as a leavening agent, while American waffles are leavened with baking powder. Belgian waffles were originally called Brussels waffles and made their debut at the 1958 World’s Fair, Expo 58, in Brussels, Belgium. They were introduced to America at the Seattle World’s Fair in 1962, served with whipped cream and strawberries. They are thicker and fluffier than traditional waffles, along with a crispier texture on the outside. The pockets of a Belgian waffle are deeper, enabling the consumer to add more toppings – syrup, fruit, whipping cream, chocolate sauce. Traditional waffles, which are thinner and denser, often have a richer flavor because they are usually made with buttermilk. • What do waffles and sneakers have in common? In 1964, a track and field coach at the University of Oregon, Bill Bowerman, partnered up with athlete Phil Knight to create Blue Ribbon Sports, a footwear company that would later change its name to Nike. Bowerman was in charge of design while Knight managed the business. While watching his wife cook up waffles in 1971, Bowerman conceived the idea of a shoe sole with a honeycomb design that would grip but be lightweight. He ruined his wife’s waffle iron to create the first Nike Waffle Trainer.




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by Freddy Groves

VA Proposes Changes to Disability Ratings

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

If you have a Department of Veterans Affairsrated disability, heads up. They're proposing changes to the schedule for disabilities for auditory, respiratory and mental disorders. If you receive compensation for one of those service-connected conditions, your rating won't change. The reason for changing the schedule, they say, is to "incorporate modern medical data and terminology" so veterans can receive more accurate and consistent decisions. Ratings will be based on "the most current medical knowledge" for the condition. Some of the proposed changes are: -- Looking at tinnitus as a symptom of an underlying disease instead of a stand-alone disability. -- Modernizing the rating criteria for sleep apnea and how it impacts earning capacity. -- Evaluating mental-health conditions in terms of interpersonal relationships, life activities, selfcare and cognition. It's proposed that the criteria include a 10% minimum and won't require "total occupational and social impairment" to reach 100%. -- No current ratings will change, they say. If they're finalized, veterans can apply for increased compensation. There won't be any reduction in compensation unless there's an improvement in the disability. If you want to read more, see the Federal Register where the document has to be open for comment for 60 days. Go to www.federalregister.gov and search for "FR Doc. 2022-02049" for two of the disorders, and "FR Doc. 2022-02051" for the third one. Be sure to look through the public comments. A vast majority have to do with sleep apnea and its daily life impact, including earnings. What concerns me at first glance is that there's a lot of removing subparagraphs, combining other disability aspects, renaming headings, adding section notes and reorganizing the various sections. How, one wonders, are the ratings personnel supposed to do a realistic evaluation of impairment? Even ratings clerks who have a lot of experience are going to be starting all over again in learning the system. (c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

by Lucie Winbourne

• In 2006, an Athens court ordered the worship of the 12 gods of ancient Greece -- including Zeus, Hera, Hermes, Athena and others -- to be unbanned. • Vikings fed their wounded soldiers a strong onion soup to help gauge the depth of a stomach wound. After a few minutes, they would smell the wound and if they could smell the onion soup, they knew the wound was too deep and the soldier could not be saved. • The "artificial strawberry flavor" in a McDonald's milkshake is made up of around 45 chemicals. • "Jeopardy!" contestants stand on adjustable platforms so that they all appear to be the same height on camera. • On the last Sunday of November in Lopburi, Thailand, an annual Monkey Buffet Festival is held that provides food and drink to more than 2,000 local monkeys, as a thank you for drawing tourists to the town. • The role of U.S. first lady isn't reserved solely for the president's wife. Historically, some first ladies have included nieces, sisters or daughters-in-law of the sitting president.

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• The word "and" and the ampersand symbol (&) mean different things in movie credits. Two writers' names joined with an ampersand means they collaborated, while "and" means they worked on the script at different times. • Researchers have discovered that the Fritillaria delavayi plant, which has been used in Chinese traditional medicine for 2,000 years, has evolved camouflage in heavily harvested areas. • In 1355, a dispute between two students from Oxford University and a local tavern owner over the quality of its wine grew so heated that it resulted in a three-day-long riot, which left 63 students and 30 locals dead. *** Thought for the Day: "Every small positive change we make in ourselves repays us in confidence in the future." -- Alice Walker ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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• Trying to establish the effects of prolonged weightlessness, scientists began to launch monkeys into space aboard V-2 missiles beginning in 1948. Four flights carrying monkeys named Albert I, II, III, and IV blasted off over a two-year period. The monkeys survived the weightlessness, but unfortunately, died on impact when returning to Earth due to parachute failures. • Between 1951 and 1952, the Soviets launched R-1 rockets carrying dogs in hermetically-sealed containers. Nine dogs traveled in a total of six flights to a distance of about 62 miles in space. • Americans sent two monkeys and two white mice together on a 1952 flight to study the effects of high gravitational forces and rapid acceleration on living things. All four animals survived, with the monkeys housed at the National Zoological Park in Washington, DC following the flight, where they survived until the mid-1960s.

