Tidbits of Grand Forks - June 16, 2022

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks June 16, 2022

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GEOGRAPHY by Janet Spencer

Come along with Tidbits as we are amazed by geography!


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• Based on land mass, Vatican City, headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, is the smallest country in the world, spanning just 0.2 square miles. The Vatican is about 120 times smaller than Manhattan. • Russia is the biggest country in the world, consisting of 1/8th of the world’s inhabited land area. Russia spans 11 time zones, so at one end of the country it’s 7:00am while at the other end it’s 6:00pm. Russia has more surface area than Pluto. • Canada is the second largest country in the world, so it may not come as a surprise that it has a lot of lakes. But it actually has more than half of all the natural lakes in the world. 9% of the country is covered in fresh water. • Being its own continent and completely surrounded by water, you’d think Australia would be the country with the longest coastline. However, that title goes to Canada. Canada has 152,100 miles of coastline, compared to Australia’s 16,000 miles. In fact, Australia ranks 7th on the list of the world’s longest coastlines, behind Indonesia, Greenland, RusTurn the page for more! sia, Philippines, and Japan.



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• California is the closest state to Hawaii, but Hawaii is the furthest state from California. • Detroit is farther east than Atlanta. • The distance between New Zealand and Australia is roughly the same as the distance between the Netherlands and Libya.

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• Palm trees grow in Ireland at 53 degrees north. In Canada at 55 degrees north, there are polar bears.


• The majority of Canadians live in an area that is geographically located farther south than Seattle.


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Quiz Bits

6. What drive-in diner is featured in the 1970s TV sitcom “Happy Days”? 1. Over 2,300 languages are spo7. Which 1960s movie featured ken across what continent? the song “Moon River”? 2. What is the flattest state in 8. When did Lynyrd Skynyrd’s the United States? anthem “Sweet Home Ala3. What state has more miles of bama” chart in the Top 10? rivers than any other state? 9. In what year did the Boston 4. What state has more miles of Tea Party take place? interstate highway than any 10. What blood type does a other state? universal donor have? 5. What state has the least miles of interstate highway? SPONSORED BY:





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• The distance between the highest and the lowest points in the contiguous United States is less than 85 miles: Death Valley at 282 feet below sea level and Mount Whitney at 14,494 feet both in California and within sight of each other. • The Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal is west of the Pacific entrance. • The Appalachian mountain range formed before the North American continent broke away from Europe, so there's a little chunk of the Appalachians in France. • North Korea and Norway are only separated by one country: Russia.


• Asia takes up 30% of the Earth’s landmass, making it the largest continent in the world. Not only is it the biggest, but it is also the most populated continent with about 4.6 billion inhabitants. • Africa is the only continent that is in all four hemispheres, and the only continent to have land on the prime meridian and the equator. • Australia is the smallest continent. It’s also the flattest, the lowest, and the driest of them all. However, the country of Australia is the 6th largest country in the world by total area. Australia is wider than the moon. ...continued

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• Located in the Bering Strait between Alaska and Siberia, the Diomede Islands are only 2 miles away from each other but have a 20-hour time zone difference. Because of this, Big Diomede was branded Tomorrow Island while Little Diomede was called Yesterday Island.

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• Mt. Thor on Baffin Island, Canada, has Earth’s greatest sheer vertical drop. It’s 4,101 feet straight down. • In the Philippines, Lake Taal, which is located within the island of Luzon, has an island called Volcano Island, that has a lake called Crater Lake, which contains a small island called Vulcan Point. In other words, there’s an island that’s within a lake, on an island that’s within a lake, on an island. • It has snowed 4 times in the Sahara Desert in the past 42 years, including snowfalls in 2021, 2018, 2016, and 1979. • Pheasant Island, located in the middle of the Bidasoa River, belongs to both France and Spain. The countries share sovereignty by alternating ownership once a year. For six months it’s ruled by France and the other six months ruled by Spain. • Continents move 1 inch per year which is about the same rate that fingernails grow. • California (pop. 39.5 million) has more people than Canada (pop. 38 million). • Although it is generally associated with Egypt, only 22% of the Nile's course runs through Egypt. • Sudan is home to over 200 pyramids, more than twice that of Egypt. • Antarctica was not considered a continent until 1840. Who owns Antarctica? No one. It remains unowned and is governed by a group of nations in a unique international partnership. The continent is designated as a place belonging to peace and science. ...continued

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• Damascus, the capital of Syria, is believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, with evidence of habitation dating back at least 11,000 years. Today it’s home to about 2.5 million people. • Brazil is the largest and most populous country in South America. It is so large that it borders every South American country except for Ecuador and Chile. Brazil covers nearly half of South America and is larger in area than the continental U.S.

