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• Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his nowfamous “I Have a Dream” speech on August 28, 1963 during Washington, D.C.’s civil rights rally, March on Washington. More than 250,000 people assembled in front of the Lincoln Memorial to demonstrate against the inequalities faced by African-Americans. King’s speech has been ranked as the top American speech of the 20th century.
Tidbits opens the history books this week to dis cover some of the events that occurred over the years during the month of August.

by Kathy Wolfe
August 18, 2022 Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com Issue # 1,283 AUGUST EVENTS Of Grand fOrks • East Grand fOrks NOW LEASING! 701.775.5544 Heated 2 Stall Garage with Hobby HAMPTONMANAGEMENT.COMRoomLARGEUNITSPRIVATEENTRYPATIOwithPOWERSCREENS TIDBITSGF .COMTIDBITSGF .COM Turn the page for more! Now Part-timeHiringPositions! TheRalph.com/WorkAtTheRalph www.dakminnbloodbank.org 780-LIFE (5433) Donate Blood in August & Receive Six Free Boneless Wings. 2717 S. Columbia Road Grand Forks, ND (701) www.buffalowildwings.com775-WING *Dine in Only. 3375 DeMers Ave. • Grand Forks, ND Free Cholesterol Checks for all donors. Don’t be a chicken. Donate Blood. Includes 30-Point Inspection. Present coupon for special price. Belts, filters, and extended labor extra. Offer expires 9-17-22. FREE Estimates on all repairs. Vacuum Cleaner SPECIALTune-Up 701-746-9300 • Located in Columbia Mall Near Scheels House of Vacuums Did You Know Vacuums Require Regular Maintenance? $19.99 Jakesays: forTimeaTuneUp!

• On August 8, 1974, 37th President Richard Nixon resigned from office, the first president in U.S. history to do so. Nixon was facing pos sible impeachment due to his involvement in the Watergate scandal, the illegal wiretapping of the Democratic National Committee head quarters in Washington, D.C.’s Watergate Ho tel. Transcripts of the tapes had been released just three days earlier, tapes that revealed Nix on instructing his Chief of Staff to order the FBI to halt the investigation. Within minutes, Vice-President Gerald Ford was sworn in as 38th President. Ford was the only President who was never elected to either the office of Vice-President or President. In 1976, Ford lost his bid to continue in office to Georgia gover nor Jimmy Carter. Bits
In which decade is TV’s “The Goldbergs” sitcom set?
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Which U.S. president signed the proclamation of Hawaii as the 50th state in August, 1959?
What is the symbol used in the zodiac sign Libra?
• The Panama Canal opened in August, 1914, a waterway that connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through a system of locks. Prior to the ca nal’s existence, ships travelling from the Atlantic to the Pacific had to voyage around the southernmost tip of South America, a distance of nearly 8,000 miles, taking about five months. The site was chosen because Panama is where the land area between the two oceans is the narrowest. Construction had begun in 1904 on the largestto-date construction project of all time. Nearly 240 million cubic yards of earth were moved, with a price tag of close to $400 million for the 51-mile-long canal. The lock system raises ships 85 feet above sea level upon entering, lowering them back to sea level on the other side. The first ship to pass through the canal was the U.S. vessel Ancon, a cargo and passenger ship. During the construction, about 5,600 workers perished, ei ther through accidents, yellow fever, or malaria.
What inanimate item does the crocodile swallow in the chil dren’s classic “Peter Pan”?
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What was raised to $1.00 in August, 1955?

• More than 400,000 people gathered on Max Yas gur’s 600-acre dairy farm near Bethel, New York, for four days in August, 1969 for the Woodstock Music and Art Fair. Tickets cost $18 in advance and $24 at the gate (about $130 and $180 in to day’s money.) Upwards of 186,000 advance tickets were sold, although organizers original ly predicted a crowd of 50,000. Thirty-two acts performed despite poor weather that resulted in muddy roads and fields. Creedence Clearwater Revival was the first group to sign a contract to perform, settling on a $10,000 fee, about $75,000 in today’s dollars. There were two deaths, two births, and 742 drug overdoses during the festi val. Yasgur reportedly received $10,000 for the use of his farm, but due to the extensive damage from the crowds, he received a $50,000 settle ment a year later.
Joe Martin Owner

Who was the final musician to perform at the Woodstock Festival in 1969?

