Tidbits of Grand Forks - April 14, 2022

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks April 14, 2022

Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 ® TIDBITS VISITS SOME


Issue # 1,265



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Put on your seatbelt and join Tidbits as we visit the facts on some of America’s 63 national parks. • Thirty U.S. states have national parks, a total of 52 million acres, accounting for about 2% of the land area of the U.S. California has the most with nine, and Alaska is a close second with eight. Utah is third with five national parks. Twenty U.S. states, including Georgia, Louisiana, Nebraska, Alabama, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Vermont, and Wisconsin do not have a national park.

• Alaska is home to the nation’s largest park, Wrangell-St. Elias, designated as a national park in 1980. The park, with a colossal Enjoy one FREE pint 13.2 million acres, is larger than nine U.S. of frozen custard states. Six Yellowstone Parks could fit inside As part of our Give A Pint, Get A Pint program, Enjoy One FREE Pint we’d like to thank you for your lifesaving donation Wrangell-St. Elias. There are only two roads to Dak Minn Blood Bank in April by treating you to a Frozen Custard pint of of our fresh, delicious frozen custard. Available in the park, a 42-mile road and a 60-mile one, in vanilla, chocolate and our always popular flavor Make a of lifesaving donation to the day, Culver’s Frozen Dak MinnCustard Blood Bank in and April both unpaved. The park contains 9 of the 16 is so smooth creamy, it’s better cream. and we’ll treat youthan to aicepint of our highest peaks in the U.S., including the nafresh, delicious frozen custard. Available in vanilla, chocolate and tion’s second-highest peak, Mt. St. Elias, at our always popular flavor of the day. Check yourforeligibility date and 18,008 feet. Mt. Wrangell, an active volcano, Call or e-mail an appointment: erupted in 1930, and was last active in 2003. call for an appointment: (5433) 780-LIFE 780-LIFE (5433) or e-mail Sixty-percent of Alaska’s glacial ice is in the blooddonations@altru.org blooddonations@altru.org www.dakminnbloodbank.org park, North America’s largest concentration of www.dakminnbloodbank.org glaciers. ®

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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. T or F: The average human has 60,000 miles of blood vessels. 7. What degree is assigned to What state is home to Acadia the International Date Line? National Park? 8. Which Looney Tunes characWhich U.S. state contains ter’s catchphrase is “You’re Mammoth Cave National Park? Isle Royal National Park has the despicable”? largest island in Lake Superior. 9. What year did the TV sitcom “Friends” debut? Name the state containing it. Petrified Forest National Park 10. What’s the only letter that does not appear in the stands in what U.S. state? periodic table? Name the only national park in North Dakota. SPONSORED BY:


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• Nestled in the middle of Wrangell-St. Elias Park is the Kennicott ghost town, the remains of a copper mining camp that operated from 1903 to 1938. From 1911 until its closure in 1938, one of the world’s richest deposits of copper made upwards of $200 million. • It’s been just over four years ago that America’s smallest national park was designated as such. Prior to February of 2018, the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, more commonly known as the St. Louis Arch, became Gateway Arch National Park. The park is just 91 acres in downtown St. Louis and includes the Arch, a 140,000-sq. ft. museum, and the Old Courthouse, where the Dred Scott case originated. The park is a tribute to the westward expansion of the United States. At 630 feet, the Arch is the nation’s tallest monument, taller than Seattle’s Space Needle (605 feet) and the Washington Monument (556 feet). It was designed by a Finnish architect in 1947, but construction did not begin until 1963. The Arch was completed in October, 1965. The tram ride to the top takes about four minutes. • Tennessee’s Great Smoky Mountains National Park has held the honor of the most-visited national park since 1944. More than 14.1 million people checked in during in 2021. Sitting on over 800 square miles of the Appalachian Mountains, it’s home to 19,000 identified species of plants and animals, the nation’s most biologically diverse national park. Nearly 95% of the park is covered with forest. • If you don’t like crowds, travel to the least-visited U.S. national park, Alaska’s Gates of the Arctic, which received just 7,362 visitors in 2021. A contributing factor to the low visitation is the 8.4-million acre park’s lack of roads or trails. Visitors typically access the area by air taxi. ...continued

