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Fifty years? Really? If you’re like other Tidbits readers, maybe you just can’t believe that 1972 was 50 years ago. This week, we take a look at some milestones that occurred during that eventful year.

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• In the world of sports, Super Bowl VI was held on January 16 at New Orleans’ Tulane Stadium. At kickoff, the temperature was 39 degrees F, the coldest Super Bowl ever played. The contest between the Dallas Cowboys and the Miami Dolphins resulted in a Cow boys win, 24-3, the team’s first Super Bowl win. The halftime show was a salute to New Orleans native and jazz legend, Louis Arm strong, who had died six months earlier. It fea tured jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald, singer Carol Channing, and trumpeter Al Hirt.
• In September, 1972, Roberto Clemente, the 18-year veteran of the Pittsburgh Pirates, re corded the 3,000th hit of his career. It was also the final hit of his career. Clemente retired to continue the charitable work he had engaged in during most of his life. On December 23, a massive 6.2 earthquake hit Nicaragua, killing up to an estimated 11,000 and leaving 300,000 homeless. On New Years’ Eve, Clemente chartered a plane to deliver aid to earthquake victims. Sadly, the plane crashed shortly after takeoff, and the baseball great and his crew perished.

by Kathy Wolfe


2.1. 3. 4.
Name the 1972 World Chess Champion who beat the Rus sian Boris Spassky.
• Baseball’s World Series was a match between the Oakland Athletics and the Cincinnati Reds. The A’s captured the title, four games to three, their first championship since 1930, when the team was located in Philadelphia. Notable players in this Series included Catfish Hunter, Johnny Bench, Tony Perez, and Pete Rose. The A’s were forced to play without their star outfielder Reggie Jack son, who had been injured in the final game of the playoffs. Bits
President Nixon made a historic visit to what country in February, 1972?
Joe Martin Owner

In 1972, what grocery retailer was the first to test an electronic scanner?

• At the Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany, American swimmer Mark Spitz became the first athlete to win seven gold medals in a single Olym pics. The day after Spitz’s achievement, tragedy struck the Olympics when eight members of the terrorist group Black September, a faction of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, scaled the fence surrounding the Village carrying grenades and assault rifles. Entering the Israeli athletes’ dorm, the group killed two immediately, and took nine others hostage, citing their demands of the release of 234 Palestinians jailed in Israel. Rescue efforts failed drastically, and by the end of September 6, all of the athletes, along with a German policeman and five of the terrorists were dead.
1972 (continued):
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• San Francisco residents had a new innovative method of transportation when the Bay Area Rap id Transit system, or BART, began passenger ser vice in September, 1972.
Atari released its first arcade video game in 1972. Name it.
• For over 40 years, the Ford Model T held the re cord for the most automobiles produced. In pro duction from 1908 to 1927, more than 15 million Model T’s had rolled off the assembly line by the time production ceased in May, 1927. In February of 1972, the Volkswagen Beetle broke the record when the 15,007,034th Beetle, painted Marathon Blue, was completed, making the little bug the best-selling car of all time.

Which product’s advertising slogan is “Look, Ma, no cavities!”? How many presidents have served more than two terms? What was the name of the cruise ship on the sitcom “The Love Boat”? Which plant produces cacao beans, which are used to make Howchocolate?farcan a skunk’s spray reach?

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1972 (continued):

