July 28, 2022 Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com Issue # 1,280 VENOM Call www.merrymaidsofgrandforks.com701-775-6778 ® It’ s Summer! Let us do the cleaning. NOW LEASING! 701.775.5544 Heated 2 Stall Garage with Hobby HAMPTONMANAGEMENT.COMRoomLARGEUNITSPRIVATEENTRYPATIOwithPOWERSCREENS TIDBITSGF .COM Of Grand fOrks • East Grand fOrks TIDBITSGF .COM Since 1997 Turn the page for more! Present coupon for special price. Belts, filters, and extended labor extra. Offer expires 8-31-22. FREE Estimates on all repairs. Vacuum Cleaner SPECIALTune-Up 701-746-9300 • Located in Columbia Mall Near Scheels House of Vacuums Did You Know Vacuums Require Regular Maintenance? •INCLUDES:RoutineClean & Lube • Suction Test • Cleaning of Roller Brush • CleaningDisenfection $19.99
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• Pufferfish and the blue ringed octopus use a venom called tetrodotoxin which is one of the deadliest compounds known to man, being more potent than arsenic, cyanide, or anthrax. It targets the nervous system and shuts down communication between nerve cells. The re sult is the inability to breathe combined with the stopping of the heart.
If you swallow it, inhale it, or absorb it and it kills you, it’s poisonous. But if it is delivered to you via fangs, spines, stingers, stinging cells (jellyfish), squirting (cobras, cane toads) or spurs (platypus), then it’s venomous. Come along with Tidbits as we avoid venom!
• The potency of venoms is measured using a method called “Median Lethal Dosage” in which researchers calculate how much of a substance it takes to kill half of a group of test subjects, where the substance is measured in milligrams of toxin per kilogram of body weight, notated as mg/kg. Water, for instance, has a toxicity rating of 90,000 mg/kg, mean ing a typical person can consume an amount of water equal to around 6 liters of water be fore dying. On the other hand, the venom of a box jellyfish has a median lethal dose of about 0.05 mg/kg.
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by Janet Spencer

An extract of which snake’s venom is used as a painkiller for horses?
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VENOM (continued)
• The toxin located in the venom of box jellyfish is called “porin.” It punches holes in cell mem branes. When red blood cells are punctured, they burst and release potassium and hemoglobin. When too much potassium is released into the blood stream, it triggers a heart attack within min utes.
Do both the male and female platypus have venom?
Joe Martin Owner

• The king cobra can deliver enough venom to kill 20 people in every bite. About half of all bites from the king cobra are fatal, compared to about 2% of other venomous snakebites.
If a snake accidentally bites itself, will it die?
• In the phyla Cnidaria, which includes jellyfish, anemones, and corals, there are over 9,000 ven omous species.
2.1. 3. 4.
Which is more potent: the venom of the male or female brown recluse spider?
• The krait is a venomous snake found in India. Its bite is not very painful, and people can even be bitten while they sleep without knowing it. Often, they refuse medical treatment because it doesn’t seem serious, even though antivenom for the bite exists. But the venom is a neurotoxin that takes several hours to begin working. By the time the victim has trouble breathing, it’s too late. Over 70% of people bitten by a krait die.
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What is the name of Kurt Russell’s character in the 1981 movie Escape from New York?

Of the approximately 8,000 people bitten by snakes each year in the U.S., how many die?
• Out of the 5,416 known species of mammals, 12 are venomous, including four species of shrews, three vampire bats, two kinds of rodents, one mole, the slow loris, and the platypus. Of those, eleven of them deliver venom through a bite. Only the platypus has a venomous sting, delivered through spurs on the ankle, usually in a fight over a female.
• The method of delivery matters a lot. The taipan is one of the deadliest snakes. When the venom is injected into the bloodstream, as it would be by a snake bite, the venom is far more deadly than it is if the venom is delivered subcutaneously, injected under the skin but not into the veins. many species of poison ous snake live in the U.S.?
The movie Arachnophobia debuted in theaters what year? What tiny insect is said to have the most painful bite in the world? REMOVAL EstimatesFREE
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• Alber Calmette, who studied under Louis Pasteur, invented the first antivenom in 1896, spurred by a flood in Viet Nam where he was living at the time. Hordes of cobras invaded the town where he was staying, resulting in many deaths, and propelling him towards experimenting with cures. His solu tion was to inject horses with cobra venom and then use the horse’s blood serum to treat the vic tim. The serum would bind with the toxins in the venom, leaving them harmless.
ANTIVENOM (continued)
• When the body is under attack by bacteria and viruses, the immune system kicks into high gear, manufacturing antibodies to kill the intruders. The body remembers how to fight the invaders, making the person immune. This is how vaccines work.

