June 30, 2022 Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com Issue # 1,276 CASTAWAYS 701-746-9300 • Located in Columbia Mall Near Scheels for 48 Hours RENTTHE $1999ONLY • Authorized Rug Doctor Dealer • No Down Deposit House of VacuumsCall www.merrymaidsofgrandforks.com701-775-6778 ® It’ s Summer! Let us do the cleaning. NOW LEASING! 701.775.5544 Heated 2 Stall Garage with Hobby HAMPTONMANAGEMENT.COMRoomLARGEUNITSPRIVATEENTRYPATIOwithPOWERSCREENS Turn the page for more! OFHAPPY4THJULY!• TRIVIA • PUZZLES • FUN FACTS TIDBITSGF .COM
by Janet Spencer
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• Alain Bombard was a doctor who thought it was strange that so many shipwrecked survivors on life rafts died so quickly. A person can live up to six weeks without food and go up to ten days without water, so why did so many castaways die within days of being set adrift? He conclud ed they die of despair. He also felt sure that the reason people died after drinking salt seawater was because they waited until their bodies were already dehydrated before drinking seawater out of desperation. He theorized that if they began drinking saltwater immediately, they would be fine. Why did castaways starve to death when the sea is teaming with fish? Bombard thought it was a terrible waste.
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• In 1952 Bombard set out to prove that the ocean is a veritable feast, able to support a castaway indefinitely, and that drinking salt sea water is not detrimental to a castaway’s health. He decided to cross the Atlantic Ocean alone in a rubber raft with no food or water other than what the ocean would give him, and no equipment other than what a typical sur vival life raft would offer. He took with him emergency supplies in a sealed container to be used as a last resort. Bits P A I D C D L T R A I N I N G 701.746.0389 | DRIVETEAMGREEN.COM

Which 1977 horror novel features a hotel called “The Overlook”?
What year did the Will Smith movie “Independence Day” debut in theaters? Name the capital of Virginia. Which artist released “Snowbird” in 1970?

• On December 6, he wrote out his last will. Then, 53 days after leaving Gran Canarie, the freight boat Arakaka came upon him and asked if he needed anything. Bombard only wanted to know where he was - and his location turned out to be 600 miles away from where he thought he was. It meant he had at least another 20 days to go. Bombard was devastated. The captain asked if he wanted to be rescued, but Bombard refused. Would he like some provisions? No thanks. How about a hot shower? Bombard accepted. He also had a small meal of an egg, a piece of liver, a bit of cabbage, and some fruit which later caused intestinal upset. He also accepted fresh batteries for his radio. He then went back to his raft.
• A couple weeks later he made landfall on Bar bados. Fishermen started looting his raft and he had to drive them off. He gathered a preacher, a teacher, and a policeman to certify that the seal on his emergency rations had never been broken. It was the day before Christmas.
• Bombard caught fish, drank seawater, and ate a bird that landed on his boat. By straining seawa ter through fabric he collected plankton which provided vitamin C and warded off scurvy. Bad weather resulted in constant bailing, but storms brought fresh rainwater, a welcome change af ter drinking nothing but saltwater for the first 23 days. A swordfish threatened to deflate his raft. He lost weight, began to suffer from saltwater boils, suffered from diarrhea, and became de pressed.

• After a 14-day trial on the Mediterranean, Bom bard set out from the Strait of Gibraltar in a 15-foot inflatable boat with a sail. He dubbed it L’Hérétique, French for “The Heretic.” He sailed to Casablanca which took a week, then set out for the island of Gran Canarie, which took 18 days. From there he set out to cross the Atlantic.
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What was Beaver’s real first name on the “Leave It to Beaver” sitcom?
What is the capital of Sweden? What was the whole name of the nation once called U.S.S.R.? T or F: July 4 did not become a federal holiday until 1870. Which 2 presidents died within hours of each other on July 4 -- the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence? Which fruit is used to make the cocktail mixer grenadine?
Who were the “Four Kings,” a group of boxers who all fought each other throughout the 1980s? Who has the most HRs in Philadelphia Phillies history? QUIZ 3459 31ST St. South • Grand Forks • 701-757-3075 • • Spray-In Liners • Window Tint • Remote Starts • Car Audio • Lift Kits • Wheels & TRIIXCUSTOMS.COMTires (ACROSS THE STREET EAST OF HOBBY LOBBY)

How many major-league pitchers were able to strike out Hall of Famer Ted Williams three times in one game?

