Tidbits of Grand Forks - August 11, 2022

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August 11, 2022 Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com Issue # 1,282 EGGS Of Grand fOrks • East Grand fOrks NOW LEASING! 701.775.5544 Heated 2 Stall Garage with Hobby HAMPTONMANAGEMENT.COMRoomLARGEUNITSPRIVATEENTRYPATIOwithPOWERSCREENS TIDBITSGF .COMTIDBITSGF .COM Turn the page for more! Now Part-timeHiringPositions! TheRalph.com/WorkAtTheRalph www.dakminnbloodbank.org 780-LIFE (5433) Donate Blood in August & Receive Six Free Boneless Wings. 2717 S. Columbia Road Grand Forks, ND (701) www.buffalowildwings.com775-WING *Dine in Only. 3375 DeMers Ave. • Grand Forks, ND Free Cholesterol Checks for all donors. Don’t be a chicken. Donate Blood. House of Vacuums Located in Columbia Mall • 701-746-9300 We Carry the Full Line of Riccar Vacuum Cleaners. Stop in and see Eric for a FREE Demo. ENGINEERED FOR CLEAN

• One type of mosquito evolved in conjunc tion with the pitcher plant. The mother mosquito lays her eggs in the water of the pitcher plant. The larvae, which are impervious to the digestive enzymes exuded by the pitcher plant, hatch and grow, stealing nutrients from drowned bugs from the pitcher plant host.

David Kent 2534 17th Ave. S. Grand Forks dkent@nodakins.net218-779-5458Herefor you when you need us. • Trivia • Puzzles • Fun Facts FREE! WANT TO PUBLISH A TIDBITS® IN YOUR AREA? www.tidbitsweekly.com Call 1.800.523.3096We provide theforopportunitysuccess! Eggs come in many different shapes, sizes, and forms. Come along as we learn about eggs!


• Stink bugs lay their eggs in the soil, and each egg is accompanied by a waterproof package of microbes which the newly hatched stink bug larva eats as soon as it hatches.

RESIDENTIAL CLEANING OFF Residential & Light Commercial Call 218-280-5920 TIDBITS® CONSIDERS

• Dung beetles carve out a round ball of dung and roll it around where ever they go. The fe male will lay a single egg inside a dung ball, and then, depending on environmental condi tions, will either roll the ball into the sun to stay warm, or bury it in the dirt to stay cool so the egg has proper temperatures to develop.

by Janet Spencer

• One type of Japanese beetle lays a clutch of eggs, and the mother beetle guards them un til they are ready to hatch. When the hatching begins, she coats the eggs with microbe-laden mucus which is their first meal.

What is the symbol for the element zinc?

• Female sunfish produce more eggs than any oth er known vertebrate, up to 300 million eggs at a time, making sunfish the single most proliferate vertebrate animal on the planet. Newly hatched sunfish measure less than a tenth of an inch long, and those that reach adulthood will increase their proportions by more than 60 million times their birth size, the most extreme size growth of any vertebrate animal. A fully grown sunfish can weigh up to 4,400 lb.

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Name a mammal that lays eggs. T or F:An average queen termite will lay over 80,000 eggs in a day.

• When a female ladybug lays her eggs, she also lays a batch of unfertilized eggs. When the larvae hatch, they will eat the unfertilized eggs as their first meal.

Where was the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy filmed?

• The casuarina tree is a type of evergreen shrub. A female walking stick lays eggs that happen to look identical to casuarina seeds, dropping them randomly underneath the casuarina tree where she lives. Ants come along and collect her eggs along with the casuarina seeds, carrying them back to their storage unit. When the eggs hatch, the baby walking stick looks exactly like a newly hatched ant. The walking stick simply walks out of the ant nest and climbs the nearest casuarina tree to start the cycle all over again.

Joe Martin Owner

What is Kramer’s first name in the sitcom “Seinfeld”?

What is the word that stands for the letter Y in the international radio alphabet?