Name the American B-29 bomber that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
What is the name of Will Smith’s character in “Independence Day”?
What was the first No. 1 hit by Christopher Cross?

On August 11, 1929, what baseball player became the first to hit 500 home runs? QUIZ

Who is the only player from the losing team to have been named Super Bowl MVP?

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In the first round of the 1988 NBA Draft, the New York Knicks selected Rod Strickland, a star point guard from what university?
Name the two former NBA players who teamed up as contestants on Season 30 of the CBS reality competition series “The Amazing Race.” What venue was home to both the Pittsburgh Steelers and Pittsburgh Pirates from 1970 to 2000?
What track and field ath lete won four gold medals at the August, 1936 Berlin WhichOlympics?MLB team holds the record for most home runs in a season?
August 25, 1975 marked the release of Bruce Springsteen’s album “Born to Run.” An immediate success for the 26-year-old New Jersey native, the album peaked at #3 on the Billboard charts, and sold six million records. “Rolling Stone Mag azine” has ranked it at #18 on its list of The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.
• Two catastrophic volcano eruptions occurred dur ing August, centuries apart. In 79 A.D. southern Italy’s Mt. Vesuvius erupted and destroyed the cities of Pompeii, population 20,000, and Her culaneum, a resort city of 5,000 frequented by wealthy Romans. Pompeii was buried under near ly 17 feet of ash and pumice, while Herculaneum was covered with more than 60 feet of mud and volcanic material. The cities were rediscovered in the 1700s and excavation began. Centuries after Vesuvius, in August, 1883, one of history’s deadliest volcano eruptions occurred on the Indo nesian island of Krakatoa. Volcanic matter was blasted 50 miles into the air. Its explosion was heard nearly 2,000 miles away in Perth, Australia. More than 36,000 were killed in the eruption and its subsequent tsunamis, with tidal waves 120 feet high. 70% of the island was destroyed.


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• “The King is dead” read the headlines the day af ter Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977. Found dead in his home, Elvis was suffering from high blood pressure, an enlarged colon, liver damage, emphysema, and diabetes. His autopsy revealed high levels of pharmaceutical painkillers in his system. His funeral procession was led by 17 white Cadillacs along with the hearse transporting his body from Graceland to Forrest Hill Cem etery. Had Elvis lived, he would be 87 years old

© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. ThistleLindaby Moderate HOOChallengingBOY! KING CROSSWORD DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: HH Rick Asche • 701-772-1138 LifeMedicalGroupCoverageMedicareIns. H2409, H2410, H2450_2058 (01-2009) ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. Contact your local agent for more information: ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. for more information: Operation> ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. Contact your local agent for more information: <Agent <Hours<Phone><City,<Address><AgencyName>Name>STZIP>ofOperation> 1521 24th Ave. S. • Grand Forks, ND INSURANCE AGENCY Life • Medicare • Group Plans • Health • Long Term Care A ASCHE “Since 1988”••• 3459 31ST St. South • Grand Forks • 701-757-3075 • • Spray-In Liners • Window Tint • Remote Starts • Car Audio • Lift Kits • Wheels & TRIIXCUSTOMS.COMTires (ACROSS THE STREET EAST OF HOBBY LOBBY)

“American Bandstand” made its television net work debut on August 5, 1957 on ABC, with 26-year-old Dick Clark as the host. Notable guests during their first month of broadcasting included Paul Anka, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Buddy Holly. The events of early August, 1945 brought an end to World War II. On August 6, the world’s first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, killing more than 105,000 and destroying the city. Three days later, a second bomb was dropped 264 miles away on Nagasaki, with 70,000 fatalities. The following week, Japan’s Emperor Hirohito unconditionally surrendered to the Allied Forces.
• When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in Au gust, 2005, 80% of the city was flooded when the levees protecting the city catastrophically failed in more than 50 places, leaving some parts of the city under 15 feet of water. More than 25,000 residents fled to the Superdome for refuge, even though two large holes had been ripped in the roof by the storm. When the leaks made the stadium unsafe, those people were evacuated to Houston. Katrina was the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history, causing more than $160 billion in damages, with estimated fatalities exceeding 1,800.
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• In August, 1896, George Carmack and two companions were salmon fishing in Rabbit Creek, a tributary of Alaska’s Klondike River, when the trio spotted nuggets of gold in the creek bed. Af ter they staked their claim the next day, it didn’t take long for the news to spread and for “Klond ike Fever” to sweep the region. Within two years, more than 50,000 miners had come to seek their fortune. Carmack, who had arrived in the area in 1881, left the Yukon with $1 million worth of gold. Although there are still 200 small gold mines in the area, large-scale mining ended there in 1966 after yielding $250 million in gold.

