Tidbits of Grand Forks - July 21, 2022

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• The nation’s number one pharmacy has been around since 1901, when 28-year-old Charles Walgreen opened a 20 x 50-ft. drugstore on Chicago’s south side. Competition was tough, with more than 1,500 drugstores already in operation. He brought a little experience with him – he’d been working at a neighborhood pharmacy since 1889, when he was 16, then became a registered pharmacist at age 20. A Walgreens employee invented the malted milkshake in 1922, and customers stood in long lines to purchase the new treat. Fifteen years after opening the first store, Walgreen had nine stores, and ten years after that, the number was an astounding 525! His son car ried on the business after Walgreen’s death in 1939, and remained in charge for 30 years, when he handed it over to Charles Walgreen III. The chain opened its 1,000th store in 1984 and its 2,000th store in 1994. It only took six more years to add another 1,000, then just three years for another 1,000! Today’s total? Nearly 9,000 Walgreens stores in the U.S. serve about 8 million customers in stores and online every day. Kathy Wolfe

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July 21, 2022 Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com Issue # 1,279 House of Vacuums Located in Columbia Mall • 701-746-9300 We Carry the Full Line of Riccar Vacuum Cleaners. Easy to Use Vacuums with Exceptional Power. ENGINEERED FOR CLEAN BUSINESS BEGINNINGS Call www.merrymaidsofgrandforks.com701-775-6778 ® It’ s Summer! Let us do the cleaning. NOW LEASING! 701.775.5544 Heated 2 Stall Garage with Hobby HAMPTONMANAGEMENT.COMRoomLARGEUNITSPRIVATEENTRYPATIOwithPOWERSCREENS TIDBITSGF .COM Since 1997 Turn the page for more!

These businesses have become household names, but how did they get their start? This week, Tidbits delves into the humble beginnings of some of our best-known businesses.

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What company started out in a 10x15-foot shed in Milwaukee in Name1904?the company that started out as Blue Ribbon Sports in 1964 with a $1,200 investment. Brothers Dan and Frank Carney borrowed $600 in 1958 to start what “pie” business in Wichita? What company opened its first store in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas?

Who was the first American to win a Nobel Prize?

Where did the first manned spacecraft land on the moon? What is the first movie that featured the singer Elvis? Which movie features a theme song titled “Dueling Banjos”? Where in the body is blood produced?

Which animated movie features more than 10,000 balloons?

2840 19th Ave. S. • Grand Forks 701-772-2670 www.grandforkschiro.com Dr. JohnD.C.Fulp, Dr. Pederson,MarshalD.C. TREATING: • Neck Pain • Low Back Pain • Headaches • Sciatica • Sports Injuries • DOT Physical-Certified FULL FAMILY CARE Infants to Adults ...continued Located in Columbia Mall Food Court • 701-757-0214 Dine-In • Takeout • Delivery • TACOS • BURRITOS • TOSTADAS • QUESADILLAS • TORTAS • COMBINATION PLATES Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11:00 am

• On Labor Day weekend, 1995, Pierre Omidyar launched AuctionWeb from his San Jose living room, listing his broken laser printer for $1, which eventually sold for $14.83. It was Omidyar’s in tent to “bring together buyers and sellers in an honest and open marketplace.” By June of 1996, $7.2 million worth of merchandise had been sold on AuctionWeb. In May, 1997, the site sold its one-millionth item, a Big Bird jack-in-the-box toy. Later that year, the site was officially renamed eBay. eBay Motors was launched in April 2000, and sold its 2 millionth passenger vehicle in 2006. Notable high-ticket items sold on eBay include the oldest known pair of Levi’s, which sold for more than $46,000 in 2001. Also that year, a Gulf stream jet sold for $4.9 million on eBay. In 2006, a yacht became the most expensive item ever sold on eBay, with a price tag of $168 million. A copy of the first Superman comic book was snapped up for $3.2 million in 2014. From his humble begin nings in his living room, Pierre Omidyar has been ranked the 24th-richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of $21.8 billion. - pm

Joe Martin Owner

• Three friends who had met at the University of San Francisco joined forces to found Starbucks in 1971. An English teacher, a history teacher, and a writer wanted to peddle high-quality coffee beans and opened the doors of their first store on Se attle’s Pike Street, naming it after the first mate in Herman Melville’s 1851 novel Moby Dick. The store didn’t offer brewed coffee for sale, just beans. The only coffee served was in the form of free samples. After eight years, the trio sold the business to a former employee. Soon the store was a coffee shop offering espresso drinks and pastries. Today, there are close to 34,000 Star bucks locations in 80 countries. About 15,500 of those stores are located in the United States.






