Tidbits of Grand Forks - April 21, 2022

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks April 21, 2022

Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 TIDBITS®


Issue # 1,266

LAUGHS by Janet Spencer


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Come along with Tidbits as we consider the science behind laughter!


• A researcher wanted to answer the question: “What makes a joke funny?” His research methods included setting up a website where he asked respondents to rate jokes on a scale of funniness from one to ten. There was also a section where people were encouraged to submit their own favorite jokes. Over 40,000 were sent in. By analyzing this data, he found that the funniest animal was the duck. He also found that the shorter a joke was, the higher it was rated. The optimal length of a joke contained just 103 letters. • In one experiment, subjects were asked to pick up a series of objects and then guess its weight. The long line of objects included items that weighed between 2 and 6 pounds. However, the final object that they were asked to pick up was absurdly and deceptively lightweight, and the subjects were surprised by this. All of the subjects laughed when they picked up this final object. The experiment had not been about estimating weights; it had been about what makes people laugh. There was nothing inherently funny about lifting a lightweight object; it was the surprise that they found funny. Turn the page for more!

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Quiz Bits

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. What layer of air is closest to Earth in the atmosphere? 7. How many U.S. states call What time of day is an adult themselves commonwealths? least likely to laugh? 8. A sales clerk named Lily In 1970 only 2% of comedians promotes which company in were women; what % are now? advertisements? What percent of professional comedians knew that they were 9. What was the name of the grocery owner in the Charmin going to become a comedian bath tissue ads of the 1960s-80s? when they started out? Do women or men laugh more?10. Who had his first hit with “Splish Splash”? At what age do babies begin to laugh? SPONSORED BY:



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LAUGHTER (continued)

• A group of test subjects were first given a battery of personality tests before being handed a stack of cartoons lacking captions. They had 30 minutes to come up with as many captions as possible. The end result was that the people classified as extroverts came up with the greatest number of captions. Those who were introverts had fewer captions, but their captions were judged as funnier than those created by the extroverts. • Test subjects were asked to view three funny films and rate them for their level of humor. A control group watched the films while the researcher sat quietly off to the side reading a book. The next set of subjects were told by the researcher that these were her very favorite funny films. She sat behind them, laughing at all the funny parts. Not surprisingly, the second group rated the films far higher on the funniness scale than the first group. • A study set out to see if funny movies could reduce the amount of distress suffered by post-surgery patients. The answer was yes, pain was tolerated more comfortably when patients watched humorous films, as they tended to ask for fewer doses of painkillers while being entertained. Watching tragic films or serious dramas also reduced the need for painkillers, but not as much as funny movies did. • A study set out to see if comedians live longer than non-entertainers. The answer was that comedians tended to die at an earlier age than non-entertainers, perhaps because of the stresses of being on the road, staying up late to perform, or being constantly judged. The study also showed that comedians are not prone to suicide or depression. • There’s no single joke that amuses everyone. However, some researchers have found that the best way to make people laugh is to show them clips of people who are trying not to laugh in a situation where it would be inappropriate to laugh. ...continued

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SPORTS QUIZ 1. The Cameron Crazies are highly enthusiastic fans of what college basketball team? 2. Name the legendary ABC sportscaster who was famous for his college football play-by-play calls and his signature catchphrase, “Woah, Nellie!” 3. How many times has LeBron James failed to reach the NBA postseason?

4. Mustachioed, portly golfer Craig Stadler, winner of the 1982 Masters Tournament, was affectionately known by what nickname? 5. What Portland State University football standout went on to play quarterback for the St. Louis/Phoenix Cardinals from 1981-88? 6. Kobe Bryant won 5 NBA Championships. How many NBA Finals did he lose?

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LAUGHTER (continued)

• In 1921 a group of 11-year-olds were given personality tests, and their individual traits were cataloged. They were followed for the next 60 years to see how long they would live. The thought was that those with a robust sense of humor would outlive those who were more serious. However, humor had no impact on longevity. Neither did sociability or self-confidence. There was only one factor that led to increased lifespan: conscientiousness. If a person cared about other people, their lifespan tended to run five years longer.