• One kind of brine shrimp lives in the brackish water of deserts. It lays two kinds of eggs: one kind with thin shells that hatch almost imme diately, and another kind with hard shells that can withstand droughts of up to 15 years before hatching. Bits

Drinking this with your break fast of eggs will help increase absorption of the iron in the eggs. Hen’s eggs that are packed with which side down, will keep Howlonger?many eggs will an average queen bee lay in a day?

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BUG EGGS (continued):

• The eggs of a whale shark are about a foot long and rectangular. The eggs remain inside the mother's body until they hatch, so they are born live. They grow into the world's largest fish, up to 50 feet long and weighing up to 15 tons.

What is the only vowel on a computer keyboard’s middle row of letters?

Jack Nicklaus, Tom Weis kopf and Ted Tryba are among the notable alumni of what university’s golf Whatteam? year did the Yankees last win the World Series?

What Japanese pitcher was named 1995 NL Rookie of the Year and threw two no-hitters during his Major League Baseball career from 1995-2008?

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How many consecutive wins did Boston Red Sox pitcher Roger Clemens have to start the 1986 Accordingseason? to the Ameri can Cornhole Asso ciation’s regulations and standards, what is the diameter of the hole in an official cornhole board? Tadej Pogacar, winner of cycling’s Tour de France in 2020 and 2021, hails from what country?


• The eggs of the leopard frog are white on one side and black on the other. The white part contains the genetic material; the black part contains a bar rier to ultraviolet light. When exposed to light, the egg rotates its black side up, blocking the UV ra diation and absorbing heat that helps with incuba tion.

The human egg is the largest single human cell. It’s about the size of a grain of sand and can be seen with the naked eye. It’s four times bigger than a skin cell and 26 times bigger than a red blood cell. By contrast, the sperm is the smallest cell in the human body.



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• The sex of alligator eggs is influenced by tem perature. If the eggs are incubated at a cooler temperature, all the young will be born female. If the temperature is higher, males will hatch. It is likely that climactic influences throughout the history of the planet caused various species to go extinct.

• Colonies of jellyfish are either all male or all fe male. Both sexes release sperm and eggs.

• A newly hatched crocodile is three times longer than the egg from which it emerged.

• Contrary to popular belief, you were not created from the fastest sperm. Sperm cells completely surround the egg, with each one giving off tiny amounts of a chemical that helps weaken the protective barrier around the egg. When the bar rier is sufficiently weakened, one sperm makes it through, thanks to the efforts of all of the others. Once released, a human egg only remains viable for 12 to 24 hours. However, if frozen cryogeni cally, a woman’s eggs can remain in suspended animation without damage for years. The oldest frozen egg to produce a healthy baby had been


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in the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does it mention that he's an egg. It’s possible Humpty refers to hunchback King Richard III who lost badly in the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, and all of the rich resources of his crown could not restore him.

• There are 27 species of sturgeon, of which only around 10 to 12 different species are commer cially fished or farmed for caviar. The three main species used for harvesting caviar are Beluga stur geon, Osetra sturgeon, and Sevruga sturgeon. Roe is also harvested from larger fish such as salmon, trout, paddlefish, bowfin and whitefish, but this is not “real” caviar because true caviar must come from the sturgeon family.

• To be considered true caviar, the eggs, also called roe, must come from the right species of fish and be processed in a particular way.

• The Beluga is the largest of the sturgeons. A sin gle Beluga can produce around 38 to 45 pounds of roe. Smaller sturgeons, such as Osetra and Sevruga, yield about 3 to 5 pounds of roe. The be luga sturgeon can live up to 3 centuries, grow up to 24 feet long, and weigh over a ton. One of the reasons caviar is so expensive is because it takes so long for the sturgeon to reach egg-bearing age. The word “beluga” comes from the Russian word meaning “white.”


• Throughout the twentieth century the Caspian Sea was the major supplier of sturgeon roe for caviar. However, the Caspian suffered pollution, poach ing, and over-fishing, all reducing sturgeon popu lations by up to 90% until the fish were on the brink of extinction.


