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• Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks June 2, 2022
Published by: Wick Publications
Issue # 1,272
by Janet Spencer
Hair Loss Hospital • REPAIR • REFRESH • RECLAIM Call to learn about Hair Loss Therapy!
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Spring Cleaning
• The tallest redwood tree ever found was 379 feet tall, which is 74 feet taller than the Statue of Liberty. A man standing next to a redwood is proportionately equal to an ant standing next to a fishing pole 13 feet long. Redwood needles are only 1/4 inch to 1 inch long. It takes 6,000 seeds to weigh one ounce, and the cones are only an inch long. • The General Grant sequoia, a famous tree in California, contains enough wood to build a village of 50 six-room houses. It’s estimated to be 1,700 years old. Sequoias can live 3,000 years or more, and are among the oldest of living things. A sequoia’s roots cover 3 or 4 acres. They don’t start to bear seeds until age 70, and don’t reach the peak of seed-bearing until age 300. Their seeds are only the size of a pinhead. The odds of each seed surviving are about a billion to one. Their bark is up to 2 feet thick, protecting them from insects, diseases, and fire. It’s nearly as fireproof as asbestos. The only things that can kill mature sequoias are a change in climate, earthquakes, erosion, and man. In ancient times, sequoias used to live all over the world. Nearly 20% of sequoias were killed during the fire season of 2021.
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Quiz Bits
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. What was the name of the older brother on TV’s “Happy Days”? 7. Where did the 1980s TV show Lincoln was the tallest presi“Simon & Simon” take place? dent at 6’4” but who was the 8. What was the name of the second tallest? Who was the shortest president? hangout for the gang on TV’s “Beverly Hills 90210”? Do children grow faster in 9. T or F: Elvis Presley had over spring or fall? 100 Top songs. Do children gain more weight 10. Which rock guitarist played in spring or fall? the guitar riff in Michael What percent of American men Jackson’s “Beat It”? reach 6’ in height currently? What percent reached in 1900? SPONSORED BY:
d Cities Gam n ra G 120 N. Wash. St. Grand Forks
• There is a fungus growing three feet underground in Washington state which is one of the largest living things on the planet. It covers 1,500 acres, and it grows by inches, devouring dead organic material in its path. • A large thundercloud may hold 150,000 tons of water, enough to fill a pond a mile long, 300 feet wide, and 5 feet deep. • The mountain on the Canary Islands casts a shadow 200 miles long, said to be the longest shadow on earth. • When calculating the height of Mt. Everest, researchers concluded the mountain was exactly 29,000 feet tall. However, they figured such a conveniently round numeral would seem as if it had been rounded off, so they announced that the mountain was 29,020 feet high. • The highest mountain in the U.S. east of the Rockies is Mt. Mitchell in North Carolina, which is 6,688 feet tall. • Colin and Donna Craig-Brown were weeding their garden near Hamilton, New Zealand, when they dug up what turned out to be the world’s largest potato, weighing in at 17.4 lbs. They named the spud “Doug” because they dug it up.
• One of the best types of caviar comes from the beluga sturgeon, a fish which can live up to 3 centuries, grow up to 24 feet long, and weigh over a ton. • Elephant ears can be five feet wide, which aids their hearing. They can hear sounds up to two miles away and can smell a human more than a mile away. • The feet of an elephant have a combined surface area of 3.5 sq. ft., so their weight is evenly distributed and they hardly leave any tracks. A stiletto heel has a greater pressure per square inch than an elephant's foot. ...continued Full Service Electrical Contractor
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4. Who was selected No. 1 overall by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the 1986 1. In 1981, Chili Davis NFL Draft? (Hint: He was became the first player in drafted again by the Los Major League Baseball Angeles Raiders in 1987.) history to hail from what 5. Who was head coach of island nation? the University of Florida 2. Name the TV sports anGators men’s basketball thology series, first airing team that won back-toin 1961, that brought viewback NCAA championers “The thrill of victory ... ships in 2006-07? and the agony of defeat.” 3. Who did the N.Y. Rangers 6. T or F: No team has been swept in the Stanley Cup beat in the 1994 Stanley Cup Championship? Final in over 20 years.