• In ancient days of Athens, performers at the Dionysus theater routinely paid shills to sit in the audience and laugh, cheer, or jeer. • In 1950, The Hank McCune Show became the first show to use a pre-recorded laugh track in place of a live audience. 49 years later, Time Magazine included the laugh track in their list of “The 100 worst ideas of the century” along with Muzak and aerosol cheese. • Charlie Douglas invented the laugh track by recording people laughing, sorting them into different combinations, and running them on loops which could be played like “laugh chords” depending on whether the situation called for giggles, chortles, or guffaws. • To be “sardonic” is to be grimly mocking or cynical. Why is it called “a sardonic smile” or “sardonic laughter”? There is an island in the Mediterranean Sea called Sardinia (from which we get “sardines.”) On that island there is an herb called marsh crowfoot, which is a member of a toxic family of buttercups. Ingesting the plant can result in grotesque grimacing and convulsions resembling laughter. The term has come into medical terminology, with “risus sardonicus” meaning literally “the grin of Sardinia” referring to the permanent grimace usually found with tetanus or strychnine poisoning. ...continued

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• Women talking with other women generate the most laugher. By comparison, men talking with men laugh only half as often. Women laugh at men more than men laugh at women. • Researchers studied kids that were watching cartoons, and found that when girls were watching cartoons with boys, they laughed more than when they were watching cartoons with other girls. • Women tend to laugh less as they get older, but not men. • Babies laugh up to 300 times a day. • Children under the age of 6 cannot distinguish between a lie and a joke, nor can they recognize irony and sarcasm. Children learn to joke around the age of 6. • A 6-year-old child laughs about three times more than an adult. The ages at which we laugh most exuberantly are 5 and 6. • Research has found that being around other people is the most common trigger of laughter. It’s not really about jokes. Social laughter is far more common than solitary laughter. People laugh about 30 times more when they are with other people than when they are alone. • When people are on the phone when they are alone in the room, they will laugh and smile more than people who are on the phone in the middle of a crowded public place. • Speakers laugh 46% more than the audience that they’re speaking to. • In normal human communication patterns, laughter punctuates the end of sentences but seldom interrupts the middle of a sentence. • When researchers eavesdropped on people conversing and laughing, they found that only about 20% of comments that elicited laughter were intended to be funny. Only about 10% of laughter is related to a joke.


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QUESTIONS? Call 701-738-8740

by Matilda Charles

COVID Phone Scams

*Answer located further back in this issue.

Thieves and scammers will do nearly anything to help us part with our dollars. In the latest one, as I write this, the thieves want to help me get the free COVID tests the government is sending out. I signed up months ago and received my shipment of four tests. The scammers, however, think I should have more on hand and have offered to help me order them ... for a small handling fee. That handling fee for the free tests? Thirty dollars, and giving them my banking information. No, I don't think so. We need to be on our toes with these thieves. No matter what topic is on the news, they'll find a way to turn it into a scam. You might get a call supposedly from a COVID contact tracer who asks too many personal questions, such as for your banking information. You might get a call saying we're now supposed to get an additional booster and you can be put at the head of the wait list for a small fee. Or you might get a call saying you're due to get another government relief check, but you have to pay the taxes first out of your checking account. Why, oh why do they target seniors? The answer is that we are perceived to have lots of money and that we're not likely to report fraud. We're also, unfortunately, too trusting and too polite. If you don't recognize the phone number when someone calls, don't answer. If someone hasn't left a message, don't call them back. If someone does get you on the phone and the conversation involves any pressure, time-limited offers or questions about your personal information, hang up. Remember, you are not obligated to be polite! ©2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

Feeling Down, Sad or Anxious?

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• In 1985, a sting operation dubbed Operation Flagship mailed letters offering free tickets for Washington Redskins games to fugitive criminals. More than 100 arrests resulted, including two of America's top 10 most wanted.

• In 2007, Ben Carpenter got the most terrifying ride of his life when his wheelchair's handles were caught in the grill of a semi-trailer. Carpenter was pushed for several miles at a speed of over 60 mph before a pair of police officers followed the truck to its place of business and informed the stunned driver. The chair's wheels had to be replaced, but Ben survived without injury.

*** Thought for the Day: "Winning doesn't always mean being first. Winning means you're doing better than you've done before." -- Speedskater Bonnie Blair ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc.



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• The movie "Babe" required one animatronic and 48 real pigs, due to their rapid growth rate.

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• FedEx's founder nearly bankrupted his company with a Las Vegas trip, in which he used the corporation's last $5,000 to play blackjack. Fortunately, he managed to turn the sum into $27,000 and keep things running until he obtained more funding.

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• Domino's Pizza Group has its own registered Tartan in its brand hues of red, white and blue.


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Why did the taxi driver get fired? Passengers didn't like it when she went the extra mile.