Today, most of the real caviar available for pur chase is not only expensive but also required to be farm-raised due to the endangered status of stur geon species.

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• The word caviar originates from the Persian word “khaya” meaning “egg” which became the Turk ish “havyar” before becoming the French “cavi ar.”

• Fans of the Philadelphia Eagles have a longstand ing reputation for rowdiness, but when a 1997 game between the team and the San Francisco 49ers saw around 60 fistfights in the stands, with someone even shooting a flare gun, the response from both worried families and local law enforce ment prompted the installation of "Eagles Court," a functional courtroom and jail at Veterans Stadi um.

• The movie term "blockbuster" was originally a military term to describe bombs in World War II that could destroy an entire city block.

• Calling a man bald qualifies as sexual harassment in the United Kingdom.

• When Salvador Dali bought a castle for his wife, Gala, in 1968, she accepted it with one condition -- that the artist would gain written permission from her before visiting.

• In nuclear physics, a "shake" (equivalent to 10 nanoseconds) is an informal unit of time measur ing events in a nuclear explosion.

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• A fan of the Detroit Pistons who also happened to design the video game NBA Jam detested the Chicago Bulls so much that he embedded a special code causing them to miss last-second shots when playing the Pistons in the game.

• Heat waves kill more Americans than tornadoes, hurricanes, or floods.

• One of the oldest recorded tattoo ink recipes con sists of Egyptian pine bark, corroded bronze, vin egar, vitriol, leek juice and insect eggs.

VFW P OST 3817 312 DeMers Ave. • East Grand Forks • 218-773-2481 • Everyone is Welcome! FRIDAYSFishWalleyeFry 5-7 PM FRIDAY 7:30 pm SATURDAY 2:30 pm SUNDAY 4:00 pmTABSPULL SUMMER CATALOG www.HomeOfEconomy.com 1508 North Wash. St. • Grand Forks • Hours: M-Th 8-8 • F-Sat. 8-6 • Sun. 12-5

• As he lay dying of blood poisoning, the last words of whiskey distiller Jack Daniel were, fittingly, "One last drink, please." by Lucie Winbourne

• You've undoubtedly watched the Oscars at some point, but have you heard of the Pawscars? That's an annual show put on by American Humane, cel ebrating the "furry, winged, and scaled" actors of TV and film, both past and present.

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Bug Guard+ 7.5% IR3535

Natrapel Citronella 20 minutes





Blocker for Kids 2% Soybean Oil 1.5 hours OFF! Skintastic for Kids 4.75% DEET 1.5 hours

Skin-So-Soft Citronella 10 minutes

The recommended speed for spraying is 5 - 20 mph. GFMC sprayers are equipped with variable flow technology; this system adjusts the application rate based on the speed of the vehicle. Therefore, the application rate stays the same. Speed does not have a major effect on the efficacy of the spray provided we’re within 5 - 20 mph. When we conduct aerial spraying the insecticide is applied at 200230 mph. Research has indicated an increased mortality rate when increasing travel speed. GFMC monitors the vehicles and sprayers with GPS tracking systems. This GPS system records several data points including location, speed, sprayer output, and more. GFMC sprays alleys at 10 mph and hard-surface roads around 15 mph.

GFMC use ultra-low volume sprayers that deliver very small droplets and about 1-1.2 oz of a diluted, non-residual insecticide per acre. This public health pesticide is designed to kill mosquitoes. Because we use such a small amount of pesticide, proper timing and good weather conditions are essential to having a successful spray. The pesticide must directly impact mosquitoes, generally while in flight to be effective. If the mosquitoes are resting in the bushes or in the grass, they may not receive a lethal dose of spray. Once the droplets reach the ground they are no longer effective for killing mosquitoes.

