Tidbits of Grand Forks - October 13, 2022

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Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks October 13, 2022

Published by: Wick Publications


Issue # 1,291



OLD FOLKS By Kathy Wolfe


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Who you calling old? Not these remarkable people, that’s for sure! In observation of the International Day of the Elderly on October 1, Tidbits pays its respects to the accomplishments of those dubbed “elderly” by society. • Poland-born virtuoso pianist Artur Rubenstein’s accomplishments began at a young age and continued for over 90 years. At age two, he demonstrated perfect pitch, and by age four, he was considered a child prodigy. His concert debut was at age 7, performing Mozart, Schubert, and Mendelssohn. At 13, he was performing with the Berlin Philharmonic, and had his first performance at Carnegie Hall at 19. An Oscar-winning documentary “The Love of Life” chronicled his life and career. In 1976, he gave his final concert at 89, after eight decades of performances. Rubenstein was fluent in eight languages. • In her 20s, New York nurse Barbara Hillary survived breast cancer. In her 60s, she conquered lung cancer. And at age 75, she conquered the North Pole, setting foot on the Pole in 2007. At 79, Barbara stood on the South Pole. In 2004, 89-year-old Dorothy Davenhill traveled aboard a Russian nuclear icebreaker to the North Pole, the oldest person to visit the Pole. Turn the page for more!

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Quiz Bits

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5. Name the “space-y” screen star who became the first 90-year-old to go into space. 6. What are the two main ingredients in a meringue? 7. How many state capitals are named after U.S. presidents? 8. Name the singer who recorded “Could I Have This Dance”? 9. Which 1970s movie’s tagline is, “You’ll never go in the water again”?


1. Who rocketed into space at age 41 and again at 77? 2. What philanthropist was still hard at work in Calcutta, India at age 87? 3. Name the woman who formed the International Woman Suffrage Alliance in her 80s. 4. What woman authored the first “Little House” book at 64, and went on to write six more?


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OLD FOLKS (continued):

• Fore! Apparently age has nothing to do with the ability to score a hole-in-one. In 1985, 99-yearold Swiss golfer Otto Bucher did it at a Spanish golf course on the 130-yard 12th hole. His feat was topped in 2014 when 103-year-old Gus Andreone achieved his eighth lifetime hole-in-one at Sarasota, Florida’s Lakes Course on a 113-yard hole. Andreone had his first hole-in-one in 1939 and was a member of the PGA for more than 75 years. His advice: “You should get up and enjoy the day, take a little time to look around, enjoy the scenery and the golf course and the people you’re playing with.” • The list of Hulda Crooks’ achievements is a long one. This American mountaineer climbed California’s Mt. Whitney 23 times between the ages of 65 and 91. Mt. Whitney, at 14,505 feet is the tallest mountain in the Lower 48. In addition to Mt. Whitney, she scaled 97 other peaks during the same time period. At 91, she became the oldest woman to complete the ascent of Japan’s 12,388ft. Mt. Fuji. Hulda hiked the entire 212-mile John Muir Trail in the high Sierras as well as hiking to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. At 95, she was still walking two miles every day. • In 1987, nine days after Hulda Crooks’ Mt. Fuji accomplishment, Teiichi Igarashi, a former lumberjack and forest ranger in Japan, did the same thing … only he was 100! This gentleman had been climbing Fuji every year since he was 89, and became the first centenarian to complete the ascent. Igarashi’s daily routine was to rise at 6 AM, eat his regular bowl of rice with raw eggs, soy bean soup, and vegetables, and take a onehour nap after lunch. He completed a two-hour walk each afternoon and went to bed at 8 PM each day. ...continued




FALL LEAF DISPOSAL LEAF PICK-UP IS UNDERWAY! DISPOSAL OPTIONS: For immediate disposal haul your leaves to your nearest compost site through November 15th or Rake them loosely to your berm, no more than 3 ft. away from the curb. *NO BAGS* We will attempt to make 2 complete passes through town, weather permitting. DO NOT mix grass clippings, branches, brush & garden waste. Keep piles away from parked cars, fences & trees, & out of gutters.

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2315 N. Washington St. • Grand Forks 3. Known as “The Quiet Man,” what Puerto Rican boxer became the first La1. At halftime of Super Bowl tino heavyweight champion I, Kansas City Chiefs when he defeated Evander quarterback Len Dawson Holyfield in 2001? was photographed with a cigarette between his lips 4. Punter Jeff Feagles holds the NFL record for most and a bottle of what soft consecutive regulardrink at his feet? season games played in a 2. Who invented the removable cleat for football shoes career with how many? in 1922 and was founder of 5. Which father-son duo are the only one’s to each the company that created score 1,000 career points the first plastic football helmet in 1939? in the NHL?