• On March 15, 1972, the first of three Godfather movies premiered in New York City, a film based on Mario Puzo’s best-selling novel, chronicling the fictional Corleone Mafia family. The film was nominated for 11 Academy Awards, winning three, including Best Picture and Best Actor Mar lon Brando. Considered one of the greatest films of all time, it was 1972’s highest-grossing movie, earning about $290 million at the box office. Di rector Francis Ford Coppola was just 31 years old when he was hired for the job.
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• The big story in Washington in 1972 was the Watergate scandal, which involved five White House operatives burglarizing and illegally tele phone wiretapping the offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate office/hotel/ apartment complex in Washington. When wit nesses testified that President Richard Nixon had a voice-activated taping system in the Oval Of fice, Nixon attempted to cover up the activities and persuaded other federal officials to deflect the investigation, all of which led to Nixon’s resigna tion. He remains the only president to resign from office. All in all, of the 69 people indicted in the scandal, 48 were convicted.
• Today, if you need a calculator, you whip out your phone. But in 1972, consumers were introduced to the first pocket scientific calculator, the HP-35. Hewlett-Packard debuted their 35-key calculator with its four basic functions (addition, subtrac tion, multiplication, and division) to replace the slide rule that had been used for generations. The price was a spendy $395, which translates to over $2,500 today. The company estimated first year sales of 10,000 calculators, which would be their break-even number. Instead, they sold 100,000. By the time the HP-35 was discontinued in 1975, upwards of 300,000 had been sold.
What member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2022 was known as the “Father of Instant Replay”?
Name the Boston Celtics star who was stabbed 11 times at a nightclub in September 2000, but still started every game in the 2000-01 season.

What sports apparel and equipment company was founded in Baltimore in 1996 by Kevin Plank, a former University of Maryland football player?
Joe Sakic won two Stanley Cups (1996, 2001) as a player and one as general manager (2022) with what NHL franchise?
How many NBA champi onships did Boston Celtics great Bill Russell win? QUIZ
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In 1972, what tennis player was named Sports Illustrated’s very first Sports Woman of the Year?

1972 (continued):
• Opening day for the restaurant chain Popeye’s was June 12, 1972. Intended to compete with Kentucky Fried Chicken, it was in the New Orleans suburb of Arabi, Louisiana, operating under the name of “Chicken on the Run.” It was renamed Popeye’s Famous Fried Chicken in 1975. Although it seems logical to think that the chain was named after everyone’s favorite cartoon sailor, the founder Al Copeland claimed he named the restaurant af ter a fictional detective in the 1971 movie “The French Connection,” Jimmy “Popeye” Doyle. To day, there are nearly 3,500 Popeye’s restaurants, located in 46 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and 30 countries.

*AnswerInc.Synd.,FeaturesKing2022©locatedfurtherbackinthisissue. *Answer located further back. WE DO INSTALLATIONSCOMPLETE on select FIREPLACES $350 OFF UP TO • Fireplaces & Stoves • Gas, Wood, Electric, and Pellet • Inserts • Mantels • Glass Doors • Brick & Stone • Fireplace Accessories 0% FINANCING www.sunroomsplusgf.com 4224 Gateway Dr. • Grand Forks, ND 26% TAX CREDIT on WOOD STOVES FREE 701-746-8684ESTIMATES!• MUST SHOW COUPON • Offer Ends Aug. 15, 2022 Located in Columbia Mall Food Court • 701-757-0214 Dine-In • Takeout • Delivery • TACOS • BURRITOS • TOSTADAS • QUESADILLAS • TORTAS • COMBINATION PLATES Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11:00 am - 7:00 pm EL GORDITO MEXICAN FOOD Accurate Quotes and Exceptional Service! Full Service Electrical Contractor Call us: 701-757-0421 Journeyman & Apprentice Employment Opportunities! Now Offering Long- and Short-Term Stays in Assisted Living Join us for as little as a week, a month or longer! Call (218) 281-0761 to learn more. 516 Walsh Street, Crookston | BenedictineCrookston.org

• The year 1972 was a monumental one for women. The Equal Rights Amendment, providing for the legal equality of the sexes and prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex was passed by the U.S. Senate in March. In April, women were offi cially allowed to compete in the Boston Marathon for the first time in the race’s 75-year history. The first woman winner was 33-year-old Nina Kuscsik, who was also the winner of the New York City marathon. Women were allowed into Dartmouth College for the first time in the Fall of 1972, the last Ivy League college to break the gender barri er. Also that Fall, the first female FBI agents were hired, one a 31-year-old former nun. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was adamant in his ruling that only men could be special agents, but following his death four months earlier, the ban was lifted. J. Edgar Hoover had been the FBI Director for 48 years at the time of his death at age 77.

© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. ThistleLindaby Moderate HOOChallengingBOY! KING CROSSWORD DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: H Rick Asche • 701-772-1138 LifeMedicalGroupCoverageMedicareIns. H2409, H2410, H2450_2058 (01-2009) ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. Contact your local agent for more information: ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. for more information: Operation> ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. Contact your local agent for more information: <Agent <Hours<Phone><City,<Address><AgencyName>Name>STZIP>ofOperation> 1521 24th Ave. S. • Grand Forks, ND INSURANCE AGENCY Life • Medicare • Group Plans • Health • Long Term Care A ASCHE “Since 1988”••• 3459 31ST St. South • Grand Forks • 701-757-3075 • • Spray-In Liners • Window Tint • Remote Starts • Car Audio • Lift Kits • Wheels & TRIIXCUSTOMS.COMTires (ACROSS THE STREET EAST OF HOBBY LOBBY)

• After losing a drunken poker bet in 2009, a New Zealand man had his name legally changed to "Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova." After five years, the new moniker was finally approved by the government, and all 99 characters are on his passport.

• In 1956, four men on a boat off the coast of Corn wall threw explosives at a shark to kill it, or at least scare it away from divers, but the plan partially backfired, killing two of the men and injuring the others when the shark headed for them instead with an explosive device on its back.
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

• "Ouijazilla," in Salem, Massachusetts, holds the unofficial title of the "World's Largest Ouija Board" at 3,168 square feet and approximately 9,000 lbs.
• No matter what it might feel like, to the contrary, when you're suffering from one, the majority of microbiologists say viruses are not actually alive, as they produce no energy and can only reproduce when inside a living creature.***
Thought for the Day: "It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out, it's the pebble in your shoe." -- Muhammad Ali
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by Lucie Winbourne
• According to a 2014 survey by the Christian re tailer LifeWay, 7% of Christian Americans pray for a parking spot.

• Charlie Daniels objected to the use of "The Dev il Went Down to Georgia" in the Guitar Hero III video game because it was possible for the player to lose to a devil-like character, which "perverted" his song.
• The Psychotria elata flower, also affectionately known as the "hot lips plant," which grows in the rainforests of Central and South America, resem bles a puckering mouth covered in lipstick.
• In Oklahoma, it is illegal to wear boots to bed (but shoes are OK).
Myth #1: There’s not much I can do about WNV.
Myth #4: Repellents containing DEET are not safe.

Truth: People over 60 are at the highest risk for devel oping severe West Nile disease.
• Make it a habit to apply mosquito repellent with DEET when you’re spending time outdoors. This will reduce the number of mosquito bites you get.
• There are products with different strengths (percentage of DEET) available. The longer the protec tion you need the higher percent of DEET needed.
Myth #3: It’s only people who are already in poor health who have to worry about West Nile virus.
Myth #5: As long as my area has a mosquito control program, I don’t have to worry about using repellent.

Truth: Healthy, active older adults who spend time work ing and exercising outdoors have been affected by severe West Nile virus infection.
Truth: Repellents containing DEET are very safe when used according to directions.