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• Bald eagles mate for life. They construct the largest bird nests in the world. The largest recorded bald eagle nest, located in St. Petersburg, Florida, was 9.5 feet in diameter, 20 feet deep and weighed almost 6,000 pounds. By contrast, most hummingbird nests are less than an inch wide. • The elf owl of southwestern U.S. and Mexico is the smallest owl at only 6" tall. The great gray owl of Alaska and Canada is the biggest, with a wingspan up to 5 feet wide. • Fossil shark teeth found near Chesapeake Bay were 5 inches long. The prehistoric shark they came from must have been large enough so that a man could have easily stood upright between its jaws. The largest shark ever caught in contemporary times had teeth 3 inches long and was 30 feet long. • The largest member of the cat family is the Siberian tiger, which is about 10 feet long (nose to tip of tail) and weighs about 600 lbs. • A captive black-maned lion named Simba weighed 826 lbs.
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• One kind of jellyfish found in the Arctic is 8 feet across and has tentacles 200 feet long. • The giant clam can be 4 feet wide and weigh 500 lbs., but there has never been a documented case of a man stepping into one and being trapped underwater when the clam closed on his foot. • The largest bat is called the flying fox. Its wingspan is over 5 feet and its body is the size of a pigeon's. It's a vegetarian and eats only fruit, flowers, nectar, and buds. Since it depends on sight to find food rather than sonar, it has better sight than most bats. The dreaded vampire bat weighs only l oz. with a wingspan of 12", and eats a tablespoon of blood a day, usually from cattle. ...continued
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by Linda Thistle
2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government.
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.
Challenging HOO BOY!
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
*Answer located further back in this issue.
Keep the Skeeters Down in Your Neighborhood The Grand Forks Health Department maintains a comprehensive larvicide program. Crews have identified and mapped more than 1,200 sites around our community. These sites are inspected and treated with public health pesticides on a regular schedule. But we still need help from homeowners to identify and eliminate breeding sites on private property. We do not have the resources to inspect all private property in the city. You can help by inspecting your property and getting rid of any standing water. If you have a large site that cannot be drained or a swimming pool that is not being used or may not be used until later this summer, contact the Health Dept. at 701-787-8110 and we’ll inspect and treat the water with a product designed to prevent mosquitoes from hatching. This service is free for citizens with property located within the City of Grand Forks.
Common Mosquito Breeding Habitat: • Drainage Ditches • Old Tires • Swimming Pools not being used • Wading pools • Boats or a saggy tarp on a boat • Leaky garden hose or outside faucet • Plugged rain gutters
• Rain water collecting barrels • Cans, bottles, plastic jugs, jars • Any open container that has water – i.e. recycle bins, garbage cans and lids, wheel barrow, flower pots, even something as small as a pop bottle cap.
• Any standing water is a potential breeding site for mosquitoes. • Thank you for helping us reduce mosquitoes in our community!
For information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com
• The Tutse tribe from Rwanda and Burundi in central Africa are the tallest people in the world. The men average six feet. On the other hand, the Mbuti Pygmies of the Congo are the smallest, with men averaging only four feet six inches. • Chandra Bahadur Dangi of Nepal stood only 1 foot, 9 inches. He toured with the circus and died at the age of 75 in 2015. • Pauline Musters was a Dutch girl who weighed only 9 lbs. and was 23 inches tall when she died at the age of 19 in 1876, making her the smallest woman in history. • Robert Wadlow of Illinois was born in 1918 weighing 8 1/2 lbs. He grew normally until the age of two. But by the time he reached the age of 14, he had shot up to 7 feet 5 inches. He died at the age of 22 from blood poisoning from an infection caused by an ill-fitting ankle brace. He was 8 feet 11 inches tall at the time. • Jon Brower Minnoch, who holds the record for the heaviest human in history, was 6 foot 1 inch and weighed about 1,400 lbs. when he married a 110lb. woman named Jeanette in 1978 setting a record for the greatest difference in weight between a married couple. He fathered her two children. He then set a world record for greatest weight loss ever recorded, dropping to 476 lb. He died at the age of 41 weighing 798 lbs. • Sun Mingming of China and his wife Xu Yan are the world's tallest couple. Sun stands 7 feet 9 inches, his wife Xu is 6 feet 2 inches, for a combined height of 13 feet 11 inches. • At 7-feet, 9-inches tall, Sun easily towers over everyone else in the room. Xu stands just shy of 6-feet, 2-inches tall. • In 1984, Nigel Wilks of Great Britain was 6 feet 6 inches tall when he married Beverly Russell, who suffered from a skeletal disorder and was only 3 feet 11 inches tall.