What is Alabama football coach Nick Saban’s record in national championship games?
Who holds the New York Mets’ record for highest career batting average?
Which of these franchises was the first to win a Stanley Cup -- the Boston Bruins or the Chicago Blackhawks?

The Seattle Mariners played their first majorleague season in 1977. In what year did they record their first winning season?
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ALAIN BOMBARD (continued):
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• 70% of the earth's surface is covered by water, and 70% of the human body is water. Blood is exactly the same saltiness as the ocean. The kidneys are re sponsible for making sure the ratio of salt to water in the bloodstream stays at the optimum level. If a person drinks salt water while stranded on a raft in the ocean, the level of salt in the bloodstream sky rockets. The kidneys now work overtime to add water to the blood in order to return things to nor mal. Sea water is three times saltier than urine, so for every cup of sea water that is drunk, the body has to make three cups of urine to flush the salt out of the body. This robs the body’s tissues of their natural supply of water, and the person becomes dehydrated much faster than if they had not drunk the salt water.
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• On September 13, 1972 the 26-foot cruiser called the Njord left the south of France headed for Spain’s Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea. 26-year-old Lucien Schlitz was owner of the boat. He was taking his girlfriend on a short trip just to get some experience, since he had never spent much time on the sea. The next day the storm blew up and heavy seas knocked the boat over.
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• After drinking nothing but sea water, fish juices, and rain, Alain Bombard lost about 55 lbs. at the average rate of a pound per day, which is typical for castaways. He developed a slight case of ane mia as well as some diarrhea, weak spells, blurry vision, the loss of a few toenails, and a skin rash. But overall he was in remarkable health. Although he proved that a person can indeed survive on salt water, most survival experts still insist that it’s better to drink nothing at all than to drink saltwater.
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• Their 5th night on the raft was a wet one with rain falling but they were able to collect three gal lons of water. Several ships passed them but their raft was black, and their orange canopy was long gone. No one saw them. On their 9th day adrift they spotted land merely 12 miles away but the current was taking them past it. By their 11th day they were covered with saltwater sores.
Finally, on their 12th day adrift, an Australian freighter nearly ran them down, and tossed them a line. The two made rapid recoveries and only later discovered that the Njord never sank at all. They would have been fine if they had stayed with the boat, pumped it out, and waited for the storm to
• Although the Njord righted itself, waves contin ued to sweep over the deck. The rudder broke, the sails ripped away, and below decks was awash in water. Then Schlitz in panic inflated the life raft which nearly blew away in the wind. There was no place to secure it on board, so they put it in the water. Waves threatened to rip the raft out of their reach, so they quickly tossed some gear in it, got aboard, and cut themselves free. They were only 100 miles from land.
• Waves capsized the raft and gear floated away. A ship went by in the storm. Schlitz fired a flare, which the ship spotted. The ship turned and searched for hours but failed to find them and left. The raft capsized again. The canopy was torn away so every passing wave drenched them. They had nothing to bail with. When the raft filled, it tipped over.
• Finally they tied off a pair of survival pants and bailed with that. The float tubes needed to be pumped up every three hours. The next day was spent in an all-out effort to prevent the raft from tipping over in the oncoming waves. Their second night on the ocean was easier, as the waves and wind finally calmed.
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THE NJORD (continued):

IS THE MOSQUITO SPRAY HARMFUL AND DO I NEED TO STAY INSIDE WHEN THEY SPRAY? No, when applied according to label instructions this spray will not harm people, pets, animals, or the environment. This public health pesticide is designed for use in residential and recreational areas. You are not re quired to leave an area when the sprayer goes by but you may want to avoid or mini mize your contact with the cloud of droplets as it passes. If you prefer to stay inside and close your windows and doors when spraying takes place that’s fine, but it’s not necessary. Grand Forks Mosquito Control employees are trained and certified in the public health category as commercial pesticide applicators.
Adult mosquito control (aka fogging) is probably the most visible part of a mosquito control program. But this is a very small part of an IPM mosquito program. Adult mos quito control is fairly inexpensive. The Mosquito Identification cost to ground spray the city of Grand Forks is about .25 cents per acre. About 5 percent of the annual budget is spent on fogging. Most of the daily work for mosquito control is involved with larvicid ing and surveillance. The majority of the mosquito control staff spend their day inspect ing and treating mosquito habitat with larvicides. Larvicides are designed to destroy the mosquitoes before they can become flying adults. A comprehensive larvicide program has proven to be one of the best ways to reduce mosquito-borne diseases and reduce the population of nuisance mosquitoes.
Identifying & Counting Mosquitoes
Testing birds for West Nile Virus

