Tidbits of Grand Forks - August 25, 2022

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August 25, 2022 Published by: Wick Publications 701-740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com Issue # 1,284 ANIMAL TALK NOW LEASING! 701.775.5544 Heated 2 Stall Garage with Hobby HAMPTONMANAGEMENT.COMRoomLARGEUNITSPRIVATEENTRYPATIOwithPOWERSCREENS TIDBITSGF .COMTIDBITSGF .COM Since 1997 Turn the page for more!Now Part-timeHiringPositions! TheRalph.com/WorkAtTheRalph House of Vacuums Located in Columbia Mall • 701-746-9300 We Carry the Full Line of Riccar Vacuum Cleaners. Stop in and see Eric for a FREE Demo. ENGINEERED FOR CLEAN

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Tape recorders were invented in the 1940s, al lowing researchers to record the calls of animals and take them back to the lab for study. This helped them understand the meaning of the calls, and allowed them to play the calls back to the animals in the wild to see the response. The invention of sonar technologies during World War II allowed scientists to discover that bats, dolphins, and whales communicate us ing methods beyond our capacity to hear. Our understanding of how things communicate has exploded. Come along with Tidbits as we learn about how creatures communicate!

• A small species of tree frog in Borneo came up with a unique way of having its tiny voice broadcast over the noisy jungle. It seeks out small hollows in trees that are filled with wa ter. Submerging itself, it adjusts the sound fre quency of its call to fit the size of the hole. Soon it hits the frequency that makes the tree resonate, broadcasting the call like a speaker.

• A vine in the Central American rain forest de veloped flowers shaped like tiny satellite dish es. The concave petals bounce sound waves outward. This vine depends on bats to fertilize its flowers, and the shape of the flower helps the bats find the flowers amid the noise of the forest. The blossoms only open at nightfall when the bats are out.

by Janet Spencer

• This leads to a neighborhood-wide “sound signature” that each individual area carries. Each regional mini-habitat as small as 30 feet wide re veals a different but entirely identifiable symphony. Animals that stray from their home turf are able to make their way home by identifying this signature symphony. On the other hand, animals that have been displaced by logging, develop ment, or natural disasters are unable to find and fit into a new territory with an entirely foreign sound.

• Howler monkeys, native to central American rain forests, open each morning by screeching, a call that can be heard for a mile or more. Each mon key in the tribe screeches, which lets neighbors know how many monkeys there are in the group, ready to defend their territory.

These burrowing rodents kiss in order to identify each other. The more dominant this tall animal is, the darker its spots. The darker this is on a male lion, the more attractive it is to a female lion.


• Sound travels best at night, which is why most birds do the majority of their calling at dawn and at dusk, just on the edges of night.


What is the rarest human blood type?


T or F: Jimi Hendrix toured with the band The Monkees.

Joe Martin Owner BY:

In Ghostbusters, what prompts Dr. Peter Venkman to say, “Well, there’s something you don’t see every day”?

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Demolition of the Berlin Wall started in which year? What year did The Beach Boys release “Help Me, Rhonda?”


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What are the only mammals that can fly?

What was the name of the hos pital in the sitcom “Scrubs”?

• Colonies of bacteria communicate by releasing chemicals that alert other individual bacteria that they are there: “I’m here!” “I’m here too!” and when they reach a critical mass, they know they have enough numbers to invade. This is likely the oldest form of communication on Earth.

• One scientist carefully analyzed the cacophony of animal sounds that filled the jungle at night. He found that it was not a jumble of random calls; instead, it was a carefully ordered layer-cake of sounds, with each species calling on its own spe cific frequency. Bats, bugs, crickets, frogs, and mosquitoes each claimed, and communicated on, a single frequency that they did not vary from, and which did not overlap with the frequencies being used by other creatures in the neighbor hood.


• In the 1980s a researcher was studying elephants in a zoo. While standing next to one, she felt a strange rumbling in her chest that she couldn’t ex plain. On a hunch, she recorded the rumbling and then analyzed the recording using a sound spectro graph. Subsequent study showed that two elephants on opposite sides of the zoo were communicating using ultra-low frequencies that are impossible for humans to hear. Further research showed that less than a third of 1,000 hours of recorded elephant calls were audible to the human ear.



Researchers can identify over 30 different ele-

• Pine beetles live in pine trees. A female attracted by the odor of tree sap burrows into the tree. The tree exudes sap to entrap her, but she carries with her a particular fungus that she deposits in the bur row which plugs up the tree’s pores.Then the fe male releases a pheromone odor to signal other fe males to come. The odor is ten times stronger than the scent of the sap. They all burrow into the tree while making clicking noises so everyone knows where everyone else is, avoiding intersecting bur rows. Next the male beetles arrive, pairing off with the females, and then emitting an odor to signal other males that “this female is taken.” When all the males are giving off the same “no vacancy” odor, other male beetles avoid the tree.