• Ham performed his tasks correctly and missed only two out of 50 cues. His performance in space was only a fraction of a second slower than on Earth. On January 31, 1961, a chimp named Ham was launched on a rocket from Cape Canaveral in Florida, • After the flight, the capsule splashed down 130 miles and returned to Earth alive. Ham was the from its target, and began taking on water. It took first primate to survive a trip into space. several hours for a recovery ship to reach Ham, but This was an important development in he was alive when rescued. His only injury was a knowing what effects space would have bruised nose. His reward upon emerging from the on mental and physical abilities. spacecraft was an apple, which he immediately devoured. Ham was born in 1957 in a rainforest in Cameroon. He was captured by trappers and sold to an exotic animal • When pulled from the capsule, he was showing a farm in Miami. In 1959 he was purchased by the U.S. Air huge grin on his face. Many people interpreted this Force and sent to the Holloman Air Force Base in New as happiness, but expert Jane Goodall said that it was Mexico to be trained with about 40 other chimps. As their actually a chimpanzee expression of terror. When training progressed over the next 18 months, the group media wanted a picture of Ham in his space chair, he was winnowed down to the six with the best aptitude. completely refused to go near it and grown men were unable to force him back into it. The astrochimps were trained to pull levers in response to specific stimuli, with a banana pellet as a reward and • Just 10 weeks later, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin an electric shock to the feet for failure. They became became the first human in space, followed by Alan habituated to being strapped into a chair for long periShepard’s flight. ods of time, and for tolerating probes and sensors. • If Ham had not been kidnapped as an infant and his Ham’s “real” name was #65 but his handlers called him mother killed, he still would have been nursing at age “Chop Chop Chang.” Just before he was launched into 3½, completely dependent on his mother. Humans space, he was dubbed Ham, short for Holloman Aero Medare considered more intelligent than chimpanzees, ical where he was being trained, for publicity purposes. yet it is hard to imagine a human toddler performing as well as Ham in this challenging task. It speaks to Ham was chosen on the day of the flight because he was Ham’s character, intelligence, and bravery. in a good mood that day. He was strapped into a capsule inside the nose cone of a Mercury-Redstone rocket. • He was transferred to The National Zoo in 1963, where he lived alone for 17 years, before being sent He travelled at 5,800 mph, to a height of 157 miles to the North Carolina Zoo where he could live with above earth. He experienced 6 minutes of weightlessother chimps. He died 22 years after his historic flight ness and 14.7g of acceleration on descent, much greater into space, on January 18, 1983, at the age of 26. than anticipated. The capsule suffered a partial loss of pressure, but his space suit prevented any harm. The • Ham’s remains were buried at the International Space biomedical data from body sensors showed Ham expeHall of Fame in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Colonel rienced stress during acceleration and deceleration, but John Stapp gave the eulogy at the memorial service. was calm while weightless.



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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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(Answers located further back)

April 11, 2022

• A great idea for mini ice packs: Freeze ketchup packets you get from takeout food. They are great for icing small bumps or bug bites. • Spread a teaspoon of peanut butter thinly on a paper plate. Then when the dog is busy with its treat, you can trim its nails. Or sometimes just having it nearby as a promised treat can do the trick to distract your pet. Good luck! • “One of the things I do each spring (and fall) is to go through my makeup and toss the old items. I also restock my first-aid kit and get new bottles of sunscreen and bug spray to keep in my car kit, so I will always have it around.” — E.A. in California • Love beans but trying to save a little money? Don’t be intimidated by dry beans; just rinse them and chuck them in the slow cooker. Add water according to package directions and cook on low for up to eight hours. After they cool, you can bag them in freezer-safe, zipper-top bags and freeze them for easy use later. • “On a health kick: Step one is to keep a food and activity diary for a week. You can get an idea of what you eat, what times of the day you are overeating and the areas where you can make improvements. Knowledge is power!” — V.R. in Oregon • J.D. of Massachusetts writes: Mix 1/2 cup vinegar and a chamomile tea bag in a pan of medium hot water. Let cool slightly and soak feet for up to 10 minutes. Follow up with foot powder or deodorant. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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• On April 27, 1773, the British Parliament passes the Tea Act, a bill designed to save the faltering East India Company from bankruptcy. Many colonists viewed the act as yet another example of taxation tyranny, because it left in place an earlier duty on tea entering the colonies, while removing the duty on tea entering England. • On April 28, 1916, Ferruccio Lamborghini is born in Italy. After experiencing mechanical difficulties with his Ferrari, Lamborghini decided to start his own rival sports car company. The Lamborghini 350 GTV, a twoseater coupe with a V-12 engine, debuted in 1963. • On April 26, 1977, Studio 54, which would soon become the most famous nightclub in the world, opens at 254 West 54th Street in New York City. It was known for excluding all but the most chic, famous or beautiful patrons.