• The same thing happens when the body is under attack by venom, but the problem is that venom often acts so quickly that the body doesn’t have enough time to react. Antivenom is so effective because it acts like a vaccine. When snake venom is injected into a horse, the horse is so large that it’s only slightly affected. It develops antibodies to combat the venom, which can then be harvest ed from the horse’s blood and delivered to a hu man. The horse only retains these antibodies for several months, requiring repeated injections of venom, and the antivenom has a limited shelf life.

• Other animals can also be used, including sheep, goats, and cats. The antibodies only work against the specific species they reacted to, so antivenom for rattlesnakes won’t work against a cobra bite. And many venomous creatures such as spiders and jellyfish produce venom in such tiny amounts that it can’t be harvested in order to develop an antivenom. These circumstances make antivenom an expensive antidote.


© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. ThistleLindaby Moderate HOOChallengingBOY! KING CROSSWORD DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: HH Rick Asche • 701-772-1138 LifeMedicalGroupCoverageMedicareIns. H2409, H2410, H2450_2058 (01-2009) ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. Contact your local agent for more information: ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. agent for more information: Operation> ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. Contact your local agent for more information: <Agent <Hours<Phone><City,<Address><AgencyName>Name>STZIP>ofOperation> 1521 24th Ave. S. • Grand Forks, ND INSURANCE AGENCY Life • Medicare • Group Plans • Health • Long Term Care A ASCHE “Since 1988”•••
The Komodo dragon has a type of venom in its jaws that contain antico agulants which prevent blood from clotting, along with vasodilators, which cause blood vessels to widen. The victim, when bitten, isn’t killed by the bite, and often escapes. The anticoagulants prevent the wound from clos ing, while the vasodilators keep the blood flowing. The creature suffers a catastrophic drop in blood pressure and soon bleeds to death.

• Researchers were trying to maintain a captive pop ulation of rattlesnakes for study. They offered the snakes wood rats to eat, but the rats often killed the snakes. Research showed that the rats were naturally immune to the rattlers’ venom.
There are 48 known species of animals that have the ability to withstand snake bites, including opossum, skunk, weasel, cats, hedgehog, honey badger, mongoose, and the snake eagle. All of these animals eat snakes. One type of opossum can withstand 40 times the dose that would kill a
Similarly, one species of mouse that regularly eats scorpions can withstand up to 20 times the dose of scorpion venom that would kill a laboratory
RESISTANCE (continued)

The opossum is resistant to certain types of snake venom, but not others. The mongoose, however, seems to be resistant to all types of snake venom. When researchers tried to develop an antivenom based on the blood of the mongoose, they com pletely failed. The mongoose is innately resistant to venom, but that resistance cannot be shared. However, serums developed from opossum blood can be transferred to other animals.
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The Texas horned lizard eats harvester ants, one of the more venomous species of ant. They can withstand 1,500 times the dose that would kill a
• On the other hand, Guinea pigs are ten times more sensitive to the venom of a black widow spider than mice are, and 2,000 times more sensitive than frogs.
The fan-fingered gecko can withstand up to 4,000 times the dose of venom from the yellow scorpion that would kill a mouse. This is equal to being stung by a scorpion 100 times with no ill effect.

• On Aug. 1, 1943, a Japanese destroyer rams an American PT (patrol torpedo) boat, No. 109, slic ing it in two. The destruction is so massive, other American PT boats in the area assume the crew is dead. Two crewmen were, in fact, killed, but 11 survived, including Lt. John F. Kennedy, who would later become president.
• On Aug. 7, 1964, the United States Congress approves the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, giving President Lyndon B. Johnson nearly unlimited powers to oppose "communist aggression" in Southeast Asia. The Johnson administration began heavy bombing of North Vietnam in early 1965 and sent U.S. combat troops in March 1965.
• If you have a weakened immune system.
The best way to prevent West Nile virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites.
• Use mosquito-repellent products containing DEET.
• Time spent outdoors not wearing protective clothing and mosquito repellent – If you work or spend a lot of time outdoors (golfing, gardening, hunting, etc.), you’re at a higher risk of being bitten by mosquitoes.
• Wear long sleeves and pants.
©2022 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
• Proximity – If you live in an area where WNV has al ready been identified or near mosquito larval habitat.
Risk factors for West Nile virus:
• Time of year – The majority of WNV cases occur from July – September.
• Eliminate any standing water from your property, such as trash bins, plant saucers, rain gutters, buckets, etc.
• On Aug. 6, 1911, Lucille Desiree Ball, one of America's most famous redheads and beloved comic actresses, is born near Jamestown, New York. Ball starred with husband Ricky Ricardo on television's "I Love Lucy" from 1951 to 1957.
• On Aug. 3, 1977, "The Spy Who Loved Me," starring Roger Moore as James Bond, is released in theaters. The film features one of the most memorable Bond vehicles of all time -- a sleek, powerful Lotus Esprit sports car that does double duty as a submarine.
• On Aug. 4, 1753, George Washington, a young Virginia planter, becomes a Master Mason, the highest basic rank in Freemasonry. The ceremony was held at the Masonic Lodge No. 4 in Freder icksburg, Virginia. Washington was 21 years old and would soon command his first military op eration. Freemasons trace the origins of masonry back to the erecting of King Solomon's Temple in biblical times.
• On Aug. 2, 1939, Wes Craven, the man responsible for terrorizing millions of moviegoers with his "Nightmare on Elm Street" series, is born. Craven began his directing career with 1972's "The Last House on the Left," a violent teen hor ror film.
• On Aug. 5, 2002, the rusty iron gun turret of the ironclad warship U.S.S. Monitor is raised from the floor of the Atlantic, where it had rested since it went down in a storm off North Carolina during the Civil War. She sank in December 1862, while being towed from Cape Hatteras.