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• Bernard Kroger was 23 years old in 1883, and made a brave decision to invest his life savings of $372 (about $10,000 in today’s dollars) in a tiny grocery store with a 17-foot storefront in down town Cincinnati. With a business motto of, “Nev er sell anything you wouldn’t want yourself,” he adopted the idea of “one-stop shopping,” becom ing the country’s first grocer to establish his own bakeries and to sell meats and groceries under one roof. The store also offered delivery to custom ers, delivered by Bernard in a wagon pulled by his horse Dan. By the time Kroger was 45, he had more than 100 locations. Today, the chain oper ates 2,800 stores in 35 states with annual sales ex ceeding $132 billion. The company operates 18 dairy plants, 7 grocery plants, and 9 bakery plants. Kroger was a pioneer in private label manufactur ing and, in 1972, was the first grocery retailer to test electronic scanners.

The country’s largest toymaker, Mattel, started out in the Haw thorne, California garage of Ruth and Elliot Handler in 1945, with their first items being picture frames and doll house furni ture fashioned from the picture frame scraps. Their first year’s sales exceeded $100,000. The company took its name from cofounders Matt Matson and Elliot Handler. Mattel’s first big hit toy was a miniature plastic ukulele called the Uke-A-Doodle in 1947.


The luxury department store Nordstrom’s was founded in Seattle by John Nordstrom, who ar rived in America from Sweden in 1887. Just 16 years old, with $5 in his pocket and not a word of English, he headed to the west coast to work in mines and logging camps. After ten years, he was off to the Klondike to find gold. Two years later, now with $13,000 in his pocket, he teamed up with a Seattle shoemaker named Carl Wallin to open a store on Fourth and Pike. They opened a sec ond store in 1923, which, in 1960 was America’s largest shoe store, and with a total of eight loca tions, the nation’s largest independent shoe chain. It wasn’t until 1963 that the company branched out into women’s apparel, adding men’s and chil dren’s departments in 1966. Nordstrom’s didn’t expand to the East Coast until 1988. Brothers Pete and Erik Nordstrom, who serve as co-presidents of the company, are the fourth generation to run their great-grandfather’s firm.

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In 2021, competitive eat ing legend Joey Chestnut broke his own record at the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest by consuming how many hot dogs and buns (HDBs) in 10 minutes? What golf ball, developed by MacGregor Golf in the 1980s for use on small is land courses, weighed half as much and flew half as far as a standard golf ball?


Ohio State Buckeyes defensive tackle Dan “Big Daddy” Wilkinson was cho sen first overall in the 1994 NFL Draft by what team?

MAGIC MAZE 2315 N. Washington St. • Grand Forks ThunderRays.com701-757-0287GENERAL AUTO REPAIR Call for an Appointment ANIMALS OF NEW ZEALAND 3459 31ST St. South • Grand Forks • 701-757-3075 • • Spray-In Liners • Window Tint • Remote Starts • Car Audio • Lift Kits • Wheels & TRIIXCUSTOMS.COMTires (ACROSS THE STREET EAST OF HOBBY LOBBY) 2.1.

What international mul tisport event, first held in 1930, was conceived as a competition among territories of the British WhatEmpire?product was origi nally patented and sold under the name Chem Grass in 1965?

Michael Dell started his computer company in his University of Texas dorm room at age 19 the week before final exams. With $1,000 to spend, it was Dell’s intention to sell IBM-compatible comput ers built from stock components. He produced the first computer of his own design the following year. It didn’t take long before he was making up to $80,000 a month, grossing more than $6 mil lion in the company’s first year. Dell dropped out of school, and four years later, his company went public. In 1992, at age 27, he became the youngest CEO to earn a ranking on the Fortune 500. He has an estimated net worth of $35 billion.

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• 7-Eleven, the world’s largest convenience store chain, got its start in 1927, when a Dallas ice company employee began selling eggs, bread, and milk from a stand outside one of the company’s ice houses. The idea developed into a company with several Texas locations known as Tot’em. The name was changed in 1946 to reflect the stores’ operating hours. Today, there are more than 78,000 7-Eleven stores in 19 countries across the globe.

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In 1952, after careers as a farmhand, gas station employee, and insurance salesman, 62-year-old Harland Sanders opened his first Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in Salt Lake City. He’d already been peddling chicken since around 1934 from a gas station, then expanding to a 140-seat restau rant in 1937. By 1956 the Colonel had eight fran chises, including one owned by Dave Thomas, who went on to establish the Wendy’s hamburger chain. Just seven years later, there were more than 600 KFC franchises in the U.S. and Canada, and it was the largest fast food operation in the U.S. A year later, Sanders sold his company for $2 mil lion (about $16 million in today’s dollars.) That first franchisee in Salt Lake City, Peter Harman, was the one who coined the famous slogan, “It’s Finger-lickin’ good.”