Repello Wristband DEET

Bug Guard 0.1%

Gone 9.5% DEET

Buzz Citronella 14 minutes



Skin-So-Soft 23




Away 5%

Green Citronella, 2% peppermint 14

Ban for People 10%

For information about West Nile virus and mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

Original Wristband



GFMC uses a combination of surveillance techniques to monitor adult mosquitoes. New Jersey light traps are used throughout the city to help determine the average population and species composition. Mosqui toes are collected, counted, and identified, and the average trap counts are reported on our website (www.gfmosquito.com). This information is frequently picked up by local media outlets and relayed to the public via radio, newspaper, and TV. Rotator traps are also used to help identify the time when mosquitoes are most active. Information gained from the rotator traps help us determine the best time to spray, thus improving the effectiveness of the spray application. CO2 baited traps are also used throughout the district to monitor and collect mosquitoes. The Culex tarsalis mosquitoes, which are most common for transmitting West Nile virus (WNV), are collected, and tested for WNV in our lab.



FOR TESTED MOSQUITO REPELLENTS PRODUCT Active Ingredient Avg.tionProtecTime OFF! Deep Woods 23.8% DEET 5 hours Sawyer Controlled Release 20% DEET 4 hours OFF! Skintastic 6.65% DEET 2 hours Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Oil of eucalytus; p-men thane 3, 8-diol (PMD) 2 hours


Grand Forks Mosquito Control (GFMC) employs an active mosquito surveillance program. Daily activities include collecting and identifying mosquitoes, and conducting West Nile virus tests on mosquitoes and birds. Traps are distributed throughout the community and outlying areas. Information gained from these traps help determine the need for adult mosquito control (fogging).

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• The first-ever black hole photographed is 3 million times the size of Earth. The photo was released in April 2019 and shows a halo of dust and gas sur rounding a black hole that is 310 million trillion miles from Earth.

• If two pieces of the same type of metal touch in space they will permanently bond. This is known as “cold welding” and it happens because the atoms of two piec es of metal have no way of knowing they are separate. This doesn’t happen on Earth because of the air and wa ter found between the pieces.

• Astronauts walking on the moon sometimes sank up to six inches deep into soft dust with each step.

• The moons of Uranus were named after characters created by Alexander Pope and William Shakespeare.

SUDOKUWeekly AnswerCROSSWORDKing Answer

• In China, the Milky Way is known as the “Silver River.”

• A single space suit costs about $12 million.

• Every major galaxy has a black hole at the center of it.

• Enceladus, one of Saturn’s moons, is the most reflective body in the solar system. It’s completely iced over and reflects nearly 100% of the sunlight that hits it.

• Uranus’ blue glow is due to the gases in its atmo sphere. Uranus’ atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium and methane. The methane in Uranus’ upper atmosphere filters out all the red light from the Sun but reflects the Sun’s blue light back into space, giv ing it its blue appearance.

• In 2016, scientists detected a radio signal from a source 5 billion light-years away. This means that when the signal started its journey, Earth didn’t even exist.

• It would take about 300,000 full moons to make the night as bright as the afternoon.

• Mercury has no atmosphere, which means there is no wind or weather.

• Neptune’s moon, Triton, orbits the planet backwards. Triton is the only large moon of any of the planets that does this.

• Ink pens won’t work in space because there’s no gravity to pull the ink down to the nib. You can’t use pencils because even tiny pieces of loose graphite can screw up equipment. Astronauts have to use specially made pens.

• About 1.4 billion years ago, a day on Earth was just 18 hours 41 minutes long.


• If you shrank the solar system down to the size of a quarter, and shrank the entire Milky Way galaxy down at the same ratio, the Milky Way would be the size of the entire United States. It’s 100,000 lightyears wide.

• All planets in the solar system have been visited by unmanned spacecraft.

• Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, is com posed of hydrogen and helium. These are the same ele ments that our Sun is made up of. However, Jupiter is not large enough to start nuclear fusion and generate its own energy. If it were around 80 times bigger, it would become a star with low mass.

• Astronauts can’t burp in space.