• Mastercard's global headquarters is located on Purchase Street in Purchase, New York.

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• Recycling one ton of paper will save 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space, 17 mature trees, 682.5 gal lons of oil and 7,000 gallons of water.
• Modern body armor was created by pizza delivery man and former Marine Richard Davis, who was wounded after a delivery turned into a shootout.
• A study conducted at the University of Pavia in Italy showed that music promotes a healthy car diovascular system by triggering physiological changes that modulate blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory functions.***
• In a now-banned practice called "boosting," wheelchair athletes with spinal injuries would in tentionally harm the lower parts of their bodies to increase their blood pressure, thereby enhancing their performance.
Thought for the Day: "I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have." -Abraham Lincoln

• Japanese honeybees destroy hornets by enclosing them in a ball of bees then vibrating their flight muscles so fast that carbon dioxide levels increase and the ball's temperature rises enough to kill the hornet.
• In 2008, Nestle played an April Fool's joke on But terfinger fans by announcing that the candy bar's name had been changed to "The Finger." The com pany even distributed 200,000 bars with "The Fin ger" wrapper to 7-Eleven stores.

• Talk about a novel way to make a statement! Teen age art student Demi Barnes created a wedding dress made of 1,500 divorce papers to heighten awareness of rushing into matrimony only to end up in divorce court.
• The "Emergency Bra" can be unhooked and split into two face masks that filter out harmful chemi cals.
• Nail polish remover will outlive us all! It has no expiration.
by Lucie Winbourne

Do you ever wonder if you possibly have PTSD? The Department of Veterans Affairs has created a very short PTSD screening webpage designed to see whether any symptoms you have could be related to post-traumatic stress disorder.


It's worth doing the screening if you have any doubts or concerns after going through a traumatic or life-threat ening event. PTSD can arrive either immediately after an event or later, or even come and go. It can affect anyone of any age. There's no set pattern, but there are certain symp toms, and that's where this short screening comes into play.
The screening test consists of five short questions. At the end you'll click to submit and get your score.
When you get to the end of the questions, click on "Next Steps" and see the information that's offered, including the phone number for immediate help: 800-273-8255. Press 1 if you're a veteran. Or you can text 838255.
Could it be PTSD?
Located in Columbia Mall Food Court • 701-757-0214 Dine-In • Takeout • Delivery • TACOS • BURRITOS • TOSTADAS • QUESADILLAS • TORTAS • COMBINATION PLATES Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
The instructions suggest you take a screenshot or print the score page to take with you to a health-care provider. Probably not a bad idea, because it gives your provider a place to begin.
Go online to www.ptsd.va.gov/screen and click to "Start Screen." No, you don't need to give any personal informa tion or even sign in.
Remember that this screening isn't a true diagno sis. Only a real provider can diagnose PTSD, but this can give you a start in the right direction if you have concerns. Remember, too, that there are quite a few different treatments for PTSD, and the sooner you begin, the sooner you'll feel better.
You're not alone.
For more information about PTSD, go to www. ptsd.va.gov/understand/what/ptsd_basics.asp. Scroll down to the three information blocks and explore what they offer. "Understanding PTSD and PTSD Treatment" (PDF) is a 16-page guide to PTSD basics and is a good place to get a handle on it.
If you have any questions or concerns relating to mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

Mosquitoes can reproduce anyplace that water collects and remains for as little as one week.
#1: Eliminate Breeding Habitat


The first step to making your property undesirable for mosquitoes is to eliminate breeding habitat. Then, learn a little bit about the biology of the mosquitoes in your region. The majority of the mosquitoes in the Grand Forks region are night biters. However, if kicked up during the day in shaded areas, you can expect to be bitten. They generally seek out their blood meals around sunset and may stay active until midnight. Once the temperature starts rising, they head for cover. During hot sunny days, mosquitoes look for cool, shaded, moist, areas to rest. Tall grass, weeds, and shrubbery provide ideal resting places during the day. If the tall grass, weeds, and shrubs are by your backyard deck, then you’ve pretty much invited the mosquitoes to your evening barbeque. By keeping your grass and weeds cut short and shrubbery trimmed, you’ll reduce the resting sites for mosquitoes.
#3: Protect Yourself
Wear protective clothing to cover exposed skin. Apply an effective insect repellent. The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention recommends repellents that contain DEET. There are several new repellents on the mar ket that go on dry.