West Nile virus (WNV) is an infection transmitted by mosquitoes. The mosquito most common for transmitting this virus is one that is widespread throughout the Grand Forks region. This mosquito does not discrimi nate. People of all ages are susceptible to WNV infec tion, but the elderly are at higher risk for developing the more severe form of this disease (neuroinvasive ill ness). Children infected with WNV generally show no symptoms or may have a mild fever.
For information about West Nile virus and mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

• Geographic region – The Dakotas have reported some of the highest cases per capita in the United States.

Thought for the Day: "Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts." -- Rachel Carson
• The town of Dorset, Minnesota, elects a new may or every two years by drawing names from a hat, and in 2015, that honor went to 3-year-old Rob ert Tufts. His laudable motto: "Being nice and no poopy talk."
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
• An art collector once paid $10,000 for a "nonvisible" sculpture created by actor James Franco. What did she get for her moolah? Well, since the artwork was billed as an "endless tank of oxygen," we'd say ... air, which most of us can find a lot cheaper.
• Britain's Secret Intelligence Service once hacked an al-Qaida website and replaced bomb instruc tions with a cupcake recipe.***
• Lake Superior State University in Michigan offers a unicorn hunting license.
by Lucie Winbourne
• According to a 2014 study published by the Los Angeles Times, one in nine Americans, or 11% of the population, thinks HTML is actually a disease.
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• You thought it was hard to get into Harvard Uni versity? Try getting hired by Walmart! The former institution's admittance rate of 4.5% still beats that of the store chain, which has an employee accep tance rate of just 2.6%.
• "Americanha" is a word used by Nigerians to refer to folks who visit the U.S. and then put on Ameri can airs when they return.
• Cows moo with regional accents.
• The Supreme Court has its own private basketball court.
• And speaking of frugality -- a man wore 60 shirts and nine pairs of jeans on an 11.5-hour flight from China to Africa because he didn't want to pay the extra baggage fee.
What brand of tennis ball has been used at the Wimbledon Championships since 1902?

In July 1977, what NBA franchise held a telethon for season-ticket pledges in order to save the team from being sold?
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Start with Voluntary Services at the local Vet erans Affairs medical center. They can always use donations of money and time. In one calendar year, volunteers toted up 2.6 million hours. Parking lot shuttle driver, office assistant, book cart, dining room companion, mail delivery to wards, transpor tation van driver ... the possibilities are many.
Former NBA player and coach Reggie Theus had his No. 23 jersey retired by what college basketball team?
The headline of this column could actually be "What to do when your local veterans group doesn't step up to help other veterans."

Because, yeah, it happens.
Accurate Quotes

Whatever you do, however small, to help another veteran, can make a difference. You don't need to be part of a group to do it.
Mostly it's for compelling reasons -- the members might be older (I saw an unofficial citation showing that the average age of American Legion members is their late 60s). For the Veterans of Foreign Wars, it was early 70s. I believe it. Or post membership might have dwindled to the point where there are many on the roster but only a few who actually show up for meetings. But if you're faced with this situation and you want to focus on helping other veterans, there are a few things you can do on your own or with some likeminded buddies.
If your veterans group is willing to part with money to help other veterans, take the cash. Make suggestions and get their votes on how it should be spent.