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Walk Faster, Live Longer
We've known for years that walking is a good form of exercise for seniors ... we just didn't know why. Now a new study not only explains how it works, but why brisk walking is even more effective. Ten years ago, researchers at Leicester University Biomedical Research Centre started looking at genetic data in the biobanks in the U.K. for clues about why seniors who walk seemed to live longer. They didn't fool around with a dozen or so participants. No, they analyzed the information of over 405,000 people. And now we know: It's the telomere length. Telomeres (aka leucocyte telomere length, or LTLs) are the "end caps" on strands of DNA, the building blocks of our bodies and an indicator of our biological age. Fast walkers have longer LTLs, and therefore better health ... and longer lives. That same study showed that as little as 10 minutes per day of brisk walking can equate to longer lives. (The Mayo Clinic prefers 30 minutes of activity per day, possibly broken into three 10-minute sessions.) The best walking pace appears to be 3 mph, although the research data was from wearable tracking devices like those we use to measure steps per day. But there's more. A study at the National Institutes of Health concluded that the length of the telomeres is positively associated with consuming fruits, dairy, 100% fruit juice and coffee. On the other hand, food and drinks with high amounts of sugar and red meat can negatively affect the telomere length. The study gave a big thumbs up to the Mediterranean diet, with loads of nuts, fruits, vegetables, unrefined cereals, fish and olive oil. If you invest in a pedometer to measure your steps, be sure to look for one that tracks your speed. Ask your doctor about any recommendations they have for the trackers. Feeling Down, Sad or Anxious?
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
by Matilda Charles
*Answer located further back in this issue.
Infinity Health Cathie Campbell DNP, PMHNP-BC, GNP-BC
Call 701-885-7920 • Grand Forks, ND www.InfinityHealthND.com
by Lucie Winbourne
• Idaho is the only U.S. state to explicitly declare that cannibalism is illegal. • In 2001, the FBI warned Russell Crowe that alQaeda were planning to kidnap him as part of a "cultural destabilization plot." For nearly two years, the agency guarded the actor in public, but refused to provide him with any details about the threat.
Father’s Day June 19
• In Germany, folks who urinate in the streets are called "wildpinklers," meaning "free pee-ers." • Gorillas sing happy songs while they eat -- louder when enjoying a favorite food. • Talk about election fraud! In 2013, police in the Maldives arrested a coconut for loitering near a polling station during the presidential election. The fruit's offense? Locals feared it might have been imbued with a magic spell to influence the election, as there was a Surah (chapter from the Quran) written on it. The coconut was released upon being found to be fake. • In 2014, over 2.8 million American dogs were on an antidepressant drug similar to Prozac. • Alarmed neighbors of a couple in Sydney, Australia, called the police after hearing a woman screaming, furniture crashing and a man shouting: "I'm going to kill you, you're dead! Die! Die!" When the law arrived on the scene they found, however, not a typical case of domestic violence, but a frenzied attempt to kill a spider. • Now here's a good reason to call your plumber: A leaky faucet dripping once every second can waste up to 3,000 gallons of water in a year -- enough for 180 showers! • The U.S. government gave Indiana University $1 million to study ... memes. *** Thought for the Day: "Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games." --Babe Ruth
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• In order to get back inside, he had to bleed off some of the suit’s pressure. He did this without reporting his actions to avoid alarming others. This took him perilously below safety limits to the point where he risked suffering from “the bends.” This meant that his spacesuit, originally equipped with a 40-minute supply of oxygen, now had much less than that. The space suit was so hot that he nearly suffered from heatstroke. His sweat collected in his space suit. Leonov had a suicide pill to swallow in the event Belyayev was forced to abandon him in orbit. • Soviet state television, seeing that issues had arisen, cut off the live broadcast, said they were experiencing “technical difficulties” and began playing Mozart on a loop. • Leonov had trouble contorting himself enough to fit back into the airlock. Finally inside, he and Belyayev had issues sealing the hatch properly due to distortion caused by Leonov's struggles.
• Leonov began his spacewalk 90 minutes into the flight. It lasted 12 minutes. Leonov's only tasks were to attach a camera to the end of the airlock to record his spacewalk and to photograph the spacecraft. He managed to attach the camera. However, the vacuum of space caused such a difference in air pressure that his space suit ballooned to the point that it became stiff – like the Michelin Man – and would not bend. When he ended the spacewalk, he could not re-enter the inflatable airlock due to the enormous size of his suit.