Elephants also communicate by scent. Male elephants give off pheromones from glands under their eyes. The odor of a young elephant’s phero mone is rather pleasant, like honey. But as the el ephant ages, the scent changes to that of a skunk, and then to “the smell of a thousand goats.” The older the elephant is, the worse he smells, but the females find the odor attractive and will mate with the oldest and most odiferous elephant.

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What U.S. soccer icon won consecutive FIFA Women’s World Player of the Year honors in 2001-02?

Name the Basketball Hall of Famer who won two NBA championships with the New York Knicks (1970, 1973) and served three terms as a U.S. senator from New Jersey Hockey(1979-97).Hall of Famer Steve Yzerman played his entire NHL career from 1983-2006 with what team? Who hit an underhand serve to defeat Ivan Lendl for the 1989 French Open title?

Jim Calhoun was head coach of what team that won NCAA men’s bas ketball championships in 1999, 2004 and 2011?

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Who are the only brothers in Major League Baseball history to have won Cy Young Awards?


All primates use hand gestures to supplement their limited vocal sounds. Many gestures are identi cal to those used by humans, including palms up meaning “give me some” to pointing. Different groups develop different “dialects” of gestures, so that a chimp from one region may not understand a chimp from another area. This tendency to use gestures convinced researchers to try to teach pri mates sign language, an experiment that began in the 1920s and continues today.

When communicating, birds and other mammals use harsh and hostile low-frequency sounds when trouble is afoot, and higher frequency tones when the situation is friendly. This is largely responsible for the fact that babies respond better to baby talk than to normal adult tones of voice.

When ants encounter an invader, they release a chemical odor that alerts other ants to the threat and leads them to attack. Meanwhile, each ant also carries a chemical odor that identifies them as a member of the colony. If an intruder is marked with the “I belong here” chemical before entering the anthill, it is left undisturbed.


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Researchers at a zoo in Georgia were trying to teach an adult female bonobo (similar to a chimp) to communicate using pictograms. Each card de picted a different thing. For two years researchers worked with her daily hoping she could learn to construct sentences. During the lessons, the bono bo’s young son named Kanzi would constantly be interrupting as he goofed off. The lessons failed, and the mother bonobo was sent to a different zoo to be mated, while her son Kanzi, now two and a half years old, remained behind.

Now 42 years old, he lives at a facility in Iowa, and knows around 3,000 words. He has even mas tered the video game Pac-Man.


To the researcher’s surprise, the youngster almost immediately demonstrated that he was perfectly able to communicate using the pictograms, con structing over 650 sentences and proving that he even understood proper syntax and grammar.

© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. ThistleLindaby Moderate HOOChallengingBOY! KING CROSSWORD DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: H Rick Asche • 701-772-1138 LifeMedicalGroupCoverageMedicareIns. H2409, H2410, H2450_2058 (01-2009) ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. Contact your local agent for more information: ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. for more information: Operation> ©2009 Medica. Medica® contracts with the federal government. Contact your local agent for more information: <Agent <Hours<Phone><City,<Address><AgencyName>Name>STZIP>ofOperation> 1521 24th Ave. S. • Grand Forks, ND INSURANCE AGENCY Life • Medicare • Group Plans • Health • Long Term Care A ASCHE “Since 1988”••• Visit our Grand Forks Branch or online at theSolutionsFinancialservicecu.org.forMilitary


For more information about West Nile virus and mosquito control visit our website at www.gfmosquito.com

West Nile virus can affect all people, but those most susceptible to serious illness are people 60 and older. The best way to prevent this disease is by protecting yourself from mosquito bites. Apply an insect repellent that contains DEET, wear protective clothing, and take steps to control mosquitoes on your property. Inspect your property weekly and eliminate anything that holds water for more than a week.

The Dakota’s have been known to have some of the highest rates of WNV infection in the country. Please take precautions to avoid mosquito bites and reduce your risk of getting this disease.


Culex Tarsalis Mosquito

Average annual incidence of West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease reported to CDC by state, 1999-2020

West Nile virus cycles between mosquitoes and birds. Some birds develop high levels of the virus in their blood stream and mosquitoes become infected by biting these birds. After about a week, infected mosquitoes can pass the virus to more birds when they bite. Mosquitoes with West Nile virus also bite and infect people, horses, and other mammals. However, humans, horses and other mammals are ‘dead end’ hosts. This means that they do not develop high levels of virus in their bloodstream and cannot pass the virus on to other biting mosquitoes.