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OLD FOLKS (continued):

• In 1976, Greek runner Dimitrion Yordanidis completed the 26-mile marathon from Marathon, Greece to Athens in 7 hours, 33 minutes. Not bad for a 98-year-old! In 2011, the Toronto Marathon was completed by 100-year-old Fauja Singh in 8 hours, 11 minutes. Singh renewed his passion for running in his 80s following the deaths of his wife and his son. • The Hawaii Ironman event has been mastered by two astounding gentlemen, both in their 80s. In 2011, 81-year-old New York physicist Lew Hollander completed the 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, and 26.2-mile marathon run. Hollander wasn’t finished after his Hawaiian achievement – he finished the Panama City, Florida Ironman in 2014 at 84. In 2018, 85-year-old Hiromu Inada completed the Hawaii event, breaking Hollander’s record. • German historian and scholar Theodor Mommsen was hailed as “the greatest living master of the art of historical writing” after his massive work “A History of Rome,” a multi-volume history of ancient Rome. He received the Nobel Prize for his work in 1902, when he was 85 years old. • Peter Roget’s achievement at age 73 was remarkable, extraordinary, amazing, outstanding, noteworthy, and significant. Why all these descriptive synonyms? Roget was a British physician who collected synonyms and antonyms for his entire life and organized them into the Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases Classified and Arranged so as to Facilitate the Expression of Ideas and Assist in Literary Composition first published in 1852, continuing for 28 printings during Roget’s life. It’s believed he made word lists as a means of coping with depression. ...continued

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• Tao Porchon-Lynch fell and broke her hip at age 87 and required hip replacement surgery. Her doctor told her to slow down and take it easy. So much for doctor’s orders! Tao, who had been studying yoga since she was 8, was back to teaching classes a month later, and was still teaching 12 classes a week six years later. She also signed up for ballroom dancing lessons shortly after her hip surgery. At 93, she was still winning dancing competitions and at 96, competed on “America’s Got Talent” as the oldest competitive ballroom dancer. Tao passed away peacefully at 101.

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OLD FOLKS (continued):

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• It was back to the classroom for these “oldsters”! Nola Ochs finally received her bachelor’s degree from Fort Hays, Kansas at age 95, 77 years after she began her education. After dropping out in the 1930s, she raised four sons on the family farm. When she received her diploma in 2007, she graduated next to her 21-year-old granddaughter. Nola enjoyed her achievement for another 10 years before passing away at 105. Oregonian Leo Plass dropped out college in the midst of the Great Depression, just one semester before graduation. Times were tough, forcing Leo to take a job with a logging company for $150 a month. In 2011, at age 99, Leo stepped up to the podium to receive his diploma from Eastern Oregon University, 79 years after dropping out.

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• Another senior citizen wordsmith, Noah Webster, completed his “American Dictionary of the English Language” in 1828 at age 70. After a simpler effort in 1806, Webster spent the next 22 years expanding his work. Unfortunately, the dictionary only sold 2,500 copies, and Webster had to mortgage his home to continue his work. For the remainder of his life, he struggled with debt, and Webster died without having received proper recognition for his work.


*Answer located further back in this issue.

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On the phone with my 93-year-old brother in Wisconsin, and I told him I thought it was time he paid someone to shovel snow for him. He suddenly grew indignant. “Why should I pay someone to shovel?” he demanded. “I can get my son to do it. He’s only 70!”




POST 3817

Walleye Fish Fry FRIDAYS 5-7 PM

by Lucie Winbourne

• In 1962, former MLB catcher Harry Chiti was traded from the Cleveland Indians to the New York Mets for "a player to be named later." After a poor showing, Chiti became that very player, making him the first ever to be traded for himself. • The average person will grow 590 miles of hair (including nose hair) in their lifetime. • Speaking of hair, prior to L'Oreal's launch of the first mass market hairspray in 1960, women had to choose between slicking their hair down with a greasy brilliantine or using a mechanical sprayer to coat it with shellac dissolved in a solution of water and alcohol. Thank you, L'Oreal. • When it comes to landing an effective punch, boxers have nothing on the mantis shrimp, the strike of which has been clocked at about 50 mph and described by Science as accelerating faster than a .22-caliber bullet. Take that, Mike Tyson! • Forks were once considered a sacrilegious tool by the church.