• The Hubble Space Telescope is one of the most pro ductive scientific instruments ever built. Astrono mers using Hubble data have published more than 15,000 scientific papers.

• Mars has the largest natural formations in the solar sys tem: a mountain three times taller than Mount Everest, a canyon nearly seven times longer than the Grand Can yon, and a crater that is half of the entire span of the Amazon River.

Authentic brain training programs can be found on line but generally require a monthly fee. There are others, however, that we can sample for free to create our own training program. Try the dozen brain games at www. mentalup.co/blog/free-brain-games-for-seniors to see if you like these types of challenges. Look online for "free senior brain games," and you'll find many sites with free games to play without having to give any personal information or pay a fee. The best "brain stretching" might come from doing a variety of games. Choose from cross word, jigsaw, sudoku, chess, mazes, word puzzles, logic and more, switching around from day to day. Or go to Amazon.com and look for puzzle books. Look at the sample pages to see if they look too easy or too hard.

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study followed 2,832 seniors with an average age of 73 after they completed 10 train ing sessions and four booster sessions 11 and 35 months after the initial training. Participants were divided into four groups: memory training, reasoning training, speed of processing training and a control group with no train ing. What the study aimed to look at was cognitive abili ties and performance in everyday activities, and they collected updated data at the one, two, three, five and 10year points in the study.

The Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) is not a new study, but it bears looking at for what it offers seniors in terms of cog nitiveTheabilities.government-funded

GFTIDBITS .COM © 2022 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved. *Answer located further back in this issue. ©2022 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

What researchers concluded was that seniors report ed less decline in cognitive abilities for 10 years in the reasoning and speed portions, not the memory, which dropped off after five years. All this in only 10 training sessions plus four booster sessions?

For a great challenge, look for online Scrabble games where you play against the computer! Games for Brain Training

Cognitive brain training can keep our cognitive abilities functioning better for 10 years.


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• When purchasing school supplies, remember that paper, pencils, etc., typ ically aren’t on sale mid-year, so stock ing up is a good idea. Just make sure the deal you are getting is a good one. Then put it away for distribution later!

• M.F. in Washington writes: “For taking to a party: Melt vanilla chips in the microwave, adding by handfuls and heating for about 15 seconds at a time. After 15 seconds, stir and repeat until chips have melted. Then dip small clusters of green grapes into the melted vanilla chips.”


Godzilla is almost universally thought of as being a male. How ever, the Japanese versions of the films always use gender-neutral pronouns like “it.” Only the American dubs used “he” and “him.” In fact, Godzilla had had a child during various points of the franchise and even lays eggs in one film.

• Pint-size water bottles are great for refilling with milk. The milk boxes at the grocery store are so expensive, and this way, I can control how chocolatey the chocolate milk is. — C.C. in Ore

© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

• “I read your tips in a Rochelle, Illinois, newspaper. The paper is sent to me by a friend, and I love the tips. Here is mine: For homemade spray and wash, mix 2 cups of water, 2 table spoons of white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of dish soap.” — K.W. in Tennessee

• I lay out my school clothes and even my hairbrush and stuff to get ready. I put my shoes and socks by the front door. I am always ready before my sis ter, and I get to watch TV while she is running around. — R.G. in Florida

gonSend your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

• On Aug. 20, 1911, a dispatcher in The New York Times office sends the first telegram around the world to de termine how fast a commercial message could be sent. After it traveled more than 28,000 miles, relayed by 16 different operators, the reply was received by the same operator 16.5 minutes later.

• On Aug. 16, 1954, Sports Illustrated, a new magazine dedicated to covering sports, appears on American newsstands with a cover photo of Milwaukee Braves third baseman Eddie Mathews. Sports Illustrated did not make money for most of its first decade but eventually became the undisputed leader in American sports media.