aking the time to learn a little bit about mosquitoes can make for an enjoyable summer. Communities that have comprehensive mosquito control programs benefit substantially by reducing the mosquito population and the risk of West Nile virus. Mosquito control is very expensive. Most small communities can’t afford a comprehensive mosquito program. So, trying to achieve successful mosquito control on a single farmyard or rural home is almost impossible. The cost per household would be too expensive for most. However, by taking a few simple steps, you may be able to reclaim your back yard. Here are four simple steps that will help reduce the mosquito population on your property in both rural and urban areas:
According to the American Acad emy of Pediatrics, DEET is not rec ommended for children under 2 months old. Always follow the label directions when applying insect repellents.
Mosquito barrier treatments are products designed to repel or kill mosquitoes on contact. Many professional mosquito control programs use these products to get instant results in controlling mosquitoes in a selected area. Permethrin is a common active ingredient in these products. Barrier treatments are residual products, meaning they’ll continue working for an extended amount of time (1-3 weeks). When ap plying these products, try to spray areas that remain shaded during the day. The shaded areas are where the mosqui toes choose to rest during the day. Treating the shaded areas may also extend the effectiveness of the prod uct. The active ingredient in these products break down rapidly from Ultra Violet sunlight. These products can usually be purchased from local retail stores and can be applied by the homeowner. Always read and follow the label directions when working with any chemicals.
#2: Make Your Property Undesirable for Mosquitoes

By eliminating standing water on your property, you can prevent mosquitoes from reproducing. Inspect your property weekly for any signs of standing water or water holding containers. If you have a rain barrel used for collecting rainwater, make sure it is completely sealed to prevent mosquitoes from gaining access to the water. If you have a low spot in your yard where water ac cumulates and remains for several days after a rain, fill it in or consider planting a water tolerant tree or shrub to soak up the water. Develop a property checklist and get your children or grandchildren involved with weekly inspections. Assign the responsibility to the kids. They’ll love it! It also gives them ownership in the success of reducing the mosquito population.

#4: Apply Barrier Treatments

• Second-century astronomer Ptolemy documented Aquarius in his publication, “Almagest,” a chart of 48 constellations in the night sky. His observations were made from Alexandria, Egypt, and listed 1,022 individ ual stars, described by their positions in the individual constellations, and denoting the brightest stars. Ptolemy wasn’t the first to discover the constellations, just the first to catalog them.

SUDOKUWeekly AnswerCROSSWORDKing Answer

• Aquarius lies in the region of the sky that astrono mers refer to as the Sea, because several other “wa ter” constellations lie in the area – Pisces (the fish), Eridanus (the river), Cetus (the whale), Capricornus (the sea-goat), Delphinus (the dolphin), and Hydra (the water serpent).
• Astrologers tell us that those born between January 20 and February 18 fall under the sign of Aquarius in the Zodiac. Those who study the stars’ relationship to human behavior say that these folks embrace their in dividuality and independence. They are creative, in novative, forward-thinking people with big ideas and a vision for a better future for themselves and society.
• The ancient Babylonians associated Aquarius with the destructive floods they received, calling its ap pearance “the curse of rain,” while the Egyptians be lieved the water bearer to be the cause of the Spring overflow of the Nile when the bearer dipped the jug into the river. Chinese astronomers claimed the stream of water flowing from the water jar was an army of soldiers, the “Army of Yu-Lin.”
• Do you remember the 1960s song “The Age of Aquarius?” In the world of astrology, an “age” is about 2,150 years, representing the amount of time the Sun remains in each zodiac sign. The 1960s were not the Age of Aquarius at all, because, according to calculations, that won’t begin until around the year 2600.
Tidbits takes a closer look at the constellation Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac.
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• Greek mythology tells the story of a handsome young Trojan youth named Ganymede, the son of Tros, King of Troy. He was noticed by Zeus, the king of the gods, and chosen to reside on Mt. Olympus as the cupbearer of the gods. Zeus, disguised as an eagle, flew to Earth and whisked Ganymede away to the heavens. Accord ing to the author Homer, Ganymede was “the most beautiful of mortals, abducted by the gods, to serve as Zeus’s cupbearer.” When Ganymede became frustrated with his position, he poured out all of the wine and wa ter of the gods, refusing to continue his service. My thology claims that all of the spilled water fell to Earth, causing torrential rains for days, creating a flood over the entire world. Although angered, Zeus realized his mistreatment of the youth, and in exchange for his service, Ganymede was granted eternal youth, along with a place in the night sky as the water carrier.
• The Latin word “aquarius” translates “water carrier,” and the constellation is a cluster of stars shaped like a water jug. The constellation consists of 22 main stars, with the brightest, Beta Aquarii, 2,300 times brighter than our Sun. It’s the 10th largest constellation in the heavens. However, it’s faint and hard to see because it contains very few really bright stars. City-dwellers won’t be able to see Aquarius because it requires a dark sky to spot it.
Another Covid Winter
Many of us settled in during that first year of Cov id isolation, missing meetings, dinners out and friends. We just didn't dare go out, even if we had been the first to qualify for the vaccines. We didn't host family dur ing the holidays, and some of us had ham sandwiches for Thanksgiving dinner.
We're in our third summer of the Covid pandemic and another winter is coming.
Some thoughts on getting through this coming win ter: Increase the level of exercise you get. Hunt for inter esting YouTube videos of exercise and yoga for seniors. Find ways to address anxiety. Double up on communi cation with others to avoid isolation. Find a new hobby. Buy a few new houseplants. Splurge on home delivery of groceries now and then, instead of curbside pickup.
GFTIDBITS .COM © 2022 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved. *Answer located further back in this issue. ©2022 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