Truth: Mosquito control activities don’t eliminate every mosquito, so personal protection is still important.
If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

• It is always a good idea for children to avoid mosquito bites, but it’s also important for adults - especially older adults - to take steps to avoid mosquito bites.
• Grand Forks Health Department maintains a proactive mos to control program designed to reduce mosquito populations and mosquito-borne diseases. However, this program can not eliminate all mosquitoes. Personal protection, such as using repellent, keeping window screens in good con dition, and control of house hold breeding sites are im portant steps for the public.
• Grand Forks currently has a very low population of nui sance mosquitoes. This gives a false impression about the risk of WNV. Even though there are very few mosquitoes in our community, the risk of WNV is still elevated. Please take the necessary precautions to avoid mosquito bites.
• Mosquitoes are usually most active from dusk to dawn. Pay close attention to protection during these hours, or avoid being outdoors if possible.
Myth #2: Kids are at the most danger of getting sick from West Nile Virus.
• Because DEET is so widely used, a great deal of testing has been done. When manufacturers seek registration with the US Environmental Protec tion Agency (EPA) for products such as DEET, laboratory testing regarding both short-term and long-term health effects must be carried out.
Truth: There is a lot that you, personally, can do to reduce your chance of getting West Nile virus infection.
• Being over 50 is a risk factor for developing severe West Nile disease if infected with the virus. There is a risk of get ting mosquito bites while leading an active life outdoors. This doesn’t mean you have to stay inside - it does mean that it’s important to use repellent when you go outside.
• Reduce mosquito breeding habitat around your house. The species of mosquito most common for transmitting WNV generally stays close to the habitat that it hatched from.
• Eliminate any standing water that remains longer than 7 days. Inspect your yard once a week: get rid of contain ers that aren’t being used, empty water from flower pots, change water in bird baths and maintain clean gutters.

• Repellent with DEET can be used for both adults and chil dren, according to directions.

• Relatively few children have been reported with severe West Nile Virus disease. By contrast, most of the deaths due to WNV were among people over 50 years old.

• In January, 1972, President Richard Nixon announced the beginnings of a Space Shuttle program, designed to make space missions easier and less expensive. Reusing the spacecraft would cost one-tenth of the cost of previ ous crafts. The Space Shuttle could deploy and maintain communication satellites, along with making space jour neys safer and less demanding for astronauts. Although the plan was to have a manned shuttle flight by 1978, that wasn’t accomplished until 1981, when the Columbia was launched for its first flight. Over the next 30 years there were 135 Space Shuttle flights with a fleet consisting of the Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and En deavour. The final flight was made by Atlantis in 2011, a mission to deliver supplies and parts to the space station.

• On March 3, 1972, Pioneer 10 was launched from Cape Canaveral, a space probe sent to capture pic tures of Jupiter, the solar system’s largest planet. In December, the craft was at its closest point to the planet, a distance of 82,178 miles, and began transmitting the first of 500 images. By 1976, the 569-lb. Pioneer 10 had crossed the orbit of Saturn, and crossed the orbit of Uranus in 1979, and Nep tune’s orbit in 1983. By 1997, the probe had trav eled an estimated six billion miles. The final signal received from the craft in 2003 was very weak, from a distance of 7.5 billion miles from Earth.
Acquaint yourself with some space program milestones that occurred 50 years ago in the year 1972.
• The Mariner 9 began sending pictures of the sur face of Mars in February, 1972 after 349 days in space. It was the first spacecraft to orbit another planet. Due to dust storms on Mars, the Mariner was unable to send any clear pictures before Feb ruary, but before its mission was concluded, it had transmitted 7,329 images, covering 85% of the planet’s surface. The craft’s current location is un known – it may still be in orbit, it may have burned up in Mars’ atmosphere, or crashed into the surface. Its final transmission was in October, 1972.
• The Apollo program ran from 1961 to 1972, with the first crewed mission in 1968. Between 1968 and 1972, 12 astronauts walked on the moon. A to tal of 842 lbs. of lunar rocks and soil were brought home to Earth.
• Apollo 16 blasted off from Cape Canaveral on April 16 of 1972, landing on the moon four days later. Astronauts John Young and Charles Duke spent more than 20 hours exploring the lunar surface during their three days on the moon. They collected upwards of 200 lbs. of rocks before returning to the spacecraft.
SUDOKUWeekly AnswerCROSSWORDKing Answer