Grand Forks Health Department has identified West Nile Virus (WNV) in the region. WNV is a serious disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Most people infected with this disease will have no symptoms or mild symptoms but this is a serious disease and can be fatal. The Grand Forks Public Health Department urges citizens to take personal precautions to avoid mosquito bites. The type of mosquito most common for transmit ting WNV is present in our area and is most active from dusk until dawn. Please take the necessary measures to avoid mosquito bites.

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West Nile virus is found in all 48 contiguous states (not in Alaska and Hawaii) and the virus circulates in mosquitoes and birds every year. Be cause West Nile virus is well established, some states and local jurisdic tions are no longer collecting dead birds for testing. Instead, they have chosen to shift staff and funding resources away from testing of dead birds to other areas of West Nile virus surveillance and control.

Most people get infected with WNV by an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to humans and other animals. In a very small number of cases, West Nile virus has been spread through blood transfusions, organ trans plants, and from mother to baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.

There is no evidence that a person can get infected from handling live or dead infected birds. However, you should avoid bare-handed contact when han dling any dead animal. If you must pick up a dead bird, use gloves or an inverted plastic bag to place the bird’s carcass (body) in a garbage bag.

• On July 31, 1715, a hurricane strikes the East Coast of Florida, sinking 10 Spanish treasure ships carrying tons of gold and silver coins and killing nearly 1,000 people. About 80% of the treasures had been recovered by April 1716, but the rest remained lost until the 1960s.

• On July 30, 1976, American Bruce Jenner wins gold in the decathlon at the Montreal Olympics and sets a world record in the event. After his win, Jenner was voted the 1976 AP Male Athlete of the Year. The 1976 Olympics was his last de cathlon. In 2015, he became Caitlyn Jenner and is an American media personality.

Why do some states and local areas stop collecting dead birds to test for West Nile virus?

West Nile Virus Identified in Grand Forks!

How do people get infected with WNV?

Can I get West Nile virus directly from birds?

For information about West Nile Virus and the Grand Forks mosquito control program visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

Serious illness can occur in people of any age. However, people over 60 years of age are at the greatest risk for severe disease. People with cer tain medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and people who have received organ transplants, are also at greater risk for serious illness.

• On July 25, 1832, the first recorded railroad accident in U.S. history occurs when four people are thrown off a vacant car near Quincy, Mas sachusetts. The victims had been invited to view the process of transporting loads of stone when a cable on a vacant car snapped, throwing them off the train and over a 34-foot cliff.

• On July 28, 1868, following its ratification by the necessary three-quarters of U.S. states, the 14th Amendment, guaranteeing African Ameri cans citizenship and all its privileges, is officially adopted into the U.S. Constitution.

• On July 29, 1921, Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party. Under Hitler, the Nazi Party grew into a mass movement and ruled Germany as a totalitarian state from 1933 to 1945. The Nazis controlled every aspect of German life, and all other political parties were banned.

• On July 26, 1931, a swarm of grasshoppers de scends on crops throughout Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota, devastating millions of acres. The swarm was said to be so thick that it blocked out the sun and one could shovel the grasshoppers with a scoop. Cornstalks were eaten to the ground and fields left completely bare.

• On July 27, 1981, Adam John Walsh, age 6, is abducted from a mall in Hollywood, Florida, and later found murdered. Adam's father, John Walsh, became a leading

Who is at risk for serious illness if infected with WNV?

• Mushrooms emit electrical signals to each other containing patterns similar to human speech.

• Ever chastised yourself for accidentally recording over your favorite cassette tape? Even NASA's been guilty of that one. The tapes containing the original footage of the Apollo 11 moonwalk were likely erased and reused to record satellite data.

• The cornea of the eye is the only body part without its own blood supply. Instead, it receives oxygen directly from the air.

• A duel between three people is called a truel.

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• Who hasn't wished on occasion for more hours in their day? Well, if you can wait a mere 140 million years, the average Earth day could be 25 hours long, as the planet is slowly -- very slowly! -- de celerating.


• In 2008, a 13-year-old boy was arrested for farting too much in school. The sheriff's office claimed he "continually disrupted his classroom environ ment" with intentional flatulence.