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• In 1898, nearly 75% of Alabama's entire annual state revenue came from convict leasing to private railways, mines and large plantations. • Brazilian doctor Heron Werner uses 3D printing to help blind parents feel their baby's ultrasound results. • David Wayne Oliver, "the Santa Claus Bank Robber," walked into a Colorado Springs bank claimAll Proceeds go to Agassiz Learning Center in Support their Education All Proceeds go to Environmental Agassiz Environmental Learning Center in Support of theirofEducation ProgrammingProgramming ing to be armed, stole an undisclosed amount of w w ww. wh wa. uh anutnet eddtt rr aaiil ls sf efret irl te .icl oem. c o m money, and took the bag out to the street, tossing cash into the air while shouting "Merry Christmas." He then proceeded to a Starbucks to watch Magnetic Interior Storm Windows the resulting commotion while waiting for his ar- • Virtually Eliminates • Custom Made to fit almost Condensation and Frost any window or patio door rest. • Lower Heat bills up to 50% • In an effort to limit the Dalai Lama's power, China has banned Tibetan Buddhist monks from reincarnating without government permission. *** Thought for the Day: "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." -- Thomas Edison © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

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by Freddy Groves

VA to Tackle Care for Long Covid

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The Department of Veterans Affairs has just published "Whole Health System Approach to Long Covid," a holistic guidebook for the treatment of veterans suffering with long Covid. It's estimated that 2% of the U.S. population will develop long Covid, which equates to 24,000 to 42,000 veterans. The VA was the first to realize that recovering from Covid didn't mean it was gone, that a long version was emerging, bringing with it extended illnesses. They opened 20 long Covid programs and dug into research where they looked at those who still had vascular and heart disease a year after the original Covid. The program is a multipronged whole-health approach, with an individual plan at the heart of each patient's treatment wherein medical staff can assess and manage the symptoms and direct treatment as the patient needs. In the guidebook there are guides for each facet, from signs and symptoms to treatment recommendations (tinyurl.com/3r8xvthf). There is also an assessment with 31 questions. To read more about the VA's approach, check their Covid page at tinyurl.com/4kyrhv6y. A factsheet can be found at tinyurl.com/bdfm8ha2. In addition, the government has the National Research Action Plan on Long COVID (www.covid.gov/ longcovid). Scroll through the 85-page document to see what the government is doing and click on the study links to see what researchers are doing and have discovered. You'll see that when it comes to an actual definition, the Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization and the VA have differing opinions about just what constitutes long Covid. To make matters more complicated, not everyone calls it by the same name. Mostly it's patients, some researchers and Wikipedia that call it "long Covid." NIH, for example, calls it "Post-acute Sequelae of SARS CoV2 infection." Remember: It's not over yet. Keep up the handwashing. Ignore the 20-second rule and scrub for a full minute or more.

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The Spats by Jeff Pickering

*Answers located further back in this issue.



After reading these facts, the next time it’s “partly cloudy,” you might have a little more knowledge! • Studies indicate that 67% of Earth is covered by clouds at any given time. • It might look like a giant marshmallow, but a cloud is really a mass of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. They form when water vapor condenses in the air. There are three necessary items for clouds to form – moisture, condensation, and temperature.

• The highest clouds in the sky are cirrus, cirrocumulus, and cirrostratus. They’ll be found at heights between 16,000 and 49,000 feet (5 to 15 km). Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals that form when water vapor deposits onto tiny particles of dust or smoke. They have a wispy appearance, sometimes resembling hair tufts, generally occurring during fair weather. Cirrocumulus are small rounded puffy clouds, resembling the scales of a fish when in a group. Widespread in winter, they’re a sign of fair, but cold weather. Cirrostratus are high, thin sheets of clouds that often cover the entire sky. Watch for them 12 to 24 hours before a rain or snow storm.