• The final Apollo moon mission, Apollo 17, was launched on December 7. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt began the final Lunar Rover ride six days later, leaving crewmate Ronald Evans in the command mod ule. The Lunar Roving Vehicle was used for nearly 22 hours out of their 75 hours on the moon, travelling 22.3 miles, gathering 243 lbs. of moon rocks. All three LRV’s from Apollo 15, 16, and 17 were left behind and remain on the moon. On December 14, Cernan became the last person to walk on the moon.
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Explore a new hobby, ideally one that is soothing and engages your mind.
the news and there's another tragedy. Buy groceries and there is serious concern that you might not get to the end of the month before running out of money. And, of course, there's the pandemic, which, despite the boosters, just isn't going away.
And don't forget the basics. Get some kind of exer cise each day, even if it's just lifting hand weights. Look for yoga videos on the internet that are aimed at seniors. Monitor your diet. Limit caffeine, aim toward increasing fruits and vegetables and drink the right amount of water.
CharlesMatildaby Managing Stress Call 701-885-7920 • Grand Forks, ND InfInIty HealtH Cathie Campbell DNP, PMHNP-BC, GNP-BC Feeling Down, Sad or Anxious? www.InfinityHealthND.com

Change your routine in small ways. Yes, you can have pancakes for dinner. Yes, you can sign up for the online music appreciation class at the college.
An informal poll of senior friends makes one thing clear: We are anxious and stressed, and no, it isn't getting anyTurnbetter.on

Just take it one day at a time.

GFTIDBITS .COM © 2022 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved. *Answer located further back in this issue. ©2022 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

Writing in a daily journal can help focus our thoughts. What, exactly, is it that's making us anxious today? A few lines that target the problem can shrink it and keep the source from being so large and overwhelming. But then finish with a few gratitude lines. What are we thankful for today and what has gone right? It might be some thing as small as a friend telling a truly funny joke.
There are, however, small ways to combat the anxiety and stress we feel.
Adopting a pet can be a lifesaver, in more ways than one. Many people are giving to shelters the pets they adopted two years ago, pets that now need new homes. Consider the benefits of both cats and dogs. A cat stays inside and might even make you laugh. Dogs need to be walked, but a senior dog might not need long walks.
1972: Rolling Stones 2022: Kidney Stones 1972: Passing the driver's test. 2022: Passing the vision test. 1972: Long hair 2022: Longing for hair. Tidbits Laughs
• To travel with pleated skirts, use this packing trick: Turn the skirt inside out and straighten all the pleats. Then tape the bottom so that all the pleats are held together. Next, feed the skirt into a leg of pantyhose with the foot cut off. You end up with a nice tube, which you can tuck into the sides of your luggage.
• Add these to the list of items to elim inate the odor of cooking cabbage: a heel of bread, a whole walnut or a pinch of baking soda.
• I keep grocery lists on my comput er. When I am going to go shopping, I print out the list and fold the paper in half. Then I slip my coupons into the fold. Keeps them handy when I am shopping. — Reader in Maryland
• “When painting, write the name and brand of paint under the room’s light switch plate. If you ever need to go out and buy more, you will know where to start.” — R.K. in Montana
• My family has always used mayon naise as a salve on minor burns. I heard you can use toothpaste too. — Sam P. via e-mail
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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• When traveling for more than a few days, stick your plants into the bathtub with a little bit of water. They soak it up, and you don’t have to have some one come over and water your plants. This will only work for a week or less, though. — John McF. of Baton Rouge, Louisiana
• On Aug. 13, 1781, Patriot forces led by Col. William Harden and Brig. Gen.Francis Marion, known as the "Swamp Fox," lure British commander Maj. Thomas Fraser and his 450 soldiers into an ambush at Parker's Ferry, near Charleston, South Carolina. Marion had earned his nickname for his ability to "outfox" his oppo nents in the swamps of the South Carolina backcountry.