West Nile virus (WNV) is the most common mosquitoborne disease in the United States. This disease was first identified in North Dakota during the summer of 2002, and it’s been present every summer since. The mosquito most common for transmitting West Nile is the Culex tarsalis. This mosquito is very common and abundant throughout the state, even during hot dry periods.

Most people infected with West Nile virus don’t have symptoms. About 20% may have a fever with flu-like symptoms. Less than 1% may develop a severe ill ness such as encephalitis or meningitis.

• In 2016, the NFL returned more than $700,000 of taxpayer money it had been paid by the U.S. De fense Department to honor the military at games.

*Answer located further back. WE DO INSTALLATIONSCOMPLETE on select FIREPLACES $350 OFF UP TO • Fireplaces & Stoves • Gas, Wood, Electric, and Pellet • Inserts • Mantels • Glass Doors • Brick & Stone • Fireplace Accessories 0% FINANCING www.sunroomsplusgf.com 4224 Gateway Dr. • Grand Forks, ND 26% TAX CREDIT on WOOD STOVES FREE 701-746-8684ESTIMATES!• MUST SHOW COUPON • Offer Ends Aug. 31, 2022 Assisted Living at Wheatland Terrace Welcome to a place you will truly love to call home. Enjoy all the comforts of home leading a private, active, or relaxed lifestyle with services available when you need them. Explore your options for senior living where we are dedicated to exceeding your expectations. valleyseniorliving.org 4000 24th Ave. S. Grand Forks, ND Variety of options to fit your lifestyle. Call 701-787-7563

• Donnie Dunagan, who as a child actor supplied the voice of Disney's Bambi, went on to become a highly decorated major in the U.S. Marines -- and kept his movie role a secret for his entire 25-year military career.

• An Australian ground bird known as the lyrebird can mimic just about anything, from a crying baby to machinery.

• "Loganamnosis" is a word to describe an obses sion with recalling a specific word that has been forgotten.

• Legend has it that Tate's Hell State Park, a 202,000acre forest/swamp in Florida, got its curious name from a man who was lost in its wilderness and af ter finally emerging told a passerby, "My name is Cebe Tate, and I just came from hell" before col lapsing.

• Only 2% of the world's population have green eyes, but they weren't born with them. The hue takes from six months to three years to show up in children.

• About 6,000 years ago, the barren Sahara Desert was actually a lush green forest.

• A Colombian man died after a parasitic worm that had invaded his gut developed cancer, which in turn spread through the man's body.


Thought for the Day: "No pessimist ever discov ered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit." -- Helen Keller

by Lucie Winbourne

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• Both spacecraft will continue operating until around 2025, after which there may not be enough power to support them. They will continue flying through space forever at the rate of about a million miles per day.

• In the 1960s, astronomers noted that in just a few years, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune would all come into alignment so that a spacecraft could use “gravity assist” to whirl from one planet to the next with mini mal fuel. This alignment occurs only once every 175 years. Normally it would take a spacecraft 30 years to fly past all four planets, but the gravity assist reduced travel time to 12 years. NASA began to prepare.

• Each Voyager carries a message, prepared by a team headed by Carl Sagan, in the form of a 12 inch goldplated disc for extraterrestrials who might find the spacecraft. It has symbols to show the location of Earth relative to several pulsars.

SUDOKUWeekly AnswerCROSSWORDKing Answer

• Next Voyager 1 examined Saturn’s moons, finding three new moons. Images of the moon Titan showed a thick atmosphere composed of 90% nitrogen. Titan might be the first body in the solar system, apart from Earth, where liquid might exist on the surface.

• On Feb. 14, 1990, when the Voyager 1 was 3.7 bil lion miles (6 billion km) from Earth, its cameras captured about 60 images of the Sun and planets, the first pictures of our solar system as seen from the outside. This became known as the "Solar System Family Portrait" even though Mercury and Mars can’t be seen. Mercury was too close to the Sun to be seen, and Mars was on the same side of the Sun as Voyager 1, so only its dark side faced the cam eras. A single pixel of the 640,000 pixels contained a photo of Earth, which became known as “The Pale Blue Dot” made famous by Carl Sagan. These im ages were the last of 67,000 images taken by the two Voyager spacecraft. Their cameras were turned off to save power and memory for the interstellar mission.

• From there, Voyager 1 headed for the outer reaches of the solar system. In 1998, Voyager 1 became the most distant human-made object in existence when it over took Pioneer 10. In August of 2012, it became the first spacecraft to cross the heliosphere, the boundary where the influences outside our solar system are stronger than those from our Sun.