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ted on publicatio the racks nea n rt Exit doors he !

*Answer located further back in this issue.



• There are about 169 volcanoes in the United States that scientists consider active. Most of these (about 130) are located in Alaska, where eruptions occur virtually every year. • The city of Sydney on Australia’s east coast surrounds the world's largest natural harbor. • If you packed the entire population of the planet into an area that would be as densely populated as New York City, the earth’s population would only cover 250,404 square miles. That means the entire human population could fit into the state of Texas. • Aside from the continent of Antarctica, Iceland is the only country with no mosquitos. It’s due to cold temperatures. • Mount Etna of Italy is thought to be the world's oldest active volcano. The first record of its eruption dates back to 1500 BC. Since then, Etna has erupted 190 times. • It’s estimated that 98% of the islands in the Caribbean are uninhabited. • The Amazon River has over 1,100 tributaries. • The Grand Canyon in Arizona is the largest canyon in the world. • The longest international border is between Canada and the USA. The border is 5,525 miles long and borders 8 Canadian provinces/territories and 13 states in the USA.


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• At some point, you've probably promised someone you'd "be there in a jiffy," but did you know that's an actual unit of time? 1/100th of a second, to be precise.

by Lucie Winbourne

• Boston College has a policy allowing employees' children to attend for free once they've been accepted. One janitor's five children all made it in, saving the family almost $700,000 in tuition costs. • Bob Ross, known for his TV show "The Joy of Painting," received up to 200 fan letters per day. If regular correspondents failed to keep in touch, he would phone them to make sure they were all right. • The numbers on a roulette wheel, when added together, sum up to 666. • The Eco Gym in Rochester, New York, uses cardio equipment that harvests energy from members' workouts as a means of reducing energy costs. Savings are passed on to the members as an incentive to keep coming back for regular exercise.

• Women's fashion changed with the invention of cars, when skirts in the 1900s were shortened to allow women to step into automobiles with more ease. • The "XXX" that is often used to signify "poison" originated from moonshiners, indicating that their alcohol had been run through the still three times and was now pure and strong. • In Sweden, millennials are known as the "Curling Generation," after the sport in which teammates sweep the ice in front of their stone to guide it, in the same manner as parents of millennials have swept away obstacles from their children's paths. • Since snowflakes fall at about the rate of 1.5 mph, every one you see has traveled from 45-60 minutes to reach the ground. *** Thought for the Day: "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." -- Immanuel Kant


Solution located further back.



aking the time to learn a little bit about mosquitoes can make for an enjoyable summer. Communities that have comprehensive mosquito control programs benefit substantially by reducing the mosquito population and the risk of West Nile virus. Mosquito control is very expensive. Most small communities can’t afford a comprehensive mosquito program. So, trying to achieve successful mosquito control on a single farmyard or rural home is almost impossible. The cost per household would be too expensive for most. However, by taking a few simple steps, you may be able to reclaim your back yard. Here are four simple steps that will help reduce the mosquito population on your property in both rural and urban areas:

#1: Eliminate Breeding Habitat

#3: Protect Yourself

Mosquitoes can reproduce anyplace that water collects and remains for as little as one week. By eliminating standing water on your property, you can prevent mosquitoes from reproducing. Inspect your property weekly for any signs of standing water or water holding containers. If you have a rain barrel used for collecting rainwater, make sure it is completely sealed to prevent mosquitoes from gaining access to the water. If you have a low spot in your yard where water accumulates and remains for several days after a rain, fill it in or consider planting a water tolerant tree or shrub to soak up the water. Develop a property checklist and get your children or grandchildren involved with weekly inspections. Assign the responsibility to the kids. They’ll love it! It also gives them ownership in the success of reducing the mosquito population.

Wear protective clothing to cover exposed skin. Apply an effective insect repellent. The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention recommends repellents that contain DEET. There are several new repellents on the market that go on dry. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, DEET is not recommended for children under 2 months old. Always follow the label directions when applying insect repellents.