Mosquito Identification
DOES GRAND FORKS MOSQUITO CONTROL EMPLOY INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT STRATIGIES (IPM)? ‐ Yes, Grand Forks maintains an IPM mosquito control program. Strategies employed through this program are designed to reduce the risk of mosquito‐borne diseases and reduce the nuisance level of mosquitoes. However, this does not mean we’ll have a mosquito free summer. The mosquito population is directly proportional to the amount of rain we receive. More rain means more mosquitoes. No mosquito control pro gram can safely eliminate mosquitoes. Throughout the summer, there may be areas where mosquitoes are bothersome, especially during early morning and evening hours when mosquitoes are normally more or wear protective clothing. Repellents containing DEET are one of the safest, most effective repellents available. DEET repellents are also suggested for children as young as 2 months old. Please, do not believe the myth that DEET is bad for you.
WHY DOESN’T THE CITY JUST SCHEDULE SPRAYING ONCE EVERY WEEK? ‐ The decision to spray mosquitoes in populated areas can be a sensitive issue. Some residents would like to see us spray a couple times a week while others don’t want us spraying at all. To balance this is sue and stay in accordance with an IPM program, we established thresholds. These thresholds are based on specific information collected from our surveillance division. Several factors are considered before making spray/no spray decisions. Some of these factors include the mosquito population, species composition, mosquito‐borne disease activity, community events, weather conditions, and environmental factors. Spraying mosquitoes should never be done on a scheduled basis. It should be triggered by some type of surveillance. Spraying on a recurring basis is a waste of money and it needlessly kills beneficial insects. Service requests and public complaints can be helpful, but they do not provide sufficient justification to spray. Service requests and complaints generally result with increased surveillance by our staff
HAS GRAND FORKS EVER HAD A YEAR WHEN THEY DIDN’T NEED TO FOG FOR MOSQUITOES? ‐ Yes, since implementing the comprehensive mosquito control program in 1995, Grand Forks has had two years in which they did not reach the threshold limit that would trigger city‐wide mosquito spraying. This was during the 2006 and 2012 seasons. Both years were somewhat dry, leaving us with below average rainfall and below average mosquito counts throughout the summer. On average, the City conducts city‐wide ground spraying about 12 times per year. During the 2002 season (wettest year on record) Grand Forks Mosquito Control conducted 24 city‐wide ground sprays.

For more information about mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

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Tidbits is a smaller publication which gives your ad a great chance of being noticed. Plus, every page is designed to contain extra content such as trivia and puzzles to entertain readers on each page longer.
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SUDOKUWeekly AnswerCROSSWORDKing Answer