• Prior to the invention of the eraser, you could use a rolled up piece of white bread (sans crusts) to remove pencil marks.

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• Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world, a duck or goose is watching you.

• Beauty masks in ancient Rome had one heck of an ingredients list, including placenta, excrement, sulfur, sheep's wool sweat, animal urine, ground oyster shells and bile.

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Thought for the Day: "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value; rather, it is one of those things which give value to survival." -- C.S. Lewis

by Lucie Winbourne

• Japanese sumo wrestlers are bound by strict rules even when out of the ring, governing when they sleep and eat, and how they dress and speak in public. They are not allowed to drive cars and, if they're in the lower ranks of the sport, cannot have a phone or a girlfriend.

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• Do you know the terms for the various parts of a hot air balloon? The bag, usually made of ripstop nylon, is called an envelope, with each of its in dividual sections known as gores. The basket be neath is known as a gondola, or in high-altitude balloons, a capsule. Mounted above the gondola is the burner, a heater fueled by propane that injects a flame into the envelope.

• In 1991, two aeronauts Richard Branson and Per Lindstrand became the first balloonists to cross the Pacific Ocean. The flight was launched from Ja pan, and more than 4,700 miles and 46 hours later, the pair landed on a frozen lake in the Yukon.

• In June, 1785, de Rozier and a colleague were launched in an attempt to fly across the English Channel. A change in the wind direction pushed the balloon back over land, more difficulties followed, and the balloon tragically caught fire in midair, deflated, and crashed to the ground from an estimated height of 1,500 feet. The two aeronauts were killed, the first known fatalities in an air crash.

• The record for the highest-flying hot-air balloon was set in 2005, when a doctor from India reached an altitude of 68,986 feet over Mumbai. At these heights, aeronauts need oxygen masks.

SUDOKUWeekly AnswerCROSSWORDKing Answer

• The most common type of hot-air balloon is the Montgolfier, which uses propane burners to heat the air inside the balloon to get it off the ground. The hybrid balloon con tains a compartment of helium or hydrogen in the top. A pure gas bal loon doesn’t use hot air, and altitude is controlled by venting the gas or dropping ballast.

• Manned balloon rides first took place in the 1700s, but the Chinese had been experimenting for more than 2,000 years before. It’s believed that Chinese military strategist Zhuge Liang invented a balloon when he and his army were trapped by their enemies. He wrote a message on a paper lantern requesting help and nearby allied forces saw the lantern and came to his aid.

• The next month a French physics teacher named JeanFrancois Pilatre de Rozier agreed to try out the balloon for the brothers, and stayed in the air four minutes at 80 feet, tethered to the ground with a guideline. Another month passed and de Rozier flew untethered, a successful flight that lasted 25 minutes, travelling 5.5 miles, reaching an altitude of 3,000 feet. By the following year, the French Army was using balloons for military reconnais sance.

• France’s Montgolfier Brothers are celebrated for launch ing the first manned hot air balloon flight. After sev eral successful unmanned flights, in September, 1783, the brothers, paper manufacturers by trade, launched a sheep, a duck, and a rooster in a basket attached to a bal loon. King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette and 130,000 other people observed as the balloon carrying the animals rose 1,500 feet in the air, traveling two miles in about eight minutes before landing safely.

Up, up, and away! This week, Tidbits researches the rich history of hot air balloons.


• In the 1860s, aeronaut Thaddeus Lowe acquainted President Abraham Lincoln with the value of hotair balloon reconnaissance during the Civil War. The benefits were undeniable – rising thousands of feet in the air, the riders could see far into the dis tance, providing critical intel information to Union troops on the location of the Confederates. As Commander of the Union Balloon Corps, Lowe was frequently the target of Confederate bullets, earning him the nickname of “the most shot-at man in the war.”

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If you have questions, call AARP at 888-687-2277 (Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST)

Starting when we reach age 50, our mailbox becomes flooded with frequent invitations to join AARP. At that age, we don't want to hear about anything for seniors because, in our eyes, we aren't seniors yet. We don't even qualify for a senior discount at local stores. So maybe we don't even look at the piles of literature and ads AARP sends. But maybe we should.

There's more to AARP than meets the eye. For a mere $16 per year, we get a whole list of benefits and informa-


And then there is the AARP Bulletin monthly maga zine that is sent by mail to members. If there's one thing you don't want to leave lying around unread, it's this. I just picked up a recent copy and discovered three must-read articles: Identifying phone scams when you get a call, cutting the cost of online groceries and, most important of all, an article on drug interactions. Imagine my surprise to see two of my drugs listed with information about contraindi cations no one ever told me about.