• Voskhod 2 was a Soviet space mission launched in March of 1965 with two crew members on board. Pavel Belyayev and Alexei Leonov’s entire 26-hour journey was fraught with peril. Their mission was to achieve orbit, perform the world’s first spacewalk, and then return.
• Next they prepared for re-entry, but the spacecraft was so cramped they could not return to their seats to restore the ship's center of mass. This caused the automatic landing system to fail, sending operations over to manual. During re-entry, the orbital module failed to disconnect from the landing module, causing the craft to spin wildly until the cable broke. The G-forces were so strong they suffered burst blood vessels in their eyes. • Because of these issues, the craft landed 930 miles away from the landing zone, coming down in the forests of the taiga. Flight controllers had no idea where the spacecraft landed or whether Leonov and Belyayev survived, but their families were told they were resting after having been recovered. • When Belyayev and Leonov tried to blow the hatch, the gunpowder went off but the hatch didn’t move. It was lodged against a tree. They rocked the capsule to open enough space to crawl out into chin-deep snow. Moscow never received their rescue signal, but local pilots did, and quickly located the cosmonauts. The region was so heavily forested that helicopters could not land. The two men had no choice but to spend the night inside the capsule. There was no way to close the hatch. They tried to collect the parachute but it was too tangled in trees. That night, temperatures dropped to -23°F, and the sweat that had collected in Leonov’s spacesuit froze. Warm clothes were dropped by local pilots. The electrical system malfunctioned so that the heater would not work, but the fans ran at full blast and could not be shut off. • A rescue party arrived on skis the next day bringing food. They built a log shelter and made a fire. The next day, the cosmonauts skied to a waiting helicopter 5.5 miles away. Three months later, Ed White became the first American to perform a spacewalk, under considerably calmer circumstances.
© 2022 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved.
*Answer located further back in this issue.
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© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
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(Answers located further back)
May 23, 2022
• Here’s a grill tip just in time for Memorial Day: When you need to cook something that needs covering (say, chicken) alongside something that does not (like hot dogs), simply invert an aluminum roaster/cake pan over the needs-covering item. You can purchase smaller size pans that can be reused. — JoAnn • “I have a tip about taking medicine. Regardless of the size of the pill, I always feel as if it is stuck in my throat. I have started to have a chunk of banana after taking a pill. I don’t get that stuck feeling anymore.” — T.B. in New Hampshire • “The sticky residue from price tags can be really annoying. I use WD-40 to get it off. Works every time for me!” — J.K. in Alabama • “Painting stairs? This tip will save your life! Paint every other step to start with. When they are dry, go back and paint the others. This way, you can use the staircase anytime during your project. This is particularly important if the stairs are the only way to get to bed after a long day of painting!” — I.L. in Nevada • Mix a quarter cup of salt in with two tablespoons of bath wash for a sudsy, refreshing, skin-soothing salt scrub. • To travel with pleated skirts, use this packing trick: Turn the skirt inside out, and straighten all the pleats. Then tape the bottom so that all the pleats are held together. Next, feed the skirt into a leg of pantyhose with the foot cut off. You’ll end up with a nice tube, which you can tuck into the side of your luggage. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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• On June 6, 1683, the Ashmolean, the world's first university museum, opens in Oxford, England. Today, the collection at the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology ranges in time from the earliest implements of man, made about 500,000 years ago, to 20th century works of art. • On June 10, 1692, in Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Bridget Bishop, the first colonist to be tried in the Salem witch trials, is hanged after being found guilty of the practice of witchcraft. The witch trials, which resulted in the executions of 19 innocent women and men, ended in October. • On June 9, 1893, the interior of Ford's Theatre collapses when a basement pier gives way, killing 23 people. The building -- where President Lincoln was assassinated -housed hundreds of government clerks.