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• On May 1, 1960, an American U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers disappears while on a flight over Russia. The CIA reassured the president that the plane was equipped with self-destruct mechanisms, but Russia produced not only the intact wreckage, but also the captured pilot -- very much alive. • On April 25, 1983, Russian leader Yuri Andropov writes to Samantha Smith, an American fifth-grader from Manchester, Maine, inviting her to visit his country. Smith had sent Andropov a note in December 1982, asking if the Soviets were planning to start a nuclear war. • On April 30, 1993, computer scientist Tim BernersLee releases the source code for the world's first web browser. Originally called Mesh, the browser he dubbed World Wide Web became the means of exploring the emerging information network that developed into the Internet. • On April 29, 2004, the World War II Memorial opens in Washington, D.C., providing overdue recognition for the 16 million American men and women who served in the war.

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• The Gila monster keeps itself cool on hot days by covering itself in its own urine. • Aquatic newts are able to regenerate not only their tails, but also their legs and the lens of their eye. • When Australian fiddler crabs see a member of their species under attack, they band together to drive the intruder off. This cooperative neighborhood-watch program gives the smaller crabs a better shot at surviving. • When a snapping shrimp is threatened by an intruder, it snaps its claws as a warning. Every other snapping shrimp in the vicinity will then join in, and they all snap their claws in unison as a show of force until the intruder leaves. • Caribbean spiny lobsters usually cluster together to share underwater dens. But there’s a type of fatal virus that can be passed among lobsters. Somehow, healthy lobsters are able to sense when another lobster has become infected with this virus, even months before the infected lobster shows any symptoms or becomes contagious. The infected lobster is driven out of the den. • The paradise tree snake is able to glide astonishing distances by flattening its body as it launches from a tree top while adopting an S-shape to increase lift. The snake undulates while falling, and the result is a longer and more controlled glide than is achieved by flying squirrels. • The smallest known mammal is the pygmy whitefooted shrew, about the size of a thimble.


• When tourists flock to areas of Alaska and British Columbia where bears gather to feed on salmon, their presence scares off the male grizzlies. With the males out of the way, the females raising cubs feel more comfortable feeding, and gain more weight than they would have if people had not been there. ...continued

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DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Life preserver is missing. 2. Cap is reversed. 3. Arm is moved. 4. Shirt words are missing. 5. Frisbee is missing. 6. Boat is missing. ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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• In 1996 researchers found a dolphin who was deaf and mute. She was estimated to be nine years old and was monitored for seven years, during which time she never whistled or made any echolocation bursts. Nevertheless she seemed to be well fed and healthy. • Orcas form some of the most stable family units in the animal kingdom. Each baby remains with its family for the rest of its life. • Porpoises do not form tight social bonds the way that dolphins do. • Regardless of species, when most babies are born, they tend to sleep most of the time. Exceptions to this rule include the orca and the bottlenose dolphin. The newborn calf and the mother will not sleep during the first month of the baby’s life, remaining on the move around the clock. The calf needs to breach at the surface to breathe. The lack of blubber makes it unable to control its body temperature until it puts on weight. The danger of predators is everpresent. When the calf is a month old, calf and mother will both begin to sleep in small segments that gradually increase in length to five to eight hours a day. • There is no difference in the DNA of a domestic dog and a wolf. Whether it’s a chihuahua, beagle, or timber wolf, they are the same species. • In Florida in the years between 1948 in 2005, alligators attacked 391 people. Sharks attacked 592 people. But alligators killed 17 of their victims, compared to just nine people killed by sharks. • The European hedgehog is immune to the venom of the South American viper snake, containing a substance that inhibits the blood-thinning compounds contained in the snake’s venom. No one really knows how or why the hedgehog developed this immunity, since the two species live on different continents and never interact. Locally Owned

Quiz Answers

1. Mornings 2. 35% 3. 15% 4. Women 5. 5 months 6. Troposphere

7. Four: KY, MA, PA, VA 8. AT&T 9. Mr. Whipple 10. Bobby Darin, in 1958.



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