• The result was two identical spacecraft dubbed Voyag er 1 and Voyager 2. Voyager 2 was launched first, on August 20, 1977; Voyager 1 followed about two weeks later on a different trajectory. Voyager I reached Jupiter in March of 1979, while Voyager 2 arrived in July.

• The two craft have now been travelling through space for over 44 years, longer than any other spacecraft in history. Voyager I is currently about 14.5 billion miles away from Earth, making it the most distant artificial object away from the planet. VoIt travels at about 38,000 mph. Voyager 2 is traveling at 34,000 mph and is about 12 billion miles from Earth.

• They continue to receive and transmit data. Signals from Voyager 1 take over 20 hours to reach Earth.

• Voyager 1 flew by all of Jupiter’s moons and found two new ones. One remarkable discovery was that the moon called Io has extremely active volcanoes.

• Meanwhile, Voyager 2 made a study of Uranus and Neptune before also heading out towards interstellar regions. In November of 2019, it also crossed the helio sphere.


CharlesMatildaby Getting Ready for Medicare Open Enrollment Call 701-885-7920 • Grand Forks, ND InfInIty HealtH Cathie Campbell DNP, PMHNP-BC, GNP-BC Feeling Down, Sad or Anxious? www.InfinityHealthND.com

Check the costs of your prescriptions over the past three years, because for some of us, that's where the bigticket expenses are. Chances are the drug costs have gone up, possibly even significantly. And chances are they're not coming down.

GFTIDBITS .COM © 2022 King Features Syndicate. All rights reserved. *Answer located further back in this issue. ©2022 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

Before we know it, that yearly event will be here -when we have to decide what to do about our Medicare plans between Oct. 15 and Dec. 7 for coverage that will begin Jan. 1.

There are several things we have to consider, such as taking on a prescription drug plan or changing to a new one, or staying with original Medicare or going with an Advantage plan or changing Advantage plans or going back to original Medicare. All these take time to think about.

We're likely looking at an 8.5% increase in Medicare Advantage and Part D drug plans costs.

A Kaiser study concluded that seven out of 10 people did not research the plans during open enrollment. Because of the rising costs of everything in our lives, this needs to be the year that we compare, compare, compare. When in doubt, look into SHIP, the State Health Insurance Assis tance Program, which is in every state, staffed by volun teers who can help you wade through the Medicare infor mation. Call them at 877-839-2675 for the one near you.

Thoughts to consider:

What to do, what to do ... Two options are worth look ing at: GoodRx (www.goodrx.com) and Marc Cuban CostPlus Drug Company (costplusdrugs.com). Both offer discounted prices on prescription drugs. Investigate and see what you think.

What will Social Security look like in 2023? We won't know the Social Security increase until it is announced in October. There have been guesses that we might receive as much as a 10.5% increase, which calculates to $175 for the average beneficiary. The Part B premium will be deducted from that.

• If you’ve just purchased an expen sive electronic item, take the packag ing to a recycling center rather than advertise your purchase by putting the box at the curb. If you aren’t able to take it somewhere, cut the box into uniform pieces and bind them togeth er, nonprinted side facing out.


Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

• Our family loves to make our own pizza, and we purchase dough from a pizzeria. On pizza nights, I pick up the dough first thing on the way home from work. I get it close to my work and let it sit in a bowl in the car while I pick up the kids and drive home. It takes about 45 minutes, so it’s risen nicely while we’ve been on the go. — E.F. in New York

• To clean out the drawers of my husband’s tool cabinet without dis turbing the tools, I tucked a knee-high panty hose leg over my vacuum clean er wand. Most things stayed put, but the one or two small pieces of hard ware that got sucked up were easily retrieved. I also did this on his work bench. I picked up all the dust and shavings along with the stray pieces of hardware. I pulled them out of the hose leg, and they were in a tidy pile for him to put away. — U.L. in Kansas

© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper?

• Ripen a green tomato by wrapping it in a sheet of newspaper or placing it in a plain, small paper bag. Leave it on the counter and check it daily until ripe.•You can keep ice cream from drip ping out of the bottom of a cone. All you have to do is just place a small marshmallow or a piece of marshmal low in the bottom of the cone before you fill it with ice cream.

reserved.rightsAllInc.Syndicate,FeaturesKing©2022 back)furtherlocated(Answers

A: Rough, rough!

• On Aug. 29, 1945, President Harry S. Truman au thorizes the Navy to seize control of and operate pe troleum refineries to counteract strikes by oil work ers. Oil, gas and chemical workers had worked hard during the war to meet production demands and now wanted to return to a 40-hour work week. They re sented the amount of money oil industry CEOs were making off of their labor while they simultaneously threatened to lower workers' wages after the war.