• Clouds are classified according to their shape and their height in the atmosphere. Cumulus clouds have a flat • Nimbus clouds are precipitation bearers, whether it base and are often described as puffy or cotton-like. The be rain, hail, snow, or sleet. Because they are dense word translates from the Latin word for “heap” or “pile.” with water, these low-altitude clouds have a darker They are low-level clouds, usually less than 6,600 feet appearance, grayish-black in color and spread across in altitude. They can form in long lines called cloud the sky uniformly. streets that extend over 300 miles. Cumulus clouds usually form during high-pressure weather systems, such as • A cumulus cloud might look like a cottony puff, but a typical one, 0.62 miles across, weighs an astoundfollowing a cold front. An individual cloud is about 0.62 ing 1.1 million pounds, about the weight of 100 elmiles wide. ephants! Cumulonimbus clouds contain about six • Stratus clouds are also low-level clouds, but are flat and times as much weight as the average cumulus cloud. hazy, varying from dark gray to white. The Latin word A ferocious thunderstorm might contain billions and for “layer” gives them their name. They might bring a billions of pounds of water in just one small part light drizzle or a dusting of snow. Another low-level of the sky. How can a cloud that heavy just float in cloud, the stratocumulus, consists of large, dark, roundthe air? Because the air below it is even heavier and ed masses in lines or waves. While they don’t usually denser! generate precipitation, you’ll see them at the beginning • As you watch clouds drift lazily across the sky, you or end of a storm, in the form of a thunderhead. can figure they are traveling at speeds ranging from • Mid-level clouds include altocumulus and altostratus. 30 to 120 miles per hour During the air currents You’ll see altocumulus clouds in groups, about 0.62 known as jet streams, cirrus clouds might travel miles (l km) thick. If you spot these grayish-white clouds more than 100 mph. on a warm, humid morning, there’s a good chance for a thunderstorm by late afternoon. The gray or blue-gray • When a cloudburst occurs, dropping a huge amount of precipitation in a short period of time, flooding is altostratus clouds indicate a continuous rain or snow frequently the result. In 2005, more than 57 inches of storm might be on its way. rain fell in Mumbai, India, in just 10 hours, history’s worst cloudburst.

by Matilda Charles

Storing Food When There's No Space

*Answer located further back in this issue.

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Gordon Smith, Owner Petersburg, ND

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During the past two years when I stocked up on grocery staples, I ended up with canned foods and dry goods stored in three different places around the house. I'd have to check all three places to be sure I grabbed the green beans with the nearest expiration date. Pasta was the same. Worse was when I discovered that I wasn't having spaghetti for dinner after all because I'd used the last of the pasta and only thought I had one more tucked away somewhere. Enter the internet and the wide selection of kitchen storage products available. I wish I'd known of this two years ago: a metal stacking unit that holds 36 cans. I put it on the buffet in the dining room, all cans in easy reach around the corner from the kitchen. Not having a pantry, I've pulled the hall coat closet into service, moving the hangar bar close to the ceiling and opening up the whole bottom half of the space for four rows of wire shelving and baskets for dry goods and envelopes. And when all seems lost, when you have no pantry and no basement, when your coat closet can't be reconfigured, there are still handy places you can store food. A small bookcase will hold cans. Slide a few baskets under an end table. Cereal keepers are smaller than boxes. A row of clear canisters for envelopes will let you see what you have at a glance. The immediate benefit of having alternate storage places is that it opens up space in your cupboards for currently used items. The box of instant rice and the jar of peanut butter will all be right in front of you. For more ideas to organize your food, search online (especially Amazon and the big-box hardware store near you) for food storage for small spaces. Remember to get a black marker to write expiration dates in big letters! Feeling Down, Sad or Anxious?

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(Answers located further back)

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• On Oct. 21, 1797, the USS Constitution, a 44-gun U.S. Navy frigate, is launched in Boston Harbor. She was built to fight Barbary pirates off the coast of Tripoli and won the nickname "Old Ironsides" during the War of 1812, when British shots merely bounced off Constitution's sides. • On Oct. 19, 1931, David Cornwell, known as spy novelist John le Carre, is born in Poole, England. He published his first spy novel, "Call for the Dead," in 1961. The novel, like his second, "A Murder of Quality" (1962), featured spy George Smiley. • On Oct. 22, 1957, in Saigon, Vietnam, 13 American military personnel are wounded in three terrorist bombings. During America's official involvement (1964-1973), over 3 million armed forces were deployed to Vietnam, resulting in 58,220 deaths.


Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks

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• On Oct. 20, 1968, 21-year-old Dick Fosbury sets an Olympic record at the Mexico City Games when he high-jumps 7 feet, 4 1/4 inches. Fosbury's unique jumping, known as the Fosbury Flop, was described in the press as "a guy falling off the back of a truck." • On Oct. 18, 1974, singer Al Green is attacked when an ex-girlfriend pours a pot of hot grits on his back while he was in the bathtub. Green was left with severe injuries but also a spiritual awakening. By 1976, Green had become an ordained Baptist minister and established a Memphis church. • On Oct. 17, 1986, President Ronald Reagan signs into law an act that approves $100 million in humanitarian and military aid for Nicaraguan Contras with a goal of overthrowing the Sandinista government. Shortly afterward, however, the Iran-Contra scandal was revealed wherein the U.S. had sold missiles and arms in secret deals with Iran and $30 million were diverted to the Contras. • On Oct. 23, 2002, nearly 800 people in a Moscow theater are taken hostage by 50 Chechen Army rebels. Russian special forces surrounded the building and pumped in a gas that rendered the terrorists and hostages unconscious. During the subsequent raid, 120 hostages were killed as well as most of the rebels.

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Folk artist Grandma Moses embarked on a new career at age 76, and soon became world-famous. Follow the facts on this incredible senior citizen. • Anna Mary Robertson’s life started out simply on a New York state farm the year before the Civil War began. With 10 children in the family, it became necessary for Anna, at age 12, to move in with a wealthy neighboring family as a live-in housekeeper. For the next 15 years, she kept house, cooked, and sewed for various families. At 27, she met and married the hired man from the farm where she worked, Thomas Moses, and the pair continued working for others for nearly 20 years. The couple had 10 children, five of whom survived infancy. When she was 46, they moved into their own house for the first time. • Always a creative and artistic person, Anna enjoyed quilting, embroidering and other needlecrafts, creating masterpieces for friends and family. But around age 76, painful arthritis made it difficult for her to hold an embroidery needle. Her sister suggested painting might be easier, and Anna took up her brush. She began with depictions of simple rural life, which she called “old-timey” landscapes. No modern conveniences, such as tractors or telephone poles were seen in her work.

*Answer located 4 pages back.

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• Anna began selling her paintings, charging $3.00 to $5.00 each, depending on its size. She sold them at the county fair, right alongside her home-canned pickles. But it was a display in the local drug store in 1938, when she was 78, that launched her career. Louis Caldor was an engineer, as well as an art collector, traveling through upstate New York, when he spied her work in the window of the store. He bought every painting, plus 10 more she had on hand at home, paying no more than $5.00 apiece. ...continued

Solution on Next Page


• The following year, three Grandma Moses paintings were included in an exhibit in New York’s Museum of Modern Art. By 1940, she had her first solo exhibition entitled “What a Farm Wife Painted,” at another New York City gallery. As her fame increased, the price increased to $8,000 - $10,000. Anna went on to hold more than 100 exhibitions over the next 20 years.

DIFFERENCES:: DIFFERENCES 1. Hair is different. 2. Plant is different. 3. Black eye is missing. 4. Stripes are missing. 5. Bush is different. 6. Number is different. ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

• Anna painted every day for 25 years, producing more than 1,500 canvasses. In 1950, when Grandma Moses was 92, filmmaker Jerome Hill directed a documentary of her life, a film that was nominated for an Academy Award. Two years later, she published her autobiography, “My Life’s History.” She had this to say about her life: “I look back on my life like a good day’s work, it was done and I feel satisfied with it. I made the best out of what life offered.” She died in 1961 at age 101. • The paintings of Grandma Moses can be found in many major museums, include New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Smithsonian Museum of Art. When they come on the market, they frequently sell for over $1 million. In 2006, her 1943 painting, “Sugaring Off,” sold at auction for $1.2 million.

NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE Famed orchestra conductor Leopold Stokowski was confident in his aging process – he signed a six-year recording contract when he was 94. He led several renowned orchestras, including Philadelphia, the Houston Symphony, and the New York Philharmonic, and was the conductor who appeared in the Disney movie “Fantasia.” For ten years, he was the husband of Gloria Vanderbilt. However confident he seemed to be, Stokowski passed away a year after signing the contract.


Since 1997

Of Grand Forks • East Grand Forks


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(701) 740-0968 Chad@TidbitsGF.com

Chadwick Parkinson

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Quiz Answers

1. John Glenn 7. Four (Jackson, MS; 2. Mother Lincoln, NE, Teresa Madison, WI, 3. Susan B. and Jefferson Anthony City, MO). 4. Laura Ingalls 8. Anne Murray Wilder in 1980 5. William 9. “Jaws” Shatner 6. Egg whites and sugar



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