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2315 N. Washington St. • Grand Forks 3. In 1994, Augusta National Golf Club banned what irreverent CBS golf analyst 1. In an October 2000 NFL from broadcasting the game dubbed “The MonMasters? day Night Miracle,” what 4. Hockey Hall of Famer team scored 30 points Glenn Hall holds the NHL in the fourth quarter and record for most consecusealed a 40-37 overtime tive regular-season games win against the Miami started by a goaltender Dolphins? with how many—202, 2. What it the most wins in a regular-season for the Min- 302, 402 or 502? 5. When was the last time nesota Timberwolves? the Minnesota Wild won What’s the farthest they’ve gotten in the playoffs? an NHL playoff series?






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• Dry Tortugas National Parks lies 70 miles west of Key West, Florida. The first European to see the area was Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon, who landed there in 1513. He named the group of seven small islands “Tortugas,” the Spanish word for turtles, because he caught 160 sea turtles there. The park’s Civil War-era fort, Fort Jefferson, is the largest brick masonry structure in the Western Hemisphere, made up of 16 million bricks. A 1622 hurricane forced a Spanish galleon, the Nuestra Senora de Atocha, onto a coral reef there. The wreckage wasn’t discovered until 1985, when a private expedition recovered $450 million in treasure, including 40 tons of gold and silver, gold coins, emeralds, and 114,000 Spanish silver “pieces of eight.” The park, accessible only by plane or boat, was visited by just 83,817 people in 2021.




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• If you’ve seen one bat, you’ve seen them all, right? Not so! There are 17 different species of bats that inhabit the caves of New Mexico’s Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Just one variety, the Mexican free-tailed bat, number more than 400,000! The Park has upwards of 120 caves, with the longest over 120 miles long. Carlsbad Caverns were designated a national park in 1930, and prior to that time, the only way to enter them was to be lowered down in a large bucket. • In 1903, under the declaration of President Theodore Roosevelt, South Dakota’s Wind Cave became the seventh national park and the first cave designated as such. With over 150 miles of passages, it’s the nation’s third-longest cave and the world’s sixth-longest. The entrance to the cave was discovered by two brothers in 1881, who observed a small hole in the ground emitting a loud whistling noise. That small hole is the cave’s only natural opening. ...continued


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by Linda Thistle

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• With 3.4 million acres of canyons, badlands, sand dunes, mountains and plant life, Death Valley is the largest national park in the mainland United States. It’s also the hottest, lowest, and driest place in the nation. And hot it is! July, 2018 marked Death Valley’s hottest month on record, with an average temperature of 108.1 degrees F. For four consecutive days, the daytime high topped 127 degrees F. The area receives less than 2 inches of annual rainfall, which is 1.5 inches less than the Sahara Desert. Amazingly, six species of unusual fish manage to survive in the area’s salty waters and intense heat. The Devil’s Hole Pupfish exists in the waters of Devil’s Hole, in waters reaching 93 degrees F. The iridescent blue fish measure just an inch long and as one of the world’s rarest fish, are listed on the endangered species list. • Oregon’s only national park, Crater Lake, is home to the deepest lake in the United States, the ninthdeepest in the world. The lake was formed when a 12,000-foot-tall volcano, Mt. Mazama, erupted and collapsed some 7,700 years ago, creating a lake 1,943 feet deep. It’s the fifth-oldest national park, established in 1902. It’s one of the nation’s snowiest places, receiving an annual average snowfall of 43 feet, which would be equal to 1.4 inches of snow every single day. • The newest national park can be found in southern West Virginia in the Appalachian Mountains. New River Gorge became the 63rd national park in December of 2020.

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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE Death Valley National Park has been a park less than 30 years, established in 1994. Badwater Basin in the park is the point of North America’s lowest elevation, 282 feet below sea level. In 1913, the Park’s Furnace Creek area recorded a high temperature of 134 degrees F, a world record.