• On Aug. 31, 1888, Mary Ann Nichols, the first victim of London serial killer "Jack the Ripper," is found murdered in Whitechapel's Buck's Row. On Nov. 7, after a month of silence, Jack took his fifth and last victim, Mary Kelly. In 1892, with no leads found and no more murders recorded, the Jack the Ripper file was closed.

• On Sept. 4, 1957, Ford Motor Company unveils the Edsel. One reporter called it "an Oldsmobile sucking a lemon." In addition, at highway speeds, the famous hood ornament had a tendency to fly off and into the windshield.

• On Sept. 3, 1783, the American Revolution comes to an end when representatives of the United States, Great Britain, Spain and France sign the Treaty of Paris. The signing signified America's status as a free nation, as Britain formally recognized the independence of its 13 former American colonies.

• On Aug. 30, 1967, Thurgood Marshall becomes the first African American to be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice. He would remain on the Supreme Court for 24 years before retiring.

• On Sept. 2, 1987, the trial of Mathias Rust, the 19-yearold pilot who flew his Cessna plane into Red Square in May 1987, begins in Moscow. Rust had become an international celebrity after he flew completely unde tected through Soviet airspace. Rust claimed that he was merely trying to promote world peace.

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• On Sept. 1, 1850, circus entrepreneur P.T. Barnum brings to the United States Jenny Lind ("The Swedish Nightingale"), the greatest opera performer in the world at the time. Her tour is believed to have netted Barnum close to a half-million dollars.

• Phosphorus is essential for life. Although only 1% of the human body is composed of phosphorus, it’s still the body’s second most abundant min eral, with calcium coming out on top. Phospho rus and calcium work together to build bones and teeth, where about 85% of the body’s phosphorus is found. There are about 26.5 ounces of it in the average human body, mostly in the bones.

• Phosphorus is common in sedimentary rocks where living things died, fell to the bottom of the ocean, and were pressed into rock and then lifted into mountains. When water erodes the rock, the phosphorus dissolves and becomes available for use by plants and animals. When those plants and animals die, bacteria cause decomposition which allows the phosphorus to be taken up by a different plant or animal. It’s been estimated that a single atom of phosphorus can be caught up in this ongo ing cycle for 100,000 years or more. Eventually the plant or animal falls into a deep part of the ocean, turns into rock, and is lifted up as mountains where it is eroded by water, and so the cycle starts over again.

• Phosphorus helps filter out waste in the kidneys, is used in the structure of DNA, and plays an essen tial role in how the body stores and uses energy. It also helps reduce muscle pain after a workout. Ex cess phosphorus is excreted from the body in urine.

• Many different types of foods contain phosphorus, including dairy products, meats and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, legumes, vegetables, and grains. It’s also available as a supplement.

• Phosphorus is essential in many different indus tries. There are several kinds of phosphorus but the most common are red phosphorus and white phosphorus. Red phosphorus is used in matches, fertilizers, cleansers, and pesticides. White phos phorus is used in fireworks, weaponry, and flares.

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• In the late 1800s a scientist in Edinburgh developed an electric furnace method for produc ing the element from phosphate rock, which is essentially the method employed today. About 95% of phosphate mined in the U.S. is used to make fertilizer or food supplements for ani mals.

• Phosphorus fumes are poisonous. Workers in early-day match factories suffered from an ail ment called “phossy jaw” when the bones in their jaw deteriorated due to contact with white phosphorus fumes. The problem was resolved when match factories began using red phospho rus instead of white.

• Brand named the new substance after the Greek words “phos” means light and “phorus” means bearer. Henning Brand was the first person to discover a new chemical element. After six years of experimentation, Brand sold his “recipe” because he was broke.


• White phosphorus is dangerous because it bursts into flame when it’s exposed to air. White phosphorus bombs splatter incendiary matter in all directions, and the only way to put out the fire is to submerge it in water. It will re-ignite the moment it’s exposed to air again. Red phos phorus is less flammable, less toxic, and more stable than white phosphorus.

• Phosphorus was discovered by German alche mist Hennig Brand in 1669. He was trying to figure out how to turn substances into gold, and thought urine might be key. Brand collect ed 1,500 gallons of human urine. He boiled it down until it was the consistency of paste, then distilled it. He separated the various compo nents and noted that one of them, a white waxy substance, glowed in the dark. The fumes from distilling it burned, and when it was dried, it would burst into flame. The only way to get it to stop burning was to submerge it in water. If it were removed from the water, it would burst into flame again.

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