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• On Aug. 19, 1812, the U.S. Navy frigate Constitution, known as "Old Ironsides," catches the British warship Guerriere 600 miles east of Boston where the Consti tution delivered its first broadside. The British manof-war was de-masted and rendered a wreck while the Constitution escaped with only minimal damage.

• On Aug. 18, 1940, Walter Percy Chrysler, the found er of the American automotive corporation that bears his name, dies in New York. Chrysler was also known for financing the 77-story Art Deco Chrysler building skyscraper in midtown Manhattan. When completed in 1930, it was the tallest building in the world.

On Aug. 15, 1961, two days after sealing off free pas sage between East and West Berlin with barbed wire, East German authorities begin building a wall -- the Berlin Wall -- to permanently close off access to the West. For the next 28 years, the wall was a literal "iron curtain" dividing Europe.

• On Aug. 21, 1980, animal rights advocates Ingrid Newkirk and Alex Pacheco found People for the Ethi cal Treatment of Animals. Rising from humble begin nings, PETA will soon become the world's foremost and most controversial animal rights organization.

• On Aug. 17, 1993, Random House agrees to pay Gen. Colin Powell an advance of about $6 million for the rights to his autobiography, "My American Journey." Powell's book became the fastest-selling book in Ran dom House history.


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• In 1802 in Britain, William Cruickshank invented the first electric battery capable of being mass pro duced, making batteries accessible to the general public for the first time.

• The very first battery was invented in 1798 by Italian physicist Alessandro Volta. Known as Vol taic piles, these batteries were made of alternat ing copper and zinc discs, separated by pieces of cardboard or cloth soaked in vinegar or salt water. Volta’s batteries were about as big as a toaster and generated a weak current. Still, they proved that electricity could be generated chemically, paving the way for the batteries of today. Today he’s re membered in the words “volts” and “voltage.”

SolutiononNextPage ...continued

• The word “battery” comes from the Latin “bat tuere” meaning “to strike” (as in “assault and bat tery”). The word came to mean a number of pieces of artillery used in conjunction, or a “battalion” of soldiers. Then it evolved to define any series of similar objects grouped together to perform a function. In 1749 Benjamin Franklin was experi menting with electricity (including his famous kite-key-lightning experiment). He lined up a se ries of Leyden Jars, which were primitive but ef fective capacitors. The electricity they generated when linked together was much greater than they generated separately. Benjamin Franklin was the first to use the word “battery” in terms of the abil ity to store and discharge electricity.

• Conrad Hubert invented the first handheld flash light in 1898, popularized the first D-cell battery to power it, and founded Eveready Battery.

• A battery is an electrical energy storage device which converts chemical energy into electrical en ergy through a chemical reaction.

• Every battery, no matter what type, or how big or small, is made from only 4 main com ponents: positive electrode, negative electrode, electrolyte and a separator.

• Every year Americans use around 3 billion bat teries of all sizes.

• During World War I, the government worked to standardize batteries, including their size and their names. Batteries were named from the alphabet: A, B, C, and D, with “A” batteries being the smallest and “D” the largest. As technology evolved, smaller more efficient bat teries became common and were called AA and AAA. Meanwhile, “A” and “B” batteries fell out of use.

• Current is measured in amperes and voltage is measured in volts. Think of volts as being a pipe, and current as the amount of material passing through the pipe.

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• The most common batteries in use today are lead-acid batteries (in cars), NiCd batteries (nickel-cadmium), lithium-ion batteries, alka line batteries, and NiMH (nickel metal hydride) batteries.

• The best way to extend life of batteries is to store them in a cool place which slows down their internal chemical reaction. Extreme temperatures on either end of the scale will kill a battery’s charge. Room temperatures are best, or the cool temperatures inside a refrigerator. Batteries kept in such conditions can retain their charge for years, even decades.

• When using rechargeable batteries, it’s best to store them fully charged. They will deteriorate much more quickly if they are left unused with no charge for long periods of time. When using them, don’t recharge them until they are com pletely dead.

• The first miniature “button” batteries were de veloped in the 1950s by Eveready.

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