The N e at e s t Little Paper Ever Read
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• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks May 12, 2022
Published by: Wick Publications
Issue # 1,269
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We’ve all seen these characters in ads and television commercials for years. This week, Tidbits digs a little deeper into their history. • Henry Nemo was a jazz composer and Cotton Club musician credited as the creator of jive. So what does Nemo have to do with tuna fish? Tasked with creating an ad campaign for StarKist tuna, ad exec Tom Rogers designed a hip, cool beatnik fish with a beret and trendy shades, modeling Charlie the Tuna after his good friend, Nemo. Charlie felt he had “good taste,” believing himself to be the perfect catch for StarKist. Throughout his 85-commercial career, which began in 1961, Charlie was always rejected with a note on a fish hook reading, “Sorry, Charlie.” The point of the message was that StarKist wasn’t looking for tuna with good taste, but rather for tuna that tasted good. “Sorry, Charlie” and “Tell ‘em Charlie sent ya” are among the most recognized advertising slogans in history. Charlie’s ad campaign was retired in the late 1980s. • John Moschitta, Jr. is known as “Motormouth,” a nickname attained from his 1981 ads for Federal Express. He appeared in more than 100 commercials as “the fast-talking guy,” and held the Guinness record for several years by delivering close to 600 words per minute.
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Quiz Bits
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. In which year did the first episode of the animated comedy “South Park” air? What company’s ad featured 7. What was the former name Fred the Baker? of the Hoover Dam on the What company packages their Colorado River? product in a bottle shaped like a 8. What is an organism that matronly woman? depends entirely upon another What food package features organism for its existence? Cornelius the Rooster? What famous weatherman was 9. On the “The Flintstones,” what is Bam-Bam’s the first Ronald McDonald? last name? What is the name the head Keebler elf? SPONSORED BY:
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• We were admonished by Mr. Whipple, “Please don’t squeeze the Charmin!” from 1964 to 1985. This fictional supermarket manager was played by Dick Wilson, whose previous credits included several 1960s and 1970s sitcoms. Born in England in 1916 as Riccardo DiGuglielmo, he moved to Ontario, Canada as a young child. At 15, Wilson was working at a local radio station. At 16, he taught himself to fly, and began flying supplies to remote Canadian mining camps, experience that made him eligible for military flight training, followed by a stint as a World War II bomber pilot in the Royal Canadian Air Force. Wilson appeared in more than 500 commercials touting the benefits of Charmin bath tissue. A 1978 survey revealed that his face was the third-most known in America, beating out then-President Jimmy Carter. Only Richard Nixon and evangelist Billy Graham were more recognizable than Mr. Whipple. It seems appropriate that interviews for the part were held in Flushing, New York. • Actress Jan Miner was Madge the Manicurist for 27 years of television commercials for Palmolive dishwashing liquid. Miner had already had a very successful stage, radio, film, and television career before she told her clients that Palmolive “softens hands while you do the dishes” and used the liquid to soak their hands during their manicure appointments. • Clara Peller was a real manicurist for 35 years at a Chicago beauty salon. She was discovered by an ad agency when she was 80 years old, and was chosen to star in a Wendy’s hamburger commercial with two other elderly ladies beginning in January of 1984. Clara’s three-word line was “Where’s the beef?” as she and the others studied a competitor’s hamburger. The company experienced a 31% jump in sales the year after Clara’s commercials first aired. ...continued
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2315 N. Washington St. • Grand Forks 5. Which NCAA men’s basketball player finished his collegiate career as the 1. Tulane University’s athall-time leader in assists letic teams are known by with 1,076 —Ed Cota, what nickname? Bobby Hurley, Chris Cor2. What Basketball Hall of chiani or Greg Anthony? Famer from Australia was 6. T or F: Not a single team named WNBA MVP in in the NBA (2021-22 2003, ‘07 and ‘10? regular season) finished 3. In 1997, Larry Rothschild with an Opponent PPG was named manager of what MLB expansion team? average of less than 100. 4. Which NHL team had the 7. What year did the original Winnipeg Jets become the most penalty minutes this season (2021-22)? Phoenix Coyotes?