Monkeys in space were very successful for the American space program. In May of 1959, Able, a rhesus monkey, and Baker, a squirrel monkey, journeyed together 300 miles into space in the nose cone of a Jupiter missile and returned unharmed. Baker lived 25 more years after the historic flight. Later in 1959, the rhesus monkey Sam traveled at a speed of 3,685 mph before landing safely in the Atlantic Ocean. Sam lived another 23 years. In 1960, the Soviets launched Sputnik V with two dogs, a gray rabbit, 40 mice, two rats, and 15 cylinders of fruit flies and plants. The craft orbited the Earth 17 times over the course of 25 hours. After the flight, one of the dogs, Strelka, gave birth to a litter of six puppies. Soviet leader Nikita Khruschhev presented one of the puppies, Pushinka (Russian for “Fluffy”) to President John F. Kennedy. When Pushkina birthed four puppies, JFK referred to the dogs as “pupniks.” The White House was flooded with written requests for the puppies. Two of the puppies were given to children, a ten-year-old Illinois girl and a nine-year-old boy from Missouri. The remaining two were given to family friends. Upon her death, the body of the cosmo-dog Strelka was stuffed and given to the Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow.


• • A V-2 ballistic missile filled up with fruit flies was sent into space in 1947. American aeronautical engineers were attempting to determine if cosmic radiation might affect human astronauts. Fruit flies were chosen because of their genetic, cellular, and biological system similarities to humans. The missile travelled about 68 miles in less than 200 seconds into space, and upon its descent, the capsule containing flies was parachuted to New Mexico. All the flies were alive when • the capsule was opened, with no effects of radiation.


Before Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard became the first two men to travel in space, the Soviet Union and the United States both conducted many experimental flights with animals to gauge the effects of space travel on living things. This week, Tidbits has the facts on a few of the early space-voyaging creatures.



• In 1957, a stray mongrel puppy found wandering the streets of Moscow became the first living creature to orbit the Earth. Dubbed Laika (Russian for “Barker”), she was launched aboard Sputnik 2 with a seven-day supply of oxygen. However, sadly, Laika overheated and died just five hours into the flight.



by Matilda Charles

How Well Do You Know Your iPhone?

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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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Did you know there is a flashlight on your iPhone? I just found mine. Courtesy of BoomerTECH Adventures online, I've not only learned that there is a flashlight, but how to access it. BoomerTECH Adventures is a website aimed at seniors (although I don't know why it wouldn't appeal to anybody with an Apple device) who want to expand how they use their iPhone, iPad or Mac computer and learn about all the features. Right on the home page of the website (as of this writing) is a free video about turning slides into digital images and a free video about how to change the email password on your iPad. In addition, there is a link to its blog covering a wide variety of Apple device-related topics. Not all the videos are free, however. There are full courses, such as the Introduction to iPhone Basics ($30), which includes four videos and a course booklet. There is Introduction to Zoom Basics, wherein you can learn how to have those video calls with your family ($30). This one consists of eight videos that cover everything you need to know from setting it up to how to have appropriate lighting. Maximizing Your iPad's Potential is a $30 course that covers over a dozen areas and iPad topics, such as basic navigation, personalizing the look and making folders, communicating with messages and video, using the camera, editing photos and much more. Mac computer owners aren't left out -- there is an Introduction to Mac Basics ($30) course. BoomerTECH Adventures was started by a trio of educators, all of them seniors, which means they know we learn new things in different ways at different paces. If you have an Apple iPhone and want to know how to do more than place a call, check BoomerTECH Adventures (www.boomertechadventures.com).

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(Answers located further back)

March 14, 2022

• Here’s a great tip for freezing strawberries: Slip a berry into each section of an ice-cube tray, and then stack trays in the freezer. When frozen, transfer berries to a zipper-top bag and store in the freezer. They won’t stick together, and you can just use what you need. • “Vinegar (1/3 cup) works just as well as rinsing agents in your dishwasher. Simply add it to the wash with your regular dishwasher detergent. It can help with cloudy glassware.” — W.C. in Washington • “Another great use for a length of nylon stocking, or a knee-high, as we used to call them: Slip over your pet brush and poke the bristles through. Brush your cat or dog as normal. When you’re done, you can pull the knee-high stocking right off and all the hair will be caught inside!” — P.K. in Pennsylvania • If you have a pickle- or jelly-jar lid that’s stuck on, try using the handle end of a butter knife to tap a few indentations around the edges. This can sometimes loosen the seal, making it easier to remove the lid. • “When you get to the bottom of a bag of chips or a box of crackers, there usually are a lot of crumbs. I save ours in a baggie, then add them to breadcrumbs to bread fish or chicken. They add a lot of flavor, and it’s basically free! It’s funny, because I see packages of flavored breadcrumbs at the grocery store, and they are pretty expensive.” — R.L. in Virginia • Fresh ginger can be frozen. Simply grate as needed. The flavor remains, and it will stay fresh much longer. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.