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by Matilda Charles

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*Answer located further back in this issue.


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I learned a lesson this week when I discovered I'd spent over 10 hours glued to the news on television. Afterward, I was depressed and full of anxiety. I knew that couldn't be good for me. It makes sense that a gym chain turned off the TVs in their locations in 27 states, believing that cable news wasn't good for a healthy lifestyle. And this was several years ago, when the news was comparatively milder than it is now. Consider how much different our lives -- and the news -- are today, and it makes a lot of sense to avoid an overdose of what's going on in the world. My newest tactic is to use a timer. At the top of the hour, I'll turn on a cable news channel, watch for several minutes ... and then turn it off. Whatever is new will be talked about then, but it's often a repeat of the top of the previous hour. What do we do instead once we turn off the news? Change to a different channel, perhaps one that shows re-runs from a previous era. The "Andy Griffith Show" comes to mind. So do "My Three Sons," "I Love Lucy" and "Columbo." Then there's premium fare like The History Channel, Smithsonian Channel and even best of British TV channels. Or we can turn the television off altogether and, now that spring is here, go outside and walk. Or start a new garden. Or talk to neighbors who are also escaping the television. There are specific health reasons to get away from the television news, and sitting too long is at the top of the list. It leads to memory decline, anxiety, stress ... which leads to insomnia and changes in diet. We think we need to keep up with current events ... but at what cost? ©2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

Feeling Down, Sad or Anxious? © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.


Breaking News Alert! Turn Off the Television

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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by Lucie Winbourne

• A honey badger named Stoffel, resident of a wildlife center in South Africa, was noted not just for repeated escapes from his enclosure, but his stubborn penchant for pursuing much larger animals than himself. After ending up in the clinic after attacking two lions, upon his release, he immediately broke free to attack them again! • The novelty song "Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett was banned by the BBC for over a decade on the grounds it was too morbid. • Sorry, Honey Nut Cheerios fans, your cereal doesn't contain any nuts. While ground almonds used to be included, since 2006 just "natural almond flavor" has been used, and that is typically derived from apricot and peach pits.

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• Who needs Red Bull? In the early 1900s, distance runners were given champagne, brandy or even strychnine (rat poison) as a type of "energy drink" during long races.

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• A Ukrainian couple tried to save their failing relationship by handcuffing themselves together. They lasted about four months before throwing in the towel for good. • Studies have shown that removing lead from gasoline was a factor leading to the decline of violent crime in 1990s America. Individuals exposed to lead at young ages have numerous conditions and problems with impulse control, all of which may negatively impact their decisions as they reach adulthood. *** Thought for the Day: "You always pass failure on the way to success." - Mickey Rooney ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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Q: What did the dad say after dropping his son off at Yellowstone National Park? A: Bison!

• In 1968, a procedure was performed that inserted a small tube in Shepard’s ear to drain the fluid, putting the astronaut back in full flight status. • Shepard was slated to command Apollo 13, while Jim Lovell had been selected for Apollo 14. The decision was made to swap the two, and Lovell ended up commanding the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission that experienced a near-fatal oxygen tank explosion. • In January, 1971, Shepard made his second space flight aboard Apollo 14, which was the third successful landing on the moon. The crew spent more than 33 hours on the lunar surface. Shepard became the fifth person to walk on the moon, and the first to golf on the moon! He used a modified club made of a six-iron head attached to the handle of a scoop used to collect lunar samples. Because of his bulky spacesuit and thick gloves, Shepard had to swing with one hand, but still managed to drive two golf balls 24 yards and 40 yards. At age 47, Shepard also captured the record of the oldest man to walk on the Moon. • In 2021, 23 years after Shepard’s death from leukemia, his daughter Laura flew into space aboard the Non-NASA “New Shepard 5” spaceship, a craft owned by Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin commercial flight operation.