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• There aren’t many who haven’t seen Stephanie Courtney’s face. Her first TV commercial was a small role in a Bud Light ad that aired during the Super Bowl in 1998. Since then, she has appeared in 11 movies and dozens of guest spots on television series. But we really know her best in her role as Flo of Progressive Insurance ad fame, a job she’s had since 2008. Stephanie has a degree in English from New York’s Binghamton University. • Hector Boiardi began working in restaurant kitchens in Italy at age 10. In 1914, at 16, Hector arrived at Ellis Island and started a job in the kitchen at New York City’s Plaza Hotel, where he worked his way up to head chef. A move to Cleveland in 1924 brought Hector’s first restaurant, Il Giardino d’Italia, or “Garden of Italy.” His pasta dishes became so popular, customers asked for milk bottles of his spaghetti sauce to take home. By 1928, Boiardi had opened a factory to meet the demands. The products’ labels featured Hector’s picture in his chef’s hat, and the newly-changed name to an easier pronunciation, Chef Boy-ar-dee. During World War II, Boiardi developed field rations for the troops, and by the end of the war, his annual sales exceeded $20 million. Although he sold the company in 1946, he remained a consultant for more than 30 years. At the time of his death in 1985, annual sales of Chef Boy-ar-dee products grossed more than $500 million. • A Chicago animal shelter was the source of the 7-year-old large orange tabby cat known as Morris, the face of 9 Lives cat food. Dubbed “the world’s most finicky cat,” the original Morris appeared in 58 TV commercials from 1969 to 1978. Following Morris’ that year, the second Morris took over. To date, there have been three different felines in the role. ...continued
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• The fictional coffee farmer, Juan Valdez, has been touting the flavor of Colombian coffee since 1958. The original actor, Cuban native Jose Duval, had the role until 1969. After migrating to America at age 20, Duval set his sights on a career in music and theater. He appeared at New York’s Metropolitan Opera, then transitioned to other venues, including theater roles in “The King and I” and “South Pacific.” In 1969, Duval was succeeded by an actual Colombian coffee farmer, Carlos Sanchez, who was also an artist. Sanchez was Valdez until 2006 when he retired and Carlos Casteneda took over the role. • Speaking of coffee, do you remember the fictional Swedish housewife, Mrs. Olson, who was the expert on the perfect cup of coffee? Actress Virginia Christine boasted about the “mountain-grown coffee” as the “richest kind of coffee.” She wasn’t just a coffee peddler – she had roles in close to 60 movies and scores of television appearances. The actress’ hometown of Stanton, Iowa honored her by building the community’s water tower in the shape of a giant coffee pot. • The Marlboro Man became a popular fixture in the cigarette’s ads beginning in 1954. The first Man was William Thourlby, a model who neither smoked nor drank, and pretended to do cowboy tasks in the ad. But the ad agency didn’t feel he was authentic or “rugged” enough, and so went after rodeo cowboys and ranch hands. Another non-smoker, Robert Norris, was the Man for 12 years, but quit when he felt it was a poor influence on his children. Five of the Marlboro Men died of smoking-related diseases, primarily lung cancer. Several of the cowboys smoked multiple of packs of cigarettes during the filming.
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Amanda Holweger
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Holweger can be reached at holweger.egf@gmail.com or on Facebook @HolwegerForSchoolBoard • 218-779-0737
by Linda Thistle Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.
Amanda Holweger, a local parent and area business owner, has announced her candidacy for a seat on the ISD 595 School Board in East Grand Forks. “Yes, I plan to bring new energy, ideas, collaboration and action to our school board-- to help our students and our educators to thrive by bringing it back to the ABC’s; Academics and Accountability, Budget and Board Governance, and Curriculum,” said Holweger. Holweger has three college Bachelors’ degrees from Park University: In Management, Management Marketing, and Management Human Resources. “This education has given me the tools and information to run a successful business. It will also help me to bring about action as an active school board member,” according to Holweger. Since her parents were in the Air Force, Holweger has lived in various places. “I’ve traveled widely, which has exposed me to various cultures,” she said. “This has instilled in me a sense of duty to our country and our community.” Recently she has lived in Grand Forks/ East Grand Forks for the past 11 years. Holweger is married to Casey Holweger, who was born-and-raised in East Grand Forks. The two of them have owned the Holweger Construction LLC since 2014. They have four sons, who range in age from 3 to 9-- three of whom are currently enrolled in ISD 595. She stated that her family is active at Calvary Lutheran Church in Grand Forks, where their children attend Sunday School. “My faith has taught me about doing my part to move in the right direction, despite any potential obstacles,” said Holweger. In preparation for her School Board run, Holweger said, “For the past year, I have watched online and attended in-person school board meetings. Through this experience, I have noticed that the school board needs to start focusing more on the ABC’s to help our students, teachers, and schools thrive”.