Who won the 2018 men’s FIFA World Cup?
Name the last National League baseball team to win the World Series in back-to-back years. QUIZ

6.5.4. 7. SPORTS
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The Metrodome in Minneapolis was named in honor of which U.S. politician?
Even outside the VA world, you have options to help needy veterans and their families. You can do grocery shopping for elderly or infirm veterans, mow lawns, corral skilled carpenters and tradesmen to do home repairs, do taxes if you're a CPA and even match companies with unemployed veterans. Make inquiries at homeless shelters that serve a lot of veterans and ask what help you can provide. It might be as simple as washing dishes. It might be delivering cases of food from their supplier. You might be playing checkers after lunch or handing out dry socks.
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The annual rematch game between the CFL’s Sas katchewan Roughriders and Winnipeg Blue Bombers is known by what nickname?
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• The pulses are so regular that if they don’t come at a pre cise interval, astronomers know something is off. This pulsar should have pulsed every 0.006219 seconds, but every now and then, its pulses were a little off. Yet those off-beats came at regular intervals. After intensive study, the answer was found: it had two planets in orbit around it. One was three and the other four times the mass of Earth, and they rotated around the pulsar every 67 and 98 days.
• Aatronomers began to suspect the cause for the dimming may have been a planet about the size of Saturn that had briefly blocked X-rays from reaching the telescope when it passed in front of it. The team dubbed it an “extroplanet.” The extroplanet candidate goes by the name “M51-1” and is be lieved to orbit its host binary at about the same distance Uranus orbits our sun. It will be another 70 years before the planet crosses that path again, giving researchers another chance to observe the first planet ever found in another galaxy.
• But a veritable explosion of planetary discoveries came with the invention of the “transit method” of observation, when the Kepler Space Telescope launched in 2009.
• By March of 2022, over 5,000 planets had been discovered in the Milky Way Galaxy ranging from lava worlds covered in molten seas, to puffy plan ets the density of Styrofoam. Of the 5,000 planets found so far, 30% are gas giants; 31% are rocky in nature; 35% are icy and usually the size of Nep tune or Jupiter; and 4% are terrestrial in nature, about the size of Earth and rocky.
• Then the next leap came when the first planet was identified in a different galaxy. In 2012, NASA's Chandra Observatory spotted a curious flicker coming from the Whirlpool Galaxy, some 28 mil lion light-years away. An X-ray source in one of Whirlpool's arms switched off for about two hours before suddenly flaring back to life. This particular source emanated from two objects in orbit around each other. One is either a black hole or a neutron star, and the other is likely a large star known as a “blue supergiant.”
• The first major discovery of an “exoplanet” – a planet outside our solar system – happened in 1992. Two as tronomers found not just one but two planets orbiting not a sun but a pulsar 2,300 light years away. Pulsars, named for the regular “pulses” they give off in radio frequen cies, are remnants of supernova explosions, when a mas sive star runs out of nuclear fuel and becomes unstable. A pulsar packs the mass of the entire sun into a ball only 12 miles across, so dense that it can easily collapse and become a black hole. It spins around hundreds of times per second, spewing radio waves, x-rays, and radiation.
SUDOKUWeekly AnswerCROSSWORDKing Answer

• The Kepler telescope constantly observed over 170,000 stars, searching for tiny dips in starlight caused when a planet crosses a star’s face. The greater the dimming, the bigger the planet. The Kepler telescope was replaced with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in 2018 which was 400 times larger.
• The next challenge was to find an exoplanet that revolved around a star like our own sun rather than a pulsar. In 1995 two astronomers were observing a sun similar to ours called 51 Pegasi using a spectrograph. They noticed a pronounced wobble in its orbit which could only be caused by the gravity of an orbiting planet. This planet turned out to be a gas giant about half the mass of our own Jupiter in an extremely close, four-day orbit around the star. A year on this planet lasts only four days.
Thereapplication.arehundreds of internet providers that are part of the program, including some big names like Xfinity, AT&T and Spectrum. In some cases, that $30 gets you internet with out you having to pay anything additional. In other words, free internet. Get the details from your internet provider.
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GFTIDBITS .COM © 2022 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved. *Answer located further back in this issue. ©2022 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

For a list of providers by state, go to fcc.gov/acpmationfordable-connectivity-program-providers.www.fcc.gov/afGetmoreinforontheAffordableConnectivityProgramatwww.orcall877-384-2575.
You can sign up in a number of ways, such as by mail or online at nv.fcc.gov/lifeline. Scroll through the informa tion on that page. Call 800-234-9473 for more information or to ask that an application be sent to you by mail.
Have you heard of Lifeline? Started many years ago to help low-income individuals with their phone costs, it's been expanded to include internet at home, offering a $9.25 monthly discount.