Think about that statement for a minute. Did any of us imagine, back in the summer of 2020, that the problems would still be with us in 2022? I for one was betting that once the vaccines started coming out, Covid would surely be vanquished. Oh, how wrong I was.
But it hasn't been all bad. We learned how to attend meetings and talk to family on Zoom, we checked in with friends by phone and we figured out how to place curbside grocery orders on the computer. During warm weather we took walks and saw outdoor concerts and sometimes even dared to visit certain businesses when they weren't busy.
What do you think? Can we do it again? Can we make it through another Covid winter? Covid Winter
Already, however, upon realizing that this is our third summer with Covid and with the vaccine boosters con tinuing to show iffy results for long-term efficacy, I'm no longer taking bets about when it will all go away. I'm thinking ahead to winter when everyone goes back inside and the risk of infection increases.
CharlesMatildaby Another

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• If you have stubborn shellac on your paintbrush, try dissolving it by soaking in alcohol. Make sure you do this in a ventilated area.
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My wife and I just had a daughter and named her JuneJulyAugust. We call her Summer for short.
• If you are stuffing pillows or a child’s toy with foam rubber chips, rub a bit of fabric softener over your hands first. The tiny pieces won’t get stuck to your hands with static, and it will smell nice to boot!
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

Tidbits Laughs
• “We made our own umbrella stand by taking the bottoms off of two large coffee cans, and then stacking them on top of a third can with only the top removed. We taped the cans togeth er and covered the whole thing with leftover wallpaper, which we sealed where it overlapped.” — I.D. in Ohio
reserved.rightsAllInc.Syndicate,FeaturesKing©2022 back)furtherlocated(Answers
• Need a funnel quickly? Double a sheet of aluminum foil and roll into a funnel shape. It works!
The doctor has given me two months to live. I've chosen August and Decem ber, because I like summer but don't want to miss Christmas.
• You can whiten chopping boards with lemon juice. Just use the cut side of a lemon to scrub the board, let it sit for up to 10 minutes, and rinse clean.
• Here’s a fun activity for the kids: Let them “paint” cookies. Using clean craft brushes or watercolor brushes, the kids can use food color ing to paint designs on cookies. They can even paint the dough before it’s been cooked and see how the design spreads and settles.
• On Aug. 27, 1908, future President Lyndon B. John son is born on a farm near Stonewall, Texas. As presi dent, Johnson pushed through the creation of Medicare/ Medicaid, Head Start, the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
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• On Aug. 23, 1947, the first Little League World Series championship game -- the culmination of a three-day tournament in Williamsport, Pennsylvania -- features teams from Pennsylvania. Maynard, a team from Williamsport, defeated Lock Haven, 16-7, to win the title at Original Field. Although it was called the World Series, 11 of the 12 teams in the tournament were from Pennsylvania.