• The completed ISS is the same size as a football field, making it the biggest man-made structure ever built in space. The pressurized area where the astronauts live is about the same size as a 747 Jumbo jet. This is almost four times bigger than the Mir Space Station, and five times larger than NASA’s Skylab.
• It’s the third brightest object in the sky after the Sun and Moon.
• The International Space Station (ISS) is a joint program between the space agencies of America (NASA), the Eu ropean Space Agency (ESA), Russia, Japan, and Canada.
• Over eight miles of wiring connects the electrical power system on the ISS.
• In NASA’s unique twin study, astronaut Scott Kelly was studied for physiological, molecular, and cog nitive changes during and after spending nearly a year in space, and then compared to his identical twin brother, retired astronaut Mark Kelly.
• Current plans call for the space station to be oper ated through at least 2024, with the partners dis cussing an extension until 2028.
• Because the human body tends to lose muscle and bone mass in zero gravity environments, all astro nauts aboard the ISS must work out at least two hours a day to maintain normal Earth-based bodily health.
• It took more than 115 space flights by spacecraft like the Space Shuttle and Proton rocket to construct the ISS. The objective of the ISS is to be an orbiting laboratory to con duct space-based experiments, test equipment in microgravity, and learn how to live in space for long periods of time.
• As of April 2021, 244 individuals from 19 coun tries have visited the International Space Station. Top participating countries include the United States (153 people) and Russia (50 people).
• Two weeks later, NASA launched a module called Unity aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour, successfully attaching it to the Zarya module. The Unity module was equipped with all the requirements for long-term human living.
• Due to a very slight amount of atmospheric drag on the station, its orbit decreases by about 1.2 miles a month. Periodically the engines of a docked spacecraft are used to boost the station to a higher alti tude to keep it in orbit.
• The first three astronauts/cosmonauts to inhabit the ISS were the Expedition 1 crew who arrived on November 2, 2000. The ISS has been continuously staffed ever since, making it a record for human spaceflight. There are usu ally six people in residence, but during change-overs of crews, there have been as many as 13 people on board at a time.
• It orbits the Earth once every 92 minutes, so astro nauts see 16 sunrises and sunsets every day.
• Inside the ISS there are 2 bathrooms, a gym, work areas, more room than a six-bedroom home, and the ‘Cupola’ which is a set of windows offering 360-degree views.
• The first part of the ISS sent to space was the module called Zarya. It was launched into space on a Russian Proton rocket on November 20th, 1998. Zarya provided propulsion, attitude control, communications, and elec trical power.
• The space station travels an equivalent distance to the Moon and back in about a day.
• Peggy Whitson set the U.S. record for spending the most total time living and working in space at 665 days on Sept. 2, 2017.
• The ISS moves at an average speed of 17,500 mph which is equivalent to ten times the speed of a bul let on Earth.

The schedule of Stand Downs in 2022, whether you need services or want to help, can be seen at www. va.gov/homeless/events.asp. Keep an eye on that page because new events can be added at any time. Another page to watch is the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (nchv.org/current-stand-downs).OryoucancallyourlocalVA medical facility and ask what's scheduled for your area. Best bet is to call them anyway and ask if the event is still planned due to CO VID playing havoc with scheduling.
Help Your Fellow Vets Call 701-885-7920 • Grand Forks, ND InfInIty HealtH Cathie Campbell DNP, PMHNP-BC, GNP-BC Feeling Down, Sad or Anxious? www.InfinityHealthND.com

GFTIDBITS .COM © 2022 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved. *Answer located further back in this issue. ©2022 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

If you're a veteran in crisis (either homeless or about to be) and can't wait for a Stand Down, call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans: 1-877-424-3838.
The list of help provided at each Stand Down can de pend on the location and the length of the event (usually one to three days), but typically includes health screen ings, clothing, showers and haircuts, food, legal advice, dental and eye-care services, mental health counseling, substance treatment referral, employment help, benefits counseling (both Department of Veterans Affairs and oth ers, such as Social Security), housing referral and more.

Step to

What are you doing this summer? If you have spare hours or days, consider stepping up to help your fellow veterans. Stand Downs are a good place to start.
Ask about transportation, if you need it or can offer it. Sometimes an event will send a vehicle around to pick up veterans who have no other way to get to their local Stand Down.
Stand Downs were started in California in 1988 by two veterans who saw the great need for services to homeless veterans. Over the years, the number of events and the veterans served has grown to include help from govern ment agencies, veteran service organizations, groups and individual volunteers all across the county. The need is so great that many locations see hundreds of veterans lined up outside the door before they even open on the first day.
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• On July 9, 1777, New York elects Brigadier Gen. George Clinton as the first governor of the independent state of New York. Clinton would go on to become New York's longest-serving governor, as well as the longest-serving governor in the U.S., holding the post until 1795.
• On July 5, 1946, French designer Louis Reard unveils a daring two-piece swimsuit at a popular swimming pool in Paris. Reard dubbed the swimsuit a "bikini," inspired by a U.S. atomic test that took place off the Bikini Atoll earlier that week.
• On July 6, 1971, Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong, one of the most influential musicians of the 20th cen tury, dies in New York City at the age of 69. Arm strong pioneered jazz improvisation and the style known as swing.
• On July 4, 1911, record temperatures are set in the northeastern U.S. with the arrival of a deadly heat wave that would go on to kill 380 people. On July 13, New York alone reported 211 people dead from the excessive heat.