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What Lured Us Back to the Senior Center?
The too-young staffers at the senior center finally figured out that we're not coming back until COVID is gone. And it's not gone. In some areas it's easing up a bit, but here it's still going strong. We're not willing to risk contagion by dashing in the door of the senior center and pretending things are back to normal. At least once a week the center sends out emails and gets few replies in response. Come to the Ladies Lunch served indoors? No thanks. Experiment with still life photography in the meeting room, with vases, statuettes and fruit provided? No. We held out, refusing as a group to be party to any potential COVID-spreading indoor activity. Finally, the staff got it. They went with videos. The art classes will be online. The book club will have an online discussion, with a link to how to log in to the meeting. And the exercise classes will be posted online so everyone can stretch and work out at home. But it was the offer of free haircuts that broke our resolve. Some of us haven't been in a salon for two years. The rules were specific. Stay in our car until we were handed an at-home COVID test, which we would take in the car. If it proved to be negative, we could proceed to the next step (one person at a time), which was to sit on a chair in the hall inside the right-side door of the center and wait for our turn. When the person ahead of us was finished (down the hall in the kitchen), she would be escorted out the left-side door to the parking lot. It was glorious. We each came out of the left-side door with a spring in our step, freshly relieved of two years of unruly hair. Feeling Down, Sad or Anxious?
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by Lucie Winbourne
• "White noise" is named such because, just as the color white is a mixture of many different shades at different ratios, it's a combination of all sound frequencies at once. • Some of the first soccer balls were made of clothing filled with rubble. • A young Bangladeshi woman with two uteruses gave birth to twins less than a month after having a son. • "Jazz on bones" or "Ribs" were bootleg vinyl recordings made from old X-rays with holes burned in the middle from cigarettes, used in the '50s and '60s to smuggle banned music into the Soviet Union. • A vending machine offering live crabs debuted in 2010 in Nanjing, China, with sales of around 200 per day and a promised refund of three live crabs for any dead one dispensed. • While enough was known about Halley's Comet in 1910 to predict its arrival, rumors about its dangers were so extensive that some people bought comet umbrellas and anti-comet pills in an attempt to protect themselves from it. • Between 2006 and 2007, Poland's prime minister and president were identical twin brothers, making them the first siblings in history to hold those titles simultaneously. • Ever wonder why sneezes frequently occur in threes? The first loosens the irritant. The second propels it to the front of your nose, and the third expels it. Problem solved! • Cats, dogs and even insects can all experience insomnia. • Stephen King, who has made a career out of scaring his readers, is scared of the number 13: While reading, he won't pause on a page with that number or a page whose number adds up to 13. *** Thought for the Day: "Sometimes the steepest, most challenging and most rewarding paths in life are not meant to be walked, but crawled." -- Toni Sorenson ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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• Cepheus consulted a prophet for guidance and was told that sacrificing their daughter would placate Poseidon, which they did. Poseidon declared that Andromeda would be bound to a rock as prey for the sea monster Cetus. The Greek god Perseus, the son of Zeus, was passing by, saw Andromeda, and rescued her from the sea monster at the very last minute. The princess then married her liberator.