#2: Make Your Property Undesirable for Mosquitoes The first step to making your property undesirable for mosquitoes is to eliminate breeding habitat. Then, learn a little bit about the biology of the mosquitoes in your region. The majority of the mosquitoes in the Grand Forks region are night biters. However, if kicked up during the day in shaded areas, you can expect to be bitten. They generally seek out their blood meals around sunset and may stay active until midnight. Once the temperature starts rising, they head for cover. During hot sunny days, mosquitoes look for cool, shaded, moist, areas to rest. Tall grass, weeds, and shrubbery provide ideal resting places during the day. If the tall grass, weeds, and shrubs are by your backyard deck, then you’ve pretty much invited the mosquitoes to your evening barbeque. By keeping your grass and weeds cut short and shrubbery trimmed, you’ll reduce the resting sites for mosquitoes.

#4: Apply Barrier Treatments Mosquito barrier treatments are products designed to repel or kill mosquitoes on contact. Many professional mosquito control programs use these products to get instant results in controlling mosquitoes in a selected area. Permethrin is a common active ingredient in these products. Barrier treatments are residual products, meaning they’ll continue working for an extended amount of time (1-3 weeks). When applying these products, try to spray areas that remain shaded during the day. The shaded areas are where the mosquitoes choose to rest during the day. Treating the shaded areas may also extend the effectiveness of the product. The active ingredient in these products break down rapidly from Ultra Violet sunlight. These products can usually be purchased from local retail stores and can be applied by the homeowner. Always read and follow the label directions when working with any chemicals.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

• Etched on the outer surface of the records was a depiction showing how to play the record, and a stylus was included. A map of 14 different neighborhood pulsars and Earth’s relationship to them indicated the origin of the craft. There was a depiction of human DNA. • A wide representation of the sounds of Earth was included on the record, starting at the beginning of the planet and moving forward in time: volcanoes, earthquakes, thunderstorms, and bubbling mud, followed wind, rain, and surf of oceans. Then the sound of living creatures including crickets, frogs, birds, chimpanzees, and wolves. Next is the sound of footsteps, heartbeats, and laughter of early humans, then the sounds of fire, speech, tools, and the calls of wild dogs. A message in Morse code indicated the dawn of modern communication. The message tapped out in Morse code was the Latin “Ad astra per aspera” meaning, “To the stars through hard work.” Also included was an EEG of the brainwaves of one of the team members, Ann Druyan, who later married Sagan. • The 115 photographs included not only pictures of humanity, but also animals, insects, plants and landscapes. Different cultures were shown, along with their food, architecture, and daily lives.


• This “Golden Record” consisted of 115 photographs, greetings in 55 languages, a 12-minute montage of sounds on Earth, and 90 minutes of music. It took ten months to create. Carl Sagan was the brains behind it.


• In 1977, two exploratory spacecraft called Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched on a tour of the solar system, after which they continued on a journey into outer space. Attached to each of the two craft was a “time capsule” explaining life on Earth to whoever might come across either of the craft.



• The record also included scientific images, showing mathematical equations, the solar system, and chemical composition. • The record included greetings in 55 different languages. In Burmese, the message was a simple, “Are you well?” A woman speaking the Chinese dialect of Amoy said, “Friends of space, how are you all? Have you eaten yet? Come visit us if you have time.” The final greeting, in English, came from then-6-yearold Nick Sagan, son of Carl and his first wife, Linda Salzman Sagan. He said, “Hello from the children of planet Earth.” • The team wanted to include a page from a book to show written language, but choosing which page and which book was difficult. They finally chose the page from Sir Isaac Newton’s “System of the World” in which launching an object into orbit is described for the very first time. • Music ranged from Bach and Beethoven to tribal drumming to rock and roll. Carl Sagan had to warm up to the idea of including Chuck Berry’s 1958 hit “Johnny B. Goode” on the record, but once he did, he defended it against others’ objections. Some were against it, arguing that rock music was adolescent. Sagan’s response was, “There are a lot of adolescents on the planet.” • The record's cover is imbedded with an ultra-pure sample of the isotope uranium-238. Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.468 billion years. Any life form intelligent enough to understand the half-life of uranium will be able to pinpoint exactly how old the record is. • It will take Voyager 1 another 40,000 years to reach the next planetary system. Etched in copper, plated with gold, and sealed in aluminum cases, the records are expected to remain intelligible for more than a billion years, making them the longest-lasting objects ever crafted by human hands. The Golden Record may outlast humanity.



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*Answer located further back in this issue.