• On July 7, 1852, according to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories, Dr. John H. Watson is born. Coincidentally, the Sherlock Holmes author died on this day in England at the age of 71.
• On July 10, 1925, in Dayton, Tennessee, the so-called Monkey Trial begins with John Thomas Scopes, a young high-school science teacher, accused of teaching evolution in violation of a Tennessee state law. The law made it a misdemeanor to teach any theory that denied the story of man's Divine Creation.

• On July 8, 1950, the day after the U.N. Security Council recommended that all U.N. forces in Ko rea be placed under the command of the U.S. mili tary, Gen. Douglas MacArthur is appointed head of the United Nations Command. When MacArthur later publicly threatened to escalate hostilities with China, President Harry Truman fired him.

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• After it was repaired, Violet continued to work on Olympic until April of 1912, when she was trans ferred to Olympic’s sister ship, the Titanic.

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• Violet spent much of her childhood caring for her younger siblings. She became very ill as a child with tuberculosis, which she survived despite doc tors’ predictions that her illness would be fatal.

• When Violet was 16 years old, her father died of complications from surgery and her family moved to England, where she attended a convent school and cared for her siblings while her mother was at sea working as a stewardess. When her mother became ill, Violet left school and, following in her mother's footsteps, applied to be a stewardess on board a ship. In 1908 she secured her first job, with the Royal Mail Line aboard the Orinoco. She was 21 years old.
• Born in 1887 in Argentina, Violet Jessop was the first of nine children born to Irish immigrant par ents. Six of the siblings survived to adulthood.
• Violet was 24 years old when she boarded RMS Titanic as a stewardess on April 10, 1912. Four days later, it struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sank about two hours and forty minutes after the collision.
• In 1911, Violet began working for the White Star vessel RMS Olympic, a luxury ship that was the largest civilian liner at that time. She was on board on September 20, 1911, when the Olympic left Southampton and collided with the British war ship HMS Hawke. The Hawke was a ship designed to sink other ships by ramming them. Fortunately, there were no fatalities and, despite damage, the Olympic was able to make it back to port without sinking. This was only the first of Violet’s brushes with death at sea.
Quiz Answers

• Violet Jessop, often called "Miss Unsinkable," died of congestive heart failure in 1971 at the age of 83.
2.1. 3. 4.

• When the war ended, Violet spent the next 34 years serving on ships doing world cruises. Luckily, she was able to avoid any further ship disasters and retired in 1950 at the age of 61. She moved to a thatched cottage in Suffolk, fill ing her home with mementoes of her forty two years at sea. She tended a garden and raised chickens.
Information in the Tidbits paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed. Tidbits of Grand Forks publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising from any business, individual or group for any reason deemed inappropriate or not in the publisher's best interest. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Chadwick Parkinson (701) 740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com ContactmetoscheduleyouradinTidbits! Locally Owned TIDBITSGF .COM

John Olerud, with a .315 average.
• After recovering, she returned to work for the White Star Line in 1920.
• Violet Jessop returned to England and got a job as a stewardess for the British Red Cross. She was serving on the Titanic’s sister ship, the HMHS Britannic, during World War I. On November 21, 1916, the Britannic sank in the Aegean Sea after striking a deep sea mine. The ship went down within 55 minutes, kill ing 30 out of the 1,066 people on board. Violet jumped overboard and received a head injury while struggling to avoid the ship’s spinning propellers. It was years later before an X-ray revealed she’d suffered a fractured skull during the ordeal.
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• Violet Jessop was ordered up on deck to serve as an example of how to behave for the nonEnglish speakers who could not follow the in structions given to them. She was later ordered into lifeboat #16. As the boat was being low ered, one of Titanic's officers gave her a baby to look after. After 8 hours of drifting in the life boat, Violet and the rest of the survivors were rescued by the RMS Carpathia and taken to New York City. According to Violet, while on board Carpathia, the baby’s mother claimed the child, saying she had set the baby down on the deck, gone back to her room to retrieve some thing, and had returned to find her baby gone.
The Bruins won Stanleya Cup in 1929, five seasons before MikeHagler.MarvinHearnsran,RobertoLeonard,SugardidBlackhawkstheit.RayDuThomasandSchmidt7.6.5.
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