• On Aug. 9, 1936, at the Berlin Olympics, African American track star Jesse Owens wins his fourth gold medal of the Games in the 4 x 100 meter relay. His re lay team set a new world record of 39.8 seconds, which held for 20 years.
• On Aug. 11, 1973, "American Graffiti," a nostalgic coming-of-age tale steeped in the car-centric culture of suburban California, is released in theaters. The movie went on to become a sleeper hit.
• On Aug. 12, 1953, less than one year after the United States tested its first hydrogen bomb, the Soviets det onate a 400-kiloton device in Kazakhstan. Known as the "Layer Cake," the bomb was fueled by layers of uranium and lithium deuteride, a hydrogen isotope.
• On Aug. 10, 1776, news reaches London that the Ameri cans had drafted the Declaration of Independence. Until the Declaration of Independence formally transformed the 13 British colonies into states, the conflict centered in Massachusetts was seen as a local uprising.

• On Aug. 14, 1985, Michael Jackson takes control of the publishing rights to the vast majority of the Beatles' catalog for $47 million, outbidding Paul Mc Cartney himself. In the years afterward, the catalog was estimated to be worth in excess of $1 billion.
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• On Aug 8, 1945, President Harry S. Truman signs the United Nations Charter, and the United States becomes the first nation to complete the ratification process and join the new international organization. Although hopes were high at the time that the United Nations would serve as an arbiter of international disputes, Truman did not even use one of the ceremonial pens to sign, instead opting for a cheap 10-cent desk pen.

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• According to the U.S. Declaration of Indepen dence, we are all endowed with the right of the pursuit of happiness Surveys reveal that the majority of people consider happiness more impor tant than wealth and material goods.

• If you think winning the lottery will make you happy, consider the study of 22 people who won major lotteries, and after one year, were back to their baseline set point, and some were even less happy. People tend to return to it in spite of life’s ups and downs.
• Practicing forgiveness impacts the happiness lev el. Letting go of grudges frees a person from the unhealthy emotion of hate.

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• Science suggests that each person has a genetic fixed point of happiness, which they return to after both good and bad events. After a person achieves a valued goal, he or she experiences a euphoric sense of accomplishment, but it usually diminishes after some weeks, returning the person to his/her set point. Likewise, negative circumstances might bring a person to a new low, but that person gener ally adapts to the new situation as well, going back to the set point.

• Does that mean a person can never be happier? Not at all! Experts tell us that we can all boost our levels by using constructive strategies to improve our quality of life. Having close ties with family and friends improves our level. Studies indicate that social isolation can be as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day!
July 31 – August 6 has been designated “Happi ness Happens” Week, so Tidbits is delving into what makes us happy!
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• “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” -- Ma hatma Gandhi

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• The practice of gratitude greatly enhances a sense of well-being. Taking time to be thank ful makes a person more aware of the positive things in life, and shifts the focus away from the negative.
• An annual poll analyzes data to determine the happiest country in the world based on gross domestic product per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity of the population, and per ception of corruption level. Finland has been named #1 five years in a row, followed by Den mark, Switzerland, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. It should be no surprise that Afghanistan is the least happy country, along with Rwanda, Zimbabwe, and Rwanda.

• It seems that engaging in charitable activities heightens happiness more than engaging in per sonal pleasurable activities. Research suggests that acts of kindness toward others gives people a purpose beyond self and boosts happiness lev els. Individuals who do volunteer work seem to experience greater happiness and higher selfesteem.

• What are the characteristics of happy people? They indulge life’s simple pleasures, appreci ate beauty in ordinary things, and smile a laugh a lot. They are open to learning new things and set and attain goals to give meaning to their life. Happy people are humble and pa tient, compassionate and generous. They have fewer expectations and no sense of entitlement, and you won’t find them “playing the victim.” They “go with the flow” and ignore small annoyances. They’re quick to notice excellence in others. Most of all, they share their happi ness with others!

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