• If you’re trying to find the constellation Cassiopeia, look for its distinctive “W” shape, formed by five of its brightest stars – Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon Cassiopeiae. The Gamma star, the central star in the “W,” is currently the brightest star in the constellation. Located 610 light years away from Earth, its luminosity is 40,000 times that of our sun. The Alpha, also • Yet the drama wasn’t over! One of Andromeda’s called Schedar, is 676 times brighter than our sun. former suitors, Phineus, showed up at the wedding, • Cassiopeia is the 25th largest constellation in the sky. claiming to be the only one who had the right to marIt’s one of the 48 constellations listed by the Egyptian ry the princess. A fight ensued with Perseus greatly astronomer and mathematician Ptolemy in the secoutnumbered. His secret weapon to defeat Phineus ond century. The brilliant Ptolemy compiled the “Aland his gang was the head of Medusa, a mythologimagest,” an astronomy textbook and catalog of stars, cal gorgon with the ability to turn spectators to stone. providing the coordinates and brightness for more than The opponents were defeated, but unfortunately, the 1,000 stars and placing them in constellations. king and queen failed to look away from Medusa’s head in time, and met their end. Cassiopeia remains • The constellation is named after a queen in Greek on her throne, forever combing her hair. mythology, the wife of King Cepheus and mother of
Princess Andromeda. She was a vain, conceited queen • November is the best time to view this constellation, known for boasting about her beauty. When she claimed specifically at 9:00 PM she was more beautiful than the Nereids, who were 50 • Perseus has his own constellation, the 24th largest in sea nymphs, her troubles began. One of the nymphs, the sky, one that was also identified by Ptolemy. His Amphitrite, was married to Poseidon, the Greek god of constellation, and those of Andromeda, Cassiopeia, seas and rivers, storms and floods, and earthquakes and Cepheus, and the monster Cetus, are all near one andestruction. The nymphs appealed to Poseidon to punother. Perseus is immortalized as holding the head of ish Cassiopeia for her arrogance. Medusa in one hand and a jeweled dagger in the other. • While many mythological characters were sent to the • In mid-August every year, the Perseid meteor showskies as an honor, Poseidon banned Cassiopeia to the er entertains starwatchers everywhere. With a radiant heavens as punishment, point between Perseus and Cassiopeia, meteors flash along with husband Ceacross the sky between midnight and dawn at a rate pheus and daughter Anof about one per minute for several days. dromeda. Cepheus is represented by the neighLet us know what you think boring constellation.
about Tidbits.
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(Answers located further back)
May 2, 2022
• Earth Day got me thinking about how many plastic bottled beverages my family goes through. I have found six glass reusable bottles that can be run through the dishwasher, and I store them in the refrigerator in a cardboard six-pack holder. I still want the convenience of grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, but I feel better knowing that I’m not contributing to a plastic problem.” — JoAnn • Using ice-cold sour cream instead of ice-cold water in your pie crust recipe will give you a flakier crust. • “If you love to burn candles as much as I do, consider storing them in the refrigerator for a day or so before burning them. I swear, it makes them burn evenly. Someone told me this once, and I tried it and have been doing it ever since. No more crooked candles.” — J.L. in Tennessee • When traveling for more than a few days, stick your plants into the bathtub with a little bit of water. They’ll soak it up, and you won’t have to have someone come over and water your plants. This will only work for a week at most, though.” — J.M. in Louisiana • Kitchen remodels can be expensive, but when your kitchen isn’t usable, that’s even more of an expense. Instead of opting for takeout food, set up an alternate kitchen to save money. A microwave, toaster oven, coffee pot and a small dorm-style fridge can take care of a lot of your needs in the short term. • Planning on putting in some new plants or sprucing up your garden this spring? Check with your town’s yard-waste recycling center about free mulch or compost. Many facilities offer these to their residents. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• On May 18, 1783, the first United Empire Loyalists, known to American Patriots as Tories, arrive in what is now New Brunswick, Canada, to take refuge under the British crown. Loyalist refugees in western Quebec were given 200 acres apiece. • On May 22, 1859, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, is born. His first Sherlock Holmes story, "A Study in Scarlet," was published in 1887. Doyle soon grew weary of his creation, killing off Holmes only to resuscitate him later due to popular demand. • On May 20, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signs the Homestead Act, which opens government-owned land to small family farmers. The act gave the head of a family 160 acres to try his hand at farming for five years. If the farmer then could prove the homestead successful, he paid an $18 filing fee and received a deed to the land.