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• On June 20, 1782, Congress adopts the Great Seal of the United States after six years of discussion. The seal depicts a bald eagle clutching an olive branch in its right talon and arrows in its left. On its breast appears a shield marked with 13 vertical red and white stripes topped by a bar of blue. The eagle's beak clutches a banner inscribed, E pluribus unum, a Latin phrase meaning "Out of Many One." • On June 26, 1807, lightning hits a gunpowder factory in Luxembourg, killing more than 300 people. When lightning struck the underground armory, two entire blocks were leveled by the blast. • On June 21, 1916, the controversial U.S. military expedition against Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa brings the U.S. and Mexico close to war when Mexican troops attack U.S. Gen. John J. Pershing's force at Carrizal, Mexico. The Americans suffered 22 casualties, and more than 30 Mexicans were killed.

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• On June 25, 1942, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower becomes commander of all U.S. troops in the European theater of World War II. He would be appointed Supreme Allied Commander of all forces in Europe in 1943. "Ike" would later become America's 34th president. • On June 24, 1953, Jacqueline Bouvier and Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kennedy publicly announce their engagement. Kennedy gave her a 2.88-carat diamond-and-emerald ring. He went on to become the 35th president and Jackie became one of the most popular first ladies ever. • On June 22, 1964, Dan Brown, author of the "The Da Vinci Code," is born in New Hampshire. Brown's bestselling novels are known for symbols, conspiracies and secret societies. • On June 23, 1992, Mafia boss John Gotti, nicknamed the "Teflon Don," is sentenced to life in prison. Moments later, hundreds of Gotti's supporters stormed the federal courthouse in Brooklyn and overturned and smashed cars before being forced back by police reinforcements.

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• People often vaguely refer to “the middle of nowhere,” but as it turns out, a researcher actually figured out precisely where that is. • The remotest spot on Earth is a place called Point Nemo. Named after Captain Nemo from Jules Verne's story “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea” the name “Nemo” is actually Latin meaning “no one” or “no man” which is appropriate for a place farther away from everything than any other point on the planet. There’s a reason it’s known as the “Oceanic Point of Inaccessibility.” This location in the ocean is farther away from any landmass than any other spot on Earth. • There’s actually nothing there but ocean water. There’s no island, no marker, no beacon, no historical buoy. And it wasn’t even discovered by a human – it was found by a computer. • In 1992, a Croatian-Canadian survey engineer named Hrvoje Lukatela used a geo-spatial computer program to figure it out. He realized that since earth is three-dimensional, the most remote ocean point must be equidistant from three different coast lines. The computer calculated this point would be exactly 1,450 miles away from three points:

*Answer located 4 pages back.

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• First was Ducie Island, which is a barren and incredibly remote atoll belonging to the Pitcairn Island chain. The Pitcairn Islands are a group of four volcanic islands in the southern Pacific Ocean, scattered across several hundred miles of ocean with a combined land area of about 18 square miles. Pitcairn is the least populous national jurisdiction in the world. • Second is the rocky island called Motu Nui, the largest of a set of three islands south of Easter Island. It is the most westerly place in Chile and all of South America. ...continued

Solution on Next Page

POINT NEMO (cont.)

• Third is Antarctica’s Maher Island, which is so small and remote it wasn’t even discovered until the 1940s. • Anyone in a boat passing by Point Nemo is closer to astronauts in the International Space Station than they are to other humans on the planet, passing around 258 miles overhead. It’s possible no human has ever actually been there. It’s so far off the beaten path that ships don’t even go by there.

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• Point Nemo is located inside the South Pacific Gyre, a rotating current that prevents nutrientrich water from coastal areas from flowing deep into the ocean. Because it’s also so isolated from land, the wind doesn’t carry much organic matter either, making it impossible to sustain any sort of complex life-forms here. Point Nemo is relatively lifeless. However, as remote as it is, it is still polluted with micro plastic debris. • Due to its remote location, Point Nemo is known as a “spacecraft cemetery.” Far from people and maritime traffic, it’s the perfect crash site for decommissioned satellites, space stations, and other spacecraft re-entering the atmosphere, not only because there’s such a remote chance of falling debris killing anybody, but also because remnants that hit the water sink to the bottom of the ocean where they are less likely to cause pollution. The International Space Station (ISS) and the European and Japanese space agencies have long used Point Nemo as a dumping ground. Its inhabitants include over a hundred spacecraft, with the most well-known being the Russian space station Mir (in orbit from 1986 to 2001), the world’s first space station. Eventually the International Space Station, currently Point Nemo’s nearest neighbor, will also be guided to this final resting place. Locally Owned

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Quiz Answers

1. Asia 2. Florida 3. Alaska 4. Texas 5. Hawaii 6. Arnold’s

7. Breakfast at Tiffany’s 8. 1974 9. 1773 10. O Negative



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