That $9.25 savings doesn't sound like much, but if you're like me, nowadays, you're converting every dollar saved into food. That $9.25, for example, could turn into a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk, or even a pound of ground beef, a package of hamburgers buns and most of a can of beans.
You'll need to qualify for Lifeline. One way you do that is if you (or anyone in your household) receive benefits from Supplemental Security Income, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, veterans pensions, Supplemen tal Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicaid and others, or through having verifiable low income. (You'll need paper work to prove it.)
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• Laundry baskets can be your best friends when decluttering the house. Go from room to room collecting the clutter in a laundry basket, then bring it to a central location to sort and redis tribute items that belong in each room. Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

• “I finally got a new car, and there’s no cassette player in it. I have a pret ty large library of music on tapes, so I was a little bummed. My wife got me a little device that looks like an old Walkman, and it hooks up to the computer. I can convert my cassettes to digital songs, which I can burn onto CDs. It would cost hundreds of dollars to re-buy all that music, and there are some tapes that I couldn’t replace even if I had the money, so this is great.” — C.C. in Ohio
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reserved.rightsAllInc.Syndicate,FeaturesKing©2022 back)furtherlocated(Answers
• Apricots are a relative of the peach, and they can be ripened just like a peach can — in a paper bag on the counter. They should be refrigerated when ripe.
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. Q: What Swedish snake can help you see more clearly? A: The Vindshield Viper! Tidbits Laughs
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• 1 gallon of milk will usually yield 1 to 1.5 pints of cream. The cream will churn to approximately one-third to one-half a pound of butter.
• The word butter comes from the Latin “butyrum” which may be a compound of “bous” meaning ox or cow plus “turos” meaning cheese.
• In the United States, grass-fed dairy products com prise a tiny portion of the dairy sector. Most dairy cows are fed with commercial grain-based feeds. Real butter is higher in vitamin A when the cows have been out to pasture rather than being fed dry feed. The color of the butter depends on the diet of the cow the milk came from. The more carotene a cow gets from eating hay, the more yellow the butter.
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• In 1957 margarine consumption overtook but ter consumption for the first time in the U.S. Per capita consumption of butter was 8.3 pounds and margarine was 8.6 pounds. By the year 2011, but ter was outselling margarine. Today, Americans consume an average of 5.6 pounds of butter a year, as opposed to only 3.5 pounds of margarine.
• California is the nation’s leading dairy state and produces more butter than any other state.
• The foods with the highest calorie content are (in order): animal fat (lard), vegetable oil, margarine, butter, and alcohol. Margarine and butter essen tially have the same number of calories pound for pound.
• In all, about a third of the world’s milk production is devoted to making butter.
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• Butter is made from the milk of cows, sheep, goats, donkeys, horses, water buffaloes, and yaks. Camel’s milk has very small fat globules and is difficult to churn into butter.

• Is moldy cheese a common occurrence in your refrigerator? Give semi-hard cheese a light coat of butter to keep it fresh and mold-free. Each time you use the cheese, coat the cut edge with butter before you wrap it and you’ll stave off that mold for weeks.
• Powdered butter was developed in Australia in 1962.
• In 1972 in the London Times, readers of the classifieds were amazed to find a strange page in the back of the section. All of the column headings were in place—cars for sale, houses for rent—but all the ads were missing. The only thing normal about the page was the usual crossword down at the bottom corner where it always was. Those who completed the cross word discovered amusing messages on the val ue of butter. The entire page was an attentiongrabbing ad for butter.

• Butter inside a vacuum will not melt when exposed to red hot iron because air is required to transmit heat.

• Commercial butter is about 80% butterfat and 15% water.
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• A single pat of butter has enough energy in it to melt 2 pounds of ice and bring it to a boil.
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BUTTER (continued)
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• Butter has a melting temperature of 98.6°F, exactly the same temperature as the inside of the mouth. This is what gives butter its rich, creamy feel in the mouth.
• Whipped butter is made by whipping nitrogen gas into the butter. The oxygen in normal air would promote oxidation and rancidity, but ni trogen gas is non-reactive.
Information in the Tidbits paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed. Tidbits of Grand Forks publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising from any business, individual or group for any reason deemed inappropriate or not in the publisher's best interest. The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Chadwick Parkinson (701) 740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com ContactmetoscheduleyouradinTidbits! Locally Owned TIDBITSGF .COM
• Butter is low in lactose, so it should be safe for most people with lactose intolerance. Clarified butter called ghee has even less lactose.
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• You can store butter in the refrigerator for months without it becoming rancid.

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