There is a jobs board (315 jobs in my ZIP code alone), an auto-buying program to help with dealer pricing, online games, local chapters and podcasts, a government watch ... everything designed to help seniors.

And what do they do with our membership fees? They advocate for us all over the country, especially with Social Security and Medicare.

GFTIDBITS .COM © 2022 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved. *Answer located further back in this issue. ©2022 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

If you're not signed up for AARP, it's something you should consider. If in doubt, go to www.aarp.org and scroll down the page to see what's new.


Call 701-885-7920 • Grand Forks, ND InfInIty HealtH Cathie Campbell DNP, PMHNP-BC, GNP-BC Feeling Down, Sad or Anxious? www.InfinityHealthND.com

Don't Disregard AARP

• Got lots of fresh herbs from your summer garden? Hang bunches upside down in a cool place for a week or so. Crumble the leaves into small jars. You’ve made your own dried herbs.

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Tidbits Laughs

• If you run out of bleach, add 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to a small load of white laundry.

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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I’ve started a business making boats in my attic. Sails are going through the roof.

• “Want super-crunchy fries at home? Soak potato pieces in very cold water for an hour (fridge is best, or add ice often); dry and fry. Drain fries well, dust LIGHTLY with flour and quick-fry one more time for only a minute or so.” — T.C. in Idaho

• Be certain to use only distilled water in your iron. The water from the tap can leave mineral stains on clothing, and will kill your iron if you do it all the time. — R.E. in Louisiana

• If you want to cool your canned drinks quickly, add water to the cooler with a lot of ice, submerge all drinks under the ice line, and wait about 20 minutes. Without the water, it takes much longer. The water extends the surface contact of the ice.

• To keep your ladder from sinking into soft sand or dirt, put each leg into a can or bucket. It creates a much larger surface area, thereby stabiliz ing the legs.

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• In 1975, childhood friends Bill Gates and Paul Al len worked out of an Albuquerque garage develop ing software for personal computers. They relocat ed to Bellevue, Washington in 1979. Eleven years later, their startup, Microsoft, went public, and the following year, Bill Gates became the world’s youngest billionaire at age 31.

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• In 1976, Steve Wozniak was employed by Hewlett Packard, working on a home PC. When Wozniak presented his design ideas to the company execs, his ideas were rejected, so he teamed up with a friend, Steve Jobs, and Jobs’ colleague Ronald Wayne to form Apple Computers. They worked out of Jobs’ parents’ garage and launched the Apple II in 1977, experiencing sales of over $100 million by 1980. Apple is the first company in his tory to be valued at $1 trillion.

Lots of big businesses started with a store front, but how about these that were established in the garage?

• Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard met on a camping trip in 1934, and became classmates at Stanford University studying electrical engineering shortly afterward. The pair pooled their funds of $538 and began building devices in a one-car garage in Palo Alto, California. In 1938, they invented an oscilla tor to test sound equipment, and their efforts were rewarded with the purchase of eight of the devic es by the Walt Disney Company, launching HP’s success. They moved out of the garage in 1940. In 1951, the invention of a high-speed frequency counter to measure signals earned billions for the company. HP jumped into the space race by in venting a frequency synthesizer that was launched aboard spacecraft. Their introduction of a personal computer in 1980 revolutionized communication and technology. The net worth of the company to day is in the $40 billion range.


• In 1998, Menlo Park, California resident, Har vard grad Susan Wojcicki, was in need of some extra cash and rented out her garage to friends Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who were work ing on developing a new internet search engine. In 1999, she became the first marketing direc tor of their company, Google. Today, she is the CEO of YouTube, acquired by Google in 2006. Her net worth is estimated at $815 million. Brin is the seventh richest person in the world and Page is the sixth, both with a net worth in the $120 billion range.


• Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was renting a threebedroom home in West Bellevue, Washington, a suburb of Seattle, in 1994, and working out of the garage. The Princeton graduate had been working for a Wall Street investment firm, quickly rising to senior vice-president. But Bezos had plans for an internet enterprise, and drew up a list of 20 products that could be mar keted online. He narrowed it down to books, and with his parents’ investment of $250,000, he started his company. He chose the name Ca dabra for his company, playing off “Abracadab ra,” but changed it a few months later when his lawyer thought the name was “cadaver.” Bezos settled on “Amazon,” because the Amazon River was the biggest in the world, and his plan was to be the biggest bookstore in the world. After five years, the company had shipped 20 million items to 150 countries. It was expanded to outside merchants in 2000. Today, it is the world’s largest online retailer, employing 1.1 million people in the U.S.

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