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• On April 3, 1776, the Continental Congress, lacking sufficient funds to build a strong navy, gives privateers permission to attack all British ships. Any goods captured by the privateer were divided between the ship's owner and the government. • On March 28, 1814, the funeral of Guillotin, the inventor and namesake of the infamous execution device, takes place outside of Paris. Guillotin had built the guillotine to show the intellectual and social progress of the Revolution; by killing aristocrats and journeymen in the same way, equality in death was ensured. • On March 30, 1820, Anna Sewell, author of "Black Beauty," is born. "Black Beauty," the first significant children's story in the English language to focus on animal characters, established the precedent for countless other works. The story, narrated by the horse, showed Black Beauty's progression through a series of increasingly cruel owners.

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• On April 2, 1863, responding to acute food shortages, hundreds of angry women riot in Richmond, Virginia, demanding that the government release emergency supplies, breaking windows and looting stores. Confederate President Jefferson Davis threw his pocket change at them from the top of a wagon. • On March 29, 1927, Major Henry O'Neil de Hane Segrave becomes the first man to break the 200 mph barrier. Driving a 1,000 horsepower Mystery Sunbeam, Segrave averaged 203.79 mph on the course at Daytona Beach, Florida. • On March 31, 1959, the Dalai Lama, fleeing the Chinese suppression of a national uprising in Tibet, crosses into India, where he is granted political asylum. With the beginning of the Cultural Revolution in China, suppression of Tibetan Buddhism escalated, and practice of the religion was banned and thousands of monasteries were destroyed. • On April 1, 1963, the ABC television network airs the premiere episode of the daytime drama "General Hospital." The enduring soap opera would become the longest-running serial program produced in Hollywood.

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According to the dictionary, if you’re young at heart, you have a youthful outlook, and a lot of energy, enthusiasm, and optimism, in spite of your age. Let’s look at other terms associated with “young”! • Four brothers of the Younger family of Missouri joined forces with Frank and Jesse James to become outlaws after the Civil War. Cole, Jim, John, and Bob Younger were members of the gang who were responsible for robberies in at least six states. After a failed bank robbery in Minnesota, Cole, Jim, and Bob pleaded guilty in order to avoid being hanged. John was killed by a Pinkerton agent, Bob died in prison, while Cole and Jim were paroled after 25 years. The James brothers escaped to Tennessee, returning to a life of crime. Following his parole, Cole toured the South with Frank James in a Wild West show. Frank James was acquitted of all crimes, including those in which bank employees were killed. • 1974’s “Young Frankenstein” ranks No. 13 on the American Film Institute’s list of the 100 funniest American movies. It was a parody of Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel “Frankenstein,” and was the brainstorm of Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder. Marty Feldman’s portrayal of the lab assistant Igor was the inspiration for Aerosmith’s mega-hit “Walk This Way.” After an arduous recording session, Steven Tyler went to see the film, and wrote the famous song the following morning after seeing Feldman’s “walk this way...this way” opening scene. Produced on a $2.78 million budget, the film grossed $86.2 million. • “C'mon people now, Smile on your brother, Ev'rybody get together, Try to love one another right now” was the chorus of the 1969 hit “Get Together.” An appeal for peace and brotherhood, it was recorded by The Youngbloods, led by Jesse Colin Young. Although the recording went gold, it was the group’s only Top 40 hit, and the group never achieved widespread success. ...continued

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• Daytime soap fans have been watching “The Young and the Restless” since 1973, when it debuted on CBS. Set in the fictional city of Genoa City, Wisconsin, it was originally slated to be called “The Innocent Years.” The title was changed because producers felt young and restless “reflected the youth and mood of the early seventies.” Several celebrities got their start as members of the cast, including Tom Selleck, David Hasselhoff, Eva Longoria, and Paul Walker. Actress Jeanne Cooper started out with the show and was its longest-performing cast member – for four decades. Her final appearance occurred five days before her death in 2013. The writers incorporated her death into the series, with her actual son, actor Corbin Bernsen, playing the priest who officiated at her funeral. One cast member, Kate Linder, has worked another job during her entire Y&R tenure. She’s been a United Airlines flight attendant when not on the set. • Another small-screen TV series, “The Young Riders”, premiered in 1989 and ran for three seasons. It was the fictionalized account of the adventures of a group of Pony Express riders. Josh Brolin was 21 years old when he began playing Wild Bill Hickok in the series, and Stephen Baldwin was 23 starting his role as Buffalo Bill Cody. The series endured twice as long as the real Pony Express, which ran from April, 1860 until October, 1861.

Quiz Answers

1. Black and yellow 2. Atlanta, Georgia 3. Hash browns 4. Bacon 5. “Seinfeld”

6. True 7. “Sunshine on My Shoulders” 8. “Friday Night Lights” 9. 1953



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Sports Answers 1. Sandy Lyle 2. Green Bay Packers, in 1961. 3. Michigan State Spartans

4. Peaches 5. Jimmy Kimmel 6. Christy Martin

• So how does a person remain “young at heart?” Experts advise us to see the humor in life, try new skills and activities, go outdoors and experience nature, appreciate the little things, push ourselves beyond our limitations, make new friends, and don’t hold grudges! We've Got Room for Your Advertisement! Call Chad Today at 701-740-0968

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