Most of us are familiar with the name Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. But how about the first American in space? This week, Tidbits has the facts on Alan Shepard, who also was privileged to walk on the moon. • Prior to becoming one of NASA’s first seven astronauts, Alan Shepard graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy, served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, and was a naval aviator. He was a gifted individual, having skipped both the sixth grade and eighth grade as a youngster. His family could trace their lineage to a passenger on the Mayflower in 1620. • In December, 1958, President Eisenhower announced Project Mercury, a plan to launch a man into an orbit of Earth and return him safely. Candidates for the program were required to be younger than 40, and be less than 5 feet 11 inches due to the size of the proposed spacecraft. Shepard was in the group that was narrowed down to 35, and the following April, was notified that he had been selected for America’s first crewed mission into space. • The flight was scheduled for April, 26, 1960, but was postponed several times, first to December, then January, 1961, then March, 1961, April, 1961, and finally May of 1961. Unfortunately, those delays cost the U.S. the chance to launch the first person in space. On April 12, 1961, the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space, and the first to orbit the Earth. • Twenty-three days after Gargarin’s accomplishment, on May 5, 1961, Alan Shepard, aboard a Mercury spacecraft with room for one, was launched into space on a Redstone rocket. His flight reached an altitude of 116 miles high at a speed of 5,134 mph, and lasted just over 15 minutes. Shepard landed safely in the Atlantic Ocean near the Bahamas.

• Shepard had been chosen as commander for Gemini 3, scheduled for blast-off in early 1965, but sadly, in 1963, began experiencing extreme dizziness, nausea, and loud clanging noises in his ear. After trying to keep it secret, it soon became too serious to do so. Shepard was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease, which affects fluid pressure in the inner ear, along with glaucoma and a lump on his thyroid.






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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE Arches National Park, located in eastern Utah, four miles north of Moab, has more than 2,000 natural red rock sandstone arches in 119 square miles. It’s been a national park since 1971.

King Features Weekly Service ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.

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(Answers located further back)

April 4, 2022

• A garden manicure is what my mother calls it: When working with plants and dirt, rake your nails across a bar of soap. The soap prevents dirt particles from lodging under nails, and the soap washes away easily when you are finished. Happy Gardening! — JoAnn • “If you have a spade with a long handle, you can transfer common measurements to the handle. Just lay a tape measure alongside the handle, and use a black marker to note common spacing, like feet and inches. Then, when you put in plants, you can check quickly whether they are spaced correctly. Very handy!” — P.E. in Arkansas • “Garden tool storage doesn’t have to be hard. Fill a wide mouth bucket with clean sand. Add a half quart or motor oil and stir. Then use the sand to clean and store your garden tools like shovels, rakes or hoes. The sand/oil mixture helps clean the metal surfaces, and the heaviness of the container lets you stick them in the sand without fear of everything falling down, like it would if you leaned them along a wall.” — E. in North Carolina • Here’s a recipe for a quickie bird feeder or bath: Flip over a nice-size flower pot, and place the pot’s tray on the top. Fill with seed or water. The birds will thank you — maybe even by eating some nuisance bugs along with the seed. • If the string on your trimmer is always breaking or jamming, try this old trick: Give the coiled string a spray with vegetable oil before you thread it. It lubricates the line, making it less likely to pull and less likely to break. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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• On April 20, 1841, Edgar Allan Poe's story, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," first appears in print. The tale, generally considered to be the first detective story, describes the methods used to solve a series of murders. • On April 22, 1889, at precisely high noon, 50,000 to 60,000 would-be settlers make a mad dash into the newly opened Oklahoma Territory to claim cheap land. Towns like Norman and Oklahoma City sprang up almost overnight. • On April 23, 1945, two weeks after taking over as U.S. president, Harry Truman gives a tongue-lashing to Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. Truman was determined to take a tougher postwar stance with the Soviets than his late predecessor, Franklin Roosevelt, had. Molotov, indignant, stormed out of the meeting with Truman.