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• On June 7, 1942, the Battle of Midway -- one of the most decisive U.S. victories in its war against Japan -- comes to an end. The outnumbered U.S. Pacific Fleet destroyed four Japanese aircraft carriers with the loss of only one of its own, the Yorktown. • On June 8, 1968, James Earl Ray is arrested in London, England, and charged with the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. In 1969, Ray pleaded guilty to King's murder. Three days later, he attempted to withdraw his guilty plea, claiming he had been set up as a patsy in a larger conspiracy. • On June 11, 1979, film actor John Wayne, born Marion Morrison, dies at age 72. The "John Wayne" name was created when the director of "The Big Trail" didn't think Marion was a good name for an actor playing a tough Western hero. • On June 12, 1982, a large crowd descends upon New York City's Central Park, demanding nuclear disarmament. Estimates placed the number of attendees at over a million. ©2022 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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• The town of Monowi, Nebraska was incorporated in 1902 when the railroad was extended there. That was the year the Monowi post office opened for business. Pronounced MONO-eye, the name means "flower" in an unidentified Native American language. The town hit its heyday in the 1930s when the population swelled to 150. There were grocery stores, restaurants, and even a jail.
A team of experienced business men and women want to help you explore your idea and make it happen. • Free and Confidential • • Elsie Eiler grew up on a farm on the edge of town
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and met Rudy Eiler in Monowi’s one-room schoolhouse when she was in 3rd grade. She married him when she was 19 and they had two children. Rudy worked at the grain elevator in town, but suggested they fix up the tavern that Elsie’s father used to run. By the time they opened the Monowi Tavern in the early 1970s, the town was already declining.
• Farming conditions worsened, rural economies collapsed, and the younger generation moved away to larger cities, as did Elsie and Rudy’s two children. Chris Littlejohn Media Account Manager
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• The last funeral ever held in Monowi’s only church was in 1960, for Elsie’s own father. The post office closed in 1967, then the school in 1974. By 1980 there were only 18 people left in town. By the time the 2000 census was done, Rudy and Elsie Eiler were the only residents left. When Rudy died in 2004, that left Elsie as the town’s only resident. • Today, according to the U.S. Census, Monowi is the only incorporated place in the U.S. with just one resident. As the only remaining resident in the country’s smallest town, Elsie Eiler serves as the mayor, clerk, treasurer, librarian, and bartender, cook, and chief bottle washer at the Monowi Tavern. • Each year, she hangs up a notice in Monowi’s only business (her tavern) advertising mayoral elections, and then votes for herself. ...continued
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• “When I apply to the state for my liquor and tobacco licenses each year, they send them to the secretary of the village, which is me,” Elsie explains. “So, I get them as the secretary, sign them as the clerk, and give them to myself as the bar owner.” Her tavern does a steady business, serving not only her friends and neighbors from nearby farming communities, but also from tourists and travelers who have heard of the amazing one-woman town and want to take a look.
DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Sun is missing. 2. Ear flap is missing. 3. Camera cord is shorter. 4. Stick is shorter. 5. Arm patch is missing. 6. Stripe is missing. ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
• Each year she fills out a municipal road plan to secure state funding for the town’s three street lights. She receives $500 a year to keep the water system running. Only three houses remain standing. The church pews are full of tires. It’s 60 miles to Walmart, and 90 miles to where her daughter lives. • Eiler has become something of a celebrity. She’s been featured in dozens of human interest news stories and television segments around the globe, from the BBC to People Magazine, the Today Show to Country Living. Arby’s set a world record in Monowi, placing the world’s largest advertising poster (7 acres) in a field near Eiler’s tavern, and Prudential Financial once filmed a commercial with Eiler as the quintessential independent woman.
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Quiz Answers
6. Chuck 1. Lyndon B. Cunningham Johnson at 7. San Diego 6’3” 2. James Madi- 8. The Peach Pit son, 5’4” 3. Twice as fast 9. True (114) in the spring. 10. Eddie Van Halen 4. Fall 5. 25%, 4%
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Sports Answers 1. Jamaica 4. Bo Jackson 2. ABC’s “Wide 5. Billy World of Donovan Sports.” 6. True. 1998 3. Vancouver was the last Canucks sweep.
• Eiler’s husband was a prolific reader. Before he died, Rudy worked to turn his private book collection into a public library. Rudy ordered a shed and boxed up his 5,000 books and magazines, but died before he could complete the project. A few months later, the Eilers' children, grandkids, and nephews wired the shed’s lights, built shelves, and painted a handmade sign on the side of an old fridge that reads “Rudy’s Library.” A key to the shed hangs inside the tavern, and anyone who wants to can check out anything, on the honor system. Locally Owned
Since 1997
Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks
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Chadwick Parkinson
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