• On Aug. 22, 1851, the U.S.-built schooner America bests a fleet of Britain's finest ships in a race around England's Isle of Wight. In the 53-mile race, the Amer ica trounced the competition, beating the cutter Aurora by 22 minutes.

• On Aug. 26, 1959, the British Motor Corporation (BMC) launches its newest car, the small and afford able -- at a price tag of less than $800 -- Mark I Mini. At only 10 feet long, the Mini could sit four adults and had a trunk big enough for luggage.

• On Aug. 25, 1939, "The Wizard of Oz," which will become one of the best-loved movies in history, opens in theaters. Though the scenes in Kansas were shot in traditional black and white, Oz appears in vivid Tech nicolor, a relatively new film process at the time.
• On Aug. 28, 1972, the U.S. Air Force gets its first ace designation since the Korean War when Capt. Richard S. Ritchie and his "backseater" (radar intercept offi cer), Captain Charles B. DeBellevue, shoot down his fifth MiG near Hanoi.
• On Aug. 24, 1814, during the War of 1812 between the United States and England, British troops enter Wash ington, D.C., and burn the White House in retaliation for the American attack on the city of York in Ontario, Can ada, in June 1813. When the British arrived at the White House, they found that President James Madison and his first lady Dolley had already fled to safety in Maryland.

Solution on Next Page ...continued

• In the midst of war, it’s of utmost importance to an army to transmit crucial information and plans to its forces as quickly and confidentially as pos sible. During World War II, the U.S. Marine Corps sought to create a code that was unbreakable to the enemy. The Navajo Code Talkers were the result.
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• Phillip Johnston was the son of a missionary to the Navajos and was fluent in the complex Navajo language. At age 9, Johnston had served as an in terpreter for a Navajo delegation sent to Washing ton, D.C. to lobby for Native American rights. He was also a World War I veteran, and knew that the Choctaw Indian language had been used then in coding.
• The recruits developed the code by using Nava jo words to apply to implements of war, such as names of different birds to denote various kinds of planes. “Dah-he-tih-hi,” the Navajo word for “hummingbird,” meant fighter plane. “Besh-lo,” meaning “iron fish” signified a submarine. From there, they devised a “code within a code,” first translating a Navajo word into English, then us ing only the first letter of the English equivalent. To spell the word “Navy,” by using just the first letter, they would apply the Navajo word “tsah” (needle), “wol-la-chee (ant), “ah-keh-di-glini,” (victory), and “tsah-ah-dzoh,” (yucca) to form the code word. About 450 military terms were created from the native language.

• In 1942, Johnston suggested the use of the Navajo language to military generals, devising a sample code for testing. When Defense Department cryp tographers attempted for four days to break the code without success, it was approved for battle. The first 29 Navajo recruits reported for boot camp at Camp Pendleton in May, 1942.
In commemoration of Navajo Code Talkers Day on August 14, Tidbits digs into the history of these World War II heroes.
• The valiant work of these heroes wasn’t rec ognized and lauded until after the formal declassification of the operation in 1968. In 1982, President Ronald Reagan declared August 14 as Navajo Code Talkers Day.
• In 1945, there were about 50,000 total Nava jo tribe members. Of this number, about 540 served in the U.S. Marines. About 400 of those participated in the Code Talker program.
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• The Talkers were able to translate three lines of English to code in 20 seconds. Thirty minutes was the norm for an existing code-breaking ma chine. They participated in every U.S. Marine operation in the Pacific theater between 1942 and 1945.

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• Chester Nez, one of the original 29 recruits, was the last surviving code talker, passing away in 2014 at age 93. Thirteen years earlier, he and four other surviving talkers had received the Congressional Gold Medal from President George W. Bush.
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Mt. Vesuvius, the only active volcano on the Euro pean mainland, has erupted about 30 times since it destroyed Pompeii. Major eruptions occurred in 1631, 1779, and, most recently, in 1944. Scientists expect another in the near future, which would be disastrous for the 700,000 people living in the surrounding area.
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• The Battle of Iwo Jima was a major World War II battle that took place from February 19 until March 26, 1945, with the purpose of capturing two Japanese airfields on the island. During the five brutal weeks of the battle, six Navajo Code Talkers operated continuously, transmitting more than 800 coded messages, completely without error. Marine Major Howard Connor, the signal officer of the Code Talkers at Iwo Jima, said, “Were it not for the Navajos, the Marines would never have taken Iwo Jima.” The Japanese were utterly confused by the code and were never able to crack it.

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