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• On April 18, 1906, in San Francisco, an earthquake registering 8.0 kills 3,000 people as 30,000 buildings are destroyed. Two days later, 20,000 refugees trapped by a massive fire were evacuated from the foot of Van Ness Avenue onto the USS Chicago. • On April 21, 1930, a fire at an Ohio prison kills 320 inmates, some of whom burn to death when they are not unlocked from their cells. The prison, built to hold 1,500 people, had 4,300 prisoners. • On April 24, 1953, Winston Churchill, the British leader who guided Great Britain and the Allies through the crisis of World War II, is knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. He would win the Nobel Prize in literature later that same year. • On April 19, 1993, near Waco, Texas, after a 51day siege, the FBI launches a tear-gas assault on the compound of Branch Davidian leader David Koresh and his disciples as part of an investigation into illegal possession of firearms and explosives. The compound at Mount Carmel was burned to the ground, and some 80 Branch Davidians, including 22 children, died in the inferno.

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Join Tidbits for an outing to Yellowstone Park, the nation’s first national park. • A member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, John Colter, is credited as the first person of European descent to officially discover the area where Yellowstone is now located. In 1807, Colter was looking for local Indians to trade with, when he encountered the area’s thermal features.

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in 1872, creating Yellowstone, “dedicated and set apart as a public park or pleasuring ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people.” Although most of the Park is in the northwest corner of Wyoming, the boundaries also extend in neighboring Montana and Idaho.

• As a result of the Northern Pacific Railroad building a train station in nearby Livingston, Montana, and a line connecting to the Park’s entrance, visitation went from 300 in 1872 to 5,000 in 1883. Access beyond the entrance was limited to stagecoach or horseback. Beginning in 1915, private cars were allowed in the park, and on July 31 of that year, a Ford Model T was the first to enter. • At 2.2 million acres, Yellowstone is the second largest national park in the lower 48. That makes it larger than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. In 2021, with nearly 4.9 million visitors, it was third most-visited park, behind Great Smoky Mountains and Zion.


• Half of the world’s thermal features are in Yellowstone. Its 10,000 features include hot springs, mudpots, fumaroles, mineral terraces, and 300 active geysers. Discovered in 1870 by the Washburn Expedition, Old Faithful, the most famous geyser, erupts more frequently than any of the other large geysers.


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• Prior to suffering extensive damage to the area from earthquakes, Old Faithful erupted every hour. Before the 7.3 magnitude earthquake in 1959, the geyser erupted 21 times a day. The timetable isn’t quite as “faithful” these days, with eruptions varying between 17 and 20, with intervals ranging from 60 to 110 minutes, averaging 92 minutes between eruptions. • When Old Faithful erupts, water shoots up as high as 180 feet into the air. That water temperature has been measured at 204 degrees F, with the steam reaching temps above 350 degrees F. The eruption lasts between 1.5 and 5 minutes. DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Sail is different. 2. Pocket is different. 3. Headline is different. 4. Glasses are missing. 5. Umbrella is missing. 6. Camera is missing. ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

• Although Old Faithful is the most popular, the world’s tallest predictable geyser, Grand Geyser is located nearby, sending water up to 200 feet into the air. Steamboat Geyser, whose bursts reach up to 300 feet, aren’t as predictable. It was dormant for 50 years until the 1959 earthquake, when thermal energy shifts jolted the geyser into activity. • Although no recent earthquakes have been as powerful as the 1959 quake, the Park experiences 1,000 to 3,000 quakes every year. The area has experienced upwards of 48,000 quakes since 1973, but since over 99% are below the magnitude of 2, they aren’t really felt.

Quiz Answers

1. Maine 2. Kentucky 3. Michigan 4. Arizona 5. Theodore Roosevelt National Park

6. True 7. 180 degrees longitude 8. Daffy Duck 9. 1994 10. “J”



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• Yellowstone Park sits atop the Yellowstone Caldera, a large cauldron-like hollow that is the largest supervolcano in North America. Although the volcano is considered dormant, if it were to erupt, it’s estimated that it would result in 90,000 deaths, and spread molten ash 10 feet thick up to 1,000 miles away.

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