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* On May 21, 1881, in Washington, D.C., humanitarians Clara Barton and Adolphus Solomons found the American National Red Cross, established to provide humanitarian aid to victims of wars and natural disasters. • On May 17, 1943, the crew of the Memphis Belle, one of a group of American bombers based in Britain, becomes the first B-17 crew to complete 25 missions over Europe and return to the United States. • On May 19, 1975, New York City's Chinatown is almost entirely shut down with shuttered stores displaying signs reading "Closed to Protest Police Brutality." The demonstration was a reaction to the New York Police Department's treatment of Peter Yew after he witnessed the police beating a Chinese teenager and attempted to intervene. • On May 16, 1980, Los Angeles Lakers point guard Earvin "Magic" Johnson steps in for injured center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and scores 42 points, leading the Lakers to a four games-to-two series win over the Philadelphia 76ers and the NBA championship.
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• Can you hear me now? Those five words turned Paul Marcarelli into a very recognizable personage known as The Verizon Wireless Man, a role he held from 2002 to 2011. He’d already appeared in a number of ads for Old Navy, Merrill Lynch, Heineken, and several others. When Verizon decided to pursue a different advertising path in 2001, Marcarelli was relieved of his “Test Man” duties. He moved on to the rival Sprint as a spokesman in 2016, a company that has since merged with T-Mobile. He continues to wear his own personal horn-rimmed glasses in the ads. • Actress Dena Dietrich was best known for her portrayal of Mother Nature in the Chiffon margarine commercials of the 1970s. Dressed in a white gown and sporting a crown of daisies, she sampled Chiffon, believing it to be butter, until the narrator informed her that it was margarine. “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature” was her response, along with claps of thunder and lightning bolts. The accompanying musical jingle was, “If you think it’s butter, but it’s not…it’s Chiffon.” “The Golden Girls” fans might recognize Dietrich from her role as Gloria Mayson (Sophia’s daughter and Dorothy’s sister) in Season 7 of the popular sitcom. • The Michelin Man is one of the world’s oldest trademarks, a symbol of the tire company since 1894. The Man’s name is Bibendum and has maintained his original white color all these years, even though carbon was added to tires’ rubber formula in 1912, changing them from white to black. The name Bibendum translates from the Latin, meaning “to drink.” Michelin’s London headquarters from 1911 to 1985 now houses the Bibendum Restaurant and Oyster Bar.
The list of characters created by the Leo Burnett Advertising Agency goes on and on, including Tony the Tiger, the Marlboro Man, the Pillsbury Doughboy, the Maytag Repairman, the Jolly Green Giant, the Keebler elves, Charlie the Tuna, Toucan Sam, and Morris the Cat.
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• Jesse White was the first Maytag repairman, nicknamed Ol’ Lonely, because he was so rarely called out to repair a machine. He spent his days doing crossword puzzles, playing solitaire, and doing bead work, because of Maytag’s claim of appliance reliability. After White’s 68 commercials, Gordon Jump took over the role in 1988 after a successful run as the station manager in the series “WKRP in Cincinnati.” He retired in 2003 and Hardy Rawls became the new loneliest guy in town.
DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Beads are missing. 2. Purse is missing. 3. Sign is different. 4. Cap is reversed. 5. Horn is missing. 6. Collar is different. ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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• You’re probably not familiar with the name John Gilchrist, but chances are you’ll recognize Mikey from the Life cereal commercials, which first aired in 1972. When two brothers refused to try out the new breakfast cereal, they exclaimed, “Let’s get Mikey! He hates everything.” But to their surprise, “He likes it! Hey, Mikey!” The two older brothers were Gilchrist’s actual brothers Michael and Tommy. The parents and their seven children were visiting the beach one day and were approached by a producer who admired the family image. The Life commercials were one of the industry’s longest-continuously running ad campaigns, at more than 12 years, and are ranked in the Top Ten commercials of all time. Later in the 1980s, John Gilchrist reprised the role as a college student. Before retiring from acting, he appeared in 250 more commercials, as well as a few films. He obtained a communications degree and works as the direct of media sales at Madison Square Garden. Gilchrist says he remembers next to nothing about filming the 1970s commercial, since he was just three years old at the time.
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Quiz Answers
1. Dunkin’ Donuts 2. Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup 3. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 4. Willard Scott 5 Ernie
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